The Gastonia • _ . PuTQffl to til* Pi<ot*otlon ol noma and (ho lntoroota *1 th Cn«nt>. Vol. XX. UiiHtonia, N. C., March 23, 1801). LETTERFROM_ATLAHTA. 8 Sunlight and Shadow in the Gate City. X To tnc Kdltor oX the Quetta: Atlanta, Ga. JMirch 17,1890. A wholmale slaughter of negroes by • mob of about twenty-five DMked white men took plaoeat Palmetto, Ua., a little town twenty-live miles from Atlanta, oo I. at Thursday morning about 8 o'clock. Nine negroes who were being guarded in an old warehouse, oh treed wtth arson, were ranged la linn ana a volley Of shot and slugs poured Into tlmo Iron Wlnchastare aud pistole id the bands o( the wbUeeeps. Four Ml dead and three were taidly injured, oua of wbom will die; but strange to say two see*pad. It has beeo Urn asoeatlon of tbe week la Georgia, in fact in tbe wbote Sooth, for It was oat of tbe bloodlael and moat desperate crimes pertwp, that have ever occurred in Georgia. For the past two nr three months ll>0 little Tillage of Palmetto has been In a fever of excitement for fear uf an outbreak oo the part of lbs oegroea lu that Iowa. Oo aaoonot uf tbe erreet end penalty Imposed upon several negroes for tdliog around the piece end for ruoniog “Mind tigers,'’they sought to even up metiers by burning the town, tod several incendiary fires have oeearred there lately. Much damage had been does br the fires aud the cltl xaoa grew so alarmed that they bare been doing voluotary patrol duty every night for two mouths in order to pro test tbemeelvee. On laet Wednesday a negro was ar rested oo suspicion or having sat (ire to one or more of the destroyed homes, and u soon as arrested lie confessed to the dastardly work and Implicated eight other negroes. They were im mediately arrested and the nine pi teeners, tied togsthrr, were placed la an old warehouse and u guard of sever hauled , to hie home. The mourner* gathered and autld thnlr walling* aud moaning* the luppooed c»ri*e ralrvil hit-heed and called for a drink of wal«r. The frightened negro** ran •o learning from the bourn. He wa* Anally carried to a drugstore for exam ination, where It ru found he had re ceived not *o triad! n* a acrttcb. He wnt (imply frightened to death—for the time being. After Uw mob bad Onlilierl their bloody work they mounted tbelr boraaa and rode away—aa iwlfly mul a* mysteriously a* Ihuy had appeared. The ahonting bad thoroughly stouter] the quiet llllk) Tillage, and* cnme pouring out of every Inuae. They thought the guard* were being murdered by th* negro priaontra or their friend*. Kicllemeiu we* In Irate. The white cIMiro* feared Ui«t frieod* of the dead itegruei would try to avenge tba death of tbelr black hroihnni before uaaiatanca oould arrive. Tha mayor telephoned the Governor at 4 n’alock for military aMUlenoe, and nt 10 o'clock a*pect*l train bearing.fifty picked men from Urn Fifth lUgimont left Atlanta for Palmetto. There had Iwmi no further trouble op to tha time of tbelr arrlvnl, though there would liave been *erl»u« trouble In the afternoon, It It aald, had the troop* not erilved. far tba urgroe* were gathering In rquad* and were lollen and threatening. Hut upon lit* arrival of the aohlter* the town wa* put under atrlot martial law aud quiet ha* been reelored avur »ioee. Nearly every negro haa fled from the lawn and uo further trouble la anticipated, la fact tile special troop* tent by the governor have been withdrawn except about fifteen, who Kill remain on guard. The aeliou of the mob It pretty gen IGNATIUS WHITBCLIFF, KING OP HOBOB8. This Queer Specimen of Humanity was Arrested in Atlanta Last Week—The Likeness is a Correct One. •1 white cltlnu pat ovar (ham for lha , night. About 2 o'clock the following morn log earn# tweuiy-aveor thirty mounted own, a—ted end I manly armed with Wlochenaib and pistols,galloped up to tM old warobooM, and with a crash that almost shook tM lltUo town, j burst In the door and yelled “head* up” to the guild*. In the faoe of so oh e determined mob of desperate men they could do nothing but obey. TM gaarda were marched oat of the buildings, ead than tM lander of tM mob ordered tM now normalng aod j tstrer-etrlckaw negroes to aland up to 1 line egainst tM wan. Tber pleaded and begged for fat-roy but all to no purpose, and as soon as lb»r bad arranged tbemaelvea Ip line the leader gave tM oeamnand—obe. two, three, Orel Instantly the eoo teets of Uiair WinoMstera were emptied Into them. All the Bagrova tumWed In a Map, (oor of them dead aod throe badly wounded. Tim other twn miraoolouily rnraipr* Injury, but ware frightened In to noeoneeteuaseee end, piled op lu tM meaa of Wood and brains, ibcy warn overlooked by tM mob, wM thought the entire alee dead. After tM Bret volley waa Brad the issder ordered hie rose to reload, ead lo order to make "dead" sure of Umlr work, they made a testy examination of tM wrltblat. Woody mmm of ka mealty sad wherever a sign of lira wa* vial We they empaled the oooteeu of timlr rorslrera Into tM heed or cheat ’•gflSXZ*-*. »«,* jury wn taken out later for dead aad •rail* denounced everywhere, though much sympathy la erpresied for tbe loog-oaffetlag olttaena of tbe town, They bad grown desperate over tbe dastardly work of tbe negroes, and as aoon as a confession by one of the guilty parties was Bade evidently de cided to teach them a very eevere leeeeo. Governor Oaodler le very bitter la Hie doaunetetloo of the awful work of tbe Bob. He ears It wee en "iaexooaa UHtbw. ” He has offered a reward of MOO for the Bret arrest, with proof of conviction, of any participant is the mob and BtOO for each lubsrqoent arrest. *5***• IP""'*1 opinion, however, that tbo WOT* of arresting and convict ing tbe Ben who did tbe desperate deed will be a very dlBleult one. “K1X« OP TTl» llMDOm." Oee of tbe meet tiolqoe characters •ver arrested la Atlanta was tbe "hobo” whose picture I seed you. I gaaed upon the queer Individual myself sod ean testify to tbe correct own of tbe liketwee. la fact It doesn’t do bl* justice. Ilia lood snoring la s box car on tbe outskirts of tbs elty "awoke” a poilotassn who was brntlag Ills beat neerby. The tramp Wat arrested and Hut to tbo city stockade for twenty mm dan The AVcnfxn Jormal't description in pert nf this "King of tbe Hnbue" was as foljows : "The search la the box car revealed a boodle of rage which might base BsoswsTd fully sene or eight bethels. These did not seem to he a whole nr aset la the tangled mass, sod there i waa hardly a place of cloth • cqoare I root in alia. Tlwra war# string* and nail* dotting over ike debris of hie habiliment* to hold lire craty patch work together. “Near us* eod of this heap or tiring* and taller* the uotaa issued from the bead of a human erastum The head waa ooyered with a shaggy, girsty growtii of thick brown hair unkumpt aod tangled, aod on one aide was U>e spotted half of a dirty wool bat. " ileneoLb lit* hat waa a face covered with teraggy light beard and railroad grime groond into the akin till tbe complexion did not bear a rewembtanee inhuman Hash. * “Two hand* at black and tolled aod crooked aa tbe talon* of a bent trero folded ooaaplaoeDtly over the uodula tieg be tom and down some distance be low two feet were encased In fold after fold of tow-rack* bound with twine. “With bait t hat, half a doran piece* oi half a dcien coats of different shades and agew nod pattern*, trousers that were a verttablo patobwork aod shoe* made of sank wrapping, bis ooaturua fuelled by far any make-up or tbt tramp character ever put oc at the toughest play bouae. la big load of baggage there were a dozen part* of garment*, about dfly pound* of rail rued brat*, a stew pan, a dinner bail, a quart laeaauia, aoan bln of boo*, u few buckeyes and a bendful of peas. “Ha rode lt> triumph to the station bout* thl* morning in the rear ear uf a procession uf Lhrca patrol wagons rent out to Inman i’ark to take part la tbe grand entry. He stood up In tbe wag on. and producing a cigar from some mysterious receptacle among tbefoida of bla clothe*, lit it evenly aod looked smilingly upon tbe crowd* wlilcb gath ered all along the line of regal m troll to see bis majesty. He look nff Ms hat reverently aa be patted the Urady lion pilal and waved It In digntflrd acknowl edgment of the attention shows him when furty poMcrqran of the morning watch cheered his arrival at tbe atatrail U'uae. * 'Ho tpeaks Utile English and that llttlo almost unintelligibly. ‘■When carried lo the (locked* Hap tale Camp stripped ble royal hlgbneaa, cut off Ida hair close to the scalp, shaved his coarue beard smooth aud forked the remains for hair an hoar In warm water and lyo aoau. “He I* now arrayed In a decant though ill-aulng sort and Is not liable to frighten Hardly gang iulo fit*. "Ha la a peculiar tramp. He did not reetat the lavatory and Ira has gone to woyk.’’ INSANE NAS IIAXOICl). On last Tuesday It)berl Lawla. n white tann. waa hanged bate for the murder of Charlaa Haynes. The Bor der waa committed on the Soil) of last July, and -am* a cold bio -Jed dead. Ilaynoa waa foreman of a big building then in tha course of construction and Lewis was working under him. For tome reason lie discharged l.owia, and on the aame tfteruoon, at he waa leav ing Lit work, Lewis met him on the street near the building, look dallt^r ate aim and abut lum to death. Lewis’ attorney tried hard to a it# hit life on the plea of lusauily. A stay of execution was granted for two wreka to allow an examination to be made as to hia aaatty. Una vary prominent physician declared him In sane. Another equally aa prominent •aid he waa aaue. Application for bit pardon, beoanae of hla Insanity, waa in tbe bands of the pardon board, but it was simply a choice between Lie opinions of the two physicians. They ecoepted tbe aane theory and bong him. A post-mortem examination made by Dr w. I’. Nicholson, one of the moat eminent surgeon* in tbe South, dis closed the fact that there waa a dlaeaae in tbe brain of the executed murderer, in the opialoo of Util doctor Lswla wee not potaaaeed of hia full quota of rraaonlng powers But tlie discovery was mad a too late—for tlie executed man. at least. DEATH OF KX-MAVolI (If.EXx. Hon. .Tobn T. (rlenn, Atlanta’s mayor In 1HS0—00, died suddenly about S o’clock on last Tuesday morning. He was one Of Atlanta's most promt non t citizens and an aMe lawyer of ex tea tier practice. A attpke of apoplexy waa the eaoae of ble death, tie bad recently returned from Washington where he waa seeking the appointment of Judge fot tbe Fifth Judicial Circuit. Ilia daalh la Jolyenelly tamrrtrd la the whole Bouth—In Atlanta partleiil aily. where be had thousand* of friends. Pckkk II. * law aiytaal WMtt Maaw mwawp. liana. VTssMnsUm opouUU to BslUmor* Bun. Tbe new euitoia of “courletyinf” before Hie. McKinley, Mrs. Hobart and the ladles of tha line. In place of I land shaking Is becoming mors and mom popular, and la In vogne aa much by Americans at well ai distinguitbnd foreigner*, dir Julian Paunrwfoto, the Bilitnh ambassador and dean of tbe diplomatic corps, with tbe courtly grace of n "Dm old English gtctie man,’’ makoa a profound bnw before eeeb of tbe ladles in turn, while f.sdy Paimoefotn and the Misaaa Pauroefote follow wltp graceful, old fashioned "oourteelea.” All Out member* of the diplomatic oorpa ars moat courtly In their stately greeting*. =*". 11 It la very bard to stand Idly by and eee our doer ones suffer while awalUog the arrival of Uio doctor. Aa Albany (N. Y.ldalrymati called at ndrag store them for n doctor to otime and tee his child, then vary sick with croup Not Boding Uio doctor to, ha laft word r.« him to oom* at once on lilt return. Ho star bought a bullfcf of Chamberlain's Cough Bttoady, whloli he hoped would give some relief until lhs doctor sbouWI arrive. Ia a few hours bo returned, I saying the doctor nr«d not come, a* the child was aDC'» batter. Thu dr at gist, Mr. Otto Sobols, says the Tastily hes Moo* reoomioanded Ohsmherlatn's Coogb Kemady to their neighbor* and frVnda until he hat a oouMnot demand for It from that part of the onuttUy. For isle by J. E Curry A Company. I -- - **»«« avi> iniu nsnr. Sim MIS Wilt 4Ma*l W« ImHI la Win mmI h« me. Smpwi'i Corns r*. M. C, CWriaaindsnei rtiiUdctphla Vna, Fatly 130 typical mountaineer* human, trappara and Tar Heel louor are, were congregated about Himpaun’i •Core, the only plaoe of bunlraaa within tereoty mi lea, when 1 arrived UH Sit unlay. Having a cariosity to learn tba oauoo of tba odd eocoblouUou. 1 au galnal or a luagUmbed, red-headed uttornnt hunter. “Wal. stranger. thara’s got a' tc eaine ort right away tits goah aurndeat fight you ever Mv r|g|,t bora at the comma.’* “Who are the oantoatanta and what ara they going to figbt tor Y" ‘•Tbnr ain't no, who 'bout U. It’a ole Jim Hell'a etgylun that'* gain’ to lamlwste 8am Carter'* two big bora, an'let ida toll row atraogcr. It will l>a a figbt to 'member-for oiaoy a year, an' I'm baUln on tba atayluo.” “ A hone to do inula with two Tull grown been y twiy my friend, tlio baara ought to be dbie to tear him to piacee in aJUTy.” ^ “bay stranger, lt> 'parent yoa doo’t kauw that turns. Wby that atolyun'a the blggaat devil ibji aida of ola Xaut ehaleti. Tliere aWt no livin’ crltiar no four lag* can down him. That ■taylwn'a dune wiped oat I alf a dexvn bare, killed a painter, an, near 'boot cleaned oat the creak nt man and crit ter* the l«at year. He'a dtng’ai at dlolmito. an’ nobadr can handle bl« orplin ole Jim's boy, Jaek. and how’n thunder he doe* it nobody keowa. Sum fulka aay h* bip'olixei iha boa*. Mebbe be doe*; aay way, baVlhe only human that ran handle hl*>.” “Where can I Ong this terrible ani mal y '•Bight ovor then lo that peu, •• te plled my Informant pointing to a big vtoetade of heavy Umbers a short dis tance down tiie creek. When I climbed .upon a arida ebelf or string of logs wbfeh exceeded entire ly around the sixty-foot stockade and looked over at the oecupmt>f tns pm I sraeforcsd to coafae* that dm hauler Imd uot exaggerated, at least so far as llm boras was ooiicarnad. Tea aoimsl t looked upon was a wild stallion of dm mountain breed, common in llm highlands or North Caroline. Although not above It) hands In height, he wst oertnlply the most vi cious aad aavago looking brut* of the rqulnc specie* 1 had ever leaked at. He was black as a coal, with long maos und tail and wiUi limbi of perfect sym metry, and but for the manner In which be rolled bis aye* and curled bis lips above bla long glistening teeth as he snapped at tha per t* on the shelf, making Umta dodge do wo oamf reach ha would have bran a perfect b.-auly. As it was bis notions showed blin to bs t devil locarnato. 1 bad hardly taken all Mils io when four men cum up leading two tremend ous bears, cither of which would have lipped the scale at. 400 pound*. The growd followed olosciy behind, end al most before Us men hail opnned two •mall gates at the bottom of Lite stock ed” to Ut tho bears In a human belt en girded the Blookailc The bears were lot In on opposite sidel, nud aim ut In » flash there began tlie most torrlfl-i and bloody battle 1 bad aver seen. ( hare witoesesd In the Old North Stale and In tha mountains battles be tween catamounts and bulldogs. I have seen t panther pitted again*) dogs, bears and*. and once wltnaasod a battle royal in Texas, in which two big bear* and u panther fought a drove of pscoarles. but in comparison with the light which fol lowed all of the abase seemed placid at schoolboy play, Tho beers hid barely time to straight en up after thsir entrance Usfsrs tbs black stallion gave a snort of rage and bounded toward Urn big bear, which stood a 1 moat btlow my trot. Uruln aaw him coming and rose to bis kind feet, bis little yeUuw eyre snipping with rage and hangar. The bore* was too quick for him. however, for before tbs bear could strike with his powerful arms the stallion reared up. drove both fora feet sqturley Into tha bear's face nad aeek, kwooking him six feat away. Wheeling like lightning, tlm enraged stallion gathered to kick, hut before be oooW launch ont bear No. 9 came upon a gallop, and Just aa Urn boras'* beela left tho ground th« hear gar* a quick toap. oatchlng the hide about a foot above ths fetlock, aed tearing •way a atrip of hide a foot long ei.d an inoii In width. With a ioeram of rag* |>**U NM IKIM Iinto lilt hlr clear over the bur, tad whirled. It appeared, ao quickly wis il done, ut most in midair, and bef ire No. !1 could ftoa about tho cull Ion'« sharp tawtb cloud over one of ita eart. A aaap. a rip of taurine daub and one atr and a big pleea of hide were gone. The bw«r growling with rage, waa on I*l» hlod teat In a second, bat oalr In time to aatoh a victual kick wlt'i bith hind feat, which aaat it over on its book. Ai before, the horse was cum peHnd to whirl about to face a aeoond •a«*y, for bear No 1 had gotten oj Ita feat and waarurtiing to the fray. Then for two or throe mtnaiea. It ap I warwJ —bet whleh probib’y wee not mueb more then aa maoy aeoonde - thaio was a mix op af bide, hair and b*ela, iulogled with growls, savage ioorta and tnepplag teeth. One baar waa down and badly hart. The other bear, X*. *. wee bleeding Crofeaely about the bead and one af his »• seamed w» be crippled. At for toe •Ullloo, bo waa fearfully tom on ovary one of bio four Inga. Ilat before I aaold taka la ilia fall mum or Injuries fires and received by tbo tbfb* Or blare they were alt on the move. The beam this lima aaperatad to stuck the tulllon from different quarter*, hut they mat With a ting general, for tha boras whirled end charged directly at one of lbaar and aa the bear attempted to gala hla hind feet bo wheeled aad launched both hind hoofs with a tMmalngtbod against hie rlbt. I could plainly bear tha aaap of Pro haw bowoo no tha bear toppled over, bat S I Mora Urn stallion eould dodge or throw up bio teed out of inch MV. X etrueb him on the aeoe with Me ouwi. Down west both, boots nut daws flying. A aeeond after the booe. wbieb now eermid a mam of toy aod bind* lug flesh. bounded Into the air aod coma down with all floor teat on hi* prostrate foe, crushing boat Saab aod inueelc beoeatb. Thao inanely giving hla (tying foe a glsnes, tbo craned aui lion sprang at his otter enemy who woe trying vainly to regain hla (tel. Again Urn sUHloa sprang late tha air, wiUi his (oar feat gatterad late * bonoli. and again there was a elehenlng orunoh of booe and flam. Bote been ?!* ?tw ealied nod Meted teto bloody lessees of wool, bona and Arab. After his hut dash too hone walked nwny a tew step*, then turning stag frrad up to the first bear ha ted nocked oat, kuelt down end literally tor* skin sod flesh from the bear’s body; then with bloody l>*nd and gllstualug tenth tea savage brute man aged to staggnr over la the otter mas# of wool and lirab, wbloli ha aorved la tho same manner. After tearing aad battering the body law a mass.of broken bourn and mangled the stall lea tossed hla bead, from wlileb the Moody foam flow lu long flseka, gave a neigh of triumph end fill lifeless to the ground. As ate III on bad won the bottle, bet it ted cost Ms* hi* lift. *•* quMln. MctalbA Vunus. ▲ newspaper wblcb drifts into Uime headquarters ta disconsing the question wbieb It propounds to itself, wbieb la thn treater sell, whiskey or cigarettes. We fulled to flod why say particular evil should be eoapsied with moUm , evil. It Is udsutted tbst en evil ' should bi avoided, bo far as whiskey Is eoncemed, all agree Hurt It Is an evil, aad one lima held tbe boards as being the one foul blot nu mankind. Dat there ora other evils, aud not laasl •usouft them arc cigarettes, and otlisr drug aflllotioos and addlottans. Tbn nigerstte evil is la Its infaaey, bat as a attack* iafaaey, tba avils of II ere th* must threatening. Tfasavar I age boy at to day Is becoming a oigar I cue Asad. Thia I* true, at leant of th* city boy Thu avll lisa not reached thu o >uatry to nn alarming extent, bet aadly suough Is spreadtne. Tbe cigar cue debuses, degrades a..d debsocUes youtb. l.ask at any of its victims sad you will sev its blight. The aye shows it; tbe baud allows U—tin whole eou etUntlon Indicates that It is bslog dwerfsd and wrecked Wbtokey gets In Its won on adults, fur the most put, and therefore Is uot os dangerous as tbs cigarette. The boy who become* -saturated with the olgarettA poison is sure to Oud a premature grave or become a totter log ImtMclls when be should be In the prime of life. Society Is not yet fully aroused to this growing ertl, but it wdl Us, we hope some day. and then the philan thropist who are now being applauded for giving their Ill-gotten talus will by popular social® bo voted the moat vicious foes ever turned loose upou mankind. Tbe question Is not which is the greatest evil, but whst shall be done tu save tbe youth of the Isod V esse* Tresauw Sklrant kWIM'* Ve4Ur A yarn is told in M iilla, aad It con ccrnt the pi Ison nod two Tec nOSes* volunteers. A Filipino convict had climbed tbe prtaoo wall aad was. rus ing for dear life through th* open. Two lung-tagged TeuuessMuee were on guard dnty. They knealrd to Are. •■i don’t guess it's more than three hundred yard*.’’ said one quietly. "I reckon It’s pat Ova hundred.’’ a«id tne other, a* If be were dtaeuaslog thu wsathrr. Tbe prisoner wsa running like u doer, aud rapidly approaching thu un dergrowth sround Inunmerablc lull* but* where be would bs Safe. **Oall It four huadred,’’ suggested tbe Arst T<mii*es*uso, In a eonoilllery 1 They adjusted' thalr sights, aimed and Ared. Tbs escaping sen Viet fall, sad the two Tcnnsmesans went out to bring la what was left of him. "If tie's kit lu the bead, U’a my sbot" •sid one. ”1 aimed low, aooordtn’ te a’my reg ntaUeus,” drswlad tbs uthsr. Toe convict was found with one bullet through tbe back of bis bead end another through the lower end of bis •pine. Thsy knew bow to shoot In tbs mountains of Tan names. Mow to Brook op lk> main But. Monrue Journal. There la en old colored brother earned Urady who hat preached regu larly every Sunday to the ohalo gang for two year* and mlaaed only the Sun day of the big aaow. And for ail bla efforts he haa never got a cent and lan’t likely to let anythin* from bit praamt eoogrrgeUen. . Homebody ought to start the hat around on the outside for brother Brady, lie daearyes It. We forgot to mention that ha bat alnoa "mad* up" the Haoday bt lost. Here It on extract from one of Mad der Urady’i eetmeel to the obtain gang: "I boar do alggrre am a rooolutm'. an' amentia’ an’ obvUMo’ powful.aa’da preacbera am a preoehln1 'boat how to break up die bore chela gang. I tell yen how to break it ap, quit a ateallu*, quit a Mealin'.” We hove aaved many doctor blllt tinea wo began umag Chamberlain's Uoogh Remedy In nor borne. Wo keep a bottle open all II* time and when ever any of my family nr mysHf ueglu to catch cold we begin to ute the Oough Ramody, aod ea a result we never have te end away for a doctor and hioer a large deetor Mil, for Obemborl ila’e Uoogh Uemoly never fallt lo cure. It la oerlalaly mrOicttie of great merit aad worth. — L>. S. MKAItKLM, Ottfltl Mnmlianl -.d Parmer, Mattie, Bedford oounty, Pa. Per teleby i. B. Carry A Oompaay. mmmmmm— Hera ie one of those | i who ara either so nrai udioed against all ad vertised remedies, or have beoome dieoour aoed ot the failure of other medicines to help them, end wbo„ira| j succumb to the grim destroyer without knowing of the won derful value of Foley's Honey and Tar for all Throat and Lung troub les. ^ L wz>'< •. - . i ±1?: ftV't'>.-] _J.P. KRKHSDY * COMPANY. ItoXm a The now TurkMi mr to Washington of those foreigner* wtto Ice full of curiosity «__ foopto sed with bo hostlattoa about so ereUing it CJtoaJljr tbo A maria ao mu?, Su’I.'SLt.iS'U owu stalest the questioning. BottMe now Turk io altogether gafoolrotito la a social tento. He oltoadod to oflelal fuootkw n,tow ovoetMo stooe ood woo la trod a cod to » tody in fall roooptioo draoo. n little fullar than nsaa! perhaps. The Turk exchanged ths ordinary eeoe mon places, for lie talk, tbo language or the 0*1 ntry to wtleh bo la eeorudl tod. Gradually bio attootioa ' riveted upon (bo tedyk a to each a mauaer that oka sso hiroooif, and raised bar taa In float at bur. At length tbo nolulotor, to Mo painting to the low eet of Um badlgo anknd: -Modiste, done your hoe’med per mit this without proteot r• Tbelerfy catered furiootfv ood re piled that brr has bend foettd ae fault •lib bar taou. Tbo mlntetor shook Mo band to a leprae»tlag way and Im gnu to toll bow difforact It was to bio oooutry. Tbo lady made bar ooeopo oa qoloMy oa imooIMo. Vat many even ings afterward tha minister woo at an other official reception. Ha was pro •noted to a srett-knowuaeeiety woman, HBd Ut(A& t "Are you married r* The lady answered to the affirmative •fib a smile. “•* . — "May I ask how long y>a ha vs boss married 1" The lady said that the had solaced Um state of matrimony some ten yean sgu. "How many ohUdren bare you f" waa the next qeeotlon. Tlie lady replied with a slight mani festation of cmbarruwmeaL, that aha had ooM. Tba minister stopped to think tor o full half minute, and, with a puts led look, resumed : “la my ooeDtry” The My fled and wbol tba minister was going to toy will paver be koewn. But no number of Washington society ***1 now risk aa introduction to Um torrlWe Turk If obe can kelp herself. Kinx'a MrwoiiUa Itolnir, 4i tax Uatai* aril know that* ua a Knot many people who will not Hat tkair property in the tanmr toe Urt tiou. TMa a»abor liaa ateadlly grown uutll tbo Legklateioe Uavo bad to kgialate on tho aaattar. AotaaUy bad to Bata lawa to fore* tbo people to Hot theii property. Tbo l«at general aaeraeUy at our State again Incorporated tbia into the naahlncry act, aod all thooa wbo Call to Hat will ba eoaimitUag aa rfftai* agalnat the Imwa of the gtata aod atand liable to proaaoatioa. Tbia la right, tor there la ao ana wbo npeete pro tootloa aadnt tha law* that ahould not help pay the tax**. There any ba a vary few who are not able to work wbo ahould be exauaad, but tinea era vary tow. It la tha bao Inaaa of all aeod altiaaaa to aee that all property la givaa in and that thla law m entoroad where pertlee wilfully re fuao aud try to dodge to tbia way people will lnd It aaalar and e boa par to Hat tad pay thaa to aagiaat it and PIT COCtA. LH our taxpayera aU laaaiaakor that ibu feature la letaiaod In tbe now law, aad whan tba Uaaaoaaa In Jnoa to Hat let theta walk aad taD haw aaueh or better bow little thaw have. Tho waa wbo deae not Hat flaks both being doable taxed aad pcaaaaattan, either ot wbleb k bad eaoagh. MUMgaa Alraatt. U U rotalad Uat Wbltodatd and a plow «o**paalon war* witch —aayiil om night at a public houaa by aaatof gumhlaato the room adjoining wbaro that ba oouM not mt '*! wtH go to Utm, **4 rtpror* tutor wloMdaaaa." a«id ba Hawayailat roaMwatralaA fn vain Ha want. HI* ward* of to* proof wao* apparently potrortoaa *p*a tbaaa Italacalag, ha lay down to atoto. Kla coaopactcn aUaO bln, "Wbat did you gala by It t" “A asft w^^r-w^sry wHOJaaptoM laotnutlon. Wo aro bot"lh#rTr*'4rflH|rht*0 D«y °L OMo tpart; motto. OodV ItoMtb* fill. rUoiUy bn am aawtort. and enaafott la an mall part of a happy and trwa Christian Ufa. Or. T«laag*h4*m*aod thapoatar* Ma of tha Plrot Ptatoptorton aharah at WaditnyUn. Ha trill atm Roa la Waahlnftan aad praaah through (ho prm. r it MM to ho a MUM Am* that Mr. Hoary Xajllh blf ooUoa^arop wMl w«yM a mo not la . and 1JJ00.000 balaa. ha* aa laaaaaaa fa nmikatnad 1__ Um downward tan] Mr. X«M Imoed a Tffg. kn£T tS—ffxwOMa Cataa g—H • la it—* mt ilMlllai laat yoar’i crap by a ad*l— or ao balaa, thteyaanoalpat wUtMH oaaatdoraM? as's.Ttasacar^rt to Mart good, for Uw^MurtpiSatT^ a Meoof thonaagie at doMate I* Um ^aaasagjg.ggg of a Mppaaad authority — tha aSSa arup of tho South. It <« uaMaaMo ba dalge la vain rograto, hot wa mo hi MiSaad fur the ho—that Mr. VaUlla 'hadrbee# bee been mGmnM It raroErs^ A Mall arop aval —at weald —aMa tha taroMT to pay off this aoora -r‘— Mr Xatl), fast tt la not warth wMleto argne along that Uo«—the aomtng otop la—lag toba a* Mg aa the fa— can make It. Leaving the alra of tha Cr oat at tha oalooUtlan. ba waver, than ta a leaaoaable cbaooe tor tha flnMIiaiii oattoo plantar to raooap Ma Imml All th« o—nitUoa bvor-Mm. “Ha bar tha rim ■eUafaeUoa," aeya tha Xaw Yaik Sun. “ot knowing that over balaa «f ‘abort’ cotton or con track i to daMver that an mat, that hava aa—maUtad in tha Xaw York market aa tba iranltof roadd—t opora ttooa for tha deetloo by Kagtlah ipacn tatora who be! I trad In McTKoOPa IS,. 350,000 bale crop will In an probability hava to bo oanoeUad at a heavy Um to UMMUam and at an agaaVy heavy rj«*«<>,fmartoim|«yaro who 4M net baUava In XatH."_' OnlafivayrnMlMk CnpaUaa. COaristw Utarnr, TUo Wlnotoo Journal toy* tho* wtth In tho part wont or two towtfflw or Ukhto joroont bora loft Todfcta county for tho Wont. It to tho oM oto rr. Loot boton tho ofcrfl war Worth ^ "TToTf £££ thaw to IrtwARK tho war tho wowoOMOt tot to lor Thtoo, *-** llllnoto and Xanana. Iwtar It hot to rtwtat Otyoo, Wortiortoa and Caj hanvfcr thoo othoto. hot thwa to oom o total tatioHiom Tho oob Jaot oooaUtolaa o athdy. Wo do not sas?riJsaH.“3 aSS&akw* i«£5rffifc£2g?5 oCtboSutoa oCaov of thooo hot now

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