_ The Gastonia _ to tk* Protection ot Hone «ndl the lntnroaU of Vol. XX. U&J JUSSStfciu.}. Gastonia, N. C., May 11, 1800. TWO lQRc TOWHS CAPTURED i i the nmnroi aoah ov the rui Mui rtkar ■ere* lAinh kjr -The nilplaw (to « (n/M, wkm mr learn «• ink, ■ ■»■»< _ u»«v ran—hUaM to imirawi— Pto— Tk«j andw w Wwllir - The Ammrimmmm Mato IS.Bto »—>■«■» Chariots* Otosrvar. ILunuk, May 4,4 JO a a.—Major General MuAitliir baa carried dan Toraaa, after eoeoentertag strung re data oea. Brigadier General Hale moved on tba enemy'a right and Brig adier General IV bee ton attacked the left in a daring charge, in whloh Col 0J>el Fnoatoo again dialing utsbod him •elf. TboKaoaao waa woonded In Uie band, and several other offoers and collated mo were alao weunded. Col onel So as Mrs. with s part of tba organization and Mluoaonta regimautt and a gna of Uw Uiab Battery, took Moaato, on tbe right, ratting four mOea frooa Ban Faraandlno. Tbd Filipinos are retreetlng toward San Ialdro. ami It la expected that they wilt make a stand at Arayat, at whloh Idaoa the whole of tba rebel fonset in tbe prarlaeeof Panpaoga taoonoaotrat lag. H le reported that lraprentod by reeeot areata, Flhplnoeart warering (u aUeglaooo to the IneurreeUon and Ukaly to sesame a neutral attitude. It aetM an though General Anlloo Luna's roraae are destined to deatrnoGoo with in a few days unices they surrender or aoattor. Tba Amerkuu army hu beeo skill fully pouted at points of immense Mntkfte advantage. Tbe loeargaate rxpeoted them to advenoe oo Baling by way of Quiugua and bad furrowed tbe entire noon try beyond Qolngoa with tbe strongest entrenchments. 1mtend of taking this ooaree, Gener al KaeArtbnr swung toward San Tomas tbe rout* to wbicb wee almost unpro tected. General Law to a brought bis brigade in against Balatum from tbe soetheeet, covering tbe line of retreat of tbe rebels toward tbe moaoUiosJarx] depriving them of a refuge upon which they have always coasted. General I*wton captured 80,000 basbeis of rice an Important part of tbe storm eetab 1 leiied by tbe rebels. Tbe Span lab ooaaMooars ham ■•de aaotber fntUe attempt for tbe relief of tipanlards held es pruooen by tbe Filipinos. Tbeir meeete steamed to the port nearest Dagupeu. Fear log to land, they sect b letter to Aguiuaklo ■eying that they ware authorised to exchange 16,000 Filipinos In tbe hands of tbe Americans for tbe Bpnnlsb prisoner?. A reply was received from Senor If ah In I, Agutnaldo'a Wins Minister, which was dated April 98. sad which stated that Agoiomldo was negotiating for penes, pending wbicb negotintlooe be could not disease tbe question of tbe exchange of prisoners. tUASTuisu vu nurixoa, rmm SaSOe 111 Pmm m Wllk tba War-SMinkir Wltbta hn Milan WAJUiKeTox, Mn 4.—Tba War De partMat m aatlfond from tbadlspaieii esreeatoad from Gaaaral Otto to-day lba( tba Amarican comiaaodar baa pot astda tha laaurgsot temporising am paaaa, aad Las tamed bla alUottoo ta **• “terwaffirn tactic*. Ton trla aoarat was fully approved bw officiate bare, a bo hare formed IMt tba rebels naade4 farther ehastlos meat la order to bring tbeai to a rn itiffing Maw of their poffitloa. Tba aarty dispatches fro® Ganecal Otia ffiwrly defend tba gaoaral plan of bla toiwt roorament, Ha to morion lu two malasolnmne.MajorOanaralilac Arthar puabiag straight forward osar a aina-mlla atratah of oowotoy halssw OffiumpH and tba totaat ratal strong, bald, Hw Faraandlso, and Major Gan •**] dlrroUng a strong faros ondar Catena! Somaar to prosnot tba loamganta from ruinating fro® ten Ftroandlno Into tba mountain* ta tba awth. Tba later dlspateb show* umt tbaro baa bam hat worn la aawattoa of Uito mowamaat, psrUcolarly la Gao ••l^ddArtbarto adsanea oa tea Far nandloo, Tba dafnat of Lana at tea Tomas aad Urn scattering of tha losur grot forces toasna MscArtbnr fear mSao Proas tea Farnandtao. with a road before bias. Ha wUl taka tb> oily lo»marrow nornhuL loeordlag to General Oils’ plana. Tba taklag of towns to no longer looked upon by tba aathorttlm barn an of obtofmoffinet! tba mala aonsldrratlon being to later: aepttbe Inaumnta. UNK1I LAW 100*1 DUTioml uorU) w*rf lo la daalf and to bMf>»body of Auartoao troofw to llta aortb of tba rabaio, ud batwan than ■■^?ta!LUu* °* **«•»* to tba mu UtaA T*a auooaarful *mcuU<» of ibto Boa* win laaaa tba Inaorgaou w«U aurrooodad oa tba worth, toooffa tbura to b atratob of aboat i mUm lioo#Uo^toS?IUoHl tba mo nr or la wblab oar foroaa ara ^STtiw Jfl'jnnai"1 a>l" 6o* Qiaaral urge amount of food supplies, aod baa Me deteehmaots to north aod eastward. Ilia movement ta attaodod with gnat dJffioulty baoauaaof tba obaraoter of tba oouatvy, tba rain and beak Ua now oovan oar railroad eommoeleu lion aod will be aupolled from Maloloe. “Both Wheaton aodllale. of MaeAr Ibur’a dtrialoo, round tba enemy lo fovoa eteonglv antrtuohad aod eoa maaded by Commander-In OUlef Luna, ■tout four miles aoutb of Ban Feroaa dlna Hale, oa the tba right, dislodged tba aoamy, and Wbantuo. on tba laft. landing lo paraoo, made a brilliant ebama. aoattarlag hi* feme* and In dia t log gnat punish meat. MaoArthur prooaada to San Fvneodiao lo tba morning. Ha baa hcen delayed by tba partial dealtuelkm of a bridge aeioaa tba river. It is oat Miami tua ontmy will omka another datarmload stand until ha rffeols a retreat to hit. Arayat a abort distance from Hon Iildro. Om" "Makila, May 4. “Adlotaat Gaoaral, Washington: “Colooet Banners, with »Tx faaital bma. Oregon. Dakota, Third Infantry mod tba Utah Light Artillery, of Uv too’a dIvliloo, went eortb this moro l»g t« Maaaln, croeard the river, charged tba aoamy In strong anlrenob nsata, driving him north aod laffict lag eoosMarabla task Our casualties were two wouoded. Mac Arthur* col umn oanoentinted sad took up (be ad vanes to San Fernand I do at 0 JO this marolog. I do sot apprehend sharp real stance oa the part of Ute enemy, who will probably leave the railroad and retire lu a northerly direction to tba north of Lawtoo. The destruction of the railroad oaar Ualumplt neeeal tales tba dapandaoaa on wagon irane portatloa: Tba enemy to tba aoutb aod east of Manila. 9,000 strong, la opposed by raffle loot fores, under Over alii i>e aod Hall. His demon sirs Uoaa thus far bare bean properly mat by tbeae officers, wltb alight loam Maay requests an being received from outlying cities for protection against tbe insurgent treaps. “OTie ” r*to*ii rium wenon. A Uwwmi Kill ml ul rmr Hum MMIm VmwM la aa llliayl la UiiMibIi IIm taaay-Tki Tlwavaas ■lliailia ■« hr ImAHknrV Mil ■iw m In ««IM» Twmmr* «aa roe. Manila, May 6,8:93 a. a .—In an |ta of the peaceful overt ana of their oora mlmtoaem. the Flllplnoa vlgoroaely is aWad lhe advance of Genera] MacAr thur* division from Apallt toward San Fern *a<) I no Aghtlag desperate!? at j°°* wo**, after running from trench to t re nob when driven out by tba American artillery. Tha movement commenced at 6:90 In the morning. Geoaral Hale's brig ade, conaiaUoi of five Gatling*, under tha command of Major Young, of the Sixty Artillery, two battalion* of U»a Frtiyflrtt lows Begtment, tb* Firet Nebraska Beglmeot and the First South Dakota beglmeot, advene ad along the road a few miles weal of Uw leilraad line. General Wheaton. Hotchkiss and Galling gum, under «»«■*• 04 Lieutenant Naylor, of tha Utah Light Battery, mounted hand can, pushed ahead Twentieth Kansas and Ftrat Montana Regiment* ploying to the right sod blit when Tha country traversed proved the want yet eneounted, no lias of mnnhm end many unford*Me stream* delaying tb* advauoe. Both brigade! amt re nounce etmuttnneooaly on approach Jag the river neat Ben Tome a, whtofa m but about eight kilometre* from A pal It, The centre span of the mil road bridge had dropped Into tha river, and tha rebel* had ooly left a small fore* to eheek General Wheaton, tfaair main body lining the strong tranches la front of General Hals. Although Iha attacking force poured a very heavy a Hilary and musketry Ora across the river, the enemy stobborniy reele ted tor over an hour, ultimately break Major Young abolled their Wt Hank, and then retreating along tb* river beak adder oovev. General Wheaton, In the —Mm* trM feefcetually to drew tb* dm of tb* Fill pi oo* in tb* trenches seat of the trMk. So soon at.they discovered that the netur* of the country would permit only e few sklrmlabo* on each <*y» embankment, the rebels regained their oourage and fought dee perataly fov Umaquarter* an Boor. In the fane of the American volleys end a maid-Ss* foal lade, autil flanked by the Montana Begin eat. Then a scramble ensued moot of the. enemy boarding train* that worn to readiness, and the other* taking the road ta KanFeraan dina, after burning tba vUlagaa of Sen Tom** sad Mioella. About noon Q—oral Wheaton erased tb* broken bHdge, nteared the stragglers out of the villages, and advanced toward Saa Fvrnendluo, Gower*) Hal* oSeoUag a erasing MmolUneonaly, after a alight daisy necessary to repair a stow* bridge. MM up VU MHV POUT I BOO PI VU two nxMben nt tba Nobraifca aad om a emeUpox, but to throw him acme cloth re out of tba win dow. So® did ao, and ha went to e vaoant boa te further down ou the mu •treat and remained uatll daylight, whan ba aaat word to Chief Orr to ease for him and take Dim to to# prat beuM. Ha waa able k> drive blquelf. The chief drove n«ar bia in a bogey. Ou arriving at the put liouae, Mr. Mungo want lota a teat, and the chief unhitched the borae aud brought It beek. Tba wagon waa left there. Dr. Hawley, tba elty phytic Lao, went oat at oooe to aaa Mr. Man go. Ua Iwd born eick far Ore day*, but did not know until Friday what waa tbo matter. ■maiM UM Speaker. S». Look KepublM. No oee conversant with the facts of recent pollUoel history will doubt that Hanna will be consulted concerning'tbe Speakership of tbe Fifty sixth Uuo. neea. Hia say-an Is Ilk sly to be ao Important factor is detrrming who shall be oltossn to til lbs plans mads vacant by the retiremrut of Mr. Seed Tbs report that Haooa has decreed that the Speaker of tbs next House shall be a Bean favorable to the Hanna Fayas subsidy Mil Is not calculated to excite surprise. It is sal I rely consis tent wltb Hanna’s record and afflna tions. Hanna’s relation to tbe Federal Ooveromant Is maioly of a business kind. He did bm purchase a seat in tbe Senate for tbe sol' purpose of be ing eeer the Prasideniso that be might ooaneei him bow to peddle hia canoe safety through the sboeUand qalok ■nods of practical polities. Marcus, tbe Axgriodsr, Is not serving as tbs 8rjanus of tbe sdmlnlatratluc purely for dlvonrioo or for the purpose of pre serving hU health. He has laid his anr vloei and talents upon the altar of bU eountry, but an tbe same, b* Intends to reward himself for bit sacrlfiolal offering by appropriating some of tbe golden candlesticks and Jeweled or ns onti. Mark la a shipowner, sod be bee ship owning friends, the members of tbe Standard Oil Trust among them. To remunerate them sad btm be has framed a msasnrs known as tbs Hanna Peyoe subsidy Mil, whose mission I* to leg I Main 1400,000,000 out of the pook ■ta or ths people of the Ualled Statee when Oongresa meets. The Spceker wlU be an Important Influence lo engineering this schema of robbery through tbe lianas. Mr. Haooa may be depended op to elect sll bis re sources to secure for tbs place ea in dividual pliant to bis plans. •klMtlrw Wade ta Dm Cmwaj. A aid* light la thrown on tha Inteo elty of feeling prevailed In Loodon over religtoaa dlaeuaalooa within tha Choroh of Kogland by tha Into alt which oecarrod at tha foabiooalda wad* ding la Chrtot Charefa, PlcadUly, laat With, of Captain Dutton Hant, of the Light fofaatry. aad Ulu Ilopetoii. Tba captain had twee divorced bt bla flrat wlfa, aad at Jort the proper paint In hU merriaga to Miaa Hopetoo aoroa of tha apaateteca made load ohjaotion oa tha groand that tha oaptaln had a oaaoeteal wlfa Itvlng. Written pro taata warn road aad aoawarad by tba other aide, and some af tba brlda’ rriaada fainted. Tba aareaony, how avar, wna Anally ana eluded. Onctanetl Enquirer. Hr. Band ns a prvaldaoual candidate would not ears to ba aaaooUlad with the airtekas of ttaegovarnnwnt fur tha next year. Though ba baa baen sold toward tba adwtalatraltow, ba baa! awangh trouble already. He can not separate htaself entfrolv from tha fall ora of the eongma an tha tartg, nod oo the rovaoua, and I la lasaltada on tha qaeation of war la tba Phlllp ptnea , bat ba pan avoid worn trouble. BBSS VgHaaon. Tba wo wan who la loyaly la feet, form aad taaapar will always hr vs friend*, bet one vfho would be attrac tive mast keep baa health. If aha to wank, sickly and all ran down, aha will ba nrrvowa and irrttnhla. if she baa oowst!nation or kldaef trouble, bar Im pure blood will anwaa plmplaa, Motabaa, akin araptloMS nod a wratebad eon ptesloo. Klaotrle BitUra ta tha boat wadtaloa la tha world to regulate atowaeh. Hear and kidoeye aad to parlfy tha blood. It glyaa euong s^a&sa.'Wisr. J. *. Carry and Oo‘s.. Drag store. FOUND SAD FKSMIDQ FUND KC1EU mm TOSOH OK LEAVUIO. Am infiHiMii Tfirtr %m Rp4i uwnrt >,iw*» Ummt TkEnilftMiuMnaw Bad *mn Md taiWna In Um Twdw Bild asaafc* Pi Main ■! am Nlfid, and rwwflun I* wariiM UmMMm Ukattotta Ofcaamr. Maxila. May ft, 4:Wp. ■.-Major General Mae Arthur'* diauton advanc ed to Had Fernando to-day, and found that tba place bad beaa avaeutad hr the rabaia, who left only a email de tachment to oovar tbair retreat by train. General MaeActhur ooeuptad tba burning town without lean. The rebels aunth of Manila atUmptad to rueb through Brigadier General Ovao eblne’a Itna* last night. Tba atumpt tailed, bet lbe rebate maintained a f lulled* of muakeUy At* on the Fourth Infantry Beglmoot foraevwul hour*. The da montt ration waa laefleotoal ta jrond searing Um luhabHaata at Malnta. The oetpoeU of Um Idaho and UiUfor nla Bngtmeote, beyond bee Pedro Mo oeU. were aiao attested dnrlag tba eight. Major General Lawton la aUll quartered at Balloar. m. — Detailed rrparu or tbo work of Major Lawton's expedition (bow that harder letting took plaoo during tbo early sort of tbli wook than earlier oeoounla tod toe tod. In tbo at took upon San Hofei, tba American foroee were met wtUi a booty On from o large number of rebels wbo ware ooDueled to tba jmgto on oil alder. It weo only tbo adoption of tbo Uotic* followed lu Indian lighting to tbo Uni ted Stales every men for hlaoelf that eared the divirion from gnat toes General Lawton, no aesal, wa* at tbo boad of bit Ho* wife Ue *Ufl. 8eott** bettery demotisbed o at one/rooted trench at abort range. Tbo insurgent Uedon Gregorio ood Frio del Pilar, who had 800 men to Ue lloag. retreated when Geoeral Lawton approached Un town. Chief of Scouts Young, with eleven men, entered Ball nag abaad of the army aad raog the oburab belle to announce that they Igl pneaamlon of tbo cily. Geooral Law ton. whan attack log In ferns outaide of Ball nog. tow women aad children in tba rebel tranche*, god **nt Captain Case in advance with a white 0*g to warn the Insurgent* to tomove the boo combatant*. Wbeu within 600 yard* of the trooebas two volley* war* Bred at Captain Case'* part). Chief of Scout* Young, whose brave ary at Balmag wa* moot eatable, served a* an Indian aoont under Major Gener al O. O. Howard, to hie campaign w the Northwest In 1670. The work of Young’* repute wa* a feature of tbo expedition. On vYedceedty. 93 of them encountered a body of 300 Flllplaci be yond Ball nag. and drove them until of the 160 round* of ammaalUan which the icodU carried, they had only 16 roticdi left. Thor won about to r* lire when Lieutenant Boyd, with n troop of tbo Fourth Cavalry, cam* up wlib them and ebased lho seamy Into San Mtgual. There oxo 9,000 SpenUli prisoner* in tbo handa of tba Filipinos at San Mi guel. They are eorved with 6 oents* worth of no# dally, nod are compelled to work bard on tbo rebel defenees. Several hundred of the Filipino wounded are at San Miguel. Tba In eonreoti are eendlog their woman and children to tba Btoeasbatto Mountain*. A Brio chief aod 100 mao wore cap lured at Bsltoeg- General Lawton ha* released many of hie prisoner*. aneeo iTot la arrow. H« Um OhkIM mm »»rt«w atrip or —« Mm OH* r Washington, May S—Tba eon tin ned ratal demonstrations south of Maalla ara canatoj no apprstoostoo to tta War Department officials. aa tba brigades of OraoabUa and Mail an ■aid to to aapta for orary emerge ory. TogeUirr they bare aboat 4,000 taaa. baalda two regiment* of rooulam. wb* bar* tost anrlrad at Manila, sod ara sralabis to re-eaforoe tta brigades. In rtawof ttaao abarp demonstra Uooa to tta south, Um work dooo br I.aotoc on hla espedlUoa to Lsnoa da Bay la icoalTing oredtt not betetofors aooordsd to It. Oos of Um atala result* of tba expedition was to dsstrui tta small sraft by which Um ratals might bars crosaad tbo Uto aad morad north ms ths raar M MaoArther** foroas. Xow tbsy sis hsmmrd In on n narrow atrip of land totwaoo tta labs sod tta ooaaa, aaaMo to otosn tta lata, whlls Um dtarob is to loo* to olmto Um laka to Lta south. Thas tta work of Low too In bolding tta ratals, soma 0,000 In number, to tta south haring Uao Arthur free from danger of no sttaek to tores from tta roar. Tta report that tta rillplsoa wan trying to bseak through tta Asaorlenn linos la ortdaooo to tba War Dapnftaaaot that this forte to brooming short of supplies It to artdantlf General Otto* Intob Uon to rams In on tta defeatlro so long be can keep this fores separata from tbs mala body of Agaloaido. it to ■aid. General Otto bettors* that taono surra this aoatbarn army la to submis sion. Uniats la a suburb of Manila near tba bay. Tta otbar point mao Hound In tba discat oh, taw ftdro Maontl, la belwero Manila and Lmram do Hay, ata to ooa of tta out posts whtoh protaeU tta wntar-works. WasmeoTOW, May A—Tta Hist* IMpartmoot to day renal red a dtopatoh from Prsaldaat Sohorsaaen, of tta PMMpptno oorsMleekm, gtrtng tto aa te at aaoe at lta soafcretaaa with tta rep leeee tail ret of Agelnatie, nod aahtog tor farther laatrwaUoua Wbtto lta tout of tta dtoaatoh to aot to ha wade •flowed a eery_ affair* la tbo Phil i to a aettleaeat of— la reoly of tbo Praaldaatto Pnf. Soburatannl oablaaram, It la aadar> ■toad. Mated that ha waa nor aaxtoaa to law pan wtgnt lat Iowa aoaeladad tbla and bT*teterteUtet SU”«mmnm aaiv or baaiHiatteg ooudlUooo abaoM bo iopoood um tba teoatgoate. It la battered la adatoiatratlon rdretea that aaaooo aa Agnlaaldo teeonetaoad of tba Moeerttg of tba Amrteaa gerero ■aat, ba will agree te aarraadar. Ba will ba required, bowerear, te lag dawn bla anas. Tbla will bo the principal condition, aad until an agraaaiat aa tbla point la raaabid tbo negottetMoo will not auka aag pragraaa toward a co oel union. W*l«‘ awn HOnmltlM nwa ru»*w»« WAOMtaaroa, Hegf.—Tbe Wat Da partawnt baa rtcelred tba follow ter: ‘’HiiiLi. May 5, "Adjutant Ooaorel, Waablnfton. “Poke wing warn tba onaaaMlto at Santo Towaa gaatetdag: Ono offlcar, Lieutenant Taggart,Twaattetb Kao om, and four onliotad man wan kilted: three odteare, M aollated aaao weuadad Among tbo wounded hi Gmoral Pan Mon. to tbo band altefct. “Lawton report* cordate of lSO.OOO buabrto of rice and MS tcoa augar at Balobg. Tba relua of tba eabatetenoe cepeered at Maloloo te »1,500.000. Wa ten and# large aeptamortoe aad com boloogiog to ouomg at otter poiota. Tbeioaurgeste destroyed bg dm gaa tardag Um town of haste Toaaaa, aad teat errata* flrod tba eUg at kaa Fer nando. •_ora." anaaaL wnaiua n wan. ■oal-MhW Ahmhmmbi itM UM •M WurM la la We* Miaiwi W. rum. AlUnU JniiiI, WAaatNOTOX D. a, lfay 3 —Tin lucal paper* Uila Mora log print Ua ■tory aao t yaatacday to the Journal that U*Mnl Wbaatar and Kn. Qao. W. Child* era to ba married next ntn'h The report la prlotod bat* aaaa u> uousormeat of tliotr — g-g-> aad la ooqaallM. In Making the anoonuoamaot, tba Wellington Pott sera: "By far tha mat lourMtlog at the aorlag wadding* wlU he tliat of Gener al Wheeler and kn. O. W. Oblldi, which by all aooouota. la to ha nalilai Ud daring the praaaat month. Neither the gallant aoldler nor hU praaaaatlv* laid* baa taken tbapubllo utohto or bar oooddaoo*. bat ibe old adage that aetlona apeak loader than worda mot* than Ju* title* the expoetatlon that the wedding I* near at hand. Tha pUoa aa wall aa tha data of tha eomaooy la atlll naannon Bead. bat the foot that the bride-elect ha* withdrawn bet K •treat booee from tba rani eacato mar ket and inland to ooctinue tor real danoe la thla city ii a matter of inter •at and congratulation to a large cl role of •dainty.”_A. W. B. ■mm iHttu aaaa, A ■■■■lie feelerjr te WaUe There Caalraet M. Lincoln Journal. That magalOeaat water power at High Shook on tha Booth Fork rlrar haa again cbaagad haada and tha com pany which now own* It, to actively praparieg to tract a great manufac turing pleat there. Hydraulic and dell engineer* and turblao wheel builder* era going not to the flfaoab almoet every any. We andaraUnd that ilia oootract wm tot thla .weak for tha lombar aad building of 100 hcuoM for opanutvva. The plant to ba eteetad. It to aaid, will Beat $500X00. It to mat known what the ptout will be. bat It la aaid It will ba a eottoo rectory. Thla U one of tb* Uoaat wator-powtra in tba tooatk. A famoui engineer aaid there wm power enough within half a ■He to “torn every wbael in Maeea ohatto." Daring aad prior to the elytl war tnara waa aa Imbmwm ires • rolling Mill there, bat the plant wm I homed. Since then tba faUa bare ; been Idle. \ 1,11 "" i eonuaer it not only opiseaore bat a doty I owe to ay nelgtbore to Utt about tbo wonderful 00(0 eBsotod to tar oom by tbo timely ooo of Chamber lolu’e Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bomody. I woo token eery badly with flax oad procured a bottle of thlo rem edy. ▲ few doaao of U effected ■ per manent aura I toko plooioro to ran ommendtng U to others M fieri eg from that dreadful d lasses.—J. W. LTjfoa, Dorr, W. Vo. Thlo remedy la aoM by J. B. Garry A Co. Kaaam cm* 0*er. A eoooero which tries to naydltld end* do 1100.000,000 while Ito pUot end boat moo require only a bolt or o quarter of that Mali aapital moat In the end glea way to a sen Bating com pany with normal eapItoUmatiou aad ooneeqeeeUy abk to monmfeetun aod and Its prod not* at lowor prtooo. It k oot mb, therefore, for o man of oomII tnooaa to kiraot bio tarings to tbo ■bona of three gram ora reap! tallied Industries The analecta Pel lured that rbaomo Uom wm Urn work of o fcmn within o man. Any ooo who boo bod on ■itftftll of wlitll w knflMumtory rheumatism will agree that the ladle, tlon k demooko oeoogli to worroot tbo boUar. It bon Mayor boom oklmod that Chewberkk’i Palo Holm would coot oot demons, hot It wIM aero rhea rtaUaflu and hand redo boor tootkaon* to Urn troth of thk statement. Om npviiesttoe reiioroB the Mia, and tbk quick relief wbloh It efterda k okno worth many Uoteo Ka ooot. Par sake by J. I. Carry A Oo. Hohoertho for Tits 0 Axarr k. ■ to j. g. BPPfMDT * OOttBAMY. _ ...The One Right Way... j Advertising may ha good and yet not be j successful, because ft Is not persistent, a That clever Journal “Brains” puts It thus: 5 “There Is but one right way to advertise i and that Is to hammer your name, your 1 occupation, your business so thoroughly in \ the heeds ot the people that U tiny walk j In their sleep tiny wiM turn their steps a toward your store. The -newspaper is 0 your friend. It helps to build np the cam- | munity that supports you. a A PBBSIDBIT FOE CUBA. _ OOL. OA1LOS OESTSDES AMUSED VPOV. MM to Ma H ATAXA, May, I.—The meat rcaant nporte rewarding Uw health uf U*» •W populalieo abow a gnat aad eoo tlaalag ImycoTamant, with a death rata of only two-thirda of that odMat s^^asacasrsg aggasKasaara teUod la exceptionally good. Tha Uaeaaa Derate! pontRhat a ata aaUooal article to-day. charging tha grosaatt corruption In tha management •t.tha city tell. It aaaerte that tba prbon oOelak take money front prtaoo m aod than place than at llbarty nn dor a pledge to return If |to m eyar aafcad R»r. it many nnnatai panaaa an Rant brougt to trial at an. aad as H often bappeaa that the Inrtgat have no notion aa to who la -iniiml to bn leaked up, thn Jatlon BHlTnn aatg matter tcspenalata fat thla faeteoo On thl OflMHult aj—*-*Vbto --— Oeeftasgea, Santa Clan prortaee, baa diu ban burned 1,000,000 arrotaa of weight of 38 pounds OMtaiog each 18 Moaaa). Daring tba month at April Havana nro°rt3 to New Tort 7J71 Uanaa of tcAaoan bated, aad 18,401,710 ted by tha War Paper Mm to din bunt tho CS.00o.000 nMottad by thn government for thn ynymat of thn troMnnf thn Caban army, arrival ham today. Miliw Omm4w. the tad, taqoaaUoe, taIta wMeworthe draft haMait of Cuba la Ua tea •yean' 9m. 8b# la a brilliant aad atttr aarfftiSiTBa a rSsSH ll to Mtoaad by paraoaa who are la a periUow to^hnow^ that^taX awdar iaTo^'t