The Gastonia _ _ Orrot*d to tUo Protootioa m Homo and «o»q Into room o1 tH Coantv* VoL^X-X. Gastonia, N, C., April 27, 1899. THE ONEROUS TARIFF. _... I The Farmer Feel* It* Worst Effect*-Great Evil* and Their Remedies—View* of a Southern Agriculturist. Atlanta Journal. _ If the people of tbe eooth, especially •ooibern termer*, would unite end per sistently stork for on* greet legislative reform UU they sec ate It, end would adopt e few simple economic measures el borne. It would require but a few yean to secure for us in* highest stan dard ot good government, general boms comfort and hap pi a ess enjoyed by any people In the world. This great Westing It la store for us. It la with I a our grasp. We bare l ut tn put forth our energies and appropri ate ir. It will require a strong, earnest and nollad effort, hut It Is worth th« effort and the labor to secure it a thousand time* over. Tbs people of the south are brave, self-rellaat aod rlrtoous Id a blgb da grot. Tbsv bare leas erlSahues*. mors true sympathy for lbs Buffering aad mors love for their e< igbbors sad man kind than any otlrer people In lb« world. OCR XATUHAL ADVANTAOKS: 1 Are great. Our soil, oar climate, our production*, vegetable, animal and ' mineral, are not < qua led by thuee of any other oountry oa earth. We can produce lu greatest abund aooe and ot best qaallty. almost every thing that le usefDl or desirable. We raise far more tnao half tlm cotton of whole world, and far better quality tbao an* other country, aad wa raise sugar, rloe, groundpsas, sweat potatoes wheat, ooro, rye, oete, bay and maoy other oseful product* which faiidoc be raised In the northern states, while at Uis same time we make every ralosbl# product that can be raised In the north eieept maple sugar and syren, end wa do so at lest cost, greater profit, la peeler ebandeno* eud ot better qual TIIRBR CROPS A YRAIC. Kor more than lea years I liars torn raising three raloabls and well ma tured crops aacb year oo tba asms piece of land. la Stotembrr l aow It In rye (or win ter grating, Wtoa tbs stalks sboot up ilia following spring, Just aa lbs heads era In tbs bool, 1 cot it (or bay. . 1 then tarn under lbs stubble and aow German mlUrt. I sow it very thick to asks tbo stalks small, and I out it before it Moons, while the stalks are ten dee, and thus make One hay. 1 then taro coder the millet stubbie end sow pass. In September tbs rloe* are ready to be cat for bay and lbs roots turned under, or Iba vines and roots all turned under, aa may be de sired. and then sow rye again. OTHER ORgAT HBMOURCSS Tbs southern states are new leading tba world In Iron products, selling them In all clvtllzad countries, and air ing ibelr prices In the world’s mar kets ! And we have coal and Umber and mineral phosphates In supply and quality than no other portion of lbs world can excel If canal Such U a brief outlier of our Batumi advantages and reaouroes. If ** wisely use these great resources we will be In much better condition than tba people of any other country In the world. OUn SItADV ANTAQBS. The thing* Ui«f work to our but ■ud preveet a* from iwllilog the pro*, verity aod tbe great blaming* Id More for ue ere: 1. Tbe tariff. 3. Oar laliuee of opportuoiUea. Tbe tariff U a hydra-headed monster of evil, working oat aad fattening up on an more injustice tud wrong than anything ale* (poeaibly with on* ex cept too.) It dlaertmlaaUk *g*lu*t the poor and la favor of tbe rich, it oppraeeea and beapa continually Increasing bmdvua opon tbe poer and tlioee who labor, aad auaWe* the rlob. more aod more, to Inereaaa tbeir wealth at locreaatng 1y rednotd coat to tea. It la oaBring the riob to become richer and fewer Id number, and tbe poor to beoorne poorer and luoreaae In dumber, in inverse ratio, every year, eyary day, aad every Hour. It given tbe mao who baa mouey an unnatural, an due uujuat aad wrongful advantage >vsr all matter how aobnrlf and upright they may try Vo live; no matter Saw Industrie os, aeon nail cal aod oommaadabto may be tbetr babtta and deportment. Many poor people under our present unnatural and unjoat condition* ara not able to “bold their owo” with all that Industry, economy and oorrnet hstate can arenre; and very faw oaa overcome the wrougfolly Imposed ob stacles aad make a “rite In the world." It la eaMow that a poor man beoomaa wealthy without Oral eecnrlng the asa of aoea* unnatarai aud wrongful ad vantage that discriminate) In his favor aod again* tbe natural rights of hla hllowman. A DISCLAIM SB. How understand me corrently. I am i»ot a Socialist, Communist, or Aaar ohlat. 1 am sot trying to engender un kindly or hostile faellBps between otoftaa—to ariray Um poor against the rich or tbe rleb agalata Ue poor. Ko ooo oould more sertonily regret eocb data are Me eoodltiona tbaa L Ho peopto on earth are more free from does prejudlo* than wa are In tbe sooth. There is no country or Motion where tlw poor and tlie rich dwell to gether in as harmonious relations as fa the eon them states. Under asttaleg eireumetanoee I do not blame tbe rleb b»naua* they are rich, f am not lading (bull with lbees has—m llwy have these us natur al and wrongful advantages Of the poor, la this settles, tbe rich as a class, did not make these advantage* tad am ask any mom responsible Tor tbeir exltames than Urn poor. la so oUaf eooatry do the rich feta a* kindly toward the poor aad ham ua ■■Oh genuine friendly lotrrooura with them u in tbe southern stairs. Neither do 1 blame the poor for be ing poor. As a general statement, we eaa truthfully nay It Is not their fault. They oAonot belo It. If no one by law, had any undue and unjust advantage o( then; If every e>su had bis natural rights; If ersiy man bad an eijuai chance at natural opportunities. mere would ha very few persons In want, very faw would he crushed down under tbe Iron heel uf helpless poverty, and Involuntary pov erty would almost entirely disappear. TUB raOfLB DO HOT OOXSIDWR. The southern people have not thooght earnestly—have not felly Investigated or considered the terribly harmful of fsets whtoh tbe tariff works out and fastens upon us. The rloh people did not invent It end Impose it upoo us; for less did Uivy do so with the Inten tion of thereby securing for themselves the wrongful advantages It gives thsm over the poor. The tariff la a villainous cruel Span ish or Moorish Invention; a system of forcible robbery adopted try them lo ex tort money from others unjustly. It is one or tbe many inhuman methods resorted to by them lo rob Innocent victim* without giving anything In return. Another method adopted by them was extensively practiced by those representative Spaniards. CorUi and P>strio. In tbelr murderous career In South America and elsewhere This wicked Spanish tovsotlon—a system <4 measure of oppression sad robbery, pat in operation wieked la tent-ought oevsr to have been adop ted by elviliaed free American*: and we ought without delay t» hurl It from us as a vile thing dreptaad t soar, or rrs xrrrcT*. Tbs tariff it the cause of, and Is res ponsible lor ell tbe organised monopo lies. trusts and plundering eomblues in tbs United Slates. Hut for the wrong Hdvantages whtoh It gives, these rob ber organisations oould not be formed, could not rxiat I Trade should b* free, absolutely, without any conditions whatever, the world over. This U natural, it Is right. u i are a litHUo aod a g.>od clU »en; If I am Industrious: If 1 go to work aod make to reel blag useful wbteh I do not need »od am willing to •ell, aod tom* person la willing to boy, I ought to bo permitted. If 1 to chnee, to go any where on earth to soil that article, to any person willing to buy It for whatever prior wo agree up on; and no person, no community or government has any Just right to charge me one oent for tba i>r Ivlins of selling it; end whoever Imposes soeh a burden or Hoc upon me—a Hue upon Industry— la aa tnnok of a robber s* Cortex and Pixarro, or Jbhn A. Murrell or flaw James Aod If any person wlsbea to go auy wbsre In tbe world to boy anything, lie ooght to bare tbe ease privilege that I am entitled to in selling. This folly Illustrates natural rigbU. which no msu or sot of meo, anywhere haa aay right to dooy. abridge, inter fere with or try to regulate, at any cost to bnysr oi seller. This principle la right I Anything else is wrong I TH1XVTKO AHD OUWADDLT. Tbe collection of revenues by a term to a mean, sneaking, tbelvlog unmanly dishonest aod cowardly method of ob taining mousy ! It file lias the money from oor pockets, and we do not koow when or bow much I A Into, honest, open, plain straight forward. common moss, bail ness method should be adopted; one that would bo aa easily and folly oompra hended by tbe most uneducated aa any com mon bust ness transaction, between mao and man; and that method is. The tax collector should show us what ws owe, and let os pay It sod take a receipt for it. To Illustrate, tbo state aod oounty tax ooltoetor in ssoh county could have three Items ox bis lax Milt: 1 Uounty Ux. 9 Stela tex. 8. United Stetea Ux. With oor Ux thus ant out. wn oould. before we pay It. verify lte corveetoeae, Joat ai every men who wtehee to do no nan bow verify tba oometoeae of Ida etala aad oounty tax bill*. We are ea muofa entitled to know, or bn able aaaily to koow, that tba tax whleh the general gov am meat cel la oo u» to pay la correctly levied opou aa, and la what we Jnetly owe aod no more ea we have to know that oar etore Mile end bleolemitb'e ecoounte are correct before we pay them. wotn.D met* roLiTroAL oomaumow. If «• cooid ell know Joat how meet we pey the goverooeeat. It woeld very nverly. If not entirely, pet no end to corrupt political Jobbery. Coegreae woeld ceeae to appropriate Bonn for anything whatever, not aboofetely necessary. It wooM take away fro* tba president the authorliy to eppetat aoaenla with big salaries atteehed to a great number of dirty Hill# towne in Europe end elsewhere. They are be* teee expenrivo oulmneee, end the tala rife of the aloeeare eoaeele aad many other •ypotiunneota. le a oonruptioc feed eaed for partleea polHlonl pur poem, and eat ta promote the good of the oo entry or the people I Aod bead rede of ether aeedtem ex peaem would be stopped. If tba people oould know how waoh they pay I An era of hoaaaty aad economy in govern ment expend Korea would be I ae unra ted. We ere Jeetly entitled to thle knowledge. Let us bare It. AwoLrett thb TAarrv, Maw, I would Ilka to aee the tenth era people aod e^oateOy eoathera far mers tola a holy crusade te nbollah the tariff I Let uo til with netted rote* •ad determined rreolole actios cell up on oongreee to wipe It oat I Thin would giro untold relief t It woald put an end to moaopollea, trust# •ad oorebtaea, organised to regelate prioea. Tba eonatry woald eater upoc aa e» of prosperity aod happloew for all; not for » few, at the expruw of the many I No one woald have ao undue awl on]net advantage ever another la buying aad aolHag. (t would give ovary man bie natural rigbU-eu equal chaaco at natural opporinnlttre. Tbe wound feature of our dlaadvas Ugta oonaUta la oar taleow or fall are to proparly uw some opportunities oot pat sell rely taken away from which we oaa will wield to oar advantage. Oottoo growers can Improve their COftdiUon uy : 1. Raising on Ibe faro la ample quantity, all needed topplies whloh tbe farm wll prodaw. 9. By making tbelr ootlou crop, no matter bow email or how Urge a clean eat, actual aurptue I One buahel of grain, one pound of mwt or forage, or one domestic animal reload oo Urn farm, la worth two that baa U be bought with oottoo. If tbe oottoo crop u • ekar, real eur plua there la laooey la U at any prioe. Beoeot espertoenU ofoaiefol Inlslll gent farmers have demooalrated that ■ettlag bud In permanent pastors aod reining cattle, either for bwf or for dairy peudoota; or tbe railing of bogs with bog eropa—artldiokw, etiufns, pinders aad potatoes, to be gathered and eaten by the I toga |D the flalde; aad raising but little oorn and oo oot tea. pay* much beUrr than eropa of corn and oottoo alow. But If southern farmer* woald raiw at boons ell tba supplies tbelr farms will produce nod make oottoo a clear earplue. we woald have “a land of pWotT." Very few. if any, In tbe country, would leek the neoeeeanw of Ufa, and Uuoger aod want of ahaiter, ol< thing aad fuel woald be confined to tbe poor In the cities and In tba menu facturlngand sluing oeolere. This policy would not bring os to the fall extent, the gnat blessings whleh free Undo would loeure to ell. bat It would make our ooodltlon me oh better thau It now is. it would bring much of the relief we so greatly desire •ad ao sorely need. Will not our farmers adopt it? Let us labor to wlpa oat the tariff! Am Bn buy or Tiik Taw vy. Fulton County (near Atlanta), lie., April 15. 1890. MHkwtrwStTtrMr. Wilmington Monmiw. There can be no doubt, that Jeter Pritchard it the very beet otUction for Uw “Digger-wing” of the block radical Party. Like man into party. He will eull to a T. Ha U graally Id loya with the negro, end dot* not can a nittao die stout whet befalls tbs wblto Dam oornU, or the raul while men In bis own party or in the populist party, ao be can bold on to the grab trough and grow rloh by taxing his enemies. - He has not the least sympathy with while men in negro abounding oounUte. If he had hit way we cannot doobt, that be would keep them always under the blighting rule of white traitors to raos who otsd incompetent and Ignorant negroes for their own rsmorsalaaa and greedy ends. A prominent republican •aid to the If net and Obttrrer in an swer to the question "who will In your candidate for gotornnr Y” ‘•Pritchard, I suppose. Tnat teem*to ba tbe'program of our party now. He's certainly the logical candidate. He’s thrown down tlio gauntlet on the amendment quest loo, by his resent let ter. and ball probably be asked to lead the light.” Prselstly! Us Is Indeed “Hie lnglcal candidate.” He Is fur “nigger rule” for whites, and It Is “logical” erery way that Uie Teonraasi advaotoisr should “lead lbs flgia" against ths men of his own race, dome men hare very Sata nic leanings sod diabolical preferences. Mali! ._ Ow*«aUn.aMH ix'liMU*, MwtbjrSttr. Senator* U. H. Justice, of Umber - fordtoo. aid O. F Maaon, of Dallaa attended court this week. They are both able lawyer*. true Drtnoeret* and jeal stale*men Senator Joatloels on* of the ablest lew yeie end beet equipped pobllo men la tha Bute. Ha wae tbe moat laR-ian tlal me as bar of tbe reoeut tienaral A a aembty aad la tba ohoiee of the people of all Western Worth Garni tna forOov entor. Few men in tbe State woeld All thnofioe with aneh eonapteoeue ability aad betas to tt aaoh a ripe aipaflamw )■ poblle affaire. Senator Just lea la also a feeortta socially. Senator Maaon la one of tboaa mao whe beeoaa greater by aaaoeUtlna wlUi them. Ha grows upon yon. I(* lean Independent thinker and ha al waya thinks right. Ho la a lovable mao and baa many friend*. Hla abil ity, honesty aad amlnaM attainments an ueqoeotlooed. Hla proverbial good amms natrar pert* company with him Ha la a good talker and has the fsanity of getting at tba bottom of anything. Ha la a asBaiaafnl lawyer aad would adorn any offlee whleb hi* admiring ooastltaenoy might forea sp an him. Oar senators. Jimtioa and Maaon. would win every time on a platform of brains and bravery, love aad loyally, purity and pntrlatlaan. rrtwit»i«». caewer uattn. ft Igotbarapy la atatod to ba already In euguaat aeveral pi met in Surepa. Tba tiMtamit annsitla la aUadlaa tba pattaat, wall protected with fori, Is a fretilng-box coaled to SOOdegreaa Of more below aero, U.U dally eoVI bath being continued ton minute*. Til# bead It allowed to ptoUuda from tba bog. aa breathing of the lutoowty nol<l air woald ba deogeroaa. The effect u lo powerfully atlmuUta tba alreolutlon orantlog an ImmadlaU aad ravaauua appttlte, landing to baaltb dyapeptla aad fartooa kidney aad Hear dlaaaww, aa waH aa nareona axbaoMlon aad Ua diUlKltnt ■#liAOMf uw) The whole body la aiouaad to rlyoroai ia>laa, BILL ARP AS A PESSIMIST. TROUBLED ABOUT SITUATIOV IV TO FKILIPPIVB*. OUI Arp In Atlanta Ooantltntlou. Boas* rotllor optimal—good, batter, kart. Melui prjor MMlaoa-bad, worse, wont. 1 remember that maeb Iwtia. Home day* we an optlmlata aod look on tba bright rtda aod think tba war la about over and tba mlllej Dlum will begin with tba new eastary. Tkaa again the newt U bad we are ubiigad to be peart mkrta u atU It ohangte. I lam epcaaimlat right new, fnrerory- | Uilag look* dark and gloomy abroad, tboagb tha geo La I spring aua le shin ing and atmytlilof la lowly at home. What la all this about oaa hundred tbooeand more awn wanted to aabdue the Plllpinoa and our eoldlrra aaylng they didn’t enlist to light negroes; sad what about lbs bemoans ■— our boys and eutUog tfcolr beads off and parading tbam through the street#; and what about a rupture with Ger maoy while opr navy le all togagod aear Uwcw In those far dlitanl Islands? U Germaor U dthUeg mad. what better opportunity dues aha want than to turn her navy loose upon aa right MwP aud bow dd wa know that John >y Bull woakl twlp us? And tbvn again then seems to be no real peace In Porto Bleo. for one of tbalr late papers saya: "Wa nbaecre with eonow that tha Uultad Statue troops are a mass of bear and abaena paopla, a drunken multitude who dally ttnffrt and maltreat our suffering paopie. Tliey rob our servants aa Uwy go ta market; they eater our res ts ureuta and Uka wbat tliey waat by fores and than break np tha eroakary; tbay rob tba pedlars and refass to pay the cabmen sad Steal everything in eight; they Insult our women Uke aev* ages, and to oomplain at headquarter* U like barking at the moon. If Uiie la our destiny, would that wa oould rtak this fair Island la tit* d«ptbs of Iks sea.” from bio epueob: “Hop* (prion Menial in UmImmb brwraL” AUl hod U lift op mp roloe. of enure*, u I ro pealed: ;»^«aafl#wsyrr' We nmart baya had pawn of fao over that rod-heeded eempeeltiuo, ui u la cUU a preeor* among aa that “Hope lea gaud laoawttawTr- Aad ao « »« aot uUartr daapelr bat Ur* la ras bnnakb. My baric Sl< aod my left kldoojr waioaa boom aad my hft ware oa a atrlka aad wouldent earry oaa with alacrity, bat work lo tbo gar dan got me all fa a aweat of paraph*. Uoa aad I feel bettor. My witbaMd 1 would, end abe boowa Wu hwa got bat two Iowa for are. On* la, 1 moat work lo tbo cardan if I am w#M, aad Um utber la I moat fa wall. Tbo war dosaat bother me while I am at wort, bat I boo and dig aad poodor while i dig. lam perplexed right now about a eery myaturiooa force of uatora that I do oot uodwetand. It la the lift lug power or HUia loader plants I nwror bare uadorotood bow It l* (bat Um pea or baaa or a potato patdfc or aa •bnt oood ean mat tbo cloddy groaod aod art the eloda aad part thorn aad tod a way upward. Thom HUla ten der ahoou that will bred aad break at tbatoaohoau lift a weight of mode, und 1 am aatMkd that than U mm ■yoturliwa foroa that belpo tham do— •omo electric ladaoooo that-r (ram the plant—com* dynamite power. What farmer baa aot woo dared that a alioutlay grata of eon oould upboam aad tpllt aoandar a Mod that bo eoaM loudly break with hi* bony haod*. Then, again, what a praaerraUva la oar mother earth. Ilowaafaljr It Crept the room of vegetation from inoU and fra* tea aad am ooid. Wo hod aUly ole root baahm. alt of choice varteUat. aud barn taken a world of oomfart la tboir baeotlfal d.wera, bat tblk teat winter they warn all klHad-kllladdmd , to Um ground, and I out thorn down aod found no rign of life. It made ue all »«d aad I wroto about It. aud a good man a tinier, of Cbemberohorg, W. Mr. William B. (toed, mud my lot tor, and Mipriaad me by aaadh* Mxty alx imw ptaata of tbo boot rariotlaa. ' aud I pirated them aarefnlly between ...The One Right Way.., Advertising may be good and yet not be successful, because It Is not persistent. That clever Journal “Brains” puts it thus: “There is but one right way to advertise and that is to hammer your name, your occupation, your business so thoroughly In the heads of the people that if they walk in their sleep they will turn their steps toward your store. The newspaper is your friend. It helps to build up the com munity that supports you. Another paper eara: “Oar people' •re dally tneoltad by tbeee rufUna, end wa bare oot the patience of Job Mr tbe meekness of the Hen of Cel vary to bear these thing* without retaliating.” •Another paper eaya: “We • offered moeb under the Spaniard*, but our mw liberator* ara committing greater offunaee and oppreeatoos than did our former master*. end we cannot *ub mit quietly to tbll MW tryacoy. Mer er before ha* there oocurrad la Ponoe •uefa outrages a* ara happening to-day. Thera la safety nowhere, and our lad Ira are at all time* exposed to the Insult* of drankaw aoidWra •• How la that foe the American sol dier—the bear* patriots whom we laud In eoog and atoryf Nor do we hare to go to Petto Kko to God them. Only a few days ago a Maw Jersey regiment waa mustered out at Oraen rtUe, 8. C.. and Immediately began Ibatr dertlaoeut. sad their journey borne waa a ratgw of terror. A negro write* to me and want* to know where in the colored troop* ware wore* than lb# whiten. Wbel ia ll>e antler with thin genera tion. white and black? What la the matter at Pan a. and why can’t the two ! raoee work together io peace? What It the matter at Wealbaralord, Conn.. an« why won’t tha white people tbeee la* the aegroe* build a home for old aad Invalid oegroee? Oarrto Steele, a 1 ooirred good HnaarttaB. projected a 1 •ImlUr homo for nagro orphan* m At- | laute and the whine hade bar godspeed i and eii beer I bed liberally and helped ; her, and It U d-dng good work that la eoamandad by ah mar people. Hava the Tank*** forgot what they fought for. or pretended to fight us for? Aad besides all tbaaa thing* there nr* more fires aad awful eeauatuea aad drown Inga aad euMdm aad Bourdon than aver before known In ao brlat a time, aad it la enough to make a hope ful man almost daapalr of paaoa aad ■ood will ever returning to this af flicted land. Thu I* why 1 am a paetlalat to-day, bat I live in hope and mnyba I wlU ba an optimist neat weak. Hop* la a bleated thing. The I rat aompotl'loo t war Iward rued la achool was written by a tell, freakled-faoa, red-beaded girl oud It area on “Hope,” and tie first arete oca: “Hap* I* « Klnvatuioo, and If it wan art for wan would dlt aad woaaan are old give op U>* ship." "Hot only so, imt alao,” as Id dim Alexander, nod Oporge faster wblapared a pert of his ipeenh: And Keanely Bailee quoted a Uoe | tba dead ooaa and they are aprtoginar up beaatl felly, aad now, I# aad behold, the old ooea are aeodlwg up atroog aad vlgoroea sboota front noar the surface wed'moat of than ara above Uta bad dodjolota. So If all of them lira and grow, there will bo a wilder owe of roaaa, end wa can taka our choice. I »■ ready to oactlfy that Mr. Bead la a great big-hearted man. And now Mr. B JL Rohertion. of Cblekamauga, h*a eeot 800 auawtorrry ptaot*. Lady Tboapeen sad Loulae aad Gandy ve rtattes. All are Ana, aad the Gaodya am eapeelally waatad, for they are n vary lata variety and baa* bountifully after an other bhtda have peered away for the araeoo. Ill bathe la a good OMM. tan and my wife makaa it a rale to believe that everybody la good who la good to ua. So now tot tba war go a*. It to none of ujjr riotog. For • good white I wag hi nova that MeKlatoy A Uo., who tot allp tha doga o war for polit ical parpoaoa. woaid aaa thair mlatake aad aaMatf tbotrdoga, but moat ofthe pmcharotoU them that It lo Qodh will aod nasi fact doatlay aad that U to doora la tba bmtbao moat ha apawd i and kept epee. Aad to wa aommoa ; folk* eao't do aayUilag. I board I preacbera talk that wap for mrthtrtf aarao yaara ago aad wa (bought Ibay I had tha Cft* aad Tba mala Ja thair Ibreeohm poeketa. but tbay dlda’t. Ooa Uimg la oaitala. Tbto war baa dona tha netted no good morally or I oaaolaNy, and It baa towered oar ie» { a poet (hr tba army aad for military ; aSaira in gaoaral, aad army baaf lo particular. When ear boy* oaca gat cat <4 It I hey will ba apt to atay out aod If wo liaro to aand 100,000 more , troope lo Ogbt the utggar lo tba Phllip ptoea they aril) botgolrom tbto part of the oooatry-oartaia.. P. • —lo my loot 1 did aot au that tba Virginia editor waa hypocritical. Ko, I woaid act be so dleraapactfub 1 wrote vary ptelaly that ba waa hyprr ertttoal. Tear type chaagad It. H. A. itoBMUtto w»nr. Wa baUara UhembarUld’a Coogb Hamady la (ho boat In Uw world. A few waaka age wa aaArrtd with a a*-! rare auto aod • tmablmama cough, •od bartag raad thair adwfttoemaeta | In our owe aad other paper© we Mr efntaad a bottle to aw If It would rflrat w. It eared at beferu the bettto waa more that hair need. It to tba brat I mediates out far wide aad euwgba. - . Tba Hr raid, Aoeoertlte, lad. Vw aato by J. S. Carry A Oo. * I GOING DOWN HILL People suffering from Kidney Diseas es, feel a gradual but •' steady loss of strength and vitality. They should lose no time in trying Foley’s Kidney Cure, a Guaranteed Preparation. Tonri»»r J.H. mnOIBDT * COMFAK Y. .4. her gaod-byee all obmtful and bright, tatadl iftif aK* HU ditanaarml TamZ woman turaed to toother aad mid. la a tome of Kihiti “tae la a lb or •agh wernat e( tool.” Vow to thin Mao the womaa wbe aaM none Into ptomt word*, wha tor a bright ataty waM.tsroS — braea-taem* m aay that tear Meed, eat wbe bare net oaty har awa hat the hardeni of a good amr altar mode, ret aba taw anrauoe wby aha Should (allot Mr IrouUta an bar frlrod*. or why iba ttouldael he to ito bad mam A women at toot la oaa wbe ftalt Mfixu^jnsSse »** e» lha faettom of others. A womaa mt taat la tba aaa wbo la arr^jnsiaisss srtt£* —»•> —*• A womaa of teat U one who mtbaa J* eMtTjSgbt apotWtta S5T aaui l»er good-by a boat that aba may eome ■gala. A womaa of taat la oat whadoaa-aot ■tnaara. A varitable womaa at toot la tba both typo of a Christian, for bar my aenatdamtloa matoa other wooma lea* to imitate Mr. Bimitatr that tode roar warb at a womaa of teat mtaor taoca than taaahltf from platform or tmaarod elaeatlaa. A womaa of toot la oaa who la eear taoaa uadar all cireumriaaom aad to rmy aaodltiee la wbioh aba may M deaad. A woman of taat la oaa obom l»ve ha hum tnlty limonad only In tor Utn’« devotion, and wbooe attohword in naaeiOahama to thaoght tad nothin. - — X«w Tam Aaiawwil. KMT* U4 (IMtmr, Tbto la tba quadrantlal tax im» meet yaar, aad ail. prupart#—raal aad personal— lauat be appralaad for taxa tion. “Sosa folk* cam tetblnk.” tald tba But# Auditor yaatarday, "U«t tba remon bars aotblna to do h«t hnn raal property. That la sot Iran. Tba Itwa says ‘tba llat-takata aad ■hall useartala tba traa vaiaa la mat# of avsty tractor pares! cflawdcrotbsr real total a. with tba Improreuaat* Uiareoo, and panooal propart#, add as reasthoaamia aeeotdaaoa withtaid valuation.” ''Than will this year bo NM rbauioolatbatax abatrooU. but not ■uen. Ttny will bo a IIUlo rear* oore prvbvotiva. I bava aaeured wplaa of lira latest abst rests float ovary State la tba Union, but noon of than bare tbown touch baprovaataat orer tba ana wo already bava.” Aoeordlnq to tba report of OaL Hanry O. Hsstrr, reerotary of tba JTow Orltana (Jottoo Xxebaafr. tba areouat of cat tan broafbt lata tifbl Curia# tba tit day* of tba ttatou ap to Apr! 7. wm 10,168,448 balaa. a daawaaa freta last ssaneo of tl?,M6 balea. Tba axpona wan & J86.ST9 bain, a dacanaa at 71,001 baits. Toktaas by Kaftan msssks# tba rewind rail la# oC la tba reova mat la tba atobi darta# tba man thaa tar tba Atlantis Status aad tba Oalf Status, nabdw of Taxaa. an mpoaalblo. Tba bam la tba At* too Ms sutaa darta# tba tret asvaw reontba to 1».M1 balaa, aad la tba Oalf Status reaatlwnd SMW balaa, a total of did.000 bats*. la Thau. bow* rear, tbna la aa latum of 394,710 balaa. ndaala# tba taut daenm to »U\0 balaa. Karik Qaroiiaa Mi km dlrtdad la to otoa earn dlatrwu. A Wflkii toll baamototad tor aaok dlZCt aad ik* aopantoor vtd paraal act tka tont tatf to bl* dial riot to tk# aatatantan a bo wilt taka Dm aaaaaa naxt year. Tka poafUaa of aoparrtaar wUI kaada „ Xmwa, Ja aa aUaak gf_ »*«l bar to Mr bad far avar a mall •ad raadarad Mr aaahU to walk ■ •tov without aaalMaaaa. kar ibata Mac awollaa to daubla Ikatr aamal •U*. Mr. •. Modttoa laatatod aa a] M»a OhaatoartMo* Pala itaia 1 •urrlurrd a M?M kattla aad mat U aoonrdlna to dltroUoaa aad tka aaart •onto* aka wattMd to kmkfkak wit* aat aafauaia la aajr vaoaar. aad iki haa ant had aatolto attbak ataea. A. tL Pawanank For aala by J. K Carry A Oa.

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