The Gastonia _ 0«»oU4 to th« PratMtlon ol Bom* w4 tk* lnt«T«»M Vol. XX. {MaJ-JiRSSfc*.}_Gastonia, X. CH Jnne 22, 181)#. , A PICTURE OF PEACE. PAIITED BT BILL ARP AS HE BITS AT HOME. l.oofcn M rinnn Ml DlrUi wire MMM» HMt re loylM Tire* •wall ■» 1» »Bf-A Pirn DM «»r mil Ary id Atlanta Constitution. Last midnight that name mooking bird waa alnglog—maklog awest music to comfort till mala who waa brooding on bac ueot. Tfata morning ba la ting* log again and aoraa supremely happy a* ha (bakes hla Ifttlw fllghta upward aod rat urns to hla porch without a break la hia asog. Than la a Uny wreo not far away whose tong It very abort, but ioat aa aw ret, and ba, too, la oom fortlog bU male. Dawn iu inu past urn mat front* oar grove I aee Ibw milch cow* graving peeoefally. Id our front yard there la a hydrant and tlte oryalal waUr ta al lowed to leak just enough to keep a bualn fall and It overflow* to a llule grass-bidden pool wltere tba plgeona drink and baibo, and where tbe jay birds and tbruvbee and English spar-' rows com* aod alp and go, and never contend. tfomv'lmra tbe paaoock wants a drink and lb* bird* retire from his magnificent pretaoc* and await hi* lordship's pleasure. A neighbor’s par rot baa left hi* cage and la cawlni in ooa of tree-tops. A neighbor’* cbiok-1 eas are acntcblog in tba leaves nearby. Fleecy oloods are paaalng overhead and give us aJlaroata eun and shads. I hear the dlatanl walttle or a locomo tive and tbe trvmbHeg, rambling sound of tbe train a* it eroaaea the river bridge- 1 see children dreaecd la their Sunday clothe* going bepplly to the city ball to take tbelr part In the commencement exercleea Along our ttsnJeo feaoe the varUgatod caiman lift tbelr proud head* la peaceful beau ty, aod not far array la a row of flower ing pea* arnyed in ralabrw color* and exhaling sweat odor* to tli* air. Apple, geranium and lemon mbona* sweeten urn bretxm at our window. Looking north ward frost ibe rtraodih where I alt, the distant bills are piled upon each other iu regular Irregularity, while more distant mountains glrea bock ground of cerulean bine to tli* beautiful picture. litre 1 am rami Dating—calmly aod anronoly happy in a hlg arm chair. Ualt a hundred oatg utfloeot oak* stead like* God's seatt ■ els In Uie grove before me lining tbelr leafy branebe* toward tha sky to adoration of their creator. Tbe twin ing madelra vines aod Virginia creep er* latwrlec* the traUig at my tund aod ■belter me from the ana. while two dear little graadctiildcao are merrily ■winging In the hammock not far away. There la nothing io eight thle inoiulog but peace aod beauty. Inno oauo* In Ibe air. the eky, the (Mde, the trees, tba bird*, and flower* and children—a* tba good Blahnp neber wrote: "llww every *caen* plena* Aod only man U rtto" Only man; not woman or children, or beast or birds or fljwera—anly mao I* vile. What a contrast to the view before me la found Iu tbe oolnmoa of tbe morning paper, whlou haj just been banded to me. Haw ebooklng are the big bead lines that tell of a single day’s misery aod disaster I When, oh. when, will all these horrible things oaaae to* bel Only mao I* Vila. If be was made In tba image or God, why should b* be doing tba deed* of the devil? The enat of crime la money In fearful turn, Tbe cost of courts and prison gaard* and police; the coat In loaa of lima and labor; bat this la notblog compared with tbe oowt In grief and mlaaty. Here la a latter that I* bat a sample of what eomw to me In mr dally mail, for the poor oreaturei think that I can do something; " Lebanon. Fla. - My Dear Sir; Will you plea** give tbe name and address of some orphan asylum In Georgia that would probably lake three proor little orphan girls into tbelr horn*. "Their mother la dead (died of a broken heart) and the father I* In jail aodhaaDean sentenced tab* hanged. "H* la muoh distressed about Ilia helpless children, aod bags that yon got them into some orphan home. The family are of no kin to me, but I •empathise with tbe poor little orpbau girl* la tbelr vary aad condition. "Please ■ newer me very soou aod let me know if they will b« abut ont because they live ont of your 8tate. “(1. (V (UlMfri 'ToUoMUr at Lebeaon.” Now, Hr. Hemphill and Mr. Crum •Wj Too make room for thee* children? May the good Lord hire B«ref DDOn thHn’ What U the world coming to? The old Mogale law wav: ‘ I will rloit tha alnoof tha father* uy» the children," but Umboo law le: ■'Sugar little chil dren to oome unto mo. for of ooeh I* the kladorn of heaven.•> Sometime* I Ilk# llm piot, Gewptr, aod ■ ty. “Ob, lor a borne in eome vaet wilder aeaa, where rumor of oppretelon aod deceit might never reach me." When I rood of murder and auicld* aod bur gUrlra and artun and horrible outragoa It matea me tad aod than there I* al ways eomttbiof la the eime paper to moke me mad—some Ilea and el taler or toceo sort here devilment. Oovovoor Northern aid* a great •parch la llooton, and I am glad It ha* bean prlatod to pamphlet form, aod If I was the State I w>uld order enough of them to giro a copy to every child In the Slate that oonM read, aad 1 would make every negro an Pool teach « »• l*m State rood a page aloud every day to kle pupils until ho had nod It all and If ha dlda’t read It to them aad read It wall aad tall them that It wee tha truth, I woald tarn them oet— dogoa him, confound him—I am tlivd paying tax money to rducal* ncgroei to hoi* people. I doun believe there io a eagre teacher la Urn State who trice to tram tbo negro children In th*aa thlogi. Nor del believe negro prrooharg are any better. A moat ex cellent Christian lady of our tewa naked her colored amid (ha other day If Nr preacher ever preached about thwe horrible mimes that are now I ■hocking the good people of the State, end ebe said, “No ma’am: he new ■ave anything about It.” The unwill ing feci la (hat the negroes do not think it much of e crime. And they believe the other tide Just ns the Yan kees do. Ida Wells made big money out of her Ilea years ugo, and now alia aud bar partners hive wot mother speculation on the 8tm Rose case, and have had buodrads of tboctandi of pamphlets Pouted that contain that lylag detec Uvc story, sad are selling them ell over the North. They doc’l cere a cent if Itdoesosuse more lynching*. And this thing has got all over Kcg Ignd. A friend of mloa who Uvea near London, mat me a late copy of The London Chmnlele, a paper as In fluential as The 2 liars, and lb e editor copies a batch of lias taken from the laet United States UowarJ ait i oiallo n report which etys that surer/ lits been virtually re-ectab'.lcbsd lotbsSjuther n Steles, espsolally In OrjrgU aud IfJor • ida, and that all tbo horrors pictured io "Uncle Tom’s Oabln" have been re vlved. Ttxt the lllngitima’.e children born ia lb* oonvlcl cimps era kept la per petual slavery, end the femele convlou are outrage! by the camp oOloere nl pleasure, sod tbets girl of seventeen, who reu away to avoid It, was naught by bloodbonnda and stripped and (tog ged said jeers. The report eaye there were 280 lyuehtngi of oegroee last year, and forty-seven up to April ef tbla year, af whoa all were negroes but eight. Of all the**, thirty-two were aoouaed (?) of murder, shr-teen at as ■ult on white woman, four-teas for de fending themselves, two for Itupndence, end thlrty-eeveo for no orlae, and twenty-three for being tmobleaoma. The editor then cays that the future of tin- colored race li the greatest prob letn that America haa to (eon, certainly •* grave aa tbe Detention or bar cm pire over Cab* and the TMlIpplnet. and that lb* United Htata* is paying a heavy dabt (or the tine of her father*. Tbe Howard Association appeals to bummity te avert the solution by natural disaster, and says tbe negro trouble ha* beaoms so great that it Is feared U>a difficulty cannot be settled but with blood. Well, now let’s pause awhile—1 must go out Into my garden and let my ofaoler down—I will pick bean* for dinner; I will throw rooks at my neighbor* chickens; 1 will hire a cumin mau. Of all tbe fools npou earth an English fool la the biggest. Whoee father* le that fool editor talk ing about ? K ns'mod never freed Iter own slaves until 1840. hut that editor doesn’t know they erer had any. Our saothoro father* never Imported any; they bought them from the yankeee Traders from Kegland and Uaaaaohn aetta. wl>o kept up tbe slave trade to partnership until 1887. Tbe last (laves bought was an American vessel wilb a mhced craw on tbe cost of Madagascar. A mau told mi be UeirJ a Chicago drummer s«y. not long ago, that an other drummer told him be beard of a Uoaton bauker who wrote to a Chicago broker and aaked him If be didn’t went to put some more money in New Bog land rum to ship to Africa, i expect they are at it yet. Why. it wae a very reiDectable business both In England and Massachusetts jast ns lung as tbey could And a market for the slave*. Newton, the poet, the sweetest of all composers of hymn* th* tn in Who wrote: ‘Ammlex eras*. Bow *w*ot th« mini, Thu mvoI a wrote* uki- me.' was a slave trader, and mide big moony out of it. Do* tblug U car i tain. New Sngiand ram Is still made In Uoaton from Cobs molasses In forge quantities, aad I would Ilk* to know where they ship It to sod for. booth A merles Is etlll baying slaves j from lomtbady. Bac pshtw, we tn 1*11 brethren now, and sectional lloae are blotted out I Just so—1st utliav* netea. How sweet and pleiaent It is tor brethren to dwell together In unity—I’m loving everybody now—ex Cupt bw—I’m going to love that fel low Dimmers and French and old mo ther Jab* Ward Howe by proxy if I can and tbs proxy. Maybe Joe IVhealer will take tbe Joh. Kumumw in KxIminmi. Kaw Yorfc Journal at Comaker or. Within tlm Orat Ova month* of 188ft dadnito arrangements hare been mod* aod la many eaaet the execution I* eompUUd, or far advanced. Tor adding 1.100.000 • plod las aod 117.000.000 of capital to tbs oottoa mllU or th* South that are prodnolng yam and plena foods. Comprised in this an fifty new tailla now in process of oonatncUon. or th* oapltal for which has beau raised, which will involve an invaatmant of 111.500.000 and contain about 700.000 spindles, and tblrtv-nloe mills are add ing about $3,000,000 lo tbsir oapiUl and 400.000 spindles to their mean* of production, Prom 1800 U1809 the Increase In th* number of epladlee In 8onth*rn mills •as laaa than 3.000.000. Tha greataat Increase la cos vs*r was 578,000 spin diet! a twelve months ending August, 1886. It la evident, tberafore, that even If elmnaaa of plana or other elr oumtUnooa should materially e>irUII apeereot looms** since tba first of January, the Inoreaaa In the number of spindles la the ra*t five months will atm bs far greater than la any preceding year and will rqual . Urao pamaouga of tba lootaaso of eight years TInm mill* repress* t the production of One as wall costs* goods, and aoma of tlmm are partlenlarly da algned tn produo* for export. It tba proflU of Soother* oottoa mill* ere not what they war* at first, whan, par bet*. the dividend laolndsd mooeya that should have been set apart for de preciation and renewal, and If tba | mill* around Greenville, 8. (J.. whose I profit* we referred tn rrSenUy, are I more prosperous thaa many other*. It remains evident that the profit* of Southern cotton mill* era tampering in tmaltal, and that tha advantage* of spinning tba cotton nosr tba Said whar* It was Met ad ha vs not baa exhausted Mast of those extensions of the oottoa Industry are la th* taro Carolina*. • EIGHT DAY BARGAIN SALE -AT THE NEW YORK RACKET. -^^From June 22nd to July We Offer Some Special Bargains: In Men's unlaundered White Shirts 50 cent kind for 35 cents. In Men’s nulaundered White Shirts 75 cent kind for 48 cents. Very good 3-4 Bleaching at 3 cent*. Some nice Colored press Lawns ayi cents 5 cent Dress Lawn* daring thi* tale 3}$ cent*. Special cat prices an all other I jwns etc. Some bargains In Knives and Forks, 33 cents to $1.23 Will Have a Special Sale of Embroideries in short length* from one and a half to five yard*. Don’t mi* this sole. Big line of Table Linens from 18 to 48 cents. Tjrgc assortment of Doylies from 23 cent* dozen up. White Linen Doylies from 60 cents dozen tip. Twenty Per Cent. Off. 20 per cent, discount will be given on all Clothing nrxl Lotv Cal Shoe* sold during thi* 10 Day* Sale. Thi* is the time to buy your suit. Ask to see our line of Men's and Boys 25 and 50 cent Straw Hats. A Sacrifice Sale of Men’s and Ladies’ Shoes. We have 387 pair* to go qt cut price. LOT No. ONE. Ladies Lace aud Button Shoe* worth 95 cent* to J1.10. We now say your choice for 75 cents. LOT Mo. TWO. Ladies common sense, Coin aud Sharp Toe Due** Shoes, Lact and Button all size* 3 to 8, worth 81.25 to 81.40, now <>8 cents. LOT No. THREE. Ladies fiue Dress Shoes in I .ace and Ballon, Tan and Black, Regular price 81-50 to 81.73, n»w 81.23. LOT No. FOUR. Lodic* very fine Shoe* mostly small numbers,' regular “price; 82.00 to 82.50, now 81.50. Special cut prices on Men’s Fine Dress Shoes, worth 83 00 to 84.00: for TEN DAYS we say 82.50. We have a few pairs left and offer fa.50 CHENILLE Curtains for #a.oo. Some 8a.00 TAPESTRY Curtains to so for #1.50. Checked Cotton Towels worth 10 cents go now for 5 ccuts per pair. Ladie* Taped Neck Under vent* 10 cent kind for 5 cent*. We have many other bargains to offer during this sale but space will not allow us to mention. DON’T MISS THI8 8ALE FOR EIGHT DAV8 ONLY! Your* For Bufttnen, THE NEW YORK RACKET. GASTONIA, N. C. MnMhw »■ aiauM, Sonay-Matnr Ma|Mh. “Shall wa atop advcrttoiog for a ahlla now ?” Tt»ls to a question that some baslneae nan ara apt to ask themaelras, partto •larly la tho summer, or daring what bay regard as tbolx “dmll aoaeen.” Suppose your engineer naked you; "Shall I atop potting ooaloa my Ursa ilr »•* What would yon reply f “Why no—noleei you want the , rnclaa to atop." Too advertiser who thinks of dtscoa .(nulag Busy argue. “We baao bean ad rarttatag So long and so steadily that «ST name and specialties ara wall inown, and wo Intend to adrtrtfas rgnio whea buolnoM la better in oar loe than It appear* to be now; In the Beaattmo oar basin a— won’t atop.” No; neither will the engine ot»p the hlnute the area eoapend ahoaallog la tool. The point to. howerer, that wbeo the engine Is started again, tea ImeeM much will bssa beta loot In xiwer as has beec meed In fuel or 'eed. Using op teaarvn foroa rarer pays. It la a loot, Itowever, it any be ooked at. Tbo baying public to prone o forget. It to, aaoreoaer much more II(Toult and mooli more expensive to regala a lost customer than to prevent ■to straying awny. Lust fall I sprained my Irft hip while tardllng eome heavy i-oxra. Tbs Coo ler 1 called on said at Srat It was n Might strata sad wonVI anon lie be wall, >ul It soon grew worse ei.d the doctor :bcn said l bad rlieatnatlam. It o<»u Mrural to' grew worts «nd I aoukl Mrdlv get aroand to work. I weot to < drag store and Ike druggist racial nondad IMS to try Uhambertabi’a Tain Halm. I tried It and ooe-bair of a 00 sent buttle eared me entirely. I n/tw raooeimeud It to all mv frleoda — P. A. B aw tick, Krto, Pa. It la tot wMa l<y 1. tt. Oorry * (Jo. mmmU ruHr*i. ^rtnkltn Tinai. Useless trick* »f moving Oogen and tone whao tbn body should bn quiet am all exhausting, partly because the dis position that prompt* these proceeds from wrong phyeloal condition* A perfectly healthful and phlegmatic per son ha* oc deaire to rock flmely cr pace emtloelly dnriag the execution of some smell tank that should bring Into play as enasclm save them of Lh* hands. You often eea the to a tele* of tit* Jaw moving on * fam which should be quXt, ibcwlag a preasor* of lb* teeth, moved most llkaly, to the Urn* of a Una which X running In the mind To eoodemn the sluggard la iota haa too long been the fashion Ha bo* one trick that the nervously energetic might with proQt craniate—that of relaxation. When you net do It us absolutely as lx. In tying In a rrsllnlng chair, hasp tba fret from rocking and the Angara from tapping. In driving foe pleasure let go at yoar Uooe mnscXa. 1st U>* bnemado lh* work end yon llalleaelr loan on tbs carriage ecihlona. la all leisure, relax every mmole, from the II pa of the Begets and toes to thorn of the f««a. Ilka om asleep. This abso lute and ydooury relaxation M u great sleep wiener. Try it but oom and you will try It again from pleasure u |ti rtfoll*. It 11>* mom!** of the eyelids and forehead flutter beyond control when closed for sleep lay over (hem a bit of folded Mack guaxe or veiling. This has banc known to Induce sleep, tvun la Uia daytlma. to most persistently wahefui prngd*. New unset!nee WsXM In Ween*. W Maxes Uses*era's. Tka hand* are warned mil again to • Mb on the aide walke sad streets la Buone oa Friday sod Saturday aud Street Supervisor [Hackburn aska ue to ear that all bands who eta behind or. lira work will w allowed to make it *p ou thorn days and them falling to to do. will he dealt wMh a* the law dlreois tW W*»lrt IMm Ou«. l%uuM»jr tOrrlrw. It la one of the frequent nntam of boita*** that tba one thing which mw mIm prlOM rta* to th* only thing that elooda tha fiitcra. Thar rlaa la Itoa and wbaat baoauaa icarclty to flared, but tha scarcity, if prolonged and real, would maoh Impair prosper ity. In wtmat it dote not eaem to he real, nor In Iron luting, aod mm while other element* of praaperlty coo tin04 POiMt. It ia a great thine la oraoey market* that export* of gold hae* monad *o apprabanatea, because recognised as mare borrowings by forelge bankers, the May return of foehn oommere* •bowing export* 38 million* larger than import*, to *pttu of a frawaw of 08 santa in «porta prise of wbaat, and a iprge Increase la Import*. In atoean month* the exeeaa of merebandlaa ex port* has been 4 DO mlUtoni, and beak er* artlmata that 980 million*’ worth of meerlttoa have heee returned from Europe, wiu> *o few I j reoeot monUa that tho amount remalolng to be dis lodged U probably maall. ■a '■*' l i—aBem mnir i*w»tni*i. Khmno Free Pram, Tba Atlaau Jtmrna 1 doe* a hltl* «g arlag oa lh* onet of tba tfilllpnln* war. Wa hare 94.080 traapa ia tba l*Und. out of our ataodma army uf U, 000. Thu Journal mieutate* that we are speeding 18.000,000* month, or at e rate *840/100,000 ay tar i* held lb* territory that w* paid 8p*l* 890,000, 080 for the arlrttanaef Kneeing to. And Oun. Chao. slag, who has Joat c«io* bank, says a much larger army tbaa wa now have Is aiMiwwy to bold the taUada. Wlrilm* i«ilr* !■■**!. TMr<*t *Vw> P»—. Aero** tha board sh* leaks at on My anal respond* ehsdtanUy, She ta my wife, and with her aye Sh* ted* me thee* la no me** pta. «w rMRiwms. TnMX’Ilat Mtrr rxtilUl. M Tart Oae. Farmer* la Uia corn bait m»y *M be •ware of the Cart, bet K Is, aevertbe le*e, tree that the maonfaetare of lha B9W KBoktlMI UOW^^r DfOSllH to lit than ntaaalvely. ThatkMah gey eromnt^clnsed^ oontrxc^laat fall with iSSSj Moat real, with se IctlmaUoo that It woaM want 4d0.0u0(aUoM more la a •hart time. Tha aptrlta ordete - for aaa la the man afoot we of laao powder. The Jons aeaei baa netaUy ordored 8,000 •pirito for tba tana parpoat,_1mm Klteo notice of luge fatara reqalre ■MOta. Oar ewn toraramool hat re wrally ordered 10,000 UerreU, and far ther omen will fellow. Hoooeforth aMohdri* peadar will ha oxoluatraly eaod in eirtlixed warfare,' aed la tto Btaafoetare of thla powder dlattUad •pirtltplay a pronlnast part, toM lag ap a new and extent.ire Market far In tha light or these facta, tha prep arations of Qrest Britain aad the con tUnt remora of a (rest European war taka on looal aad paraoaai interest to evrw W retort) aan grower. Aa n tansiva war among tha groat Karopeaa uattoaa would have a marked efleot op. vn Uw market for ipIrUa aad for com, u the whole world la to a large extent dependent upon Amenta for this to gradient af aiankilam powder, aad thla powder 1s a neoeantty la warfare. Thla Utn for eurn, coupled with the furalgs demand lot a cheap fond sitlele. which la Inermistug rspUllf. amuraa tha farm er a fair prion for tits (tapir; bat other new demandi of tqwtl importance should not Us orrrleohed. The number of article* of commerce that are aow being made from cure baa reached twanty-nlor, aud every particle of the grain la at prerent, turned Into aome oaeful product. Tie- glue nee sugar re doing oompauir* aluaa manufacture tills aambtr uf products end U>e num ber of bushel* of com consumed by these factories in the raltad (Mates reach wet! lata Urn mill Iona. Tbo following is a list of the pro duct* aow being minfactured from oora without the asset any other aom poueaWmmterlal: Mixing glucose, of three kinds, used by reAaore of table tyropa. brewers, leather mannfaeturwa. Jelly miken, fruit pimryu and aoolbedtrlM. Crystal glucose, of four kind* used by mreufaskarlog eoofaoUonora. Gmpa sugar, of two klada, aaad by brewer* principally, and alao by tan lien. Anhydrous sugar, used by ale and hear brewers aud apothecaries. Purl starch, uard by cotton aad pa per mill* Kelined grill, used In tha ptaoo at twawara’ gatte; they are giving better roaulta. nouriM, uMd by aim of Hour without detriment except m to tb* fcolmg that a oom yroduat I* taking Die pfia* of the wheat product. Kenr ktwoa daxtrtce, naad by flat tebrte maker*, paper bos Dakar*, wu ellaga aad glaa Dakar*. epotbeoarle* andlaaayladuecria* requiring aatroog ad beam afloat. Cbm oil, uaad by table oil miser* lo brteatloe *U atari, UMaaCaeturar* of dbro, diode cloth nwaatectuxura, point Doaufaoturara. aad to many Blotter tejduuw where vegetable oil* areoa Mi*ooilcake gtatao food, ohop feed, aad glatm maal, all oaUte-teadtag atafla of n aery high grade and oapabla of batag aotantlOeally ted with aupw rlgr alrinfaiw dobb*r"««t*tioU, a aubetUuto ter, erode rubber and vary ustooolvtey wad. Com gene, tba material from wbleb the on oakea an obtalnod. Brlklab gum, a atarob wbleb Min n very adtonro oadlum. aad la uaad by textile mill* for raoatof (Mir net ted, aa wall a* by auaufactarara wbc rogalro a wy atroog adhaMv* medium tb«t coal aloe ao'traoa of aold. Granulated gum. which oowpetaa with gum arabTo, I* aaad awoBaiifallr In It* pfcio*. aad Made n randy prater •nc* by ruaaou of tba alaana* of nay offroaiv* odor. Probably tba meat ImporUnt In tba above Hat af produota I* rubber aubetl tota. tba aobauao* wMob Chicago from tba waat* of nrd Inert yeBo wears wffl abmpan tba prto* of robber good* M par oaat. Oota rubber meat baoem b4ffd **** “ ••’tel quailllty of l’ara rubber to give it gmard utility. Twmly obaDMa havwUma employ*) at Mt# Cbtoapa refinery for s ywar n* telagliig tbka new rabbet to parfaatlau. The grantote dlfdauRy token to ntok* a prudaet that would ruotat bout. At latt tto ebaatoa beat dovetawad n quality of eurw rubber Uiat will band. »»rvtch, and abaw all tba raalUtuay of ; toe brat Para. wbleb la Ito atuudurd of rowaMTO*. I* AM Daaufocturo af | gleam* pan of tto tom, about -’ par cant. aouM net ba ouiixad. 1U I waat* I* what will ba tranrtarmed Into I I Lo«u io» tt»t^a>«ll|3aSwl,>af^8SwS,a< ' toMta «• not, aa their iftofWut dyfecdyca tana, to rodeo* tb* Price* of product* to tb* oomourtf m tMMttalap aad laapceetoB tba aaoeo mio* of prodeotioa, ia tmbM by tba 41 Before ftctorie* eatJM^ta'tto'todoalJJ0* kSltss. aalJition. tb* tMi prodaat Mmkiaxafatr aUowaooe foe tbeoor riMoTjbe innraeapd price do* to the rlae In tba coat of itecl, pi* iron and and labor, tt can be d*MM*twtod Mt fna 60 to TO oaota of it 1i InrrrinU pr^lt to tba aaaaaftotunc. ' Hare tba attWa ia o* " “ btobar await lata ‘ Tba doty ia tax from tba forth by tba p„__ _ that* ana lata la tU-pkte \ uadac tba old erica. tbay with b-jaato rtoht after * election about Ua revival aM Mamna of U* ladoatry. Tba uroeeat extortiooeU prt_ ear UMtoto *to» aro aa llUatraUoa of bow m "laUat Seda* try’’ cap, peter touch of Uw Male gb KepabUean tariff, toco m? a treat blgbwayoun la a few yeara. U aoaaa of tba BepubUeaa paper* Stfau Iiapolr by aatoeraUa robber ooaUUaa teatra to pr«*e Uatr elerarity, tot them dCOQ40d that Lha til.nldtB tnaab .v.ti sKasa^P*^ Dm* WMh Dr. 11. H. Palmer had a fine horw. tbl* -weak be bn none. |t anoeearradhrkUovrtad a aoTtpcad laaca'aca by pTo'VriL^atSu'tt*? rord county, to W. B. DIUlnibtm or OMu|auta^tte>toma perty orUSru'^aJ r3^0f BtlSot aWapm that DUUaaliaai »nnwiill_ net* lo aeUlement of tba mortnre ,*‘Wt»hdr»ltPoaS»d! Dr. Palmar vent to HuUurfoM to >u Briaeoe aad vMU ■ara bead and Mk out claim aid da Srjrus szxt net harried off Dr. nSmtovaaMtoM doebiad the boad art raaaearad tba The way the matter oawfvde it will coma ao for trial ah tba mm IS?®* **tb*fWS Bonarior Court aad Dr. Palmar mar ba abie to reamer Of 1mm arUatoolTataat to eaab. Md Diarrhoea HemedrT'It varkad ilka made and qoo dorr dmd maah ^vrsavurg frrs«M£« hkoh, fftoJumafwlffSa towmerne* sa^^^tssa arlto to Oblaa. Be may not ba far vnaf. cja&£S«£^>% ^*L_««kd X ‘h aa mZTmm af

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