BILL ARP SAYS IT'S SAD. THAT PICTURE OP THE HEW EH OLAHD PEOPLE IVnlMl 1.1 Out of TlMlr >nu>w». Who Wh Ik* WoMahwII. Folk. How Wished MMl nurif D^ntMl Tkt; An. nui Ary lo Atlanta UMaiatiUou, "Ill larta lb» land 1o kailoolMc tlo ttrra, VT boro waallli aoouipulalea aa<l men gruqr.* Haw doth history repeat lioair. If Goldsmith had lived to nnr day he might bars written tltose Hoe* •bout New England. Wat there ever such a sad ana plllful ploturt drawn of any people as that Now England preacher his drawn of the eauntry people of Massachusetts and has pub lished in th* Arrau We woodei that the editor of th it hlgi t >nsd iBigaaiue would data to expjss live descendants of tbs Puritans in all their hideous deformity and to broadcast It among the citlxeo* of cultured Button. The •lory of tbelr degradation physically la worse than what wo read about of the goitrs dlntriota of bwlitwland. Hlx fingers on each band, six toes on each foot, cross-eyes, bars-llps, clubfoot. muffV) chops, mutes, dwarfs and Idiots nesm to be common In every lural oons muolty. Bnl tha degeneraoy morally Is stUI worm for this preacher nay* when ttore Is a gslbering from nelgit bonog towns at a cattle show or other attraction vou will see as wicked n ’ throng of human creatures as ever fathered, at Whit* Chapel or tbs Five ulnta, nod thnt the pens or prisons built for drunken rowdies are llfled be fore 0 o'clock In the morning aod these hoodlums insult every woman they meet, and when night comes both mm nod women revs] to tbe wild orgies of n promiscuous dance. And yet some of those Boston editors are (till crying “Slop tblst!” to distract public atten tion from their own shame. Oooo be fore I have alluded to Mr. Stetson's statement that a marriage relation in Massachusetts Is almost a nullity, nod separationi are mom common than legal divorces. Not long sloes another Ne* England writer astounded tha public by declaring that In many towns nod villages tbs souod of tbe Sabbath ball was nsvvr beard, oor the chutdi ever opened and religion was gumg rapidly into disuse aod Innocuous desuetude. mm. uun mi kim idnui r JIM lira : Almighty Ood turned Hli back upon ' that historic ground and given tiro ' devil free reign over iu people r Haa it oome lo tbla that a man who prsach ee bollnese an unctittoattuu Is lynched with Ur and fealbera and made lo leave the noun try. It a negro commits an outrage In that once holy laud doee It take guard* and police and the mili tia to keep the mob off of him * And yet the Boston Tiyikk ri/X says that Georgia la aeveral generations behind New England in refluamenlaud morals. "Ilow are the mighty fallao l” Whon we Bad tbnt la the Arena a preacher la allowed to take for his text, "The I)e geaeracy aud Deeay of Rural New England.” Their condition la amazing, pathetic, helpless. Ilia land of Wat) a ter, Choate, Pierce and Hawthorne la now "to baalealog Uia a prey,” for aa wealth accumulates In Boston teen de cay around it. Thll prase tier says t hat ‘•U>* mill* are built, bat the farms are all mortgaged.” Then, wbat wlU be ooaae of the factory girls when the mill* are all moved aoath to the cotton, where they are obliged to corns or closeV Not long ago 1 traveled with my good friend, Calloway, of tbs Hsaiu Jcle and ba talked In raptures about a new hook—no Englishman's history of the United mates. Percy Greg has wilt ten two volumes shoot us. and it In a masterly production—nothing so thor ough, so phUoeopblo, so Just to all the factors, o(l E island. Now England and the south, has ever bun written. ‘ The author ii an Rnglishmsa. a noted traveler, a scholar high-toned, un prejudiced and at autertaiolng at Ma caulay. I asm to Rlebmood for It to the Everett VVaddey Company, who published the American edition, and eagerly ha vs I perused and enjoyed It. Thll edition has an admirable prefaoe by General Wade Hampton. This book Is two oom preheat! re for the aeboofc, bnt every man of leliora should naro » Kin iu ma House vo rood upoo — to feed mlud mod memory, and bo es tabllabed Id the faltta of oar fat bore. From my lomoot iwart, I uaok Mr. Greff for arrlllng U»ta history while I •till live, tor 1 feel that at tut th« •oath baa baiu vlodleaUd by a muter mlad. Every pa«a alias comfort, ami that port loti about our otvll war aod its esusM aad conesquoaoes makes lbs •cutbarn spirit burn within you end a fasting of thankful pride la revived la the aoutbam breast. Yes, it makes me feel calm and arms. Uara U another book that tba au thor Itaa Just bent ma tbroufb Uie mail. 1U title 1* “Tba Case of the South A gat oat the North.” by Hoo. It. r. Grady. a cultured sou of North Caro lina and late a member of aoegres* from that state—and a ooafederaU veteran of fooa years’ soldier servtoa. 1 have only bad lime to glacoe over its oonteote. but bare road enough to koow that It will be another valuable education in our schools, and will ee tabllab tba truth In Uie minds of our young peonto. Tbo long belated aoath ia maklag bar own l Herat urn now, thank tbeXord for Ilis mercies. Hers Me beautiful little book of poems by He*. & A. Wlngmrd. of Columbia, 8. C, My friend, E. A. Aun. of tho Newberry Nrirs. pabtlsbsd Stand mm a copy to am. Ths LuUisssn preaehar U bo smro rhymer, l>e Is a Hue poet, nnd many of hie poems era aa perfect game as ever flayneor Tim rod a rote; gome of them remind one of Cowpar and Goldsmith. They are as leader nod true aa olsmioe. The versa “No cress, no crown, era mjulalta. aad no are the Item la memortsm of Winnie Davie. Aad hare 1 have torn* niimtwrt of tba Midland JfsuMfg, of «t, la)Ute, that la. aa admirable asgttlne. and one rtOlrely fair and Just to the south, My IMbM, Beniamin S. Grave, oi Dalton, wu Mul on a (caret mission to Calm and 8*. Domingo. In 1818, by President Taylor, and reoeully bo wrote a truthful and vary ioalracUve srtlele containing Nla observation! of Umi conflict between tlie while anil negro raoca In tbo Island!. Tbe sketch was declined by every northern maga zine or republican Instinct*—declined because Its conclusion did not tally with republican polioy; bnt it was promptly accepted by tbe Midland JroMlAly, aod Mr. Green advure our people to oontribute to It and patronise It. Mr. Green, a well known seiou of that very Double and able gent It man Doff Green, la himself one or t tie moat learned aod reliable wriUra of tbe south. Then tliero la our own Tbomaa kelaon Page, wboao “Bed Rock" has awakened the oonnervatlve people of tbe north, and they declare with acme elgoi of repentance that they did ent know-, they did not dream that the aontb was ao shamefully and oruelly hurra seed In reconstruction days. May be they win apologias before long. I Yes, we are rising up again to the front, and will yet fulfill Albion Tour gee's prediction, for be says in hie "Pool's Errand," "tbs south cor.trolled and dominated tbe national govern went for fifty years, and If our people oonllnue to worship money as tla-lr God, tbe eouUi will oonlrol and domin ate It again." The north, Ilka Haaaan. aaes Montreal sitting at tlie gate, and ts unhappy, and now bar only hope la tbat there la a nigger In tbn woodpile who will some day break nut and drench our land with blood. Let the north beware and let ue alone, fur Uaman was banged on the gallows be built for Montreal. We do not fear the negro, for though he Is e political fool, he ie yet oar friend. Bm I mutt be amiable to-day, for it Is tbe seventy-third anniversary or my birth day. I bays alroady bad forty kiaaea xud a hundred good wishes, aad there are mors to come. My wife kissed me early-klaeed me Orel and with a conjugal Ira lie: "Yon must live on aod on as long as yon can, for I dout know how wa would get along without yon." I don’t either, and an. Ilka a pensioned soldier, I keep llviug oil. Tima nuu iloam all. Ilotli snail and mnall. Kaecia a yaiawi loWtr. We had a big dialog to-day with eighteen of the family at I lie faaet, nod the menu was an old fashioned dinner, with lew cre»oi and talk aod hilarity tor AimiI, They drek • cult) water 'total to my lotif ▼tty. ttaviUM um is tmiul LMkM Vm m • TnUIW (nr tliMal. »«* Annuwj IMM Aatrinuu Tbs *«I»«S TMUns ('«■»■« Aver Ihf Ueparton «f lbs V«k»Hm. - - - Manila, June 31,7:30p. m.— PeUiU of U» sen Wooing of OolonrI Arguelles n Pillpiuo uimiolsstooer to 13 years’ Im prisonment Imve juu been obtained here. It wasat first reported rhat bis condemnation by tbe Pillyluus was due to tbe friendship Its displayed toward* Americana, but the laformalldn just ob taloed shows tl« accusaUou against blai was not based on bis pesos confer ence at Manila, ua supposed. They con firm President Schurman’s belief In bis sincerity and shows that Iris advocacy of autoaomy among tbe Insurgents was treated as treason. Tbe charge against tire oolooel was that la conversation wltb Filipino oflloers lie predicted that disorders within tbe Insargruttenitory would lead toelvU war. and. tborofoie, he said, he considered autonomy un der Hie Americana preferable to In dependence. Tbe Fillploo Congress tried him on tbe charge or treason, hud a bested debate over autooomy followed. Finally, tbe colonel was sen tenced to death, but this was commu ted to 12 years’ imprisonment, on ac count of hla previous sarrioes to the oaoae, after an eloquent plea upon tbe part of hla counsel. Colonel Arguelles 1* one of tbs moat conservative and re spected men Identified with tbe Insur rection. Tim rebels have learned that the American volunteers tre reluming to tbe Uulted Stales, and tbe Fillploo newspapers show that they construe this to mean that the American* are abandoning tbe war and are encour aged thereby. The outposts of tbe Washington Keglmmt yesterday can. lured neoerel Plo del Filar’s brass baud of S3 places, the members of-which somehow became o* pa rated from tbe rebel army and came pear the American Use* without having the o»M»a of resistance, gome Chinamen of Uaatta have filed a claim agalcat tbe lustrameota, which It appears were leased by the musicians of Gener al Plo del Pilar._ Tiny *■>»!■■■■ LMt. Chicago, Jane 90-Kirty hosoiul smbulaaeso, shipped lo Tampa, Fla., orer a year ago by lbs local army onioi • ala, to be forwarded to Cuba far tbe uae of tbe United States troopi. hare been lOtt The matter was brought to Uie at tention of General And freon to-dey by J’J***Jr ^r®** Washington, staling that th*J*»r Depsrtmsot'a search for the m it slog property bsebeen ueiooocstfal, aod auggastlog that the rbioago ofl clale join Id the huut. What makes it mom astonishing la that it took a freight train of 17 ears to haul the am balances from the city. a!w1a1 n.r ring I awoke last night with sorer* pains in mr etomaoh. ( uevsr fait so barfly* In iViuj life When I oomedown to work this morning 1 felt so weak 1 could hard!? work. 1 wsnt to Millar Ac McCord’s drug store and they recom maadsrf Chamberlain's Cello, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. U worked like magic and one doee 8rod mo all right. It certainly Is the Basel thlag • ever used for stomach trotiblo. I lball not be without It lo my name hereafter, for 1 should not cart lo eodnro the sufferings of last night again for Ifty Uma Its prise.-G. H. Wimut)^ Cleary wan. JsrgetUUrwe. Wam nron l>„ Pa, This rmnedy Is forsala by J. E. Cwrry * Ce. AN ARMY OF 150,000 NEEDED MoQUESTEW 00ME8 HOME AND TALES. **•NaitTIwl ll WIU Biealns Urc* UMao la* HaM tbs r bills slaaa —— WIU bn NwcaHiijr Ttinn KsDin taliaiiwl HbaruMMl Aisllataa VtllaraalUM CaaualaUwi MS In Omliag Hums la Jaly—bar Truns* LUuljr to ba Drifts Ha as HaaU* aad Ttffi Illy bn A««Im la a Maas at arlft. Charlotto Otesrrsr. SAK PaAKCiaco, June 81. — Dr. CliuaA. McQueeteo. who wai on th* •laff ot General K. t>. OUb, and alio w*e health nflloer at Manila, boa re turned home. Invalidtd by the climate. Captain Meducated mail* a close study or the condition* of Utt Philippine sit uation. lie la of the opinion that it will take from 100,000 to 100,000 sol dier* to properly subdoA and hold the Island*. He also aayt that the pmoe commission wee en abeohito failure and that It* work from the atari was without efftot. II# strongly support* th« military government of the islands rxoept that he think* more men will ba necessary then lias bean estimated. “Dr. Sohurmar. know* that the oniu mlaalou Is a failure, sod la oemlng borne In July,*’ added Captain McQues ten. “Unlees troops, thouaands ol them, are eeut to the eld of our men there they will be drivoa bask Into Manila In tbs course of the next few months, during the rainy asaaou. Our men simply aauont stand the climate, fifty per cant, of them will bt l ioa pneltated by alckuea* and the lertltory overrun will have to be abandoned, end Manila will be lu a stale of siege agaiu. “Our ofDoeri and soldiers have ac complished wonders and liavo proved tbemwtvee the ben soldier* in the world. But nothing decisive baa oome of it, because our men were uot In great enough fsror.” T»tl! NSTI'ATlea AT TUB VMST. The tmnwb Aral a Mu la lk> •■Ilia—Tha Wauaaaa kHijr is lake •> •ha n*kl Wktn tha Mas laari Sfl - Maw tha Uapaa af iha ruiwlua. mrm H«h Aflame. M.VHJI.A, June 21, Op. m.—Tho io •argent army liaa taken to tba twanna aad hllta beyuod I tout. Tha laigoat force I* supposed to bo to the neighbor hood of Hao Fernando, holdiog a posi tion inure toward the lake, or toward tha coast according at exigencies de mand. Ueneral wlieatoo returned to Imnsto-dsy. briagiag three men who were wounded la yesterday’s fighting, l'be heavy rain that foils si night makes campaigning uncomfortable. The rood* are still good, but the rice Helds adjoining them are pools of water. The Filipinos will not fight nnleu they ean meet our tronpa lb a position moat advantageously to themselves, or take our reconnlotering bodies In ambu«li. It Is Impossible to loam what efleet the recent defeat bai bad upon thalr leaders. They sltoald be disheartened, for they bad boasted Uiet Use Ameri can* oould never oocquer the proviuce of Cavite, Aguloaldo'a borne country, where be always worsted the Spaniards. Genera) Otla recently received a let ter signed by Dative women of the Knee laying that If all the men are , the women Would Mill keep up tbe fight against the Americans. Copies of tbe Insurgent organ ImUpfnd*»cia, show that tbe Filipinos’ bopaa of suc cess are kept aflame by polllieal move meals Tl»c Indcprndenciu prints re ports of alleged speeches made et alleged meeting* in the United Hints*, denouncing tbe war, and It assert* that them represent the dominant senti ment. It declares also that the Fili pino* will oootloue tba war uotll tba next preiidentUI campaign, which ia aura to renult in ati order to withdraw tbe Amerlosu troops from the Philip pine). It li reported that the Spanish gar rleoo at llaler. which Is io the prov ides of Principe, on the east coast of Uuxoii, wblob had become reduced to 30 men. finally surrendered to tbe Filipinos after holdiog out for a yegr. **«•»• *■- f«llu. FlfliKOTlIli Oburrer. A farmer living in 71et Township, who had ben expert man ting with fan cy poultry on n small scale for some time, tells ns that oo the Oral day of March be maud thirty (80) hens and four roortera, Plymouth lt>ek (Ketch strain) and Wyandotte—and has oot fed to than oh token • exceeding one butbe! of grata, meal or bran »n nil, aad baa sold from that# bens about 35 tattings of IS agga at 50 cents par aat tteg, and baa bad 100 llttla chicks si ra«dy hatched out, and 7 bans still sat tlog on 18 eggs each, aad tba other hena that are not carrying ohlckena and •swing are still Oiling order* which art coming In faster than can be Oiled. Be side*, be sold last week four of the moat Inferior beo* from tbls lot at 061. After moral Tcwri ax parlance wlui the Improved breeds, lie say* thaee two breeds are ondnndtsdly the best for oar ollmate aad that oo such result eoslrl bare been obtained from any otbar breads Ha values nil hena at 75 een la n pltoa. aad elalma that nn an averse# wseh hen hat laid him OJ ossli worth of ecirt from Ilia 1st day of Mareh to tho nth of April. Tha chickens he la ,w» ralalitg will bn an Improvement on the ulrl birds, and ha Intends keeping them over fur another senium, whan he will be batter prepared to fln orders mure promptly. «s=“*^samw—bbs* * Ureal Visa. Greene*arm Merued. ••I know a town in North Csmllnu that Is s grant cue,” »std a gentlemen. •*U ksa a population Of MAO. with only nne family of colored people In It. and Mat year not a dollar In toes ware as Mtad. It In a moat anlerty UtUa tnwa and the people am hap|ry. U U Klkln, a lively manafsetn ring center. ' DEWET Greeted WIH CHEERS. 1 _ IOIALLY WELCOMED AT COLOMBO A Mirer OekM PmrMol <« Hu> U. ■Ural ml l^*0» ImU. itTw Ultra <• lit* *•« or Ike •Inwu-n* rr*. waiatlra n>iwi S'nvili ■ ewwra Praia Admiral Uettry-Ttee A«vl*. *»««• lima Tkaau*. OOLplUiO, Ceylon. June M —The United States eruieer Olympia, With Admiral Dewey oti board, arrived here ■t 0 d clock a. m., from Singapore, June 15, Minted the forts aibors and was Minted by the latter la return. An aide-de-camp, renrearotlng the Gov ernor erf Ceylon, Might Hon. Sir Jo ■eph West nidgwiy, boarded the Olym pU at 7 o'clock tblj morning, in order to wuloome the admiral, and Colonel 8evage. commanding the troops, celled el 10 o’c-ock. 't'he vlelta wets returned by Admiral Dswey at 11 o’elouk. He was it wired at the Jetty by a guard of booor, and amidst cheering drove In the Hoveroor’e carriage to breakfast with Colonrt Savage. The adatiral afterwaida hooked rooms at tha Uallo* fuoe Hotel and returned ou board the Olympia at 1 o’clock. There he re ceived a deputation representing the Planten’ Association and lha chamber of eommeroo, and waa preeeated with a •liver eaaket and aa addrma at a me mento of bia visit. 11m admiral will remain in Ceylon about a weak. He Mya be bad a good voyage from Sloga P°f" At* that bis health la fairly good. 7:80 p, m. —The presentation of tha Casket to Admiral Dewey was made on board the Olympia, instead of la Urn council chamber, because hfs doctor had forbidden Mm to participate In any cfUelul functions. The delegates also presented 1,000 pounds of tea to the crew of the Olympia. * ouarirai, replying 10 tM aaareSS or weloornu. nld be * is bid he could reply In adequate leraoa, reciprocating tbe eeotimeuU expressed. but he added tliul lie spoke from bta heart when lie Mid that be deeply appreciated lira wetoocue. Admiral Dewey added tbut be would bays tbe very acceptable pnw eat of tbo tea distributed as deal red. Incidentally meulloolng that be wee a life-long teadrinker himself, end as auring tba delegation that the eddreaa would be read at *4a»uater" aod after* ward framed and preserved. The casket, he remarked, he would always keep on hia table aed he told Uie dele gate* that he would report the matter to hi* goverumonl and describe tba. cordiality of hit reception. Coutlnu. lug. Admiral Dewey remarked : "That cheer railed oo the Jetty wlieu J landed went to the Imarta of all of ua. We are H.OOd in I las from homo, bat that cheat wlll'ho heard th Amerl ca. although tbe way Is which It ha* touched me I shall never be able to fully erpreae. The two nation* were i.avar *o closely united in sympathy and apureeiatlon as now. The Aaoerl can people realised this during lira late war, and you can Imagine how all those who were at Manila aud met Sir Kd ward Chichester (commander of tbe llritlah flret-clais cruiser framortallle) and bis gallant comrade* bold their feeling very deeply.” A general onnversatl >n followed.and after toasting tba "Anglo Saxon tJnton,” and the proaperlty of tbe twn countries the delegation departed. Taken In by ft*4lrrn. UuiuavUlu Lana nark. Town folk*, sneaking generally, affnot euperior wisdom oyer their rural brethren, and when the country people are taken Id. ae they often nre l>y the •harpers who lofest the land like onto tbe tiles hi Egypt In time of the plague the town folks smile in a superior way and pity them. liut they don't need to. Tba town folks are joe t as easily duped; in ract, considering the olreumalanoes, limy nre more easily taken lo than llirlr conutry cousins. Some weeks ngn n smart young mse made the rounds in Statesville Inking order* for glased earthenware—pots, pens, etc,, which bs said oould bo used for cooking«a the iters or Inside it. He called at residences only and the ladles were reedy and liberal parches ora. tin told hoo4twd» of dollars’ worth of the staff right her* |B town nud last Friday nod Saturday the anode ware delivered by tb* wagon load and tbegsoory collected. We have beard of two Inetanoa* In whlah tlm war*, which excited tb* admiration or the ladies, was eat on tha stove apd burst open aa soon ae It got hot—aod all the retarne are out lo. But even If the war* Is aa good ea represented, it was of course told at least CO per cent, higher than a regular dealer would have charged for It, and •o an Immeot* DCuOt went Into tb* hands of the agent*, who ere birds of passage and take la tb* towns aa they oom* to them. We do not want to ba understood, bowevnr. aa Intimating that the Wilier —God bleat ’em—are more easily duped than Urn men. The/ are not. Let a patent medicine fakir *om« along and propose to give a prise with each bot tle of mrdleioe, end the men wilt fall over nab otlmr to bar, or they will gc to tba olretn and bet on the fakir's own game. Tl*e ladles get fooled, of course, bel they are belter and wiser than the men. It wav In Georgia that tbe noted cow —Milt Flag” mad* )m phetiomemtl record of over11,100 pounds of bntlee litvlde of twelve month*, •nmrvseasBae A sued *C Tkaatuh I wish Lo any that I fori under obli gations for what thainhnrUln'a Cough Remedy has done for our family. We have need It in an teeny nates ol coaglia. lung troubles and whooping eongh, and it has always given Un moat |<erfect eetlafnetloe. we feel greatly Indebted to the maonfaclnren of title remedy and wish them to please aeeept ear hearty thanks.-Beapeot fally. Mu K. Dorr, Dr* Mote*. Iowa. For sal* by J. E. Gerry * On, .»«*> mpk in t» raiurmn. (•rival). Warm* K. IMUr Write* al Nam WaHtnae mvallaa. thfUmorp min. Waww K. Sillier, son of Prof. W. U. Siuller, who la a member of Coca Mny A. Ktghteeulii United SIMM 1*. ““try, writes from Jarv, Philippine Islands, to his brother, P. A. Settler *e folio we: “The thermo meter bece bee never been Wow 79 degrees. mod ranging from that to 110 degrees. The to* ter olaie drtat la white the year round. The native* look aa though they wan UteeaUy dried op by the sun, aad an th* homeliest creatures I ever aaw. Tbe women merry at tba age of IS years, and after they poea their eight, teeoth birthday it la a band matter to dleUrgutali tbelr age. aa they look any. wtinrs from 99 to 100. “I suppose you read all a boat Urn batUn of Manila: Well, 1 oerar want t» ex peril no* anotlwr day Ilk# that of the 19th of August, a tbree-enfl-a-balf mile oharx* through mud aod water varying from ankle to waist deep, and with ao obauge of olothlog after gat. tlugla the city; sleeping three ntgtte on the sidewalk Is anything bat pleas ent besides liaylag to live on hardtack and canoed beef far over a month, bat tl*«re was not a complaint from oae of mf«. They Ihoroagbly oodantood the situation aad mads tba bwt of K. Alter tbe eaptara of that oity we had to do tmllca doty. that maaalag two hoars on sad four off. night art day, for over two month*. You will never have an Idea of what a soldier'* life la during hostilities until you have tsper leoeed It. On November 1 we were sent to Cavite, a ally Just aerom the bay from Manila, which wa bad to guard, aad where wa remained until i Chrtetmea Day, whan we were loaded aboard th* Immaoaa truiport Arisen* and sailed for Hollo. 990 mile* distent. We remalaed on board the Arisons un lU the amanlt and oaptura of Iloilo. February 11- That day I shell ucver tonal. Tba booming of tba big 9-lash guus aod the burning city will ever be I vivid In my memory, but tba meat miserable days 1 ever spent wars aboard that ship. Just Imagine, if you oao. 1,400 acid It re aboard one boat. You oao readily imagfo* liow we wore fed aod how monotonous the days war*. I tell you when tbe drat abut was fired from the Callao Urn boy* nearly went toad. a. A u i_*_ a a__. . February 11 two Fill pi do officer*, with their escorts, came over to our ahtp to ootUet port cbsrwra, and they were re ferred to General Miller, who wee the* In commend, bat he* einoe retired. They stated their betlncm to him, aert oor noble General refuerd, with thank*. They seemed yet y much put out, end returned to the elty ’with blood In their ryes.' About two hour* Inter they Qrrd ou llte Callao, which was lylug about 900 yards from shore, com mending tlwlr fort and the entrance to the harbor. TUa Callao ImsDediately replied wilb her 0 pounders, end io las* than SO minutes their fort war com pletely demolished. While ibi* wee taking place the Boston wee throwing shell after shell Into llte city proper and had it oo Ore la several places. Tbe Filipinos had made threats that before they would •■insedrr the town they would ley U In eebee, end they certainly carried it out, for when we were landed, about 1 p. to,, tbe elty was u veritable bell. They bed placed gasoline ell over the town, end when Lbey sew that w* Intended landing they toeohrd it off aod today- with the ex ception of tbe water frout, there le iwt a bu3toe** house aod very flew residen ce* standing In the olty. They tried to bora the water front, but we were too hot uj their trail, so they 'vam oosed.* We did out attempt to follow thorn Into tbe country, so we threw out oatpoeu. and went into samp for the night. The seat morning ere received orders to be in readiness at It p. m , with 900 rounds of ammunition each, but w* were to recooaoltre tbe tur rootxHogcountry, sad at the timesmei Oed Company A, of which I am a mem her, together with Company C and oo* light battery, consisting of on* Botch, kfee end oao Gatling, started out, end wo had hardly goo* half a mil*, when wo were Qrrd ou from a large btbsae and oocoanut grove, In wblob tbe ene my wee concealed, and while we were lo ooletan of tents. Tbe first volley wounded Corporal dparke and Private Smith, ef my company, and Idea ten ant Belts*, of the battery. We imme diately opened Ore on tbe grove, al though we oouM not see tbe enemy, at the eame time throwing oat a atlranlsh line, which was very hard to du, as we had been fired oa ao unexpectedly that the men became demoralised for Uu llsoe being, hut soon recovered, end we certainly made It bot for those black devilt. Their bullets were a* thlek a* bail, aod 1 can't for to* life of an un derstand bow more of as ware not wounded. n ■ tm eroerea u> mare ou yard dathea, f rnp-Sra MX theta, fill waga Rlnea and make another 00 yard daab, ■•«»* thaw*, folios until we rawhad »ha woods; Ihea tha gaoeral wa> Wood dad. and wa made a charge lot tits city, whtoh wa auooeeded hi oap taring and driving the natlrea way ba y«ad IU outskirts. Wa killed about 78 of tboan going through' the street! of the town, aa we Usd clear Mooting, and wan pouting It Into than aa fsoi aa we could, nod they did act taki tlmo to letura oar >re, Ual amde rot the sugar fields aa fast aa they oould go. We at onoa took up quart ora at tlila place. I,wo, aid ware reinforced 19 the Third Ilatf lion, who did guard and outpost duty until (ha aemlng ut Uw 14th, fit. Valentine’s Day and one never to be forgotten by mb. ‘•Kvery tiling trowed to baqalet, but wo ouuM see the Killptoos at adlelMea ■Ming pratraiatioos of com# kind. About 8 *. m. Wray opooad ap no aa. and wa did »ot reply until the) w«p within 1,000 yards of at Wa aould wot sso thaw, aa they were hi a lam aagaronao Held. 1‘roUy aeon tha order cmm daw* tha Ha# to act pgr tighta at I WO yards aad to flta at tha awoke al their fast, whtoh wa oogtd aaa rtaiog R abort Utoua—. Attar lUiog aix vollapa 'SS^'tfM&rsa Wfisfissriiczr as. ts&sstft: JKtfr-ja IMiM. U L. OHM. Int trlirt mod ‘buokj’of atoatTvao nllad with la thraa Md M Ml I helped to oanpUafroaillwMi Oaeofttioaa larga Uaaalogtoa ballala hit blot la tba forebaad, kllliag bha laataaU/, It vaa vbKa rataralag to tba Irtag Uoa that I got toy 4am. “I vaa hit vita a Xauaar, vhteb ■■da a piioful bat not ittamiaa vauad. Itoaught aaia tba aaaetoa of tbaaboaldarand vaa act oat of ay baak. TLo ballot ana aiaoat aatat vtea it hit aar or it would bar* gooe right through. 1 vaa la tbo hoapital for two vroka, butaa ad right aov, vltb tba Moeotioo of a Uttlo otlffoea*. I boot tka baUat aad vill altov to to yoo If I orar iwturo to Aaortoa, vhiob It*1* io doubtful for tbo pcaaent. aa I j^thlawunuj, aad thort awluta of Udek alooa tba oaptura of UatSaa vll* about aattla matter* for tba teat kaiag our taglaaoat vill bo otdoiod back to tba autoa ahoctlr ta raoruit up. a* wa , an wrj abort of OMa.n -' __ -I A ftahyr im U«wa With a «kMk of hi U*v.C. C Hrownta BeponOourtrr. It «m(« the mmmmt of 1878, and l bad goo* into Iba ooaolry to praanh. accompanied by my m-oibb father. Tip to mat tiro* I bad only pm^bed «>«■ Tbta effort would ba ay aaoaadU Tba aermon had aooMlhlOf In it aboat “ocai.togly dtvlaad tabic*;” bat I aan «m* aow iwsaU *J| 1 tb* something araa. Whan I araa mid-way of my ■ermoa, % baby walked upon my right, aod comma need to rquirm and twiat (a Ita mothar'a arm*. Bat on I went, and the bate dUappaarad; Of tbit I waa glad, by and by. I noticed that tba mother kept ttntching bar seek to look down tb* *1*1* that ran acre** tba oliurcb, Tbara waa another atado that ran toward* the front door tram tba pulpit. Than waa ao met blog ta that croaa alale which bald tha mother'* attention. l am found ant what It waa. Hha ilad pot tbe baby oa tb* floor, and ll came eoolng down Urn able, crawling on 1U baud* and tact knaaa and aibow*. It waa a rad haired btby. and I caught a rllaapaa of Ui* glowlag bead at ba tamed from the croc* alal* Into tha oaa Uiu led alrnlght down toward me. On ward tba conquering boro emote. Ha waa not heavily dreanad; b«t bad on a alngle anrmeet. aim of a pillow at Ip looking thing, full ofamelTred igou oa a white ground. la hla righi hand, bo had a pboo of genuine fatbeooc, about aa large aaa lemon; aad freer time be gat that luted oo the fiwrto (Ira blm a above onward be left a mark aa large aa the meet. Hew and then ba earn* to a peace la Older io nibble at the beooo, and then it waa that bg refreabed blmaeif by robbing the meat la hla eyne, aara aad none. Ha wee tba greaaiaat baby I baya aver bad the pleaaure aad oonraga to look apen. Oa all fonra, bo crept toward tba pel pit and me. aad wbaa juat under me. be poMare, threw bit bead book, looked ap at au and began te yelL The mother-who aleobad red hair—beard tba ptneeiag nob ad, oami tearing down ibe alala. turned to tbo left, eeatobed ap Ue baby In bar arau. aad ranching op, aitced tba turn Uer •( water from tba palptt. Placing lb*"kael»lhe baby>abaa. the little dooglad aad googled aad baN MranaMuntil ba kadaMtlte oaoaaioa demanded. 1"ha mother eet the (am bler beak aa tba pulpit. and a aMa ■lag of greaaa floated upon tbo water aa thick oo cream oe milk-that la, oa mmomllk. What I waa doing all ibla Ume, I cannot UN. I only a now that my '-cunningly derlaod tabtoa loat aoma of their oonatoc. aad 1 gator did km baak tomyaalf, aatll 1 found that the woman bad actually taken the baby out io tba yard. «• r.mtmvtacl _ W. O. Mena, a traveling ealaamaa, waa arraigned far corning nod kicking oee of tbo baak drlvara. it aaeme that the driver, net knowing the diameter*■ aama, bed addraaiM Mm aa -*Cep'o" la aaklng hla Cate. The drummer took ednae at thla. The Mayer gate him jagxsstssf'tugi ■Mf1!} ,u»‘" •«« •"«»* aeon bob* well, but it aenn grew worn and the ft it in then mid I bad momentum itaaT ucoed to grww warn aad 1 canid hardly gal aroead la work. I waat la n drag Mara and Uw draggtet rvoom mended me to Uy Cbnmbertnb.<i Pain Balm. 1 triad It and one-half of a M eewt botUa anted me HttroH. I new rmomwM* It ta all my Madk-P. A. ' - 5 ? } i * i . ■ : i i •« ! ■ ! ! -

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