I! ; : i ■ i : i J c. i r H ■ f. f ■ i i ! 1 « b v « . * S' ' ■ i ■ - >.,a°lVUd tba Irak ud took too fco* train leaTlag. with tba package of ■°*»r white. &S^mt JJJ**-, How, pot yooiaak to ny Site StfuTKt Sa.«‘LSi ogoa the package ootU i*Zmoo toord ?-«?—* Wfc <**■». m« tko. SSSSSSaSFtiS ~glf—r»»*t>? tetoftwo tbodtwi ■otifylu* Ba tbut I oaad not bother to SHtwIwoMo1 "bnmoi 52* te S£2L£L*““****** tW«f«^rtte%S*thS "SZfU? Mw.}*>i*y oooldbo tnuood. It tkoy never cum teS|lUKow.,*l tpfwl to TOO, kr, If that *ort or UaetSm W0MMtte00fbtOWk»aMw.a crook ^Ht got out bora,” woo all tba oflorr » Tko Mnd legal oolakwo concerning too oooatKaUoooUty of tko propootd •aaodMot ooo trad lot tko report* — --*■ til* Motion. Tbo otoot kora oro thot wtn dtafraoohloa tko *“ - ^ » H- * toot 11 will-Jt a**n> but trill ooC torch tba Kant wbite moo. And tboa tboy arocoo tradkrtlog tbair own omwenta. Tbo sa^is^iirsfssii teeaoa^ tboy ololai tbo aweodMoSt wM pMtba orgre oot of poHttoa. bat *?*.*•*» to* ’toko MOO. On* Data. oa toaotfakarteo arttb tbo ocgro, bat OUfraorklao tba poor D*woaratW wbUopMoia. it woold bovo boon al Too Mot la tbooo bleed repebtl oaat bo boaast aftoot i. -aaM to bio wlfo •Jana’ boot agoad a wko down adrar Uao.-- Tbo wtfo wbo Ip a buaiaoM wo mow rekW, “Yog old pooaa. I laorood MtUr loop ago Uuw to wo Jtote* I woo oot larHoA You would *• aa old baoMar bow if yoo bad oot forked ore to bo yoer wife. Oatob mo ftoag to o kora wlUaatao lorttatioaT I COM* oot," ■tewterate Uuoogh »fe'‘nk were (stag to a Are. . Jtewy.W-gtra. glra.” “get gat,” tonpwted day fay day, aad do aaltar wWtUerrapoaaa Ua 07 la again ■ttand. K would faa wall If Ua aaa dCCUaaga woetd naUa that it la not ■aaawanta ha racy rich. "Toeweao —» tolloriooa, hat bayoad that wa ■aad not aant to go. The bead with a orawaMtt tenet the ealy “uaaeey” ■aa. Tha baaiatas bordaaad ataggaia beneath tha ogpraaaira lead aadwhaa ha falls In Ua struggle toe a hattar aua Ua doaton cell U -heart ftsOMa.” What to that vietorv worth whtah oeoeas tha hrart to fall f sixty raftoeaa boar la too fa*, aad yet teay Mt tnMftan aiMfuki foe Mleltr •atog. Start to tha depot IsJaato •tab the Iraki at an easy gait, aad ■raid indue log ■•beerttaileiV’ by araraa of a rush. Oat up a UtUe aailtar la tba norntag aod don’t toes your breath galea U tba odter. Take Urn te write plsioty ae the printer end gnati.ail .rmy ucdemand what you aa write Taka Uaa to took arae y«qr KUto dabU, aad not too a nob tiara io paylag Ibsra. Take tltaa to Ulak of yaar fallow araa, Me righto, aad Um rato; end aot to ranch tiara in hie abort ooasiage aad evil r*ke time to rat and eaaepa •tarary of aU dyipapttas. to real end don’t begin tbe Taka Uaa to road aad —-—1 aa wall aa Ilea. Take tiara to eWtudao kill oat Ua soltek spirit. Tkka time far thlakleg aad ee avoid blood ertag. . Qo dsw. bat oeward, apward, hraraawatd. ▲ steady gait aad you win “gratWre.”a»pera»orllo “hop skip aad Jaap,” aod too will loae berate. a£d (be doc tore will say yoa died of “been failure.” abode Trass Indianapolis among its aaaay altrac Uom boasts of the; abeedaoee aod beaatyef Ueabede traaa Umt Mao Its ■treats. It la raid that the eetharltlaa ban btcoral nsralira la eaforctag tbe lava far tbe proteetioo of tfaara trees aad tba ladtaamelta newspapers are werraea tbe eatdret. Ae watehmea aad gaarilaas of tbe public tamest Mb* protest against tbe naglaet of tbo tree* ead tbs lejertea «Mob are lafllo led apea tbara by earataro and ignorant panoae. Tbe Indians polls JTnu says: “Jet frKiranlly ones race tbe horms hKahad to tbe wagoae of tradesmen fbediog from tba graeo lessen. gnawing off tbo barb eoditeertag off tba limbs bur trees ara killed o? seriously u. Jared la tble way orrery year. Other attfca ebertab ead beve regard for tbair trees ead will not willingly sea them raatitatad or dsatroyadTu Brook lye. tar lamanee there te a tree-plastics soctaty which, self constituted. looks oat for tbo trees, and a day or two ago tba secretary of this society notified grocery men aad other tradesman who dettrer tbair worse that they may bo held responsible to tbe meat of |9fi0 for eaeb offense, whoa tbair driven taad borers to street trees aed permit them to foaw sod mutilate them. If aoraa eoeletT woold perform similar fnaotloos tar I ad la as polls It woeJd dswmve tba gratitude of tbe comm uni ty." If Ibe JTrwe oaa eonrsed In arousing tba pobho ooaaeleaee la Indianapolis to a batter regard tar traaa It will do a greet eerrioe to tbe city. Atlanta aaa net as oumy trees as it aboold bare, bat we ara oeglcetfo! of those that wo bare. We aboold here snob a society aa Brooklyn for pleating trees and for aiding la tba enforcement or tbe lews for their protection. Let us hare SMie trees, many more, and tat no aae that I boss who hays not enoagh areas aad fasting to reject a tree are made te do eo. TMm la tfc* vbH. TsysUswOs OSssrrer. reysUsTUIo ta said to be consider efata shore tidewater, yet tble Is net llurmlly tom. Ii oot of our ArtAdin wells—that of Oaatala Bay. oa Qtean street the tidaebbs eadtiowr regular ly with tbo stages of tbe moon. At blgb tide tbe • ewer flows with a •ooMdeeoMe i it at lew ttda tba 5“ «• * ■« drtbbta. though It “TCf ,u 6om Tfcle well ta eouMtbtaig over 900 feet U depth. wkiehleMH about owretore tleu shore tbo raw, so that the bottom ef tbe wall la about oo a lerrl with the surface of tbs as. Ja there some eabterraaeaa eooaea tloa between the era aad tbe body of water which lias under Fayettertlta at ■ depth ef 900 that T TbUtoVqu^ tlen tar tbe rataaitati. u2°%sr *** 9*Oaorgo D. WQUmTS M—toori.rjttok;, telM bow • rim wnanrio 6w Honra: -Mr writ toiUnHw Aftftin that riw mM oot tan mr la bd atom After ottof two botUto of JBooteloBtV Mn, too It woadortoUr kaprwnd nod •Mo to do tor own work." TMo tu |n(M ro q«Mkfjr i SSSTrw nres I j>fc2Z i to motto •lea that ihM tori I —** at. Lou* McpuMle. Praaalaant army Micara In tbkeoun try, uiweilaa owtaio of tbkr iZ •« Ua front In tba FbUIppi ace. aewa to dtflbr radkwUy with UendmlBletiBUca o^eaenow predicting that peace nay to “ Luaon aaaa befaratba aad of tba rainy taaaoa. Tbaaa oOoara, Iba aawa dlwetobaa flow Waaklngton Mate, are tnoltoed ?* to*toaa ttytt tba troabta la IbePhtl ‘^MaSjJwbgaayBaaaa aaafla* a ?*■* to iba faot tba* to tba edmiale i yytoal aawHttagaaaa to ao ttas 5 fieulo| a eall for Toiunlerra, toa, with tbeforeoat bla diapoeai, la ward tbo rvetoratka, of order. Thai admit that tbe dlfloattka la tbe Phli tppina altiMUon bare beea nodereeti watad, aad tear that twtee tba num laerailad for Philippine aarrlee will be Beaded to anbdeatba laahaa tlameal under Aguinaldo. AodwhUa tbo rapeakd remora of a^aoa law plated removal of Qwwral OUs front oonmaad la tba Tar But are dealedbytbe Secretary ot War.lt fa eaay to credit Uia **1*1111 fLal rumor of peremptory ordera to tbe General “at *yP«to*» daflotta nwulta ■cat apeedUy follow tbe opening of tba ncit dry aaaaoa. If, wttb the* lo ecaaaad foroaa than available, ba la ua aMa to traoqoltlae tba laknd of Loaoo. It will ba Imperative that a .trough if aubatllutad. Tba PbMppfa. to too grave to admit nf Hi ding at tbit late day. It woeM be weUif the itooor and Mutraeaa man!foaled by Secretary Alger in that official1. hatred Gen MUaa eoald be ao modlted or aUmte^ J*1 that MUaa, uooaamaod log General of tba army, would ba al lowed bla rightful authority in directing tba Kill polo,, ^a^lgn Whatever minor fauna of obaraetar to attrtbctrd to Mm, bla record aa a aotdkr abowa that ha haa anfatl Icgly bun renal toaverr military laak A Grmaral of tble aort ia aorriy Beaded In tbn Philippine.. Why m uTm?!*. bavZ tur ekaat to which bla rank—every P^|l of whl^baa^bean won by bard O. I. t. DeaM Oameti BMun. la Alfcuw. Jaurml lUara waaa acini LU Cl Nalaaaugto tea r r f!T a oiiaa.o p WAaaa mi waa la tk« t. H. V. Ufomm mrnm t. a. U IwOOMOV art* Mi c, 0. c HU aaai a In tar. «n A Mn,a aota, -U.AV. p. ■««&. rraulaiit. Dawxra Jaokaoo (dlagustsdlyj-Wliy M U dat K% always da IliUsat. no ac d*th moa* ready to tackle M book r Deacon Johnson— Wba.' l •’now it’s m do aamo principle dal Ir, slVrsy.de llttleat oo-wsootmt man dal's moa’ wady to tackle be* public questions. Mow Maioiw la AOvucWrtwu. Ballway companies are adopting aaw aad unique asst hods of advertis ing. aa la dacaeaetnrted by tba pobilea Uoo ia tba Four Traek derir. u» S|* York central Boad, of wbat la now becoming widely knows mad somewhat famous, “A message to Oantla,” by Elbert Hubbard of tbs PbUUatina Maysame, wfaleb Itself Is a peeoUar and interacting publication ae nMUag to magazlcMS of tba pretest TbU article la aUraetlng widespread attention, and has bean answered by a wrUac la "37u Mirror." published at •t8L Louts, andsr daU of Jons 1*. UM. an titled “A Mmaaga to Hubbard’ which gives the other skis of the Amex ‘°V° *■!*>?•• Tba Southern Raflwsy, the leading Soot hem syMem, mreadtng from Washington to u>a Mtsslsrippi River, aad grid ironing tba South, and tba only lias to ‘'Tba Load of the Sky” ■•ctloo of western North Carolina, baa ■B® Bw»ad a pablioaitoa cot of the or dinary. tn tba shape of an attractive boOUet entitled "A Night on Mouat Mitchell." by Henry Lltohfteld Weal, ana of the leading editorial sod pciiu oal writers of the Washington Pom. a inpor widely sod favorably down for the ahUlty displayed In Its editorial aad polities I oolamna This story la a de scription of an ascension to the vary top of Mount Mitchell, which Is tba k If beat mountain peak east of the BoekyMouautne. and 400 teat higher than Mount Waahiagtoa, apou which kos been created a mouuaeot to l»ra knw Mitchell, after whom the osoua taia ie named Xhe story is rapists with ioUrvat. and tbrttllsg m detaUfag a trip which ■■y ha takan by any traveler for health « pleasure. aad remind! one of Tlsl “age’e description of Lookout Mona when ha stood upon Iw heights ■Ml daUvsrrd tba fellowlug •ration. wMuh Is raprodoesd for Its graphic desertstlan of m toeetioa famona In history: rowiNgl WMMM MO wmy up, op, ■P. Stoadtof toon oc u*o Up-urp nto, I nw an Btotoa of l bo Ualoo. srasrttssi rzsrsrs. hot la too r iTiiV * wha* aw* to to I ho graadwt imam of tht* eoa, «Mto. Than f lAwtoaorr Hjdgo* too toMb aaalnt wblah tbo nd aillowo <* Vodoralaad Oeatodaraia eouraga mgid aag braha. TtonarathaMa tofaa af Worth aad Booth 0»ro Maa. With alnla of riatoa, ihara ta fwlady, than la Virftolo. At oar fcto, ftoaltSWn .MCMUwio, too pnaaaatotwa of wttoh yraaar JM»n »W thrill ogaa to ooaoo with Unaghto of talar aad daapaaatlaa aad ••M7- Loahlag wa* way, aad aay JjMnwa olodlor through ttojrafty, ^^t^illirM&r "V ao If UaS «UR. 'JrSf&KB MdM aod ao Uo Alga hat I aawv to il tor aa frow tha tap of Loahoat Save Your Money. One box of Tutt's Pill* will save tunny dollars in doctors bills They will surely cure all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio usness, a million people endorse TUTT’S Liver PILLS Out at TuMBd Hank.** McELREE’S Wine of Cardui It Wage h«U to the womanly orgeaUn, and health them meats well poUod nerve* cahnneaa wmogth. It letoneea womanly vigor and power. It toni «p the norm which nffar ing and dhenaa have chattered. It ia tho moat perfect remedy ever devieed to leatote weak woaaa to pet feet With, and to make tbvaj attractive •od happy $ i oo at all dranirfo. For advice ia an rwnrtrtng mo Itl direction*. oddrea, giving eyaip Wa. Tha Lodioa1 AiMwjDw Tb# Chattanooga Jtedi —--— TtoaT Profewlonal (Aids. ' Win. H. LE WIS, —Amisii.ATUf OABTONIA, H. V. Preetlers w be rarer bit aarriors are required, sod attends to all matters of administration sod-guardianship for bU cheats, without the locoorenleoce or e» pease of a trip to tba court-boaae Claoihdi D. HOLLAsn Lcciuat. Holland MILKS* ft HOLLAR B, •ms * MtiatLUM AT uv. DALLAS N. C. Practice la all the courts. A fit MMJWVM. -A TTORNAY-AT-LA W eASTORIA, M. c. Will prsctioe In the courts et Gaston end adjoining noun lies and In the Federal Courts. J. H. MILAM. A TTVRNAY-A TLA W. Gastonia, N. C. Practices In all the court* and glen* prompt attention to all bnsluMS Intrusted to his care. Office Central Hotel block, second floor. IV. H. HOFFMAN, —DMNTIBT— O AS TO NLA, - - - - K. O. W Office over First National Bank. Du. D. E. McConnell, —DKNTI8T— Office Upstairs lnY.M.U A. Iiulldlng QA8TONIA. ■ • - - K. C. ,1. C. WHITESIDE. PHYSICIAN A HUROKON. Dm hi* pnftaioMl **rTo'i Iho* Mm. AU oaf* hft with thm lalabtaui. ••C.*. JW«k*oo«*» SaKlh5n?m= Town Hah In OMOonl* no tin- ikird •"■——■ of Auaraat. ISO. to aooottnln tbo wiU of tfewtu* ofd-iewk of taWMi a. to M# liouir of rtS ■old botam ot tk* town top told purpoar to Inform ot oat non Ikon mi » on*, par non* ta, nod a* to twvpkat * m to par tka Pflnmwm of aakl bonhS tbaSt^m |V*£: on. ,8»°- *• .Th*J at Ik* a*M enaction tkaaa duly raawtarod and paalittnti voter*of ib* town of fliWnato wko kbah furor tka laautow of tk* aaMbon* with wfcioh lo tatablmk. oweicl or aurrOioat or otheren** noon and maintain a •Than pf alootrlc Satwa tbr tk* w of me town aadlta lafaaUtanta. and ikcMra-ta*! of a tai to pay Ik# prtnmpal of #M kooda aodth* Inaoraat &?ss^rsgn &2*u£i | “3 hwxlaaod Um i^^jrofmJStoffaaakSl W* a wilt oo wjtoek than be tbo worOa ’Akaloot Uaua of KJeotn* Uybtioidk. *“■ A Hat uu> of thamu Uarttr* ahoU hofrroo by pubHaaUon la tk* Oaproata 8a kCTTk. and.by poartn* at thror pubbo plneaa la Un lona of CkitoaU, fof UMy Aay« praaadlna UadayoftlwaaWo&citoSr^7 •no-A ▼»•» thori aball b* a new nadatra two of tk* mint rotodln* la tka town of O**. tee* sand tk* raadatrnlloa Pooka akall bo open at Ike Town Hall In Oaatafitaon tka lotar Maa ■ardoya next ymoadlap tba third Tuoaday In 4sSc*A,,R*t w. I. Prowl la heruky eppoia tad rrstmtnr; aad ho akall oo Um four Satar dayi nc«t nrarodtny thaaaid Hwdoa on tk* ik&d Tuobtar In Auaual, UM, taabaai laa tk* aaaaawpanili*a tom ikannaaoiof allta* qaallOn* rotan ofuur naa of Haw oil I a who *1 apply for ramatraiioa oo IPmaSddoyo. | •*. t, That aetl*« at tka a*M cogtamUoa of v-tnuta raaMap loth* town ofOaatonla anal. B» «♦*— ojr publication la tka BUPOU Ouam, »nd by poaalpf at Ikrn* potto* pjanea In OaiMiialn fur tktrtr day* ptnnaaina aka twain a ot tk* a Mini4lu« Vaafa «a Ika aald £mtrtk (ntiirdoy next prmwMn* tho third ygi ^rsr^poatv and Taaonaa H. Wntra *rr kwaOy apwotoataa Jud*e* on*. ■Mtftl^of aktetkm for the aald elaailoo to b* tnih» thhpat ii tcoinr. imp. | .£&•;J2S sr aars *iir?3}£S& i Ipanabar with tka raataarar aoaaad la aaoUao I tUa BfUtMMU, miali onaadllo Ik* tamed ot ■heation to ba bS ob ike tkar* Tat May ba bee!**, lima tba ka*r Hoard nt (Motion •hall oartrty to Ikla Board tbu rronla of Ik* ajaouaii aeoduetod by than * odor tk* author ity at Ikla unUnanae. . _ *( H. L«W» matron. inn. P. LOW (aery tap IVixak JtLPannaa. Southern -^—Railway. • . . TM . . . STANDARD RAILWAY OF THE 80UTH. mrn T*« nimt Um m ah nm. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CURA ANI> . PORTO RICO. Qtrtotly FIMIT-OLAII Boutomant ** on til Tnrouihand Looal Tralnti Pullman Palana Blaaplns Cara on all Nlsht Tr.tnat Part and Safa Bohad ulaa an Brara* If tfca lialfciw aad fan ara irnri* a aafa CaaalWtaaia and KapaaHlim laa.aaf, . . . IMI *o neui aaaart aoa fin tana, lam an nanaai. laaoaaafina, am a. l. vsaxas. r. a. babby, t. p. ap.ar.A, OaitoK, 1 O. Mwllft I. 0. ■a Ti'iaan •• Aaaaraa Baimtaaa IT MAN K H. OAVKON, U V. P, A Ufn. llaa J. M. CULT, Tmfu ||in a fir W. A. TURK. ^ Saaand WwiagM Asmt. NOTICE — 0»— Election anti New legtotratioa iSSsSSCiffir- «V'• .. r-n”r 1t>T '*** J* OTA Mi i man o< iba imJI,S52S^i.Vriwoi&bS -"i M(nni.loait, >ouowm« words •oUrlM AUT3s;,r fc«KVT.£i« ssla 2^* M»HJ» «-**v'*,nCm*iie uuS* Tuaw “11° Aiiaoa*. MM. lo ay lain Uw au of uia uS!t ”d «»!S4J5,^5oLl^rs^i S2& ft mm mm unarm. (or iAfm,iZSTS£ HaSlok and proWbna i ajalrsi orwmlrt anit> aoj aawsrarr for tba town, aim a. to lar.mra anowXMld bond* .U *»°- »■. Thai at tka aM elaoiian ihur dolr JEESSmT1 JS? SHS}u!Sa 'roCT7 <*>*• ><"» * °a««• words P P ba Bfrao br aobfioaUon S"tbaO saniais'oA asm,and krpoauajrstcbraa pabjkcstaor*mi ft: s» w'fcs’i.'a^F7 a*" •S&~j»aRarjs«sr»aaa:. nert yraa.disat to. ikird^SiTm a££2i* . f-. W, L Eiopi im Iwtobr ftoocin iwwSfopiit -a^n^wTM^JSl h,qV!f Lj>i,a- ****** I** who aaaJi apply for rqlinUon mi tho nai l -~.T* TbpfocjM of t bp pm im Mia. PSsftesIP d£5£ ComnlMloDer’s Ltni Sale. betaHr’i Ntdee.