THE GAZETTE. TMtmi)Ay.jtn.T m. m*. B USI NESS LOCALS. AararUmsuota Inmrtrtl la tMs autumn it M onai tat (or ftrw Insertion ua4 teeaU a Une tor ceeb Uiouruoa Bil&r. LOCAL AFFAIRS, —A Ore oompeny b called fur. —Warm enough to to dooe laying by crops. —It you ba?« a plaoa or mii share it with tto newspaper man. —Two train* eocoeamodal* the big Presbyterian exonnion to tto Cliff* to-day. —Work on brick and (rams build ing* doeen’t proaeed In a whirl. Nei ther labor nor malarial Is too abund ant. —TtoSouthern Railway Is putting down Its big rails. The depot baa bean Jacked back Into phine and ether Im provement* made. —Clover and Oaatonla Midget* took a whirl at each ottor oo tto local dia mond Monday afternoon. When tto soar* stood 11 to II In favor of Clover, the vlelUng boys fall out with tba um pire and walk'd off lha diamond. —You tot I Tint was a gain* Cliswedy abends between lbs colored learn* of Klag*a Mountain and Osa lon la ou tto latter'• diamond. Boas Sutton umpired and lb* game went 83 to U In favor of G a* too la. —The store-room uuw oooupled by Mr. Jobs W. Moon baa beau rented by a Mr. Duokar from Spartanburg who will open a grocery about the drat of August. Mr. Moor* bat to light out the fj-aod-10 cent store end will move to It. —How eaa we avoid takings to tu rner trip to tto mountain* when people write auoh tempting new* I* Mr. Jocm Andar* doe*. In a not* to Tn* G*. xwmbeaays: *'We am bavtmt 8o* a*Moim and crops are good. Apples end berries ptanUfel. Xtoa cool weather and very little sickness." —W# acknowledge with pleasure re ceipt of an Invitation to the S7tb anal remarr and pkmte given by CbM. M. Btleff, the great Baltimore piano man ufacturer, to his employees. It will be given at 0»ri*y Park July Mtb. and tto concert and dance music will to fnreiabad by 8H*nwa)d,«; MlUUry Band. —The editor lest week took a day tltee Journey to Wilmlngtoo, traversing tbe state almost from tbe mono Ulna to the aeaooaet, and we are oowpatted to ■ay that we have never seen crop pros pacta poorer. The dry weethar nau to tie getting la iU ruinous work all owr tbastaU. There la a dearth of rreltaod vegetables. —In tbe Hat of q neat Iona to he eon aideied at tbe rreabvterien Sunday Nobool oooveotlon In Dallas on l be first Thursday In August are tbe following: How many books In Old Testament f How many writers of New Tistamcnt? Who bought tbs first reel estsU meo Uoeed In tbe Bible * Who wee the first High Priest 7 Who was the Brit female ruler mentioned In the Bible 7 How many of them can any of onr readers, old or yoang. answer off-bead 7 —That area a great game In Char lotte Taeaday bstween the two ehata pioo ball team, Mountain Island and Statesville. The Observer devoted e column aad s quarter to a red-hot re port of It. Mountain Island won on a scare of 0 to A Parker of Mountain Island U evidently a pitcher or mote than amateur Importance, as he seems to poesees art, 4loam., and endurance, qualification* which Invariably make It Interesting for the people who stand op before him with a bat to tfaelr hand. Tha two teams taka another whirl Taeaday weak, at Statesville. * _ Martina a* Maw* Cmfc. Wa an requested by the pastor, Bav. G. M. Webb, to annoanoe a meeting to begin at Long Creek Baptist Church on the 5tb Hun day In this month. He will be assisted after that data by Bov. W. P. Watson, of Qastonta, who will re main during tbe meeting. It Is expia ted tUt tbe meeting will bold a week nr ten days. SlatnlMlMbMSMi. ~ After an Ulnaaa of two weeks with fever. Mies Lexloe Hollaed died late Taeaday afternoon at bar mother*! borne near Gaatoola. aged aboat 34 years. Kha wa* a daughter of Mrs. Margaret Hollaed and a sister of Mr. Kook Holland. Tbe burial took plsee at Olney yesterday aftereooe after fneeral services conducted by Dr. J. O. Qeltoway. Mr. Mam M nabIWiae One of tbe bast k sown sod most eeb •tenUml etUsana ef the county wm taken away when death Maimed Mr. James Rankin on lest Thursday, Both oar McAdaweflle and Mt. Holly eor rmpoodeota saeatloo tbs aad eveat. Hs was tbe son of Ool. Bleb Reekie, who la the oldest dilate of tbe ooenty —9S, aad also the father of Mr. Jno. O. Ben kin aed of the late Bd. Rankle, who was tbe hnsbeod of Mrs. L. A. Reokto of onr town. The bereaved end sorrowing Oort have the sympathy of eMthetr frieoda._ 1 ^AtawUtalTtaooof'book wort bM baaa don* )• Um "Hiwonr *od Boooanir of tho Proebyter >ureh” of Oantoata, • oopy of wb m boon Ml m by Um te«l km to euwii of dlo UibaUotj. It bM 88 ilogant printed an. UabS teoroa am boood botwM ty wblto oomra, tted with n nflt oord, tbo Utlo oa oornr botagnmOoneed to blon after n pretty engraved deetgn. Tba tetter prnae glroa a btetory Kl«r« Ownou* uanrrar. Cosoobd, July 14.—Tba (mm« tkU attaraooa Utwaaa Uaaoaed ud Ktog'i HokatalB r—Mad la a iMWl for tba TMltora. Tba faataraa of ika gam aaca tba bo—ran —da by Jabaala fargt—«, of tba rMUag laaan, aad lagraad. tba bo— taam. Tba aoora waa 14 to 4. Tba ga— to-morrow or on tan to ba of —ra Intaraat, aa Mr. Millar, thaooaatrr—a. will gn la tba boa far tba ba— IjMl. ~~ ac— wawtbb *f a yoaof lady wbo baa bad aaaaral para training at tba State Mar—I Oallaaa at Qiaaaatara, IV. (;. AOdraaa Tp* Qa»TT», O—oola. X. c. Meet Meat'" e White Front Fountain.” Pure and Sparkling Soda Water la Our Specialty. Ours is the drink that quenches thirst. “What shall we drink r What flavor? Lemon, Vanilla, Chocolate, Ginger, Pineapple, Strawberry, Orange, Banana, Chany, Peach, Grmpa, Claret, etc. __OUR FOUNTAIN APECIALTlPfl • _ Frappe, Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda. Claret Phoepbate. Orange Phosphate. Lemon Phosphate. Cherry Phosphate. Grape Phosphate. Pepafa Celery Phosphate. Fruit Malto. Lemonade and Coca Cola. Oar JoicM are the trait tad pmervodl wHh ■Ufar, which retain* aU the ■•aataral Savon. . A. w." what ate? , _ . - l H. KENNEDY a XOMPANYMSt Phone 84. UP-TGMDATE DRUGGISTS « P *h~WC kCCP Sla* C*1U tnT °r' C’ R AJ,,,,W Bnd Dr* J- C. Whiuride. fvacfc h»TVp«ratt" j County Correspondence, | Weather dry hot health good. Mias Paulies Smith, of Sooth. Caro lina, ta visiting the family of Mr. J. W. Abernathy hare. MJaass Sanaa and Oeie Oo«n well vIaited la tows last Saturday. Mr. H. S. Adams and family moved back to their torn a fow days ago. His termer got scared out by too drought mad moved to a ootton mill In Gastonia, so Mr. Adame bad to taka charge of bla wop, Mr. Laban Ltaebargar baa gene to Tryoa, above Spartanburg to work express baetneea during tba grape ship ptOg HSJQO, a M. Bobtason aed family. Hall Hand, and Artbor Laubardt, left tola morning tolota tba excursion in Cbarlotta for wtlmiagtoe. Will ra ta rn Prtday. Mlm Merit* Roafialt mat a day or ao la towo and loft Monday tor Grover, to visit bar stator for • few dayi. Aa exleoatve junk dealer from Savaoeh, Ge.. la ban buying up all ton old swap Iran ate. from Bpeeew Mu. Mill, and Mr. Henry MeAdeu from tkooMLUetegm-MIIL Mlm Brwia Itobtaaon and Master Lynwood ere off on a visit in Meat leu bars Monty. We ere exceedingly sorry to my Mlm Shelton Well* hu returned to bar borne la Ltnmlulou, end will probably not make bar boms In Lowell any non at present, at Meet. There seems to bo some attractions In our town quite recently, tor some young Qaatookane. We are glad that something cell* forth a visit from tbemooMlue while. Mr. J. Aloexo Groves la here today oo bla way to Washington. He stopped over to am fats father and fan • Or_ Mount Holly. It takes Just two negro moo sad oue negro woman to cause ML Hally's lighting blood to bile-, end lest week's fight wee no exoepUoa to the rule, ex cept there wee a jog uf whiskey, a couple of taxors and a 29 abort added to the list. We have found out since tbit a red striped dram presented to the other fellows’ wife was the eases of alt tba trouble among tba bvatbsrtac and (Uterine Deputy Sheriff WIDIem aou soon brought tba offenders to justice. After the husband la the ease was convinced that the streaked kallko frock eras prametadfrum purely obariteble motives ha wanted to stake bauds ever tbe bloody cfaaam sod s’oslL But the Squire demanded that all fines and cash be paid. Mr. lamas C. Reukln, om of ear moat eoeoeeaful farmers, died of ty phoid fever last Thursday. Mr. Ban kin wea a stockholder le tba Nlme MTg. Company and was om at the directors. Ho toevea • wife and one ■or, Mr. John O. Bukin, of MoAden vtlto. Dr. Eddie man wea able to walk to tba drug More last Saturday. Mr.K. A. Cauooo ban bought out tbe "tlr* limy stock of Mr. Gee. Davie. Soma lew-down scoundrel who would be a disgrace to too prison walls of Afriea, mrlssaly out e fine saddle botes belonging to Dr. Itoyteone eight teat weak. I Harden Happenings. ! Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo U It I that “write all otar my paper T’» I think sot. though I ntj bo dadotaat la ouay other porUcaUra. Bar. J. P. Morris la daadidUd at Ua home laat Friday of typhoid tarar, leavlog a largo family. Ha was a (altbfet Baptist mlslotm. W» trait •ome oos more able than this poor •orlba, will write so obituary worthy or tba mao. Mr. Bobcrt Friday, son of H. T>. Friday. Bao., Urary law with typhoid terpr ul Mood polios. Tba thrseharmaa orer bora eapret to eUao up tblo wook. Howard A Co., will than boro about 9,000 barb Mr thrashed, ao they aoy. A young mas aamod Ar sat roof who attended to tba aaglao or tba Howard A Oo*a>, tbraabor got hU hood prater badly brulood op yesterday wblia tbretMog at Mr. H. /. Horla-a. Tba water wagon barfcad too qalakly aad eaught btm batwaan tba paltey and aragoa. Look out bayr, than U dam gar about aay moahlaory, aad more ao wfeao two by loam, Our tarmere era now badly dlaooor agrd oa rooouat at tba teag motlaoad Tdr. Lea Friday, ft, U ooneldering going to tbo nigk Shoals to hoop o hoordiof-brjiwa aad tkaraby Uara ate farm. Oeam tba aoteoa mills wM ba arawdad tbte wlater. P R. FALLS, DBKTurr. 0 Arrow I a, . ... H. C. aaw st»» a»»»i a nmw> tt«w. MaAdrorHte, Mtb-ffth at aaak month. (Jterar.HO., SStb-SOtb at roah month. | Tte Sawn* amaa Mr amr an frianaa. Mil mm town frees Mount Holly Ml win moo to oa __ those towns—a greet Tto patients who while luck an etU) Improving, and we Qop# to am tbra ill ow aooAv MaaAat Hnfae Me Aden waa able to ride eat wttk Us pbntates, Dr. U V. Mine. WiiSSfiL*, u» M —*i-at J. IL BaM A CeL’i toa ioaa to BaUaaon to tto Maryleod uotvanUy Hospital aad will to wane mveral weeks. Mr. tttootd has toaa very naweH for aeaeUaar, we hope to hear of bia oomplvta waoeevy aaowT Miaaas Mavgaast Ward aad Data Sater, of Obaitotts, apoat last weak wttk Me. Bk H. Bay aad went to Gaa tuala Batariay rveaiog to visit Meade Ltom MlaaasSoele aad Loans Bat man, of Gastonia, wore also Mrs. EUy'a goasta Saturday evening. Mtee BoaMe aod dare Holland are vtekiuf their shrtar, Mrs. O. Boyoe. Miw Greet Powell, of Lenoir, la ipaadlag a few days wttk tor Mat® Mrs. K.W. Haaro/ Oa laat Tuursday Mr. Jao. O. Itu kin waa called to (to dralk bad of Me fattor, Mr. Jama Baokln wto died at Uia bom aaar Mount Holly aad waa buried iu tto Mount Holly cemetery Friday. Mr. Toaa Ttomnaoa Is vtaltlng bia brother-In-law' Mr. Jno. M. Braneb aad son, who axe atek with law®. Three of oer toys who have been sojourning at Leursos, 8. C., Maaan. Bob iilaok, Frenoo Oates, and Jama Wilson, came horn on a visit last wctk« Mr. Daa AternaUiy of this pteoe baa jute talatod n new dan for ito Taeka setge Mills. Mr. Abernathy la a oee Uaotor In tbla Has of work aod we understand that to lies another con treat oa hoods now. Mr. M. X. McAlister, a former ciU sen of oar town bat who now m»kn 'his bone la Ctooord. Is ton this weak visiting frteada and nlativta. Mr. J. K. W right wto has liaea taktag a ceuraa lu tin boalnan ooltege at Maaaa. Ga.. but who toa toaa at bona tor tto past two month*. U going book to flatefe aaon. Mr. W. IL Ktoriak, a popular oogt naar ad tto Boattorn railroad, wlthhte wHb aod two ekfidno. spent last week wttk him brottor-in-UwT Mr. L F. Mahay. nturaUg to their bona la Bpaaear Saturday. Mias Joaawa aad Min Susie Mabry earn oyer from Oawoord Saturday evening, on a Visit to ttolr btother. Mr. ITV. Mabry, aad rataraad bona this evening. Tto 8nt home reload watermelons wore brought In by Maaan. A. Adeoot aad Brevard Wilson, wto havwa Has large patob a abort d tetanee from this place. They are Mm ply del tel one and Mr. Adoook says that socm tramps have toaa trying torn. As tbla does aot suit tto owaera. aoaaabody la going togstteek over them. Mr. J. G. HowMl waa salted by tate taiday atoning to bte father’s wto is very atek at hla boon M r. Howell-a wife an /vyvyyyvyvwtfywww^vMMtA Old Purnoot. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ Tb* MM Ml Or—ad !M*kM will oo—oftM Batted*? UM 9BU (ML at the Mack tear CoL B. D. OraaeodV a—*l *whw wfll b* o* haadaode goaoral Mg Um te expaoted. Mnanr BMMnSim ah ~H**»*g Mat Friday. Mr. ted Mr*. Rargto DaUlajtar, ad Bahteod^ apaat late Friday iifebt at Oapi. tea* B. 8#u; aad daagbtar, Miaa II*. of aaar Liaaalatou. made tbMrlwMa irhh hi* daaabtot Mrs. f.ftOsass&irsiss: Sfasctryshara doa*a*ifargtet**r*(te totte’uacoh^ taa bir rtxxa goaatlo* M tlaaa. At Ua *MM Ua* *M* Ml*. Ifarta aotar totted bar taaato. Mr. T. W. Umm blMMmil.rhaniM tteaaaw Tba Doubt# Brook Bailer MiU Ua. *»t» raoesarrd half of tba aNUbosaa, BREAD AT VHOLRSALE. laee prepend pet oedp to aappip tba retail trade with l*ker’» bread, tort, the wtioteeale trade aleo. X can Alp promptly to all potaU, and aoppty broad that la fra* aad all ri*ht to every reepeec The ordere or the -tmlinli trade solicited. tor rap "Hpe aad let lira” WnJUAMHwnfrlra!' H«h> You r A Mnci Sell Your LAHUM k' t I i J r » : * < -+-The Pickling Season-4 ** now on. Good hooacwivm arc pupatig far tin winter araaon. Yon need tin beat vinegar far pickling purposes— you'll ftad H in our "Blko"—pun apple vinegar, four year* old. And you a noed whole mixed apices. I have the very beat In j and ro-evot package*. Fourteen kind* of •pice* in the amnstat. • Agent Aar “Patterson Wooten Ktltet” tteiMn taw You'll want gn JOHN C. MOOHK.