THE GAZETTE. tuumuat, mnPA»r o. um. BUSINESS LOCALS. T OUT—Lady's Mask xlovo—la boon JJ store or on si d» walk to Gas too l«. Please leave at Uuurri offloe. 6—BOOM rasideooa on Main at. tor sola. Apply toll. A Tno*p sok, Gastonia. N. C. DR. W. 8. HAY, Tbysioiau aod sur gaoa. BauMMr CUy. gives prompt aUsotlon to oalle In town or country. , TUrONBY TO LKSD-To good man JXL With gilt edge seeurlly. Net sis par oaot. eessl-sonotL L M. HorrxAN, Danas, N. C. CAB-LOAD Tennessee mules sad horses, (boats aod pigs Just re ceived by Jaokaoo aod Campbell, Dowling Groan, & O. For private aatai ANTKD-Deslratio wblW wo nsaa to do general housework and eooklng for soiall family. No washing or drudgery. Apply at Tug Gaxjcttb offloe or address P. O. Tk»x JS8. /~VDKI,L. TYPEWUITBB tor sals. Id epieudld condition, does work equal to tlOO machine. Coot 180 will sail for 88. Baaaoo for aellleg. do not need It. Jam. 11 Wilson, McAdeo vtUo, N. O. OUR TBBOUGU LINE to York vlllo Is now connected. No other phonos oo it, WIU bo ready to offer pel rata orovemtlon next work. J. Root. Cbaio, Manager, Uaatooia Telephone Ooapaoy. TLTOITEY LOST. On Hat onlay, XML Fab. llih, two ten dollar bUls wore loot In MeAdooylllo or la Gasto nia or on Uto road between Ibsee towns. Liberal rsaard for return to Gaxbttx offloe or to J. L Wilton. Regents. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —It U likely that oar nest issue will •muunee adjournment of the Legisla ture. —Services wars oooduoted at tba Methodist church last Sunday morning ■01 Eight by Presiding F.lder Ware. —A very good ploture of Represen tative Houser adorned tha pages of last Thursday's Charlotte Observer. —Big orowd at coort to-day. People base been passing all the moraine on their way to attend lbs trial of Phone Bhyoe. — A bad Ha gat that gata do better lias been torturing Mr. Monraa Jones for two or three weeks. lie stuck a piece ot sharp glass In Ik —Tba roads am a little bettor but aro still terrible in spots. Tba Bradley bill and tbe Whttetidea bill ere reported to he lo especially bad condition. —The whits drav horses in charge of Mr. Emmett Floyd got oo a tear Tuesday afternoon and wreck ad a lamp poet at Morris Brothers' oomer. They were frightened by a loose horse cavorting about tbs (treats. -IM trial of Pnoot Rhyne fur the murder of Mr. T. Q. Falla tuss bsan set for 3 o’clock this afternoon. Bhyoe was brought lulu oourt yesterday morn tag from Raleigh by way of BUin ley Creak. —The Chester LaiUei-n toys it will he Dscsseery to have three more snows tor each of tbe teres foggy mornings In August, Ton are oourtlog unpopular ity, Bud. Don’t let’s have toy talk of three more aoows. -A oonetltueot of U>« CheeUr, 8. C., Lomttm baa ex mb lord tba poaeb buda and says they are dead. There will be bo blooms, be save, except a rew scattering note. We don’t be lieve title applies upjiere in North Car olina. —The Gastonia telephone company completed connections yeilerday with York Tills, liarlng now a direct line with no other 'phones on it. By next week the oompeay will be prepared to give Its petrous facilities for private oon venation. —Tbs "o and 1C mat store'* cele brated Its opening yesterday in a beau tlfnl dispUy of Bre tad ten cent goods. Nothing Is sold for leas than five or more than 10 eeata, and it la surprising whet a quantity sod variety of goods both useful and ornamental can be •howa wltMn three limits. - Wood Is wanted at this office. We got out during tbe frame, and K looked as if Thu Gazettr would have to suspeod operation until Mr. Edgar Love came to tbe rescue with half a oerd of pine. We ate nearly out again. Brag it along, good pioe or oak, good ■asaaom, and get market prtoe. —Tbe ooee-eota nan war in town Saturday selling bis eyrnp by tbe bensl ■ beamy fallow named j. M. Coobreu ead gave away, ha *akJ, S7« tiekeU la Gastonia. Tbs company has a magnt Beent sew building to Atlanta built, WS suppose, with tbe profile oo flye —To* State Convention at' Durham oa March 0-11 of the Yoon* Man'* Christian A woe let km ia repented to attract a targe attendance tbla ye*r. Tbc president of tbo Qaatoote Aeeo otatloa req easts a fall attendance at tha mealing at 4 o'clock not Monday afternoon, when Ike matter of aataotlog dcJyteawUjba attended to aloog with f—Tba GAtarra haa added to lla \ job department a wire atltober that lea delay. It <• aomawhet like a sewing 1 machine that neat wire for thread. It takes tha wire from tha spool, punches It through tbo pamphlet without a needle, out* It tl, end o! Inches it on the under tide before you can say Jaok Bold ease By the wav. our Job de partment ban aU Iht work It eea do, bat mu ahull mat mare wbae this la does. Oat ear prices ee anything yen need In oar Use, whether It to a melt, lag eerd.e newspaper, a catalogue, a •Sander, note or cheek book, note or Utter bend* oynTstopeu^ whether you m*Ur. Theses* B. Hendrix died About a o'clock last eight at hi* home near urn Trento*. Or had heaa atek joet nloa day* wUh grippe aad paaumoul*. Burial ad kb# aamitvrv tWa aftemaou. PlUWIt ■UTMJK. —XUa JulL Aberoelby retarord Monday from a visit of two month* in 8outb|Carolina. — Bar. P. Vf. Bradley's family moved to Gold Util last week to be with him la hit work there. —Mias Maggie Adame leaves Mon day for her borne la Charlotte to spend a abort vacation before going North to purchase new spring millinery. —Mr. David Jenkins and little daughter, of Charlotte, spent Monday afternoon and night In Geatoote. goast of hie slater, Mrs. \F. H. Hoff —Mr*. B. F. Dixon, of 8btlby, lec tured before the Ladles Aid Society of tbs Method let church Monday after noon. She Is spending sometime with her ion, Capt. It JL Durliam. —Mr. 0. W. Spencer baa gone to McCall, S. C., when be has made con tracts for the erection of several build ings, Including a large mill. Mrs, Bptootr leave* Friday to join bee husband. —Cent, sod Mrs. R. C. G. Love and Him Mamie returned yesterday morn ing from Brunswick Capt. Love did not go to Cuba. Going a* far a* Tam pa, he round It so hut like summer time that he didn’t care to try the climate any further Sooth. —Mr. W. J. UsVIaney la a forlorn bachelor ones more. Ill* mother, Mrs. 8. B. DeVlooey, and h|s cousin, Miss Kata Smith, after a year’* sojourn with him have returned to Forkeille. Mr. DeVinney left Let night fur a buying trip north for Gray A Lots’* millinery depart meet. ■trim Mr. C. M. Nolen moved this week to hts residence on South street, going In after Mr. J. W. Abernathy, who now oeeoplet the rooms over J. It. Curry A Company's drug store. To-night tbe family of Rev. vv. y. Watson will arrive, and they will occupy tbe resi dence on Main street lust vacated by Mr. Nolen. Tba Ball Telaukoa* Company bu pat m a pretty booth at Pile end of tbatr line in J. E. Curry da Company's drag store. It la finished In oek aud baa double wall* so that tba sound of one's eolee ou me inside la effectually mu died It 1r now pnaslble for the patron* of the line to bare wbat they bare long wsoted—a strictly private conversation. ■■aatrsk UaWsIMUsr Wise. Mn. Sarah Huffs tattler died at ber home hear Pleasant Bldg* at half past four o'clock on Thursday Feb. t>, at tha age of 73 years. She was buriad on Friday at OIney. of whtoh church she bad been a member for maoy Tear*. Tb« pastor, Ber. 0. A Sparrow, preached the funeral. Mr*. Huffstet tler belonged to a large and long lived family. Two sUtata aorvlve her—Mr*. Boxana MoC ready, younger than lb* deeaaaed, and Mrs. Catherine Krone bergvr oow about S3 years old. Stas Craw WaJtiae ■»■■■ “I bear mooli” remarked ooe of our elUseoi lb* olb*r day “about Jim Crow can. but I dont hear a tblog about Jim-Crow waiting rooms.” “Tba Jim-Crow waiting rooms are Just aa Important aa tba ears,” b* re marked In a way to Indicate that ha waa In dead earnest. **i have Just had an experience in Charlotte” he con tinued "which makes m* say this aud I wish yon would call public attention to it In ycur paper.” It la true that separate wailing rooms are Just sa im portant aa separate ears and It will be a mistake not to provide them. ■arrow bmw Aim. “Who will be year new agent at Gastonia ?" asked Tbjc Gazette Monday night of President Harper of the Carolina and North Western." “hare you Bade the selection yet f" “No," answered the President readily, “we hem done nothing stall to the mattar." “Is It likely that you will get an onlaMe man or promote one now with yon f” we asked. “We pre fer to promote one of our own men, whenever we ean make It eoltablo to do so." The bad weather has greatly retarded their work, bat the company bopee to get Into Its new depot! by the opening of spring, ■»k fNn Mr. John Prank Jackson 1* bock again froan Tenoensee where the cold ■nan enught him and almost from bim with 10 below aero. He went out there to the mountains of Tennessee on Uia warm Saturday expecting to stay a day or two, and was kept two weeks. His business was to bay a car-load of m owe. torses and young hogs, (or prtraU ■ tie. He attended to Ibis all right and bad a mighty good lima besides. Ill* stock arrived In Gastonia yesterday. The horaee and mules seme Ukei, along home, bat the hog* were pieced In Mr. John Henna’s pasture awaiting hotter oondltlon of tbs roads for driv ing them. We fear that Mr. Oliver Davie's re needy of hanging a thermometer on tbo oloUtaa-lloe to kill out the potato bugs will tall tbU year- In limes poet we have read of tbe forwardness of three voracious peela In silting on tbe oloda and watching for the pota toes to eoote up, but tots year they are reported to be abemd of that. A gen Woman told us la Dallas Mooday that wb«n be went to tbe store to get hie seed potatoes toe bogs were then look ing over the mereheoi't boobs to era who had boegtat. Speaking of reme dies, we hit epos oeeleit year wbieh wotted better Umu eoy we ever tried before, so Uml we wen not troubled at all by tbe bugs, leery year recently they ted been destroying our puUtose too-totally, bet lest year we oonoloded ■it to pUet any and they newer tooehed a leaf of onrt. Having beard Kalph Bingham In one of hi* dellghtfel even lag*, I labs greet pleasure In eodocatag all toe press no tices and laetImoalaM eonUloed to hU aommneement total. I candidly regard btm agegeoluc la bisIto*. As a persona tor, he la real nod aot over ■trained; aa a del men Ur he evtaoea the real gealuaef the stadaat of character and namie. while aa ae aloeuttoelet te combines tte happy arts of the Uebelgae aad tberptaaaiag I eoegrat elate the people of Gaatoala la that they tewe aa ran a treat In atore fee them. Yours my truly, •Ion. H. Nr*it. ll^^^St^tConrtf00^ The Lowell Inal aoh) by W. X. Bell, oomataalooar. »». bought by Julta Jaakloa. Tbe valuable Unit* known aa tbe old Henry Better home place were eoM Monday by J. L. Thornburg ooaala aloner, and bought by Mr. WU1 Liule. Tbe eele of the old Dickey mill place took plaee. aa adrartlaed, on laat Sat urday. Tbe property waa bought by Mean Alex and John Crawford at SIMM. The cider ay) apple mao w ain't oa band and waa aiawd. But the medi cine man with hla blood parlOer and g reeae-apot eradioator bald tbe crowd epeHlratmd with hie etuqoeot word a and wondeefol magic Mr. J. H. Ho Hedge, the Farmin' Mutal Fire Inacraoce man baa beau working Buuoombe, Yaooey, Madlaoo and MoDowett oonntlea. “Wore you up lbare in all that cold weather V" be waa naked. -No," heacawered. “I came home Juat before the blitaard and regard It a* Km aaaarteet thing 1 ever did ia my lUb.” nearly everybody who vlelte DtUu ranch gets acquainted sooner or later with Mr. WUilem Jeakina. Though be i* going oo <M yean of age, lie le ■till feeling pretty well thank you, and wheel help waa abort at tbe mill tbe other day be took the H busbel •»ek i of wheat from tbs wagon and toted tbrm leto the mill jsetllke tbe other boys. Tbe earning business bas attracted tlm enterprising attention sC Mr. J. X. Nanis of Stanley. He put np last year 8 700 tbrac-pouod cans. About 1,000 of these were tomatoes, tbs rest mainly apples. He bays bis Can* and labels la Belilstors eud raises bis own tomatoes. This year be wilt plant large quantities of the Paragon or Qoeen tomato, recommended by the seedsmen a* lbe beat for canning purpose*. Then are lot* of people who would not go ou the stand and swear that onr MU winter map was tbe eoldeet that they ever saw. The Catawba didn't fraeae over Uila time, whereas lu 18M or ’37, aceordlng le Mr. J P Hooper, of MeAdenTills, the Catawba fra* entirely over, tbe lee being 12 Inches thick la places. He say* tost In that Treses “Old Bill dams skertrd oo hie •keels” down tbs river all Uie way from Anastroag’e ford to tbe Mtowsa vtlla Mill pood—a distance of ■ mils and a half—and that be wblrkd Dr. Hanks'* wife all about tlie mill pood ou a chair. Col. R N. Wilson says that was la ’u0 and that there was ■now on Uw ground for 8 week*. Tbs following Is a list ef principal cases disposed of oo tha Stale docket: Pink Friday. Assault. 95 and C. C. Johnson. Aasaull with dead ly weapon. 3 months on the roads. J. X. Nani* fight. Julgmeotsospen ded oo payment ef cost. Jap Cerpsuter and Rd Tnrosr. Dis turbing worship. $6 and coal. Paul Good. Arnault. 3 months oo the reads. Casey Mcl«en. Larceny. One year on tbs reads Jos. Erwin. Assault 8 months on tbs roads. Perry William* asd Msce Williams, (col.) Assault. 0 weak* oo the roads. G. L Rbyne. Betaillog. Judgment suspended on payment cost Jos Llnebrrgsr. Assault Month on tbs road. Ed Arrowood. Ltroeny. 8 montlis on tbe roads. The grand Jury found no true bill again sc Marion Gardner for stealing a dog and net tha charge of eruelty <o animals he was releaasd on bis owa re oognisancs natll oast court. Tke ccmplstnt of J. L. Palis and M. A -Thompson was Died at this term le their soil against Sheriff Love for re ward offered for esptare of Pboos Rhyne. The Sheriff will make answer nest oourt whan the csss Is expected to come up for trial. Had It not been for Mr. Lucius Holland, Thk Uazrm's right am at Dallas, our oourt reports would bare been scant Indeed (bis weak Tha editor attended Monday but wa* taken elek sod got too far behind with office work to return. The grip surely bas the right name In' onr case. It holds right on, and ovary time ws stop look ing It gats u* down ogsln. —im iwm tilBV Mfrtti —inn. Lady’s black glors lost. Set busi ness locals. J. M. Wilton, McAdenvIlla, N. C., (oee bust non locnla) will toll you a $*) Odall typewriter for 96. i. Hubert Craig. Manager, eaauuooea tn boat non local* ’phono connection with Yorkvin* direct. No other 'phooccoo Hoe. Jackson and Campbell. Bowling Ureen B. C., bare • car-load of T ran ve na horse* aad mulaa, (boats and ptga, for private ml*. Love's Grocery ad Uil* week will help to ewaa lb* mind that get* broken up every time the oook break* np the orookery. Replace the ugly broken pieoae with pretty new patterns eueb as you Bad at Kd Love's. Several hoga beada of brand-new ware jest getting In. Thorn pretty jardiniere* will not be on the ooootera long—they go. Through the enterprise uf Mr. J. H. Kennedy, the people uf our town and •notion have llw rare opportaelty of hearing next Thursday nlybt Ralph Bingham who was noted in bla child hood as “the boy orator,” but who now ou (be shady side of V? Is the gifted monologue entertainer la eloes llon. Impersonating aod music. It Is atrlwuetehlagirtoiliatbehae lilted 1>9 engagement* la Me own elty. Philadelphia, and 8000 lo the Males of Phnaylvanle and New York. Rtae wbere will be found taatleaeniala of Me merit from Bev. HeO. Hblelda. Prof. /. IL Saperk, sad Bev. W. P. Wataon, all of whom have heard him. To them we add that nf Ray. W. D. Wilkinson of Vineyard Haven, Wane. Bay* be: ‘-The dotal entertainer I ever beard. Othera are poettbiy as good In •oom reaped*, bet must hxvn eld from otheg sonreee to make the rvanlog oomplete. while Ualph. with no other •distance then bla vwiu aod bis ear* wonderful self. Is ooatpletevaee ” Having beard Ktlph Bingham rv eently on three differ**! oeoaMtma, Bev. W. P. Wateoa Bays Urn following of tble gifted emeologtie wterteleer : As • dramatic impersonator, dialed dellnmtor, end etoeetloMry acrebel, ttklph Blaglmm bra net twee excelled. If eg nailed, tm th* Amvrteaa platform. Thera la not a doll —ant from start to dntab. Caateate people win mtee a rare opportunity If (key fall te greet him with • fen house an Marsh kad. County Correspondence. | Mr. John Haraell, wbum aariowa Ul «• wmWwm 11m alnae, died laat Tfaimdair aod waa bartad at Stan ley Creak on Saturday. Mr. Horaoe Nicoa, of Out a m bla, 8. C., wbo baa bran aucndlcg tba winter with bla ecphaw. Mr. Lntber Sima, ia we are eorry to note, la my feeble health. Mr. Hugh T. Rhyne, of MtckUu burg wboaa auddon death a few weeka alnoe caat a gloom over the people of life community, waa barn In tieetoa o> «ty, in 18SB, and learn a beat of frhwde Id Caatoa who are terry to hear of hie dealt). Mr. Rkynt area oot of tboee nan who tarred bla God, lilt country, and hla fellow ana to tba raw heat of hie knowledge. Ha oartr felted t j help tba poor aod needy. Tbe placet of tiich am era bard to Ml. Tba batry force of tba lea oaaaed tba ferry boat to break toaaa laat Tburtday. It lodged on tba Toekz teega dan and wltl be placed In peti tion aa aooa aa the water fella. Tbe Roller MiUa ware Hint do an aararal dare laat week oo account of lbe healer freezing up and banting. The Mt. Hotly looting teeieiy meett promptly every morning at 7. n. m aharp, and eaotj member ear Dot to en joy blmaelf tp tba fullaat extant by alttlng around in other ptopit'a way. roMUag hit burdanrd earCMS by n ooaforUMa tlore, obawtog and taok lng bit tobacco, dlacotalag general a rent*, giving recount far tba general hard timta and devlatng plana for the relief of down-tmddan humeoitj; with pottlbly tome of tboir pony wTvaa at borne making flreo nod oarryleg water. Tbit of oocna la plain talk hot it ia nerertbekM true to a Urge extent and abamafnlly an,. tuo. and you naad not lanre ML Holly but a oonpte of ailea to flod aomt of tfaU cleat of people. Mr. jTb. Dodu la riaillug at lilt falbtr’e J. F. Duau'a tbU weak. SapL Babingtoa, of the Mrtbodlat Sunday Rebool, ia rapidly Inormalng tba number of aefaoUre in bla arkaol. Mr. UablngLort la one of oor itroageat Uma la tba upholding of the mor*U of our oommonUy. Mr. I*ek Ilarrla of tba Toekimago Mfg. Co., la off on a few daya rlalt to film da and reUllvea at Laueaatar 8. C. Oor Mr. Garcar. book-keeper for tba Mtn Itlaud Co., waa a welooae rltUcr on our etreeii laat Sunday. ftcAdenville. V.OOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOQ Mr. H. M. Mo Aden hao Jett rrtoraed from New York city. He ipent Sun d»7 »“d Monday In MeAdeovlDe and Tuesday evening for Charlotte to ammo hledutite with the Pledmoul Inaormnee Co. Presiding Elder W. R. War# will preach In the Metbodlet church bees next Sunday night. The aeoond qnartarlr meeting for McAdenville elreult for 1BW will oonveaa at South Point ueu Saturday evening. Mr. C. r. Hietop. of Byaom. N. C., Is vlMtlng relative* iu MoAdoovillr. Mr. John O. Hankto bai recovered from hie recent iltnma and 1« at hit poet again with A. L. Baker A Co. Mr. 1. W. Suicide Is gulto tick with grip. Lie bas been oocQnid to lit* room for several day*. The Infant child of Me. Jacob Hen diiekt w>t found doad In bed last Son day morning, cauaa of death not known. It was buried Monday at Goshen. Many friend* and relative* eympntblte with tier sorrowing father and mother. Two wedding* have taken place in McAdenville alone oar laat letter. Mr. Prank Coot* and Mia* Ida Carter were married Thursday night, end Mr. Geo. Medlcck and Mle« Jennie Bagman at re married Sunday morn ing. Mr. L. B. Held I* now a resident of Gaffney, 8. U. II* has accepted a (JotUkiu with the Gaffney Colton Mr. W. M. Phillips. Bramer iu Mo adeo Mills haa retorned to Pott [Mill, o. C, g gOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQQ 8 Dots From Dallas. Senator O. P. lUm mu home Sunday to atteod Mart. Ha will re main moat of the week, aod than ratorn to Ralrlgb. Mr. J, c. Puatt, who has beau quite 111 tor eoaee lima, baa bean dlamlaeed **! Pbysteiam. and It* hoped by hia Meade that ha will aoaa be out agate. Mr. Jobe Holland, duaatoher for the S. A. L. ft*. at Charlotte, la •peadloga few daya with friends and retnUraa. Oeurt eonyened Monday, HU Honor Judge Coble, presiding. HoUelUr Webb U the able proseeaUof attorney. Tba following yMUag attorn eye are rttujdlog Murt: Col H. C. Jonre, D. W Kottam «. O. Finlay, A. T<! Quick la, Cant. U. P. Baaen. A. o. Maaeonn, W. H. Lew la, ft. L. Dor beaiL ft. T. Oanalee. ft L. Campbell, ■nd B. Butler, af Oafloay, 8 C. Phone Bbyne, tba murderer of T. O. FeUe. was arraigned tble morning, and made tba plea of aac guilty. The d» rends nt having no eonnael U>e court aaetyud Mr. D. W. Robioeon, nod Capt. O. P. Bason, to defend him Col. II. 0. Jonas end Seoalor 0. P. iiaeoo baw boon employed to amUt SolMlor Webb in tba aroaaaaMno. Mr. B. Butler, ot Gaffney a C., arlio U to aaatet la tba prosecution of Pam Williams, liaa been attending court this weak. On aoeamtof tbanhaanea of Mr. Oebarna, one of Williams' law. yrra, this ease hao beau continued tiu next term of tba eonrt, to be tried oo on Thureday of tba tret weak. Mr. aTo. Brice and Sept. Nichole, of the C. A N. W. spent yesterday In low*. Mrs. Jaeab Hameonr, af Lincoln to spending a law daya with hat paraota. Mr. and Mr*. Jonas Hoffman. „ Kx-Cterk O. U. Darla to aaetotlng Clerk Cornwell tbio weefc. Majof R. P. MoKMoh. JUtUry Part RMH. AahavIRa X. (!., aaya: -Hpmkrr Thotnaa B. Bard told «« that ba mth |n feta whole Ufa aoloyod anythin* la the abate af aaUry at ba did Ralph Blnaham’e Tlrenome fjinry Teller' at iba OridUoa dlaaar, Waah lagton.D. 0. t tbaogkt DaWlit Te|. aaeM, Dr. Dapew, That Read and a lot od tboaa Mg wfcra woaM laagb Una ealeee to death.’' I Oa toe first la tMa •oath aa out-: _ to Mr. M.F. Fhooorwas boraad. la It ware about any baaboU of oora oad 800 buadlre ot fodder belonging to Mr. Jua Oojre. who bid formerly Head there. The building was insured with the Farmer's Motaal lor forty dollars. Rot. J. li. Millard. of Chaster, & C„ will preach at Long Crork next Aua JKr. B. M. Oround. of too Southern, hoe bees ependlng a day or two of hie totter*. a Little Adam acbool, D. P. Delllcger breeder, rioted on Friday, and Turkey OUI. N. L. Uouatr, terebr. oo data? day of laM week. MuaBtla Torrence's school at Saury 8ldo rioted ou Wad uoodsy or tbrn weak. We wait pleased to tea a "cut" of Boo. I* H. J. nooser to the oral weakly Observer of Mat Friday. . Deputy-Collector LofUa com ap loot Friday to •ttart up" W. T. Bob Insoc. „ W* »»> pleared to note that Mr. M. tk Usamor, formerly la the employ of too Merrew Mills at Uaatoola iwtiio crtdlng with too Double Bronx Bailor Mills mucb to tbo pleasure of too pa* turns sad proprietors. We hear flat oorao of too "ooUido” boyi dld aat betrays vstypreur at the last day of tot Turkey HU1 acbool. Mire Sarah Byers, who has beta Maytag at Mrs. M. A. White* for •oreo tlm hat goaa to lit. 11 oily. Mm. U. H. Bareotor* ooodlUoo don oot improve very reach; too has about loot lbs ore of ooa bond. Rev. Mr. R tebford lire as appoint mat to preaob at ttoyrua next Sunday at 11 a. m. Mostra. J, B. sod MUao Shooaoa tom up through the mud ou bottom 0‘t« day lost work. A ImlMMMU*. ▲ aow) question wm raised to Ibe court of collars] eras loos in Berkley oouotr Us> Friday. «f*a ocrTtsjwod daat of tba Kan and Onuitr. It wm of>1“ *t*to agalett Mary UIU*. charged with anon. The fsedan t, an old colored aroma a. wm prosecuted by ber baaband tor burning blu barn. adjaoaot to bis dweAitig: Tba testimony wm Mtlraly otrauaa ataotld. but strong. Tba— oM paoplo badadtoignaaBmt. whioh rtaslted to Ibe old womaa leaving borne asd golag lo Ilya with ber son. about Half a mile away. On Ibe night of tba tra peril- going to Lbesoen* mat tba old women coming away, who told them ebo wm aaable to cross tba braarki apd wm going to bar son's bouse. Tbs old man teat Wad tost be found tracks around Ibe plsoe next morning which he recognised as bis wife's. At Uw ooMtoskm of tbe tccUmocy Messrs, Dsntila A Dennis. representing tbs da fesee. asked tbe court to cberge tbe Jury «* follows. “U too jury believe from ibe evidence that tba raletlonablp or husband and wife existed batwcaa tbe dsftodant and too preeeoutor, too owner of i he barn alleged to have bars burned, tom, although it be prwtas that tlw defbodaat did boro tba ban — Is allseed, aha must be acqottted. for It is not arson for either busbaad or wife to burn the bouse of the ether, since in legal contemplation they an one person." Tbe lodge stated that this wm good law. and a verdict was pruaptly rendered acquitting tba de fendant. The Separate Cev law. IlmOmae OuUt Leaf. Thu lew will prove dSeuypototing to tbe general public. There are some features stoat It that need alteration. Xo except ton shoo Id be made of freight trains carrying passenger coaches. The mixing of Ibe men on freight trains It really a souroa of greeter trouble than while people and negroes riding together oa regular peroengvr trains. Kor should any exception be made In Urn oaae of colored servants. Tbls very thlag of allowing “apnleb negro servants to ride la the white folks’ car with their uppish employers'’ —to quote the language of too Gaato ula Uaxbttx, bM dona more to OH the pern for uegroee generally to Intrude themselves than anything tie*. Let all the negroes go together and lad people wbe have servants de Ilka those who have rone— wait oa Ibematlvea and look after their children when trawl ing or slat i dost travel. ■—** «mw H AAfc+YlU niMVI. Tbe cold weather durian tbe pat week, throughout tbe whole ooeetry, be* rerely l( ever beta eerpeeeed la ••verity. One of tbe eaocna) eutfr* UUooe of tbe ex Ire me eeid *u the dropping eC of tbe eere ef bon t& eere ae they wen being dripped afire fiee the Writ to tbe Keat Tee Cheater Cotton Mill* were eeld left Monday for H2.600, tbe buyer be ing O. P. Heath of Charlotte. Ttria M tbe third Um, fey* the LmnUm, that the property bee beeo ottered for puUle •eie. Pint eu Xorewber 17th. el ea upfet prtee of 800,000. Seeood eu Mtk of January, upeet prioe of MS.500. The left upeet prtee wee 805,000. U It the latawtlew of the aew often to •tart Che machinery wtlhie 00 dayc, aleo te build a 10,000 ipibdte mill te •pie their pane, 1 beard Ralph IMaffhem when bo wm IS peerf old. At that Una I had board bwt owe aaa wbe rivalled him ue an •toeelloaitt acd drametle reciter. That in la not wow Hying. Sieee thee Hetph baa had etoywa yeare of experi ence tad dwrelopmect, aod tf hie pew en were ammlowe then, they meet be taueh aMMeeo new. Hulc regarded Hum m m mu a Md — (Md^aa MM nellteMaa M n/ )uo|ti mm wiiaoM m rfyei In Me line ea the Amerteaa platform. M. Mc». Sturme. --- • ■ * •v*’- __ Ralph Bingham, Actor, Impersonator, and Violinist. The, World’s Leading Monologue ^ Entertainer. ^ \ .. In Boyhood a Prodigy-in Manhood the Uador. —AT TMB OPERA HOUSE Thursday Night, March 2. ONE APPEARANCE ONLY. Admission 50,38, tod IS cents. TICKETS TORRENCE’S PRUO STORE. nrnnisnn a* mkuia iiifW m im hat toatoi Fri*yCSJ£ Ifanh 1. fro* f£ll 3. Twft *£yfB**** r***» u~» ■of.Mly MMprnnlwh to be my intar ■Mtaf^Tba following pragma will •JriSvSir. “0"t‘,“P,“o **>-* n Mjg J«o*« Moore—Vocal Soto-Tha Btbal Gray Md Kalla Flawing_ J^lw. a. H. DaewUar—Jiagte or tha Bird™ 8hnf0r<i _Voe*‘ M*"71*111! JjH*» Willie Jnablna Sgriag-Phwo Mlaa Madge UtUa—Baadlai 1. Slonx OMaTa Daughter. 2. Elf ObUd. Mra. Kate Plealag-L Plan **> saffl^sa? ‘•t*—■* The V»gri»^fl8LH<?0L“lnt*v!tt,h hi Pa. Voaal solo-a Praam—Mlaa Ba DolUad. Oboroa—The Sailor Soeg. Mia* Luollo Huff man—Plano Solo. Tba adalmloa a aoly tan emu, and •mybady la loetted to oaaaa oat aad baar tba “Jlagla of tha Ptaa." 5SZ laaidaoaa of P. B. UlaUo by P. K. CUnton. Notary Peblte. near Bethel S O., oa Pah. 12, Mr. J. L. Holland aad Mlaa Katie BoMaaan! both of Gat ton aoouty, X. 0. Mr. W. E. Mr Arthur hM at laet Mianad from tha daanlato raalaa of baehaMr aloglenaaa and la now beating 1" tba flower land aad aualM* of btaaaad ooonublal deubiaoaaa. At tba 2»M*n*a «f Mf. John Howell, ba aad Mia Naan HlUiard worn Berried lea Taaday night, tba Miatfal beat being Mat and awra by Kaqoln Abel Strong. Han’t wlabmg them a long and baggy life together. BOYD ft ALEXANDER. Z-• * **MMnMAMftAamdpMaw .^V If- V]*-^~Ai ftk CriPHb-. ' MoBooK-lc^fag, Became we order la small lots end order often. We lay goods right down at yonr door. Win aaad bill with goods and roe can md money by driver. Be aure, though, to md the money or ratora the goods— wc keep no books. Vow Mom Becnue weseU far cash. Wa don t have to «■«*» money off of you to fay ex* pensive book-keeper*. We don't have to nuke money off of our jrood customer* to pay far loam on bad cento* man. No, we don't. AH onr mstraacn look alike to us, far all p«y caah. Bscaaae oar business rvle* tkms are always plrmiil Oar coatonian are happy be cwme they arc out of debt. They are sever annoyed by bills. Wa don’t have dis putes over account*. Bay at the BUte and be Happy sv-Paoxs 93, Boyd Sc Alexander. -- n it.. nannj aim -— Breakable! In spite of all your warnings, the cook persists in breaking np your crockery. Of course this is provoking, bat your mind Is eased when yon recollect that yon can replace those ngiy broken pieces with nice new patterns at a very small cost by calling on Ed Love. To-day wo are opening np several hogsheads of brand-new ware; stock patterns and fancy pieces—all of the very best make. Whether yon are In need or not, come np and see what wo have to show yon, aod come, too, be fore everything Is picked over. .hJARDIIVIERES.. Some more of those pretty ones; assorted sizes. We know, and yon know, from ex perience that these don't tarry long on oar counters; so If yon wautone, (loot be always In saying so. They are at LOVE’S GROCERY, T. L OUNTON. Mgr. SUCCESS IN 1899. I Can Help You toil by Setting you, Good Groceries at Prices Usually Charged for the Ordinary Kind My Line of Syrups Ui UilftMl (Mtalu Mai. |k|l m «hN Hi »— • Own, Porto aSTSoi OrtSToSTMfer M* ^ There Are Other Lines, lJk« OhmI jmS kWlii la wMek I hi dImm ywk I Flonr* - „ I sin Mil Uh MMWOMlwUo VWAV’f'DOWW, ui WARUCKR BW, lb, ho* flow H IMS lor tho homt rhtna and Qneensware.

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