_The Gastonia Vol. XX. {■iW'JWSJUi&r.l Gastonia* N. C„ Juno IB* 1699 BILL ARP OR HAASKARL TAXES THE GB&KA1 P REA OH EE TOTAEX. RMak*X MM That IlfTWa An Seal. !«■ wm IM PhmAh la CWma ■»■»> Hi IM MW Mia (ArtaUu Wwika — Mia I»M«I|«II*M LMk DUI Arp la Atlanta Confutation. Professor Haaakarl, Dr. Haaakarl, Bar. Mr. Haaakarl, of the Lutheran church of Ubamberaburg, Pa., la aald to be a learned man—a scientist, an authority on athuolugy, but like all German philosophers bla investigations lack breadth. German education is generally limited U> a oertatn line of study aod thought and every other lloe of study is ignored ur aids tracked. The parent chooses his aou’i calling ur profess! oo la the buy 'a early youth and Lie adocatlon M strictly ou that lloe. If It la mask ba pursues Uiat calling diligently and devotes from twelve to arisen boon a day to It. 1 knew a youna German wbo slotted Dotting but huge and another wbo mads a specialty of uukn. Before tbe civil war we bed aa accomplished civil oo gloeer la Boms wbo thought that oot ton grow on ooitenwood usee aod had to be picked by ollmblog ladders. Ha didaat have tbe knowledge of a tea year-old boy aboat anything except engineering and ha didn’t care for anything eta*. Ooe German doctor will study tuberculosis and the germ theory aod uothlog else, while another wlU devote bis 11^ to Use ays or the ear. These ooe liners are of great benefit to acleooe and to mankind, for they probe to Hie bottom sad never give op. but their very earnestness la nos direction presents their acquiring varv broad views at life aa It is. now, Dr. Haaskari has suddenly dtaeorered that tba negro U ih* miss ing link—the link that Durwln sought for, bat oarer found—the Jink that oxn pints* Ua chain that begin* with tba monkey, then with Um bsbboon, then the oraugouMng, than the gorilla then Uw negro and Uat lb* white nan. Therefore be My* that U>» negro has uo soul to ■ ire end it is folly to preach Christianity to him. I reckon that the learned doctor U a young Ban or not passed aldJIe uge, or Im wool I tiers known that ibis theory of bis U no new thing—do d Isoovary, for soma thirty yean ago a scientist in Tec Des na* ameeted the etnas thing and wrote a book on it and called It “Ariel.” The prase soys tb* this theory of the learned dootor has been boldly and publloly announced and baa creeled great excitement and indignation among tbs Northern negroes. The missing link has raised a howl around the doctor and be had better uot circu late too loosely among then. If they arc not human beings then, or course, they are beset* and must be looked after by the society for the prevention of cruelty to soimaU. Tula will very moeh enlarge the bonnets of that mcietr, and we may look for a North ern wing of It to come down here to stop this lynohing business, Bat If the negro Isa beast end has do soul to be eared bis premature death would seem to be of lee* oonseqnenoe. So let the Pennsylvania row go on. I am glad that we ere not lu it. Bat I would Ilka to get oar darkey Bob Smith, after that German. Bob I* a smart negra and boa a Mg' mouth fall of panriy teeth that lie shew* on all oeoasions, for be lore* fan and U always ready for a Joke. Hta boos took great deOght in teasing Bob and on* day mid to him; “Bob, what are you niggers golae to meeting so msob for r- You will Iota your orop ruanlng up to the ernes roads ererjr day to that nigger meeting. Don’t you know that a nigger hasn’t got any soul, so what good Is going to meetlo to do to you And Bob nM, “Look her* boa*, you aay dat a n!gg*r baeu't «ot no tout ?” “Why, ot oourae, not. 1’vo got it I tore printed ia a book.” “Well, now look bar* boat, baa a white mao got a •°®J '‘Why, of ooorae b* baa,” •aid tba boa*. “The Bible talk you that.” “Well, now bo**, t*H media; It a If ft wnttft mao got a tool mod a nigger elo’tjot no tool how aboat a mnUt Bob waa telling all thla to at lad whM I naked what tbe boM (aid aboat Um motatto he laughed aad aatd, “He waa powerful not back, I tell you. Ho mtahed Ida head and aay. ‘Wan, be lowed aa bow a mulatter bad about * and Bob laughed |m 1 V?'ru,nl“Aln« *1»* Imported Afrloaos whom New Eaglaud I rum pah) tot sad brought urer hero. It might hare soma fores but be can’t Investigate tbo soul or where It came from or wbither It la going. Thu Is a mystery past oar ken. There 1a au aged woman Her* whom everybody knows aa old Mamina Heyward who 1* ok) enough to have ooats from Afrlos and look* a* much like a Imbboon at poealblt, bat If there la a true Chris tlan Id Cartvravllla w» all ballev* ah* U one. Though ninety years of age, she lakre a back scat Id the white folk* oh□ rob every 8abh*lU and rrJoHses in tba service. She baa falthfnlly served four generations and la serving yet. If she hat oo soul now perhaps It It possible for the Creator to giro her oo* when she dire to that tho may enter that rest that remains for the people of Hod. And we know many Degrees who give as much avldano* of having souls as do lb* Christians who ara white, but moat of this block genera tion are beaded for th* ehalogaog. That same merry-hearted Hob wot ■eat in tbo chain gang for killing an other negro which b* didn’t re*eu to do. for It was e willing Ogbt and b* ■ays now ••D*r la *om* as msec nig gers in do chamgang m dar la outao j dar.” And there I* th* faltbful Tip who waa born ours ^sd who loves us all yet. Th# alav* who grew up with our older | ohlldreu aod oared for them and Uwy cared for him—tho trusted friend who watched me loo* aod tenderly while 1 lav with fevsr In th* Virginia army. What about Tip having no soul? Hat Tip Is a ginger-oak*; be'a not a black man. Tip aod hi* parent* are of tbat peculiar color that LlviugsUme ranks so blgli among the ns tire tribes. Tb* Guinea negro i* more like the miss ing link aod they were the beat ser vants In lbs world except their desire to pick up little things that wouldu’t b* missed. An original Guinea negro whdee blood had oot been eroaaed It at doe.Is as a sbtphcrd dog. Now this startling deliverance of Ur. Haaekarl shows that ho knows nothing practl oally about tho negro and le Imbued with the prevailing north cun prejudice against him. He should come down here and a ttend one of their shouting meeting* and see the women carried oat In a a wood. ■ KW IILTM CIITIPIUTB. recMUr Hill Will LmI Like. WaauuioTOH, Jdqb 4—Tbc new direr oertl fleet** ot tbe deoomloaUon of 92 will iooo ba lamed. Tb* new design* have bean submitted to Dec retory Oage and A id (tint Secretary VuderUp bf Cbltf Jobnton of tbi Bureau ot Bngrsvlug aod Printing, bat several wrote will ba requited to com plate th* engraving. Tbe por trait of Linoole will ba Ilia central feature on tb* race of the now eertlfl cate. Tha geo oral tcopo of tbs new design will ba similar to tb* new ecr tldeata for II In leaving us ranch wblta paper blank aa possible in order to •how tb* atlk tb reads, and In making the ;figures plain and distinct. TAs portrait of Llnooin will oooupy a part of the space gives to the eagl* os tbe pcnsmt $1 notes, and will bare m dining figures of a mao on one aide mad a woman on the other. The back will be almUar to the present |1 oertl (taste, with a liberal dlaplay of white paper, but will coo tain eras more artMle lathe work, do** by th* best mtobloery in tha Bureau of Engraving mod Printing. Tb* eCort w being made, In eubetltoting new designs for tha preseat gneef ally drawn models, to ••core dm pi >clly and otearnam. A large Bgere In ascii corner of th* nou, or at least oaa at each sod, baa been carefully provided la order to faeillute tbe counting of Wotee by oasbtere end ■neb tpae* bee beta Uft blank In order to aid In the detection of coco terfaita. The lanr* eiaar Bgurea also osDtribsta to preveot raising the de nomination of not**, which Is a favor ite device with skillful artist* who have plenty of Urn* on Uielr hands. A $t diver certificate of the new dreign recently reached tha Am ret Harvioe divide* of tha Treasury which bad beaa raised t* glO In spite of the large eiaar figure* of tha genuine note. Th* new designs, however, are believed to radao* tha danger of this sort of fraud to iho minimum. ▲a MMMtk of muobogltli Id Houth UwoMa* pMttjbUiwjr htieumi that I oatl tattoo tr bog aarnot Ined. wee'wemeaow mmw rwf «aM n. r.|,- . 1 awoka loot night with aarrore aeloa In aar atomaoti. t oarer fait io badly la all my Ufa. Wbeo I oomadown ta work thw oaorolog I fait ao waak 1 ooaM bard It work. I went to Millar A MoUurd’a drag atom nod tliejr rtcoco moodod Chamberlain ^ Colic. Oholera aod Diarrhoea Kaaaody. It worked like magic aod ono doat Bred aaa all right. U aaruialy la Uta flaaat thing a near need for atemach trouble 1 I hell oat be without It la my boom baraaftar, for 1 ahooU not corn to oodoro Urn aaffiaringa of loot eight Mote lor Ifty umea Ha orloe.—O . H. Wit^ow, Liaarymoo. HorgatULowa, Vfaahlngtnn Oo., Pa. IMa rumudy la for aalaby J. t. Carry A Ca. I GEM. KING OR FILIPINOS. THE 81TUATI0V 1H THE I8LAYDB. CauNMUini tacrMrf ky 1'-mf»r Whe Waa la IliiTkkkM aTUkn reap -"*• •*# »« fee • tell OawtHIa Warfare With the Afeaalaae all ee theSM* •llki (■•eiweata" Q/ Drivedler(Jewel Cturlea Kin*. Ha* Fbakoiico. June 8.—(Copy right, taw. by W. k Haant.)—Itls my tatactloo now to apeak ot tbe Klgbtb Army Corpt, tad my connection with it at Manila. nnunoBNTe insolcnt. Even before CUriito.ua the sitnetlon waa strained, end It was may to me that trouble waa coming. Little by little tbe demeanor of the Insurgent* became more insolent. It waa about tbe 80tfa of Jnuoary tliat we heard of the action of tlio In •urgent oblefi at Msloloe, authorialag Agolneldo—In fact, celling upon him —to open war against the Americana. It waa welt underatoud that Uila waa due to tbe peiaiaieot effort of bio War Mlnlater, Mabinl, and I am bound to •»y that the newt waa hailed with re lief by moat of our ofllcan and men. for tba long itrim had become very bad submitted pat lenity la all uennar of intolrooa. lorally carrying out our orders to avoid by avery pos sible display of uatiaoce aud good natnra wbutaeemea to ut on loavl table clash. Finally, lb* fraud stuck was mads, and the story of Unit you liaanl long •go. My ordars from Ua Division com mandcr was not to go bryood fctsnU Ana for fear of coming under the Am of tlte monitor Mooadnook. wbtoh waa •hailing tba wood* opposite Paatay bat on one oooaston In tlra ardor of pursuit Colonel (oow 1)antral) bmlth of tlta Pint California, far out on tba right flank, chnaad tha luaarganU reserves all tba wav to Guadalupe Church, nearly Ibraa aulas out, hla gallant Cal Iforniaoa dsablog oo thvlr (Inas when ever they attempted to make a (land. Day and oifbc lbs insurgeoU kept op a constant peppering along tbe line. Even behind out tranche* offloers aod mee ware wounded, tbe lorn in my brigade averaging two a day from those assaults of an unseen enemy. All this lima, too, the latorgeou were gaining ralnforeameoU until tba num ber on oar front far exceeded tba defender* of the American line, and It was a great relief to everybody wbaa tbe troop* b»f*n to arrive, bringing tbe great raglmanu of regulars from tlw Stales. VOLl'MTEKK* CtXPlUnno. Let Be my right ben, however, that the volooteert of the Eighth Corpe at that time were far better eehooled In Tlltploo lighting than the newly arrlyrd regular*. The volooteert wen veteran*. Moot of the regular* ware recruit*, who had barely learned the mauual of arsa. All the same, number* told, aod whan General Wheaton started out with hi* flying column ha was able to bring euob a man of Are to bear upon the I as urgent* that they fled before him with hardly an effort at reaie tanea. Then, when be returned and panted to lb* north of the oily to joia Mic Artbur'e dlriilon, back cams all the KUiplaos again to bang away at tlie thlo line of defaaao Tntroeted to my. cere. At one time I had a line •event miles In length through tbs villages of Tagutg and Pasig, clear back to Uuadalnpe, and thence across la frost of Cemetery HtU to beyond the center of tbs southward line, with thirteen com pan lee to bold It M alert probably 3.800 Insurgents. If Pio del Pilar oonttoced In the front be mimed ble opportunity. Poor Rlcarte, who commanded the brigade we thrashed at Santa Ana ac cording to alt aooounW, was afterward executed by Mablul’aorJers for alleged •edition. I believe be was never wholly in favor of the war. Another gallant and really gifted llltk Filipino Sener el waa Montaoegro. 1 met him six weeks before the beglolag of hostilities at Mao Arthur's headquarter*, aod waa ■truck by hie eoerteens beer log aad hie oommtad of the KogUeh leaguers. He was ae educated gentle min aod a good soldier. Aooordfeg to all amounts he died of weaod* received early |n to the campaign. In last what right 1 do not kou v. Up to the Urns I left, tbe insurgents bad dene very little beefy lntrenehleg out beyond Pasig. But I have never seen mob admirable Bald work le my life, aad It wee remarked by the mtlU Uuy attaches of fertlga Governments end onr edocated officers, eepeelally tbe few who were veterans of the war ef rebellion, that tbe Bold works com manding every ford and bridge so the almost Innumerable rivers, which Mao Arlhor’a divIMoo bed to oarry day after day, were tbe most compute aad aclantIBo affair* of the kind shown to modern warfare. Oee word about the corpe I lestf. Prom Kart to Saleh there was a spirit of “pall together’’ and a geuaroxis rivalry tbat mod* It mom like a bend of brother* then • acalleed organise tloo from all ovet the country. Mead*mid at Mettyebnrg, "there wee glory to go ell aroand.” KO JUALOUitlte <>U MCUKIKO. There was no j sale sales, no Maker Inga, ne beekbilloga. Nebraska waa proud of Ceilfotnie, Waablogtou of Kan tea, regular* of volunteers^ volun teer! ef regulers. There was aa uoewervlng loyalty to tbe department commander on the part of all bla auburdlnatee and their offioer* on the part ef the moo. and 1 count a* lb* moat valued experience la iuy laag year* ef sold wring the lima 1 •pent ■■ e brigade comma seer in the Rlgbth Oorp* at Met.ll* Thaos proaunetameato* ef Agolnal do to tbe effect that Amerteea soldier* had eeadaoted this war la ernel and barUarooa fashion, worn oat end oat Uos, and I may my bare tbat 1 never amt mere aeeomptlshed liars than the Filipino*. o«r men were at human* a* eon Id fen U the wounded wbo fell Into our head*. They were tenderly oared Tor; they were carried I to tba rear and promptly received the BltnoUon of our surgaono; they were put la the boepluk and named and looked after Jim exactly aa war* our d*a( and bnndrtd* of theca I dim toy, warn better off uoder tboea dr cow ctaaom tbao they warn eyer before la their llrt*. CerUlaly they aerer lived k> well. I tew many a time our eol dlen glv* their wounded a drink from tbalr eaotaeni. There waa one cam where a terrible I**na|u* waa wreaked oa a body of Filipino*, who railed tba white dag and bald up tbalr era* In token of ear reader, and than abet down tba Brat of our men, wbo ran fortretd to receive thalr arm*. Few or that party warn laft alive. Moreover they warn guilty •Mr* than ouoa of tba old India* trick of luring of out by dlaplaying a flag of true* end then bring on oar expoand Yet to mauy way* tboaa little brown ooeo ooramaad my admiration. They are very InduatrtoM. They am tem perate and frugal. They am admlra W# artlaani m many way*, eklllad •arvere, oarpenten, bnilden and paint er*. They liar* * natural leva for mu elo, and tom* of tba Fillploo orolmetrne that I beard play with a vim and epirlt that loin only liken to the Hungarian mtiale w* beard at the World’* Fair. The- women am eaat. bandy, devoted to their aktldma Widaad. for tbnt matter, tbe Filipino* main to be, with out axeaptloa, very fond of tbelr young nod to take the otinoat ear* of Umm. I aae In Manila when ilia Filipino Peace Comm 1mloom earn* lo from Avowal Luna, a Colonel and Lieuten ant Colonel, iqtng for term*. Dewey *“ o*&t fur aod warn prearnt at the conference, which waa nothing more than n rum to gain time. t?o are la for guerrilla warfare to wbteh Urn ad vantage will be all on the tide of the loaurgeou. 1 regret tlua mom then I oan tali, for tba lojaea lbat have been ■Detained by tba Eighth Corps b»re been eevern. And in that ttyl* of OilliUng w* am going to lue* (till more of our gallant and hard-worked rd dlam. _ _ CstHnm Um tona Bay. Kandnaoa OoM lair. This writer was reared on Ux, farm and be knows whet a farmer’s life la. Bapsotally does h* appreciate tba lot of tba farmer's boy and sympathise with him lo bis life and labors. Ilia au*Iron bmdU are not always what they ahould ba, often not what they might bo with little (Sort sod expenditure. Thera are bardiblpi not a few and struggles necessarily in a life on tba farm, and ao tba boy's lot should ba made aa eaay as possible and ba should be eeoouraged and rewarded beyond •bat 1* aurally Me port Ion. Teach I him to lore the farm rather than lo daaplaeH, lairn him to know tbeta is oo vocation or profcysloo more honor able and independent than that of Urn Intelligent, soeoeasfuJ farmer. There are Deny ways In wbieti ibis may badene-wayt that readily suggest themselves to Ih* thoughtful consider ate parent. Along (bla line we com mend the following from Uie EIlrsLeth City yUhcrmoA and Farmer aa worthy of acting upon: Tba boy oo Hie farm la not always to be envied. Ue is often obliged to wort early and late, do the wort of say other band, and not receive any recom pense whatever. This u plainly not right, and it is not surprising that ao many leave (ba farm at the Brat oppor tunity in spits of father's and mother’s entreaties. The boy who la old enough lo do more than the oboraa, la old enough to receive come remuneration In a money ■cnee, Is old eaongh to to allowed aome Independence ot thought nod action, nod should have a ebaooe. If yea eonsclsoUoaely feel that y jo nan not pay him In money, give him an opportunity to aura somethin? some other way. Let him bars a small plot of ground to wort for hlaaaalf oat tide of the work be does for you, or let blm raise poultry, and not only let him do these thing* bat encourage him to earn n little mooey, which will to hie own, wbfah will tend to ehow him the value of money, and will nice lo blm amM tlnna and love nf work. Encourage blm and help him all you can. Do not gilnd him down to n mere aalataocecf servitude. Uemem ber that lie baa hta rights, even If ha la your sen, yon owe blm a good ebaitco •van If you don't feat Incllued lo pay blm. It la a debt wbloh you owe him as n parent, and h?r which there will be an accounting. TV WkMl Dm? I« Mawta. Mewten IMerprtee. Knob of the «l*t It prematurely dying oa aeeount of the hot dry weath er end there ere alee report* of oooaM arable damage from ro*. On account of theeetdo eonroaeof damage tome of the firmer* began cottlea wheat tbe latter part of leal week. Harnet Ieg began le earnest Tuaaday morning mad at Uila Mae everybody fa baay la the wlieat flalll There haa been mueh difference of opinion u to the quality of the wheat erop lb I* year. Some Mil) maintain that It a* good a* teat year’* erop. teat tbe weigh! ofoplaloo la that 1% trill fail below teat year* crop and below the average crop crop of the teat few yean. On clover aoda where tbe land wae well prepared there laeome aa good wheat ■■ waa am ralaad lo Urn county. Dot on oom and cotton land which waa aowod lata and tbore waa a great deal aaore of Mile triad aowed than neeal, the wheat aa a general thing la very poor. There Is more ordinary end absolutely bad wlieat than there ho* been la the coae ty for wtverol years. qpgpngmp wiiiiwte* M*m*»s*r It tea goad algn and hopeful when Mm towaa begla to oomptela ever Um devoorin* dug*. that are eat worth kiniag. We hops the Mme mflt ooaae whew Jfoeth Carol I no win tax all dega. TIE PHILIPPINE SITUATION OEJBBAL OTIB 8EJD8 k flABT.f. OBjAM. ‘er »■■*«, M UMr Awpnm M be «**»» w«iiy «r ,c ' ' ~J.. [i otwe.TW, Wunuraxox,, June 8.-The aitna tkw U tln Philippine hi deerlbed by, General OtU lu the following cable, i nvn: ' MAHiba, June A. “Adjutant Genera), Wlab)igloo : “Tba reault of tba movement* on Moroni provlooo waa to drive tba In surgents lata tha mountains, captar lag Antipol and etbar town* }n that ■eeUaa, with a point of land projecting lata Ur* bay, Tboy retreated and aaattarad before our ad vase*, lesrlag 25 dred on me Held. Oar ieaa waa 4 ■■Uaf and * few wounded, meetly •light. Tba cKy af Moroog, oa tba owly land route around tbe bay. la garrieouad. All other troops are with draw a. Tbe Inhabitant! of tbe fro viecaa profess frlendeblp and aek pro trot ion. Large number! wish to aatar Manila but am refuted as lbs city pop putation la laereaaing too rapidly. The leading native* throughout Uw island, including tba active Insurgent leaden, •ask pennlwloa to mud their families to Manila, which Is ecesldarad tba only plane of personal security. Signed) “One." Tbe eonoi onions drawn by tbe War Department officials ooooeralog tba condition la tha l>lrillppiaM, givao la Uw dlapaieb of tag? OUa, ara Uut U*« insai-gmts ura lit lie mors than taaraodlag bands, which trill contin ually decrease wlwu the men dad Unt there la Ilfs and liberty under the 4 tier loan government. Them bauds are regarded as aamething Ilka the trends of ladtaos, 90 and BO years age, and the people wbe ara coming Into Uw American Unas asking protection are considered like those who sought protection In tha forte during theaeriy ot *“*rk*B «*mrSuimaul in the West. Nothing la yet said as to the InUuUou of General Otis to eon Uaue active hostilities, but ibis la a matter thro will be left wbollv in hla discretion, and be will do doubt dgbt or rest as Uw olrcamstaoees deter ■Bias. •nr-rescuMsa atertrea LgalaaMe *Mm Ibi rUblM Ow ir» MlMiwCk>r(**r UsIml London, J one 8.—Special dispatches roa Manila to-day aay: It ia reported ■liU Burning that Agulnaldo baa dU lolved tba Filipino Cou grots and has unclaimed ulmaalf dletator. It Meaau TIMM AgwtwnMe Will ■tBbrPuMi Washington. Jane 8.—T»e official* lien am ia doaM as to whether Acuta »idu. ia deelerlag bit dlcU'.oralTp. u iDimated by a desire to rid himself of liie refractory generals. Pilar asd X.o aar. or whether bo aisaa to consolidate Id bis own bauds the power to sake .enoa of peace. It I# known from the ’•porta of I’rteMeet Mcharaao, of the Amarlcea Philippine coamMon, that these two generals own only feint nl Sfieoos to AgutneJdo, end their aUl iude bat made them i Deflect oal, the cl T lllaii members on tho Filipino elds of tbo Joint commlMioo being completely 3rerawed and dominated by the mili tary element cot trolled by theee gener als. It lo beliertd bare that If Agulo tldo eon bend these mo to bio will ind assume tnpreme control, be win will atones mnM for penes, being able to secure beUar terms for himself then he would otherwise. siMsat a» rim wilt IVy am Mr Tmimm Ma Their copcorc - -the MM MM Kamila, Judo 8. 4:15 p. m.—Tba Unluji Stateo crnleer Boston, Captain W. H. Whiling, baa mIM for 8m ‘,'j???U00,_bLT?r If with long eerrtoa oAoersand mao Aram the various warship*. Tha batlleahlp Oregon will aoun ba stationed at Oagopan, la tba Quit of Lingayva, oo blockade doty. Tba United States gun-boot Albany. om of the vcmoIc purchased from tbo SoMlorda, and oommaadod by Boalga W. H. Stanley, baa aapturad three aall lag vimiIi and mo steamer of tbo to* load of Xegroo. Hina of tboos boats (of tbo AJbaoy elaae) ora now In com* mlartoo, and ara now doing good ser vice la tbo shallow waters of tbo •outtorn liUndi. Favorable reports ara rtHl being m* calved-fran tba party of 15 Amnrioaoo belonging to tbo go o boat Tort town. banded by Lieutenant J. C. Ollmora, or that vaaaal, cnataeod April 18, by tba Flllpleee not far from Baler. Tbo prisoners ara all wall and are moirtng fair treatment. n* Mian ar tea VPuMn. WAantMOTOar. JaoaB.—Oenend OUa eoUaaaa foHoara ragardlng lh« return of valooioara: “Kamila, Judo 8, “Adjutant Qanara). Washington: "lw Oregon ragtiMOt warnoti to do for tlmo of deportura until tbo 18th: will loom for. fort land la transports Ohio aod New port. Tbo Blxtb Infan try, tywm arrival, will itllovo OnHfor nlnoo at Hvgroo. Hasoook aalla to o fow days wHh tbo Nebraska aod ntbor trnoga. IHlfnrdJ -Out" flgwllaa nuabUno Me Cata. WAUncoroir. Jom 8.—Awl aunt Saeratarv Mvjklejobn to-day promut gatad Immlgmtioa regulation for tba udaod of Cuba. Ttwao regulations on lubataolially tbo aomo aa tbosa hi la foe cs for tba Ui.ltod HUiaa, asoapt that tbo ragutattoos tor Cuba maka ao die* tloatbrn batwwo a I teas arrtviag fma Canada and Mexico aod other foreign oonstrtoo, u la duos in tbo wnlaiuno for Ik la country. Far—m» J. n. Kennedy * company. ii _■_ —i SPAIN’STrade Witfi GBRIAIT. SHE MOTE A THEY GOOD BAB* Madbid, Jim 1—Omun. Itiaaa safsss'ffissrisss Spain still ratal an Ihrae coaling ato* iloon, ooa la each groat, and Oanaaar ondartakaata defend that* aUUaaala <>■■• at war. fa addMtaa, fraata Hpatn tha'mat 1 aatlaa traatmaot In Oarmay la thaOul oolal Islands. Raauv. Anna a.—Tb* aaanonaa ■yt^^tSa^einoloii o^tbattoraM—a wtih a moat fararaMa raaaptlaa bar*. Tb# vapor* which eosomotn* upon U laid aim* on tb* aaaaass of Saraao poltey, which. It pointed out, aooocn pUabei now what Prince IMamart was nsabla to do to 1S6A. wamjamwaitew-ge ■ vmump "wIitHMimi. J«*m A—Tbs optaWb b that Spata naa nude t'rtrs food bargain In UM arlea aba obUlued For tha PaelOe lalaeda.. Tha eae" soo aMacaUon ia about rqaal te Um eaa af toJJOB.OOU (a U'otw State* own, which It la baUaeod would alonebefall oompcneatlon. Bat la addltloa, tba guanutace afforded by Germany art regarded aa extraordinary. Tha par MUatoe to Spate to ntala three eoil lee stall one. aad eboye all, Um ante teklng to pro trot these la tfteo of war, are oirtalalr of great vaiae. In fart. It la aud, tba aadrruklag to pratoot tbejjmUof^eUUonejOr^ Spain may be Oermaay for an nUlanoe wUhTsiMbf for It la conceivable, to execute tha guarantee that Germany may ha pleoed S-VKKS^^ _ Ttwooaeeteloo that Spate may eejoy fo roved treat snot lu um trade with Oormaiiy sad her ooteolea la mid tabs of rains aa far aa tha moabar ooootn la oooaarard, but of Itttte Importance to reaped to the coloclaa of Germeoj. It Is mid at tha State Department that oar goearnmnat la not to tha way to be ad need officially of thta tranm* tte". uotu porhapa Ambaatedur White, at Barlla report* It to Um Department aa aa Ham of lofonnatioa. The rea son for this 1* that Um Innate nomi nally ooooaraa nobody mt tho two rattle* to it. It teeald that Uia Uni te* Stete^m^d haea acquired Um the tame Urtni"*CerteteTy (m‘to°UM CanUaoa, are might hanre bad pnmm a»oo of Ualan, Um pearl of tho croup, and perhaps all of tho Intend*. To *x ohaogo for the *1,000.OOOonehaad ex owwkmal tends rights for SpgnM trade Is Porto Etna aad Cuba. Dariog the peon ooafomww at Parte tba A marl oea oammtmlooan affand $1,000 000 for Ualeo. oad Um Undo wee arttr way, whoa, it wm-terehon off thcuagb Um additlcmal demand by Hcatefor fonrad treatment la teadtag with Cuba and Porte Eloo. HiTm, Juno _ j patehm raaouodtnw Urn rate by Spate of tho CaroUaa, Pole* aad Mariana Island* te Germany eraatad sarprtee. Spaniard* and Unban* all aoeept It aa Indication of ~ ^ speis, im ;! amt bar la isaarSSSSSS moooy for oteteoe dafonoes lortmd of for the raeooetrwttos of tho eceutiy. Tn*y aloo wee limn Urn goo mail Whs are i Unapt log to teoalonte the Mm uzzva&r"'- r*T*#* ** A yoaaafid Mum, lb* BraMab, baa Juat baaa toft for Raaata, whleh •W braak tbroagt laa tt Mai Uiiok, j^sssssasMrtjs tori aJlad a« aaidat Mat tt awi •Ugbt atr»M aad «u«ld aaao faa bo mil, tot It aaua grow warn awd tba daatoa tboa aald Iliad rtwaaaatiaaa. Itaa*. tlaaad to pta won* aa< I aaaU bardlr gat aroaad to aark. I «M to *• drag at ora aad tba draggbd nmm MMidad MB to try CbaMhiahla'* Ftjo H-to. 1 triad It aad aar-batf af a« root totUa oarad m ariirM. 1 a*« Noaaaaaad M taaB air MaaAa.—r. A. Babcock, Bata. Pa. ft la Mr gala by J. E Carry AU*. i II1 PllliW Hh■■■■■■!■ III! I | toy jvi« iMf • fi i .2 i ,a