The Gastonia to the Protection 09 Horn end rii ■ IntnvMtt OJ 1 Vol. XX. (■«&»?•■£« rSUfife*.} Gastonia, N. c„ March 0, 1890. «■——»w=g—o———w——■■——P9—o—■—a—— ATTACHMENTS 11 CONGRESS. Min xot4hiji mrucn citn. lautulilu IMria mt fmnaliiiAl «ia ■ rlr*-* kjr Aaw t—lay-A nwnf-* Pair rna T»u-T«« rallkflU Bfca»a >U«A Btyaaala* inn -Barfc SaallJb'a A«naiar« Wltla •Im irlaaaa Aaalatal - wiyawalk nal ikt lawaury-tan Km4 mm m Calama Uftlw ftaa That of Maw Mytiaaa. A\oot J. l\uamln«* In Ubnrlotlw OMm tr. WAtHXKoros, Feb. SI—A slogolar feature of Congressional life la tbe companionship It creates. Hen come together from every pert of tbe Union, like boy* lo school. Some form sc qaalbtaoceahlpe very quickly, and thov last through life; ol here ire backward and reserved, but after one or two ses sions s friendship le camemed that usually remains unbroken. A third class stands upon Its own d'-golly and goes to and return* from tbe capital every day nuaccompauled. Some are nnitad apparently by bonds of sympa thy, other* are attracted by good-fai lowablp, and a faw become associates through tba bonds of mutual Interval*. Uoaom friendship, boarever, ta very rare. There are cynics and boon com panion a tramping along Pennsylva nia avenue to the capital—Pylades and Oreals* lo oenUast with Tluoa of Alban, and an occasional Diogenes treading In their wake. Tba attachment between Oaurga P. Edmunds sad Allen J. Thurman In tba Senate yean ago »** ardent and tin ears and aatomed almost natiooal Im portance. Roth mu war* of remark able legal attainment*. Each admired the other, and both enj yed the asso ciation. They dined together and spent hours In tba committee-room lo aoelal Intercourse. And la after years, when the rlvar of lime had borne them from the realm of politics, the memories of Uvelr friendship Oiled lbs twilight of life with enchantment. Another remarkable case of mutual attraction waa lltal between Jo Abbot and David B. Culberson, of Tease. They wet* lotapersbi*. They earns to the House together, aud departed In each other's company. Thsy lived at the same hotel, laid rooms uimn tlx sasna Moor, aud paid the same price. They at* at Uia aama table, drauk tbe aaaaa beverage* and smoked th* asm* cigar*. lo the loog summer even log* they sat In front of their bold In old fashioned arm chain and discussed politics la a quirt way enjoying them selves as matal comrade* only oen. Ao Incident illuauatiog tbe harmontons neas of their friendship occurred near (ho close of tbe Fifty-fourth Congress. (>u the last Sunday of tlx aeaaioo they went down tba rivet on aa excursion. Tbe bean-bag game, Vb* merry -go-rouad nod Paul Boyton'sobute war* In active operation. Abbott evinced an In tercet lu tlx cbnte, and, against Colberaoo's protest, embarked for a voyage. It was an unfortunate embarkation. Re lott bit balance a* well aa bla bat and was seriously Injured when the boat struck tbe water. Wbeu Congress adjourned he waa nuubt* ta leave bis bed, but bla old friend did ool desert him. He remained with him night sod day until he became convalescent, and they traveled beck ta Texas to Mtbar, When Gen. Ambrose E. liurnaide yras a Senator from Rhode Island bis most intimate friend and aaaoelata was Senator Henry R. Anthony, of the same State. Anthony waa an Inveter ate olgaratte smdkar, while Burnside .-(.joyed a good cigar. One day whan they warn coming out of the capital to gether they met a newsboy smoking a cigarette . Burnside chided him pater nally, faying that It lx did not stop that pernicious habit, it would serious ly Injure him nnd perhaps cause bla death. "IKi, no, Senator," the boy respon ded, “You are talking through your hat. Sent,tor Anthony ha* been amok log cigarette* for sixty toar* and they never naea hart him." Tbe frleodabip of these Hhod* Island Senator* baa Its counterpart in the Homo to-day. Iler lteprmentrtlr'S are Melville Boll end Adln B. Caproa. Their attachment stems to be nearly a* strong ae was that of tbe Siamese twine. It la a perfect social artiouU Mow. They agree In all thing* aod work together in entire harmony for the welfare ot the Providence . pitots tlowa. It la the only delegation In Con gress where there la no dire ratty of opinion. They occupy bachelor apart ment* In theism* hotel, employ tbe same secretary. Invariably lunch to gether, sod are In each other's society at alt times aad place*. They are never aapmlsd, except when attending Use earn Inna of theiy respective oommlt teea. Their sffl by is rseognlmd by everybody. A Southern Cocgremman remarked tbe other day that when Bull took e soda eoekuil it solid as a tools on Caproa. This friendship I* un doubtedly beneOelal to the Htate of Jlboda Island. When Caproa It In a committee Bull remaloe oo tbe door of house, watching Its lit* rests, and when Ball Is In n eommltte Caproa takes bis tura at the wheel. John Allen of klkutaslppt. and Col. job* B. Fellow* were also lot I male •* too late*. A1' boar la tbelr society w*a as eatarulnlng as a tbeaUkoal perform niaacw. The flow of wit and humor wa* uormtrataad. Bach had the facul ty of extracting feeetlou*ne*e from the other to the adtamment ot alt IlMeoero. At time* they wen epigrammatic. and aeoo experts at badinage aad rrpsrtaa Tbe saeoelaUoa «*e severed, however, when Alkw retired from Oangrma. HInc* that lime Alisa appear* to he without a raanlag mate, yet bit whim stealitie* era a* setertalnlng ae over. The Incoming Congress ocglrt to for niah an iotofieot that wrtn again give them extra play. Mark dmlth of Aitxooa. else has bis 7Idas Achates la damsel M. Robinson He eemm from lb* lagoon* of LoaM •ml Beth are mighty bantam, aod Or***- psmewhat of a flkhrrmen. Ha lost his taking friend foer ywere ego, when Myron Wrlgbl of Pennsylvania, died. Bottom cull female* with bln ■nd Uury frequently awaken tbo oeboe* In tbo Democratic oloakroon wild Utalr wild atortca of Southwestern Ufa. Of late, however, tba delegate from Arizona bae made tba pace rather bot foe tbe gentleman from Louisiana. Bobineon baa flooded tbe room with mirvalona reminleosoees of Bold a porta In the AtchafnUm country—bear fights, alligator trouble*, and aaillful •bot* at the wonderful pappabot. but was oaat in tbe ehade when Mark Smith described bis hairbreadth adven ture* in bunting tba terrible axolotol on tbe burnieg sands uf Arizona. There were three Mexican* be*idee the aaolotol la Mark’s company. Tbe axolotol clung to Ilf* with tbe tena city of a snapping turtle. He blew hi* breath In the face* of tbe Mvxlaan* aud they dropped dead. On tbe following d»v Boberlaoo waa naked wlial tad become of ble ebum Smith. | aoo't «uow." he replied. “H chummed with Mark up to a very ro oeat date, bet be got eo bed I bed to quit bin." Tba friendship of Djmonaod Pythias la aptly illustrated In the Maseacbu aalta delegation. Oaorta w. Wey mouth represents tba Fllehburg and George 1*. Lawrence Uia Leoox dis trict. Badi servlug bis lint term, Lawrence being elected to Oil ilia va nancy caused by tbe death of Asbiey 11. Wright. Tbeir friendship btgao in tba Massachusetts Legislature. where Law reooe was president of tbe Senate, sod Weymouth a member oT tbe lower bousa Tba association wes re do wed when Lawreocs arrived In Washington. Wemnutb Inducted biin Into the Bleu - eiolan myeterlee of tbe departments. The corner of tbsee departments was tbe PoatolUod Department. Iters are usually centered all tbe troubles attend ia« n now Goagresunsu when a new adaslulstraUou cornea Into power. Weymouth had fairly surmounted his owu troubles whan Lawrenoe entered tba House. Tba latter bad about 100 now poet masters to appoint. Part of them ware legacies left by hla prede eaaaur. Tba friendship developed iu the Massachusetts Legislature was sympbonlsed by tbs aid aud advloe of his more expecleuood oolleaguea. Car tala Is it that then aiaooUUou la firm ly knit. Tbta is rendered all the more remarkable because they ate of differ ent temperaments and tastes. Wey mouth Is a strict business man —a basi lar to the departments and In the field of Uglstattou. litre. Indeed Is it that a Congressman of Ida first term secures a public butldlug for bis dtatrlot, yet Weymouth drove a bill through the committee of tbe whole for a public building in Fitchburg, and If It peases tits House It will be due to bis personal influence and popularity on tbs Boor. Lawrence, on the contrary. Is a lawyer bright and witty, sod abreast with tbe Uteralare of the day. Ha la a g jo I speaker, and orjs who can make him self felt In discussion. Weymouth has had a remarkable po litical career. Ho bad never held pub Us office, and within one year waa a member of the legislature, a delegate to a national Republican convention, and a Congressman!-eclsct. He was ta ken aback Uta Oliver day, bowaver, when be visited the Seoretary of tbe Navy aud asked to have one of the pro posed new protected cruiser nam'd after tba oily of Fitebburg. The Sec retary started as though touobed with a red-liot Iron. •‘WelV’ be replied, ‘you have takeu time by 11m forelock Why tbe ships are not yet authorized. MaachoaeUa ought to be well satisfied with what aha already has In the way of naval Rourenolaiare. There la tbe Massachu setts, tbe Boston, tbe Marblehead, the Concord, tbe Gloucester. and tbe Mer Imeo. Tbe State hue been well provided for. and It aaams to me that Unsought to be satisfactory. ” A Cbs rmmg fraternal aaaocUtlon iu the Senate will be severed on U>e 4Ui of March. It U that batween James Smith of New Jersey, sunt Senator Edward Morphs, of New York. They have snowy beads, ruddy complex loos, end are of the earns height and phy sique. They were iworn In together before Vue President Morton six years ago. aod they will leave the Senate arm in arm at tba oloee of thla Oon grem. They oocopy adjoining seats in tba Senate chamber and adjoining cot tages at Blbsrton. N. J.,7is the aum mer aeaaon. Rarely do they disagree on votes on publlo qoaaUoaa. They work In politiool traoea Ilka a span of blooded boeaqe, and an aotvareally popalar among their associates. It la a cheer log eight to see thorn at looch la the Senate restaurant. The fan la simple but good hamor 'aod hearty conversation gives amt to the appetite They glidealeng the cool, sequestered vale of senatorial lift In the enjoyment of each other’s society, regardleea of the ehjll blasts of potIUce. A touching example of personal rrlepdefalp is that existing between John O. Ben of Colorado, and Jotio Bakar, of Illinois, who became famous hie bitter bat soneesful ooaleet with William It. Morrison years ago. These gentlemen oooopy adjoining aaaU In the lienee, Their friends hip began early In the extra smite* of thin Oougreea. It baa been Intensified by an unpar alleled alltetlon. Mr. Bakar has be none entirely blind linee bo entered the Hone*. Hie friend Bell to untiring In ble tender alteollooa. and without him Mr. Bafcor would beeotlrvly at me la the stormy oontests sweeping over the door. Equally Intereetlng lethe aeeeolatlon between Soreno T. Payne, of New York, and Jehe Dabill, of ltoociylva a to. Payee to almost as massive In physique as Thomas B. Reed himself. He has a Hue face sad a manner that would have graced the Irtah Parlia ment over a hundred years ago. Jtotooll la alight In dyare. ef exquisite tarts In dims, and eanettc In dleenmlon. Ha •e a member ef the eommtttee on rules aod with Payne, the eeaemaor of Dlng ley, oe the ways aod means, enjoys the •■'•re eosiMenee of the Spanker. Roth are popular to the Bouse. Payne brtog unanimously selected by IhoHOueo as the Speaker pro tempore when the maa from Maine was Imprisoned hr the bllriurd. Tba Speaker of tbe House loom* op ooloanl above ell etber Bgurt*. lie baa oo Intimate associate. On pleasant day* be lumber*along tba avenue on hi* way to tba capttol, allaot and aloua, oeceitona'.ly etopplug to gat* at eo (no thing attractive Hi U» etoro window*. II* walk* and talk* a* 1/ eonseloua of reserved power. And well he may, for be ie a storage iwttery of polltloe—oae that dominate# botli wing* o( tbe espi tol and that drives and stops tbe legis lative machinery of tl>e Bouse at wilt CUy and Blaine were great speaker*; Baodall, oae from whom men take obaervaUoot; Criau, a marvel of entr 3' and ability, bat Bred o'ertop* than I In boldueas of oo neap.Ion sod rigid ity of execution. He live* upon a ool umn more Jofy than that of Simon Stylus*. oo wrapped isle own personali ty, plseidly suryeylng tbe political herd below him; and no earthquake baa a* yet overthrown tba oolomo. AmosJ. Ct'iutixai. Tsm4>i4 ankkor/. M. Umla Uupulillc. Maw England wouko manufacturers Uaya organized a SOO.OOO.OOU trow. Thalr object, like that of all otbar trusts, it to raise the price of tbslr pro daol. With an avsrage protection of 100 par cant, they ought to b» able to aitablUb a monopoly In till* tin* of soppty against American consumer*. But the question arises, Where are they going to get an adequate anppiy of raw wool under a tariff policy which virtually prohibit* the Importation of ololhlog wool t Statistic* show that noder Iks Mc Kinley and Dloglsy tarlffi clothing wools were practically excluded from lb* country. Leal year the total Im port* of woolen goods amounted to 8l5,200.363 ; tbe previoat year to 840, 431,631 Toe discrepancy In favor of tbe *V7 Import* la partly accounted fur by the supply of raw wool* ou baud In tha country whloh had ooa* ia be fore the repeal of the Dsmooralio tar iff. But neither set of flgum repre sents the actual value of tbe imports of 1807-03. It was ooos sail by a sUtesman, long sJooo dead, that tha govaromsnt could not collect revenue from a 82-e gallon tax on erfalaky. So It 1s when a prohibitive duty 1* plnord oa Imports. Smuggling it promoted Tlie Dlngley tariff baa oiads contra bandage proC table. as all excessive tariffs In svsry country under tbe ana bave dun* afurvtigM. There ere other entrance* through which woolen* esu be brought Into tbe Unltei State* be Bids* tlie principal seaports. Imports come over the border through Main* a ltd Vermont, through the chain of lake* from Huffalo to Duluth. Contra band goods are brought Into Oregon and California and lute lit* whole Hooky Mountain ruglun from British Colombia, and through tbs free ion* of Mrxloo Into Tux as Naw base* of operation* for smuggler* are beld out by Hawaii sod Cuba. Tbe woolen trust may put up Its price*, but (be higher It puts them lbs more Incentive will It afford smugglers to aoftaa tha exaction* Impose! upon American oofitomora. Protection makes of robbery a two-adged aword. It encourage* tbe traits to prscllos extortion on tlie people and tempts the sisngglrr to cheat the revenues. ■ rpokllCM riojalln Against Uis Manwh ChMiham Kwcord. Mitchell eouoty has a Isrger white UepuUlBxn majority than any other county In the State, end yet than ta a greater prejudice against the negroes there than anywhere else. Judge Bow man (Senator Pritchard’* father-in law), who Uvea there. Is quoted a* laying that tbero are oaly *1xty-flv* registered colored voters In that couu ty sod In on* township a negro la oot allowed to live. Ou one occasion he atatrs Ibat a drummer went to that township, aeonuipanled by a negro driver, to remain over night, and tbe negro bad to be guarded all night for fear of hla rvcelvlpg bodily harm. Mmmrr tnl. tub!teal tteoirder. A who)* month now North Carolina bM been plodding nod plunging in mad. Not * county, tare perhaps Mdcklenborg. li them but bM lout an Incalculable amount ot time and energy in mud up to tbo axles ot the wagon* of her farmers. Enough money has been lost In February to furahm bait a d< ten good roods to every county. Tbo moot sensible thing our people could do la to go to work u noon aa poeoUAo building modern rood*. Mo doubt tbo reader mm the matter M wo do; but somehow it I* the berdent thing to got that unison of action which oooo gotten would ba worth million* to lbe people. W* want 50, 000 agitator* for good road*. ewiww rmi. Du Min Dispatch. Dam Jorwo thinks tlmt ’Bryan ain’t got rny buotosM fooUti' with tha anon - om Of the nation." bsoaoM "ho la nearly forty room oM, and nays only •8 la um. Whereupon Um Louisville rwbr /nwrwal Ooggeotl tbM "It Will hardly bo aooopUd m a good argument against Bryan that be has not mode as muob moony out of polities m Jooo* ba* *Md* out of religion.’’ It to vary bard to ttsod Idly by and mo our door cure suffer while awaiting the arrival of tbo doctor. Ah Albany (M. Y.) dairyman called at a drag atom Umra for a do*tor to wise and om bis Child. Uira very sink with croup. Mot flodtog the doctor io, h* loft word fnr him to eome at ono* on hi* return. Us also bought * bottle of Chamber la la's Cough Komody, mkloli ba Imimd would giro aom* relief uaul tbo dneur should arrive. 1* a few boon bo returned, mylar tbo doelor need not oerno. no tbo child wm much better. Tim drug flat. Mr. Otto Sobola, mi tbo family has aluoe recommoodad Chamberlain's Ougb lUmody to their nolghbnei and f rlettda until ho bM a oMMtant lamind for It from that part of the country. Kor sole by J. E. Curry * Company. LAST OF THEOREM CHIEFS «» uuamao, tmm tmmm *i AUHH. >rl«»w ImKWiW A|wrt« WN u WlWlbt **— tf Inltrai m. IMH SwuMk'. Savajrea ud satal-savagas rarely lore tkalr mluda. Lunacy among tba no atvlllaad raoM la praotloally unknown. Among tii« red-akin* of tbU country to I* ao a a usual that tba A pacha, Garenl ■o, who hat gone mad, la oaa of tba oartoaltlaa of tba territorial reaanraUon where ba Is oooOaad. Down lu hla Oklahoma prison Gw oa'.mo baa all tba food ba oaa devour. U* rutters for notbiog. Ula quartan are kept warm In Urn winter and oool in tba aumotar, bat be la a prisoner all the hum, and many are tba folks who breathe easy hi Arliana, baonoaa of Garoatmo’a Imprison want. Ha Is tba wicked eat Apaob* aver known and In ■pits of hla 70 yeera, lie would be feared aa la rattlesnake or a tlgar. wan ba at liberty. Gerooimo baa murdared aeons and soana of mao. To burn woman •lire waa one of bis favorite occupa imUona, and ha never hariuted at tor turing Insooent babes. For bU deeds of rlobwio* he was captured ttvu Uma* by tba United SUtaa troop* but be made good bit aaeapa avery Um*. Fur weak* at a t ima ba lived on robed corn. when Uncle Ham* caval ry scoured Uie country to bring la tba rad akin, dead or alive, sad often ba lay hidden In aim* unapproachable lair while tba soldiers rod* by him within balling distance. Hla aodanac* on bora*back la astounding aria for no (adieu; at ona time lie rede 000 mills wlUioot stopping. In two days ba ran 70 mils* lo aaeapa frum bis pursuers. Starvation, freaking, the torrid beat of the sue bad uu terrors for bias, while aw comraosa wwuaM ny lb# down all round him. 1U has been wounded time and again. Kerere burned bia veins; bla own man betrayed blm aad sold blm Into capti vity tor a few driuka ot ArawoUr. but tbrough It all the old chief lived-lived to terrorise thoauods of people, who (eared him ae they would a plague. Old Heron I too ta the I ait of the great eblefi. His WcUei were those of big red-akin ancestry. He never fought a battle lu upeo Aald, and l>e never gave au eaemy a cbauce for hie lire. Tue ae Uteri In Arisons are •tout-hearted men. They have to lie, or they oould not have gone into a country, where theca Is oo room fur a faint heart; yet they tremble at Lbe veiy nama of "tirr OUlBK)” So terrible waa U>« Indian lo hit wrath, that tba Mexioeui and greaarrs believed blm to be a god, to whom it was more need to briog sacrtOoee to keep blm appeased than the God nr lbe Christians. Geronlroo kept hi* band lo the alkali desert of that coun try, which kill* everything that tries to oroaa it, but a Gila mooater and au Apaoiia Indian. For ml lav and miles not a blade of grass aa Inch high or a stick of bruhwood high •nougb lo bold a bat is seen In the des ert; yet Geronlmc end hta band would lie lo wait a quarter of a mile from the pack train trail without being aeeo by a alegle men In that band ot keen lighted, alert ladivldaali. whom lives eud property ware at stake. He bad a little trick of sending a bunch )f warrior* out on the death trail In the reach valleya wlmra the mountains begin to rise. The death trail method waa to lie in wait behind a rock near n lojely ranch until the rancher oame out in the morning, when they would swoop down opoo blm. yelling their warhooptnto hla can, and hum blm and Ida bourn and bis wife and hla babies, only to follow lbe death trail to aootntr ranch and do the devilish bua'nesi over again. He knew every loeli of the desert, and long before be oould he pursued for hie depredations, lie would he mile* sway. In lflOS he went on the death trail, killing a rancher named Hacker, end tortured hie family lo death. This time the United Htatee troops wen hot oo bla trait, rollowtog him for hun dreds of miles. On the outliera Imr aw o< Atlioci wsv came op wiin mm. Oorof the tend M earning a wblta girl, who had beta stolen from a ranch, with a rifle ibot, an army officer killed tte bona under tte man and tte girl, but Qeraaimo and tte Indian Hood over tte gtrl behind a rock aad bald a band of GO mea at bay far hours, until tte Apeebee rallied mod came back af ter tba oM ablef. Captivity waa good for Urroaimo. Ua obeyed Implicitly. Showed ao nav aga traHa, until ha bad lulled the fears af bis captors. Tbao ha eaespad aad wont on the denib trail agate. Pirn years age old Oaroolaio waa In captivity In Florida. A kind-hearted woman tourist saw him aad calked with him on matters | attaining u> his trite and Indiana In general. Tte kind-hearted tourtet waa so taken with tte old chief that she got up s petition wbloh was signed by many fel low tourist a, begging that be be al lowed to go teak to tte deem to die. Tte people of Ariseoa beard of It, aad ttey Immediately couaterpatltionad tte Oorwomeot, mylar that If Oareot mo muot come bask, tte kind-tea rted tourist should bo SSftt stead of him end pat 1o n loasly rsceb to wsiooma tte old sbM oa bb mtura to bis satin tenth. Tim oounterpaUCUn was atroo| saough ta keep Uaronlmo where h« waa. Down la Oklahoma, where be M living in oaptlvlty oose mom, tte pee pie do act waste mesh sympathy upoe him. Ttey bare tees ton daugwunel) near tte borders of Arlanov, sad Ibid makes qnlt« a dlfcrenen is tbs estssni la wbteb tte Indian obbfa are held by I boon who know thorn beat. ite s« wka Kwow. KaaaasGuy Has. Jfot ooa private eoMter was oalM before tbs war lsvesUaettag Mamin stea. Tte private sohllor got ite pseol of tte paddlug by cation K end hfc taatiaaoay waa ate waatsd. WaihiMioo TUmenk lo tUMi tonal. vVamumotov. Marsh "I am Ml aaylaf this lo • fit of bad temper aria pMm, or for lb* (MM that I think ■y opponent# ooptd Mnt aa, but af ter do# d ell bo ratio u I hare made up ay atnd oat to bo a rand Mata again for tba leadership of ay party la < •Ubor when It la In tba art aajorlty." Tbla waa the gain and •Utraaot made to an shortly aftar J* ReptaasotaUft Jot ConUanlng bo said: *‘I pmusDoron got tMa news Brat from Bnnkbotd, of ▲labaa)#.*’ "I did," I aald. *'f thought aa. Than waa no teaaoa why boshould not giro It eat. loallad on bla IHia aornlng and pMgd bias my support fur tba ml dot tty nofaiaa iton of tba next Coo uses. I would not Imro tbla empty position I boM again oraeoept kbe leadership of my party when forty-odd of Ha members deciles to uphold the constitution aftar they bad •worn so lo do. It la Urn Orta Una the Bwnoormte bar* fond la aneb a way. 1 know that it will bn •aid that ay refaaal to again amtis to Umi my party te tba Iowa boaaaf Coegress will ha attribotad to a Star temper, f imea had twenty-four boon to think over It, and ay mind la aada np—Irravaeehly made op." I mw Mr. Bankhead Intar. Ba eo reboratad what Mr. Bailey had mI« and eonUooed : "When Mr. Dally told me ha would not stand for the leadership of bis ; mj vonfiiv um Mia oner*a iq« bla support, I could not fully |nup bla meaning. ! toU him that ha abould not make up his mind w and* deulr. Ha told me bo had dataratood that If Um Dsooerata would uat fol low blot la tbia matter be would net try to lead them again, bat to fight to uphold tba ocoaUtuUoa as ua IndividaaL 1 asooatMed my candidacy for the aprukanblp oooloallan aom* tlioa ago, and wilt near make my can didacy active.” TIm refusal or Um Damoot at* yaator day to follow his lead In tba demand for Um oaoaldafatuM) of tba rroolutloas declaring that Gaocrai Wheeler and tha me in bar* a bo noceptcd army cata rolsaloas hid tlMreby vacated lhair awtla. induoed Mr. B*H*y to mofc* this aonouooemeut. Mr. lUilay will probably make a formal statement l»t*r in Um day. WlUtiasioe Star. All kinds of' beef Including Um “embalmad” variety, bare figure 1 in the beef diaeumtoos si*ea tba war for Cubi, but tome of this barf has tinea developed unsuspected properties, which ara thus referred to by the Bal timore UeruU; When General Milan first Informed no Interested nation Um '‘embalmed” beef had boon supplied to tba army a> “an experiment,” and that the caused reset berf was devoid of nutrlmeot, besides usuaentlng llM man, be appar ently possessed no Information con cerning another, entirely iiaauipaetad quality. Tie evidently did not know, nor darn soyous else sacra to have base aware of tba (set, that tha pro duct furnished by certain Was tarn concern* to sustain our soldier* la aa arduoo* oumpatgo possessed tba prop erties of an explosive. "As aat forth exclusively in the IhmU of Saturday, a number of the oaos containing tinned roast beef which hod beeo stored la tha Lsmou Building, wham tha Inveatlgattag Cue* mission a sets, to be seed aa evi dence ts refuting the ebargoa preferred by Genera) MUsa uud other odlcers. bunt wllb u loud dutauaUoo, etualog coasts rust loo umoog tba occupants of the building and apraadlog odors throughout the edlOoe Uat asvo rlis to a regular stampede among I be ojertuL “It Is a msttar of reeord that tbsu saods of pounds of army beef were letttsooed from transports, sad that large quantities were burled In Caban uud Porta Blaus anil. In tba Hgbt of raaaot levels pm seta, such mathoda of dlapoaul must be rsgardad as deoto rawy weetwoi. um dm ttuutirt and propelling farce of canoed meat barf beao asceetaieed while tba war with Brain wm yet la prog raw, tbn rations which ware aaaarrteaaUe aa food wight hare base need in Una of anmaaliton. Perhaps they raid liars proved an adwlrahle substitute for mokataas powder. “In any avast, they could baaa bean employed Ilka Chlltaaa stinkpots, to overwhelm ilia carwy with paralytlng rfllavla.’’ It la too lato to avail ourerirsa of Ibis powwfol paralyaw, us law wa ■booId have am subsequent racket In Cabs, but It laat too late to utilise It aa a paralyser of the Plllptoos who now warn to be requiring sprawl attention. 8oppose a lot of It wars skipped to Admiral Downy nod lot bids shoot it swoag thaw, that la If It eosld be m wrained Dow exploding before It crossed the Vastdc. It wouldn’t da •troy towns as Um atorl protaetdes do. bat It would everlastingly ant away with the fallows Wlthio smdllagdfn tneaa of where It leaded. raretmvMs Oseertvr.' *1 A Flea Hill farwar la town Monday Morale* tails ns that two bwrs a Urge black one end a oab ar* ream lag shoal fka Rid loanable, araattag •snob exalte went, llpacinll; among the pigs, which are irsated fa a peon liar waaaer. Daring tba now tbn large bear waa seen to tree* op behind n hog. grab It by tba bnaw with Its ■ ynws and drive It off to lie dan la a •not la aeraral mmm Um afga havn hen known to rows with a knit aataa ant of their beaks. For Mia tjr J. H. XETOKDY A OOMYAYY. __ __ -\+'f. AIUMMTC UiVi C(U. hltomM. UUan laealvad la BaKUaan Ira* ■mm ban of tbaVtaarth Inman Raft* anat an la Cab* Mnu Unt aia •oldlera an net bavlag « vary plaaaaat Una. *ad that famea* data naan a aonatUUy^djthraot tk*a ana •oil- Wo ara kapt ban'batUUayl bdn aad hornier Una to aa8 to tba Cabana. X wootd ilka to know aba* ‘■arrtaa* daty’ la. U1 thoaght wfaaa Uto*1 ootaaodnad****- ^antk borB batvwnlMatba United HUtaa army weald never bava “We have toaa ban aiaaa Uatobar 18,1888, ml I think It la aboat tlna mmMM to wen at tag Mod in to oar bo mm. The <mm| report b to tb« cflretthat oe era going to Manilla. 1 hope It to tore, tatUire here to remain la tba arete any old P»*«c to bettor then Unbe. I caw a ■Utomcat la the Sea rveeatly that tba Meoda at tba odtere up that tore •cold like to aae Iba area Imaane Bagtewu remain la tba aorete toalr fall tare yeare. ft la wall enough tot the ofloare to held toalr porfttea far two yrara, lor they oaa alt book aad look at tba poor private mark. Only Wmt ttatarday rV/blok right private ware detailed in gu out aad eat weed to Irnra lima aad titan Wad to do their twaoty-Xoar boura' gaard duty, after catling wood aotll 8 o'clock la too oMralng ; and. to cap Iba etlmax, tbay put a poor private la tba gaard bourn, oo hard-Uek and water, for refaaiog *0*te wood. la that 'garrUoa' duty T Well. I doo’t think, “1 think It to a aba ate to brtag man down hare to tola Ulead end make them work Ilka doga. There lint a day that paaaaa that wa are not oo aoma kiod of a detail, aad we hew moat alwayagot eo ‘Amarleea eoollor’ orer our abouidera. Baaldaa alt tola wo bare to drill ooe hour every morning red belt no hour a vary evening before retreat. “Wa collated In good faith aad were perfvelty willing to give up ear llree for ear country, wo did oot eellm, though, to ha woodHBhoppore aad lime burner* Cor Cabana. U to neither juat ■or right to hold oa bare nod make on dp each work aftec mom baa beaa da Glared. I mo booked oo a detail to go °<»t and oat gram to feed the mote M Uncle Ham la too poor to buy feed for them, therefore I will hare to atop writing for tola time. I think t bare dooa remarkably welt to bare tat time to write tola meab.” Cot 4. ■. Httarea Hlo«mf«aliMa> One for Hindi, The Month to aupratoeiy bleat lo noar if won oloanat that toada to a iiiotMOfal BRfi profitable agrlealtare. It ean trow »■■—efafly aliaeet every orop that to prodoead la tha olvilliofi world. The fecundity at tha aedt ta THaajMoaritaa aod reward. tha earn fat taO of tha boahaadmo, aad ha nape a torpor reward la proportioe to labor thee ha eoald'do te any other oonntry kaowa to etvUtoaUea. It to aat to be doabtad that tha taodeoey ad Son there errtc.lture et prwwnt to to werdsa partial ar total ■‘-iruliianat at oM aothoda aad a aabaUtattoa tharator of a ayataai that wW brlag about a rad tool revolatlon a moot the gsr-SixiSAstsit aaaipttoa aad cl nog tool attaatton la the prodaeta fee tttatoa exportation. Tbloaeafiad obaaga « Ira tooting character ugoalto egrtowUet* Tbia tkadeocy la aliaady weB marked la Ito locrwteed production at kraadtoaffi, ta Ik* braadtag aff/demaUo aoUoatotoe S^lZIZttXZSSSS: koto aad ebon an to the datanataatlaa of the wbeet ptaaten to tatogalo ooV tao to tha nor aod gtaa am aredoo iton^ of thoaacrope^ aaaiaaMyfcr the indmeaiTtol of other eaanaa of lapply. Wo ban eared May debtor MOa a battle eaea all tka time aad ekia Ss^SLK^IvsS 8£3^sisrH3H& af"* U °,TiLirh * ■artola^ nadtotaa Wi£xBgm$ 1:

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