The Gastonia D*'*-ot**1 «• **»• Platoon 01 Don* and tka lntaraata mt Voh XX. {m&Z JXVSgtiii'.i Gastonia, N. C„ July tt, 1899. BILL ARP OR TRUSTS. bagb of baxtow xot p lb abed WITH THEM. ■IM There Hue UUu-^TieU to the Ward m4 4a o*iXl Industrie* lb tt before tbe war enriched onr state end made tbe peo ple happy aad contented. The time wea wbee there wet a wagon shop end a blacksmith abop at every oroaaruwU —« batter’ltbop and two or three aoue Miepe la every Tillage—a taoyard la rvrry aetUerpent aad little mills on every creek. Bat Mg Bah bave swal lowed op the little ooee. Thor pro duct* may be cheaper now, but the producers bave bad to move away or go to planting cotton. Northern capital taka* onr Iron aad Umber and bide* and wool aad after paying freight both way* a*Tl* back to ua what we had beau ■eking nt borne. Time waa whan I wore toom that wer« made In our vtl lege made from leather that waa tanned not far away. Time waa when I waa proud of UM wool hat that Ban South made—mada whUa X waa look logon. 1 remember that the whipping poet was planted not far from Um bat tarl abop aod bow I ran borne 00 one oeeeelon to keep from seeing a white man whipped. ‘1 will meet you at tb* batterV’ waa a Ume-boooted maxim, but It i» not now. Time waa whan I rode the little bay mare to mill three mllae away aad loft my griat so aa to have a raos book with aoaoa other boy. And than waa a oonntry school on the road aad tb* hoy* waylaid us be es os* we bad dated to cry “school but ter.” This remind*, me to any in peat leg I raaalTsd a latter tbe other day from aotae Alabama schoolboy wanting to know the origin and meaning of aebool batter. If y father waa an old time school teacher and aaid that la hi* boyhood the expression waa “school batter’’ aod signified that Movr school la better than your eehoot,” and it at ways provoked a oolltlon. Some very hnegry boys corrupted H into “school butter.” Bat tha town beys never go to mill nowadays: the mill coma* to them. Home made shoes and hat* art thing* of tha S**k—every thing ooma* from tb* north, and la now mad* by a trnet; aad on almost everything are use or eooMHM there I* a duty or tariff, and we pay our pan of It to keep up Um government expeoaan aad pay the pension* and fight tb* Nllptoda. Talk about tb* trust*—that panaloe trust la theMgamttraitof all, aod moot eor rapt. Hew Mm north steads It X Ma net understand. Over gg.000,000,000 nan aiieaay gone mai war, ana John Brown *8 aoul keopo merohing oo. Ohio HU $15,000,000 title year, aod Georgia boo to pay her quota of tba 9100,000,000 and f«Ck MjMaa Tan Georgia pay* about 98,000,000 annually through the upaiPtwM Of tha tarts. I booqht a paakat katfb to day for SO eeote that I oouM ha*a bought la Loudon for half the moony. Joel think of ft. wt brethren, 18,000,000 In tariff tana an anally to MppOTt a million maatottere, ooa tenth ot wboaa ara eatitled to It under tha law and a too tantlia ara fraad*. Thia aeandaloaa truat la backed by the €1. 4. R*., aad tbay are booked by the oobeelre power ot puMIe plaoder. If tbla wa* all that Omrgta paid wa weald bo happy, hot oar Htete boa to pay bar port of 98400,000.000 man that It takaa to rao tha national toga of remeiolog In tha union-How U that for oppreaetoo ? I ull yea, ft tahae a «aat amooat ef patriotlaa for a aoathorn Ban to lore bUtyaaa*n*iaut and fight fiat 1$ The only way to ha n patriot la to that aaa'p aye and 9a It blind. It woald act da to Uriah ehoet one gnetmaeao, for they Interfere with °aR**ff*a all thane troabke there la a lonff. dry draught open ▼ogatebtea, and garden* ha*a dried ap aod tba moon ha* glrao eat, aad tha nook la ttok and I been la hoot ap ktndiUg wood and Ore ap the atoaa before een-ep tod go 14 Bart at, aad there la a ptoale an hand to-Borrow and one of tha Httla obOdrae got hart an the logging It tot* the fla* tram aer an aand I atataat ertad; and ear day another dog got to fifhtlag right oenr aaathar little oaeaad aoeehed bar dawn aad aoarad bar Into flu, and 1 \ couldn’t run to hat aa hat as I van led to, for nr ooporoaity interfere* with my alacrity. Baatdw all this, ilia town la kept la ooaaaaotlno about tba jog bnainaas, and It baa got Into tba ooerts aad Into tba oburahaa, and folka bar* taken aids* and frlanoi are all ana tad. aad a man doa't dare to go to town baxdly for fear of being drawn Into It. “A aoft answer turoetb awny wrath,” bat that are not soft In than parts. “Wban a man’s waya plena* lb* Lord Ha maketb aran bla awamtra to b* at peace with him.” but hi* waya don’t aaam to pi**** tba Lord In Oerteraeilla, for bit aoemta* an not at peace with bln. Tba (T*at quaatlou her* I* not about drluktng or wiling whlakey, but 1* about the right of a man to order a bottle or a jug from Atlanta for bla prlrata use or for madielaal purposes; and Ua agitation and denunciation It** mad* aa auob talk as lb* mago* chart* and both aide* declare they will taka It to tba soprem* court of tba United HUtaa of North America and tba Phil ippines. Then, again. Hon. Pope Brown, tba awlona president of tb* State Agricul tural Hoo) tty, aajry tb* it at* will not proepec any more until the negro** are ■“* away or oolonlwd; but If tlwy won’t go wbat la to be done about it r He aaya that aduoatlon baa ruined tb* negro a* a laborer, but bow la It to be ■topped T The rich fool* at tb* north kwp on dying and tearing money to negro acboola, aad our Uw-miken keep ea makiDg appropriation* for them and taxing ua to adooat* l bo a, to oppose our coopt and take aide* with our political eoomlw, who are killing nagroea la Indiana beoanw they want work. And now tba war party want nagroea to go to th* Philippine* and fight other —trow. That would be a good dellr arano* all around, bat I don’t bailer* they win go to any extant Tb* nig gar ia la the wood pUa. and be la hate to *tay. Let him stay as loog aa b* babayea, aad U they won't bttare and be good elllzena tbar will mder In tba •aab. Our people are tired fooling with them and are desperately In aaraaat. I reckon we can get up ex • ooraloai to India sod drop them. They will go on aa axourelon. A lUlka IHItan • Bny. Prom Imni. A million dollar! ■ day. This ts the •mount that Uncle 8am makai away with. Every pinna of money whleb be oomm loo dirty or too dilapidated for jme m«y be preaeeled to the United State* treasury for redemption. Each day there le sent from the diStreet faaeks lbrougboot Ihe oountry fully a mlllioo dollars' worth of ibis toiled or *°ro pepet- Fyecy bundle of money rent I red la turned over In ao expert, wbo. After oa ref oily counting and li» apanting the notes to see that no coua lerfelu are among them, planes them tegethfr In email packages, and marks oa the wrapper the amount contained la each boodle. They are then passed under a maeblne which puaebca a bote In each corner of every package, and oaU Into halves, leegtliwise; one-half *» ««» to “"A division, and the retsain Ing half to another to be recounted by two other people. All counts must tally with each other before the bills are ready for deetraotloa. Tbe next more le to transport the ■oney to tbe boreau of eegntvlog and printing, where It is red need to pulp hy what la nailed maeeratlon. Into an Immense revolving cylinder detain dlelotergrntiDg chemicals, the Mile hre thrown. Tbe pulp tfcua produoed U preened Into eheeta, whleb Mroogly resemble white cardboard. This substance, which le used for wioos purposes, such as newapepar. writing paper, and aouvenlra. it add by tbe government for about 840 a ton, tbe money received paying the eallre expenses of maceration TV> only kind of money not destroyed at tbe bureau of engraving and print ing in that Issued by national banka. Them notes am not taken charge of by those having the oars of bank cnrwnoy. Every afteinone thane Milo, represent log from a hundred thousand to half a cafllioa dollar*, are destroyed In tbe baamaent ef tba treasury building, Tbe door of the maceration room la aoeorad toy huge padlock*, and can be opened only by tbe three officials wbo bold tbe key*. nothing lees than two Of the of a ?ft?vTuL? Toth# bolder of this fraction of a bin tbe govern ment wtU allow ball of tba orlgSl face value to bo arisen. J <*?■«”*»» k»PP*« that Mraps of bUU ags eetoAM hall this eumiaor. It will ooa tala laboratories sad teat are rooms, and will east about W.000 or g7,000. A meat lag of the trostaaa will bo bald seat wash to toko the matter Into eon etderatlaa. “Wo bars sold masy different sosgh remadlM, hat noon has glroa latter tjfXfsetiaa thsa Chamberlain's,” aayi Jfiwsrk, N. t.^uXTmrtSSr^* sad saa ha relied a poo la all soaaa si TO RBIHPORCB OTIS, THE 86,000 HOT WILL BE EtLltTED A rmfaMaal Army »■*■> tlw AM ••wwwlaaw UMm ■—W*W urf BallatM Aw Will: *— I'mi •• rill nw-4i MMI» r«n ml 4AM ■wuliUMa rillwtowil EM ml tlw May naaeea. Wamiwot6k, Jbm 9ft. — Secretary Alger, Adjntant General Corbio and Oolooal Bird, AtaUUnt quartermaster Moarni la ebarg* of tiAoepotUUoa, nnd a» hour’* eocioltellon with the Praaldaat to-day rclattvn to tb* qoas tioo of re-aaforeemaoU (or OeDaral Olio. A drflnlt* deolalon baa beao reaohAd to oonUoua recruiting oaen at Alt tb* lacrolUng slat Iona for aorrlo* tn the Pblllpptnee and Secretary Alger said wbao ba left thi WAItetKoost after the ooofeioaoe. that General Otia would hare 40,000 meo wtieo the relay season closed far a reeotnpUoc of active opcntlofiiL There are aaranty tec ru It lug stations in the United State*, sad aoUatineuU are to b* taken at nil of tbeaa station*, The enlistment* aia to In for mrvlee la Ilia ragalar army and ranralta nr* to be organized loto reglmeotaor aaalgced to regiments already formed after an lletmeot. Ho orgaoliatlone a* snob are to ba accepted. If soBeieat re cruit* oen be obtained by regular en listment. General Oorbin i«M tb* ooltatmanU would be for three years, altboogb tbs law for tb* araalloc of tb* provjitonal army of 86,000 in cscaaa of 11m regal*r army of 06,000 pro ride* only for such a force noUl 1901. Arrangemecta are to ba mad* at enee for Increasing tha transportation nan man ry to get tbeaa Additional troops to tha Phtltpploei. Tba decision to ra-«aforce Uaoaral Oils by tb* anil of the rainy aaaaoo la Interpreted to moan that aggrasalv* oampatgaiog will oaaaa uutil the bad weather anda Until that time onr op erations will probably b# oonttoaed tn ooeaalooal rxouraloci to pi tow In cion* vicinity to oar linn* where tbo lnaar geou may liaye oangragated In ft roe. By rtaaalolng qulaaoeot undar good a belter daring lb* rainy mason it la hoped tha health of oar troop* will be ooacerred and tbo danger from cllmsta favers reduced to a minimum General OtU has cabled the War Department that ba haa tha akelaton organtMtloas o( two or Ihrea regi men u which It Is proposed to laiae lo tb« Philippine Islands At lb* War Departmeol this li said to mean that General Oil* baa the oAeara for tbaaa ragimaate selected aod that they are ready to b* ailed with enlisted man. How many of tbaaa can ba secured from tha yoloolewr regiments now lo tba Philippines la not known. It la elated at the War Department that tba recruit# uow being anlieted at tba rate of 1,000 a week oaauot ba ussd forI tba yolanteer army provided for lo lb* act of March 2nd. authorising 85.000 men, although It woold ba an easy matter to traoalar tbaaa mao with lhair own eoaaant to tba volunteer aarvloa If It thoold ba datermload to raise additional troops. Later lo tba day It waa definitely idacldod to begin tba so hat meat for tba fin* volunteer aorvio* under the sot of the leal Con frees The reports to the Adjataat Oaoen) based on tba reports of tba ra crutUog officerb and on doae estimates aa to tha namber of soldiers In tba Philippines and la each eotsmaod In Cuba and Porto Bleo abow that tha regular a.ray U up to IU fall author Tha additional soldiers needed Duet ba obUioad under that section of Ilia act Of Congrem authorising tba *o Itetment of voluotean. The only ex ception win b* to tba case of the few enlistments that will be mad* from U®e to time to OU lb* gap* In tba reg ular army caused by caaoalUas and aaaed by the expiration of enlietmeoU. The offloars scattered among Uia prin cipal elites of tba country wbo hare bean enlisting regulars ooly. will ba instructed Immediately to prepare ta eoliel volunteer*. The present lad lot Uosia era that about 10,000 man will be wanted. v omnieara will not M accepted lo organ list Ion*. Secretary Algor la de termined to adhere to that rata. rx>ok lag am tba act of Ooorreea, ba hat aonolaftad that tb« aatboriaatloo to ralaa ta«aa volunteer troop* “at largo" lodleateaaparpoMoa thepartorGoa frcm to follow oat tba plao tnootat folly operated lo tba dm of ibo In gtmmta. It to Uie present todlwagard State and local ••oaring the recrulto and them Into organisation!, rrgltoeot* cannot be known by State aamaa bat limply nndor the dealgnattoo of FI ret. Second, Third, •to., Toluotner United Staten Infantry or ceralry. Vo difficulty to nntloipeted la Maurtng tba men Bended lor It U bdtorad tint tba 1,000 man wbo in weekly oCerlng themeefyaa at tba ra eraHlag officee, will be creo more -til ing lo eater the army an taro year vol aatoart, than ai long term ragalan. Ao to officer! for three rotanteer rrgl BMate. tba War Department lotet.di to Oil tba oommaadr la the drat plaoa by promoting offieart now la tba ragalar army wbo gty* ptoato* of •hewing ability aa orgaelaera end dm an*r( of tba raw reornltr, and la tba •aauod ptaoe, b* aommtoeloalag many of the offierre of tb* rolooteet organl aatlmto wbtob eervrrd thammlrm wltb glory dortag tba war and have been or are about to be Buttered oat of tbn •errm*. The W*r Department hat aa ref at ly prrariTrd the rcoorda of than* effort! and already hero at hand a long llat of each of them aa bar* n blbtted aoldtorly qeallttoa calculated to mafea them of eerrlo • In organ's! eg tba volunteer force*. Vawtaa elitoeoe are petitioning the Snutbera flail way to rebuild their depet nearer tba motor of the town when tbeymteiU^c^^ Vawtaa It enjoying boat grown oeataloapra. FI ret were ripe Kan la* June M. mmm. cumm at ««t I Haris. f i * '"that hu broon* et Mra. Otari Und f la a nutation wbtah Ufr'qcmt ly aakad by penoot who feat tiu tha former drat lady of Um land baadiuaped oat of light. Bat Mr*. OWyeluid baa by no brooma an obaoura ptraoo, aay« a wrttor In tb* lMUaborg Dally Jfnm. Though bo k>ng*r la tba Wbtt# Houaa, aba ooeuptaa a wry oontpieloui posi tion to society aud would ba written about a graat daal If aha war* willing. Ia bar tblrty-nm year Mrs. Growr, dewlaud baa matnnd Into a rnj ] bandaooM woman, bearto than wbaa ab* wwat to tha wbit* bourn aa a bride, yet by no maani fat. A liUla orer 3 fart 8, »be weighs 176 pound*, which 1* only a good weight for to dlgulOaO u matron at Mra. Ctewland ba* baeoma. Tb* teltotlon of Prlooetoo. JT. 3., aa tb*;pena«aeet bam* of tba Claw land* wa* mad* on aoeouot af tba abll drao. There ia a obarmiag air of m Dnement about Prlaoatoa, whleb oouplad with tba feet that tba oollaga la than tod tu aduanUoanl ftoUllim vary Am mad* It IdaaL Tatitwaaaot for bar child ran that Mra. UtwUnd mugh» tba aduoatioaal atmoapban of PrlaoatoB, but far bar botbaad. En dowed aow with oooagb wealth to aoa taat him, exPrealdaat Ctavaiaod la lu dalgtag lila oatural toote for hooka, tod ia. If not “Inklug a oootm” at Prlnotion, maatlag it* prufaatort, read ing Its work* and liring an tha booky atmuMier* whleb h* baa always With bar eblklran around hrr Mra. Clawlaad Mad* a delighted and a de lightful lift. Her oaaopatluut am thorn of bouaawifa and eootty woman combined, W« haw f*w of thorn la tbla eouotry ; than at* ataay of thorn laSogkwd. J.W ■■iron oi rnaoetuu wucgu are devoted U> the ex-Prealdeofa fam ily. tad Might la taking Mis* Rath, aged not nolle R, to drive without n chaperone. Bather, aged 0; Marloa «g«d 4 in July, and tha hoy of 2. are alto prime favorites In Priooetoo. Tba Princeton bone* wbieb might he called a manor, la plaaaaaU? situa ted on Bayard avenue, tbe millionaire •treat of Prlnoetoo. It is of the variety called "duohie,” with liv ing rooms on each aide the front door. Thera la a uursery oa tha seeead floor and a very welt equipped private kind ergarten, where lira. Cleveland allows e raw mile student* to etady dally with ber owo children. Princeton Is the wealth leel little town per oepite la New Jersey, and tha ohluree who at tend tba Cleveland kindergarten are Children of wealth and position, whose father* go to Now York daily at the heads of corporations sod as leading members of the bar. while the family enjoy a spec lea of glorified Ilf* oa the farm. The Cleveland farm embraces several sore*, mostly la lawnsead fruit trees, with very uioe private liable Oiled with gentle carriage bores*. Though a motherly woman, aa evinced by her growing family, lira. Cleveland Is much of a society women. She comes to New York one* a week to make a alia, baa bar appointed day* at home, la a patroness of many metro politan function*, ard varies ber social duties in the metropolis with vlitts to Philadelphia. Bbo la a marvelous aoo oem in society, sod could anally be It* leader. Her manner, the eubjeoi of ao much "gnaby” writing when abe waa in tha white house, has matured into aa unaameble but unmistakable charm that la fait by all who meet ber. Mrs. Cleveland la the beat dressed woman la tbit oouQlry. Indeed, It la asserted that by •• one baa ber teste been equaled la tha preaent oeotury. Eugenie la her most extravagant days could not equal bar la beauty of odor and style. Mrs. Cleveland la not as economic dreaper, and though she prob ably does not exceed bar buabead’e limitations, aba oertalnly ts a great boon to tba modiste. Her am broider ies ate tbe marvel of beholders, liar Jewnla are uiagatfloeat, the floral spray of diamonds which era* a. wedding preaent rroca David B. Bill, is said to be ber prettiest noaeeaeioa. Mr*. Cleveland occupies aa Immense •mount of time entertaining. Ska used to lualet that Mary Loiter speed a great portion of the • year with bar. Now tea baa MM Benedict a great part of the year, sad a number of New York society women fiwm New York. She delights In all teeehmua and teas, sad it ae near a lady bountiful aa It le Possible far a woman to be wbe has four babtae to oar* tor. Mis, Cleve land never leave* tbe babies aalee* bar mother, Mrs. Barriee, of Buffalo Is with them, and then only for a few o-y- _ . _ . «rOTtr !■ vm muu i« M IOOQ of hto young ulte aa ha «m wbau lhoy *W married, tbUt«N yaara ago. Ha •till pmirm to* flrlbood plot nr* up on bto daek, tad by thaaldo of It there •Unli * group of tbo family, Mr*. Clo**!iDd to tb* •*•!«. A pair of Mg ■pocLaetoa lto a poo tha daak In front of urn ptoturo, aa iboagb Mr. Otoootand wantad thorn bandy la Oaao bo dooired to atudy tbo pratto toam baton bto*. It to rumorod tbo* lfM»- Ctomrtnnd ao eeptt Ibo ebair of PotlUoal Htoiory at Prtnoaton, Mr*. Ctooatond will bo aakod to aaoapt tbo obalr of Bouavbold Koooomloa at tbo oollago of uhloh aha to an alamo*. •MMuWHOtolkt Pur. S*'ta(0*M nio Poo* folaa ho*o tb* advantage otor tbo rtah In that bldn»pp*ro an not maaooraring agalaat Mr baVto* for th* aoko of a raaaom. Tb*ro may ba other motto**, to ba aura, than money, getting, aoob a* *plto m nrmigo upon a mtatraoa, but (to raay toot that poor paopto taka oaro of tbok abtldrau aavaa thorn from tbo kldaapplni onrao and bor noatodacatm. Small pox to ptotolMl la » fetalUm la Haloa oanoty. Tba aolhorUim Kaya booa oulpaMo la tbolr nagnsaata bo taka prompt maamiwa to (tamp it out. r B»H*r, Moeet. hoteth* __ Dr. K. II, Hall, oar PraMdrag F.ldsr, nUed tbs pulpit of tea Methodist (Marte on Monday morning, aad from tea text, "Hrbomb bur my bonds,•• be presetted one of the at lest aad meat powarfal MNcoaa teat 1 bar* afar baud. U sraa Indeed oaa of gnat pawar aod taeoapareUe beauty aad towering etoqumee ; aad mote than oms did the lifted speaker. la aa electrify lag burst or goouloc oratory and rati draatstio pssMoa, naiad us of aaaa Dinas Vo lean heesac rfag oat truths that would suud Ute lodge manta* steratty. la tea bagfaatag of bts sermoa be was ntesr slaw aad preclss, aad ho remiodad no * a Mg, powerful looomoUss, with gnat, tra oaeodous driving waaMs, starting a loeg trala of sate heavily ladsa with prsdpas freight—alow aad Manor at Brat, hat grand aad reajcaiec and la panel In Ite rush lag aad teoadarbw •wasp whoa oooe It bad base started. Aad so, with tbs Mg brained and broad gauged Dr. Hall, rather slow at •rat, hot whoa he palled tbs throttle of animation, aad tented oa tea steam of hosted foal leg, tbs Mg drlrlog wheels of rapid aad powerful agnate? tatlon began to rarelve, aod then Ms palatial trala of eplaadte thought west rwhlof atoog with Ite rarest and ricb ahot through tha dy of bis discourses Uka those late lag ftslten of light, wbtoh pan la meteoric briUlaoey through Uw bason of night, aod nabs a world Stand Mill aad guns la awe at Ute boauty aad tea aptoador and tea rMraeoe of testr acsuUted briUlaoey. Aad as 1 sat on Monday aad llslsusd la aaobented spall to tea nsonaat flaw af hisawarpiag attains of aU^saquer cadaoees of awe aad wwwaw aad boaaiy aa grand aad aa mamirn aad aa aonorooa at those deep totted organ noted votes board io tha morning ohaat of tha ahhiag aoa. And while bla aarmou «a aa powerful, aad aa nobly freighted with rarest aryoatae of profeeodaet thought, aad 1L0 soot sagacious o bar rv at loan, yet here aad there oootd be seen tbs twtakllng of that rich delieloue Uuoeor which glle teond like tha noieetrae glauming* of mrttawmt aeooallght epos the aa. rufllid bosom of e sleeping lake, aad node lila discourse (sparkle with the radlaaea of Its resplendent bmmlaga. Aad the dee*, by Mia. Herbert Rountree aad Mlae Mania Robbias, of Raleigh, ladles of superb culture aad ■nest motion! powers-gave aa the gJortaas .wealth of ewoMaet earthly melody, t-K their exquisite atraiue came ebbing forth Ilka tboae pure aed sweat nod on vaaelng waves of matte la which the aogsli bathe tlielr senate in everlaetleg rapture. Alt eel spell* bound before those heaven erowoed deapete of aoelo and of eoog. for they forged the Hake of enebaatmeat around •very heart, and kept tha feeUogs Im prisoned In tha wavery of ■ weakest raptors aad delight—e slavery from whtah no one could ware emend nation for a tingle moment, for the eufy fet ters that are there worn warn made of the Itok of rapture aad*oatocy,aad tha only prtaoa e cere lulling temple of la toxical)og eoobaotateut. Aad ae tliota two pure, »weet-voiced Udiea aaog to eaqalsiUly sad aa traaaporttagty, the -- ■ were borne away from the sta ll scenes of this world to that malm above, where atueto Is bet beirt-tbreb of happiness and or m^jSESS3fM bite af ■ Om With T*ea ef Mr. Jamae Tyson, the Aoetrallah millionaire, rose from the position af a ptowman. Ha commenced life ae a ; mower on (3 a weak, aad died worth MA.000,000. An through hte life ho raoealead aa loduatrtoui plowmen. Poor or rich, ha worked an day aad •very day; ba Dover pat oa a white ehlrt, aavor wore any hat the pUtem* otothee, never owned a pair at gloves, aad oavar ate anything but tha eeene, Plata lead to whlah la his poor days he bad beta aocnetnwed. Ha nevvi read, enjoyed aa amoaement. aad eought aa llUla ialaiaoaxae with hto fallow cree ls rae aa baelaaae permitted. He thought little aboat mooey, did ae* give say away, and did not eaek great ly to add to hte store, aad ha sever married. Hla oae Idas! was to make water Sow where no water was. to •over arid toll with grate, aad to *11 the load with good stock. Having hla whole tone ooo saturated an Uat Mat ones, ba ea mat aed ■engnaMj, aad boogbt. fenoad. watered aad stocked a*t3e after fatale all aver Aoatralla, took Imam of those is da af square ail lee, aad. whoa ha dtad, waa tha greatest (took owner la tha world, with half a million norm ia freehold, aad earn la leaetoald almost beyond co noting. _ . an wtriMOMPM hm Ortvlaa Ytlty Mn, It may ba a aditof of 0 Htgoyw feu tbortgfet lo publicly raeomnmtvl uy ot Iho varlooa proprMhry Mod lot ooo whlab flood tbo marfeot, jot aa a prrrontlvo of aoS*r log Mtol It •{•tytomrimd ward for Cbambortala’a Col to, Obotoro aod DUrtfcoaa Biaiody. Wo feovo feaowa and a tad thla madlotoo lo our family for twootj roan aod bavo alwaytfooad It ralbbb. la many eaoaa a dooa of thla ramady would aa«o boon ot ooftnr lag wfcllo a pbyaMlao lo a waited. W« do oot balwvo lo dauoadlag ImflUoMy oo aay modloloo tar ■ eoro. bat om da fectloro that It a bottioof Cbaaabarbia'a ioqoltod. At Wot thH boa ban oai npartoaoo doriac tbo pool twootj yoara. For tabby i. K. Carry A Oa ■oiLMiuauLr A Kivmui:!. --- *s» lam tarn, aaa. Charlas Brad way Bourn has boaatsd fur a number of years that ha was tha poataaaor of lh« SiMwt moouaaaM ta tha South. It was ersetad fay him la tha oaoMterv at «Vinohetter, Va-. at a coat of *15,000. and to fltty two hat high. But Mr. Sousa waa hot contest. Ua bought aaathar fifty-toot lot adjoialoc aad Chat. E. Tayutor, of Bcnedwap aad Fart Place. daalgn a maasdea to ba built alongside or tha moaiawaV Yesterday ba apprwad of tha pita*, and ha will bc*ie building at ooot. Tha aaw rtrartnia la to he it faat wtda, M taut long and 90 feat high. It will taka aora thaa MO tone of molts to ooostroet it. TMny-atx eJamni, •ash welg bln* urtr In tooa. wfll sup port tha roof, which wilt wa*gh about slaty tooa. Tha Interior WMIha ornd aartiaa aad onyx, with a glees winds wa. Than will baa with a aaorat passage, kaown at Mr. Boasa aad tha bdildars- Mr. Boat* tataada that hit body ibaU Us la this arypt- Tha aoat of this atawao Imta will oat asoaad 900.000, sxoUstre ♦flha haaTy brooat dean. rntmatawiM? naouRun naa, WhUa Um fum-dem ballot to uadar dlaeaaatoa it may aot to aaatoa la ma M— * aaw pmfoctlto toraatad by a toluaaaota maa, mm af a aa. It lab at that ayaata and may a aaa tand a battalioa of ! from tto foa who tba* _„_ Tba Maa ia thto: Than to a matUa tad taba. la wblob an anaapad. la a eoayaad a rdloa Hba otnar. aareral ttioumnd boatota ban. Wtoa k raaatoalba mib It ba rata aad tba toaa •warm aatladed aat dtoat thinn. 10 tto aaaraa af ttolr lanaUpatlaa they wlH aipnm tbatr aptodaaa ia a pointad maa nr, wblob to wanaatad to makaaa Imacaaatoa aa aayaaa la tto Tlolatty. Wtoa aaa or two data* boat •rapayiac aitoattaa to Mm, aa aaa to ■•tog to davato fitoorif ta kkatmot prlnelplM like the miration of tto aoaatry. Ha aaa atoato apngto aad Dom/oakwbtubaliatoanf/ta* a> troatd him and taka tba otoooM; bat abMdoaaaoltramaad Ito Ttotim 11 altcbta, aad atom ap htoafM forth with. Attar tto atnak, tba totally of Umbaatapiap Cocoa aaa adymamaad eaatmw wbatanr tbara la to to Ufcaa. Jt may bo antodltoi tto tost wil •Ull toaa hamflo work aa bath par* p&xrsstruiBi 5 hr to* with lhaaa «ua oart of aati baa •pparatoa la tto uatara af a am too. wbtob wM aarra both a* oaaontnnt aaddrtoaaa. At aay nto U la aattola that aftar a • warm of toaa bn toaa Uwt tbroapbtbaalr la aa toaa tato ■ad tot toon by tto oeaokto* of that tuto, they will to ia aaoaltont nr-Nh tompar. aad tto naa» win to Itoaly to aaa. ■SjJ8-gjg.agi.yTi la nuaomd tba* Boatoa p»opto an tba ml imrahoaora aad Umt Uny wlM aaoa tolld ttow atoawttfalaowaatol. m. a ifarfaMi ia «m. I* Ahmrwbo iMMtim hta buMoeM i« not Ukaty to mm). W«5s\ ,--»*«• M» pHfT Aft^twuftiSS gwra?«,ru?tS ^ssntvrsnmL s^iust21 —11 mikatortSSlftoldftSar^ml **'° abteauppoct. Thao, ttkatba Oatob • mm lath, alary. la* to* try t* toate ■wtf hiiwily, if haom-to aaat *° *'re to uSL^ZS^^S^Sgi glTiac Mai an lataamt la tba r*aMaerf Cl. labor. To tod to bl« latarmt nr. .Ida Lin with i.ltatoa book., duv mm aad papon, u« don't brnradm to* » wwllMraad holiday mS too. Th*. totoMOMuto