& >1 h* «c Vi •/**# *.Vi f'i % .»•< V# I $ II _ r ■ • WORDS OF WISDOH. Gather Ledger. _ __ D» not advertise and stop. But advertise and stay, Fsr those who saw your ad last week, Wm look for it to-day. **• ■* »•* Mac MU qotu otear; aad ■Mated that nqateMloa ba nadaapoa too ooataota of too atapto aad gnat twal ITU aa to Wia aeraa puyoHn a»l too oliabip, there te ao toatea of •tooaatty. Altar daaortbiap tha pro atoTawMate *** dMiM* “* bteata ao opnM by ul Farfctaa Md ttat It tooaM ha dpptod la toa water -to poll Kate! oa by." Haro te totef ntoiliat that too ncdini wonrw prnpitottor ahipa to a eUtoUj demo «atU loteitatloa. Thao ohm tha alr-ahlp Idea. ’•Ptehapelt [tteam whtoh takaa bald ef toe air aad draaa •tetef ateay by 111 nay ha aaad ateo tor ttabaBaoa.” OertateJy. ItwaaaDan MW U atleaaptto puD a ahlp lo tha water hr opmtlatr too aoraw la tha air. Tm proper rooalta la aoch a oan too aoraw ahoald ha taiaad In tha water to pan Iteatl oa by. Bat If It la la ha operated la tba air. than a bab Uaa la too thin* ta bitch to It. A bohaaa endowed wlU oacaatty ter aewlaa teaearaay. We oall apoa aU who an ate tor toa dadnoo of too toith to atead hr too alrtolp. No paper whlah, Ilka too Charlotte Oterwr, taadan tta botottelHy ta thaao tona tiooo of tha people, ter tka jmpli. aad br too peopte coo m be ante uUarlj wtthoot tha told of the orthodox or ever pit oeaght witbowt oowuthlut to pan ItaaUoa hr. teaoayar la oar Uaaaiiog toon that toara la yocd Tatoranalao aathortty for too ontonobOa aad UqaVd air. A pertinent loqeiry to Mdt by mmm om who eigne bitnaelf “Tax payer” to yesterday* Charlotte Otorr mt. To thooo who waat to kaow whok kail in i to toot oora, U wight ba dlttnsM to gtva sattafnetory exptaea Uoa, had that doaaat present the oaaa (row bastof tnteceat for as jaot the aawai Batolgh recently sold her 4 «r avt. street layroeeweat bands (or WU*- Charlotte's water bonds bear* lag • pw cant to tenet brought only MA “Tucpayn” asks: Wbytothtor U BaMgb'a credit better tbae Char Wdte'e f Why wan eonpaUtton »*» not aakad tor tor the Charlotte bonds f and otter troebtaaane letniimo While Oeatonto to not In any IwwadW ste^daagar o( basing bonds to asll, she tkto Wod; end It to aoTtee soon'tor m tn bagta toaratogttw art araotwOlog bonds tee tow. The earrsct swewen le “Terpayer's” question will wake **■ IMMW MMIMtl*. The YorkvUJ# Jfcpfctr if jeetsrilej Mteta a nuMt to ttw efleet that Mr. Thoma* H. Whit* and eeeeoletoa bate comefetid their deal with New York peCMstor (hottaaaAr of Um Carolina ted Northwestern rail read, aad that 10 per eeat. payamat * ' Monday Um^Jw Qn laet Thursday there waa a prV rate meeting at Hickory of the direc tor* of tbe read. Tba btenr eeya that Meters. KUloU aad White bad re tateted the direotore not to enter Into the eaeaal eiaetloo of aflems (or tbs resooo that each odtowe might then ta riet oa their right to oooUnne- te oOea for a whole poor, aad tble might eper eta to the embarmimiitofiSelataad log perehaeen, Meier Harper aad etteratoehtha view that by eBmeaae weald not do to* Ute chance*^oo "The faUereof White, BOtott aod ami ■tea tooomplsta their deal, aad oa der no olraamataneee tbocld the or Intel firm be allowed to go by default. After do* deUbaretloa. tbe direetere decided to net oaoa Ike sanaUmi of Major Harper with regard to the aieo tlea of odteeta. aad to paeea reeolnttee gyrldteg Umt so too* m Means. White, Bthott and aeaoolatee should •bow that they bed oontral of a majority of the aaenrillae aad Indicate iter daeire to take charge, the mea egeeeiat eWected by the p reseat regime weald atop dawa aad oak Thit u nipeiiil woo agreeeble to all eaa Hmm weeks ago York county was offered a (APB optkm for 1000 abaree of C. A N. W. stock aad later U.M0 for 800 aharaa. Hot* effete wore re feaei. Tbe Jfcyrrirrr mya that rather than taka the pitiable prtea that waa offered, aha will run tba risk of kmlag all her boldlogt. Such waa the -frrit km arrived et by tbe eounty board of MkhAtel at Ita fetal a the sotgeet laet Saturday. Bnhasq—tly tba buyers \__4 If they eared to make e new offer. Their aaawer by who was that they had e majority of the ■took sad no looger needed York 000*11% bold logs. A ULU inHlAL Thoxaivillb, Joly 18.—Tba » °* U* b<**4 tmataaa af Uia Thoetaarille Baptist Orphanage •atlB tba orpbaaa«e aodltoftaa yee tenUy. The moating wma an tutoaeaUy fall one, aod tba ooedlUoo at tba loaU tattoo waa toend to ba txoaQaet. All at tba praaaot effloan vara ra elected. Maay Important matters oama baton tbeboard. Tbaooeaf moat latportaaoa parlmpe, aod of tba gtaateat interest to tba paw to waa tbe report of a eoamlt> in appolatod to ooaaldor tba araotaoa af a machine ahop *a a memorial to tbe Iato John B. Milk, ao wall aad widely kaowa tbwephout North Carolina Tbo rapett to aa tooowa: ' -Tow eomioltUo oa tbo Mills me •1. That tbo ibops noomiaaedad hy tbo paaeral maaocm bo mooted ao booa aa ortelkml. “*• tSottbo ceoonl manger (at aa ^twata oa ooat of aoeh bnlidlngi aad amnhlniiy aa an oaeaaaary tor add Memo. *•*. That F. P. Hobgood aod John C. Searboeoagb bo taqooMod to appeal to tbo frtooda of tbo tote J. H. MUto Ibr—Bboek tba Mato tor toads to bolld aad equip aaid ibopa.” MUTOTU MMI. Vow Bitmno, If am. July At ■ Mtn| held by the Uoytend aad Balk aad Bout Sptnatoc Cotaoanlra, Um naaairy aoUwrlty for tka trmaa fbra of tka raaproUw proportion to tka Now KofUnd Cotton 7am Company war to tod. U oaok eaaa tka rota wan wnaalMOM Tka fawanatoa* property to capitalised at Morolban IS.000.000. Tka otorbholdaro will raaalro H.000.000 for Mr baldlaM Tatrrow, Mia. July 17.—'Tka (taokkoldM of Um VMBaakal Mill Bat tMo afternoon aad antkorlaad by n formal rota Ike UaaMbr of tka property to tka New Baalaad Cotton Tarn i that eaoaot be _ -rUKS'-.S Tbw aaltk tha Mall: "The Uatlm mow* of 7i di.wra.Ui Hgyaara harafiMaa ilnoa Tba Mall fatamad imMatfWy opon till land. *‘1U birth waa iypcfcrooona with tha MttMUeuenWM«*rou?ng*‘oom•**•■» eoarlnoed all 77° 7?*jrd.hi* V '**■■ l**** Batbo dlat ebaroh Sunday morning that be bad no aympathy with the kSooI of higher erlUca. Under tbo eutdeot. “fim Kingdom of Ood,” aa.ugpiud In Jobo 1936 and 87 verma Vr Dur Ira prnaelMd Jaaoa Chrtat, the Son of Ood, Um eoa of Mary, the King of the £»■. “* “•?> S* “• Um Savior of Mankind. In a mnnon foil of thought, power and forceful and Im pnmlve argnaeot be atueked the higher crittee and the laaeee of the day ■hick are making tbelr inroad* oo the raUgtoo of Jaaua Christ aa taught in Hh rwrelatiea to mao. The aernsoe commanded the rlnamt attaatlon. At night Bar. Plato Durham apeak* at Trinity church. After a f*w ief*r «•" to hle personal attachment ta I Trinity eh or oh among whom member* be On* labored In the capacity of aaao Mate peat or, he proceeded to deliver e very krelbin addrean on “Obrtotlaa Bdnoetio-« emphasising the idea that eollaiw aad equipment an tkeeaaeotlul ••quei* to oonveral on In order that ■aa may be In the hlgbmt and troaat a Uhrfetiaa. He deeiarva wis dem to ba aa truly a divine oharacter iatioaa goodoeen H* oiomd hi* die omiren with eulogistic nfrieuue* to Trinity Coll*** u*nRmMObWT*r. kk. ■•riy fneterday morning, about two Klim from Selma, one ai the Southern traae ran over the right arm of Prank aPrioa. a white man. completely aever I* fram hie body. He wee drunk laydown with hie ana aeroae the track. Herru fewad half aa bow latar ahd takes to Brima by aa aegtoe. Ba walked around awhile before Dr. Kokh eould be called to dram hie Then be won* to the depot and act teira. Be had not .g when ai lb 9 ■r. u __rnt Utout the atreeT and a oegro oom'ag tiekgbehind him with hie ioet arm.” Mt. Hollt, Jodi 17—Obo of Um W bm of baF erar mm oo Um 5?csrsi,S7l8g.*a Toflirmiff »^npn TioktiMi fM by a mom of K to & Madlar aal WbMo (•naad Ik* hatury for tka flatter*, •kBa Mbcftwd and Ftt* dM Um work tor Tuakaaaawa. Moat OiMk't pluhar dnak oat L wbila Tookaaaag** iwtria* *Wad 11 AMtlMT g»BM will ba wad at a aaarly data. f|T ft ft. tit Took. Jaly 11—Oaoty* M. VaiaaUaa, aaakiar of tba wmhIiI MUdteau aaaaty Bank, at Fkrti Aw boy. Jf. J.. WM oat MO* la UiddWMX 5J*a*y oowct tnday to ala yaara la tka gw /may Htat* w*toltMtlary at «1w. Yikillia yUadad aoa foil tolkaakarga at laraaay la ooocmUon MM.ia.UdMr. “rrfnTT Boron* Oraa*. at Wool Point, Him , gi^tsass.si.'WK Halfli. Mr. Obm la at |mmI at Oaa Wa atm ha Id Walaa tka m« '—- at# uitac okaraa Mlyyl lawWab E* k*a idratad Mr.***! Mr. U. Fartwr PybBMewiU (wlk rant!— tei» •k- ■'»"* »»-"«> OhIMi (liMire. WasnuioToa, July 18.—The foi low leg la Um Weather Bureau's weakly summary of crop ooodttlooa: Tim ab Mooa ot tala om a targe part ot Um Golf aad South AUoollo States has ia taaalfled lbs previously reported drought conditions la last eeclloc. ■ora particularly om tha Interior portion or tbs Central and Kart Gulf States aad midala Teonomae and the western portion of the Carolloaa, while axeaeaiea aad ooaUnuoos raloa om central W laoooali) ha ye proved oafavor abU Om a large part or Texas, In eluding the greater part of tbeioun dated legtoo of the Braaoa basin, there baa bean aa almost total abaaaea of rate. The Braaoa bottom lead, how ever. a re sot dry enough for aultl ratine. In tha booth Atlantic. Central and Bart era Quit Sutra, I Deluding central TJuoeeoee, southern Mines art. and Vlrgiuia, oorn la •uttering from drought aad baa talked rapidly daring tho weak in Georgia and Um Carolloaa. upland oorn la North Carolina being damaged beyond recovery. Tbo winter wheat larva* oooUnuee, whom (indniahod In tho Chore northerly mctlooa to Um eaatot Um Hooky Mona tetea, rate* of the part weak having do layod harvest teg la porticos of Wle eoaste aad Michigan. Harvesting baa began In Umatilla oouaty Oregon. Oat barveet li waU advaaoad la Um oeateel vallayo aad MkkUe Atlantic Btataa and la tha more northerly see Iona general toudlUon of tbo orop la protnloteg. Tbo gourral oondtUoo of ooiloa Id Um eastern portions of tho cotton bolt is lorn favorable than la the oreoodlng weok. duo prtaoipally to Um prevaleooa of drought eoodllliMu, and in part to the ravages ot insects. Tha orop la these diatiicte to, however, well outli ve tod, a considerable portion hiving bam laid by. In Missouri, Ark sms Oklahoma aad Texas, except in too re oooUy Hooded rogtoa and porlloui of Mtaamsippl. ootton has dooa well aad IU ooodiUoo is generally improved. In Terns lha crop to growing nioely. and aa a rate, to fralUog heavily. In south, west Tons the early cot loo la opening aad some baa bean picked. Owing to ooollnnatlon of drought la Tennessee tbs ooUook fur the abort aereage ot lobaooe in that 8kaU to eery on prom to! ag. la Kentucky Um crop previously reported aa in aa unfavorable condition, haa been greatly Improved •‘T taoent raloa. CatUng aad curing continue Id tbo Carolloaa under very favorabla weather eocdlttoae. In Ohio tbo crop to a cm van, hot la Indiana aad la the Middle Atlantic States and New England States tobacco la lo axeaUant ooodltloa, a considerable acreage in Virginia being oa “top.” — — I tele • «MIII ■M4.M ■stl-aito WxaHiNOToa, Jaly 18.—The Navy Department baa received Ute Oral half of aa order for 100 new machine geos of a new type, lbe moat powerful iu lira pom reel on of any government- They areona-poeoder*; dairying aa rxploatve shell and can fire 930 shot a a minute. They arageooled by a water Jacket and it Is said that they ean pat SO shots in to bead of a barret at half a mile in a quarter of a minute. It la said that the knitting mills at Raleigh will be enlarged and that ma dilare for maklag Oner goods will be •Med. GASTON INSTITUTE, GA8TONCA, V. U. J. P. REID. Principal. rtLiexra onn aaratT.inrr. a Graded department from Primary op, preparing for college or for practi cal life. __ Commercial, 11 osteal, and Art Departments. _ For partloalar Information, addma tha principal. Hale of JLsand. larMMtT ivnct Th* dlMtatlto at Ik* On* ad Hoi land and Robdaaoa laakat It wmtaiy for all aoaMBti do* tb* Odd dn» t* b* ad Jutted at tb* tarlVM potriblt day. Ptoaat gif* (hit you ltaiaodlalt tuw< llna at th* ofBot of J. Q. HoUaad * Co. J. Q. Hotuta J. Lmm lomoi. Jody 1*. 1DW. iaiiaa* atatilotdm at roam i n* l». Moll** It bfftbf glfoo that tb* ptrUMrthiB h*r*t*for* rxlatltf b* l*o*o J. Q. Hoi Usd and 1 L Uebdt •O* Iwt tbit day dltanlftd by nttotl e*aooNt. Tb* J. L RoMotoo •Ithdrawing frnat tb* Mid tra. J. Q. Bouum. J. "L. Rottvmr. Judy 10th, Mg. itelabtraMr,i Mtlee. PROFITS HIT HARD1=^^ During the next two weeks our special cut prices in_ Summer Clothing, Ladles & Children^ Oxford Tien, and Straw and Lliien Hats will knock the breath out of profits iu a way to make yonr pocket-book smile. If you don’t believe it, try it during the uext two weeks. You won’t mips anything, either, by coming qnick. _J. q HOLLAND & OO. uo to CRAIG & WILSON, GASTONIA* N. C.* FOK Wagons, Buggies and other Vehicles. “A Good Nerve Tonic.” Use “Allan's Celery Compound with Peptonate of Gam." For a Summer Tonic and lor nervous disorders we guarantee it. "'I'ToiLEr'sOAP&r* Our 5 and 10-cent line cannot be beat. La Tones, Savon, De Violette, Row and Crushed Violets, etc. Watch our window for the above articles.., J. E. CURRY &. COMPANY, Prescription Druggists. Let Us Call to Your Mind The notice given 60 days ago that all silverware tickets must he turned in for redemption by July 15. two days remain I Hurry along with them. See Our Line -OF White Counterpanes at 75c—$1.00 and 91.25. A new lot just in. and they are hemmed ready for use. We have Summer Corsets from 25c to 75c. See our 50 cent window Hats. Another lot mosquito net at 5 cents a yard Yoom For Burinbm, THE NEW YORK RACKET. DEAR READER^^. are yon Koine to make a trip to the mountains or seashore dur ing the summer months t If so yon should not fail to provide yourself with an Eastman Kodak Always prompt to act and sure In results You press the button we do the rest. Kodaks from $2.50 to $35.00. ’ Pull line of supplies. Kas-’Speclal attention given to mall orders. ,,!?23h^vTORRENCE, The Jeweler _•_ OXFORD SEMINARY, OXFORD N. O. Fiftieth Annual Session Open* August jo, vAoo Fuiltlti IieruMd, Ctofa Miot4, Mthttil RctntdtUui KiUriid, *»» » -«»—■ vim um ASn nnu...- mtn *o» UM»»t>i»4 iiffij iii.■•••eeis. Real Estatefor Sale 1 —^-i 1—i—m -ii . r.\. I .lift f«r Ml* U» provwrtlaa la or Mar lha tnan of OwtoaU: Two three-room Cottages. One four-room Cottage. Boftlnem* lot (50x200) next to City Hall. My residence on corner of York Street and Franklin Avenue. And thirteen acres of land. Call on Mr. 3. P. Stewart* In my ibctoce, for price*, Ac EDGAR LOVE.