Th j Gastonia l>«T0t»d CO tbo Protection ol Vol. XX. GftBtonla, N. C.. April 20, 1800. THE ONE DOLLAR DINNER. All Sorts of People in the Push—Mr. Bryan, the Au tocrat of Democracy, Lays Down the Law In plaln Terms—The fien Who Enlist Under His Banner Must Accept the Chicago Platform Unreservedly and Hust be Unadulterated 16 to I Advocates—He Says That This Country Inspired the Filipinos With the Love of Liberty—Almost Suffocated by the People Who Crowded Around Him at the Conclusion of His Speech. nxrtntt* otwrrcr. __ N*w York, April 15-The )l Jeff rnou dinner of the Cliioagu platform Democrat*, at tha Otaud Central Palace tonight, to point of number! war ooa of tha biggast attain aver bald la this city. Nearly 3.000 men aed wumeo ml down at tha long tables In Uia various roots* of the big palace Tha re vara all kinds of people Utare, draamd In all kinds of clothe* White men elbowed with colored mao, aud white women with colored woman. There war* four Japanese ud throe Chinese present, bnt these Chinese ware merely spectators and sat op In tha aaoond gallery. They atld Uiey bad come to tea Bryan. Tbe main ball presented a different aspect from that of the Melropjlltao Opera bouse at tha S10 dinner of the Democreiio Club. Tbart waa no flower embellish meat, bat just great long aveonas at tablet oopared with plain white plate*. Tbe naly bro annotation* were buuobra of oetery and granite ware coffee pots Tbe Imam about Uie bell ware festooned with Dags, with silken beanera sui peoded between Uie flags. At the back of the stage were two A meric m dig. draped, ooa bearing iba portrait of Jefferson and Uw other that of Bryan Small portraits of Dryao ware Inter •parsed between tha flags on tbe bU oonim. On tbe stage was an immense floral horsashoa of oarnalien*, rosea end heliotrope. H bad, worked In ll iwara, tbs words: “Women'* Bryan League.” Below the red aaraaUoot, In white roses, was the name “Bryan.» Horrouudloff all ware the numerals “10 to 1." Back oa on* of the nan# bottom eaalrs waa a magnlflcani bouquet of room, American beauties. But not *«*o on tha guest*’ taUa waa that* a single flower, I making from the top tier tbe ban promoted a anaoa such as la mo at Western bar bee use or Rhode Island clam bakes. A brae* band of 38 pieces on the baloony disco*raed muslo throughout tbe evening, oronrnre or tub ball Tbe diner* began to arrive at the Grand Centra] ralaca at 3 o’clock. Thera ware 130 policemen In and about the place. The women, to tbe number of 475, dined in the long hall Just off the second gallery. They sat down to the tables at 0:30 o'clock. Tbe first excitement of tbe evening occurred when the Russian-Amortoan Dsraa eratlo Aaaoclatlon, 330 strong, from the eighth assembly district, matched In. Tbay wet* reoeWed with chasre. Thar* wm no ooneartad it tempt to •cat the 3BOO dinar* simultaneously. AJI ware told to go In and alt down. About 7 o’clock oearly every seat at tbe men's tables was occupied, end the service began. Over 000 walwn star tad into Cba main ball with soup a faw minutes befors 7 o'clock. The menu Incloded soap, ash, raut bssf. turkey, lee eieam, ootfae and cigars. Tbe 3,000 bottles of win* war* grata itooaly •erred by a win* company. AniiiYAL or ooLOira, bstam. Wm. J, Bryan did not arrive nolil shortly after 7 o’otoek. Crowds ou tire outside signalled his appear ■no* by tremendous cheering. He coma lo aeaband was eaemtod through a tremendous crowd to the waiting room outside the main hall. He shook hsods with the committee He was escorted to th* guest labia, a long tabic ia front of the platform- Following oaasotha speakers of the evening. The band played “Hail to Ura Chief f> aa Uryan waa hurtled down on* of tbe main alalaa. There waa a tremaudons ohaering and waving of napkin*. Dinara Stood on chairs and tables waving frantically. Tbe demonstra tion lasted for Dva ml Dates. Among those who sat at tha guest table were: Jamas B. Brown, prealdliig-oa bla right, W. J. Bryan and on hla left, Chas. A. Town*, of Minnesota; O H. P. Balmont. Wm 8. McNalry, aaore tary of Uto DamecraUo State eommlt tea of Minnesota; Mayor J. K. Bimo hooke, of Covington Ky.; Bolton Hall, Goo. Fradarlofc Will lama, egOoo grass man Wm S. Ryan, of R >oheater; A. a Townaon, of Vlrgiola; Colonel Thomas Smith, of Virgin!#, and John Clark Btdpatli. * Yociranou* ov Arrow. The crowd waa a thoroayhly repra aenUMre ooa, and bafore tha dinner waa eooeladed hundred* of tba diaara left Ibalr aaaU and erowdtd about tba guest UbJ# aad btgaa to abaka haoda arith Ootooal Bryan. Tbt* waa atoeaad with caacb difficulty. At 0 o'clock the eoaaaaltta* and tba apaakata annas flail to tba platforaa Bryan raeolrtd a to#K arooa oration, the dinar* ta Map lv ataooas again stavtlng on obalra and tebfca and tba womo waring napkin* wildly, /aaaaa R. Brown aaltod tba aMStlo* order and latradaand Gao. Prad. Willi*®*. of Masse ah Malta, who waa trina a rtoopgloe. Tba crowd Id tba f»Narine naan Use bad lacraaaad aad tb««a were at lena* 8,000 people la tba b*0. Tba aaaaUan of Haary Uoorgn’a aaa» amkadaa extraordinary rtwnonetratloa. O. M. P.Ballooni was naat (atradaoad aad mad bU speech fr*w Btaaaacrlpt. John Clark Rldpatb aaokaaw "Thaasaa Jefferson." When Mr. Rldpatb said that Jrflmoa stood abora Adas* aad Otis, aad was tba aaaat latMboteal Pawaarad that arrr Ilred. a hundred Toiore sliontrd: "No) No) Dryer I Bryan 1” Ur. WUllaias whispered eneaelhlng to Mr. Bldpetb, and the UiUr replied: "t eoeept the ■aRgrtUon.” and bowed to Colon#! Bryan. At the oloee of Ur. Bid path** agree b a Itoraaaboe of flow an waa presented to Colonel Bryan who aroae and bowed. John $. Crosby •poke on ••CleU Liberty." XR. PRYAK’S smell. In Introducing Ur. Bryan. Chairman Brown Mid that Abraham Lincoln had coma ont of the Weal to tar* tbo na tion. and that another min bad come from the West to sere the nation. A perfect l»mpc*t of applause from tbe mm and woman broke out. Tbo sp pleute subaided, but started afresh. Tbe band struck up, but could eeareely be beard as It played -Tbo Mars end Stripes Forever." Beta were thrown into the air; Women waved thrir clocks and handkerchiefs; there was a meel* rtrota of dlaoord. ltryao raised 111* bend depcncattngly, but the more be did this tbe more the crowd cheered. Is wee a wild, fraollc demonstration. It lastedet least live minutes. “N» Uhetrman. Democrats, Ladles and Geo Demon: I esteem It a great privilege to ba permitted to attend this, probably tbe Urgent bsoueet ever given in tbo United States. (Interruption of cheers foe Brvao). I appreciate tha klodues* which has been manifested by yunr action and hy the words of those who I rave preoeded me. I shall carry back to my Western boms new courage from soar meeting, end shell be glud lo tel! Us* people in other States that in New York there be Utom who are tree to tbe principles of Democracy aa written in Democracy’* latest meed. (Cries of •Bravo!') “Tbe object of this banquet wee to give Chicago platform Democrat* a ebanos to celebrate the birthday of. Thomas Jefferson. (Cries of 'That's It!)’ There we* a banquet given In honor of Thomas Jefferson two nlclits ago. and the discussion of tbe prior per plate obscured lo some extent the dif ference betweeu that banquet and this. A Democrat ba* tha right to pay what ever be pleases for a dinner, If be has the money. nXCALClTllAhT DKXOCR ATS. “The character of * poiitioal banquet Is determined not by the cost of It, but by tbs sentiments which are woven In to the poet-prandlal oratory. We have eot on* word of boetllity to utter to ward tho« Democrats who left the Democratic party in 1SU0. Far be It from ns to orlUoise any mail wboaa judgement or oooaclenoe leads him out of tbe Democrat lo party. Whan tbe Republicans met at Bt. Louis tome or lb* Brpabllcaoa left the itepublloan party, rather than adapt themselves to th* platform written out at 8t. Louis. They organ Had a distinct party and tbey took a name sufficiently different from tbe Republican name, to that no on* eonld mistake the on* for the other. They mad* a bold and earnest light and tbe Bepubllaaos who left th* party in 1806 bavw neither goo* back nor, standing outetde, have they at tempted to write tbe platform of the party which they left. They were Democrat* wbo loft is* In 1880. Tbey organised a distinct party: tk*y nomi nated a ticket and p*rf*et«d their na tional organisation. Bat Instead of calling themselves gold Democrats, so that they eonld not ba mistaken for the regular Democrats, they called themedvts National Democrats, though tbey did not expect to carry a praolaot In th* UaitedtKatee. Tb* party la no association of people for tbe porpoaa of gtvieg force and affect to poiitioal opinions held in common. They talked to us about harmony, Tb* only kind of harmony between thorn wbo think and set together to give force to their com mon opinion*. There can ba do harm only between those whose optaloee ere aotagonteiie as the opinions set forth lo the Chicago platform end In the Indianapolis pisiform. nn raid* op Amnwoi. “All that wa aak la that thoaa who ooeaa into tha Da mcc ratio party ahall ba a part of tha Damooratie party. Wa almply loalat that a mao aanoot ha a political Mgamttt. Ha eanoot ba waddad to tha oaaa of oar party and to tha principle* of aooaa otter party. Wa limply aak that ha ahall get a for mal dlrorea, oil her from nor name, or fnai tteir principle*. Tbo Damoorat ol party baa a platform. It do** not dleoaay thoaa who ahead upon It to hmr It danoonoad thlayaar by thoaa who dMoaoord It two Man ago. We mat aoooatoaad to It Ih 1806. Tha plat form waa written by the repreaeata Mm of Uta Damooratie party la tb« moot DeoMoratlo oooeoaUoo that hat Mew teM to a quarter of a century. THR PLATFORM yicmCATXB. It la R compliment to renal re a preel dantlal nomloatlon from any national oooeantiuw, hut I am praod that my aomlnatloo earn* from a ooavontlnn, not of booaaa. but of Demoeratla eltl rant (Lewd applanaa). It baa Tlndt ealtd that pUtform and oeary plank of H la rtrinngar to-day than It waa whaa H waa wrlUao. Thaao who bo 1 llae* that ww ahoold layita Into tha DHaocratto party all thoaa who cannot •hare Ip tho parpowra aed tha aaotra Uom of that party- I aaawat apaakfor other*. 1 apeak for o*y»eJf—ere wrong, and 1 aay that I would not abstract from it a single plaek to gat tack every maa tko lm It, Nor do I believe that we could draw people to tie by oowardior. The day for ambiguity baa p—ad. That platfom teeao* some thing, aad If you a*k wby It was that la the oampalg* el 1800 tbe hearts of tba people were stirred a* they have not been lately stirred. I will tell you that It was because the struggling maatm found la that platform *o la •piration. aad aggregated wealth found lo It a taosaoa to every man who rob* bla netglilor for Ills own benefit. It waa tboae who helve rntrenched them selves behind abuse* nf governmeut who object to that platform, and writ they might oblrct. because that plat-j form wee aimed at aycry abuse of gov ernmeot. and I was glad that I waa supported by those who woo Id have only gaksd are far Just law*. I am glad that tbe 0.500.000 people who voted for esc simply wanted me to get other propie’s bands out of their pock eta, (applause). aad doc to gat their bands Into other paoplo’a pookata. TTIK PC.AVFOUN ANALYZES. “La* me recall some of those plank*. We advocate tba arbitration of dlSar caora bstwaea corporation* engaged to I birr-(kata commerce and their em ployes. The doetrlne of arbitration (• •trooper sow than li wm In IMG. Ev ery great strike which bring* leas to the employer destroys tbe laborer aad la eonvenWwcai business, aad brine* ua ooa step nearer lo arbkratioa • mean* of saUllag those dlferaoora. The Chicago platform favored arbltralioo. Democrats that stood upon It than favor it now. Thu platform declared agaloal government by Injunction aad mnoa the atretlon wa have had object Iraocna which wa did not hay* before. Thomas Jefferson believed in trial by jury, and government by tajunetloo la merely a dugulaed method by which a ■mn ohargad with crimeahall ha denied the right of trial by jury. (Lood obeera nod applause). That plank 1* atruogcr lUaa It was Wure Ilia Chicago plat form declared la favor of the income tax. and an Indian* tax Is atrooger new than It waa bafora. When I disc urn the inoome tea dedsWwi. I always resort to uootnliona, because 1 have a reputation for conservatism which I most protect. (Laughter). TUB »AI TAX. When I want to be aevric I quote aud •hen I want to critlais* a Mapreme Court, I quote from a mam bar uf tba court, sod I am so cauUoua that 1 eveo prefer to quota from a Republican member who cannot poaaihly be an an areniat. bacAUM be it a Republican. Justice Brown, on bla dteenliug opin ion, uied these word*: “I fear that In anae boors of national peril this deels iqp Will rise up w paralyi* the arm of the gtiwroment,” Wa taw the dfoger in 1806, but many people ware to blind that they could not me it, but tba hour of peril cams. Tba war oime on. Wa Handed more money. Wa could not Ux income*, because lbs dsoiiion rune up to paralyse the arm or tba govern - mant. Wa had to resort to stamp taxes. We had to bout op any old thing to pat a stamp tax no. (Laughter and load applause.) One of tba (hinge rtamped li a telegram. Whenever you go to tend a telegram, yoo go to the telegraph offloe sad yon And that tbe Uepnbllaaa party baa an made tba law that the isle graph oompeny oaa trans fer the harden from its shoulder* to your*. ttttino tm dollad abovr tub HAS. •Tbe Republican party. In all of its plays, U potting the dollar above I he mail, and In that la depart I or from tba doctrine af Lincoln, It* founder, for In 1850 be said tba BopobHoan party be Have* in both tba man and tba dollar, but In oaara of conflict tba mac before tbe dollar. Tba Bepnbllean party la patting tbe dollar above Us mao In all of Ita legislation and nowhere la It wmra apparent than la taxation. The Republican party Is not Lying to re store Justice In uucaiioo. Tbe war baa shown that when lb Lf government dash with an iodtvtdsal lu power le unlimi ted. but that when It deals with prop erty Its powsr Is Halted. It oaa draft tba oltlaen. but It cannot touch the dollar. In ilia hour of parti tba nation nan take Urn son from bis Bother and the hueband from hla wife, and etaod them up In front ef as enemy's guns, bat It dare not lay lu Anger upon tbe wealth of tbe rich and make them eon tribute their char*. (Tnasadoua obarriog). fXCOMR TAX rLASK A STROMA ORB. The income tax Is stronger thaa It was, and It la placed upon tba ahoald dara o! the poor, who have to carry Urn burden, but la tba Democratic party you may say those la one mao who la willing to p*y bis share. (Loud ap piasse). My friends, why should oat paopla be willing to bear their share of the burdens of government, if la Um of war yoor country needs you, yon are willing to# vs yonr Ufa’s blood why deny tba nation Ita last due In lime of pesos t It baa bean tba history of tba world that thorn who oaa make much bare bean unwilling to bear their share of lha burden* af govwrn onnot and have aoogbt to ase lbs In strument* of government far private gala, to taka from those who malt* lea* than they oaa. The Democratic party Is a protector of tba itch and the poor, aud that party wbleh maker tbe tleh bear their share of the burden la a bat ter friend of the rich man thaa tba party that takas hit mooay and Mila nmmptloo*. (Applause). TUB BOLD araifOABD. There to another plank la tba plat* for® of which I drtlra u> make atea Uoa. Tha HapobltoaB party and tba Rokl Drmoarau l«ave berm berylng U» moamj qoaatloti aa often that I Tart 1 ottcht apologue for (peafeleg of the daad before ao large aa kadleaoe. t fraughtar and ehaara). Tba Damn eralle pUlform denounced lha gold standard. eallad it eo-Aaertc*q aud ■Btl-Auaruaii, and pledged lha party lodutwf Itatoaaeaod aabatltaU la at lha ratuTirf lo U*l. K'the" grid •tapdard waa un-Aaaerloaa la IfWi, R if un-American now. If it wn anti American two years ago il la anti Amadoen now. end If tba gold aUn dard wag bad in 1808. you wan oon dw»d that It waa bad in 1897, baaaaaa Mr. MoKlnlay sect tbroa dlaUagulabad eommtastooera to Xuropo to gal rid of tba gold atandard. And why did tbty “2? -*'*00??4 * ** wad bnanaa they aektd the IWclera of the Old World a favor that they ought to bavo known tha flnanclora would not gnAk Why did wa opp-jea tba gold ataadard » Be aauaa It baa railed tba purobaolag power of tb# dollar and lowered tba price of tba prod owe of labor. Wban onr oomcalaaloaara wool abroad they want to supplicate from persona who bad proftted, and bow aboard to ante* tbom to Join In doing away with a tlilag oat of wbloti they brad made money. Air AMCBD PL AX*. “My frlrndt, I «ul to MinMt to you that the Itepubltean pcomKe of In bLmaiaM*meoapiad{w1Ui the pledge tbtl the gold etaodard would to malotalaed until other nation* oeme to oar rollaf woa tho i»oat aboard plank tb«t any party aw pot Into o plat form. if tho KrpabMoaa party had delegated He npraeoutellvao to ptwonl thl* rubjpct to tho fioenoter* of Europe along tho Mm of that eeoerleoe plat' form tbo •pokooman of tbo waaMni would hero hod to make a ipreek about Ilka Ik la: -Gentlemen, wo bore bad tbo C etaodard for 83 yaare aad do not it; the American peopli bare tried It and endured from It, and they bare eeot aa over ban to aak too to got rid of It. They rooognlea that yoa ban made moony while tboy boro Imt, aau therefore, wo oak yoa to loin no la ra zoring the etau by which wo wont luce ao mack ood by wbloh yon wont make oo muoh. (Laughter and loud epplaoac). Bat thee candor would l«ro eomprtlrd the epohaeeeau to boro added another aeatoace. Be weald hero aaM: -Bet while ne eoCered a good deal, we can euBer more If acooe ■ary. Wtillo wo bare bad a bard time, we bare not reached the limit of ao durance; and If yoa people would rather go on plundering ue lOdrAollOly. we will etaiid by you while the world laate.’ Thet la Ike HcpaUlcaa plat form. That la what It eaya— that while etUl trylu* to get eloog qu uatloael-W* meudliaaa, yet If we get Ike leading eommareial nettone of Barope to joiu with o«, ere will roaintela tbit thing which they want, WOULD TAX* TUB rulTOOHATi TIT th* TnaoA*. ”My frUixU, our plaaAra* dISareot. Wo would not hava tents mao over lo beg. because wa read lei hlatury when we wave children that pore than 100 rear* ago, our people by Urcir blood, bought tba right of the poop la to logit* UU for tbesaalvee. Aooording to oor plan, when we lend a man over (here It will trot be to aak a man to help us, but to anoouuoa to them what we am goto* to do. (Laughter aud applauar.) It will b* to aay to them that 70,000,000 of people have at much right lo protect their property from depreciation, a* a taedrul of foreign fioan cirri have lo legislate value* Into their hands. Aoi our ambaeaadur would have said to them: The people of the United Male* hava decided to restore Indepeodeut bimetallism at tba ratio of 10 to L We teller* we eaa maintain the parity, but you hava a good many investment* over there, and If you have aoy doubt about It—about our doing It—you had totter Join aa.” (Long and loud laughter and applani.) work or nm wrauan noma*. Now. my friend*, aa erguaeut lllu that weald baya aom* effect. Why. my friends, why haven’t wa IctereelkMial ta-meuillam ? la it baoauas tlarra la no sentiment In Europe? On the con trary, there a oaotUarat there, aed tlM •ectimant I* ao strong that lb* French gorernaaent Jrlwed with ui lo uondlog an natoanndor to Eoglnnd. And la England tbe naatlmeot wna m *4mug that a petition waa wot to the Kogtlab govarnaraot. aignad by the laadlog la bor organisation* of England, aikluc tor iatarnatloaal M-OMtalliam; ao atroog that a report waa prawn tad while oor oommlntlon waa tact*, a re port signed by tea out of fourteen ■ember* of a oommitaiou appointed to lovwtigate tbe condition of agrioal tnre. and the too ef tbe fourtwo de clan that tba geld atandard waa de structive to Bofllah agriculture, and pointed to lit womitaw aa the only re lief for tba Xu gtaft farmer. (Appjauw.) B-n wby, my friend*. did the Engtlab go Vera meat rsfow to lUten U tbe uboreri sad to tba firmer* r ilacaaw on the ttad day of 8**—tor, 1887, tbe bnnbars of Londow mat at the clearing houaa, tabled cloned door* and pledged to eearwy, declared that the cold staadard waa all right. Tba English beakers. ao fow (a number that they wo mart la tba otaartng bouse, dot*ra*load lb* policy of Eng land aed BogUnd del armload tba pel ley of Bump* aed Ehreps will deter mine tbe poller ef tbs Ualtsd State* aa long aa tbe Republic** petty I* In power. ((Jbeers end appUaie.) cast Dmor Tira xonr qvwrrtox, •’1 her* been ashed why am 1 not Willing to drop the money question? 1 replied “Beoaemlba money question won’t drop us. Until aom* other par ty prouoaaa aom* other rail* the* 1ft t* 1. and tries to aeMre W metallism el *o*n* other ratio, tbere <a no rawoo why wa should dfaaaa rati* with tbam. Thn raU» of 1# to 1 la the ratio at whleb our gold and Mlrar col an new circulate. Wa amply aak re tosute meat #f the law that waa on the •talal* book*—wher* It was tofur* tba act of daamaatmtloB waa *aer*»|y paanad. W* simply wool to r***w uy law whatwwadeaeby law. Th*y street •Ilvrr dowa by law) we rale* It an by lew. Thay slew tto mint* by law; wa wa tbam by law. (Appfouw ) | My friend*, you will baar twopt* aay (hat Umy deal *bj*«t le silver If we 1 will epaa tbe mfoto at the bullion retie, or th* eommarotel ratio." agnaixm or o*awr*Acns. Mr. Bryae ouadimard the MU pawd leg lo Coop raw PrtreMtag fog thaw Uraasset at tbe fvawbaeha by aelamw of bonds drawls* 2* par coot. Hassid boads'aMst ptr. thuT^ dtlJS teak SiffiSSrS?8 s&sSssssSs^S *• Jolt Sgsal ta tbs sawaat tha baak paUtetkotenia. U baa not a Muglo dollar laraaud aad Tat It tornon {Wvft&sSb to«ss tha Matte, aad fat Umm basks win tail you they want this decs tar tha pubiiogaad. TUB UIKD STATS* A lULLT. Theta l* anotter obfsai that Is aot lodadad la tba Ohlaago-jdatfena aad to yet tael udod ta the prfaaiala it asta forth. Tba PieaMaot, la hia mom^s of IMi safcad foe a standing araty at 100,000 omo. Wo bore tedVoStoa. al aooTenllon sloes tint tte* Bat DeMoeraU do sot beta to tana a nalloail oonesailoa ta loan that tbs teM latte ^^tos25'^Appte^r) Mr. Bryaa referred to tha United tea aa a tell; for striking down tba kllipiao a at Iras. This tweeted tbs gratteM enthustasia aC tba atebt Tbara waa a Mighty demaaaUaUoa wbaa ha said that It was this ooatttry K«asr«r!!Ki?sa: leMaanurtfta aoriaadad. It waa aot aanwhdag, bo ■aid, that a aaaatry that abauM aaad sfttrtsjjffsis ssa^s asod there for a aotoatol polio;. TMa waa raaetaad with wild apptaaar. Wbaa te Intimated that ha wanted to ■top, ba waa told to go oo aad mu re quested him ta talk nara aa Imgarsl leas. a uuoucAaa or oamtraiASM Wbaa ho Mid: ‘*Wa nay fall to 1000." ibsrs wars twmafca ous cries of “No! Sm!" Wbaa ho a hurrissus of spplasre broke forth. Mea sod woomo sotad wildly. Wbaa Mr. Bryaa ted'touted Ibsrs was a *r»at rash for bin on tha platform. Ha waa alnaet suffocated la the eroab. It leqalred tra pnHosMea ta fora a way for him tkroogh tte orowd. Ha •hook hoods oo all aidaa. He tot a few minutes' rsosptioa to tha I aids room, where ba ateok hand! with a number of persona, than with great dlflScsltj te wsat down stairs. Than waa a wary large .crowd bars, aad Mr. Bryan bad to nge a abort apaesb to tte gathering. Ha waa sattesia* ttedly etearao aa te gat Iota a oar* rlago. wbtob started far tte Hotel Bartholdi. Later, Hr. Bryaa aaid: “Tbit to tte grostaat dtaoar 1 s*sr attsoded. I think It la tbs grastaat arar luld ta tte United States. Tte boarta of ttepsopts ore all right,** feHMm. Halm Watoraoa Maodjr, In ladlm How Jnanul, An editor mm asked me to write Ulm an article oa “How to Manage a Husband.” 1 answered that I eoaidu’t —drat, be— I had —tar triad to oiuaa busload; eacoud, hsssaai I didn't batters la i* snag leg kaabends, be msseged would be s peer kind of etestur* whom It would be OMrmiy worth while la west* tboagbt upon. There to — better prtntoplo far both husband end wife to adopt In adjusting Uwmsolees to the —w rotation then that ot trying to do eaefa by tb* other wbat men are sceseUard to ostl tbe 1 "rqasru thing.” Many e worn— under stands “menagiog” .a bnSbasd better than she does doing the square thing by bla. and many a men usderstaade and gceeUort doing tbe square Ikta* by other mm who would bo afrauted It be were to be told Uwt, judged bp Me own business standard be habitually dealt eefklrly with hie ewe wife. UnaarbafcU t—sfMisaalls—. Kkmha, Jaebaoa Co., W. V*. About three years age cay wife bad an attaak of rheumatism which non. load harts her bed far over a month and rendered bar anabta to walk e IfcVD Without —<Mdbim W II— being ewettoo to double their eorae) etas. Mr. d. M odd ox Instated — ay using ChembartoM's Pain Bela. 1 yurchseed e flfty-oeat buttle and need It aooordlng tedirtoUoM aad tbe nest ao ruing site walked to breakfast with out aaeatanM la any meaner, and eba has net bad e similar attack slnca.— A. B. pAbaoKt. Per ssl* by J. H. Curry A Oo. A TetW AeastaA (ba WaaM In M Mure. Lombok, April IB.—The Boaslaa Minuter of Bafireada, it to aupaaeaed to e epeetol dispatch frem (H. Petere barg, Mrs that wbee Urn Tl—Hlbe rise Railroad to eemntoted. It will he poeatbls to go srouud tbe wurM la S3 (toys, m mile we: Brea— to Si. Peteretmrg, if dan; St. Pstareburg to Vledleoetoek todays; Vladlroatoek to Baa Prase boo, by steamer. 10 daye; Sec Prunetoeo to Hew York, 44 days; Hew York to BreaM, 7 days, Wo Mtovo <Jha»hwtola’a Coopt BnMtf lo tho bote lb tbo world. A fow wookr «*o wo toffarvd with o «0 m wM and a WoOMmocm ooafh, aad bivtoi road tbalr advartUoaoetiU In oar owa aod other popart wa par* ohaaad a boUla to aaa If It woaM iM aa. It aarad a* bafara tha battla waa ■Mra tfaaa half aatd. It la tba baat laadMaa nut for ootda aod ooagbo. 7V flcroM, AaaoaTlUa. lad. Torab byj.t Carry A Oa. | lo ahaoot tvary ootpfafaorfaood lhara la oaa wbata IMa baa bara and I by Cbawbarlala*! Gallo. Obotara aod Iharrfao at Bawdy, or who baa baaa aarad of rbroalo diawfataa fay tbo aaa of that wtdlalaa. hath paiaaaa aatt a pot at of Ufttataf It wbaw toll by J. X. OarryJk Oa. r~*-•—r The Equitable Life Assurance Society OP THE UNITED STATES. >. — Outstanding Assurance—iU-„ $967,187,134.00 J Assurance Applied for In UM— 198462,617.00 I i Examined and PecWnod-— 30,348,675.00 ; New Assurance Issued—^- 165,043,739.00 I , Income-~-.— 50,249,286.76 | Aaeeta Dec. 31, 1696- 255,36949644 Assurance Fuad WMIMIMI ui ill other UtMUfln MW.IM.IJ... 201.05640947 'Surplus-.-57,310469.27 ' Paid PoMcyholdefi in 4696-- .24,020433.42 ________ ’* 1 HENRY B. HYDE, mrtlpnl. /. W. ALEXANDER, V.-P. W. J. RODDBV, Manager, Reck Hill. S. C. J' W. T. RANKIN, Resident Agent, Gastonia, N. C. i1 ■ , i It is the King: of its Race. '; i * ""VUViiin nr Jinnr. inr - -in.-imw. .1 | 1 I This timely appeal is to yea who m looking for' the beat constructed bicycle the world has over I 1 _a__ .a . 1 proQoew. 1 The Cleveland Model ’99 with the Ball Bearings stands far ahead in mechanical comtruo Itkm and ease of running, to say nothing oflaating qualities. Be wiaa and have no regrets, Other new wheels ham fto up. First-class Mepadr Shop and fhll line of •eatffles. __TORRENCE BROTHERS P. S. Call hi aod get a catalogue. EverytrJy Wears Shoes. Bvery mmm at add to oar line of Shorn, and we have the moat complete line this Beeson we bore ever offered to the trade. i : t : • * —.I Of coarse it is impossible to nit everyone, bat wo believe that we cna come as aeer plees inc everyone la Shoes as say other firm in town. This feet Is moves to as by oar Shoe badness oootroaaDy *—unties Still we are not asdafisA. We want non boils w. aadifyoa ft™ ne a prnl of yoena we Holland 4k Hoblmon. f««brt Ism. MYtHim tan m? w. i hat. omctAM, duuiLcjiiia, Funien ruxmmtaum tiUMu,*, a. «+*mrnmm**MW%mm

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