.The GASTON]A * Duvolotl to thu Piotoullun o* riomu unit ttiu )j>t>tro*t* oi tit V^ol. XX. Uastonia, X. (J.» -Is muiry 1 ii, 180!). -_i _l L, --I ~ ™ 1 ■ —. _ .. . TREATY WITH SPAIN. Pull Text of the Official Document—Also Letters of the President and the Secretary of State Trans mitting It to The Senate for Ratification. WA61II3CUTOS, Jill. 3.—Tlw follow tig Is Ilia President's ncs .-iB-* and the letter of Saomtary of State Hay, tr.\o* mittlng to the Senate ilia I'e.uy of pence oonclmlej at l\ivln U, signed at the city of I'.trie on DiCvm ber 10, IfiOC; together with the proto cols and papers iudiculrd In the list accompanying the reton. of the Secre tary of State. William McKiki.uy. Executive Msnalou. Wnsliiugiori, 1). | C., .Ian. 4, 1*90. Xb ihe Pixaidenf r The tinderaigurl. Secretary of Kute,1 has tbs honor W lay before I lie J’resl- \ riant, with a view to the submission tn ! tbs Senate, If drained proper, it trmty of peace concluded «t P.tria, <>:• 1)» camber 10, 18II8, between tue United States nod Spam. Accompanying 1'is treaty ne the protocol* of tlie confer.iJCM of Ihe pac* commissi *e.l list, Roaiwctfully Mibmltled. John Hav. ; me TURAxr. Deprrlroent of 5; at*. I IVashlPglni’, Jan. II, liS'.W. I The United Mile* of Amariiia and I ller Majesty, Hie (Jo -on Urgent of | Spain, In the name ui her august ion, ' Don Alfooao XIII. desiring tn end llie ■tale of war now existing bel «*wi the two countrios, have for that purpose appointed ns pl-iiiimtenUailrt : Tins President of the United Mutes. ; Williutn U. Day, Cushman K Djvs, , VViu. P. Frye, George I j ray and While- : law Held. cilli-r.» of llie United Stoles;. Anil Her Majesty, tlie IJiiwn Ili-gent of tipaln. Don Kntrnlo Mnetero Blj», Ihesi- ' dent of the eJcnatr ; Dm llueimvi-ntirra , do Aborzaura, Senator of llie Kingdom aud cx Minister of the Crown; Don Jose De Garoica, Deputy to the tlories and associate Jou.ee of the Supreme , C« occupied by the Unii.icl States, the Uuited States will, so long aa tuch occupation shall last, assume and discharge ths obligations that may, ouder Ihtarnatlrmal law. result from the fact of its neeupnliiui for Ihe pro tection of lifo and property. AitTiuf.e tt. Spain cede* to tlie United Males the island of Porto Rico and other island* now under Spanish aovi relguiv |-i the Weat Indies, and llm island uf Uusra, In the Marianas or Undnmn. AtniuLK m, Spain code* lo the United St.iu a tlie archipelago kuotru as tho Philippine Islands aud comprel endlug tho Islands lying within tho following line ; A Hue ruuolng from west toeaat along or near the twentieth pantile! of north latitude, and through tl|g middle of the navigable eliamiel ot IIhcIiI, from tha mth to IheDUth degree, meridian uf longttuds east of Greenwich; I Inno* along the 197th degrrn nirndiati uf loogltude east of Urenuwieli to Uie parallel of 4 degrees und 45 mlnulea north latitude; thence along the puinl |el Of 4 degrees and 45 minute* north latitude to its inirraectlon with tlie meridian of longitude till degrees and 53 minutes east of Greenwich, thence along the meridian of longitude lit) degrees and .13 minutes met of Green wich, to the parallel of latitude? de greae and 40 minutes north; tbeuce with the lllRh degree meridian of longitude east of Greenwich, tlicnee by n direct lloa to the intersection of the lOlh degreo parallel of north, latitude with tb* 118th degree meridian of longitude east of Greenwich, and thtnon along tbu Udtli degree meridian of longitude east of Greenwich lo the beginning, Tba rolled State* will poy to Spalu llm sum of iJO.OUO.OCO wltliln three months after the rxehaog* o( tho rati ne* lino* of the eraseut treat v. ADTK LB IV. Tlw Uullad State* will, lor il.« torm of Uu year*, from the date of ib« ex change of tlm ratiQeatluna of Dm prra enl traaty, udmlt Bpaniali stilus «t,d ojctohaudla* to tlm port* of llie Philip plan lalunda on tlm smbu- terun »t ships and «nereh*tnll*«of Itm Unlltd State*. AHTlCl.B v. TNI United SUtra will, upon the signature of tin inrarnt tn-aly. (rod Imek to bpula. at Iih narn eott. tlm Spanish aoldltnr Ukan aa primmer* of war on tlm oiplutu of Manila by tbn At»»»l«nn fount*. Tlm anna tlm loMler* In «| jnrtloo ahall l a realnied u> tbeaa. Spain Will, upon the exchange of ltd rational loo* of tiro incase. It renty, t to. end to etneuntn the Philip pines, *• well at lln* if].ii*it of Uuaii. on ilia terma eirutlar Iniltoto agro d upon by Uiecuiawieaium ra appointed to hirKPiie for the eV'Cunttoa of I’ortn |{tro an i llic oilier Island* In III!- Wp»i Imlln wider tbs protocol of August Id, 1Si!6. which Is to continue In force till iu ninvisloi.s are completely executed. Tin* (libt! wilblii wliteh llm Ovsen* lion of the 1'lailipi.iu- lalonds aid Ou.im shall Ihj completed alinll bp llxid by tlin two gocenuaeiils. Stands of colon, nneapturvj war vnucU, small urmr. gnu* of r.ll calibre, witb .Hicli ■'iirrlages and acc>>Hoiim. powder. Miiim'iul:loo, live Mock, ami loaleilala and supplies of all kinds, bclongiuz to tin' land wild nax.il f irces of Spain in Hit- riiilipfilora and Unim, remain Ilia piopcrty of Spain. I'lrcss of lw>*v> ordnance, nxctndynof Ih-ld ertllcry. lo tile fortifications and coast defences, shall remain In their 1 inplacnnicnla for the term of six month*. to la- reckouOil from the rxcliiiuje of ratlOoutlnna of the treaty; and the United Slat'-s in*jr, In Uir roea-dlui*. purchase nodi inn (c-'lal fi.iin Spain, if a aatltfnotnry •afireriiret between ttis I w o mixeru tui'uts on Uie subject Kliail be readied. AllTKUt VI. * I ■ • ■* win, wo smtaiuri* oi toe pnirent treaty. r-lMif nil rrlKinera of war. and all penton* iVtniiinl nr Ira jirU-•nwl fnr imHtinel o*Ton.*ea In nun in-Cviou with the iiiMirifCtl rn la Cuha anj tlie Philippine? him) the war with the United State*. ItreiprucJilijr, the United males w‘]| irlr„ic all jierams tn-Kln prisoners ot war by ifcn Aracricni fnrr‘«. and will imdiwteko tn obtain tl'P. relej** I>f ull Spanish prla ’Her* in tin hand* of the Insurgent) Su Cuba and tlw* Philippine.!. Tlie Korernrsenl of tin* U it Hod Slates trill, at Us own cost, return to Spun and the goveri. tueut of Spain, will nt Its own cost, to luiu lo tin- Until d Si-te*. Cuba, l\irtr» Uloo, und tin* I'hlh.ppiieu, acunrdinp lo the situation nf inelrieapeetlve hometi, prlv.nei* rvieast-d or mum) to L» re IpkmkI Ijjt their, respectively, under this article. AI1T1CI.K VII. The United Stales sail Spu n iru lueilv relinquish ull claim* fnr imli iu r.lly, nn’.uinal aud individual, of *v- ry Kind, of either government or of tie cilizeosor subject *. Aminat the nther goeerium that may h Cob* and frhr to the rx'chnbgp nf rutiflcation* of I’m present tie.kly, t-j oluni.-.g all chiinu. fnr iinlctnn,ly fur the O'*' nf the war. Tin) United SK*e u-i)l adj adieu tn nod eettte the cist me of ns el liver.* a-Minkt .'.juiiii rHipqnU'ind In thi* iirtiele. AUT1CLB VIII. Id conformity wi'h the ptoviilmu .if articles 1, '2 uud :iof tuts irviny, spml:i rellnquishra In Cubj. and cedes iu 1*0,■■ lo Rico And oilier Islands in the Wisl Indians, in tho island of (juam, and in llin Philippine ;.rclilfxni*»c>. ril tliu buddings, wharves. barrack*, fori*. Structure*. public highways uud other immovable property which, to conform ity with taw, belong to Utn public do main, snd ns such belong lo llm crown of Spain. And tt. ts hereby declared that the relinquishment or cession, ns the case may he, to which tho prnccri lug paragraph refers, am not In any re spect impair lira property or rigid* which by law, belong ro the peacaiul possswslun of property of all kinds, of provinces, municipalities, public or private eeinblfslimpnts. ecclesiastical or civic holies or any other uasnnia tlnns having legal rapacity to arqalre snd pnsaeas property In tiro aforesaid tfTritorloe renounced or ceded, or of private individuals, nf vdiatanevn na lionsllty such individuals rosy las, Tho wfnrssB'.d relinquishment, ur oes sintr n* lbe cise may lx, includes all documents exclusively referring to the sovereignty relinquished or ceded that may exist 1r> llm nrcblvrs of Llin puma* iulu. Wltern any document In such archives only in part relate* to Raid sovereignty. * copy of s.iclt part will bo furnished whenever it shall be rrqu.s ted. Lika rules ibull bo reciprocally observed lo favor of Si*In in respect of dotumerit* In Hie archives of tho isl ands almve referred to. in tlm sforeund rellnqulibment ur cession, as tha case may l >aar from lhadala oftba exchange of I bo ratifications of UiU treaty, a dec laration of lbe.lr detrition to preserve atreli bllsgteuaa; In default of which I declaration they shall be held to liays I renounc'd Itnrnl lft Imre I'.dnptrd the . nationality of Use teriitt-ry In wlilcli l!*) tn^jr reside. 1 Tr.c civil rii;lsl* »isd isolitissnl statu? ■ of tliu native nsliablUrits oft ho tnrrl 11Orica hi-retiy ceded to tin* l-'uH. d Suss c* ahull be dntrrini;:«d by Use Co.’ijjtc**. AKTiCu: x. TJic Inhsitsltmitl oJ lb» tmlloilKA over erlslch Spalu r*lli«|utei.os oromis-a ln'r anvcreljfisty ‘bull h- wv.s'.rcd tu the firo wtuetsu of Ua’ii teligliia. All Til LR VI Tiio Spaniards lAsidlng iu tin: t»rvi turlen liver which Spain, by tbit treat V. cedes or relinquish*** lier xovt’n-fauly. elmll bo mikijnct in rentier* c'ViT, a* well ns criminal, lo thn JcrtMjletloo of • ho courts of (lie* country wherein they reside. pursuant to ths ordinary lawn governing tint dam.-, rtnil iliey shall have tho right to appear before such courts, and to puiiuij the snosi course, ns cil.zvnt of the country to which the courts belong. AUTtCLK 311. Judicial pr,>c tiding* pending at the llir.o of tho ezrhsuye of ratiflca&ioBS of the treaty Itl tlie territories over which t?p»!i> relinquishes or cedes he; aov erelguty shall to* determined according lo tlur biilosrlug rules : 1. ■To'igmems rendered either in civil suits between privulr Individuals or in criminal matu re, before the dale m-nUoned. nod with rcsr«et t» which theio U no recourse or right of levlew under the Mpmdsli law, shall be domed lo lu* (Inn!, and shall l*s rxeonlvd in dua fonn by coin.aVnt uukhorilv In lhe territory within which such judg ment* should ho Carried out. i Civil suits between private indt v.dnsls which Uiiy, no the data me:. tiunri1, be dvtei mined, sIihII be pram* ruled to judgment before Hie court ,n wbiCh lhi*y ruav (hen be pending. or in the mart linn, mn* to kaiirtItuted therefor. 3 Crimiu il sell,ms [lending oti tho dat« ineiUomd before Uir Supreme Ch-ll.-l of itpou. itltwillkl ciliroi* of tlie irrrtliirji, whlrii hr liiis liesty ceases to l« .Spunnh. s'oill continue under tu jurisdiction until linal Judgment; but. tiro execution thereof shall be a ammtt t-*d In the c*in>pkteu', nntii*ni*y ol me place In whlcli the caw «mv. AIITH.it.il 3111. Tiio rights! of property feoured by copyrights and patents acquired i,y Sp-i'ijaiils in lit- Istsnd .»*• Cubs und la Porto Uico, Iho Hollipphiex ur.d other Ceiled terrllorf.li, lit tho time of tile ex chance of ll.c nliliculluus «,r this trusty, si,all Coulintia in i« IKpMtlil. Hpanish *SMo :iliu. lilerary and ar lint in works not subversive In public 10-dcr in t'.ia lu ilbTi-S ju (pirstloit shall rain ttmi:* to 'Uc>lfr«< fm-u duty iu’o sm:h territories. Tor thn period of t**n y*vr». in U reckoned train thn d rte of the rxchunga of tho rat ideations uf this treaty. A.trtu'.v ;:iv. •Sut'.i] will have tin* power hi ist*b lis'i consular nflicivi ,i; ifw ports and place* of t!to territories, the s-iyrt elf n* tv over which as heeu either rrlin* qnikhed or cedeit by Ha* pitucm treaty. AUTICMt XV. The e avrnirnent of each country will, for tho term of ten yrsrs, sco-ud to the merchant venelj of in* other curie try the same treatment In le.ijwut b»«'l IWt charge*, Including entrance aud clenr.auce dues, light dues, uml lonagv duties, ns It accords to i-s own ineri'lmut vessels. uul engaged tu the constwiso trade. This uvllchi may. at any liar, be terminated on six mouths lint Ice glyen by either government to the other. ARTICLE AVI, It !■ umln-iloorl Unit. anv utiUgHtliv-.s awumeil in this Irenly lv the United .Stalin wllli ntn-et to Cuba iue limited U* the tune of its oeonpmcy thereof; i>ut it will, upon tiit* terutitiiitiun i,{ Midi occupancy, n.lvhw any g.,vni, n»ciit intMlillkliitl in Um, m|4ud tn llic mime obligation*,. JUTi'ICLE XVJt. T!i- present treaty shall bo raliflnd Uy live Prualdent or lli» United Stales cy mid with the advleo and emseut of llie Senate thereof, and liy Her if .ij.-* ty. Hie tjoeeii Resent or Sim In; and ilio vatlHealloua ahull he exchanged at tVasluiigton within »lx month* from l»m date hereof, or earlier, if i-rmidble if whereof, we, Um respective plenljiotentlsilca, Usve signed (his day of December. in the year of oar seals. I>utn\ III duplicate, at lVu-l*. the 10th Lhty of December, In the year of mir faord. one thousand, eight hundred und lilnety-elght. (Seal) Wii.maV R. Day, (!*ial Cu All A vi K. Davis, (Seal) William I*. Keys, (be»l) George Gray, (Seal) WlUTRLAW Itniu. (A-al) UaOBKIO MOMTEliO Riot, (Xenl) 11, Db AiunrrxA, (Seat) .1. T)k Oarkica, f-'lcal) W. It. lmVilla-Unuatia (Sesl) ItApAKt. Ckiibo. Accompanying the treaty is a great mats of correspondence, Inohidltg pro lucols. and Uie ptoccedinga of llioenm nthslnn in Paris, making in n|| n print, d volume of nearly 700 pages. ... 11 P IMh«*v*rf4l by f% Another gryat discovery ban been mails, and that loo, by a lady In this country. “Dhwasvfnsltrud itsclMteh v* upon her nnd for aeven yeait aim wllhsloiat it* severest teals, hut law vital orgnn* wrra midermlned and oentlt eeenied Imminent, Knr three inoulh* she Coll gin,I InceasanUe, ;u:d c-mld not s'e-p. rtf.r, (hislly dlsei.vcted a way lo nearer*, by | Un.haathe of us a bottle of Dr. King's Xmt lllsmrny for ihinatiaiiiibtii, sad «•«< *., much relieved on taking llr-l d im. ilu.i rim •leptull night; Mini will, taxi hiltlee law been absolutely enrad. list mum, Is Mrs Lutlwr l.ulr. •* Thu* write* W. th llninrlck A Ul. of Rimllpi. S. 1,1 B- Gurry * V'-,?- 5*®* Regular (Ian du,. *"d dl.U). KveiylioUbi gnsranten.). ^^eel {.'reek, in Muck let,burg pe. Joloea la Mr. Arthur Potts, a man >1 feet and 7 fnebss high ARP OH THE FIGURE 9. ir juv itt;.% »«tuinT tx mr ruw 9UG. "•V* It aram kwnnHa;- nl* Term* Mf I'mto-Wlltliia m I'ocaUr (tin Xwibmi Pmji> If they Will Aptin Ulne — Alienation *»r far >'•!-» ti out: Nmiirj X *», Itwrlurt in )»lct sail IKisillis Bill Arc in At Inula OunktUctlon, ltiTO. 1 was ruminating about liila riddle of the O n. 1 ;.ud 8 t*ro 0, Rt.d iti.it maicr.i three V’e in a raw. 18 arc two tl‘s. ami ihut ntsl.va four 0*a in a raw. The three !l’« leaks 27, anil Ilia 2 and 7 muko I). Tu* (mirl)'n make .->1, and the 0 and 0 wskrv. ti. Maybe thU yrur of the O'* 1» to U. a matouUe, anil we will hays peace and pro*|writy in 111* land. M«yl*o the lion will Uy down with ilie lamb, and the mulnr.s (ball boot l lie I r amoids Into plowshare* amt u«t liwru w«r .my more. Maybe, l my Mu’ uiera are mm emus of pc-co nn tbia aide of the water —peace between clm non li and l he •outh. McKinley lot* matin a break til it, laid If lie can oouU il Ills party, con gl giK«l will and terrsharlnva an 1 it|«logv in tie- near future. Tom Heed « WallU to tret abend rf McKinley In tile iHiiith. and I expect will introduce a Hill of Ajadogy ,«t the next s~*»li>n. Pennons and aptl-i'-h/V will i»., bin ah), gao. I . won't take ,t pint deal of tfnwwy for onr velemns aoil widow*, rot- ih.r- nrc not nnny but ir will aniie those wln> are l-ft to Uvc longer, hr." Time.no* down alt. lrote imvt » nesio.ll. m I1PC..UI daia.. 'Inej u.i n.a o..». Our tMiflil|.|y And nee.t jtroa Kay wdve. A ii old friend H.td i.x Unit tli: alien s’mn between tie* north and south w.m owin-i otoio lo diet and climate 11’itri it was to slavery or ncgioor. Said he. they !:v* on cold bicud and ciitiinil ito'KlJ Slid c aili-h, and drink iced ir.i, while *'vi! on liKin un.1 eggs sod lu*t earil.a unit tent otiCU'l and ririDk coffin Tiieir ■lift is uj cold .ni l shivering r.s ttieir climate, while ours I* rich utid whi o. und *t.lmn:-it'.iig like onr sun shine. I'nice, Ih. y :r- ludiimal to lx> inlit’v-a'tnl and a t»h. We fee .tir'd McKinley down hernia io.HU.tr. l.itld, I anil warsiod him lo tlm heart and wad* | him f.-el kener.i'.iv entl I ii.il. m:-.l rui ’;*• i ra-ide that crvnfolvin'.e "lasecb a.iU wore that vco rrn'e b.uli* Iron one Is- lelt tftnal Inside. It l.e lmd '.tuyisl down lint; i. few weeks longer lie would have sfeikcc fur ponshMU end apologised. Maybe (hero is something in that, for I have observed that n.it ih- rn pin wlmdonilcibr wit'iusfcr ».r. y hmuli uf time always take our Side ’:i» ) do fciol ok. But any candid opinion In Hi t' the cUsue* at the north aim .uy iiinr. In the wny of prree arc edit ire and preacher*. The editor* wuiHsogni scandal Iv fo«d their readers t,.j .Suj tli" iibiu'jc uf tl'O south U like regular Mock in trade and leelwnys In ilech.' d. it is n good cement Tor llio parly nml keei*) il solid, for if Ihcir reader* tiiCT- r uu home pidities they esu always hue r.iunlxe by abusing us. The leading New York UepublkM’i paiwr Is. just us iniOigmrnt r.inee McKinley urnd* hi* ronthciu ionr as it wan before. Mr. McKinley pleyrd on tier harmonic*., but Th< firs* won’t dnnoe to rho fllutain A* for 111* prmclifia, uiy candid opinion U ttus majority of them have uo more rent religion than did Ilenry Ward Beecher. like tin* editor*. I hey rely on sensation lo Oil tlrelr peers nod their pockets. WUU a few nwiorn, their Thanksgiving «minus had neither lovo to God nor charily io ruau, and they wont nut of lh« text tn «ive 1U* South h nhim or * *t*b. I used to have giewt respect nud reverence for tBluUtbio of Hi* gost*). I really be lieved they weie *11 oidatm-d of (Joil for the sacred calllug, but In iny Inter years that rcwrvnf# lial weakened and It aeems lo me now lime most of then) am only orri»l„rd of wen. Tba pulpit, both North aud South, has been u«ti ib. ir prenohers eieas a class iufi rinr m pulpit < hapionto to Umso of half a century ago. No wlnleler ol tit* olden limes would have carried bit Svetariunlsin to far as tn seek toenpengefrown** |»i,v byterlan byniu bock that beautiful iiyusn: • Thee* i» a hnintsM dPr* a**H Mono | Prawn rruia larwaowrfs whar Ana Mi.near i*iajre» tlu* i>uo»ihre-i liuiii. stid y* we won’t com plain. " nil, *o boil a g -oU old fashioned ('ItrlMmnt at nor lionee, and were ilunkful that uo eflHctlon or calamity had befnll. ii u« during the pa** year. Wr h».l eletren N Aliorui-r M»>. »«vh TnlU N Were •Viaola Jirtnul tv-poit. CJtiief .fustier Xponr asked: "li i» your company .my t took a aliowt-,; tbs work ings of ill.. rorp-natciu J*'* Mr. Kline replied; “We have book* SliotvkiR uiiwm ••wrtiii|«c« unJ -11 ;ln*n oi.il detail*, Mud *ye -(111 have ib*m. T;-.- talk about Inuiiiiig them is the imoeit chilli." II- »k« lit-*;, naked: “Will you yr.vfueii them V.” And he -haIji will; -W* will not under the former order, lien a-* it would in n vtul.• ?;-« -rgjsr *» awMa iwikos Team Poe losa. Mitmif ii*mrrt» A rlanlug null I- !<*.* driurii'ioits to a town than a |ioiit!cluu. A oily without a r-llr.uO is lifci-.ly to furnish exc-llent i>— luniste. l.kipital !* of more itdvnutiipe to a cnutimiriitj then ll'U'.CU^Ue* Mo city win irerDuuenUy thrive upou U:« p >hcy of elm ling «\ rival. Mo Inicket ever tvlurns empty frma the vail of l-incsty and fufr dealing. l-ftr-l leehiitcvlity l« no excuse for disln-iiftty in dealing with iejlUiuUe creditors Onn of lh“ Uvt advertisement* of a 9tnte or City U proi’ijitsirB* in Dcclloe ubUgat'iiii*. Cimpalgn fievolie* are valueless its ferlilie-rs if fnrrat or ms lubricators of Industry. .Many malt-rial fatalltiro attend legis halve shooting mrtPires with corpora tions .is the tarerte. Foreign commcro" will not lie devel ; oped Iiy buildiug birrlooh* around a clty’a v/liarre*. I.orui enterprise In exploiting re source* la r lnforcnl Iiy energy end cr.or.ey fp»m without, Ifaimouy hrtwren employes amletn ployeis dlmhilslMM in direct pmpoitlou to legislative intermeddling with pri vate affairs. » ■ — ** ■■■»■■■ i n »%■ ii i —^mewaa v.tlj- I.H* ITW tM AppolNlnl. l>*l'imt}ka ft Air. Fit/. JiOc’a reception yrflerday ex plain* *» fully «» U ueceeiary why lie «u hi* given authority over the city •if 11 nee. ne. 'Hie Virginian bad nide tie* oiMiy frleoda tie-re; lie i>o««r*j*d loo llioronahly ilm c-jnnder.ee of Hie Cuban*; hU appointment. would haer encouraged Uira to believe lh.it they would *oun have their Independence, J u dealing wltli them ward* of our* It t*. nec.-**.vry Qrnt, to mako them afraid of tin. Oovrruiceut l-y klnduce* may do for ntlwn, hut not for people who lm ptiU'vi l/ lump to rOMMlu niiiclMiun*. JtrUn U. 1 lender ton *nd i\ IT. Van perford. Sail*'mry, arc forming a enm imliy to oiwrote an ek«trie oar Ha* t-wlwren Ghent nut Illli aitd bpeno-v. Moot limited lo #10,ii00. Tire popula tion Of Hpene.-r i* Mid lo he over 1,000. • a■ 1 ■i.'esa*"!^* UlsrtmM V»n Cone* rmwi Hr. U. II. Orrtflie, ef i Washita, I. T. Us write*; •'Four botlk* <>f ^'.h-elrle Jfdlers bn* enred Hr*, Hewer of arrofal*. wliarU had ointt-d her (treat aufli-iiug fir yearn. V«rrib;e *nr- a wmil-i break out on her h-wd and tune, »n«l Ut* heal doctor* could fire no help; Iwt Iter oure I* cum phtc and her ienlili >* excel kbit." Tid* | ehriwa Wlul tlMiaai.da have proved, I lhut r.hlo and ruHHiitg ton-* t| i Miieulalea llv.v. kidney* and howele, ; rapid* poison*, lic<)i*dtge*U.ni build< an 1 the strength. Only nocvuW. bold by J. K. (harry and U»M|moy, DruggUlo. | f»o«r*nt**d. For mW by J. n. KOXEDV * COMVAMY. loaruuvimMiu «*on*n vnAtor. •ne krfM Tim (mi »«wy mm* Am •due Ttat Tkrmnid To. OUiMrtlle lead war*. »MM iiitmeliiigcotnpllciUona grow lag nut of a lion* trade recently oa otuml here, The story runneth that: float)# tjaae ago Meases. lUufcel, Craig, ft Cu , lit# hone dmh-n. sold a bon# to Ml. Bub. Westmoreland. Tb# bone wai told oo tin# ltd Mr. Westuaer# kuil executed to Meeare. Henkel. Craig ft Co. a certain form ot DUa which that Arm employ* In audt tnumtton, wliloh paper era* duly registered, dome time thvi "after Mr. Westmoreland d« olihd to tears three part# god took tb# liore# to llowau county and sold It to Ur. Mack Harrison. Mr. tlenkel beard of till*, called oo Mr. Oarrtaoa sod do mnuded tt># Iiorse, allowing hi# p«r#T. Mr. Hoi neon yielded and turned over the liofae. lie afterward, however, devilled to come to town and eea what could lie dime la the matter. Ur. L. O. Caldwell war consult#! by Mr. llarrkon and tli# lawyer told bis client that if Mr. HeokeTapaper we*property registered there was no redraaa for t'a Tli# books it. tic register'* oiilce were ex indued sod It was found iliac r> register lug Mr. HankeTs paper a linn had boon ualuteutiunnlly omitted. Unis making It inv»Ud.. Mr. Harrison I'Kieupou CMibu on Mr. Henkel end got Ills burm luck. Then Mr. Henkel callod mi UegUtrr Turner and told Lin that be would huld him responsible for hi* lots, us the error which t-suiwi U wu* main In bis uttes. Mr. Tomes r**!lf <1 Hint lie was probably hi far it ami agreed to jay Tbs amount was <*#0 and Mr. Henkel agreed lu take $10, which Hi* ra-tairr paid. Then Mr. Turner *:,keu that Its bo siren tbs «>Hlinoiela!id Hole, as be mightsumc time in Hie future be at-ls to recoup lilmrelf. Mr. Ileurst. bavin j got liis waul),!**!-' ’••tlur arid e-o)-.ir«ej the iu*te lit Mr. Turner, lu < udurslng ibo note Mr. Ifeuki’l uvkleot'-d let write "without recurm” ami when th* uo>te livil pawed into Mr. T*utier*s |uieo< sioii he united Xlr. llenVul's ulteutiuc to Hi* fact Hint Ms rndare-rneut mud* him (Ilenlte!) liable far Uie not#. Mr. Ilenkrl said la* had an!n uii error lb Hi* indanernont. Irit Mr. Turner re !*»• <1 Uist lie, l»i, had mud* an srmr Rod bad just i, lid (or it. Mr. Turner Infltnii'rd that he wnald eultecv lbs note •-ut of Mr. Henkel and while he probably has no idea of d->)t»g II lb* clrcunrtaneci leads Mr. Ur:>k*l un *a«y for n tire*. rwlasa la AarVal glass*. Xf* Yurt iMrrr, Cnr;ai (MMessnd la Inn.ted property a runtime oqnsl to 98.G0tl.UUu, besides ■ huge too of innticy, stare* and fqrol lure, which pmuuotod to su equal sum. Ho dieJ to say th*t a eitis *n who Usd nut a fortune sufficient to sapport an army or a legion did not deserve th* title of a ricli mao. The philosopher tkneoa bad a fortune uf dl3.000.00tk Ltniulu*. the sooth sayer, had flS,030.000. which Caligula spent lu less lliso sis inmith*. C»1M lieforv lie entered upon any of doe, owned 3,000,000, and he par chased the friendablp of Curio for gi,. 300,000. and tlialof Luclv* Haul us for $1,000,000. Us gars Bervilta, tbs moUier of Drains, it pearl of the value of 140.000. Appicus expended la de bauchery $1,300,000. and fludlttg, on t xamlitaiien of the stale of his sdsirs. that he tiad no more than OdOOjML left lie polsoosd hlmttU, because he eontidrrvd llut sum lorumclsut for bla maintenance. On* single dish oost Isoi us $400, WM. Caligula spent for on* tapper WUOXOu, and UeUogabwlwa gluo.000. Ttoo ovmUpest-nf a repast for ijOetillat wa* glUU.OUO. Th* Ssb from Ut |iooda wore «i>M fur 9173,000, dsarus’ coun try honaa was (tastroysd by rtrs, and bis loss was estimated at 91,200,000. I** •• W (Wartiil |> w iv niumtoHb WaaMnatan Cor. ntwuao Merced. Wlrlht ho ha* reached bo dlclaioa and will rnakn no rrcookaoudathio* o* lira eutyect. It li brllcved that anoner or later tiw 1‘rcaldeut will raeoeauiaaC that the dJM.vWO.OOO lademnlty which ha* hem paid to Spain ahaH uUluaxt* Ip he charged agrtlnat the PtlllplaaB Wil lioth Ilia InteraM and nr fuel pal paid from ttwlr revenue*, uc dure net Ihl'ik II ahuuM bn a chnrga atalaat ttia pvetda of tbn United State*, al thouuh. na t.< all otlwr axtterr. h* reverve* tlx- rUp.t to chant* hi* mind on thla subject. rrMkfteflaa dWR*. IV MiWMy IlailidW. Tina eharrh bat )aoapmd until It (tel* (trout enjutb to k a sport • alu Utur In Pula cju Up. Thla rriutcau us all an-l prajrwt writ I* mad# for u WeMlnf to ntrad I bo alalator this church will aaml to preach In our lanuhloln cauulry. SulVburj'i uldrccauai ure Ueurlu* pro) / ''v't f. iiUdtft We ml,____ on its detanalaattaa (o wtar out at ooen jmregimant of negro veiuateara hum VlnftoU, nod anwthm from North. , CHlwuitt. -:Jr' s-'’v UoUi tbme mtoenu arc aUUomd ia Macoo,aad «• da not hmltaUtomqr Nn «trtf*rSNS,oi^rU*“4 *r0ttl>* the fl«< of the Coltcd'lltaton^ B*a*r A number of Urn anldtan ia thma rtglmeote bare met nohiy dmemd Irathahr resaon of thatramudt upon LlM person or property nf rfltamiaflbia *uu They have bean a —*- a poet and a roaaam «a :.V\. [<>oaled-in Maoou. g tha boaade of toirrati at that eoanoustty a_ property, but they hnva disgusted tho damaay at emwoeedanted degas*. • The Ak-mI baa aakod for i why each Ngtnwofe wen uot at * muttered out. Thoy should now_ boon Biitimi in. Thoy moat baya mm gathered from the aeume of the la mat older of population in thoftatm to a bleb they are ondttnd, and a Is hard to uadentaad hoar the admlnte iratlutt Uat kept them aadUled oo the governtmat auUmg. However, we will go far toward forgiving the offence beoauta the akraement of an laimadt ete mastering out j» adfrrtd. From information received at this o«cr. It appear* that tha fact if apt proerxllj known or uadaratood that I here is an Internal revenue tax ail la*, aclaa and distributive abates of estates, where the deoeedkot died on or after Juno 14, UK®. leaving a pacaoaalatiata, the “whole amount” of whieti r~mfr In vulje fl <1,000. This tax accrues where pxaslug from »i'T parson on or afivr Jew* 19,1896. Xo tax is due unless the whole aniuuul of personal property patting from Urn decedent vx«*& Is vaK eto.ooo, All laguoice or property pasting hr win, or by lit* law* at say dole or Territory, to liatbaad or wife of the person died poateMed. shall he exempt from Ux or duty. Tbotax must b* i>«id by th*»xecutor or adminlettator before Its distribution to tbe legatees. Tha fact that all. or a pert, of an ee *• rspremntad by bawd* at Urn . t nlted Autaa does not exempt such aa estate from Ux under Urn Internal revenue Dws. U tbe collector finds It noaussry, In order to obtain Urn fasts respecting linblllty to Irgscy uses, where tbe reoords are Insottclent. he can exercise Dm authority parted In him by the Rv vised bUlutaa, ami stay aooimon tha exacatora, administrators or other par sow* ha may Awn propsr to appear aod led if; under oath. Depaly Collector* ltavn beta lattruc tad to sxaarioeaach toeothttm sNw of clerks of tbs Superior Coon and at rroltiera of dor*. aod to report fully tbn facto m to wills and estates paid. In* settlement. ttxscntors sad administrators of as tatro liable to legacy tax are requested toeommnnleata with tfctaodtoa, whan full particulars aa to rates etc, will ha llTftUa H. s. Baixn, macaws Tu*a#ea« 'i> •». Lwb Owbo Freak Lombard, former secretary of toe PrsacIto* tiock exehaoaw, 1* feat tact fraai MawlljL aod trim a new «ory of Admiral Downy, which shows what terror tha admiral baa inspired wuttar sstwssS Ctvh# tbar* am n* doekiag fatiUitam tihdlwr. *hd a aura freight boa a,r*ii*ti oaoatoL wsHtt . to,sad from Urn shorn. TtoMfcS ?-■ oaptahk of ana ot that* smarts ooo Usotod with the admiral to oany slat to bis fiagwtip. Attar pertentidgjS duty he dramsd himself in tbs latgti >? Kurapaao task km to visit the admiral, tilk bat. white ahM, erovad^MSa tid, Prataatlag kls MU. Do way remarked that thara ware Dummies iwmwill , that ha would sot pay. Tb» WUptao MntaKad that the wdmtro) *>m wrong, but Dawvy pnllufcr replied that ha would pay only the orlglasl MU. Ula Dd to the admiral's ash* maaaar, aod i evidently thinking Ire could be ball ; dns»d into aeyiog the fktt WK. ha betoam Insolent. Admiral Deeray made no reply, but with a slight satow* meat of hU hand rsmaitsa to tho watsDit 'Draw that mao overheard,' a>A in a moment tha plug hat was tluatlng Hi Cavtta Bay. whtS the las* Imit e-uy* uropristar was oaaghtag ay as* water and swtawnlag lohti vto