The Gastonia I D*»oto4 to lh« PnitMtlun ol Homo and the IntoTMU •) tk County* V<il. XX. (e&J Gastonia, N. C.. March 2, 1890. .— - - ■■■■■■■• ■ - - BILL ARP ON THB FRBEZE. Till DAYM or •• YK.IKN AO«. WlH IM < arrival lb* Rulb-Mov ha Cmm lur Yrwalai-M*rY Ihtil Mia* *; a Malar Mao. Whirr Morrary Waa 40 hr Ira. mu Arp la AlUau i I re mam Ur r—ye*. 1 roir.ouaber the oold Friday and titturJay of '30, when I was a little mall boy—and had to ride t'jn mall from lAwreuoeYllle to line well, twenty-four mile* end back lit a dey. Friday waa my day. rain or ahiue, cold or hot, and my mother cried when fathnr helped me on the high drome dary hone that morning; but I wat bundled up good, aud had warm wool en enck* over my those and a piir o( home-kult mltient on my hands and a woolen comforter erotzrri around my neok and ears, t thought I could stand It, for I wai voung kdu lough, aod full o( blood, and had been ralerd to wmk la the cold and to cbop wood aud to go lo mill, and my fatlier always laid Unit boys who wme railed rosy woo'd be no account and die bard. I made llie trip to Boswell In gnod tlmr, Unt It woe growing cottier and colder, and the drizzling rala had turned Into elect. For about en hour I eat l.y the post master's Ore and got thawed, lie urged me to stay all night, aod ould X would freeze to death on lb* road; bat I knew toy mother would Imagine 1 wat S'Hne where dead on Ibe way and l« die Ireeatd, and to the }to»lmaau-r helped roe on the okl dromedary sod I gave him the reins for home end held oa to tbe horn of llie saddle. He was a One traveler and paced up hill and down hUl all tne aame. H/the lime ( gut to Gregory’* bridge, on the ChaUulioo chee, 1 we* prwtiy well clad In Ice. and 0 h*0kx} wo* « pniu Burm umi his oars were full. I slopped in the shelter of Ills covered bridge a few minutes and round I wsa getting colder, for tho sleet had Uown under me on the laddie and into toy socks. A feeling of alarm Cato* over me, tor my fingers were onmh aod my feel too. Desperately I ducked to tbegood horse, sod away be wen', for there was yot sixteen mile* to make, aod the b)lew id was ou In earnset and It louksd like III* darkness of night bad aim*: come. Mile after mile was left tie Mud. sud I felt Uiat we could make It; but ail of a sudden, wheui I got toFairvlewchuicb, I lusllzsd that 1 had about Inst feeling, for I oooldn’t unclutch my hand from the horn of the saddle and 1 didn’t know whether my feet were In the stir rups or not. 1 was ooly two milrs from home and my good horse paced on. They were lo kiug for me—roy father and mother—eud as IIm horse rounded up to the bank door I almost fell Into their arms, snd ay hand was wrenched from its frozen grip oo the aa'die. I remember that, for it was U>e cold Fri day, snd the next day was colder. I wae robbed with turpentine and oil and tenderly Dorsad, and In a few days was reedy for another trip. We had no thermometers then,sod there is uu rec ord buw oo id it was, but 1 remember that birds wero fr zen iu lltn woods aod chickens ou the roost. I don’t know whether these Ihermometvre ure any advent age or not. The oilier room lug 1 got up end toon made s fire in two rooms end then went out lo the coaihouee to gat more coal for upstairs. I noticed that the back hall floor and the atepa and platform cracked strange ly aa I walked on them, and I ialt that it was oo id—very cold—but I never looked at the thermometer for Itself an hour and It wan 7 degrees below zero. I got colder Immediately, for I bad riever seen the mercury that low be fore, My opiDlon is that 10 degrees shove zero is shout as cold as 10 de gree! below If you have uo thermome ter. I can’t realize the difference, end that Is the reason why our northern brethren make so little fuse nboot weather 30 aod 40 drgreea below the mark. It 1« like the engineer who was called by a railroad committee to givs bit opinion about speed. Tliry asked him If it was more dsngarnuu to run fifty miles an hour Ihau forty, lie •eld no. "Can you ruo slaty na arfe as forty T” “Ves.” mid ha. "Mow about aeveoty or eighty ?” -Just as safe as forty,” be said, “for If you jump the track at forty yon will go to the devil, and that la aa far a* you can get at lot! ml let an hour.” Jnet so I doa’t care much wham the mercury gwrn nwr il get* Dtlow XU. I tu talking to an old friend from Maine about tlie weather, and be aakl he bad suffered about as much down here •• up there, but didn’t coffer long at a time—only a day or two; but up there it waaaever*] long weary tnooUt*. "Where 1 wai raised,” be auld, "the mercury wee far below zero for a month at a time, and I remember one long, weary night when It dropped to 30 and then 35 nod 40. There wen an old fashioned bo* stove in the big room. It waa made of thick rentable Iron and on bitter nights are crowded In wood and pine notll It waa rad hoi all round. Oo Hilt partial Ur night we boys had to turn round and round to keep from freezing on one eMn while are were •enrolling ou the other. About mid night the mercury dropped to 45, and tteliuilM crocked and pupped Ilka lit tle guna Father got alarmed, and being an old faaliloued Christian man. •aid, ‘Com<>, children, let ua all kneel down and prey.’ After prayer we plied more plo* Into the heater. Father as id to mother; “When XII ah* Kent Kane waa In tl<e a relies he Mid that be found that fattv matter waa better limn Bra sod he made Ida crew stuff Ihraumlere with whale blubber sod seal oil and grease and It •avrd their Uvea Ami so mother, you bad batter bring ua all the grease la the pantry.” Mot bar turned ns all loose on her lard and batter and fat meat sod we crammed It doan and It did da ua good. Ilut the meicury kept on dr-mping Father liad sn old donkey tbaVtrayeil Ihcreenatly all the fore port of tbe eight, hot about 3 O’clock he eeaaed and fattier said; “ My children, the pour old dookey Is dead.” About 4 o'clock there wsa a Bre In the little village. but nobody went to it Tbe family Bad tu the nearest bouse for refuge. Just before daybreak Ilia ukt curr began to rite a little and fatlier eald: ‘Come children, lot ua kneel down and give lliaoks to Uod for Hit merey." "Well. IV *«> glorious to asa the big, round, rod tun nee aud thine lu the wln'dnwa i.ext morning. About Ihle time we heard a racket lu tlw barn which wit near by and father arid i "lloyw, go uutand tee If tbit doukey it alive." Aud sure enough bo wwa und Ultra he stood faclug the door with an lolole sticking out of lilt mouth three feet long und ua big at the base as n coffee pot. HU bray had frozen end frozen to u sharp point and had •topped up Ida month so effectually, ho couldu’t bray any more. That's wtml ay frieud told me, but N, B. he waa a newspaper nine. Well, I’m nov going to write a pcein on the beauti ful ioow, for I don’t like It, Mpoelaliy when 1 am the bay—the ouly boy about the honar, aud have lo keep trotting to town or the woodpile or cialhouto, or somewhere. Rut tlw children like It. :tnd there’! anmr comfort lu Hint, aud the other day while I wit trump. Ing slowly to the town on the slippery walk I met n pretty lady, a middle aged matron, and just before sJio gut to ale ber foot slipped backward him] the other extremity had to bend for ward and ala unde me tlw prettiest little court way I ever had made to lua. Sho never lust her parpendicotar, but Just cams down gracefully on one buns [ like I have seen girls do lu lbs parlur 1 danoe. Of course t lipped my hat aud satd, "Thank you. madam " She colored up and smiled and spoiled It all by aaying. "I didn't mom lo." I haven’t told my wife about it yet, for our golden wedding Is near it hand and it ie no time for these Irregular! ties It was the branUful. the allokery. trickery snow Dial did it. I had to ■hovel it nut of the iwtbwuy from my nnuse 10 in* aired i ju yarns, to tuat my women folk! could walk without wetting their shoe* and stocking*, hat every ouo of them, even to nay wife, prepared lo w*d« in the beautiful •not, and Iho girls found a ditch where It w«s knee deep and wailed iti that. That’s the way they impose ou a pom old boy like nr. Hut there limit ao much diflen-uce between heal and cold after ail. Both destroy sensation uud vitality aud wither and blast vegetation. They are very closo skin. Not long ago a roan tohl tna he witnessed Urn experiments made In New York with liquified all'. Uo saw the diiooyrrer place a tumbler half full of It In thn Center of a Urge pan of water, (u less than a minute the water was ail Boxen Into solid ice. Then he took uo Iron rod three feet long and *s large around ua a cedar pencil and put one end in the tuiublei ucd while It rested there he touched a lighted match to tl/e other end, aud It look Gie and burned furiously tiutil tbo whole rod was oourreti. Me declared that a trnaponuful of Ibis llqoited air placard In a refrigerator would freer* everything In It and keep it frozen for three or four days, aud that ice would tnou lie made at 111 cents fur a thousand pounds, and all tbe ice factories be closed forever, m.d he aaitl that this liquified air bad five times the destructive power of dyna mite. The operator made lemonade and cocktail* for the party and froae tliern by dropping a very small drop in rar.ii glass. How is thsty But—N. B. Tbs gentlotnao who solemnly told me this Is a newspaper mou. too. sawTMRmsr ufiartr. Rnt It Tuak llliu Three Tear* to KrnrU Tkat OmrII. The following story 1* told of • Tull adnlphla millionaire who bos been dead same years, rays the Youth’s Gimp<ra fok. A young roan came In hlin one day and asked pecuniary aid to start him In business. •’Do you drink asked lira million aire. “Ones in a wlnlo.” “Slop It I Stop It fur a year mid then come and see ate." The yuung matt broke off the habit at ones, and at tbe ood of tlio year c’amn to are llie rulllionnre again. “Do you smoke naked the suoresa ful man. “Now and then." 1 'Stop it I Stop It for a year and then com* and are me again.'• Tig young man went home and broke •way from tb* habit. It took him sons time, bat finally he worried through tbe year and presented him self again. “IX> you chew?'* asked the philan thropist. “Yea, I do," was the desperate reply, “Stop It I Stop It for a year and then eutne to tee m« again.4’ The young mou stopped chewing, but he never went hack again. When asked by his anxious friends why Its never called ou the millionaire again, lie replied that ha kuew exactly what tbe man waa driving at. “He*d have told me that, now that I have Stopped drloklog aud smoking and obewlog. I mast have saved enough to start my self In husiueaa. And 1 have. Wo Mmn Moo lalrr. Orreoviiiu niOniw. Tbs 'Jalfiuli Ov/itt« w«nti I» km»w It lbs freexa baa killed the potato ban. Walt until the potatoes are planted and come up nod you will dud out. . It M very bard to stand Idly l>y aed are our doer ones suffer while awaking the arrival of the doetor. An Albany (X. Y.) dairyman culled at a drug atom there for a doetor to oome nod ecu l is child, then very arch wkh croup Xot finding the doetor in, lie left word for bia to come at once on hi'return. fin also bought a bnllie of Oamberlalu’a Cough Remedy, which lie lu/uerl would give some mltrf until the doetor riroulri arrive, la a few honra he returned, •ayleg the doctor need nor come, aa the ehlld wea much better. Tim drug Cut, Mr. OUo fJctola, says Ute family «a alnee reoomraeedrd Chamberlain’! Cough Remedy to tbetr neighbor* end Irhnda until be htg a twee) ant demand for It from that part of the country. Tot adle by t. B. Carry A Company. TRUSTS, TRUSTS, TRUSTS. TIIKT 411 OW IT RT TUK Ml-OBB. !•■> ■■ OB P»J. (Him a IrwOlfSHw'l ■swing rp-lfexy Ini In Tlw, tm, H»t Imi Belbre Ihn iiniir/ Will to Bun by TBmmT trihntoxton m.»r, retail. Till* eouulry produce* more wheat, more eullou, more corn, more meat, more frait and more of levrra) oilier thing* than any otiier country in lb* world, nod it produces more Trait* than all tba other couuttie* combined. They don't grow, they just spriug up a* It war* ipoutatMOUi. but (bey multiply right along. It 1* an oil day got that om or more ara not added tn Ui« scores prttionsly lu martinet, so tint one would have to do aooie thinking Pi uamo aoroethlng on which a IroM had not been formed, that it soaselbing on which it was worth while to form a Trust. We have them and limy teem to l» liera to *t«y. unite*, perhaps, they get to Drilling and destroy each atber. Timm U no ons so lowly lltat tlmy don't reach bln nor so exalted that they don't reach him. bat lb* ex alted fellow lias the advantage of the lowly fellow for they cao’t pinch him quite to hard. Us Is belter able Co tUud tbn pinching, and then he stands a better ohaucc. of getting inside of some Trust amt bocmnlng one of tbs pincnrra riinnii, lit uaa quite an U• ►iriaicot to choose from, as Ills faucy Incline*. There are Wheel Tram, Corn Trnete, Flour TruiU, lleef Trust!, Pork Trusts, Fish Trusts, Cracker Trusts, lliscuit Trusts. Oil Trusts, Bmp Trusts, hugar Trusts, Coffee Trusts. Balt Trusts. Starch Trusts, Dried t'roit Trusts. Orange Trusts. I<emon Trusts, St**; Trusts, Nall Trusts. Win Trusts, limp Iron Trusts. Edge Tool Trusts, Hemp Trust*, Hope Trusts, Twine Trusts, logging Trusts, (las Trusts, Electric Light Trust*, Furniture Trusts, Pottery Trust*. Ulsss Trusts, Coal Trusts. Uatcli Trusts, Itnbber Trusts, Leatlier Trusts. • Paper Trusts. Paper line Trusts, Envelop Trust*, Lumber Trusts White. Lsi’i Trusts, Vani ieli Trusts. Ice Trusts. Tobrccor Trusts, Cigar Trust*. Cigarette Ti oats. Whiskey Trust*, | niim trust, am iisai oui not least,) I C'ndiii Trust*. I Tills is not all. for Uiere are several I hundred* nf them. These are simply some of llw m iM promluont, but thoro Is scarcely au aitlcle iu cummoo use Id Hie country which Is not cool rolled to a greater or less extent by a Trust or Trusts. There Is scarcely an «rtlolo lint the people use on cither tlisir per son, iu their homes or In their business that they do uot pay tribe to upon to some T: nat. It Is not so many years ego when n (4,(100,000 Trust wss considered a big thing, but uot so now. Now (20.000, WOO Trusts am quite common, and (50.000,000 and 1100.000.000 Trails cease to excite surprise, when they ere followed closely up by (SOO.oaO.OOO or (400.0UO.0U0 Trottv Of course In oil these figures a good deal of allowance must b* made for water. Growing as they ar*. beoomlug oior* numerous as they are. bow long will It bn before they own tbs eouutry, dictate its legislation and make llw ballot box s mockery ? They do ibis to a large extent now. for there never yet was an attempt matin to hold them In restraint that they did not defy, and no law pitaed to curb them that they did not Ignore. With their millions they em ploy and keep constantly in their ser vice tbe beat legal talent In tbe country and pay It princely Solaris*. They own many of the best lawyers In the coun try, who** business It is to watch legis latures. to note lfta laws soncted and if Umt* b* any outt-Trust legislation, to proeeod at once to make their plans to nullify It ir the attempt h* made to en force It. There are United Mutes statutes and Huts statute* to curb thsm, but they have gone on increasing In atimber. In proportion* and la pow er, and no snooeesful effort haa yet been made to brtog them within the bounds of the law. And they have able newspaper de fenders. too, as well as able lawyers. The business of tbs newspapers Is to work on public aentlassot, to prevent restraining Irgiabtlloo. They argue that tbe Trust Instead of heiog an enemy of the people Is a friend of the people, insteadof beings priee-raln-r It is a price-lowerer, end Instrad nf be ing an enterprise crustier by monopoly It Is a promoter of enterprise And a de veloper of rcsourees. And that’s all that ean ha aald for them and this la a mere tssumpUnn. for If soma articles •ell for Irsa now than they did some years ago tt draw uot follow that ws owe this tu lire Trusts. f.»r It Is lb* re sult si in ply nf larger production. By producing the larger quantity the Trust may sell for less, hot when It seaa fit It usii raise priors ard almost Invariably does whto them la a lam demand f.*r a seareity nf th* article which It contiol#. When tbs sveatlier «rt« ooid enough tn create un ixtranr diesry demand for fuel the Coal TiuuU ran ap the priest end tin nonawgisv most shim or p»y thsm, for the Trust control* the coal market. When the weather gets warm o-.ough to create an extraordinary demand for loe the Ice Truata rnn up the price and the consumer must pay It or suffer, for (h: Ice Truata ooulrvl the ice market. And ao with everything elec, with everything «rd eat. drlok, wear or us». While It has tba power to Ax tbe l*Ice of what It mHa, so ha* U tba power to fix tho price of what It buys, for it l* the only buyer and line no competitor, sod also the power to Ax the price of tl>e labor It employ*, it name* its own price for tho raw ma terial it uses, aad for the labor It employs, and this la «ns of the reason* why It can afford to sell for less than other* can. but It la thus robbing tba producer of the raw matarlala It use* and the skilled and unskilled labor that cooveru tbis raw material Into finished ffooda, to put money Into tt* owu enfleta No Trust was over formed to bsurfit the public, and no Trust was ev-r formed that didn't hurt the public more than It beueflUfd it. Trusts do not succeed by competition; tbey de pend for success upon absorption or crushing competition, wblcb gives them monopoly. Tbey are lot simply combi eat luoa of capital. They are more than that, they ara monitor com binations of capital to srash leaser combinations of capital. There la a dlfierenee, and a vast difference, be tween Trusts soil combination* ef oapital, wblcb tbs Treat advocatredo not consider, for they ole** all combin ation* of capital a* Trusts, when they are essentially different. Simple coin btpa trout of capital com pot a with each other both In selling and in buying. Trusts compete with nothing; they crua,i If they can and then bold mono p<i!y aud fix both their selling and their buying prlee. Her w»m»ry liana MI*s Uello Bar ranger, an employe of 8ch-ieri'a millinery at ore, 14 West Lex Ington itr^t says the Baltimore 8en. met with a peculiar aftlietinn about 8 o’clock yesterday morning, which Is supposed to hare been caus>d by tbs rxlreme colil. The young lady was on her way to her place of employment, cuming from her home in northeast. Baltimore on a Usd Hue car, when the care lee ruin tied up at Gay and L*x Ington street*. Dealring to reach the ■tors at the usual hour, Miss Uirran ger left the car nod started to walk along I> xlugton alreel. From tbe time she reached Calvert uud Lexington atreeta until she got to Mies Bariaoger'* memory was blank, and when site reached the store her sight area cone 8on>e of tlm other smployig noticed her groping ber way In and naalsled her. For over an hour the yooug lady was almost completely blind. Os tlm way ahe bad dropped her pocket book, containing six dollars, and also a lunch basket. After receiving medical at tention Miss Rarranger recovered and was entirely well by midday. 81m says It Is a my story to bar how she found her way from Calvert and lasxingtou streets to the store . an. RnMiSarant Ufa*. I.s«t Wednesday morning Hi*. Ban nett Smedrt, ltector of the famous Su Mary’s sunool died at lii* homo In Raleigh. The »*'* unit Oberrm- says: Ur. Smwte* w*s educated at the old l^iVfjoy Academy and Trloily School of lin* city and graduated at St. Jiiqk College, Maryland. He warn ordained Priest on the 20th day of duly. 1801. was ahsplatn In the Con fedora to army and for turn a tint* the assistant minis ter of Unu’e eliorch. Roltintore, when the lata llishop A. Cleveland Coxa was the rector. Ilia degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred by lbs XTulver slty or North Oarnl'mv. At the time or hi* death sod for years before It was the honored Secretary of the Standing Committee of the Diocese. Examining Chaplain, and a trmrtee uf St Augus tine School. For 37 years Mr. Smedas waa con nected with hla chief work 8t. Mary’s School to till* city—Irom I8CJ to 1877 as (teacher end aSaittsnt to hla father who rounded that noble nursery of the daughters uf tbo church— and from 1877 —the date of hla father's death to tills time as Its lteetor. tflwTWtMkwIi AgMth A special from Greenwood, 9. C., to Uie Atlanta ./cwniif toy* About 100 arawd end more or leai In furiated cltiaeua from lire Phoenix mo tloo came In (own last night In aeareb o£ Joe Tblbert, who bad not been here since last Thursday’ which fact, It is said, Is known to the would-be lynchers, but they thoogbt to terrorist the ton by tlvelr pretence Tb* grievance being that Tolbert hail pot up atone of the huteti mud soiae of the leading clilxana had ex prmaed the wiah that ll>« Tolberts bs allowed to wind up Ihelr business liete. Rxorut for the u h users ««ry ahuie and intlinldatioa of tb* chief of poller, for whieh there Is likely to be some |>rueeeulloM. tb" oruwd war orderly wbll* In town Quit* a number of very l>rom|i«nt cltlxe< # were In Uie crowd U> prevent lawlessness. K is claimed by their opolngtsta. Kla Www wneng Mans. Atlanta UtnvUtullow. A olUasti who was not on the recent relief committee received the follow mg letter from an old negro man who ba1 formerly been In hi* employ: -Maree Bill: Deer Rr*«i: t |* tol* dat dey gwlne ’ruon stributla' goods ler de po*. Man* Bill, you well knows dat I d* pu'r*' nigper die side er Vrce dnm. Ho for, so good. So», 1 wantr you ter nee yoer ’(lueeo* ley git ms some what dey eWlbllllo*. 1 want* a bar'I er self rlaln’ tloriry two lutme, eu nsldorr tweei. one bar’l er pearl grits (git ii« right wren, Marse HIU 1) two gullona er ma|de sorrup; one sack or sill; idx pound’* er coffee: u dollar’* wutli wr sugar, and Maras Bill —ef hit don’t go *g*lu dey conscience, -er beet a nuart er oe'n ticker, to’r de of man kin fit his dram I | mu wuNn«m. FrrMMl mm* Mhnwlw talAR twri UhmIIbk. KmrYvrit Wort*. C»mi*x at Urn uatiooal capital among tli« kw soakers and prominent olUelal exlata largely a* a memiwy with *»« Of the Alder Senator* and Beprn •entatlTCa who warn hue wbea Um inilghta of Uia green cloth ImM tell awaT U0d»r prutestlnu •>{ tb* law, and “HrludleV’ on Itowylvank avenue near the capital, wu the nightly ra ■ort of thoae whoae name* wen on Ui* Up* of ell tlm people. Poker playing W *Ull a paatlm* with •one of the Senator* and Oongremmm. and alnsoet nightly tlmre U a aeket alt Ung about In aome *M)aestcred room In Uia prominent hotel*. The Waatam and Southern roan are lb* chief petrous of these friendly gamea. Sometime* tlm stakes rue fairly high In thro* gamea, when the opponent* are ! akllful pluyrr* and have fat beak ao ! ooouta, bat rarely more Uian. SdOO or $300 change* haode In a night at the** gathering*. There are plenty of profeoaloeat game* running, however, where the Mnuiger and humid* government clerk mar have Um honor of tilting with “Senator” or “CongreMaua” So-and So’ and aeelag that reteemed gontb nttn, with a winning smile, rake In ail ttio chips nround lb* board. A penial rot Inquiry into Um ideally of the** vague “Senators and “UoagratenM” will develop the fact that Umy an State Senator* long since retired from publio Ilf* or dougrasMoen who ware cere to tba days bark to whloh Um mind of tb* present generation run oath not. Donation*lly « genuineClougieaa uian or Sotintor dee* drift Into thee* gamro, but tlm one trip I* usually *uf clent. Kkc UKTAIlV WlLaOX KOT O'AHMUG Secretary of Agriculture Wilson la a man thoroughly lu tors arltb bla work, and although he takrei a grwt Interest In the stirring a rants nf the day. with which be baa (wiped to deal, bla raptelal depart meet and tba Work cut out for him are always uppermost in hit thoughts. In the ticking periods ]tut prarloot to and daring tb* earlier stagre of I ha war he waa a regular at tendant at the cabinet meetings and waa frequently picked out by news paper mm as a good anuron of haws. Secretary Wilson would always mm away <i too peralatent enquirer by a pr>Moiai to gire him a moat Inu-rentlog atmy on the beet sugar Industry or the naw bugs Just found (u South Carolina If the newap >per man would only ao enmyany him to lb# department, hut the disgusted neweiaiherer would at. w»J» decline with thunks. Home of Secretary Wilson's rural rrlimda and visitors at the depart ate o l imagine that ha la virtually engaged In farming and agricultural experiments about the department grounds and ask the laborers tlieie tolling at what part of the grounds they can Hud ''Jim," Seereury WUaon rerenti this Idea in a playful way and atauw that ho wants the fact advertised broadly Hut he has an office in which to receive visitors and is seldom engaged h, cutting the grass or doing lue Job) about the de partment grounds. noica A l.inrcnkLsi’BXOJca Many employes about the capttol, public building* and liolale In Washing ton are still mourning tba death of tbe into Calvin Brine, as Iki was wttliuut dnnbt the moat liberal “spender" of any man In public Ufa lu Washington In re cent year*. Urn p3ckaU|:were always lined with crisp grrcr.liaeka, und no, service rendered him Oould be so smell an to reoeive a payment that wentd cause him to Cbance oee uf these bills. A pain Imy would get a dollar for ae , errand, a barber a dollar or two ror at- | trillion to his bair and heard, and a hack drlvor who took him to tbe cap! tot or from there to bli home usually received a note In payment fur bis trips. Snell liberality dind wltb Brice, for liter* H no man holding office In Wash ington to-day llist Is half ao liberal with hi* pnoket money. The cabinet ministers overwork tbe public vehicles provided for them, end it la not an an usual sight lo see a Senator or Cwa grrtamao disputing wltb a hacknua over bie faro on tba eapllol piacss. Must of them use tbe street car* as their means of conveyance, bat Calvin Brice never weul two Mocks without giving some pour Jehu the Job and 1 paving him liberally. ncAtnc srox ox ni* xoxcxaxr. A month age a Mack spot appaarad awsy up on tba north aide uf tbe Wash logtou monument. The spot was strikingly brought out by tbe Intensity of tbe white Issckground famished by tbe giant shaft, and It iiaiaraily aroused tho earlosity of sH thnee who mw IL The Mot appeared froas Penn sylvania avenue to be about the alas of a pill bra and a raw locbA below one of tbe window* through which sight seer* get a view of th* entire District of Colombia and on clear days parts of Maryland and Virginia. Closer Inspection from il»* bottom of the hit! on which the ebaft elands re vealed Use blotto be a bex like arrange ment apparently a foot square. The paileesben at the tnobumeo -are reticent on all eeoaslon*. They are made *o by having hundred* of trivial queetlsns Died at then) every day. and visitors who ashed qnmtlees about tbe box reoelsod little satlefaoMo* A* a matter of feet tbe box. which Is a* large a* a good steed peeking cat*, wna placed them under the direction* or Col. Theodore A. Bingham, ihg mi gkievr ofloer In charge of pnMIo build in ft sod ground* end IneldeoUilv of (lie monument. U eoulalne cue of the (Meet tbermonsefeis made end a lob of Instruments front the settler bureau which notouieitoally register the tem perate**. Tbe box la hauler! up lo to the win iViw frees which It I* suspended nao* a wrea aud the rreord sxamlovtl. Th* matramenta were pUrod Here ror Urn •rap-rimental puriewee, and the reeuHs daring the rsernt aero teal her srora startling, the temper*'are :m feel above the eirU ehsateg the mercury dewo almost to the bottom nf the tab*. g*«gfey^Bg; •tat ptavkleiatM — *1J ■•* t mrolf mi «£. , l"***'* Wc~ ss S'A.-.SSSs swsfflT-* ~"srrvry"tr2£ fWWff H|m ) jij_ — fr <n. , =*tc» *f iu —-Tll „^£J'trnin iiiiuiSSaSiiii For uk by 1. H. KtUTMEDY * CUMPAMY. : UrnMb) Journal, Frh.M. Oot Diek Mitchel. who apeat tome month* hum laid yaw aa aa employ* ! of the foundry, bat who left ban aad want to Oaatmia laat mmamr, waa arretted Teeeday night oo a warrant oiMntlog hi* “with the attaataUaa to ■any, while bale* a married mea." Mltcbcl’a bratal treat meet of bla wife while they Uyad hem waa Uia town talk aad railed tha iodigoatioa of all who knew the facta. After they mored ta Gattonla. aba waa forced to bwvt btm. 81m treat ta tha home of bar pemata at MtatmvIHe, aad. It ia aald, baa applied for adlaoree. it aaaam that oa Triad ay areata* Mra. Pantile Daria merited luforau Um that her daughter, Mtea MaggW SSSjTWfTSfdyxS bat failed ta pet the daughter to ta torn barn# with bar. A warnmt wet tbao a worn out aad MttriMf- waa ar< mated aad jetted ia default of bead. When arraatod, ba elaiawd to hare beoo dlaoraad from bte wife. Wudaee day Um Wife tulrgrapbcd fro.o gutat rtllo that ao dlruraa baa beam iraklki atiiwa vu uiuu«uk ivr inn wore Nstidree Reuuiot and Grigg WMaaa* day afternoon and Ota trial laited until after 0 o'clock laal night. Mlaa Davia took iho Hand for tea defendant, tfta ateted that aka had knows and loved Mltnbel alnee Joee tart when ha made "hie fir* declaration of leva" white ha waa living with hie wife; that abe became m gaged to bin in November, last, end expected to be married lo him wlien life wife get a divorce from him, that aba bad eortee pooded with lum after lie left here; that aha had iroeived a note from him aliortly before the arnet which begin, "Idy lire clou i darliug." etc. After bearing mi Hie evidence and the argument of onuuael. the mogta tratea required Mltctiel to give bond in Uie aum of fcftt) for hia appearaooc at court, lie could not glvu bind and wua commuted to JalL tf Im Davh la a very handaome glri, of magnificent figure. about 17 yeaie oM. bright and Intelllgewt. MUetnrt Is apparently id yeara of age, lank and "hanky looklirr, with Iron-grey hair. He claim* to bn a tHwniard. He I* a great Diaffi-r and braggart. foeV mouthad and protona. with nothing at tract I ve about blm. Mias Davia bad Irft brme and re foaed to return. After Mltohel vat Jelled aha waa arretted on a war runt tmoed by R*q S. P. Huarrhl, waa Ukeo to her home and released. TIm A—Omswt. Msuavlilo load nark. The proposed ooDttltallooal amend ment hiA been adopted by both braaolma of tbo legislature-by Um House last Friday and tba Senate Saturday — receiving the renuMto lliree-ttfths majority lo oooh. U now Boss to tbo hoopla for ratlOostioo or rvjroUon and win ba voted upon by llmo lu Anwt of oast year under ad eieetiou law wbioti UlU 1a(Ma ture will frame fur tbo oeoaolon. Our raadora ore familiar with IU pravioloM. Its avowed purpose ts te dlsfraoehlM Um IU I terete oegro with* oat dtsfrenehistej tb* lUItteret* white Tbit io effected by oreacrlMng that ovary voter shall bo oMo to read ead write, but exorptlog from ibis requirement alt pereoo* who wore vown oa tbo lri day of January, 1M7, or whoso fatben and grandfath er* were voter* *t that data. Verm were not voters tboa hot white ten War*, do It eaemi that tbU shots oat Um Meek llllttereu bat eot Um white, TM promoten of ttale proposed amendment asd the DtmoeraUe party maaegors hove no doubt of tu rati IteMlaa hv Um people; Indeed, tbair belief lo that lb* majority for M win bo over whelm tog. It H won Utah It 1* to ba voted for ateaa ood at a tfamo other tkaa that of a general eteotlon, as that H will not ho baeteoded by other leeore, tod If It ta relifted Dm white twople of tlw State osu divide on nubile qemUoor; la a word weeaa have some p»HUo* In Um State. Here tofore wo Lire bad latte more tb** 0 ooter Boo. os the right aide of whtah Urn greet majority at wMa •“ hmre rerigsd tnemaalvea, With lt°s regard to their vtewa up— tba le*^ Iusolved la tea eteotlon. We here eared meay doctor MO* n bottle open all Um time and when ever any df ay family or aeymlf beats ,to eatah ould we begin to are the 11 ough Remedy, aad ai a result 1 w* never hava to sead away for a doctor and incur a large doot«r hill, ter Cbnoi be ruin's Cough Ilemedy oarer tell* la onm. It la eariolnly medMbw of greet merit aad worth. — 1). a Mkauklo. <Unreal Marabout a»d Karaart, Mali*, tttdSmd ooaety, Pa. curvy * Company. Tame u *7 family better knows and loerd la all the state than thfe. BIO Arp* same la 1 IsaakoM owo; U tatter*. Mad wkb the smmUm prefer, pttboa, wit aad baiur abkh pefe isaka ap Mb bare ban wkfetp teed aad Mpii Tba Arp baaaa (a Oerterarllle la yeoy taoue wkb boapiwiitp. aad tba f*aat bawaa. mat lag re ks bOI creel, baa beaa shavre d rest aed comfort taka inmntee. a pleoo of pleasure and bapptoaaa to Us greats. Tim gentle spirit of tbe Smith lioaia batd la Mra. Smith bereatf, wbs ha that aadtxataadtog of Ilia wblah baa aaablad bar to tborregblp oumprshead lUe art of home mekluf. She U the Uad of woman, tool teed fap bar baa toad. »*r children -rise up and call tor bUaaad." Tba golden anal Ternary of tbla coaeta k Mag aanartj ssUafealsd. Tbala vltettone laaaed ao tor ap la tba thoueenda, for maap ban tota toddaa to this oalatoattoe. Tba daaonttlaas for that dap will to In gold color, and waddlag balls will to formed of Bowers climbing through their fragiwoa. Mr. and Mra, Smith wiH to aar rouoded bp ttolr oMIdtae aad graad chUdren, and a lovely picture will tto grasp make. Tba United family will to Mr. Blare toakh. of Home. Mr. Royal tettX, Mra. Uaorga Aagrrp, of CertotavMs. Ur. Krank Smlio, of Ohio, Ur. Vic tor 8«nlib. of Mow Yark, Mlat Merton toakh of Cartarwttfe, Urn. Strife Brumlr, Dr. lutph Smith, Of Daorttol Mr. Cud Smith, of Maafeo. and Mra. WMlIaaa Yoang, of Oartara Yitta. Tba toaaUp clroU will alia fedadsibs bostonda and wire* of tto Smith deagbtara aad aore, aad Uw grandoblMraa. twenty le ammtor. aad Mr. and Mra. Health* foster ehiklreo, ! Mm Julia Iraraoa fatten aad Mrs. Wlanfe lYtraoa Randolph and ttohr four children May and smears wfll ba tto fottm *•*“ of .^noee extended to Mr. aad Mia. Hill Arp an tbla reUaa day of tbatr 1 Was.

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