The Gastonia _ t»«TY»tvrt ro Clio Protection ut Homo anil lUo Ir vol. XIX. {r.^i«r«2rtRJ5AJSo».l (iuHtoula, Km Cm December i ■ HP—- - ■■■ ■ -- ■ __ _ _ _ THE GAZETTE. TH0H4OAY. DBOQlllIhll 2*. LH'«. BUSINESS LOCALS. AiWwtMoniOirfO Inaartod in thw ooiuum at in rrataa Mao for tn^ttnocrtlnn and Strom* a llov fur cook inavrllnn Uicrutiir. RADER mnkcs u *uk1 o*l>iaot Photo at $1.50 pnr rtozid. Urttrr gnitci at ?< to Sit par <!o*«ii. fKMMMMaMDmjmNqtVManMaani LOCAL AFFA IRS. —Our new* Rems h»d tu be bo. ltd dowD short and sweet Ibis acrk--ne didn’t have stare to bum. —The fuinslrri aim* toniuiT-nv night Is the talk cf the luwu slid Hint’ll Vie Iota o! (oiks out to see )i —The msikt t «f Williams and Del linger has changed tmtids. lla- purchaser bring Mr. J. II. Green of Cleveland. —There waa an up-to-date eclipse >>t the moon Tuesday night from-) tod o’clock. It was tot iced by u great mauy on our streets. —Monday reminded one >f .t busy Saturday evening. There were lots of people !u town and a good deal of trado wtut on throughout the day. —Waa ever a liner frost seen Hutu that of Muuday mnrmug ? Next thing to a snow. And cold 1*—oh. 'twin a Hot morning, tlut’a what —The Dr. Taylor livery stable has been sold by J. E Fraley, of High Point, to J A. Armstrong, uf I'llut Mountain, who will be m Wore lung with his stock, Mr. Wade Dellinger Is his mansgor. —Tbe special proposition tor Decem ber U chased. If you foiled to take advantage we «r« sorrier for it than any one els*. Wbst Is Tim Gazbttb worth now y Two dr-liars s year. but we charge only tflJiO. — It was twelve years last nlfflit since tbe editor was married. W* always batik, of course, n|»m folks who get married during Christmas, aud we renew our cot&plimetii* and good wishes to the present season'* crop of new house-keepers. —Tbe action of the town council tr> forbidding the explosion of flro walks in tbe corporation tlihi year was hard on tbe little folks, but It was right and merits the guileful applause of ivery. body who enjoys Christmas for the comfort It bring*. —Hwvices at the Baptist church next Sunday morning trill bo conducted by Her. W. M. Jones, of Maxi on. N. C. He is regarded as among tiro pos sibilities, while the church is looking for a now pastor, and Ids visit here Is by Invitation for tlw purpose of estab lishing mutual acquaintance. — If tbe boys Hilnk It a hardship that they couldn't shoot tbeir fire crackers in town, they mutt remember that it might bare beon worse. We read that iu a certain New Hampshire town the law prohibits the chi* from walking with tbe iKiys on the street. When they went to |>erainbnlate ingrtlier. they have to go outside the corpora tion. —Wheira is Tub (i.i/CTrn oWoa ? Well, it’s light over the poet office. Take Uia stair-way between the post Ofllce and tl>e First National Hank, and when yah get to the top tnrn to tbe left aud there wear* I You needn’t knock, just walk right iu. If you arc on any ordinary mission we shall lx» glad to sec you. bat if you want to lick tbe editor, please leave your card giving date when you will call again, also your weight Id pound*. —"Bab," whose clever articles hsvth often appeared In Tub Gazbitk, is dead, Bbedlrd early Tuesday morning of pnenmotiia. anil grief nver her dead mother. Their home was Iu New York City. Ilcr real nimn was Mrs. Isabel Million. She. was the widow of u young Irishman, who died aooti after marriage, was a member of the Blonn family in Maryland and a ('athclic iu faith. She waa also the "Umli Ash pore” of the Latlitt Bom' Journal. —The "business local” by Mr. Arm strong about laundry complaints lost week read like in Intimation that Mr. J. U. Gallant, tho manager, wasn't managing every thing all right. Noth ing of the sort Is true und nothing of the soft was intended, The notice was dashed off In Hie rush of Christmas hurry and nobody noticed how it soun ded .until It appeared In the paper. No reflect!nr was Intended upon any body. The Idea of the proprietor aud tbe manager Is ihat they will bs glad tu reoelv# complaints of any unsatis factory work or any helpful migrations from their patron*, so tlml they may make any changea nr additions in ma chinery and equipment nvcesiary to keep squarely up to-date. a n»jH>y **«•»r. K*wa|i*prr tni'n nrc«]»•»)> interested In their rmihm, and In TlIB If ASiKTTIt't na*e; III reader* are regarded aa a great i family gathering lUamt Ihn flrealde veery week In Inn* nvr-r lia |iuyc< and dlanuri tllf (;< wm If oi>i,lain*. A in. mg there. {• one f.raily in pirtleulir nf ( which i'll it liAttfrfK ha* a right tn be proud and In which It feela much lion- , nred. It It the family nf Mr. J. M. j Jlu(f<tetler. nf Itegania. True, iliey do not all live meter (h* tanin roof, hoi they are yet nf thn tame family. Mr. Hutft teller liaa four anon and one 1 daughter with lamlllea nf their own. | Thn toot lira near Ihe old hnmeetead aud III* daughter. Mr". IL F lUteh ford. lire* near Smith rnlnt. Theta tlx families t*k* a onpy of Tint Oa yjtTTB epleeo-tlic In alUaiid bare b««n taking It for wa eannm. tell bow ; long. And tliey nro all good Demo crat* Th* aged pari-aln ham reared » family nf whowj they may be truly proud In their declining yearn, and tl>er* It do happlneat which we eonld with for onraeiTe* wlilcti at do do not1 with for them | twmmmB^wta* CtiimlmrUln'a Colic. Cholera and JSarrhoet Remedy nan alwayt b* de pended npon a*d la plena* nt and Oaf* VO Itke. Hold by J. K t)*rry A (>». PKmonxt. n ratio*. —Prof. Bepark returned from It ilclah Tuesday on the noon train.. — Miss Jeasle D.rari, of Spartanburg, la visiting tier friend, VIIm Nell Smyre. —Mr, Satn Bhufuid U visit iu* lit* friend, Mr. Loyd Thompson, at St anley Creek. - Mrs. Jne. F. Love nnd children are visitingher uiothor, Mrs. Ilrvitu, in Spart on lun g. — Mr. »nd Mrs. It. I.’. Warrcu are spending the week vrItli Mrs. Warren’s parents iu Shelby. — Mr. W. Y. Waireti nml aisU-r Mire Marry are o:» a delightful i-olltby visit to frlniida tn Shelby. — Messrs. Lawrence Ileal and Mc Dowell Walton are at home from Oik Midge (or I he holl tayr. —Mr. Sain Ribhm.ui, oi D.tvidwin College, It among C«»toiila'« liomr coming holiday visitors. — Messrs. f/'ui* am) Paul Heiahardt •pent a few days with ttielr ft lend, Mr. J. Lander Grey, this week. —Mrs .laeiwr tSaiilh la nS Ui Ashe ville fur the test nf Iiib holidays, guest of lier sou Mr. Jim Bynum. —Muster Kds.anl IVgnm iamj.tying a well turned hnlid v with liis uticle. Mr. J II IVgrsoi, in Ynl'kvjllc. — Mr. I). W. Thi-m*.*. of Spartnn bmg. apenl a fow dnya in Gastonia this week, the gu-st of Mr. W. jy. Hltehir. — Mr. IV Otmaud.unn and daugliter, of Cnrsieauu. Texas. -re vlsiliug in Uastniiis, growls of .Mis. J. C. aulltck. —Mrs. J. T. Me Dill and llttla May are off on their annual visit to Mrs. McDill’* pati-nts In Inverness, Floriilu. — Moves Abide and W’luuie Birron, of Chaihiite, an: visiting fibr.d.i in Gastuuin, Utc gut ns ef Mies Mamie Lore. —Mtn Mieltun Wells upeu! a short while lu Gastonia this week. She lelt Tuesday morning for u visit tn 1/n colnlon. — Mire Bur Gtilbtnt, principal of tbo high (chord at SCrb, is happily spending the holidays with the home folks in Gastonia. -Mlt. C. 11. Dmhutn utio stayed hthn.d In eojtiy the ltolldaya with Per , family.laft Monday to Join her liusliand in Asheville. — MissesDultn Atkinson of Itlchbnrg, S. C., and Mamie Btcele, of Flock Hill, . 3. U. visllrd Mts. lVro. Wliytoa few days litis week. —Mr. and Mr*. Keith Gordon, of MorgJtilmi, me visiting Mrs. Gordon’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,J.T. Walton at tlis Fulls lloiisa. —Mr. awl Mr* Edgar T. ive. cave an elegant tea Tuesday eveumc caroyli mentory to tlie members of Mr. hayvo's Hnndny School clue*. — Mr. Henry Ferguson eamr upfrora Due West College to spend CIuUIidrs with tiis friends Mr. end Mia T. W. Wilsoo. Ills home is iu Kasselivdle Arkansas. —Misses Mary Bernhardt, of .Salis bury, and Maud 11 row u, of Uonconl, ■ re spending tbo Christman Imlldnys in Osstonla, gnestt of their friend ills* May Gmy. — Mrs. A. T. Latta, of Mmiroe, ar rived Tneadny for a week's visit to her (on, Mr. W. b. Head nod her daughters. Mrs. Garrison and Mr*. John Thom**. — Mr. n, II. Carroll, formerly with itbe New York Racket, Is now with Mr. T. U. 1-mhloy ami ho'rl* the lob down while Mr. Bauble? tnkca a little holiday at bt* old lioiue In Wake. — Mr. II. It. Speoeei and family tame homo from McU*ll, 8. (?., for [ the holidays. Wr. ware glitd to set- l.lm looking well and to learn Hist ha is doing well at Ids South Carolina homo. — Mlrs Nannie Bradley cum* home last neck from Saluda to spend the holidays. Slu- will leturu Monday accompanied by her brother, Mr. Wes ley Bradley, who will enter thu msnoe school. — Mr. tV. E. Thompson, of Thomas villa, whs n Christum* guest of hi* lirotlior, Mr. b. Thompson. Chi his arm wsa the badgn of Masonic mourn lug for his depirted brother-Mason. Mr. J. H. Mills. — Mr. J. J. Warren, of Gaffney, wn* a welcome visitor nt Tua Oa**ttb nlDce Monday morning, lie was on hi* way hack to Gaffney after a brief bnt pleasant !mllrt*y vt*it to relatives arid friends in Gaaloiils. — Messrs. Roe and lllalr Moi.tughnn ■Pnnt a w*ll earned vocation with their brother. Mr. Udg«r Mclainahen, in Nor wood. Tim hoys bi Jnird to (ho brim llm line idril ni.d rubtilt hunting they had during their huppy nip — Mr. W. Guidon Brown, nf the High 1‘oli.t KiiUii/tint, Whs a wilcall.r Callei nl Till tiAX.KTTn (idler Mils «cek. Ur, with hit family, spent the holiday* M-re «a guests of Ins lather In law. Mr T» Tlmui|we.u. Mr. liman returned home (Ids morning. — Mrs. Msigsret (Jlrim paid Tint , G Axwrrw iilTIce her animal visit last Fllday In leuew suhccrt|>ll<iiis fnt her st-|f and her Iwn daughter*. It Is a regular thing lor tIdo good loolher to do, Tlirra dr.lighter* will thus get a Christ»•** j ritent every wt id. In (he year. ; — Mr J. J. W ilem*. of (iniiM. no in 1 Inane ua Sulim'»y i n lila aim ml •« hrwnl trip. IJia ala; vr;nt abort. for it am* leu toilet to lila Innr.e aid, be , lidded, •Ihera’a mil; oi n inud-lmla." ] The art Iota tmly nut tba rrd 1 row da In a t.raa; fix Mr. Wilarw a ban dm ni 11nod antithrr BaaUar which Imi ; rightly ho|iea llio legtatulara trill reme dy. 11a own* aowa atoeh in lb# Clover Codon Mill which la laxrri In South Carol I urn and ou which be la ala r re I qalred 10 pay Ui In tbit State. Mr tl'XXVIl t.U TTIXX. Mr. Jwjirr X. Unbrrio lira V!r.»l Prise —Mr. T. ■.. klliMii. of Month p.iiat ■ko SwraiL Th« prlxo contest la timed und tlis winner* ate Mr. Jasper N. Huberts, rx-maypr of HeArieotllle, ami Mr.T. Ie. Allison. oC booth I’nint Mr. Hebert's list v,u 23, uod Mr. Atlltoii’a a ttiiAc with 20*ynn. Mr. Huberts )mj chosen lbs (Hiking machine arnl Mr. Allison w.ll burn hi* olioloo between lliotaddln arid lap robe. , Other contestants dlil well, as fnl lowii: Mr. (J. K. I(ulT<teu!rr, llrgonhi. .10 Mr. T. M IVatsnn, Uiutoula.13 Mr. J. M. Djwuum, Dallas.11 Mr. Q. X. Holland, Gastonia.7 There were a notniwr ot others who ttiirue In w’.Ui elub* of four iiamrs and live drilera. renewing lli»li- urn sub | sen pilot*. "*•' give the hand of congratulation to the winner* and our slucerest thanks | un1 good wisin'* to nil fnr their kindly and imergetm interest !u their county paper. _ | Mwna.Snul/. 1 Mr. J. »V. Marrow, a bachelor lu III* Ilanea block. Inis taken unto liiui-elf a Ic-lter half—Miss Laura lirady. of iris • dell county. Tliey were married at the bride’s homo on IVcdntsilav of last w»-ck aud came tu Gastonia Thursday. Our bast wishes. : A t*«»w:t«l n ttaar* A hog that is a whopper is retained by Mr. Healey Bradley. Ho slaugh tered a porker yesterday which wslghwl liLKi pounds net at 'JO months old. If tlisl Isn’t it piled o day for ttie pork oi’* entire llfn it is most If any of our readers want to go Mr. Bradley ouo better, why tho ring is oi«ui. 1 Conor nl Ciniikla Tiwra was a twilight marriage at tho rcaWrno* of Kmjt)lr» A. (J. Blroup last Sunday tTcnlng at tl o'clock. 'Iliry were Mr. Thus. C. Bright and Miss Minnie Slanie*. laj'.li of Usstoriia. Tliev wnv must hospitably received liy tho ’wiiiire. w!ki Hod wtih neoLeo.ui . aril dispatch the knot they wanted tied, so tint they mona Hway rejoicing. J And here's wishing tli;«|r jjy mry be | abundant and of long life I :'«rlj4k»ru tirrJnjru i.frcavw. The record appears to have been , broken lif how Register of Deeds Car I punier In Ilia tu.iltrr of issuing rn.irr! I new 11 cm.srs during llm present muntli. I Up to sunset yesUrdny Mr Carpaiitor b.ut fnued 43 peruills to couples who : wanted to keep liouso tognlhrr. Added to 1 low am 5 paper * imied l>v Sir Ormmd before Ills retirement, malting 47 iu all for 23 days.’a doublo I blessedness with it rush. J. H. f.M«K1rpMiippv. As wan generally expected lust week, Mr. J. It. Mtvis wan oIicukI county treasurer br the biard nf cnutmliaiiiu •rs nn last Monday In succeed the late VV. T. Henderaon. He was the hna|. ness asaccUto nnd Intimate friuurt of IUu deceased treasurer. This and other circiucstanoca made it but nntural tu suppose that the feelings of Hie beard would turu tu Mr. Isiwis as thn logical Official auccasaor of bis lamented part ner tu buslneas. Mr. T.vwls iu well known throughout the county and will mak« an efficient and accept able officer. CdfidJJntv fur i'uma nmix^r. Tt la not often ‘.hat w# hear of any body’s being a candlntofor the position of farmer or nf a good man’s being it candldato fur the penitentiary. Col. ltnhcrt. I,. Abernathy nf ttlvrr llend, is not precisely a candidate for either of these, but I*, we lenru, » candidate for the imaltlou of tnstuiger of one nf the penitentiary farms. lie I* a great basilar before daylight nnd after d/urk. and amply damoiiitrat-a tils ability to rnttnega a atnto farm by succMsfully managing nnn of his own. Col. Aber uetliy la amm-.-r l he few farmer auli ecrlbers to Tint Oakbttk who remit their subscriptions by citeek. He has some otroug bucking in bis efforts nnd we hope to see lila application receive Ilia favorable oonihWaHori which It merits. rfr- .1 — --Mr. j. A. Winn, of Atlanta, ami Mr, J. II. Kamary. of IJIcUory, mb leurols of their fvieod. Mr. Robert Love — Mr. T. X. Kendrick epent tli* holiday* at lioroo. returning Tueaday with a llat of aolracrlkor* (or Tom tt* XBTTU. —JndgeW. P. Bynum, of CJerman town, waa nn agreeable Bailor at Trrn OAZltmt offlr* Saturday on hi* way to Dalle* nu hoalneM. --Mr. P. O. Urlal of Tine OAzarrK'a force enjoyed Hiirlslmu* an well In Ynrkvillc that ha didn't lorn In fur duty nntil Ihla morning. —Mr*. )no. Kelly «ud tvodaiuhlAia, nf llluirlnttr, a pout n few day* tills tveek with Mr. and Mta II. I). Shel ton, id timing yesterday nftern him. — Mr. A. A. Mel.eiu lies ni hla gne11 llil* week tJMef Tenrann tV. tV. Vle'.t of Ihn United Slates Navy. lie giw rrrvloe on ll.e Wanti.rkrl during tt.r war with Sli«tn nnd Ivom. nf inn , fort mute wurvlv. raof typhoid faTer. — Mr. S. N. Boyce wsa a ptcaaant caller at Tllw liMwriC olllco Tuesday rooming llaapent M* Imlhlnyt hn» nnd nt (hiffney nnd war nu Ills w»y li.ick lo Ida i«wt at Mo Aden*. Mrs. llnyeo and tin* eililldr-'-e f»r n f"W dtfis Ml Opt. Ill'll <nd’». — Ml'* Mrgete Miithras nf Bel mont, wiih lo IIk> atrium ->C ylvtura who nulled yeshrdiiy In renew their lutMcriptluea to Tub O aabith. Him Maggie U still ao'.iedy engaged In leaching—u wnrk the I ivea and enjoy* a« few other Inecher* Jn It waa III I r resting in hear tier eitl tha roll of pr nilnent bu aloes* and iwnfftialerat In tiaatnuta and Oa»tnn county, wliiwn suereta In Ufa I* partly duo to lira good licking* ahr garr them wknn tlray wear boy*. UiM Maggie la agalnat the present *eheol law and want* in *c« the legislature ehangn It, tVKimixu vnn old rinvarr. ■*v. J. Ib siKili (1«m II la tail! Ycarar Dnlm u Lotus I'rirh -Prr »•■«! umi other (toon. ''■■nrvapnn dance of tut CM sett*. Olk Fuktaom Dec. 38-Christmas past' >1 oflE Very quietly. A* usual ’.hero was foino drinking sud rowdyism among the folks who like llist Dirt of thing. It was our pleasure Sunday to ln*tr a Christ tone sermio from tits Long Crerk pulpit i>y that vruenrhls uilclster. Her. J. J. Kennedy. It was a noble effort *n<1 appropriate for 111* occasion, fhut service fin tilled up hi* eigblcniitli year for that congrngntlnn. If his ksalili would permit, those people would bo glad to Imve lilos serve tliom M a regular pastor. Mr. Wio. Arrowocd Is spending the bilideys with Uli son John, tu Itutlier fordton i Mr. Freak llovie of Oakland High ' dcho d, Q.ietnnla, is epeudlng Id* : week’s vocation with lals homo folks nud friends. Mrs bailie Price aud her daughter tllai Xsnuio, of Steel Creek, are visit ing amoug the “Ortavris.” Commissioner While and Squire Jacob Klsi-r attended the called com missioner meeting in Dallas yrslerdoy. Mr. AIouli Ulnckwood nud Miss KIM 0*Icm worn laarncid at tlm reel deuce of the bride’s broth* r in Christ mas day. J. Kiser Ksq. ofb l itlnr. Hy tbn cam-ton Wednesday 31 et at residence of the bride’s mother, M re. Mary Mammy. Hr. Chas. Witherspoon and Miss Ina .\fnonsy. Mr. John M. Torrence of Isoug Hhnals, sjient Clirlstmni at lh>me. Julin Henry oldest sou of Mr. J. U. Weaver is tick, not expected In live; lie has never tmeu stout. John Vsndyto is lawing the Neeli for land again. LUlle S.ilem. Suouy Side, and Tur key Hill nchools Jest move right on, giving no holiday. night.. . Mr. H C. Orru ind, wli i bus uts>u in (nlifomU for (lie hut year, Iet-xptetvd home ubnnt New Ve«r. tfr. Hoon Arm wood is up from South Carolina for a fsw day* The Clemmer* are not all alack traders; two ate mtllera. Mr. \V. H. Clemmer is now a; Mr. It. A. While a and Ida brother will succeed Mr. J. M. Weaver ns miller ut Ilia Double Drunk Holler Mills next. week. Mr. John Doun'ron is visiting rela tives and friends In Uu*h*rinrd:o i. Mr. Prank While, of Oaslonls, mad a u dying trip home today. There was an Uiterallng ohurch wedding nt Concord church at five o’clock Ibis awning Mr J. L Kiser, sou of Jlr. Mloli nel Kiaer, was the groom and Miss-lull* Kskcr. Osugliter Mr. MlU-s Hakor. w.u tlie hltde. whlla Iter. A .11. Snrrnlt nlbcialeil. A Una reception and wedding sniper lakes plane at lha homo of Uio bride's father lonigiit. Our bust Christinas wislicsi go with Hies* and all the i-ltier cnupjts who have celebrated the lnlhlay» in lioney-moon happiness. rerrr u vt-. IA ol In ad Xfirrid/r. Them Wat ah InUtciilr? lotrriA^e atClmpol Lutheran Church last Sun day morning xt which Mr. Clip Tor rence. a uprightly widower, nmj xUm Mar) Mr,Hand, dxoghter of Mv. Frank Holland, were the happy contract ing parlies. Tim ceremony was |ixrfnrro--d by the pastor. Ue*. W. 3. Buyer. <>f Ml. Holly. Oar beet winlir.* and coa grxtalallbna are exleuded. - 7«”' t Killed 7* Babbit*. The force at tying Brother's turned out almost nnantmourly for a big rab bit bant Monday. It was a tine frosty morning anil game was plentiful on the JimtDPixou Xtolinsou phlox. During the day the party of flee—Meesra. Ed. llenderaoo, end llob Long, and Ed ami John .Tonkin*—kilted 71 t-nbblU Of the»», 30 iweb were kilted bv Mean* llendrrson lying nnd Ed Jenkins, srito wore contending for the county cham pionship. Thfly brought the pama homo, n hack full, and distributed a gcneious portion of It among their neighbor*. ap*r4*abnrc Teaae4r Mr. -loliu Sevier was shot to death in Spartanburg Tuesday morning, hy hi* otuulayer J. K. Slnekey. fie WM „ brother in-law of Capt. It. L. Durham nnd his motherless and now fatherless ohlhlrxo who are known nnd loved In Gastonia where tlrey Heed with Oapt. Durhxm hnve the sympathy of their numerous friend* lu their snridrn and Bum Irngin sorrow. Thu dispute oc curred over a HBttlemrnt. Mr St-yinr llyril long enough to lull bow It was, nnd it Is said in have heap without provocation. He will l>e huriud at Kothrrfordtnn. Capt. Dm ham went to Spartmlmrg Tousdnv night. Mr. uetriia lr*klm ll«H. Iii a hard fall from x back Tofodxy morning XJtr. Guorge Jutikli.s aostniued n moat painful possibly n perma nent Injuiy to hi* shoulder. He was driving Mr. -I D. Hagan and family to Dallas In a hack. At tlm Bradley Unrilorny hill Hi* road Was »o rough nnd heavy Unit vehicle* sought no easier witjr l»v driving around It through the timber. It (hi* «ht«vw*y the low Bale Wrack n stump Ire high l<* pass oyer, with thn remit that n bieuli occurred i>r whleli the hors** *crrodr>t*ct>rd from Hie TehlBlo. The *t.dd»n Iroperl, wllh tlm jerk of Dm relua. threw Ueorce vloteully over llte dash heart!, hunting him upon hi* rlionlder. Hie Ivipe* in or Iiliout Die socket Joint Wi-r* broken, and lix* «tuned him rgernointlng p«in evrrsinow. tic suffers intensely. ij i 'an r.ilM In llin ol»Ml wl*nn a petfton W a ooM Indicate a tendency Inward l">«n»' nU. A plena •>.' ftaniirt damp, nned artlh I’liamlwrlaln'a I*n»n Halm «ml bound In d*e rlmet nr nr dm arat nf pain will pmmpdy retinae ih« min and prevent the threatened attark of naea tani'la. Till* name treatment will com aleaa hack la a few tour* Bold by J. B. Carry nnd Company. ora hamix urm. Two NM.I IWattia- Warring* wr.Tr.Juoe WIImw Noil Who rrMay-4AHalMM I'lfwam. Hakujs. IT. U, Dec. 37.-It is wlUi lieirtfelt sorrow Uiut wn are oallsd upon to report tl:« death nf two of our neighbor* ond friend* Mrs. J. M. £. Sutauioy died tael Wcdr>p*d*y morning iir,ii na« hurled Ttmrwlay in tbe At lost graveyard She waa a conolatrnt mem her of the Methodist chnrch, and leave* a hatband and a Dnmi-o' of children oho mourn her loan, bealdnt a great many relative* uod friend*. Mr. John Friday, ton of XL D. Friday. Eaq., preceded Mr*. Siuamey a few day*, and waa Interred In tho Friday family graveyard near Harden Cotton Mllla. Be leave* • young wife and acvoral little chtldreu uud a boat of friend* and relative*. While at *nme home* them la loaeli neas and anrrow, wn Hod other* with th* Uhrlatmai wnddh-g bell* ringing, fall of mirth. On la at Thutwdav even ing at tha lealdenec of tbe Ur Id*’* father, Mr. John Friday, fit., Mia* Lou Friday and Mr. Joue Wllaoo nf Beap* villa war* united In marriage by Bcv. Vf. A. Denton. On Friday Ut*y, with a number of other* hud a lively drive through Urn ••mod” tn the groom’* parent* la Lincoln county. Th* voting people tr* now enjoying themaelve* giving and receiving prev ent*. attending Cbrlalmai tree* and lialtlag. Mriaea Kula, Bdua, and Addi* Lute, with Mlaa Km Edward*, apeot th* evening and night merrily with tlirir firmer eennpl U.iehr-r, Ml** Calhe l’»y ■ear. Mr. A. U. Stroup and family of Hickory, are visiting reUtlvo* on Hoyle’* Clark and ueur Alexia. Our energetic “mutual 6ro Ilnur ao^” agent, hlr. J. H. KaUedg*, who hurhccu operating lu Folk ctiuuly, )• uow hoiu* with hh family for u f«'.v days. Uev. J. J. Pay wo r, of Concord, paid hi* parent* a flying vlait laifoie enter ing the Seminary r.t Louisville, Ky. Mr*, li. I. l’ay*eur la epeitdlug a few d*y* wltli hor daughter, Mr*. (». L. Long near ll.« l.lncolu Colton Mill* A word to our Legislator* a mg geatlon: lit. cut down the appropri ation* to h'ghnr vducalluo and 1*1 all th* eliiMryn Imco a chance. 3uil. dls franc'll*! Ilio*-- who will not pay tlirir tax'*. I don’t huow whether *u e.luuaUonal (juallQcaUon I* t'.e right thing to do or uot; 1 fear It tv not. Illnrhoullha from Awny U»rk. At Melmou'. Mr. Murray Smith Is Uib representative of a icmtranlile filially of liUcknnltlu. Ills greut grundr*tln»r, lit] Rir.nd father. til* fit til er, and Ml'itself—four g -Herat ion* — li»v* *11 followed tint trade end all the others had Uii-tr shops wltnln taro miles of where Mr. Smith now holds forth In Holiuont. Tho history of IdHRksDltMntr in this family rmclwi over u hundred year* booh, and as Mr. Sialtli i* training a son to take his place It may reach right on i> hundred yens* ioto tlie future. Here's wishing health mid streugt'.i (o Mr. Smith's light arm mid great pros;**rit.v In his business RumnnlS.) lUrrlNf*. Mr. J. L*sik Carrawav and Miss Mabel Glenn, daughter of Dr. K. F. Glenn, weie married in Clover yester day morning by Mr. Fort* Gifford. It was n romantic nffair. They hove b:-t-n devoted iovsrs ever Mines the groom was a schoolboy in knrtt pants and tliey were in school together. And all the world loves lovers, especially when they nre true to each other. Tuesday night lbs grnoui nod Ida two cousin*. Mr, Frank Leak, of Grsanahoro. and Mr. Ilenry Gunn, nf Arkansas, came in on the eleven o’clock train, hired a conveyance and set out tu rtouth Caro lina. The hr Ids was found seven miles beyond Clever at tbs home of l>er uncle l.swson Kicll wliero she whs vis iting. They returned by way of Clover mid were there married in I lie carriage. Tim party drove Into Gastonia again Just lu tlma lu sen the morning train leave without tu»m. They registered Hi the Foils nouns and reootved tlie ruugrulnbttlune of their friend* during tlie d»y and went to ChorloHo on the evening tr.rln. eirrying witli them tlie boat wltliee of all who know them. - - -1-LI1--JJ1U _ Only Due IVrformanoe I tub roriKVCR rivnnirmi FIELDS S HANSON’S MINSTRELS! T*n ID 4 ffptrrt Utah VnUI* Wfcefl of MpppI. —I rah SUOW OF HIS VEU10D. UtfriUPtHNU lVtNmiKCST •<>fttrr by— OCEAN BREEIES OP GEVDIIB WIT I 38 “Hot Members” 38 O HAN It CONCKkT HASll | Ami fciu'nb ?jir|>ln'i » Urriwiru! • 1 -< rm• ••• Hi" mn» Minim i-ulrrr. “Ah >» *1! ill innim* wlln ihr Klim.1 *■— *—1 *—* I hi ||<II(*V Ml. “fin.- IMnrr of iMwrm (.AiV I in ina«*l<h*n ; I'HtnVr. "I n I hi Tin liilim." ||M< in.inmlw MirinnrV’, Tbr VI» •'««• ilhhM*. Th.' Unn4 om j Uu irii" Vithln u«rt II nan n'n mv» mi. “ Jr4 In I hr WtirWI. -An D Do Not 3IIhh T’l>ru££!t,?w Tap ( IbBt (VbitH i.I J |S m. V* MXn^M^!.. > - , U<*m vr»l 4*aO 73 mill. Ginrral AdroHakm 30p. CbIWwi JJ*. j Kow »i-llln§ hi Kraal Torranoa and i onn>«n>’« IVn* Maw. ■-J" 1 . n i. i. u . <^RED INK HERETO , —mkaks that, Your Subscription Has Expired, —and that we hope you win— PLEASE RENEW (Price $140 a Year.) and thus wish THE GAZETTE, as It wishes all Its readers, A HAPPY NEW, . H| Which, being freely translated In language appropriate to the season, means “Christmas comes but once a ysar.” Then, make the most of It when It does come 1 Come up and buy from us a supply of EXTRAS FOB CHRISTMAS. We can provide you with Fruits, Lemon*, Plain and Fancy Candies, mixed and untuixed Kuts, Raisin*, Pig*, and more of like thing*. A CHRISTMAS DINNER will not be complete without Cranberry Sauce for your meat* and a can or two of Lemon Cling reaches, Bart lett Pears. White Cherries, Apricot* for desert. . We have these thing* And we have, too, that far famed Ptnm Pudding, withrrat which Xmas is bo more than any ordinary everyday.. Edgar Lotc & o. T : 1-;-. — . ju ju-u.i'i' .1 ju' . ' i ji. . Neck-wear At Holland & Robinson’s. to*!* -tor JOid*. d«a» good*, clothing, ehoee, »od all that. Neck-wear, of oourae. la only • (Inti* drptriniwt iu our line of geut’* furobblog*. lint it W Neck-wear we wiU talk to you about to-day booaute iu then Holiday time* It 1h Important. Much depend* upon neck-wear at any lima. Then can be no complete elegance Id a mas'* dree* without elegance is hi* neck .MVll5Lr!3h!;’ fS? ,•* *** “««*»»»; wrong, it •polb nil. The kind wn eetl b The Illght Kind. It U now. It b very ntagaot. It I< etylliU. With H you any drcoi In good taite. dr?«* bKwalaziv, and ar.j.jy genuine com fort. Some of it l* la our ebow window—but oinn iu and aak about It, pleare; get prloee. for Inataucc. JuNt ii Word or Two More— A few bdiee’ cloak* remain to go regard!*** of coat—don’t mean to carry them oyer. A few overcast*, too. to go torn* wav And when you want aboca—we era the people. ^ HOLLAND 8c ROBINSON. UASTONIA, N. a rieMa M« Mlmlnt*. Whan you hear tha exhilarating I bound of riclda mid Haoaoo’a Grand j Conoerl Hand to morrow and aaa Um • entire company on parade, you taka it aa a gentle reminder of the fact that It la lime to poi«h*»e your ticket* for the ffvrathf < ntcrUlna>«jit. which will, it la boldly claimed excal any thing yet tarn here in minatrelay. Tha programme la noa aiioeyaaioo of abaolnta noraltlm and timely bill and include* tha oaw ■rat pert. an Even lag with the Elki. Tt»a Golden Sltowara, a Spectacular March. Tba Grand Old Guard, Tba Magnificent Dancing Dleartloo* and aararal other potlilra Inuiratioua, Ver mteating with Tim Daooo nr Dawaoc Clty*a 400 _ rkriuM r«MtTi<inh It ha* been * guy season with tbe young folk* nod little folk*. The nresbyteriao Sunday school ebUdren o«]oyad a Christmas castle at the Academy, and tlie A. H. I*, children enioyed a tree at their ohareb. Both of these were Monday night, \\ Mr. 4. F. Thompson *« Mias Lillie Harris delicti led her Mends with n merry mja'nry party, while Monday night ushered In Lite mirth fa I drolleries of the techy party, at which Mr. Hops Whyte sod Mins Maggie Adams took lbs tacky prtc*. usd a cake walk at which lir. Lucias (Jlenn and Miss Lillis Harris were Urn winners. Last nlgtit them were other happy g«Ui*r luga and thrmirlioot tbs holiday* there wees and will lw yet many dinings. anHeonfXew ASrrrtlaeaarsMa. r»rrrnoe, the Jeweler, glrrS the tea sou's greetlugs to hla customer*. Frost Torrsne* A Co. will sail yen tieleva to Ok Mmet>rl dhow. J. K Carry A Co. return thanks In their eastonx-re usd wMb (hem ahappy New Year.__ ▼V *ri Waal U tutted uy all aoor dyi|*yUaa whnM stom.ei) and Llttr ar* out of (u4tr. All aucli al>oaM kaow that Dr.1 Kina'* Maw IJf» Ptll*, tha wonArrful ko*uk a ad Llrar Krwwdy, altta a •ylandkt *ryatll*. anaod dlatatlo* and * rofultr bndflt UaMt tkal m«a**» art I tot awlth and mat *««r«y. Only S3& at J. E. Carry At Gate, draa atara At Mr. J. L. AVUtou'a, dmt Ifratali there waa a Jiooae-felt of neigbbota oa 3S'iKr.!fJ5SS »ffirsti,S£sy,jii5£ and lhatw ware wnttLor frrtti at both Ingnae, bat the bridal party wa dined at Cpum PatriefcVlD Nlpiaana *rtnatThVre *tn 00 ** 100 P*V* At oiocy, tiie ebareli waa irmiiil with friar da ltd rrlathraa, laureate* - lu lha BMirlaas ef Mr. JVrU IIoff etetlw, and Klee lleeat* Toner**, dmaghter ef Mr. j. Uhaa UnZm! Tla. enemony wae performed by law. O. A. Sparrow at three o'clock p. aud a marry wedddm a upper waa gtrea at tlw ham* of the rniun’e paraata. Mr. Prank OoUaer, wbo it aa maak a u»y *a »«y of them when thera'a a wwidlag m baod, atieuded botamn 'Sff?.?0- tot back la Mam to Ml ua MWt tlMI. Oar beat wtabeefot a load and happy «• with lima popular yoaafppM 1^ _ . WagMtuJtM* Afer'aai* : Mow that IM nculw Umnlciil mm fe drawing to.cloaa II la 4«li«iaf£2., to Ha mwneal (In twhi a* a issr'sf )oaal auaagan Id otdar to lacgUaa S’jaas.iiBgjgaaEg ics3.Tassi,k£r?j: ESipS&* ta Hayatrow^. n* »«»M — 1 in A m * r.n.rrjx1.«s«m2s format tat ta mfUmlttaita I J |

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