The Gastonia O«T0t»a to thg ProUuUon ot riomo ui4 U« Vol. XX. {kJTwT'Jl£.) Gastonia, M. C„ April 13, 18911. i -— - PROCLAMATION TO FILIPINOS DECLARES AMERICA’S AIMS. rwpl* •> '*» UM< Will grail 111 mn— mt lit rrealOMit— MIMMMIIIkI'iIMIUIm Mho! mm* Will Im Bamraid Urll RKbn er Wllplm OiwmlMl — Hal I f>llHw tawil Sim*, April A- Tb* preamble of the United State*’ Philippine Commie •lon reciting the cession by the peeoe treaty of the Philippine island* to the United State*, refoii to tlio appoint ment of the commission, seen ret the people of the cordial good will and fraternal feeling of tb* Prroldeotof the United Stains »od U>e Amerlran people end eeesrts that lb* object which the United Stales government, apart from the folflUmenl of Its rotemn oblige tlcoe, bee resumed toward the femllv of nation* by the eccrptar.ce of the sovereignly over the Islands. Is lb* well being, prosperity and bippiorit of the Philippine people end their eleva tion and advancement of Ibeir pueillou among the moot olvilierd people of the world. Continuing, tbe proclamation aayt : thi ramuiaHT'i rcnroax*. •■Tt*o Praaldent believe* thi* felicity and perfection of the Phlllpplnt) people wilt be brought about by the cultiva tion of latter*. icinioe and tbe liberal and practical arte by ibo euUtgemeot of Intereoura* with foreign uatloo*. tbe expansion of Industrial pursuit* by trade and oommerce, by the mulUpli cation and Improvrmwit of mean* nf internal communication, aad by the development of tbe greet natural re aouroae of tbe archipelago. "Unfortunately these pur* alma and purposes of the American ititeieneil and the people have bevu mtorwpnwan ted to eome of lh%lobabUeute of orr taln Islands, end, In coneequcnor, tbe friendly American forces, without provoeaUon or cause, bav* been openly attacked. Why thru* boat III tin V Wbat do the Filipino* deaim f Can it be more than the United State* 1* ready to give f They say they era lamlut* aod want liberty.” TO OOARANTEK VUES DOM* Tbe comniltalon emph»uc-lly kikiIi that It It willing and anxious to aatab llah an enlightened system of govern nroit under which the people may en joy the largest measure of home rule ami the amplest liberty ooneooant with supreme end* of the government and compatible with tboee obligation* which the United State* has assumed toward tbe civilised nation* of the world. The proclamation then tayg there can bo no real conflict between Amrrl coo soveignty and tbe rights and liber Un of tbe Filipinos, for America is ready to forultb armies sod navies and all the infinite resources of a great and powerful nation to maintain Its right fsl to pc* os try over the opposition, so It is oven more solicitous to spread peace and haoploeas among tbn people and guarantee them rightful freedom and to protect their j-jat privileges and ImmunlUto, to accustom them to free self-go Tern moot In ever increasing measure, and to oooourage tboee demo cratic aspirations, aeollmruta and Ideals which are the promise aod po tency of fruitful national development. In conclusion, the proclamation an Douncaa Lltal the commission will visit tbe Philippine provinces to ascertain tbe enlightened native opinion as to tbe form of government adapted to tbe people, conformable with their tradi tions and Ideals, invites tbe leading representative men to mewt tbe corn mi teioo. and declares that the policy of tbe United States In tbe establish ment and malntrnancu of tbo govern ment, la to ooneult the wlebea and te nure the advice and cn operation of the people. «i» eleven articles. The proclamation ooutaine eleven articles, declaring Aeaerioa’t inten tions, aa follows : 1. The supremacy of lL-a United State* null and will be enforced throughout every p>rt of tbe Nrobi palafio. Tboee who resist «ui accom plish nothing except tbeir own rain. 3. The amplest liberty of self-gov ernment will be granted wbieli fa re concilable with • just, stable, effective sad economical administration and compatible with tbe aoverign right* and obligation* of tbe United States. 8. The elvll rights of tbe Filipinos wUlboguaranteed and protected, tbeir freedom will be secured, aod all will have rqu.) standing before tbe lew. - 4;.A. r' ,JBBtteB friendabtp forbid tba rapid llatlon of the people of ibe Wanda Tba purpose of the Amer lean govern mem ta Ute welfare and ad vaeeem—t of tha Philippine people. a. Guarantors an Iroorat sad effec tive elvll aervlee In which to thefolket rxtent practicable call to (ball be era ployed. a The collection and application of taxea and other revenues will be pat upon a round, honest and eoo now Inal bails- Tha paUto fund*, railed lastly and collected honestly, will be applied only to dafraylag the proper expenses of the establishment aid maintenance of the Philippine govern merit, aud such general Improvements at pabllo Idtercels dam and. Loeal raids oolkee trd for Ideal pur posse shell net ho di verted to ether soda. With each pru dent aad honest fteeal administration. It la believed the needs of the povern mant win la a short lima become com pattbte with a eaaaMerabie redaction la tax sties. 7. Tha eataUtabtaent of a para, speedy nod effective admin let ratios of Justice, by which the evils of delay, or irruption sad exploitation will ha rS actually srad lasted. ft. Tha ooaatraetlou of roads, rail, roads aad other means of ootamaokoa Uon aad UaaaportaUou and other pub lic worts of msalfent adyaataga to tba peopia erin bs promoted. *. Domestic aad foreign trade aad ram me ran aad at bar irduetrisi por aulta aad tba general davalapmist of the country la U» IdUimu of Ha in habitants, will bo oonaUat object) of •ollcituda sod foataring carr. 10. Effective proThnoo will bo made for Om establiehmsot of elasxntarr no bool). Id which the cliUdir.n will bo educated. Appropriate facilities will •laobe provided for higher rdoeotloa. 11 Hefonas In oil departments of government, all braoeboa of lb»public service. and all eotporotioui closely touching Uia coin moo life of the peo ple. must be undertaken without delay and affected ooofonaably with com mon right and fiuUce. la a way to satisfy the well founded demands and Ilia biphase sentiments and aspirations of the Philippines’ people mOCT,AMATION TO MM C1HCUf,*TKD. Dr. defaomao, president of the com mission, sold: '‘Tim Filipinos have been asking unceoalotly. ‘what do you prnpoaa to do for ui ?T The prooUma Uop rovers lb# question and it abould satisfy them.” Col. Chirks Denby, member of the commission and former minister to China, remarked : "U la tbs most important proclamation aiiioo the De claration of Indrpendrnee. Spanish. Tagalo and English vrrtiana have been pcl'iled, sad it is piopoaad to circulate them about Uslolos sod at all the sea port*. Tlmy will be sent to the lake town* by gunboats.” Hoiltwru TUIIIt IigHiloa. Ki’w Tor* MuckboMiT. In spit* of llte fact llrtt there has beau a coualderable Increase In the takings nf enttou by American Bills, last year** 3.400,000 bales having ex ceeded any prestos* total by a round half mill ion, and of the further Tact that Muutlnrrn Bills base steadily gained In tbalr demands for consump tion, llie latter atlll glee Indications of further expansion in the cotton In dustry. Growth lu this dlrectlou baa been quite remarkable la recent yean aa brought in lbs following compart non of the taking* of spinners North and Mouth : TkfcUy Northern foalferrn IB MUc*. kplBotra. OfUnnetO. Totai |SS BSBR MRS && .*» SSiS H5:S? B8 fSS *S£i After Iba activity reached in 1804 03 •Nan lit* lakluga by American miita fouled up la Kura* of 3.000,000 bale*, lbar* waa a decidedly retro*rad* mure ®oot of only b,000,000 balm. Buf It •ill be ofaaerved that lb* South did not •bare In It. Mora than all tbf> de creaM In takings for ISM B0. aa com Sarvd with tit* pravloo* year, fell oa lortbarn aplnarra, Iboae of the South ■howlog aa Increase of 01.438 Utica. Aa a matter of tv cord, lu foot, there baa beeo do falling off la Uklog uf ooUoo by tbs mills la the South for the peal Ore year*, or alnoa the In dustry really came Into the prominent paltlcm, which It lias not only main tained, bat Improved upou. ** l» >»J Wmlwr CkaUitn Uvccml. It certainly seems amusing, aa well at mooatroua, that any people pretend lug to be civilised—like our Northern brethren should have even wished to place the white people of the South un der the oootrol of their lately emanci pated slaves. And yet that la what was actually dooe shortly alter the War between the htalm. Not only did our Northern brethren dlafreliotalee tb* beet white men of the South, but they enfranchised—gave the right to vote—to every former slave— to men who w«m utterly sod entirely UoQt for self-government. The fore fathers of those slaves bad been—not many generations ago—naked savages Is the Jungles of Africa. And aome were almost a* ignorant and uuflt for seSrag* as their savag* ancestors And yet such creatures were gtveo the control of our beloved Southland ! Is It aav wonder then that the older white men of the 8outh recall with honor the dark days of Reconstruc tion r And la It aoy wonder that they should oow wish to avoid the slightest danger of their recurrence V ■HSHBSaW!*—n IS Was Wat >MH. rovkvillo Enuairsr. The story of the capt are of Bees* lo Artsona turns out to be another fleeting vision of that 91.000 reward O. P. Bishop, the sans who wrote the governor that he “bad ’em'’ etc., new writes Sheriff Logan tlmt It wm all a mistake. It developed that the mao ssspscled as being flee* a. has kern lu Arturo* for several years, and that he is a drinking man. while Reese was not. Tbs tendency of that 91.000 re word to to seek* eosptclsna characters out of almost any two strangers: but lb* request of the sheriff for photo , graphs Is s test that usually p*nelarm U>* bubble. » hhmmm Otfaeon (U1L) Danner. We want ilia new*. If your wifa wfclpe yon let ua know It, and am will eat you right before the world. U you have oompaoy tell ua—If you are oot a alia nad of your TleUor. If you have a party or gathering of any kind, brlog around the cake, aaven oc eight plat and a aide of beat, not oeuaaoarlly to eat. but Joet to ahCw your friendrblp aod appreciation. You needn’t ain't Inviting ua. aa it may be tn« cool for our wardrobe. We waot (he new a—thal'a an. ^ ■ ■Mtalili CanargaMaiUlwL Kmu, Jaekaon Co., W. Va. About three yean ago ay wife bail ao atuck of rbcaaMatiea wblob eon lood bar to her bud for over a month and rendered her usable to Walk a wep without aaaHtaaee, her llabe being awolleti to double their normal alne. Mr. «. Moddcx Inflated on my oslag Chamberlain’a Polk Balm. I Piirehared o fifty omt bottle tad toed It aeoordlno to dlrvetlouo and the next mernlag the walked to tmakfad wilh o«t aeelaUnoa la any anaaaer, aod abe hub "<* • blmilar attack atocc — A. U. rename* For tela by J. K Curry A Oc. BILL ARPJjN OSTRICHES. VISIT TO Iff OSTRICH FARM IV JAQIflO WILLI, Ph>IIu1U« *r«M ■Inb^Urn tm a Lar«a laetaaarv Vhn Males ta< rmnmt— ar a ■arnagiaMf Awe are K»|M Valll ibt gall Makes nia Ckeka Mil Arp In Atlanta OouMilulkni. This oitrlch fartn »u planted here oo leal Thanksgiving day. Jt It a to an oh of lb# oo* at Clalraatoo. A few >*»n ago tlieae enter petal ng men nlbarnfand bought fifty-two young blrdl in Africa. They chartered a vessel And Uudad tilirtj-one of them safely at Ualveaton. The others died, raaat fall Ur. Tearvon, who ia a Ulaala aioplaa, brought orvr hero k ueiaber of adult birds and also a pair of lboor that ease from Africa. He baa bora now about Ihtrly which are grown and mar ried sad has a number of ebtcka from two days to four month* old. There ia k large lucloeoro, where the males aud feme If • of marriageable age are turned In mad kept natll the male make* hla choke. The female acquiesces with* out any coquetry. Tbia pair are tben traaelearrd to a smaller louloaura, wberu (lie male at onoe brgiua tbe pro oeaa of ani-jugatioo, Ue treats ber moatfStiametully—alrikesber, bite* her, purauae ber nod glraa tbe poor thing no ml. I saw him at H. and wauted to lake a big attok and maul him. Complete subjugation ia hte animus nod niter ha jots Hint and (he bomblet herealf to the ground end Mm pleads for tnnrey hit wlml* manner Is changed. Ita takes ber in wlfa and treats tier with the greatest oootlder-lloo and kinrinree the r*»t of llielr married IU*. Very many of ibMtbtrdebeve maud, and every pair bae a separate ludoauro My about, 30x100 fee*. where they rats# their young. Tba hen laye from twelve to twenty eggs-I ay* them on tho ground In a aauearltka place, where tlae aaiRi hat been (Cooped out. The egg* are lo full view aod have no proteetinu. When the litter la all laid tbe male < bird begins tbe lueuhalten and teta up on them every day from 4 p. m.. until o'ol-iek next morning. Tbe female then promptly takes ber place and eeti from Old., until 1 p. m. but alwaye a few minute* off about noon to par take of ber dinner, which the keeper provide*, and cooeuta of chopped cabbage and elover hay aud email atooea aod oyeter • be lie. I forgot lo inaullon that the hon lay* eg egg every other day and time of Inaubatiou It forty day*. My tori, who wm with me remarked to the old Bugllthman that ' our common heu laid an egg every day ai.d that on Sunday Uiey laid two. "It that to,” aaid lie. “1 waa not aware of that. U I* indeod very wonderful, aod bow doea the bno know when Sun- j day comet f” "Ob” aaid my eon, “they hear tin church bell* ring.” I "Wuuderful, wutiderful,” tald the old man with the aimpleat oredellty. So devoted la tbe male bird to hi* drat love, hla (lanced, that he cannot by furoeor parantalou be indeeed to take another. We *aw a poor, rail ar able laorrated ben la hoepllal quarter*. She bad all lb* akin torn from her breatt aod Mr. Pearam said <be keeper made a mistake when bn tranafened a pair and placed lb* wrong female In tbe tocloiure and tbe male tried to kill ber Immediately and liked to have auc ceeded. She waa not 111* bride and be knew it. At aooo m* tlx chick* break the egg* and come forth Uiojr eat ootbing for two or three dan. The mother take* them up gently with bar bill and waimtlbem under tier w log* or hov er* over them In the a nod. I (oppose that it where the r.xpreaaton cant* from—"uodir the. ahadow of thy wing*." I aaw but ona new born chick. It waa only two day* old. There were quit* »number o( lull grown bird* and they are Ubgraarful, unseemly and almoat htdeooa. Indeed, the adult bird* are not rauob batter after thalr plume* have bean pal lad out. Every ulna month* they have to anbmlt to tbl* degradation. tor tha ptumea bring tn tha revenue. Each mala bird give* bat twelve black pin mat at a picking nod that* are worth from 94 lo |T each. They are eiqulaltely beautiful and If 1 bad been rich I would have purchased a pair for my bride. Tlta female* are a light oolor of brown and white and fuialata (ram stg ty to on* baud red pi a mew In a eaaaoo, but they do not bring half an much. Mr. Pea non aaya that oatrlchaa well kept live to ba aaveoty five yean old and that It doaa not coat tnach to keep tb*«—not half ao much as It doaa to keep a hone or oow. Old Orover Ctevalend to the largest and finest Wrd on the far a. He ataads when erect, about eleven fact In hie a took Inf*, aod hi* mate Prances, t* the finest racial* bird. They h»v» raiaad oo* brood aod bay* b*gun on soother. The Prince of Wale* and bio wife, Lil ly Langtry, are the next beet. Then comes Mark Hanna aod wife, aod McKinley aod no wife, for, ales ho killed her in o fit of paaotoa aod lit* not yet chosen another. Then tlier* art Teddy Hooaevek end hi* wlf*. (labe, aod their litUa new born child, Florida Hast ire Admiral Schley asd wife, and o*at Mr. Paereoe pointed out denote! Wheeler eod wife. "Why,** aatd I. "Oeoerel Wheeler haont any wife." -'No. but ha waul* no* ell the same.* •eld h«; aid next earn# Rob PHaaim osons aod wlfa—*he meanest bird iu Ihd lot, said be. for be Is an »*e#t»tloo to th* ret* end fight* hie wlfa and *y«ry thing ala* In light. Well of course Iher* was a vary fine pair whleh were called Ihrwey a ad wlfa aod Mother pitr caked Magaota aud wife. This la eooufVtoglv* lbe young pao pie an ld«a about oairlebet end It would bee* pleaaad them to ee* on* of these noW* tarda bltobod to a heeall ral little boggy driven around by, Mr. Pearwm. AUrgstkir, R was o revel*. Lhoa to me, and I enjoyed ay rWL u •MMUmctobM very simple Wuai n«M and one that doo* not regain any sort genius than ralilnf mulos or town or eWp. Jacksonville U a beautiful town.' It baa grown lute taanty within ihn last tew year*. It* clranlloeae la a oeoetattractive feature. He beautiful wide ttncte paved with vltrUWd I Kick, it* hendeoaa public buildings and private residences. Its general air of comfort aad hospitality, and lu polite and weU Bannered poo. le, nod lu evergraoi)* that bars defied the hard winter, all make It a lovely pleon for the nick or the troll, The soldiers bavo goon, bat the tuartels an yet here. 1 loft home in a bllaird and hurried down here, but the ohtUy blast beat me and has jutt passed over and gone. _ ll Inw a ruy. WUinlnetnti Mar. Itt commenting upon tba recent a ala of 80.000 terra of Scale awamp land*, tha Charlotte OOmrtrr remark* aa fol low* : “Tha or 80.000aoiaa ofiwatnp laoda In Kaauro North Carolina by tba ■yadloate of Cbarlotla opuoo-boldrra. reported In ywterday’n Obttrrtr, wan ntitrally regarded aa a Mg dawl. but U la not an very big. after all. It repre amita only a verv tmall part of the hold Inga of tba Charlotte awaaap mer chant#. They ham about 000,000 aorta which limy are atilt bolding by a at ring. It aeema a pity la tec good North Carolina foreat land-going at |1 an acra, hot If any money la to be made oat of It we are glad to hare ll oome to Charlotte partita." “It aeema a pity” to tail well 11 in hered laud fora dollar an acre, and aome people may think It la a pirn of ■hameful atupidlty. But large tract* of timbered ewamp land* owned by tha Slate have bean wild at* lower flgarw than that, from to 26 cents an acre, and nobody teemed to think that tba gentlemen who mad* tba dealt for the State bad been buncoed. Rnt there la Kill a lot more ou band, ■bout C00.00U terra, and a ohauoe for noma no* with a little oath to Wka ta name bunx] stretches or virgin forest, iu ua touch aa the Stale la not bank rupt nor compelled to aril I brae Unda— II tbie be called tailing—and in aa much aa the Hiate ti** au abundanot uf oouvict laiior that might be profitably emyloted on thea* awamp laoda. we fall to are where the buainraa cornea In in ll»e»e I ranaact Iona. *»w Par Mir flail ty. Si. UM>a Ueei.bilr. Taking furllter testimony concerning ibo uuOliicts of tba canned roast brrf supplied as an army ratlin la a waste or time. Enough baa been taken to cunvtooe everybody that tba bear waa Inexcusably and Inexpressibly bad, that it made the soldiers‘>11, and that the criminal carelessness rad Ignoranoe abown in issuing it are traoeable lb tlm War Drpartmeut. The public has had enough <>( proofs of tbe unfitness of the stuff. All it •rants nnw is for the court to Ox ilia responsibility and to Qx It so delta Italy and clearly that the partial guilty of this series of outrages perpetrated up on the soldiers of Urn country shall be made to stand from under tba cloud of subterfuge, delay and red cape with which it bat been attempted for weeks to able Id their identity. Personal responsibility for this awful mistake- to characterise It mildly—la what the people now demand that the Court of Iuqutry shall determine. Whan determined, they Insist that a lesson thaJI lie taught the guilty ooae that will effectnally prevaut tba feed lug of rotten food to the defenders of tbe eunutry in the future. PSaay. rrMW aaS PaltMlaai. Daliitnore Bon. The advocate* of the policy of Im perialism base it upon motives of piety, profits and patriotism, hut the benefit* under any of these beads aro problem " How many young Americans shall wa ruin In constitution and mor als for each heathen convert wa at tali make T At present Is the Philippines we are killing off tba Christian natives much faster than wa convert their can nibal neighbors. As respects eoa mer cUI profit*, it is to ba boms in mind that in tba last ten years tbe Philip, pine Islander* ha vs bought of us mi the average fil00.000 worth of merchandise a year, and wo have bought of them some 17,000,000 worth, mainly sugar a ltd I temp. ■MnMilMi *• Wtmm In4«i PeyeHcrkDe Obeerrcr. Mr. J. U. lack ion, who Itaa Joet rs turood from Southern Pine*. tell* ue that Mr. Vaa Llndley U baying every tree on bia magalftaeat peach orchard (probably tha Meat la tba Boatb) up rooted. nod will bara to traoaplaot tba aatlra taveral hundred arret The Sea J'<aa acale got Into hta orchard aod dcalroyad moat of the treea, end, to ■etltar with the oold ennp, played ilia wild with the whole crop. —— Hkfauae. Wemw J ant net. Farming and morohairdlting don’t pay ui.hraa a man feral or me re ban dlaea. Neither wtU Big with llefamg aod boating and Malay. Mo other bnalneaa will. Vent anything will pay If it Ban known bow to da it and dona ft. The Water rntlMi WeeIHeanrr. Wmnoe ameryHen. After two earn mere with a eearoity of water lo the wtllt there la hardly •ay probability the* we will bear tbe mote complaint tbie year. la about every oeighoortiood there la eorae one whom Ufa baa horu eavod hy Chum tier (ain't Oollo. Cholera nod ISarrkona Remedy, or who baa bean cored of ebronfo d»e«t>oee by tba mm of that mod leiaa. Boob paraoaa wall a point of tallied of It wbeeevtr opoor UMlty offer*, bowing that ft aaey be Um aneaua nf aavlng other lima Far ■•It by J, K. Carry ft Co. A rMUMIII TOW*. . . j Ot<toeUO>r. Ililllmorn Kao nraotanr*' let OM. dMtoaU, X, C., la a ooaarieaooe rapenaaotaUva or the >aa Sooth hi ll» beet eeneeof that term. ItUaailloaUa tkio of what any towa or eoaaoaUy la the Fledaioat bolt bavlag good rail way facilities eao accomplish la the way of growth aad pcoaporlty tbaoagh tbalr owa onutdod afforta. Many to woo la the Sooth alt attll aad vainly try to lovlta a ola Ida capital and (Sort to oeaa and bolld ap their town India trka. Gastonia did not nooearn I ted I to Invito foreign capital and enaray, bit want to work to help Iteoif. The roanUa Lav# been strikingly aatlafao lorr. Ttie towa waa Inoerpontod la 187*. U eras tbao a redo railway hamlet, with a count population. It aop has about 4000 lobabltaab. Ita oat oral advantages, aueh aa etiaata. loeatloa and the industrious and moral ebarw tar af ita people, have beau a footer in development. Bat Ua abindaat all way facilities, bait* aituatad a* the trunk line af the grew Soothers Ball read aad at the Junction of the Caro lioe & Korthwaatern Itatlroad, have given It every thing its boats aa aao could desire la the way of railway rates aad eonaethaa. Ita banking facilities an ftrat-otasa, two strong, eeossrvatlve aad well-managed banka, with ample capita^ and dapoaltt aggregate Aoollxr important slemn.t of IM «*•! ha* baao tbs low rata uf taxation. Many BuolcIpalUe* art bnrdeoed with •n excessive tax rate, which eats down dividends and drives away oepilal aod ■attiara. Gaatui.U hat no hooded In debtedness of any kind, bane* the tax rata ■■ reoMftrahly law. being only eleven nod twv-Uilrda mills fur ewcalr, State aod naalclpal parpoeea com bined. Hut the great feature which baa al ways disttogatahed GsstunU and gives ber an almost uaequaled record baa been tha phenomenal soooeac of ber cotton mill eutarprlee*. Mo oottea manufacturing oroter In Uw South has surpassed it in this reap-mt, aod vary Iww have equalled It* Daring tha loug •od terrible depression and dies Her of 1607 iu cottoo-BlIling lndmtrtea ber mill* never suspended for a day, paid fall dividends of B and 10 par cent, and ooettouod to rua olgbt and day as urnal. One of tha mills, tbo Treolon, flee years old. has paid Its (lookholders 100 per cant, uu lbs dollar la dlrt dsuds. Another, tbe Gastonia If ana fwoturlng Co., ton years old. baa paid 170 par eaot. of east) dlvtdaads aed 130 par eaot. of stock dlvldandi. Tints ereawaral reasons tor this ra mi ik able rrewd. First uod foremost. It la to bs foutd la tbe character and ability of lhe men who have managed these mills. Tbs mills liave been managed with signal ability. 1 liave said there are several reasons for this marked success. do there are. But tbe reason of all ranaoos Is found la Ihu capacity am] ability of tbe steu who bave bean at tha bead of affairs. They are all meo of Urn highest character, and as promiaaot la their churches aa they am la the bueioese world. Tbe eotton mill* of tbe South that bava failed bave dose eo largely because tbvy hays not bad competent men ts manege thorn. Auoiber reason for this success baa bean that tlie mill authorities bava weeded out lncompetcot aod vicious operatives. A ossa of drank sautes means Instant dlsmlesal. Profane sad immoral bosses and operatives mast go. Mo wall of seperatien la bsilt op between the operatives and townspeo ple. and Instead of mill oh■ pell tbs operatives noma to tbs town churches, and miU-owitere and operatives sit together In tbe pews. Thera has never bean any snob thing as a boom, and of tbe 1670,000 Inverted la varloas branches of manufacturing eat seers than 626,000 Is foreign capi tal. Tbe farmers In the asrroondleg coentry own much stock in tbs mills. If so amount equal to onafnurWi of tbo total capital Invested represents the rate of wages paid, then Gastonia*# manufacturers oay her operatives anno ally 1107.000. The geoantl re*alt le a Iowa renterk nbty peaoefel and law-abiding. Arnrtta tre rare, *ed a drunken men on the •treat t* • thing not onto oaoe a month. There are no barroome. and one town martini le ample for 4,000 people, But Una too la Mjoya the dlatioctloo of being Uw commercial met rope i la of the county wblehonaulae more cotton mill* than any ether la the Booth. There are la Oeetoe county twenty-two. oottnw mllle; ground le being broken for the tweoiy third. and other mine are doubling their plant. Thera la no farmer lo the county who I enot within •area mt>«a of a railway, and no one who la not near «Dough to a cotton mill to enable him to operate a trunk farm er give him au tsoallent market f<>» every load of weed, every egg, or pound of butter, or eMeke a or goal, or ebeep or pig. The preeperoue and In dependent condition of Qeeton Monty farmer* le leraely owing to tbe feet that they are all near aomn notion mill wliteh given them a market at fair prleee tor everything which they oea grow. Gaston ooualy baa M,WO,000 of oapt Ul la mated t * cotton manataetarlog. Thla distributed among ao aaany artUt la different lorallllee. la vaatiy baUar for tlia moral good than one or two hoga all la. Tbta wlda dlatetbuttw glma every aaetloo of tbe ooaaty a goad aaartivt for gradaoa aad pramnta any oaa aaetloo from bteoaolng top heavy with a factory pepoltllOo. Oaatso ooualy Mllta pay tbvlr otvra ttvva IMWV.nro aeaoeDy In wagva. Thla aom paid In waaOlv (oatelaaenta, lada 1U way lato tvety Waaeb of trade and ett a teaaaoadoaa lMgataa to proapar la town and aoagtn. Oaatoala with tta atagmat eharetea. high-grade aahoota. boay atorao and faetortaa aad law-MMioff tad ralturad Ijeopie, ta a daligtitfal ptaaa far real For. ■ ' tiro up. Hoarseness, La Grippe, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, Tm Mtolf }. n. ZCTCTDY A COMPACT. The Equitable Life Assurance Society OF THE UNITED STATES. Outstanding Assurance ••**.... $987,157,134.00 Assurance Applied for in fltt— 198,362,617.00 Examined and Declined- 30,318,878.00 New Assurance Issued-..- 168,043,739.00 Income----— 50,249,286.78 Assets Dec. 31, 1896- 258,369,298.54 Assurance Fund JM,811,119.01 and all ethar litMUItos I.1M,110.17... 201,058,809.27 Surplus---57,310,489.27 Paid Policyholders In 1898...__ 24,020,823.42 HENRY B. HYDE, President. J. W. ALEXANDER, V.-P. W. J. RODDEY, Manager, Rock Hill, 5 C W. T. RANKIN, Resident Agent, Oastonia, N C It is the King of its Race. This timely appeal ia to you who an looking for the beat courtructcd bicycle the world baa ever produced. The Cleveland Model ’99 with the Ball Boiler Bearings stands £tr ahead in mechanical construc tion and caae of running, to say nothing of lasting qualities. Re wise and have no regrets. Other new wheels from $20 up. Piist-daM Bcpalr Shop aad fell ttae of taadties. TORRENCE BROTHERS P. 51 Call in and get a catalogue. Sat Styles for ’99. In luU far men, yonth, and boys, tbe spring styles for *99 are at Holland ft KoMsaon's—the latest, the most stylish, and the most attractive. See show window. We have tbe soft and stiff goods is tbe season's various styles and shades. Ask to see tbe Gotham. Han, youth, or boy can here fitxi Us hat wants wiiWjrrt perfectly. All ws have are of the latest styles. Holland & Robinson. rrnli nl'ln 1 ■nl—t Tba mv nyaaaa Uv at tba Man iBpQM naaUl tun, la a aatabac at toauaesa wbtn tbajr hart aot baao iBpoaad baratofor*. ror tataaoa, wood aod ooal daaian to tovat tba •to of tJtMaanila an tend U un til;. bat the tax data aot to aaraooa axillai wood bow tbalr own nod* If taaa tbao 100 aotda an axM annually. Kami aatata daaian and rant aaUaeton an taaad bow IU to fa dO par aanaw aiawdjag to Uia alia or tba tow*, a ad Mania daaian |I0 to fd. Oottoa fWatxraT atbar Uwo amr* 1-10<aSu°i’ jhirTlfl" “***“* Wa ballot* UhratMtataii Cough p»t«4r h u» bar* )■ tbo MILA to* mAim m auftrog wltt o ■» m? hating n«4 Mr idrMUw«MU tor our «n ran attar Mm «o ■» •huma abatUaJq aoa M Hwo«M*&ot mom ttouta?omC* uV’ttJ*CS sesS*™5

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