"Wtat tag— refining basins- turn P*M. or la paying repraaeata nothing ■on tea aa adsaauto return on te capital te—lad.” ba aaM. "Was* Caagtaa should baaa 4ooa waa to baea patap iotaroal lemma taut aa te l—lwn production at near. Tba rapreaaoUUaoa aaads In Congress con tkC ai^|^ and H it waa a toot that tba landtraa Uw—a. tbay -oat protective tariff -atom, of tba tru—a ware mactiy te ma •binary. Ho advantage had ayor baaa ten Wbl* —pony of te protaotly* -ataai bayood Urn oaa-algbth ot a eant fryea.*’ Ha admitted treaty that lb* di off pnaeltto to adraaoa it* KadU not mad— obli Slat**, bat l "Capital . "would all ad _If tot alarm.” Tim only way to peanut ooanatltioo Ml Haya—ay— fa-lfiil. waa tokaap prie—atamlnl—atanat paaaa—rHy In —attar of haal—. He retorted to te an U-treat law* of of tba wba wanted to ltra offthemT" Booty tag to qua—loot by Prof. Janka, aflac ba had anwohntod te reading of bfa pap—. Ml Hap—aayer aaid te Aaaarl —• Campaay waa aapltalliwl tor much law ten town worth. “Hut tor te clamor again- treat*, ” ba aaM, "It could ba aoM for three times Ha capital!—tion.” Y— be thought, te rsSnari— aaald ba dnpll •oUdtor f9S.000.000 - 940.000.(100. Tba pra—nt capacity of te treat la ba aabLifiOO* barrala a day. aad Urn out put 90.000. Ha thought the treat waa radalag about 00 p— ant. of te sugar refined la tba Halt— Stataa. Tba wMas— apoke pary ft—ly of te ■—tboda of tba company I* pro—r rlog aad extending IU bailaaaa. Of tba eartl— history of tba enterprlae. ba ■ud bo did not Sght tLa Harrison ra ta—7 at Philadelphia. "But we bad to fight Spcsektea wbaa ba cams Into thaMd with bit oaormoa* plant. Wa bad to da that—suspend our dmMeuda. w* want Into te fight, aad wa kept It up until wa get tba refinery.” Tba lain drop In te price ot eager tad ban reused by te (tatting of now ralaortaa, wbleb bad tbr—taoedto tabs JO on ant. of tba hnalnren “ft waa a part of our policy to put price* dawn aad tot tba opposition tabs tba reawtt—whatever it -ay ba Every aal* made by the oppoatuoo dtepiacaa n much — tba American Company* —•doe*," ha aaM. •* Wa mu— protect our own hurt—.” _ Mr. Havamayn ten want n to —y that what tba campaay. dM It did not da tor aaotlyas — philanthropy, (bat It taf own ah—stoMara to proteat. "Anybody caa bay oar atock” ba ooo tlnuad, “and as a oonsaqoara* te pub lic owns tba (took. But I doubt Whattar anyoa* would want aay ot the atask of te ladrpaedm laBaoriao.” ^“Hfaw maaj^—oefc bolder* bar* you?’ “Abaat 11,000.“ ba rtpltod and (added: "Kaoogto to taka Cuba, and tey would taka It If ttay oouM.” 'fb* lattor ram—k waa made la a company _fan tori which te eo-mts lata aa admission was sot profile Ms TW eonf*«aad that hla MM* Kf M ton U«t» »n«rfl tot tba *m > at rtraJa la aartaf Utl *"**■*• ftMMjr, inurtMii Mi «Mttk wmmvIb la tbalManralaUMatroe gb' m4]llwb UmU awa a • «smmU at t**«OTtvalaftt* au«* la UMlaiaa. "Tba* ta teata," ba «M, "ud iba SsateSSt haaa M—K taadaaaNy aat-aanad >y tlb|i*wwnl, It an4«M««t M bay aar mito thay aaad aot. Tktr SSSERRESFHrs Ifo ItMMNpa W Iw’I^mh ^ ** iSlisSiS Sk’ST'.JK WS2£ S V2*?i2arsz2Uix& wgilnltdM, bat Uut In doing ao My nerlteed Much IndepMdeeee, •»* thaanlOMhad the effect of • bring Mg ether mm flow to a low level?’ Ha oontaadtd that ba wwia friend of 1*hoc.*ad Hid Mat good am to Uw •* Mf kwft *«* paM 1© par MbL^OMH than they ooald gat atoe M». HavaoMTar aald that asoy tblagi war* dno# tn tw«tneea that laakad eold-blooded aad barab, bat asu^Syisssaas: Ha dwjtaad to aav wbatbar ba wm tolerated to tb* Mofoahaur aad Naab nrhaariaa. and alao whether recant dtatdnda wm paid fion rua-t ia oetpu cc aoeaauUted aerptat. Had#, ekrad that hi* ooupaoy had not gone lata acoabtoatioo with aay of the lo dyMdMt redoartea. Itoporta that •ata a oooaolldatkwi had Han effected wm untrue. Bnlytoc to a guaatteo aa to bow ha could conduct huaiam at a loaa aad MB declare dividend*, Mr. Havamever dadarfed, kugblagly: "Oo* to an ex*, cativa act and tha other I* a matter of bHlocea** The wttoata exprnaeed tb* aplalon that It would ba a good ptao to «xpoh the Uuioeaa book* to a gov •rasMat laapeetor. Ha eleoed with a gotHt agalaet what bacaHad the tariff jUantiMaaikm agalort auger, niters tjnj Mat It wm dee entirely to the feefag Melon eeuUoeUoot la huil pfeH. “The anger redneetoabevt never had a fair hearing at tba bandaaf tba noHwtttaa,” ba feald. “When I earn here a* an Individual, thy warn willing to give ma anything, hot when 1 oano as tba repmaoftlve •f tb* Anartasa Beflolng Company, MhvaU«aatbalnpcrtaooa, aatnngfor *» adotute Urtf. I war told to get npV aad reaaivad no ooetidamloo. 7et tbs day af the Individual to peat. Jf the wean of the people profit at the axpna* of the tndlvtdoal, he mint go." ._ Aa MMMViTMMami *f AypwSi. dUa. *•» Tat tettar. mi, la DiMmon *» A young woman ol a weU-Wniu family ia Harlem has lawn cared of ■Ppandleiti* in a uaw and easy way. •M to-day la rejoicing tbit toe hsi Mtoped Um uw o' tba surgeon's knife. Tbs patien t ia » years of age. She bad bean under the ear* of two physi cians, one of whom had attended her family the years. The aeooed pbyai daa. who bad been oalied to attend bar •» Atlantic Highlands, proooaooed bat tenable appendicitis, aad said that aa operation with the knife must be per formed, if her Ufa was to be and. sbe determined to aabaoat every other treat meat before submitting to the kalis. Haver* 1 weeks sgo Dr. Georgs J. Uelmar, a wall ksowa os teopath, waa called to sea bar. The treatment ho applied wee, ia brief, (ills e Placing oae hand on the point as tba outer surface of Ibe abdomen beneath which tba vermiform appendix is knows to ha, with the other be grasped the right leg of tb* patient at tba knee. To tba lag, by a quick movement, be «**•■ alight twist, repeating it several And that waa *11 there waa of ibe operaUeu. TbeeSect of thie foroel mosoulac aettoo waa to aqaerit out or the ap pendix tba particle* which were olog gingit. ^ Atlanta Journal. A oew care for appendicitis has been discovered ia Haw fork. It It made without Uie knife, and la simply the working At A maecta against the appen dix to mates it eject tba foreign matter. The operation was performed on a yonsg woman by Dr. George J. OaX mar, who describes it to a reporter aa follows: "The method of treatment la the one need by all uataopatbtou and has been ht am by them for some Urns." To demonstrate, tba doctor placed tba thumb of tba reporter s left bead tetly la the palm of bis right hand. Then ha slapped lbe palm of tba band smartly against tlia broad of tba thumb. "Tba head represents the psoas mew ole," be mid. -aad tba tbamb the ap peodls. We produce a spasmodic con traction of toe paoas magnin. like the darning of tba palm of Ibe band against the thumb. This forces the foreign substance from the appendix, and relief follows Immediately.” Jam back of tba appendix is tba largest teasels la tba human body, known a* the psoaa magnue. It ia at tached to tbs femur or Mg bone of the lag, aad la U-o mu sola by whieb one oan revolve the leg *a on a pivot at the beat. It is tba muscle which It made to do the trick of emptying the appen dix Using (be Augers of oee bead to bold Ibe wells of U>e abdomen In ptaee ■ad to prevent a ruptare of the delicate b)Israel ttraetnraa, with lbs other band a spasmodic ooatraotloo of the tones magaea la brought about, whieb snags Ik »gainst tba appendix aad la •aid to force ant of that organ what ever At foreign eubsuooc* it may ooe Uta. Otbar pbyMoiana aay this method will work ia some cases, bat la some It win not. ________ A IWMHr T»tA. helUnntnM. A taf MM of Urio ooonty r«aort*d to tbo ■■no unton on iword to •* bn bottor tail to dig op tbo aordoa, tojro m orntanoa, ifo talllod forth •M Morning with agado aif boo osd afur uraliiUg arowod awbUo mm tato rah tbo dirt tfla aiokto and a dlMo ( ha tad atroob It rtato, to aatd. Baofc to tbo gardon bo woat wbtoUlag Mario.” Dtraotly bo oomo la •MwUf i nurltr. nflac km onM •flora to tahwaaip, L3ag gaload oaoagh tor owo dor ujhow. Wboo bo «Nto MoWatarf tbi wool, gtot of toaaataw tattoo. totodool know yat that tbo MhM wag aollod. “— r rin~ , 1 bp a oxraognudaat saswffaa^jjysK aatoMtot. A tow aigfeu ora orroral sa^^5,!v5say; S^gt»er«cbS gSHIffiBm •■■AT MTH MCTWL M—ilu* WMMWHt » ■meCtolton of aneehaer. a. n. wiauim, i« aiMocMi with the OcwavWt Mew*. Block leg out thto latter lu ay niud. I Dad It Will b« Chlegy devoted to dec ton, *1 though 1 hove so W will uguton tboa. They ax* of oil Ueetlege the gxegtoot In time of Mod. Tbey play tbo moot benevolent ood DaautHui eon ftdoMO nm In tor world, for they ore eappoeoi to know ell about tbiuce •Web nobody know* aojlhlng about. Meet of m know the gloria** toller U>* doctor brings with bin; Cor oven when beoeoaot bool tbo body bo briogo coa tort to tbo mind and Ukee reopootlbil tty which nobody else con asiuine. He Unroy of light in dean end daugtr oo* dorkneea, o kindly goido In e truck - >*n desert, o greet power liMa* uwey ■ pressing weight. When h« eofo the danger to over oc the put]eat bettor, hie vole* to sweat ea any maaic cheutod by a heavenly choir, and tbo lieort siege jubilant In napoo** to it. He is a eptondM Institution, a good provi dence, a present and potent help la the Ua* of grant eat trouble and (ear the human life oon know. Tot, like men of other trades, when ho deeurts from tbo sure ground of ooaaon ernes and goes to following theorise, la to aa likely as anybody also to develop him self Into a mo*t unreasonable end f*u Ustlo ago; and aoaoUaas he baoomea ■ fakir, oonaoiouily or nnooosciootly. A T*J mum anauii read a pa par here a tow days ago la which ha laid It down aa a fact Uiat day dream ing—air cattle building—It both a symptom aod a oanaa or inmnlty. Ha know* more about brain oelU and nerve at root urea than I do. of oouras; bat whoa we get Into the abstract real mi of the baman miad we are on equal ground, for both of at must Judge from oar experience and oiieervatlou In life. Aod 1 any be b an asv .Vina tenth* of the lunatic* lu ike asylums are people without Imagination. Show me one dreamer commtttod by the Judge «f probate, and I will show you 10 mi and woman who bare confined theme*] vra to the bard toots of life and barn been driven mad by them. The truth is, day dreaming and csstle bulldlog ara relief* for the minds. The capacity to dream in daylight is the capacity to net; Uw eaaUes In Urn air are castles of refuge la which the tired tad oppressed mind may find biding places, tor the time at least, from •wanes of besetting and wounding carte and unfortunate end relentless facte. I believe day-dreeming aod oeetle-boUdlng have saved counUcae millions of people bom lunacy. To get away from things •• they ara to things aa ere would have them it joy and strength. The day-dream la a stimulant aod a narcotic fnr the mind, aod da useful and neoaemry at thing* having the name effect on the body. Of coo res it can bo umd to excess aad can make minds effeminate and yalue leea. Of course that bappsns. aa It happens that otbar good thluge are used to harmful exacts. A man died In Bellevue hoopltal yeeterdty-from In ordinate ton drinking; a* a matter of tact there are doctors who will tell you tea la poiaon—they usually do not use It; Just aa others will ttfl you It Is not only harm lam bat bealpful—tbey usual ly do eee it. Bat, however tobtreet uf the foible* of oilier doctors, I must in sist that this sliieulat I hare been talk ing of la an ass. 1 am aura bs la. Doctors follow fashions as obedient ly aa tbe women they deride—that Is. town doctors da Tim country doctor* ping along and everybody says they are behind the time; but I notice they pull through shout aa many of Uwir pati ent* as anybody else does—tor people who oan afford to pay for It. A well to-do young married woman told me a few days ago that a young woman is not regarded es being In society now oulam the has undergoes a surgical operation. Xearly every married woman the knew had been cat Into one way or another. Him bad been under the knife twice, and so far ns atm knew and tailored. It was not necessary either time. 6he told me two stories. One was of a woman who wa* loformed that ah* bad appeadicllia aad that an operation was necessary to save her tlfa Being a very determined woman and having opinions of her own, atm positively refuted to allow a knife near her. aod the whole (hooting match of consulting If. D’s abandoned her Indig nantly. She went to uorkjastas If •he bad been a poor woman in the coentry aod treated herself tor an old fashioned case of cramp cal to with hot water and flaansl aod wa* well the next day. Tha doctors oonld not eat her with knives; bat limy eat bet ac quaintance, aad two of them actually ; refused to speak lo her becauat ebe wouldn't die when they said she mud; wvm id imi The other story llluetrates the feet that It 1« Dot always the doctor'a fault. A conscientious tmao hod a w»««» patient who Instated that alia must, us dergo an operatkoo. lit triad and triad; hot aha wonkl not resound tu treatment or gat batter, and rowed aha would die unleaa nyeraled oo. Mu lw fined bur chloroform and scratched her akin about u alitaantb of an inch and bandaged It an, aad aha immediately got battar, and as aoon aa bar supposi tion* wound healed recovered entirely 8aa ball area aotll this day that the operation eared bar Ufa aad goes around U4Uag other woman about It pweoadlof than la uadeno the mam. rha doctor doesn’t dare undaortra her, and la trylag to fight off patients aha ■•ode him. These stories net only tell something about dootore; but ladluaU that a woman will bare bar way-or keep on trying until aha thloka She hsa I bars always beeo ptorfad by hear ing of “daring operations” performed by aasloant aurgaona-aarar barn bean able to asa wham the tar goon's “dar ing" earn as In. Hd doaa not risk orao "■"tea. fores my friend Hones More; Hayaaa remarked, the doctor's bed )*ha are put slg feat under grnoad and •owed wkh flowara. while thorn of the aaraaatrf IN left la plain rlaw and ®*wad with Ignamtay and reproach. ■■da pf aaffmaia tiara pmrad Uwlr "frhlaaa merit far #tak and Kerreai Hand aches. They make pore Mood SnyrrC’ie dfff S5 glia Maury back If nul by l. K. Carry and On, The meant ten bawd of the |»eltaa iMymya H has mead the Mcme fullf tlUMM hf tu Slaw aarutloy U Urn MM against the paaltaatmry. Must ef thawi art daa to RaUrtgli awrekanta. «•*•» m MtTM. «VW •»! hr lha Wrwur tf *• Ihr. Hm r*MMhu •( lha YaUow IttalhrikUamaiVuir W»M ha MI.IM.tM, Mil nr MlVre ui.rn.wa. Waniunotvm, Juue to. -Director of U>« Mini Uoirerta baa auunutio-d lilt flul tat I male ol Uia production of gold aad allrer la lb« Uuited Blatra Tor (be calendar aa (olioart: Silver la Fine Uuhl. Ouaort. Alabama. 3.000 1U0 AUtk*. 8.594.800 w.wo Alia wa. 8.405,100 9,246,800 California.15.637.WO 012.300 Colorado.93 .105.900 22,815.000 . 12B.0OO 300 Idaho. 1,710.000 6.078 800 . 100 . Maryland. UOO . Mluhlcan. 100 32,400 1 Mlainaota.... 100 . Montana. 5.120,900 14,81/7,800 . 9,094,600 803,000 Nth Mexico.. 589 00 425.800 Aorlh Carolina 84.000 700 OtWM. . 1.117,000 130,000 South Carolina 104,900 300 South Dakota.. 5,600,700 159 300 Teno*a«ea. U00 Tr*aa. 301) 479.900 . 8.9B6.4UC 0,485,900 Virginia. 4.800 ..77?.... IVathlugton .. 760,900 254,400 Wyoming. 5,800 100 Total*.... 864,468,000 64,438,000 Tutala for 1687. $67,983,000 M.HGoioOO Hi* commercial value of silver bnl lloa for 1808 wm 60 Mats per doe oooce, while io 1887 It was A0 cent*. MtarlM With Spier-la Then. Franklin Timm. I'asteur, the celebrated sclesiUtt, oow deceased, wat one day dining with bis daughter and tier family. It was noticed that be ton* cue to dip in s glass of water the eherrlei that were ••rved for dessert, wiping each one Carefully on u napkin before putting them in bis mouth. His lastidtoua "c*» gave rise to laughter, but tire toien tUt rebuked hie relations for ihelrlevlly and discoursed at length on dangers in microbe* nod anlmslculae. A few mluutes istsr. Is a gt of abstraction, be suddenly seised the glass In which be had washed the cherries and drank the water, microbes and all, at a single draught The following incident it vouched far by the oaptsiu of a New England dahieg schooner: One evenlog Just after dusk the espial u and bla or*w went down to supper, the wealbar be ing fair, laaving the wheel In charge of the osblii b iy. lie was a given baud, aud the crptsin, before going below, eahl to him, “Buy, steer by yon der etar, and you will be ail rurht.” But In a short time ' the boy got the reesel off her oouree, the consequence being that the star appeared astern In stead of ahead. On noticing Ibis the boy auag out, “HI. oiptaio! Come and fl-id me aoollier star. I’ve passed that one.-’ There was a lively time oa the Wil mington and Northern railroad during a recent roe. A traveler who bad spent'the day tramping through the woods, boarded a train at a station aod kindly gave the cood actor a large bar o«t'* nest. The latter hung np the gift In the ear near Uia stove, and In the courea uf u few minutes the In habitants became aroused by the beat and started oa a tour of Investigation. Thera was a panic among the passen gers, aod world have been e stampede only there was no place to go until tha conductor stopped the train. Then, by a concerted effort, the best wee throwo out of the window and the hornets batted after It with anything that came handy, and the Journey re sumed. Down |q Maine there waa as ama teur borae raoa tbe oilier day, and among the entrlra waa a large stage coach steed. Tbe Brat Beal be won easily, but In Use second heat some ona left open tbe gale to a country road near the Improvised tract, aud at Ibis point ba made a break for borne. He waa Anally brought ab>ut, but not uo tll It waa ton laU to win the race In straight liaata. In tbe third boat tbe rata was closed, but Uie horse would nut pan it. He jammed himself up against tbe gate, and there be stood, usighing loudly, until tbe driver gave up tba raoa In (Impair. A quaint anecdote la told of an em inent (Scotch turgenn who waseatiroly devoted In hla prnfeeslo't. Oj one or eaatoo tbe poet Tennyson had con sulted lilm about some affection of tbe lungr, aud 7 tars after ward* he re turned on tbe saute errand. At that time be was Lord Tannyaou, sod he *»* nattled t > observe that tbe aur gvoe had nalther any reooilr at ton of hla face, nor—Still more galling—ao qn tlnlaaue with hie name. Tennyson then nico I lotted tbe fact of bis former visit, but Mill the aurgeon felled In re nte ruber btm. But when lie pul hla • -r to the patient's chest and lieard tb* peoalier sound which tbe old all meet had made chronic, lie at enee ex claimed: “Ah, I r •member yon cowl 1 know you by your long.” Temp eon aald after ararda that be lever rail •o foolish In hla life. awflwslsl ea Balaian. Itslelgh la In the throw of a rotten aseaige and spilled bmI Scandal. A mao named Weatbera doing budnem la the market lip use baa been caught willog spoiled beef, lie hud a negro to peddle It ou tbe Streets, but dented It. The Inspector found a now look on tVwllMrr'e refrigerator and couldn’t epee It. When he aeked Weaibara to opealt Monday morning, It oiolalaed •polled beef. The inspector smelled • had odor at the wall of the neqro aau wga gilnder, and asked what It meant. The itegm said Mr. Weathers had sent the Slat there arltb a lot of mail. I nwper and aige III It■ ginund «o-r IIud re •tuff-I W-atiiera ••e-n-d It, Tli* »IB dw lay ha Mm. Vos m-am i|.|trer-el fh# rr-Msffbd sans is-, ly. ashera look It, pot If on sale, aral a 11 a nac of it to • negro sent U-r- i.y the inspector. Tits saw waa * oupMc Tli* luaie eter wlwd the Whole sthis lag lot and leek K to Um Mayor's ndl « "greatly,” nays (IW Him* a ad OBerrrr, -to the dbmsm fort of all wrseos la thn room with ••hi seers." The stuff net only gars fsrth an eswsieoma nrowt but could wiggle sheet In spots. *Mwra rrun. The Djwtt home fond amounted ou Mn..(| 17 to 'V. U. Odell end others here eeoure.1 »!"*•«« **•*•*• for e cotloa oil .till nt Concord, capital (J0.000. The Cuban suidltre uro uow tusking » rueli for tlielr mouoy. About 9 MW b i*e given up Urir guile and received p*y. Collou acreage In Ueurglu ha* bes>" reduced 15 per cent, taya vliat Hut*** Commissioner of Agriculture. Corn ecroage Increased 94 per cut, wheat 15 per oeut. Wllmiogtou's artesian well has reached a depth of 19J0 feet, and. would you believe it, tho last 111 feet were bored through granite ! At last accounts tbey hadn't got through the stratum. A correspiudent of the Conould Sttiarf'inl, writing from8hanltl». Sui.lv county, says an unknown while tramp criminally aasaallrd n Slhyair-oM ool or*o woman lu that uelgliborho nl last Friday. Search was mtde for the Ira tup but he escaped. Admiral Drwwy baa written a Mend lu Washington that be will not accept that hooee or palace tor which csilalu hysterical numskulls have bsen rmlalug funds, bat Ibat ir the money raised be lamed over to Mm be will eetubUsh with it a home for ale* and disabled sailors. Sensible Dewey I Governor McMlIlin, of Teunresm, bu iuU made arrangementa to borrow vOOO.OOO from Ilia City National Bank of Now York at per cent.. with which to meet notes or tho State due July let aod January let. Till* Indi eetea that money is ohesp and that tits credit of Tennessee la good. Watermelon seed properly cared for wilt keep good a lung while, ear* Hie Wilkes boro ('Kivnitk, R*100,000 to II. O. Fisher, proprietor, wlUr no Insurance at all. Wilmington has been the «e»ne of lively counterfeiting recently. Walter Hflvey made oruntsrfolt nicsnls from block tin and babbit mstal. He was oangtit by Government dsteotlvss and vast to the pan for a yasr and a day and fiord >100 and coot*. His outfit of moulds, ladles, pots, and ROO 5 cent solus ware sent to tbe trsasery depart ment. A Greek named PaJItg and a lawyer earns I Marshall are also In tbs tolls for making counterfeit sliver coins. fhase wsrs assayed at ths treasury department and tonod to enn. tala as maeh pure stiver as Uaete Haas's gnod coins, but not baying bean mads by lbs government tliey were no go. State Senator W. J. Cooks, of Ashe ville. was arretted at four o’clock last Thursday asornlag mi a true hill ra lurmsl by tbe grand Jury of tbe Fedsrsl Ouurt obarglng hiss in U0 ooaots with eahrvlsmeot and mlaapproprlallon of foods nf the National Hank or Asha villa while be was its e ithiar. lie gave bond fur StS.000 and denies that hs owns lbs imuk a dollar. The truth of the iualter srnma to be that lie ov>r dr*w hie aeonunt and was using a larger prspurtlon of tlm banka fond* then the law prescribes for bank nfll ears, b-it that when the director* oillrd him dnoru hs mad- vrvry cant uf it go4, an that this bod nothing what ever to do with the bmk'a saiwmtisnt fall art. CRAIG & WILSON, -DKAI.EKS IN horses, Mules, Vehicles, —a ni>— high Grade. Fertilizers, ——Alio Ucid<|unrt4in for- - Disc Harrows, Reapers arid /"lowers. CIA8TOXIA, N. (J. NOTICE —or— Kleellonaad New Registration wTm; uST'.nZmZJir ,o w' 25v55!^.T!?5i»r" ***** »™£ K^rif’Sj.V!. 2^3i^,b* m*rnor ,l 1* U>u ov»rilon or the ho*r.i th* Umo of ^^ociia ** ®*» BAiuacot of n •> Hem of walor **»£• V*1 J** ^.y>wn. ^ *• ^»*t *t Ibe ukl election u>mo July □»jw«nu who ahuij favor ttn. haunt* nl the Ml) t>oo«to lur water woroial lawrnn **.| u ,AX 10 P*r *•»•* aKocip*| or the mmI bon*i« ecwi the tntrrrvt on tho m*ou Wwll *£*** on whhdi oh*ll |».t ih? «uc(i *Tjr hrict Wort*, ami 1 huo* oapoaed to U*c ion <*£*W bond* aodtbiTu-jfln* of The laid ht hull vote a tluhvi oa vucti tbiJi be • bi wor«t« ”A**iutl iVernr Worm.” h **£:*• *7**'™"°? °* y** mm Hnrf kMi oh»|l _,rV ^ .***•* a n*w ri?a»*t ration °£ .^T>tvrt.r**Mlnir » «hotown orOtiuonlu. *»«H be open at the Town Hell in Gikioolt on the font HeiurvMt» rnwt i-rvcxtho* me third Ttuaday in Au*ipv. That W. I 6tow| U hereby *pw*n tori roe incur; ant) he aheli on iom void lour "J**- *«■*«*»"•* Kl*H Uecnontm the mini Tudirtn Augud, US » tviridor lu Ihj tauincT iirovldr<) lur l*w ibo n*u« Urau of <>•» >Own ul Uruloom "•Iy» *** -PP,)r ,or *>|MNH0)I on thr m»I b*;-1* That notion of lin iaij turn- icnHn* "• ^*«UUn« in tlw ion oi OitAiom* f?T^LS15'rf!J 5* PUbymMtvn ,„ ,1,„ flAKl.lJ.IA *T |>oyifni» At t hne public iaum ’" l0r 5“***' <*»>» P*vo»tln« Ul opening "f the rtxtiairuilon AoebuniM Mid fuimli KiiiMcy no.it preceding ibo third Turn d*y In Auny, him u61“s •- X. II, ftnvrrrno ■ml Taium H. wnrru or* bonny ■ pool 11 lot lu.lgm or ISTKtf0” .'>< »'•••<'•*»>'■ lor lli«mid .!«,«! Ill oe eMa oa toe TMIKW TKMDAV IV AlTClUhT, ||»9. -**£♦_*■ _T^Uh two JnJem or ImpeeUwa of tSlSS SiTTli0 mL'TXUmt 1 of thil nrtineoou. *^t rridtfrtr atet] In a vilim ti ot Une ordinance, >uten oonwitut* rn*V^.L!? * SK1SSS* !h,“ ' J»ru. T, f/>VI(Bl,ct or R auh.-u.km>. NOTICE —OF— Election And ftewHejtlstraiUm SSSSSS^wfi*^? 'ownoioaao.fi.on ilw ttS> di^S^^AS •MMSSSf* l“ “• «•"*«£ Jw&Sft toSrJS'sasi; «- •«" «* n«. PIC. 1. That tlfc* ISnvrt <1mmm u. to .k« lyssa’s sszar.assa says® «*s“i 3Vgi!Sif •fi^SUSST 'ftahS S'.’Si? r “^^‘Xor ^isnsnttass&tiS si'isuSSS »!ss,“ja.aT5SSS»S »«swa usSSiS ees?:e ssw^PWiSyS ^S2f,Jfi£5s£u «18httSU!y5; ■ttd ii» SSfiBSS Sts B3SSWK5 imv CM Wlodial ft? aftM »T-"T™ 5” » »M IO ■ u M ill _ 0 . •J*°- 4. TVrt notionof QnjSi SE2S0Zm*.*u SS5&EHfcrS: a*" *>• op*>' a28j^S5fi1ss2s g3«aaa*i?8^« g^SEsm ^■ryrStoZygggSa TH‘“ Tii"**T “ Awir«r. IN*. —£• SSEMi ?jrgg»*,,r 22S £* ^ 'o^TS. tStHi JSSf SS g>i.fiid?22£S”J7 '**’• un*w thy Mlm '■»• r-w^jWligs^jifflaw. Adnlnl«trator’a Sotiee. Ik* yn.I*r,l*n.rl <*•"• u# ik* m*«« pr>au.u kdyiad _n»*r»tor aatlk-i