to U» ai. ?SJ5iC.-^asK?,yj 3&NU&SS S K Ucm o—mu* wiTwaiT du «*w adiUw aUribotaaof S2Si2a?3SS HAnirrianttiitM mdUw montoi «4 indignation. TIm too— otvUlaa feu oil Ito right*. Ito UUu auoago thair own affair*. Tb** tfealr ««ru ultatton *3i M tk* O-lvonoUM. Ho OM teukai*ap*ug»la. Uttoirgla want* ^ssussttrars ■ ot lb* world’* naked bar* feutau, Oaorjda wilt ha*o It. Tb* aUta Mat o—*lt*tIf. Ho on* rtaa ■fVTitcjoimi, The aettoa of tbo southern mob lo bonMo Md loocoaotMo. Howemr, •o OMt recogatm that the oen there mom on not dJCaraot from tbo north 0*0 MOO. and that Urn actio* of a porlhara mob would doottieaa Hare boon si milar under aimilar bldooai yro rmtUom, lfea ot tbo north aad math win treat a kitt In some ouch way. Bat thta will out dote* other brains from acting oa brotao wlU act; It only tMdato bruUttst asd dcmoraUs* wbolo osmaantty. Tbo only, oft remedy it to oboogo the a_ of tbobrotc—odoaoto him to bo_ thing other than a bruU. {tto wrong, it lo' dreadful. It lo lo — ft too diagram to tbo great Georgia. But It aid « hta thiag war* done la Paila Jbaltaa wo koow tbo eoo ot Palaato, wo eta liardly remad this affair, aad tbo oondl Uooootrrtab beak ao for iota history MdUvotvoao moayoM-ttaao wrong, tteta nal loo engaged la Booking tbo ■M»bt»k hoidoo oernaa aoaa moat wtr ba tbo white 000*8 harden here at bow. Row Tort armta. lyocbiuj _the -.---—V—dad. oa la tba pMOMt oaoo. by savage atrocities aad WgMttag barbarlUas that would abomoaa Apache ladtao.tba matter btcagMB a reproach to tba wtoola coun try and its booatad civUtaatloo. Tbo following broaay aoecdotaof tba HonUago caaspatgo ta foot lo tlo Tzsrozzgr,b, * uoowh Bid«r Ho WM .womaded in tbo Wock bourn igfak. bat lima to tail tbo story. of suffering, sad * £VPril,elF*1 eaaam of - tba dla ••oa which later aammlted our raaaa was tbo lack of good drinking w*Ur. During tba larid Qratof July the San JMta rtrar, rolled sod aiuddted by coa foralahod our ooly i •* >HoM refreshment; and Lo tt ooolteaad to ba our ebtof _l»»Plf throughout thorn voaardmyo apaot lo tba traoobm be fore tbo anrroadar of tbo olty. .•^■ tko night of tbo bit, under com of itarknma, Spanish sharp-shooters toob up now mending poatUooe la trees Ik* principal fordo, sod made tbo IM of lUlcg canteens extreme!* wiawat Ho war* r, w* at tha Bough llldec* 1 llMormd a wall mu tha btockbooao oo tha hill wt bad Ukao aad war* bold ■»* ft* It wa drew oar toppl* or water daring lb* day* wa remained la this paaitloo. Tha lonatloa of the wall waa aa expand oaa, aad waa eoa ■UMdad b» tha Ora of tha aharp-eboot era. posted well wlUria the Spanish ijoe*. when It waa dUBcalt todbiodge Almadjf eercral men bare been bit drawl** water, ao that when, oa tha moratog or tba third, I waa ardarod toUha a pga aad aoeomamij a aoiorad tnoper frooi tha Teath UamUry to tba wan, I know I waa aattlag oat oo a nthR baiardoa* oodarukiog. lo the EKirsrk’SKrmtn-1 low/lSS^lSoJjtaU abran poldtor withal, at ware all tha own of that Aemoae rag)want W* walked along oader oarer of the hill uatil wa had —.wa to a paint oppaaita tha won. ESaR"™* Wwri a. for. -Dor habit do oaa bath wa-aos gwino aft?! — gluia’ ahoaat tha nmo •£ ha nmaarhad, aad I noddy aa *—*• -Wall. daa. l ie gwla. up SSSf/StP’^"' ”•*•“**• JfiXiX'iitsziss&z a*.*T fated. Ito gong alowly aod kaaptag "*• la tha gnaa, without, *e far aa ssassa? Toet ay aaaagaaloo apraag to bia ft*. JPMM tba rapa. lawarad tha pan .aHrrffi£r.Si’2=£ asaiH3,r,Hfsa? MMha bad M Me pad Thao be w" baalda ate, aa1 my turn •^Sitwblah*lSwMo*wa*kawa***0*Kj •adB daa, I apmag uTajTrt "and Woeeodawy. «ta*.t" aang a Mae K;—1 wml ijtth tawar dawn tta jpgi. “tHtl* bland another. "VettjgBjaar water, aad all ibat saras 'ztjzz ans ■mini n rat »*■» •* *•* **«UQm la lb* PbUippUee aad tte ataU of reeling oMgMi tNOfl than my begat* end act from the prom dkaatcbea »£*■*«* euhketed to a r1*M oeuaor **?» **kre they an pvt upon the wine, bat tromtbe tetter* of United to that ter land to r*Js Uvn aad Meade at bom. We ban man may of tbm printed wbkb make latenetlag road lag. Tba following ate a tea saamtei of Urn letter* tod earn other expne Af»e daie agoa ku«r mu bod a Nebraska mother from bor voloatoor eee la tba Philippine* In which be |^|t “X am aot afraid, aad an alwaye nedy tede my doty, bet I would Uka aeon oeo to ten m what we an Sgbt* tag for.” ^**y thn klter reacted tte jouag bone a oabkgran announced bte death ben wound* reoeteed In imUm. Another Nebraska boy writes ttom tbePhiUpptaas: *■l do not aggnee of tbecoum of ear go rerun* at taper. aia,"1wtriaft: „?*.sc peopla free—not to make them sub ject*. ' Our offering on tte altar of liberty ha* been prostituted.” A soldier, also from Nebraska, wr ing la lbe regiment tte immediate nuttering oat of wbtcb tee bean do needed by the parents of a majority of tte members, any* la a latter to hla family : , cam* ovra to lielp, not to slaughter, these natives, to fight the oppmaor Spain, doc the oppressed. It strife aa m* aa not vvry fair to par tus a H>«y that leads to this ioaar (SeUoa sad Urea keep voluotears rut her* to fight hauls* wa never enlisted for. I cannot sea that wa are Outing for any principle now." Tha father of this soldier was sue of six brotlun who feaght for It* Union to tha elyll war aad in aa ladlgaanl leUer ha prDteata that tlia gaveraiaent hw no right to bold bU atm la the Philippines under the tones of ealiet eawt for tbo war against Spain. Tom Oraod.ll, of the First Tvt.naa sm, bow in tbe Philippian. says la a recently published fetter “Tbe only bera la bard, it Is wssrlog DU 0*1; bnt I suppose wa will rtloforoea iaoq to htlp ua out. Ths boys are getting atok of SgUttag tbew heathens, and all say ws volun toersd to fight Spain, not heal heat. Their patriotism U wearing off. 1 bar* foend there is no glory for s prl r*to.W* all waat to coon* bos* J*nr bad. aad oar chance Is wry alien IS 2??. U"* **.W I rear gel oat of this army I will never get into another. They trill be fighting too years, end the* never whip these pro pW, for then la not enough of aa to {?••»*••■■». •■•■■Tbe peepl. of the Ualtad .States ought to raise a howl and hare ua saat borne." thJV?Lvw2f,J?*2lL, OOTOP°,dn* of tbs 1‘ortlaad Onvonfria, a paper which baa advocated expansion ardently *»y»: . “White state mao to have been glvaa ,h* Tolaataare <■ the Philippines do not wish to come hoar. Uieie la awry indication that they do waat tv get out of th* service. Prom ntsoy private letters received, It is plalo that tbe volunteers do not care to fight tbo rtliptnos. Many have WriUsu to members of eongreae here saylog that they satiated to Ogbt Spaniards and out Tagalaa and bush wtoa&ktn.” Governor Lind, of Minnesota, re J****4 * frw day* ago a cablegram <* the regiment from Uiat dtata now aerrlag lo tbo Philip pines ou tbe assurance* of which be sent a message to tbe legislature In which be says: "Tha regiment desires to bu ordered borne and mastered out of tbe service, QDAQlOIOIlIf.M Goynenor Lro. of South Dakota, states that be b«i received many let ters from the South Dakota volunteers now la tbe Philippine* aad Iboir friends el home urging him to do bis B}ac“t *• I** them oot of tbe servioe ** tbe earliest possible movement. Oowrnor Lee soya: "Many of thorn left good posillous lo tsrve tbeir country, sad would eitdrrfully ooatlnus In th* service If tbe saliva’s honor or interests wars at Make. Oat many of them feel that they art fighUog against Urn fuoda areotal principal* of our government.” _,Tba reoaaylvmnls regiment In’ tbe Philippines fcy a unanimous vote baa declared its desire wot to serve there “taste tbe history of lbs United States there U a clamor of volunteer soldiers to be mustered vat; for tb* drat time wboie regiments safe to be relieved of further servlet, aad mere Urea K per seat of tb* vote a Urn In so army arelmpatieaUy awa'-t lagtba prtvifege of quilting it. Tbla la not baoaaas these awn are iaekteg I. tevo of ooa.try or are afraid to flaw danger. It is beta aw they do W* approve Uto policy wbteb tbe gov arsmsal baa adopted toward tbo Pbil Ippmrs aad baeaaaa having enlisted fora warla tha Interest of bamaolty and freedom they object to bet eg wad lo a war of eosqaaat aad subjuga tion. **» Hlarntf frmia*n ttimi. If tto WMUloUoMl amendtatat to •doytod, let tto negro remember that after all be U reapoealble. (Htowlog no dlapoafclon to atody Mi it leal qaaatteno. to toe aimaot lnyailaWy Mindly Col tetod Mrty laadara. lie to* oarer ftolMed ngainet oorrapt boaaaa. On tto eootrary. at tbofr dlotatloo. to ku •ton inaiad menonrm oalouJatad to •'to^itoMtoitmo of labor, thereby aot aaty lojerlaq binyaair, bataJao tto a I uSrnTmrnd^ 0mnl£C*'B DtSf VjJ* 7>'• 1 ■ Twenty Years Proof. Twit's LiverPiUs keep the bow els innutural motion and cleanse the system of all Impurities An absolute cure for sickhcadache, dyspepeia. sour stomach, con stipation and kindred Hjaeases, “Can’t do without them” K. P. Smith, Chilcsburg, Va write* I don't know how I could nr without them. I have had L. ver dilease for over twenty 1 t' r.i now entirely cured. Tutt's Liver Pill* ■rsur «m au rMM'twka Mr MMMN *Mk lab WtaMUMMM *flh.TrwlT IWM. WjumraoTO.*, April >9.—At tbe request Of the Secretary of Stair, the Treasury Department to-d»j draw four dlptooaauo Nttltmgi wamnu for S&,000,000 each, |p dlaeharja of tha treaty obligations of tba Ballad State* to Spain- The warrant! directed tbe Treasury of tba United State* to pay thaw aeverel luma lo Hi* Eacalleooj, Jalaa Camboa, French EmUuaador. representative of tba gOYerninent of Spain. Tba warrants ware signed l>y r. A. Ysnderlro. Aariitaat Secretary of tba Treneary; r. J. Trace well. Comp troller; C. M. Force, chief clerk, aud Elba U Robert*, Trrniurer, who dl rrclcd the AmiaUot Treaaorar of tbe United Stales at Now York, to tbe thu. U was Mr. Yaaderilp's latent loo to pataooally deliver tha warrants lo the Secretary ef State tbla afternoon, and a form of reoeipc bad bren foe M. Bamboo’* signature. Hay laft bla offloa earlier than n»ual, ao that tba uaaafar to the French ambassador was poalpooad until Mon day. _ Ormartn, ltvOncor. An old colored maa went into Rex later ot Dead* Moore', olhoo the other day and aald “Don, 1 wants some right o'wny paper*.” Upon being naked In* explanation dtactoaed that ha wanted a marriage lloatise. Mr. B. P. Oliva, of Barcelona, Spain, spends bts winters at Aiken. S. CL Weak naive* had eauaad severe pain* la the baok of bis bead. Ou using Kl eetztoBittan. A mar ioa’s greatest Blood and Nerve liemedy, all pain soon left him. lie aaya this grand madlcio* la •hat his coentry need*. All Anscrioa knows that it car as llrar and kidnsy trouble, purlflga the blood, tooea up the stomach, aiiwogtbent the nrrv.s, put* Tim, Ttgor and new life into every muacle. nerve and orgac or tba body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every botila gnarantaed, ouly SO cents. Mold by J. E. Curry ft Co . Drugglate. Southern ^—.Railway. . . . rut . , . STANDARD RAILWAY OF THE 8QUTH. 1 TS» Mrm 14a* so All ratals. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND POUTO RICO. Q briefly FIRST-CLASS Bauloment On *11 Throufb and Loool Trains; Pullman Pel son sleepine Cars on all Nlatit Trains; Foot and Safa SaKod ■■'** m~i Trsrtl Or fOs OnUina end ysn •n wand s lab Csnafsrfsods ■nd rwyadimna Jsnrnry. . . . Aiftr rr> ncux team ron naa uaia ■amt aid email nniuaiTioa, os aDnias «• L TIMKtl, r. B. fa A BST. I.F.A. QF.fT.A, COartoatr, N. C. Adnvlllr. M. C. »• TmaaOfs «n Aaasnar Bnmatmas. FllANK 8. UANVON. M V. 1*. * Ooo. Man. i. X. CULP, TraOe Manacrr. W. A. TURK. Oeornal P«a—nftr AatrnL niUHUB m. snssF, Hminn in iblp? W. «, HaT, OfiwAi, ■lit to* roar area by aelmllSe satMi M4 lorn Mi alNNf ■» Mso Ota bo cooMttaS tt Hwssw CMy, X- 0._ Ixeantr’i !!•«<* PLANT LIFE, to be vig orous and healthy, must have Potash Phosphoric Acid and Nitrogen. These essential elements are to plants, what bread, meat and water are to man. Crops nourish on soils well supplied with Potash. Oar pamphlata tall bow to bar »"<J epply fertiliser*, end are tree to all. aotruN kau waves. «J " ' i i SL. Nwr Vrre. Raise Your Moles at Home! IDurlo* tha prefect mioo my One &yo*r old 8PAMI8II JACK • ill fce kept for service at my «t«Wee near Bowlin* Green, 8. C. Them will be no other stand, lit ; Ido not wish him to nerve more \ than fifteen meres Uilt seasou, >ixt Jlie first who come will, therefore, >• (be lucky ones to *et the servioe I of this splendid thoroughbred anl ■ |' mal. J HTTerm* trade knnwn on •PPlI | cation to George W. Falls, Howi.ino Guun, 8 C. CUOUIA 4 10RTHIBSTER1 R’l. whikm lk ABB~ronunow IB RFFBCT BABCB «. 1M7. o W. F. HARKS a. 1‘midouL OOra*l n*M BMtorit. ' r i I Bo. W. I tin, to. ■Via i l i looM «to norropau I wtlk lktn«mluK,lo»b>I.a A KMilo. Auditor. j. m. Moon. a**Al¥'a o. r. «iBrsn,o."K'°‘ L. 9. Xl©HOLB.*SJt*- tt Motor.* a Sale of Valuable Uni. ■ r >b« anportor Coort feraforaod Rncoinr at iAm mat* of J. A. zrzzi Sf^v.k'^isars? css^r^;Ra^uraafwesf Ma'arrt-.y Mm lllktaj or Map. IM, tbo IoMnwIapr- - iS^BPSUB MMhaal Iiimi IknnMUR t»p. iii.naw, jaffJSTsag svx&srtr g& SxWM^tttaS p®5 vi ts» Tsrh^£irsj SfiS ipsasrsc££ 7J&~ -■> “ feST Mortgige gate of Land. Ikf rlrtua of powpi- aanlarrM 1m a im — aaffartyl — Ika IMk4ay at PMtu.ry.1 ifM&isT MhmMUp, Maya. MM. KSfipfPEig Se«|s| Ervxn&sli zr.:3z? ,*■ M. knmaa, **—i -p AOriaUaralef'i XoUee. •*M**«r «f AprM, raw. Job Printing.j \ What Kind Do j You Want? -♦- j | Lettkk Heads, ] 1 Note Heads, v \ | Hill Heads, ] > Envelopes. 1 | OlUCL’LAKM, J > PosTKUS. | t’AKDS Or What T ] ; -♦- j No matter which yon want, if yon have your printing: done at i i The Gazette Job Office, ! It will be done Right, j It will be doue In Style, And It always Suits. j Anything Else? If so, j just mention it. 1 i The Equitable Life Assurance Society OF THE UNITED STATES. Outstanding Assurance $987,157,134.00 Assurance Applied for in 1198. 198,362,617.00 Examined and Declined. 30,318,878.00 New Assurance Issued. 168,043,739.00 Income. 50,249,286.78 Assets Dec. 31, 1898. 258,369,298.54 Assurance Fund $198,898,169.00 ud til otkr UlMIttiu 1,160,650.!?... 201,058,809.27 SurPlus. 57,310.489.27 Paid Policyholders in 1898. 24,020,523.42 HENRY B. HYDE, President. J. W. ALEXANDER, V.-P. W. J. RODDEY, Manager, Rock Hill, S. C. W. T. RANKIN, Resident Agent, Qastonla, N. C. femultuloner's Laid Rale. Dr vtrtn* of u order of HopcrlQr Court of Qaaton county loo proerodlof oatlilod tv, A. roonon Adtn'r. TV >. II. CP non or ll. tb< unomtoord oomnuflaiorer, appolotad In aobl proceedtop. will rvwatl In tb* tup beat bidder at tba pitbll* writ In floatanlo. N. C, Ib* Idib «*f ar Hay. taoa. at tbohour of twrlv* U. tb* folio win* da aori. «d rrol Mata Inna m Caa*em uuunty: A tract caoara aa lot Xu. 1 of Iba Hobart anti Annie fbnntt londaand bounded aa I allow* rbt daptnaiop at a aprlnp and ntnaNVW 1 HJbHJo * (tuna on IPhttvaadaa’ bur, iWrao. SSXS np. loaaooai. WbliroItVoaorm-r, lb mo. flp.toaatuaafraa, IboaooMTTW .maai arooklM*. toapoMaatt.tnonooanf«f wp. u> «—»». biln field, CHr*nn> arur. throe* XSWB a wakatnn llrM. thence Norik «p(oa wnaaon oM Un* itmaaMTl tap. to the bralatunc.oontulniaa >1 acre*-mtcap* 1 oaraa •yin* In the mldu oTMr a*Id A arroawMeh b Um darn r or Inrab JUM Utroon. Tb* rawtpln *«» fhbn'M ol htaaatd down ptnul laabo to anaold. And tb* aaM pnroal without torn* •"d tb* aam with lb* raw* Ip dm la Ibedowar inlaroat wtb b* aoM acp*t«i*ly aod aa a nboia and if thu auto at lb* amount abut toMna vftnla la aa lauoboraa tayra Ikuaba auld •rpamlrly It* iilddar of bidder* nNrrtnp to buy wb*n aoM M a wbott afortmaM will alarm tba purebaarr or aiarabantrp thereof. Another iruot Hi Aaoton count* bounded un Iba north and anal by landeof a. w” Carton, un lb* >uutb and wot by ttapaa Weir bglnr a portion of Iba «M Janaa Caraon tract and *00. M IOOCB Tmnmx Om Ml oatf»>on<S*jr of nk vJU maim for deforrod ptjrroroti fM in m* tnemOm eat at dPTTeont. tritb tba rlpht and prlTHrm Wrtet^Tt^ysrs until *H vf Iba punaboaa at Ion I* paid. V. A. Fumo*. CmatolaHooar. I ProfesHtonal Cards. Wm. H. LEWIS, —ATTonantT-AT-LAw— « ASTON I A, N. C. I'racllcra wherever bit aervioes are rtquired. sod attend* to all matter* of admloutiatlon and guardianship for bla clients, without the Inconvenience nr eipenee cf a trip to the court-boner. iaUCiuH tl. Holland, —A1 T(>HlfJBY-Al'-tA IK d all as, h. r:. Will practice In all the courts of the MUU. Prompt and careful atten tion alveu to all matters In trusted lu Ida hands. <yOflo> Dear reeldanee. a M*J¥HUM, - a TTORNKY-A T-LA W— #OAOTO»IA, M. c. Will praotioe In tbo oouru of Oaato.i ■ nd adjoin In* ootraUea and _In tea Paderml (Jourti. w. H7 HOFFMAN, ~ » —DKNTI8T— OA«TOBIA, --- 0. ■roawowrint National Dank. bit. D. E. McConnelIi, —DSNTWT— OHIe. C. A llulldirf OAHTOMU. . . . . K, a (UAKLEH L C4KH0N, Practical Paixticw ajod fin a in an. nAOTonra. *. o. ..52? ^ BaUaatra fur nldiad on all rlaaana of atorfc la town or ooaatry. Iifcqtor’i Sotk*. ■flyn*,' M ry-l. r nfjka oOaia «< sssara ® •WolMdavoTApoil. MOO. *»* ka Ptaaa la lor of IhW I*. 5£>jgjgy$s ftwggfrgSy*™ m naartaa aSna for wot Ml pnaWM I

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