i jjwweg_— THE GAZETTE. THUKtHAT, MARCH U, 1M Li USINESS LOCALS. AJuaHliawil Inmtoa ta lk» column U hi mu a Uaa lor tm I aart tioo ana * owl* a Uu« car aaoh laarrUoa UMraanur. YTTABBANT1' OIKD^Monnia W deed*, and Cbaltai Mortgagee for aala at Tim ciAmirms ofltoe. JACKSON LIMBLESS cottou Med foe aala by G. W. Howell Jao klaa block. X^RKSU broad at Klita Grooary Frt *• day and Saturday right Irom Iba Spartanburg arena TTRAUT-Yroeii barrel or UoioiiV XL Juat reo*lrod at Rllta Grocery — Boyd A Alexander. DR. W. 8. HAY, Phyeiclaa and aur geoa, Bmhmi City, glrra prompt attention to cell* in town or country. INSTRUCTION oo Piano and Mau doUn, Pupil* wanted. Hate* ou upplicAtloa to Mr*. A. MoL.xi.lax, on Wcat Main StrrrC WANTED.—A roan to lake charge of geceral repair aln-pe. Good location. Apply to Jonx J. H day. Olaeaea ad* Jailed adeotlflcally. Tbe moat difficult cases corrected, latiafaclion guaran teed. Before not*: Any buetueee I route In Charlotte. LOCA I AFFA IKS. —East** falls on I lie 2d day of April ibis year. Early. -The timid fragrance of tbe com mercial fort Hum Is beginning to steal fvrth upon tbe Proisos of spring Him. —Key*—If you have ever lost one eouie In and examine our assortment. We are going to take a throwing away spell first thing yoo know. —Tbe aged father of Mr. C. L. Notes died last Tuesday morning about two o’clock cod was taken yesterday to i.lnooln conoty for burial at KtdavlUo. —Tbs made Claw at Gaston Insti tute Is on deek again. Prof. Wolff i'opped to 1st tbe billiard go by, but lias roamed bis work and regular visile as us sal. —We print In full tbe article by Mr. 11. B. 0. Bryant lu tiuDelay's Charlotte Otwrrrcr on Gastonia as s mill town. It makes mighty Interesting tending abont in spots. —Tbe "Brsety Tims” people came la on time and gave a mosteal parade at noon. They wet* gaudily elttrad in red and wblte. They ebow at the Opera House to night. —Tbe Southern Bellway, are under slead, will not fight the appeal It took In tbe bailie Pair* case but will 1st the Judgment of the Superior court stand. The plaintiff was awarded 1040. —Tbs appears rice of the British Guards Band In Charlotte last Friday night attracted thither many people from Gastonia sad neighboring towns. Some said the music was grand, won derful, inspiring, others said It wasn’t. —All the town ordinances agalust fishing and dock shooting on the streets were suspended Tuesday and yesterday, nod the sportsmen bod the freedom of the town. Brick ms king, however, was not allowed on the streets. —The Journal tells It on a ijnoolo ton batcher that when a lady called him ever tbe phone and wanted to know II be bad any good steak he held up a nlee piece before tbe Instrument and asked most obligingly, • ‘How will this piece do ma’em r” —Tbe Rock HIU Herald thinks there will b* peach Muom*. It says: “Ws have sesn os* peach tree that will be In full Moose In * tew day*. We have not seen or beard of another, however. Owners of orchards still agree that tbe crop will be a failure.” —The local press will be augmented Ibis weskby * new oomer—TAr BaptUl Worktr. It will be devoted to the work of the church Indicated by It* nemo. The pastor, Bee. W. F. Watson, to editor and Mr. U R Higwd to basla— manager. . In tba proeeeeloo of goIderiTredcflngB w* an hmppf U> bo reminded (bat our eeteemad fallow-olUaea, Mr. J. R. KlDCald. Plaaaaot Hldga. baa a coo •pleaooa place. Ha and lilt good com pooloo for half a oaatory art looking forward with pleating erpeetatfon to tb* Mb dar of otxt April wbtob uabort id tba golden enalreraary or Vhalr mar ried life. Dora Aug. It, 18SU, near Shiloh oburob, tbeu •* Lincoln coaoty bat bow of Oaatoaie. Mr. Klooald married a tew month* before bo waa *1 year* old. HI* bride waa Mlao gartb 8man 6lean, who tbairo with bar boabaud the hleaalagt of a long married life tba officiating micla ter waa Rat. J. O. Daatal, oad tbe happy day waa tba 8th of April 1M9 80 yoara ago, or will ba la a tew day*. > I don’t propoaa to otaka any demoa atratlo®." retaecked Mr. Kinaald. "aa tba wbola 00 year* bae bean a golden «*■-” moMMM BALKtoa. March IS.—Tba member a# eaaaa of emallpor* laotaodlly locreee Itg la Ude «*** Dr. Lewie. aaaretary oC tbe aute board of hoeltb, repoete that the dlomae lo praealoat to 17ooao tlra, aod a loiter team Ba»lla«ton. 40 ■IlM from bore, etatea that tWr« ora 11 oaoaa there ■ I im « —— FMMXAL iotim. —Mr. O W. Dir Is went up to King's Mountain Tuesday on butluem. —MIm Iawei* QIhhh returned Sa'ur day from a vUlt to filends luClmrloUe. — Mr. Earle Kogram, of Charlotte, •pant Sunday here with the borne folks —Mr*. W. A. Barber, of Chester, and Un. H. A. Caldwell, of Crosrdor'a Creek, are guests Hits week of Mrs. G. IV. Kagan. —Mrs. J. M. Sloao and children are off for a three weeks’ visit to her parents. Capt. nod Mr*. Hot* in wadeabnro. —Use. R.G. Milter of Serdla, came ovor on toe noon train Saturday and exchanged pulplts«lUi Dr. J. O. Galloway Sunday. —Miaa Sue Gallant Uas AoUlied her school near Salisbury and is ‘ visiting relative* lu Steele Creek. Sbe Is ex pected home this wees. —Dr. l> *. McConnell and Mr. trait Torrence, of Gastonia, spent several days ben bunting nut long ago. —Torkvllte fc'nymW. —Mr. Sam McCall, of Clover. Is now wltb Botbea’e barber shop, and will give the patrons tha tamed t of bla skill and four years of experience. —Mr. J. C. Harmon, who is In school *t Gastonia, woe up to see bis parents (?) last Saturday night and Sunday.—King's Mountain Htformir, —Mrs A. C. Henry and her sou William now eoake Gastonia their home. They moved In last week from their country home near Clorer, and occupy Mr. Henryks new cottage on the new street beyond Ue Kails House. eiu(«im rwilw. Hev. F. A. L Clatk Informs as that Evangelist V. A. Koyall. ot Faison, N. C., will begin a meeting at the White church In Gastonia on the 4lb Sunday in lhla mouth. Tim first ser vice Will be held at 11 o’clock on that d«y and the meeting will be conllousd. He it a holiness preacher, and all are Invited lo come and hear him. ■•water*a« tasrtl. ' Hr. 11. F. Lenhardl who for a num ber of years lias been with Ur. Stain Robinson at I.owell haa opened ap a stock of general merchandise at hie old aland near tin depot. Hr. Leohardt la well known aa a good bostneaa man and aa clever a fellow a* aver was to deal with. Hie lovllallou for trade la extended lo all hie old coatomera and to au unlimited number of new ones. If be doesn’t do Utem right, it w>U he an error of the Lend or hand, not of lb* bear t. Willi TIM Wattes r*>«. Tbe grip still heaps Mr. J. W. Carroll off duty. Ur. Lutlier Clem cor r baa bean doing tba night wort aud Mr. T. N. Williams tho day work. Daring tb* week Hr. Williams Iras just pat a quietus oe four blind tigers, and haa caused Aba Neely, colored, out of re gard for Ue majesty of the jaw aud lo deference to the statutes la socb cases made and provided, to lead Annie Gil more to the hymeneal altar. The police Is on tbe warm trail of thrve more blind tiger cases, six gambling eases, and toother wedding or two, perhaps. w*m *r snin tm. A curious calamity happened, pre sumably last spring, to a tax of books belonging to Capt. It. L. Durham's library. Wban be was mustered into service be sent his since streets to Bessemer on a wagon. A few days ago he bad them brought back and placed In bis new quarter* In tbe olty bull. Then It was that be discovered hla loss of u box of books. Arnoog them were a Standard Dictionary, a Cyclopaedia of Quotations, aud sons War Uncords. One or more of tbe books contained bis name. The pre sumption is, that tba box. unnoticed by the driver, fell from tba wegun aad was picked op by some ooe else. Any how Oeptelu Durham would be mighty glad to get on tlie track of bis books. Us advertises for there In this issue. X«4 »M—I IM. ▲ Lincoln Jury has decided that Mis. Etta Murphy (aw Bean, and widow of li. L. Carroll) It not of sound mind and is not oapablo of managing proper ly her affair*. Tba Journal says ; "A Jury of Investigation, after long delib eration Tuesday, decided that Mn. Etta Bean Murphy, wife of “Santiago” Morphy was non compos mantis and Incapable of managing her slain, tier Ant husband. It. L. Carroll, died leavlsg *a,000 Insurance, of which aba •till has. It Is laid. $1,400. Shortly after her drat husband's death, aba married Murphy sod tba foregoing step was taken to present her money being rquaoderod.” It Wil bn a sur prise to mans to learn l.bat there la so much aa $1,400 of this insoraaoe money left. The mother has two children. Louis about 17 aad Basis about 11; and It Is trail if the ooarte base decided to manage their Interests in tba estate. tSMIUnls. Mr. U. C. Ormand, of Deaaemer, who race oily returned from California, f less so Interesting description of the far-off land. Ila spent a year In tba orange and raisin growing section. Where water can be obtained Um land ta a marsai of fraltfolmaa. Some rich Talleys are desert bssanas neither rain, nor streams, nor wails can be bed to wat them. Tbe farms am Irrigated with water (mm tbe risers or from ar tesian writs A 10 acre orange farm was ruoeally sold far $m,ooo. Tbe Minard wa bad didn't touch these groses. Mr. Ormand saw raisins growing on Um siaes Ulw grapes, aa Umy are. T^e sines am not Utilised. They an out bask to mars stomps so they can support tbrir awn rises and fruit. A kind of tray or small, lo ellasd soeffoM la set by the sines and tba grapes picked off aad laid thereon to dire. It dasont raia, the air la pun and dry, sad tbs fruit la soon reedy fur paohlng. SSsaSawSn PraSaw R»kM. Cotton.<1 to 01 Ooanuy flour.$11)0 to ILIA Oera. SO Meal.. Oata....» Jim..» Eggs. .its to 15 tiklabsas par pound,. .7 10 As Butter.IS Swaat Pc ta teas.40 HU HELP or USM1L «i uaua riunwi la HOMES. 4 rollry »M UM Sewn VMim Ik* Ei«l Mill We* Dalit mM Hm Data Mrtrtljr U*M tylt-u** iko ate*. lk»#pw«U»*th ■kliilalArrl —A EWl to Ik* Malar* of ham* ol Th* apeMMHaa—Mill Maad* Ad* Mill • war** NlkMfk/IUtla Charala. H. B. C. Bryant la rsitrtotia Observer. Motmoa, March I)-Recently article* concerning the cottoc mill operation! of th* South have appeared In South ern newspapers and Northern mnga* xIOM. Soma writer* have predicted that the oottou mill will prove detri mental to Um health and cberaolnr of the olaat of men aad women employed to the mill*. Individual*, who know nothing of Um actual coodltloaa, have gone ao Car aa to aaiert that th* cotton mill le a euree loitend of a blessing to tble State and to Uia South. In foot, one can bear almost anything about tbs owner* and operative* of cotton mill*. The boat talker* oo the subject are the men who know the fewest fact*, in appear*uoe they are apoetlra of the working people. Uot alter all Um beat way to settle the quart Ion 11 to go to th* vsrtoaa mills of this section and mike n personal investigation. Thrre le e great dlBatsuce In the character of the operative*. A few dan ago I beard a prominent cotton mill man ask a friend of hla the followlug question*: *• Why aro the operative* In Uae Gasto nia Cotcon Mills *o superior to the Charlotte mill band* 7 Why are they more moral, more healthful and more cootonied 7” Neither of the men oould •uaerrr the qoestlon. though both ad mitted that snob was the oaea. Hear ing the question I local lad • yi*n to the Mills of Usatoola and remembered to hire been very mueh Impressed by the appearance aud behavior nf tho boys and girl* and men whom 1 saw working there. On* can readily see that there ;ts a difference between Uie Charlotte hands aod the once of Gasto nia. There la a cause for It. I spent last Tuesday among tbe cot ton mill owners and operatives of Gas tools. I sought to discover tbe secret. I went Into the mills and Into the homes of the laborers. The bis Lory of the inoceoo of the ooMou mill baainesi la Gasloals aod ihe story of drat se curing sod then maintaining saeh a'doe class of help Is like a beautiful dream. In lfifW a subscription was taken end tbe Gastonia Manufacturing Com pany organised with tbe followlug officer*: Mr. U. C. G. Lore, president; Mr. J. D, Moore, sec-clary and treas urer, and Ifr. O- A. Gray superlnton dent. Tbe mill started with 3,000 aplndlea. increased to 0 000 the follow ing year and.now runs 11,000 spindles vtid 140 looms. This was tbe first call) for Gsstools. It was soon followed by the Trenton, with 3.000 spindle*, the Modena wtlb 4,000 spindles sod 200 looms sod the Avon, with 10,000 spin dim and 200 looms; and by fall of the present year, tbe Oasifc, with 8.000 aplndlea. and tbe Modena So. i. with 5.000 aplndlea, two uaw mlllt will, be < running. lien the Gastonia Manu facturing Company hegau work a seleot clam of halo seat secured. Tbe asaoagecoe&t laid down a plan and carried it out to tbe lotler. A Gastonia mbl mao said lo one, Tuesday: “I can tell you wby the Gastonia mill opera tives" are good hands sad desirable clttxeos. Before s family Is allowed (O work lo tbe mill, we must bo ensured that the men are honest sod sober and the woman virtuous. No drinking is allowed aronod the mill. A drinking man or sn Immoral suna, la kicked out as soon as discovered. And, I am glad to say, that tbe operatives are as much opposed to Immorality and drunk enness aa tbe owners of the mills aie. Io oolketiug famtles for our drat mill we took none but bonrst, sober people. And as adon as it was known that we were taking none but tbe best class of work log people we hail no trouble lo secure onr help Many parents were anxious to quit farming rented land and go to a mill where soberness and vlrtoo were requisites for getting io. They were eager to place their children there. To-day, If a min Is discovered drunk on the mill property be is driven oat as though be were a mad dog. The nperauree are pci on meir nor.or ana If a young woman of Immoral Inclina tion* ts permitted to enter (be mill, the good glrla report ber and abe to ousted immedtotaly. Suob la our method of dealing with our «par at tv a*. At a nataral result llm l»«at else* of labor to attracted to tbe Gastonia mill*. Our operative* make more by far than they did on rented farm*. Wham, oo th* fora; a email family, often tb* main part of It glrto, saw daring tb* year from *100 to *180 lo caab, now Iran dies from *18 to *33 par week, or about •1.000 par year. Of oourm, while on U>a farm, they had a potato patob, a garden and Ilk* advantage*, but it was not In tb* form of money. Tb* Gasto aln operative* are satiated with their wagaa aod contented with their tot. WXL accruing aober, moral and vlrtaoca band* wa ear* for them well. One* melt week they are paid off In caab, which they (pend where they will. Wa do not um ebooks, or ttekata. At •very Bill a aebool bourn la bulla, made comfortable aod a taaahar maintained tan month* of th* vaar by the owner* «f tb* mill. Tb* publla (tansy allotted for each district aids la paying th* taaoher. The school to free. Good teachers are supplied -mostly girl graduates from the beat female col leges. chapels are built for Sunday aoboola and prayer meeting*. Tire op erative* attend all the**. We do all we can to eoouumge II. They hear prexoh Inn at tbe churches in town. They ere welcome to th* beet pew* ia the chnrebee eld* by eld* with the mill owner*. There to no dletlnetlon. When new families move to the Bill* tbo •epertntMdeata Insist on their attend ing church. Thorn to no nagging of drtioml net Iona. The operatives are fra* to worship where they please, but they era advised to go some where.” When I aakod: 'l)o they attend V” n* oontlnaed: ”Yea. they attend la torgn aaabarn and regularly, la some of tb* aliarabaa tbe man bold responsi ble office*. Th* treasurer of arm of oar landing okurehaa la a cotton alii head. Th* girl* *e* always yreveal. They appear batter than many of the town girls. Their foes* or* pretty, Intelll £i»t aod happy. If you are Imre Run ty go to say of the churches and yau will ern a bans* fall of people and amna r them pattiae of foolery boye and glrto. Indeed, they do act feel Isolated. We do not build ohntobm at Urn mill and make them attend there, but era ask them to oar own chunk**. They art mad* to fori as comfortable u any body. Tho upper clam break lb« bar rtm. Wa mkr tb« advance* and tha factory people gladly arm-K »ur hind > rased and nourlaewe It U duim iluuosUilove nnd gracr. i “All Uint wa tired In tiailoula ia a compulsory educational law. We build tba school a and famish the teachers, but wo cannot oompel tba cbUdrno to attend. AH child run from 0 to 14 should Iw forced to attend tobool. That Vi tbe ouly wav to break up tbe illiter acy arouud tha cottas mills and la tba country. Tba trouble count from tba fact that Ignorant parent* do not oaf* to liave tbelr oblldroo educated. Wo mail break up tbli and make die next feneration bettor. To da It ■« toast bo aided by tba law. A oorepuleory educational law will do It Tor bear about tin very In the cstton mills. Such ti not the caw lu OeatnnU. Hood rede ! of poor country eblldrea arc alareo. They cannot atteud a good school. Every child here can alt a ad a aohool 11 be would.” i him a cotton tuin aupvrioisoaeut at Gaatool* what ha considered ilia beat ramII* for a mill. Hetald: “An boooat widow woman, with four work ing children—ona boy aad Urea girls— tba boy 13 year* aid and tha girl* from 14 to 30. Snob a family will earn •bout |3p par weak—tba bey aarrm It SO, Ute youngest girl I4.B0. aad tba two older oora $0 50 raoh. They do the work ai follow*: Two glrla weave one •Pio* and tba boy dob. Uollka tbe New Bn*lend family, tbe mother doae not work lo tbe mill, ttbe *Uys at home and cloaua tbe bouse aod cook a Such a family as dtecillwd above lira* wall ati1 naves some money. For house rent they pay 50 cents •' month per room Tbe Avon Mill was built two years ago and out of 4I families em ployed there aloe own their own home#. The houses am worth from $400 to 1600 aad usually have three aad four roeiat.1' Tbe day Lliat 1 visited lbs mills I went smnng the operatives at work, f taw tba boys and glrb at the spindles and tba looms. Kaoy of tbs girl* weie pretty aod all of them ware neatly aod comfortably dreaaud. They looked contented aod healthy. The aoys were strong and robust. In beliavlor they were polite, mauaerly aod courteous. From tba mill I west to tbe school house. Miss Peersm U tba teacher at Um Avon aohooT She baa 46 pupil*. On the morning that I waa there some of them were out oil account or tba ae •ore weather am] the rest ware huddled about the stove. Tha girts out-num bered tbe boys. Tbe eg* of tbe pupils ran from 6 to 16- The little girls ware bright and happy. Their hair waa combed and curled and their dresere neat and clean. The boy* looked as full <»f life as young calve*. Not a child but what Had the glow of life lu his or her face. They had plenty of book* and were comfortable. The school was attrsottva lookjog without aod within. The scat* were up-to-date. I bay* seen no country aeltuul boose that would tench tba Avon aohcol building. From the school house I want Into the homo* of tbe operative*. At the Bret place 1 slopped l found a wife and mother cleaning the honaa and prepar ing d loner. There srere three room* In the house—two bed room* and a dining room and kltobeo combined. In the front room there wa* e hand some osk suit. eonaUMotef Led, bu reau and wash at anti. Beside* there were pictures oo the walla, a baby era die and carriage, and a very pretty dock. Tbe bed waa well furnished and tbe IInan* were as clem as any hotel would have. Tba rooms had been bat In ship shape. As the lady of tbe bouae made the dough, two happy looking.chubby-checked oblldrto played about tba hnuae. Tba youngest mem ber of tha family, an Innocent looking Infant, waa wrapped snugly In the cradle. Tho woman looked tv be about 36 years old. For U years site had beau around a cotton mill. But before that time site bad lived on Ute farm. Before marriage the was a mill band. Her husband la boat of a room. She like* tba oottou mill life end ia perfectly aaliaflad. It was with much pleasure apparently that she informed me that Um Indite of Gastonia bad eaUad oa ber but so far tba had not had lima (a return Use o«IL Tba next piece ot interest that I stopped was at lha I:o*m of a middle sga wan, who hud live childn it In Its mill. Hollers in a six nwm two-atury Itouse. 1 frU In with bias soma dlsuaea frost his bouaa. I said: '•! want to aas bow yon people Ilea, l would Ilka to go la soma homo where aamtal children bt Wag,” He suited In a jl(y aad sold, as be walked : "Ooase aad go la my bouaa, I ban flea children bat they arc all la tha mill.” Entering tha boom from tba xaar wa want through tha dialog room Into a bad ream aad Utsc lata (bo parlor. Tba old mbUosmh waa proud of tba parlor. Tie throw hack the window eurtatni and pointed to the largo pleturesen tha w«D. They warn Urge pbvtompba, or reWUags, of bis children. The door of tha roam was carpeted aad la tyta ooraar was ui\ orgau. From kltchaa to garreu the bouaa was dean. Whan tslua boat bad aeon me W Um door be oaM: “I farmed od rented lead before t oaaa bora, but t ooald not fead my family than caw. I Ilka tba Ufa kero. Tha milt hands uo not cnanye rrom am to miu as tnty do l« anon ptaea*. It la bard la aaeuM wort In Uva Qaatonta mill*. The mill ownara will not bar* any but Qrat-class People. 1 Ilka my employers. They traat ua wall If wa baba re In Uka Man nar. If w* misbehave lbey kick us out and got otters la our pi sea*. Whan I moved here tbe aupertnteudeet warned me agniott drinking. Ha add they would bare none bet rebar help. He u>aaat whet ha said for I bare not aerm a drank men on tha hill at not I coma kora two yoara a*»i "Every weak ay family eoeaieUag of two bore end three girls make an av erse* of In. My ehlldren are In good health and seam satisfied. W* era ail 000 ten ted. All of ua belong te tbe ohurob nod attend itgularly." I went from hone* to keore and beard lb* eeaaa atory. Indeed there I* no problem at Gastonia tec the mil] owner* and operative* to solve, ft waa reived wheo tlw Orst mill wa* bellt end the drat hale secured. Tb* Gas tonia mills declare good dividend*. Tbey make moaay la faet Oeatonla la the cotton mill town of tb* Msla What is tree of tb* Gastonia mUto si to labor is in * general measure true at King** Mountain. Tuesday eRcvneeu 1 waa at King's Mountain and u cotton mill mao told ms that many of bis I>anda saved money end loaned It out. Tbat very day he loaned 0100 to e farmer for oue or Hie famila opera tive*. Here t* tbe qnastion (bat suggest* itself to un active clod: la It not bat ter to do away with all drunken a GnAixis.it. OASTOXIA, X. C, Heat of Befaretioe*. Estimates far nithad on all claaeat of work in towu or country. Lest Ye Forget, Lest Ye Forget! Forget Wlmt I Forget that we still handle Flour, and the very best Flour at that. For the last few years we have made Holler King and Tellieo our leading brands, and we have yet our first kick to hear on them. They are absolutely of the best grade to be had; either brand will assuredly give you satisfaction; tills we'll guarantee. A NEW SUPPLY. A car-load of each brand just In. If yon haven't tried them, now Is a good time to do so. One trial will make you a permanent user. And the beauty of It all Is that you get these at a consid ably lower price than that charged by other dealers for the same grade flour LOVE’S GROCERY, T. L CLINTON, Mgr. A Great Embroidery Sale! Onr Stock of Kabroldorlaa my— all prtvloaa aaha la potato of quality, prlooo, nod quantity. White (Jowls. Wo aloo laT« oa oalo a vary aoloot Whlto Uooda oflartnf—ooa alalia* of rtQUKS, DIM (TIM. an* NAINSOOKS. You Should See Them. If yon aaonot tIoU oar atora aril# for oaatplra. Rat by all otaaao moko Ika Tloit If It la la poor poarar to So ao. It will A. O. WILLIAMSON. Every department is full and complete. The biggest, the prettiest, and the best stock we have ever shown* Vail in line with the procession that moves our way, and make your selections while stock is full, fresh and complete. Sew York Racket, P. T. HEATH, Prop. . On The Roll of Honor. ' | The Cleveland Leaflet Other* Follow. What the Cleveland * has done for the Im provement and ad vancement of the American Cycle will be seen in the follow ing: 1 RQ9 lutroduccd ObHlnd thread fabric tor tint. At Orat 1Q<7«. easy moa lag lira. Barwell do*-proof hwlsp. 1RQQ Detachable tiir; thread fabric. First standard safety Nereis 10(70. of tbe present type; that la, a blqrcle equipped with 9ft4neh wbeele and a diamond frame haring top rail Wrai. Copied siwyahwa 1 RQd. Tbo demined hardened pia nod Monk obala. ▲ rnvnlaUea XOO'l. in chain ooaatrooiloa. Pad ala .crewing into Crank, doing away with tbo pedal axle nut. Copied ererywbare. Oombioatioo wood and •lumlaam rim for dataebablo tins. Harrow tread. Improved Barwell daat proof and ball-retaining bearing*. Up to tMa date Amarteaa eyals mi trim ergoed, “Leave bearings opaa, let dirt gst la and o«t again.1’ Bnrwoll dast proof Uaaringa am trying to bo oopiad bp all makers of oyeiaa 1 RQPa Uaveland swell special, the mbaal with latga tubing. Oopiad 1090. everywhere. TbalittletabaoycTomaberaW*Mti4r*he tin wbasl 1“ But they all have thorn new. 1896. ^J&Z,c*£Z£lAX2£. 1 RQ7 Th* tamoaa TwnxTr-Huna. Two Fsstara oyolo mabana 109 f. stopped work on thalr own modal* aad worked day nod eight copying tba little Cleveland woadsr. 1 RQR The BacwnU dtUahabU Urs. Tbo ooiy paaumatls tiro that 10(70. oaa bo eoatralM by tba rider. Aa invaoitoa liagaangtil far but joat foood. It tnenaaoa tba air obambar oao-thlrd ovar siogia taba Urea. Knay air. easy riding. 1RQQ Tba Ingenuity of the _ 1099, npramaUd In the TO OWreUad. are of n aUrtllag character. From* meobanlaalsUndpola* tbo Ctavalaad ha* never boons* at reap—d tbo Tsar TO win long stand aa a land-mark of pragma la tba history of tba Clavelaad maobiae. RaspoetfaUy, TORRENCE BROTHERS, Agents. rS^Flrst-ClHwi Repair Bhop and tall line of Sundries. ViS^m