THE GAZETTE. THuittATriiAYTirSia • It USINESS LOCALS. AUtnruaomoati ImM In (bit column «a Mi cram a u^n.ior irnc inmtin .ami s man* a liac lor uaaklaatrOOM tlwmfiar. DRE^^AKlNoZl am prt^d to do faihlonable dr«ra making of all kind*. With long experience and oarofol atl«ulion to all order*, ( hope to moil a *b*ra of jour pat am age. Mia. J.A. Arraflrld, Marietta atnet, next to liaptUt church. , /^OTTUX bKED "at half-uilo*”l ITava pot tlw knife right through the pi Ice of .1 Action l.tmbtraa cotton **ed. The on* dollar package for N) 0*01*1 the SO oeut for S3. Coin* qtiluk or planting lime will dud you without ■red of tbf* wonderful out urn. _ O. W. IIOWKLI, . "TTOUKfi ME.V AND TO UNO LA ■A dim near Caitoula: Complete oourao to book-keeping and bualuma writing guaranteed fur *8.30 Time to complete from 3 to 7 week*. For perUculara and sample* of beautiful penmanship nddreea Pnor. V. Tuao. Fly, Gastonia, X. C. COCA C A FFAIRS. —The real ntute aaaeiaora wiU lie vrltb ua this ytar. —No; tin February frvrzc didn't kill tbo potato buga. — Our police force will toon out In oew uniforms. —“Zip” Bell off r. J. M. Sloan. —While other* are thinking of thieg* for the ne* board of aldermen I lode, wnhad u well pat la a word. ; too. Oor •"•HwUhn M, that all the . rue«U of tire town be oflleially and • «onfOpri*tely named. The afreet* of (Retool* which have Ml table aataea • may be nombered oo tbe flngera of one ■.end. Main *>net and York (treat net about eahaoet ihellet of dee Ira Me attorn- "Harrow Gauge" and ‘-Air Hue” won't do. Olre them appropriate name*. n***ea le wbleii reason or —aaonable aod timely lentiinent ap. nlla*. Abnlhb anviqaarlna fanelea ond adopt modern name* And fur -eofleem* *ake do«*t eall any of ihwn • •avenoe*.” Gaetool* baa no arena** and I* ■<* Uberly lu bare. ■emm*am«-«m Prantdant la at Rot springe, Ar* . I**10* * ”*■ pumxai aiimM. —lllaa Ada Uranslatt. who tiu been visiting bar sister, Mrs. P. T. Heath, left for home Mot day afternoon. —Mr. Forest Klojd. of Pallas, hsa become a rcaldant of Uaatunla. tie moet-d hla family osar last wark. - Mlaa Mabsl Smith la 111 *1 the Tre* byterlaji Collrga lu Charlotte Her mother went oyer yesterday morning. — Mlaa Knuoy Jane Davis relurutd home last Saturday ulgbt after a lix i weeks visit to friends and relatives lu laenolr. —Mr. Edward and Miss Eathcr Uutley buys Oolabed their n>ssion'a work at Wingate and returned home for vacation. —Mist Nannie K. HrnOley and her fileud, Mlaa Heleu Tanner, uf Au gust*. Da., ara vlalllng totalises and friends ibis week. — Mist Dora Barron, of ChiilulU-. came ovar ou yesterday’* noon train to ; spend a fotlulghl with Misses Susie and Nan Hoffman. —Mr. M. T. banders, of Mi. Holly, for many years sheriff of Catawba county, baa oast Ma lot with G.,stools. He moved over a day nr two ago. — Mr. Jacob Jrukln*, "f Stanley, was In town Tuesday and rrpnrli hit grain ernp-espeeUlly hla osls alilcb wrie heading—aa knocked lo |ath. lu bis stead, howerer. I try. W. I*. 0. Kllllau will uoodoct the service* sod tlie hour will be 11 s. m. instead of 9 p. m. Plaeaa Mhyne o»<« u M»w Trial. Among Hi* opluiooi tiled by-the Supreme Court lest Tuesday wsa that In oaae of State against rimes Rhyne for the murder of Ur. T. 0. Kells, i Tbe dofoodast Is granted a near trial. ] Upon what grounds tire opinion was based wo bsv* been unable to bam. ■urn tat lip. The boys around Pleasant Ridge still make that a fruitful region for tbs deputy collector’* copper-cutliug ixn. Ur. Loitia was called to that com munity Monday afternoon to ofltoiata at a demolishing uorem my about two miles west of Pleasant Bldge. One 'still and right frrmei.lvra were so put I asunder iliat man can hardly join Ibecn together again. Within a year the revenu* officers hava bad to make -mash” of something Ukn a dii-n blockade distilleries iu that section. Uiaiaiaalaa at A. SI. r. (%anik. Hervloes preparatory to tlie commu nion to be observed at the Associate Reformed Preabyteriau church began with servioee last night (Wednesday) conducted by tlie pastor. Dr. J. u. Oallowey. He will be stabled through, the rest of the week by Rev. J. A. Urlor of Aharon, 8. 0., who arrives to day and will conduct bis first aervici to night. He will also conduct tbs Union service Sunday night at the Metbodiit church in place ol ltev. M. McG. Hhield* who will be absent. TmdnIo ridal«. We are on schedule lime with them. They were sown at live mluutes past ten o'clock on the 19tb of April and we said at the Mina that If they were not ready for transplanting by tlie tenth of May we intended to koow tbe reason why. They were ready on schedule time,—in faot they were large eooogh on the fttb. Just three weeks To a day after they were aowa. The pleat* are for sale at Ore cents per doeon. They are of a variety called tbe Dwarf Aristocrat,—a strong, ■toeky. thrifty grower, which hoars u beautiful rloli glossy red fruit, the smoothest, the most perfect, aud tbe moot palatable tomato weaver grew. ■•n »y lag. Wlth|n the put few day*, Mr. P. M. Hhyo*. ef Coataer, who, by tba way, 1* on* of Gaston's bqrt farmers, haa lost 840 worth of doe thoroughbred Berk shire bog*. They died of a peculiar dlaeaae and Mr. Bhyno would be glad to know what U is and what should be doe* about it. They did sot appear to to stek more than two or three minute*. The dlaeaae seemed to attack suddenly nod kill quickly. Tbo bogs were - to good condition, sad would out heartily In the morning and be found daad before nlgbt. Id one oare be uotioad that a On* brood sow tailed to eat ar dlanar-Uina and died before dark. Mr. Bbyns gays the bog* bad no cholera; b* doesn't kaow whst the diaeaao la What do tba stock doctor* bsve to say about It Y —ww——w— niiw-esraM*. The marriage of Mis* lle*s Ttiuriduy the 111ti Inst, llxr* will t« a family re ui-ion at Mr*. Mr liars (Aunt T,*ey) Brnr'i. There will he a basket plculo and a eerm iii by Ixr pastor. B*v. A. R. Surratt. Io the little oongregatinn that wor '•biped at Cooeord last Sunday atter oooii thrre neighboring towi.s wars represented: Mr. M. f,. Mannry, wife and smaller children, of Qastonta, Mx». A. W. Ilowall and two little daughters, of Clierryvllle. and Ur. Justus Mauoey and sister, Mias L-la, Of King’s Mountain. Mr. Frank Ilovis. of Oakland High Schont. Gastonia, spent from Friday till Monday mom lag with home folks Mr. John M. Torrence, of Loag tthoalt, was over to see bis talks Sun day. fils stater, Mlsa Blla, than whom thrro Is no belter actual teacher Id tlx Stele, returned with him to look sfter s school at that pises. The now paster, Rev. J. B. Millard, will preach at Long Creek next Sunday morning. Mr. It.- C. Ormaud and wife are keeping lions* They live ut whit Is known as the Giles Ormand house. Squire Jaoob Kiser has set himself up to a bran-flrad nsw horse sad har ovss. - Home of our farmers arc buying liar ranting machinal. Mr. Michael Klaer has been laid up with rtXQBxtisra, Re bad thought of going to CIiarMMon. Mr. Editor, are would Itka to know tbo real namei of the tw> Lett articles in your market quotations of last weak." May lx they are something Dew. (They are O. K. now.—go.j_ aat,S*jr ArxrwaaaTW UtlMww. The ballstoria of last Sunday after ••on was one certainly, of phenomenal (•verity la the eastern part of Ux county. Rad tbe wind bean stronger much greater damage would hers baao dona. Haro In Gaatonta soma hall fell a few lamps being as large as tbe and of a man's thumb, but we hear of no damage done nnar by. Sheriff Shu ford watched the storm with la term t from his front porch and noted that It trovaled away from Gastonia nod Uxu turned and c-ima Ixck Our Mt. Holly corrop indent notes very mnoh tlx same feature__ Aoollier Pinal OM »»» Deputy Collector Ieceftfr* end Mr. Juriaou Hnte ran mcm— a Mg moon •blue latUirf it tbe foot ®f .Crcwder** Mountain Toeaday afternoon. Tt had fMr fermenter* nod • beer capacity of 8.000 gal Iona. Three men were am. ployed ued the pleat wee running la fall bleat. One of tbe oparatote, a young white mao. (pled the Deputy at he crouched babied e clump of both at. Mr, Uofthi pulled off hlaatiaw bet to hotter ooneeal Mmeelf. bat be wee la ht* tlilrt eleeeee Tbe watcher at retched lib naek up turkey faeblon end eyed tbe white amoeg the bufbae. peering now oc tbl» aide and now oo that. Hattahed tlrnt be aoeotad danger, he turned and ealle. |. Duumaeotury Uampa. t» •wfArawSSJE""- 12 U aotouiafinu’g'I’oTda* ooUar-. BifSEr-'s**-- « Octy*.J. a- Muw. net lilt. irm Intrraat on Com note. all At wjfiuvnottcmpkurormmt. MOO it fi Vffnm f—ri m2 Nov. a, PuuLt rorir. Jill f»oo. *, lutnrtti m note. J «J geo. a. C A. Clttuuur.rui& poller, 14M S. H. kwiUs. Uatlna tu* MM JTlt. Wurrrm. imitb-woHi. 3 OS D‘ruj!i'2z:i£ru*''*n,"M**1- .s *sr ?i Is T&fcSpsSr “is Au«Mt m Mymg. a vary Mre. 3M Pelt, AHirnllt Prnre Home, daeact. a*D KuolfarooorlaAwtod lor poor. UU msa.tSrsr^ '5 UreonrftMfor poor, am “i A. W. llawifl. Aurrufor, j g V JntmiiMM. MM A.O. Mmpum. fact, 5« .lrf^g:.g" *]« *%»i8sSs»ar* ‘TEHfflBr is ST^XST"™0' ETWS&uv*.... *SS Total taxxiat paM out. ItAMJt KIMMAlir. sajarsr* rag ■*v«M Of expoadnurt* V*UI Too IM auiatA Hot* la uortwl by mu for Money Iwnupl. UNO. A. QUAY, Tbuu TaVAKHaa. CRAIG & WILSON, -DIALKllS IX Horses, Mules, Vehicles, -AMD High Grade Fertilizers, -Alto IIM4MiUn for Disc Harrows, Reapers and Dowers. r OAHTONIA, H. C. Special ».' 'VW -;...,. - , . 1 -rrrrr^^r^:- - / 2,000 yards in short-length*-~two to four and-a-half yards. The biggest bargains ever offered In Gastonia.. . - . All day safes, to-day and to-morrow, . Thursday and Friday. .. Don’t miss it Every price Will be a big bargain. . ■fc^ORAY & LOVE. - -—• *••'/■* A Suggestion. - ■ 111 i ■■ ■ ■■ — Just at this season of the year house keepers complain that it Is hard to get anything to cook. Let ns suggest a few things for your blll-of-fiare. Good, savory, sweet country Hama' Premier Corn, canned Tomatoes, pies made of Evaporated Apples, Blackberries, or Peaches, Pickles, Jelly, Preserves. We can supply you with these and wish to do so. Don't say you can't And anything to cook. Come up and we will show you something. .... TRANSPARENT..... We have Just opened up some trans parent goods, mostly Glass-ware. Unite an assortment of pretty little odd dishes aud plates. To go at popular prices, too. LOVE’S GROCERY, T. L. CLINTON, Mgr. t :V; 5sj£ \ r L I subw? I ” “,h i niMh*" f.“r ti*s ■x*rx: ■ n ., -■• ■ SPRING MILLINERY. Every Day Exhibit at Mfaa Ruddock’*. -- wm^sj l Fbat, I most thank all my friends for their appreciative visits and 1 moat flattering patronage on last week’s opening days. Opening 8tW Open. Bat the "opening’’ has not vet cloned. I shall try to ace that the Spring's awakening is here symbolised every day, in a flower garden of progressive millinery boanty. Buds, bloom* Bowers, leaves, styles, and fancies all have that newness and flesh beauty which enter so largely into the constant charm of spring-time. To Thooe Who Bay their millinery of aw, I owa more than a mean shape with a bunch of flowers on it. 1 owa all the becoming style and per fect suitableness and dainty seasonablencsa 1 can put Into the production. I study what win suit you individually. You want the vary cream of the season1 a crest tons that are be coming to you. and when yon buy here that is what yon get. jhss ciirm lODDOCii Every t; ty Wears Shoes. Kvery Muon we add to owr Hne of Shoes, and we have the most complete line this season we have aver offered to the trade. ; t i : ; Of la ie>po**iblo to Mlt everyone, bat we believe that we can come m near plea* •a* everyone (a Shoe* aa any other firm in town. Tbt* hat It proven to aa by oar Am aferraarts nritl give m a part of yean ere •ill guarantee aatUbctioa. Holland * SoMason. r V.'