The Gastonia l>«Tot*<l to Uio Protection of Homo on & the Intoroete of th Coon Vol. XX. _Gimtonla, N. C., May 18, 1809. ARP VISITS ATHENS. . AID TO BE CLASSIC HE QUOTES LATH. Rnaladod Him *(*MTI«Ntnm He Waa a Itektul at Vita ralTanWig — Talhl >f Ht»Wra»»l najraiMMi Itajuir OI«a Tiara. ulU Arp la AUsmu Ouaeiiiuiirm. “Tampora mnUntur «i noamdlamur Id IMa.” i am now In Athene, the clastic city, and nauat quota some let In to be olaaalc, too, and show that 1 hare not forgotten my alma mater. “The llmce have changed and wo to ns* change with tb«m.”a*ld the Latin poet 9,000 year4 ago, and ihla maxim it more air Ik lug uow thau It waa then. The cbaugee am more rapid and more radical. Old Franklin ooliege, within wbOM unpretending walla I walked aud studied and expended my youthful mind, haa grown to bo au uolTeratly aud wa old men are • training our mloda to keep up with the uow order, the widening of iDental and physical lraining which'la now offered to our bora. Time waa wbto wa thought that Dr. Church and Prefecture McKay, Waddell, Leconte. Jack sou, Movent, Hull and Nalium Wood knew all that waa worth knoelug in this sublunary world; whan there waa no liigtisr honor than to be a l*bl Kappa or a Demoatbe nlan orator or to be eltoaou as a junior orator Of one of theta societies. Tima waa wbeti lo be lo love with a loyvly Athena girl waa In Itself a liberal edu cation, for they were fair lo look upon, refined In maonera aud fatcloatiug lo conversation. There were only a sou re or two of thorn thou, aod they bad the pick of 100 students, yonng men of lbe beet families <>t Georgia and bar a later States, aod half a hundred now ones coming la every year. Just think of it; what a blaaetog to girls Id the proxi mity of a male college ora university. Dul by and hy there oomee slung a fe male ooliege in the earn* town or city and then the boya have an rqual chance. My visits to thu etassio oily have been law sod far between. 1 do oot suppose there ll a loot living bars now wbo wae here tn 1834. lly parent! and ay brother and I slopped oyer night at the old Sledge hotel a» wh journeyed from IIosumi to Oeorgia In a eairtage. We went to Uoetoo by sra Iron Savanuah. but came back all the way by land la a private carriage and never creased a railroad. There Was none to cross. My next visit was elevee years later, when I came to enter the sophomore class Two mules at tan dem pulled our llttl* ear from Uo'.oo Point forty miles to Athon* There were common passengers below aud a score of uncommon ones on top for they were college boys, and as such preferred to ride high Just as college boys do oow. With what fear end trembling we weut through tbs exami nation that was to determine our fete whether we ware Qttea to eater or ooly IKten to get Allen- It was a thrilling and momentous ordeal, but ns sur vived it- What awful majesty appeared In Ur. Church’* classic fsslursj and In the quick glsnoes of hi* dark and pierc ing eye*- He was from Kew England, and after he came south married a sla ter of onr Judge Tnppe. a beiutlfal woman and the mother of Av* of the roost beautiful daughters gver smo In ooe family. Thry wecequeeoly. These yankee sotiool teechers ell mated with southern girl* sod didn't mind owning a few negroes auy more than to many I torses or cow* eapepially If they came with hi* wife’s pair Imouy. Old Judge Warren got his that way, but It cut him off from his yankee relations. Na Ibsolel Usman was soother distin guished yankee teacher, bat whether Ire heeams a slate owner or nut I have not learned. My father wot a yankee school leaober, bnt didn’t get any stavea by marriage Ua bought some, however, and that created a coolness among hie northern kindred. It took those yankee* a tong time to ecqolejee In' slavery nnleae they ear** down South. Ok) Hill Steward tried to marry a Patman oounty girl who had abonl a hundred, sod because she wouldn’t have him lie went back North and raised a howl about slavery. Josish Metgg*. soother Couaeetleot yankee sod a grandson of Batnro Jonathan Metgg*. was the first president of this oolt*** and held bis place fur twelve years. I think that he, toa, married a Southern girl—a stater of Governor John rorsylh. Next came Moses Waddell, an educator of grant renown. Ha married e sister of Jc/i n O. Calhoun and ad oca tad him and Legate and Pettigrew and ether notable own before he became president. After that ha bad for Ills pnplU many of the great men of Georgia Including Stephen*, Toombs, Howell Cobb, Johneoo, George Pieros end the Crawfords And rotaa any mrr* are ao rainy more or tlmm that they litre bacom* common and do not atUaot to mooli aUanllon. Maybe to-yoa, rntybo ao. The post KJI, •‘I foil ilka ooe who treads alooa soma laraquot ball do •triad,n sod ao do 1 when viewing tbaaa olaaato halls aod meandaring In tba aliada of these c lata to tree*. All of my praaaptoti i»rr ana bar* paiaad over tba Hear. All aay oolkwe-matea aava parbapa n do ton bar* folio wed them, aod If ftwadanborg divined tba fotara auto correctly they an got of to school again la another world. doaaa of than Who wern dear to bm hart left children or gvaadohlldran, who a rent rao kindly (or their fatbet'a take. Pood memory recall* tba Cborcbvc, Daw MBS, Ferrell*. Ilowatda and Ho) lag Btoran. whom I loved, aod than was tba gentle Hairy Tlmrod, who waa aa lovable aa • timid aebnol girl. How often did wi ate blm bluabtng tba daw fro® oB tba upland lawn alona or taklag hla even lag atroHa wUhoat a rompaoion. bat slwiya kind aad gra tia. Wa little d ran mad that ha wit oven than normog poetic thought* and breathing tba sweat harmonies of na ton, Poor boy. now did our heart! bleed far hi® whan la/tg after we ImtraaJ of hi* auBerlngt and hit a re row* Where no* tie the tolld men ot Athens who (eve It character and dig- 1 nliy aa they moved among tbelr peo ple? Where are Lumkln and the Coble, the Hulls and Mortooa and Thomases? Where the New tons and Alban Chase and John W. Ilarke, whose marriage I attended? Where la Dr. Nathan Hoyt aud Dr. Iteeae audDr. Crawford Long, the discoverer or anesthesia? Where are all the sweet girls who sang In Uio cbolre of the eburobre and did not veil tbelr face* from ua aa wo aal In Urn gallery and fentled upon tbelr beaely? It i* said that a aoeg outlive* a ear moo, and no Uioa* sweet girl alugera aitll live io memory, though the preacher*’ eloquenoe was anon forgot ten Aud where la old Sam, the jaultnr, who raug tho college bell and kept our secret* and brought ua 'poreum aud 'Latere and other luxuries by uight af ter the tutors had gooO on their grand rounds urd all waa quiet on the Oconee* Whet* la Hansel, the baker, from whom we peachaaeri Ice cream or cake* for our evening wallu, and where are the pretty girls we used lo meet or pnaard ou the way lo Cobban? I remember that II was here I Oral saw and heard Toombs aud Stephens, Wil liam C. Dawson sod the Doughertys and lllahop* Fteroe and KIHott and other eloquent atateeme* and dlvnm*. These men were ray Ideals—my stand ard rf Southern manhood, honor and Intellect, and it grieves me to Uvilev* that llte standard has been lowered at no« the civil war. lam no peaslmlat. but it Is easy lores llial method* and means are tolerated now that were not tlwn—methods In lbe foretw. In the legislative halls. In politics. In baal ueas, aud Id the pulpit. Out still there is modi good that has come aloag with the bad and In every town and city and community there are mure good men and women then Abraham could find la Sodom. A theca I* still the central aeat of art aud learning, of good morels and good manner*, and the pride of our Stale,, and that cltlisn 1* not to be envied whore love of learn ing and whore reverence for historic virtue doe* not gain force aa lie pon der* upon her history of n hnndrnd year*.. _ Sovooo.eoe ru* TBt’ftT. haerw ukirrHiilHiitra IuMbiUo* UOMlnl Ibp ■••■DHlarr «r Aurl mllarkl laklranb. ChartoUa Observer. Chicago, May It ntresenia lives of more tbao n ac ire of the leading plow manufacturing concern* of the United State* met to day, and virtually completed the urzenltstiou of a com bination into which it ii proposed ulti mately to Lake all manufacture)* nr agrleollural ItopWfnvnta /ha napi talitatloD of lire new combination is placed at over 806,000,000. The great est secrecy was maintained regarding tire proceed tug a It 1* understood that C. IL Datre was elected praaldent of tH* combination. The large eapttellzitlan of the new corporation U said not to be in excess Of the value of til* plants Included In the plan. Much of lha cipllal Utlsl up lt> pjttami, dial ami special m*. cliloery. Tba estimated vain at Ion placed ou this kind of property is ssi 1 to exceed (80,000,000. and it Is said that it might easily run up to (48,000, 000. ■ wiierlaga or Awll-TmM Tkvimlar. New Orleans Pkajruac. The rural States are adopting most ■tilngem measure against trusts. In Ac k act at n most piaocriptivn law li In force. In Mlssoorl one has Just been enacted and signed by tbs Governor, while la Texas a bill against troste, more severe thin soy of the others, ft now before the Stats Legislature. Thera is reason to Iwlleve that such lawn will be enacted lo sit tire agricul tural Slates of the West sod South, not only to prohibit tbe formation of truats lb thosa particular States, but to prevent shd restrain trusts incor porated outside those States from operating therein, ahd In order to be permitted to do business in luch States they will bay* to be reiucorpor* ted under tbe local lawk. In all probability outside trusts which are forbidden to do boa loess la a State where they were not Incorporated will claim that each prohibition It a viola tion of the Interstate eomnsaroe law. and will invoke the aid of the United States courts to nullify tbs prohibition* of the Scats law*. Whenever there shall ooae a Mm* when the Vederal power oan be used to fores tbe people of tbe States to submit to the exaction* of thee* greet outside monopolies, tbe socialist revelation, which 1s already growling nod shaking things beneath tbe sarfsoe of eociety, will break out with great fnry. uimm Mass'* Mr*. nck»* Cbarimuei, e. 0., DtaealcH, 10th. General Gordon wae olwered when lie aroee (at the OoaferaU ra-unloo.) IIa paid a glowlug tribute to Gonaral Jack eon, and a*l<l that, though dead, them wae one here among thorn whom J «ok *ou loved belter lban hli life—hia wife (wll.1 cheering.) General Gordon ralead lire. Jaokaon to the dlaa. and tli* ovation given bar waaequal to that given Wade Hampton the night be fore. General Gordon ahook her hand • for them all,” and tbea, with eharao terlaUQqutoloam. mid: “And I’m going to do more—I’m going to hog her,” and bog her Gen eral Gordon did, amid tramandoaa applause. 1 eoaetder It not only a pleasure but a doty I owe to my neighbor* to tall about the wonderful cure a Vetted In my oaM by the timely am of Chamber lain'* Cnlle. Cholera aad Diarrhoea Remedy. I waa taken eery badly with flag aad proa*red a bottle of thla rem edy. A few dome of It effected a per manent cure I taka pleasure la reo nmmending it vo otbere ■■flaring from that dreadfel dlaeaee.—J. VT Lywou, Dorr. W. Va. Thla remedy |g aoid by J. E. Corry A Co. NtUKI L MXMllTnilt. THe rrriMo af Dnrnr Ptililts (he ■Kkbiahuw UanlHlmn In r*. »r u(TkUDIIr. Oorrmpondonco(kaiIoats OMenor. May It. t’lease allow us spies through the columns o( jour eaiuntil* paper (o •lute that our people nrs very much interested in bridging the Catawba riser at Kozx'll'a Kerry. Bo much no ar» wn Intareated that a meeting or the bunions mac and farmers or and aioood Denser wrre called together in maaa meeting and tlio following reso lutions warn unanimously indorsed; Kcnolsed, Qrat. That. we recommend to the honorable board of commission ■ ere of Mrcklsuhurg couuty, tbe site ut Rowell's Kerry the most desirable sod the most beneficial point to benefit Mecklenburg and Charlotte. Resolved, second. That at no other poiut can ws get to Charlotte In an di rect route uad there Is no point, in our opinion, ean draw the trade to Char lotte as well ns tlw Rowell's Kerry site. Resolved, third. It it a bridge at Ut Holly would make iba distance to Charlotte six or eight miles farther. Ibsolved, fourth. That our people west to trade in Cbarlolls and a bridge at Rozsell’a will enable us to get there. Resolved. Oflh, That onr people ean not well afford to leave home In dry wratber and In wet weather the river Is loo uncertain to risk. Resolved, sixth. That at this poiut Charlotte trade wlU tocreasu while at the other It will dlmlnlab. Resolved, seventh. That » oopy ot these resolutions be sent to the Char lotte (/Uwrraiid Mr. U. L. Abernathy to be read to the honorable bosid of eommlssloneni of Mecklenburg eonnty. Resolved, eighth, That we peoplo feel under many obligations to Mr. It. L. Abernathy (or his i merest in the matter. W. C. Pnocron. Ch'mn., J. O. Mlndy. Secretary. Denver, X. C, May 19,1899. uii'slx wa in uoxkki.i.m. *l Mol lx O.Klil *<M to b« An*rx ir ■k< rwylt T*m Wmi Uhimm«mi ••I tor Their rntaMA Tbe citizens from ttazztU'a to Dsu ser am so tutereated in h-tvlug ties* bridge built at RiuaII'i that I am again constrained to let you kuow Uow they feol on the subject. Tbny are unauiinnutlv In favor of bavlug it at that place. Politicos to tit* Meek Isnburc eoualy oommwsioaeri are now being circulated. Subscription* also being solicited. Our people . re not a wealthy ctaga, being farmers, (the wealth producers), but are subscribing as liberally aa their moans will allow. They want a way to get to Charlotte to rxohange tbair produce for supplies and are thoroughly in earnest, now that the piers have been deeded and we fuel aaiureil that Charlotte will do ber part. We are S-irry that Mt. Holly tnlcea the view which it does ab>ot our wish ing a bridge at RoraellY They must remember that we bava tbe setae priv ilege tlisl tliey have of asking assis tance from Charlotte, and It la but □utnr»l that Charlotte will help most liberally tbe place that will help her must. Why dors Mt. Ilolly object to a bridge at Roszsll’a. eveu if they had one at Mt. Hully? Bmiuh they kiuw where the trade from this section will go then. The people of Charlotte arc noted fur their public spirit, but Mt. Ilolly ought not to erpeet them to build halt of a bridge which would not help litem at all but rather injure them. Now, Mt. Holly need not be augry with us for showing up our aids of tbe question, fur we do not Intend to boy. cot her, but hope that she and Few Creek will become strong enongli some day to bulkl a bridge, and grow to meet on tho middle of it. r.iTCOi.M. TilK nMBUk. Ho Trlawale rnyto Waal U at Mae irll'a Fearjr, Bomb's It lb* place (or tbe pro posed bridge across tbe Catawba river. First, It is more ©onveoltot to ell ibis seciiou of country to bottd It at Bomb's, as Charlotte ll tbe objeetlre point, sod lower down tbe riser would stop tbs trade to Ubartotiu or be of no service to Uils plaoe. Soocmd. all the mountain trade eimea principally by Uils route and would be of no service to the city of Charlotte, end to advantage of Mt. Holly If built anywhere ales than on tbs old piers. Our people are very eatbualeatle over tbe provprcu of getting the bridge at Bomb's Ferry. The indefatigable worker and states man, B. L Abrmetby, la moving tilings In this section and making a gaaod auooesa lo getlleg subscribers with Ilborel donations to Iniltd et Bo* sell's. Hoping ibxt Boaxall’a will wio in the contest wa will aay to all yon Char lotte people to help ut If you went our trade. J. Omvbr. Triangle, N. (J.t May 10, 1900, tisr aaiMt AUASV. Mt. Daily Finer mm trd«al rsuaploa Sw Unkbatsor-WSM la Rsmiala WaRVW Trace Wurlk la Tkaar Ikagra mt ■all reads t Oarraaoan4nnt Cbai laaia O'jsrrrtr. I see tbe HonsU’s forty people look a lot of your valuable space Friday, trying to work up eentloiaat In fawr of a politic bridge at itfal ferry, li island or attlia town of Mt. Holly. Pint tbev give some resolutions of a little meeting at Denver, a village In the northern part u( Linoolo n >unty. and at least li Biles up the river, resolving that a brldgv at llouell'e would draw a lot of trade froa* around Denver lo Charlotte. Next, they give a Inttsr from Mr. Oliver, of Triangle, a not hr r village at least 10 mlWe from llw furry, assuring us that nil of tbe woo a la I a trade nomas by TrUagla, and that it ca« sever gut to Charlotte except over a bridge on 11m old ptars at tlia ferry. Then a let ler signed •• 14eooln" tails that the clthoeo* of Lincoln, from Den ver to lha terry, am la favnrof a bridge at the ferry, Inatead of at ML Holly. Of court* they arc. tWrryooa vapeota thee* people, all living north of the lerry lu east Lincoln; to favor th* bonding of Uie bridge at Uoatall’e be cause it le nrarer to them than Mt. Holly. But wbal Ii llile talk about moun tain trada worth to Charlotte, in tlila day of railroad* V What I* tbU ulk worth, about lha bridge at Itciaell’e drawing lota of trade from around Denver to Charlotte Y Denver I* a town of probably a doxwi stores. While I grant tbit Charlotte would draw a certain elaaa of trade from aroond Deovtr and Triangle lu Lincoln ooun (v, eba will drew, by a bridge at ML Holly, Qve tlmal aa mnoh of the tame clam of trade, from around Mt. Holly Stanley Creek, Dullaa and McAdro vllla. Juat ae Charlotte, wllbout any river ae a barrier, now get! trade from the people around Davldern, SO mllca diitaat, ami from Iluotereville, Mat tlwwa and Plnevllle, 13 mile* dleUoi, an alia will, wltb a bridge over Ilia Catawba at ML Holly, get the outne olau of trade from Uie people aroond ML Holly, Stanley Creak. Delia*. One luaia aod McAdtuvIlie. U la Idle for Charlotte to Uilok of growing great, aa a commercial oily, by little eobemra to taka Hula trade from any neighbor ing town, whether on the CMawba river. Aa loug aa tiler* are country ■utd village ctoiv* the people wear by will go to than for their weekly pur chase*. A metropolis Ilk* Charlotte will be sought by people at a distance only for <)u*rt»rly or annual •epettas. Now the troth la lhat Mecklenburg, with a river Irani on three ooonliea aod with at lean three maeadamlxad > roads to bo computed to the river in a few years, will want at laaat three 1 river bridge*', oue to oonuect Oaaton ‘ at a central point Ilk* Mt. Holly, another lu connect Llnculo at a oeoUal point Ilka Cowan’s Kord, aod an other . (o connect northum York at or near Craig’* forty, it to a abort sighted scheme for Mecklenburg to be plane log for only oue bridge to be located at •cm* point that will draw satall trade from cor tain IHlle town* acroaa the . river. It It alto a truth (bat till* river brldgo In <liiration was and It tllll pro pused ns a bridge beta can the couuliet or Mecklenburg and Gailo i. It it the only bridge that Hatton will Join Meek lenbnrg in building, bur- It It very cer tain Huston will not Join If the bridge Is located at Uousll'a because that i« at Hie northern corner of Uie county and loo far Iron tba centre it tier pop ulation. Qut-m baa a river front of Ill miles end Mt. Holly is only a mile north of the centre of It, while Sm soil's U at leant six miles north of It. If located st Ml llolly, that town pro pose] to psy more than ona-thlrd the c let of the bridge, and. the belanoe may be dlyided between b >th ouutlos a* they umy egrse. Thee; public bridge- over stream* between two counties are for llie bsiw Qt of the people of both counilri. and : should be located where they will serve [the most psople In both cosntles. To < the good people of east Ltuculu, we give aiaurauee tbat this county will Jjlu your oouuty iu building a bildge nstweeo Lincoln and Mecklenburg, at Oowsn’s Ford, a point that will be much more convenient to them Id cumin t to Charlotte, and which will servo (lie people of north UrcklcDburg who may wish to visit Linooin. It that “indefatigable worker and statesman.” Col. Bob Abomothy. bus persuaded the people of Lincoln oiuntr that Meaklonburg Is going to have oolf one river bridge, l do not blame them lor favoring Hex tail’s ferry, because that It is iffocb nearer them than Mount Holly, but I do blame them for “feeling under so many obligations’’ t« him Tor Ills later est in tills matter. The colonel could not find any sentiment ait bis own county agaiuet locating the Joint coun ty bridge at Mt. Holly, aud had to go to Llneolu to maunfactare sums against It. The people of Llueoln turned out for publication three articles on the subject, and the eolonnl ought to “feel undvr obligations” to them. Fiaslly, Mr. Editor, It is to be re gretted tbst some ere working up sen timent among Mecklenburg people against the bridge at Mt. Holly princi pally oo the gruuad tbat ML llolly, na h cotton market, would get muoli eot ton from west Mecklenburg, and that farmers selling cotton there would also buy their supplies there. Much enu never happen If Chert-ills dove liar duty In paying tba farmers tlie full market price tor tlielr cotton. Asa guarantee for the discharge of this duty by our cotton merchants, all the people of Mecklenburg ought to advo cate an “open door” la the cotton market. Mkcki.hnuuhm. (••mim roit ruir. Ir. AbereMkr ■*•** r,°** • CaniMh l>* trip Tkraaik r»Uwk«. t.tneeln ■a* iimiw vumHw. ChlHntlO (UjMTTOf tltk The Houell'i farry bridge advocate* ara working with aatlrlm effort to se cure tho bridge. The potion of tba itmgl*trataa of tba coon tv la oonvanUon Assembled laat Monday, aaaolmonaly recommending Houell’i aa the plnea for tbo be Idgt, and aabaerlbfag (100 In ilia bridge at that point, gave Bouell'a an Impetus Meeklenbarg U a tire to tba Interest of Mecklenburg and aaaa greater bene fit to aaoroe ko tba ooouty and olty from a bridge at IteuaM'e than at Mt. Holly Two bridge* would not ba aa desirable, aus at Rowell end one at Mt. Holly, bat lb* ooooeo*oa of opin ion here fa that If only one bridge I* to bn Unlit, *• hr aa Moehtenhur*’* Inter eat It concerned. It tbould bo at It-* sail'a. Mr K -brrt ■>. AbamnUiy.a HotxiM1* ferry adrooste, a* me In hg oreolni frain aa actire oanraae of part* of ffea In*, Llaoolii *ad CiUwbi, He report* that bn f.mnd *r*ry on* whom ho saw orarahelmiadv l» faror nf Iteudl’a men for H»h,»» sap Mr. Abonoiby, “It that tU« psopla want to do tbelr trading In Charlotte. It 1* a plica they naturally Ilka to none to. Tb*y want to bring tbslr eottoa. wood and produce of all klods hm, tat tliey do not wnut to go *1* alias further through the and, to Mt. Holly, tad (hen te Charlotte. These people have , to make bay while the aoa ablate, but when It ta wet tliey cm leave their farms and come to town. They would tave to go six alias farther through the and to get to the bridge If It was built at Mt. Holly. “J bava the signatures of several baud red people certifying that a bridge at KotidPs ferry would bring aero trade to Charlotte than at Mt. Holly. The farmers are not In shape te tab oo rt be roach, bat they tavr responded an liberally as they could, Tta busi ness men have bean liberal and will bs »*>• A bridge at Ml HoUy would help ML Dolly a greet deal, and I am not against them. I am simply for Boas ail's ferry, and will do tin oao to gee U>e bridge ihme. The plan are el ■eady belli, and hundreds of people would ta beneflUed by being able te gat to this market, saving nt bant 40 per eent on what they buy and K> per oeaL on what they have te sell. I am a Mrcklanburger by birth aad take greet Clde In Charlotte tad her people. I >1 that whatever is to Charlotte’s in terest, te te ay Interest. I want to at a bridge built on these piers at RoxsaH's because I know that It will benefit Charlotte, by bringing much trade here whleh she dost not now get. rr tbs people of this historic, progres sive oonnty will build this bridge, the people for 00 altos up tta river will bring ttalr preduos bets. ‘‘Let's build the bridge at RogxaU'i, and thereby odd to Cliarlollt’s trade a hundred fold." ■»r*r nuurr volte. WMmi M«4llr«aas Uayutil Wbftl Nauru Vrrry utm Mim«i Hotly oar. Oa’wtMta OMirrrr. I would lika a llttlo epsov ia your 0 >1 JODI to reply to Ua Triangle eorni •pondrnt of tba Nrms; alio to aoao* of tbe (Jl/tenrr correspondent*. Now, as to Mount Holly offering 0,000 simply u bring trade from Meehteubnrg, we would aay that Mount Holly and sur rounding country baa offered >"1,3)0 for tbe bt ldgo to L-a uullt at Mount Holly, auil of that amount tha merebaota liava auNtcrlhad only 173). Now that bob* to allow that II la not jut a apecu. lative mailer with tit* mcreltaau of Mouut Holly, aed m to lb* put history of tba clttevua of Mount Holly betas aHQsh and working ohly for sdf, F wo.iU just say tbal ;b* peopla or Mount Holly are aa liberal as auy pro pin to bo found any where, and white we do not know tbe Triangle correspondent. Judging from the tenor of bis writing, 1 doubt very much It ba ever gave a dlum toward* any puMie eatarprlaa and expaet be would grumble when be baa in help work tbe public road*. Mount Holly believes in putting tbe bridge where It will be of the greatest benrllt to Haaton and Urukle iburg comities, arid It la certainly very plalu that Mount Holly I* Urn place, as It la one-half mile or the oentre of GUatoa connty and about nua and one-half mile* from tha centre of Meekteoburg county. Now It la not six or eight mile* out of tbe way fur Um people of 1 .ownvllle. Triangle and that up coun try to go by Mount Uotly to Charlotte, aa aoaie of tltoon same unaalfWli peopla would have you believe, but only a dif ference of about litre* mile*, uud for the people of Newton. Blowing Itaek and the mountain country It la almost a duvet line to Charlotte. It 1* thlr teen mil** from &. L. Abernathy's to Charlotte by UonsIPa ferry and sixteen mils* by way of Mount Holly, nad If lim bridge I* built at Mona* Holly the read will bn straightened in Mecklen burg ovoDir, which will cut off about two mite*, maklhg then a diffareuov of uot over one mile. Uemtemen, make yoar statement* oorreet. Mew st to what Mount Holly offara Halo*’. Hassell'* ferry, It U ji»l this : ount Holly and anrroundinge offer 83,3)0. Heaton county agraae to giva on*-half of tba balanoe If Mockleabara will give tbe other half, which wilt not be over >3.250 for each county. Bor SMI's ferry offers about >1,000 and abatmaote and piers which will seat about >1,000 to repair. U will thou ooat at least >3,000 to construct the bfidge and from >600 or >000 to haul the bridge from tha nearest retire td. , wbieb wilt make a total of at Meat >0.000, or >1,600 more than It will ooat at Mount Holly, with a donation of lets Mnn >1.000, so you are asking tha county of Meekteoburg tc give yon >*.3)0 to pot a bridge where It will aot be of tb* moat bmaOt to said coon ty, while w* an asking for only about >3,390 for a bridge to be put nearest tbe oentre of both eountten, and where It will hoof tb* greatest benaflt to tb* greatest number. aney oeam ro try to nay* im la» prreelor* Uni they edM Uw people ko tinthei from all orwr Ueatoo, Ltnsolft and Catawba ooantlaa, and that Uwtr choice waa Roaell’a forty. Tbay did gat about Inlf a doatn together to bold a Hinting, bat where did those parties Ilya * I oaa tall yon; alnoat alt of them live on the Domll’* ferry road. They nay claim that tney got more te tatbar than Utat, aod If aom« ooa bad baao bid out aroaed ibeta aod heard them, yoo would baft thought there wm more. They are counting oaa or two of Unai to ail tbe plaoa of 100. aa In la able to make aa maeb fuai aa that many. We think the peraaw ibat got tboaa few locatin' did Ilka aoma do that want to gat their none before a oouaty oonaaoltan bit nomluattoa te aoma oflaa-only aak tboaa to go that are aura to you their way aod aay nothin* to thoes tftay tblak will op t«tn them. It hm at the people liylog In Oeteo county ballaye what llnra aay. that It would 6a mare beoetK to Char to tU lu balld at Itommll'a ferry and would ruin Mount Holly, hot to beUd at Meant Hully would ruin Char lutu, I would lika to know what Meek Imburg would tblak of oaa of bar ekt raua ad moat lug auoti a thlof. Don’t yon brtlaya It weald bn a good Idea la FOLEY’S HONEY ® TM UTHIOtUT THROAT and LUNO REMEDY. “l-1-1-n-'-n riT" i "T 1 i 1 i1—rT'i.7~ * varalafer J. H. XSVXBDY • COKFAVr. •bow the® what a nice iruo ton Momaotou !• t I would not bB surprised if tba rsa mq mm of those advaaatlaa tbs Whtgo at Rexaakto forty ao strongly la that tbay would Ilka to sea the paapla P—lag fro® Charlotte to tba annas! there y That la oat aslf bsaidt. ok, ao. That raad just ksppsoed to go by tbolr house aad RoxssU’a tors* Jaat happened to bs on that raad. aad tbay ESes.’ taarvan amaetss. HllVfRR a HaMSpO Osr. OsitsMs Otssrrse MUi. Tblabasbaaa a stem yearn lost of tbs Supra®* Court, ft srea asada ataar Tuesday that them* wasao Ion toat to Iwaau Jadgas Torch** and Ctorta. Vow It la plain, fro® tba opinions la the Bbyaa oaaa, that there is no toadar feeltng between Judges curbs and I* tba Khyaa aaaa Judge dorks referred to tba threaten ill lynching to Qaatoa. Judge Dangles •ays la bia coocarrlag oplnloa, wbleb ghees Bbyaa a now trial: “1 a® un willing to rest under Ibo oharga that tha lactase* of lyaoblagi to caused by the inability of the courts to pcotsot ooelety from mardarere. la tba ftnt place, I do not think Uiera boa Iwsa say locraasa of lynehtna la this State, where 1t has always baas extremely rare, and evaa If aur courts were ts efflatoot, which I ompliatleaNy deny, I do uut am how oor alleged laxity should lucresas lyoohtags la ether Slates wllbont having any ooeb oSbot lu oor own. Such suggestions do greet iojustion to oor Dute and may do great barm by encouraging Ure vary outrages tbay pretnsa tu denounce. fa any event they tend to wvakan, aspadst ly when coming from aucb a sou roe, tha respect nf tha people for tha admin istration of justice, wHIeli ® tha foundation of social order. 1 feel Safe lo eayln* that Uw courts of I bto Stela are fully competent to protect ear eltiseae aad ebto ta do ao without deny ing to any one the oqaal protection of the law. Ws are told that wealthy man who here money enough to ratals aUe oouoasl are rarely convicted nf murder. Are they aver lynched ? If they are never lynched then tha lynch law can In DO sense be regard ad as • protest if slant their arquIUal. ft I* always a mutes of daap regret shea mao whose tstock* sod position Should make tham tba leaders of their pa opto, permit themselves. In tba beat of son teatioe or the saw of reform to de or things that are uajwat to thato fellow men aad tend to bring into dis repute tbs tribunals of Justice and tha law* of tha land. Fortlog as I do. more l do aot artob to aay; lass I could not say: “The tempi* ofjuatfca con tains no altar of sscrMloa. nor do tha paopl* of North Carolina demand a •cape-goat for tba Hus of the tan thousand murderers throughout tha ennotiy." • TortvIUo Cwivlrar. Tbo ablncb-bug, which wrought M much dcatruotiaa In Vba wheat and ootD crop* of tha Blackjack* two year• ago, moo to have abandoned that tec you. Mo»t of ear reader* will reoeobef that tba nnm of tha hog* two yam, ago, wara ao daatractioa that tha aatlre waaat arose of but farms wara da •Jroyod. Sot oaly did tha haga rain tba wheat, hat (bay cat Into eora that proml*e<] to yield It or BO bfheh to tbo aora and reduced tba yMM to aoab aa ax lent that what wm left waa net worth gathering. In ana war to aa Inquiry near tba telephone Thursday, Mr. O, L. Ban dars, or MoCoonaWwa, aald that thorn I* a oonatdsrsbto aooaat of whaot to the MoOoonelhrPlo aad "DllOkiick toMfll Wwift*1 dfti BknB to |g ■ ■ • w ii mj-asaarvan WWM Man aw IV looking fairly wall. Mo baa beard aa eompUlot of tba eUaeb-boga aa tor tbla aooooa, aad bao ao iiaaoa to bolioao that tha past la atiH la the senator. 11* aaya that th#r* waa a little wheat In the MeConnaltesflle asottoo last year sod that n was not atrlaaaly hart by the haga. Mr. D. Behaaak, Jr., a aoa aC Jadg* lUald^Behaaok^fUad^of apgaadtoiUa at rrailgT ffa wiTwmM oatS days brim hi* daaihhat the aparuUan waa aataalUag. ■. Tba aMlanto bettered that Htoama tla* was tha work of a daatn within a wan. Any ana who bao had aa aiiaek of aolatto or lafliMwaiari i rhanmattom will agra* that tba ladle I ttoa to demoniac oaoagh to warraat tbo haitof. tt boo aayav bate otofind 1 that Chemberiafc* Palo Bairn weaM east out demon, bat tt wilt yagp ibaa awttam, aad buadrado haar ftlmaay ta um tmu of uto ditagmt. Oaa a pH tootles laHabM the p»ta, aad tbto qa lab relief wbtoblt aCorde toatoao worth many llama Usenet. Pm aato by J. K Carry ft On. mmmsm* ■*; “v> _ _____ gagfii iadMtrr. M|B wltt Uw ill Wi Esraskrttures; maofIntellect. fare*u<anaieota more at btottteattoa to aaUia mSSm aad haa written and taokaa fMh re •* for the aMiUo^tN"' haa UnTw* wtlcMy aad eanftattat. Not Ion* ana, la an Inierriew with tba PlttehntB Mr. CereaytaeaM: •we bad a tittle hem with (Jot man; in bareoa tba other da;. Wa g$Rj535S33 tSs&ssas Uva parpoare, and m>re la (otay ever; da;, eo. whatmr tba period of peso perlt; maybe. It would her* been touch barer bat for thtoanoraaoea waau.” Jvi,£rsfirjsAfttftas g^JSsSfEp den of taxation required to raiaa food* fo ooaqaar tba Pbtiipphua attar bnriap there ham apain; to auto tain atandfop arrelaa in there attar tba; era eon ttre*adit° garriaaa aad pacify c.b. S^Esmtssssb out. the rerebren baedan M taxation mutt continu* to iaoraaaa and * WUfht tb. IndaetrTeS taSTS ttS Z2W3S+J2B1SAJS**: U»o ao naal oflcrtay at oar yooay man to be brekae dowe 1a health bTrerric* la the tieplea. Mr. Oaraeyla rafor* to aaothar aa Sot tb* aitaattpa, aad that I* tba pi oorepHoattona wMab araalreoat Id to prow ant at tba MMttttltti at ootlytof landaloua aad tba read dtlay with the international attain at

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