, am ii - |,-,,, ,|M||, ,, , ___> __* "' • • ,V '; ?.s The Gastonia °*TOU< to ,h® Pmteotlon ol Ilona nnd tba latnaot* a) th Coast*. — —■ ■ -- — -" r-.-'-.r "-T—~raac±B=nagj.mj. i be—=-a==rr=-;-- - — --— , ...—a— --— - m _ Vol. XX. {soLI'“?!5JjrtUj GiAntonia* N, C., August lO, 1899. GIRLS AND WOMEN OF PORTO RICO. ruAMK a. CAKPKNTKB, IK IT. Lot'll IIKPCIU.IU. 8am Juam, Pun-ro (Uuo, July £>.—I »a« a quarter ot aa acre of pretty girls “it ulght. They were rich girls, well “ressru girls, any, by aod barge, ss nloe girl* as I hays seen this year. The moat of them ware whirling about lu I be muse* of the walls, aad l actually envied the Porto Hlcaa dandles and our unltormad military officers wlm held them la their arms. It was at a grand ball given by ilia awoll club of dan Juan. Tlia theater waa hired for ll>e ocoasioa, and the 8 in Joan theater I* bigger than any lu Washington. It Is a bulldloc of brMk ind stucco, which baiouged lo the Spanish Government, and which la now tha property' of Unole 8sm. It ha* a •tag* a* large aa a city lot. The or cbesUa circle waa floored over last night, ao that with the stags there era* more than a quarter of a acre of clear daoelug space. Tha floor waa cat puled aud cocoaout palai leaves were trained upon the walla. The three gallerias which ruo around the theater went draped with red white and blue stripes, spangk-d with atari, and American Hags were everywhere. The boxes ware filled 1 with rich Porto Bleana. and lbs girl* upon tbs floor were Um daughters of the iwelt people of the Island. No on* was admitted without an invitation, and the thousand odd maiden• present represec tadJLbe very top crust of Porto The men were of the same class, aad tbs srhola gave tee a new Idas or the twat of the subjects whom Uncle 8sm has sooexed. AAIOMa TH* SKULKS OK SAK JUAK. I wish (Im eorraepondeuta who bars Lose writing leltsre home to the effect that there la colored blood in all Porto Ktoaus could have attended this ball. 1 have nervr seen batter types of pure Tralles or Kpaniah. The complextioua ware all darker than ours, byt 1 oould sea no traits of the negro, aod I doubt If there was a woman in the room who had sank blood In her veins. It was » Caucasian crowd, and a remarkably tool-looking on* Hundred* of tbe rneu were ea wall dreaasd, aad on whole far mote decently dreseed than the women you see at the White house reception. Thera were many abort sleeves, showing plump, dimpled, white arms and beautiful necks. Tbe gowns were oot out low and inch aa were deeolleu were filled in with em broidery. Tbe oolori. with tbe excep tion of par lie pa half a dozen go waa of Uack laoe were aalatou pink, aky blno aud white All were of dancing length and nearly all were veil atltng. Take a Jump in joor Imagination frCas the United Htates tn Porta Bloo, sod alt with me In one of the theater boxes aod watch tbe crowd aa I saw It last night. I vent ore you have never acee e prettier light. What a lot of heaatlre are whirling about on tbe Hour below im 1 They are Straight and hleoder and every one is a brunette sot OM of UMb « iuiupr or overfat. Eesb la Just a good armful, and' they are all petite and exceedingly graceful. What beautiful, hair tbay hin, and wtmtalotof it 7 It I* u Mack'aa the patent leather shoes of the men, except where It has been doited with wodder and turned thereby for tlie evening to gold. IIow well the heir U put up I It la dnaaed In a knot Jast back of the crown, and la puOed oat a la pomps* dour, so tbgt jt makes the dear little heada of the maldena look larger. Now cast your eye at tbe faces. Are t hey not sweet ? They are foil of fun. but reflned. Tbay look like nice glrla, good glrla. modest and purs, aa I doubt not thay are. See how they laugh sod chat with their partners, and bow they keapnp with the dance throughout tbe evening. It Is only while dancing that they have the chance of being alone with their beaux, for according to Spanish on atom they must take tbeir plaeee by their married listen, mot here or aunts, who lot aa duenoaa. Now tbs dance la over and wa can observe them at rest. What pretty ay* thay have t Tbay are large, black and lion id with long lasbce and rather Ireavy brows, whloh are accentuated by l heir pale brunette faoea. mxrmurn wrrn tun >an. Notloo how they on their fane. Kvary girl liaa one, aod the keeps It al waya in mutton. hh# f*0* heraelf lima Umae aad than with a 1*1*1 of the wrlat throw* (be fold* of tho fan together. Another twist and It la opao la tha opposite way and aha la facing heraelf most eoqnatttahly. Tbeae giria oould toaeh oa a great deal In fan language. They carry beautiful fane. Roma are made of aaodulwood, aome of Irory, aod many are covered with One taco aod gauze beautifully embroidered and painted. Tha tea* Imre all come from ftmio, and llwy are ezaaadlawly aheap. You can buy for dd a furl which in Mew York would coat 188, aad there are maayfSS fane being need by this crowd Id the ball. Orar there on the oppoatta aide of tha room la one which enema to have bean made for the occasion, and which, I ven ture o*r*r asw Hpelii. it la a dainty Httle (blag, an 11n wielded by one of the pretie* of IM Porto Rican bailee. It ta of atlk In the colors of tho A marl can tag, *o made that the red, white and Map Aaebea out at avary twist of bar Ivory wrlat. You can aaa that the tatiar CUae of Porto Rican* are vary iwtrlntirv They are glad they are Amerfaana, aad will be good cltlaena. r.ar oca m:mmbu niau wWwam. Aa 1 looked at tbeae pretty Porto ruoaa giria 1 tbeogbt of lb* aenauUoo I hay woiM creaU among *ur young men when they yialt thw faabiooabla watering place* of the Ualled Butaa. They will be rotmtdable rival* of lb* asm mar girt*. Heretofere many of them have taken their oniti.ga In Kurnpa, but now uwy are talking of coining to the United hut a*. They J am taking lemons is English, and si llily several of them bava found hus bands among our army oBoera. I un derstand tbat Lhaf Ilka Yankee beans batter than Porto Ricans, and tbat they will prefer American husbands because American wives have more freedom and hotter limes. Speaklug of customs, our young man will have a great advaatage over the Mpanlsb beaus. According to the eti quette of Spain which preralla in Porto Idea, a young meu caunot engage In oonveraallou with his sweetheart upon I he street. He dare not call upon tor expecting to Sod her alone, audio esaa there Is a Dot her man paying attention to her. be la not supposed lo lotereferv. The Americans will nnt regaid the roles of Spanish etiquette, end at prva ent the obanoce meta to ha all in thalr favor. • social Lire jx sax iuax. I waa surprised to tea so many woman at this ball. 1 did not think there wars eo many pretty girls on the Island. It Is only at such times that we see the better clasaesof Porto Hlcan wom*n. They aeldom go upon the street*. They do not bang out of lbe windows or over ihs iwtoonlea. aa the South American girls do, and in short, they an very exclusive. It Is only a few that go but ,to walk on the plssa when the military bands play, aod you might be for moattii la Potto Bhm aod not know that H had a '’four hun dred.” . $ ‘ 1 hgJVsVt ing baiter dams of Porto Kleana are very friendly toward the Amarlcaoi. This feel log baa been ma terially bettered by the conduct of some of our a»my officials, eod especially by Guo oral Fred Grant and his wife. Mrs. Grant Is aocottomed to entertaining, and during hat stay bars aba gave re ceptions aod diantra every weak. To her receptions the Porto Ricans were glad to ontne, aod hero they met the wlvaeof lb* officers of our army and navy, and the officers Lheraaalvaa. Other Americans -who ware lo San Juan were Invited, and In Usla way Pleaaant relations hate been eel*ti lt shed Tit* wniTX nous* or ham joax. It might pay Uacla b*m to allow our entertaining. It would do muefa to teach the I’orto lUcaos American sraye and lo bring them In accord with us. General Hesry did not entertain much during his slay, but thla was probably because bis wife was not vary well. The Government psleee Is well adap ted to inception a. It is, you koow, the home or the Captain General, which came into our hands through the war. It la tn Immense building of two stories, having, 1 Judge, at least two score room* A number of these are now devoted to offices, but then la left much room as In Die Whits House, rfbd General Davis baa several magnlQ CWnt parlors. - ftoietiog uw palaoe, you go In be tween two of oar eoldlera and walk op wide etalrcase, by a ataok of r1flee,.paa» a mirror draped with two American flega, to the aecond floor. This la the llvfog part of Ute palace. Turning to the left yon Bret enter tbe reoeptioo rooat, which te ae Urge ae the ordinary perlor. and thacce peas Into the draw ing-room, which la about SO feet long, 20 feet wide and HO feet high. It it floored with white aod black marble. Ita walla are freaooed la HUo and gilt, and the roost la aimoet oorered with large m Inure. Tits drawing-room. Ilka Uie reet of Urn palace, la fornlahed ]aat aa It waa when tbe Spanish left it. TJncle Sam bought the furniture, loclodiog tbe ptaao, the Millard table end the car riage and borate, which our Governor General d rivet. The palace lo faot, looks more like a Spaniah dwelling haute than an American one. The cbalra ate of Austrian bentwood, aod they are arranged about marble tablet In Spaoleh atyle. Upon tome of the walla are ptetora of Spanish teens rv palated lo alia, sad aa yea go out of the drawing-room late the muate-room you pita brooxe etatuee Of Spaniah knlgbia lo armor on padaauta or Mack 1 particularly examined the piano. It waa made la Barcelona, aod ll la ■aid that It originally ooat 11,000. Beyond the musiu-room, It tbe bil liard-room, where the Spaniah officials erected the Ivory balk which OUT officials track now. This room haa windows looking out upon tbe palaee gardens, the bey end Morru Castle. From It you can tea tbe Caaa Hisses, another Government building, which a tends upon the foundations of a boats id which Ponca da Leon lived aeratal hundred years age. The palace Itself was begun Id tba Sixteenth UeaUry, although It waa not flalabed until 1848. now *na porto bioaxs livb. It seems Krtnyu 'o American! to hare the parlors and reception rooms oo tba Moood floor. This la tha ous toa In moat of tha tow os oI Porto HI. oo. Tha tlob people of flee Joan all Use lu tha amend atoriea of their hooata, tha lower floors balm flleso up to the poor. Oat in tba country tba hcnsm of tha rtehaat farmer a bare itore-boosea, granaries or eta bias be neath them, sad you hare to go up lone stops to get to tha front door. Tba average noon try bouse has no gleet la Itn windows, bat only shatter!, which open sad close. It la bnlH with a large living roots lo the oenter and bedrooms opening Into this on eeoh aide. Thom I* often a wing contain ing a kitchen with a water oloaat ad Joining it Bathrooms ars almost un known aad the sen I (ary ooodlUooa of •van ths hast lioasaa am bed. Tlie furnltora la commonly of bast wood, tha ehalr* being arranged all My •bout a table Thera It often a wlcher •ofh and some rocking chairs, but ne attempts are made at ornamentation la Lb* way of coty nook* or of wall deeoreUon. Tbe bedroom* an lilted out with Iron bads cart net oi Urn- with can vaa or with win springs, upon vhleb this ooaforU are spread for maUrsseea. Tbe mattresses an usoally oot loop •Dough to allow your whole body to lie oil them without touching the wire*. In my hotel ben In Sea Joan the springs either acratoh the flesh of my heals, or. If I protect my heals, my •boulder* have to (offer by the sharp wine between tbe aattrem aod the pillow. rng la it i a* aid sociwnr o. saw juay. Tbs Porto Rican ladles an now co operating with tho wives of tbe army and navy officers to Improve lbs con dition of the poor women of Porto Bleo. A ladle*' ski society bas been organised. This society I* noo sects riao, and It I* supported bt voluntary contributions Out of It* chief offloers is Mrs Colonel .1. B. Hoff, IU vloe president the president being tbe wife of the Governor General. It baa offices just ouUlds of Fort Han Chrlatobel, and holds inert logs twios a weak, at which hundreds of tbe poor women of Porto Bleo eoma for aid. It has now about 600 work women on IU list. They an paid for making elotbet, which *n given away to suob of the poor wbe an unable to work. They receive from IB to 50 crots for making drawee, and are very glad to get work at tbsee wages Many of Im won vemn arc Lea widows of offlosn who tool their 11 rat during Ibe war. Boew of lham oan embroider beautifully, and lhe Ladies' Aid Society takes orders for embroid ery and drawn work, paying tliate wo man what they reoeive. wlUi the azoap tloo of 10 per oect. for tbs treasury of Ibe eoeiety. Tills drawn work li beau tiful and exceedingly cheap, and any of our woman alio are benevolently inclined might get beaotlfoliy em broidered pillow Caere or oapkinaand table olotlis, haadkaroblafa and other Ihlogs by send Lag money to tha Lad lea’ Aid Hoolety of Ban Juao. The women hare already eatabllihad a free medical dlapeoMry. They also glrs many of tlie poor peoplo ticket* to the Y. M. C. A. soup kltebeos, where a poor mao oan get a dollar din ner for .1 cents. Hpeaklng of Ilia poorer women, there Is little chance her« fur a girl to make her own lirlog. Outside of school teaching or uetlug aa govsrnaeaea liters are no opening* wbalerer. Women are not employed lu the stare*. Porto Bleo li»* not up iu ttiladatea female typewriter, and the wort In the poet office* and telegraph oMoe* are doue by men. I see women In the dressmak ing shoos. The most of them ute hand •owing maetitnea, and I am told that they sew beaotlfoliy with the needle. The wages are snob, however, that the American dressmaker oould not live opon them. Hewlug women who come Into the boose sad tew all day from 7 in the morn log until it at night are pakl IS oenta a day, Inolndiog tlielr break fart and dinner. You oan get a fine drejs made for $2.40, and a lady's linen night draee, Inolndiog the mate rial, tucked at the yoke end trimmed wltb lace and Insertion, with bnitons aa desired, ooets only 45 cants This represents more than one day's work. Linen la very cheap bar*, sod the American women who visit Porto Blco At Uieanaetyas out with llceo under clothes, getting them for about one third the prions they pay at boms All 11004 or MtnuUarw vary cheap, aapeeiallr womeo-eervante. Maids get from S3 to 13 60 a month, and for this anon they will do anything. They arc willing to work and never strike. Soma of than am white and mim colored. Hot a faw oome from the neighboring island of at Thomas, Some apeak a tittle English, and all, aa a rale are clean end neat looking. Ordinary ser vant girls get from 0 to 7 paaoa a month or rrom 94 00 to 94.80. You nan tire a first class cook for from 36 to 17 a month, and snrh a eook will do the market log. WAIHIXO AKD WAIIKB-VOMIII, Tbr eook. however, will not waeb and Iron. Thla, ea a rale. Is done by professional washerwomen, who carry the clothe* to the streams and wash them In cold water. These Is no such thing as a elotbealln* on Ibe Island nod nothing Ilka aa American wash board or wasbtub. The clothe* are dried on the gram or hnng on cactus boshes or wire fences. They are Sprinkled While drying, and usually come bank beau tlf ally whit A The Porto HI nan wash tub; la a boa made of pine, about a yard long, half a yard wide and.about air Inc bee deep. It baa sloping * Idee, aed the women puts the clothes In It, dips It In tbs water sod robs theca betwreo her bands with soap. Sometimes she tilts the tnb snlnst a stone, so that hall of It Is In the water, nod then kneeling betide It oo the edge of the art asm, the rube and •wrote te wash out the dirt. Tf«M* ■Hahn la Wllhm. WBkmboro ChroeMv. We cat It reliably (lut there will Im a food many prmeotmeuta at next tarn of court afaloat road eaparrteon aod road overseen, tor xitowloc the roada to oootlooa In tuali a bad eoadh lion. There he* been vary little work dona oa tha road*, aad oow la tha time of tha yaar that work no than ahoyld ba dona. If ItM-owlBjt turf will not wake oar people uy on IhH road quae Uon, thro the »lrta* or atonaa taunt be triad. _______ Chaaaalaa WkM ramw. Mrek Hal HaraM. T. U. XoCtala la Verb*- obaaiplnn wheat faraaar Ian year lie h*d 90 aaraa la cotton and oorn. Ha aowad tha land lo wheat, Halahlac about tha talddla of January. Oa a ataall lot, about thiea fourth! of an aora. ha auh at tha rata of 40 boaboU to tha aora. Oa tha «0 aoraa ba wada UIS huthat* threaded weaiure, bat about l,00n by watfht The ooai of tba crop M rati mated at about half Ute aroy. COUNTERFEITERS(0 TO JAIL FIVE or THEM CAUGHT HI CHAR LOTTE. •* hn4 tin In IIm •» M-w* ik« rirui, to *•**-* Wmmam to* Maw into of to* Gaea -*•' ■*—— ■« a wtorlMlw. The Otern-cr void yeeterday of the arrrot Ibe night before of » gang of wbll* counterfeiter*—Mr*. O. R. Brarfweil aod daughter. Mra. L. Bra Oxmeot, aod J. E. Tally. J. H. May. nardand A. W. Edward*. The men, eaauiad, were committed to Jail Tbunday night, pending a pr*. llmioary trial yeatorday; the woman **f* kept under guard at Ut* Federal Court room. Tha trial araa bald ya*> tarUay la tbe court loom, beginning at 1 aod oloaloy at o o’olook. United State* Commlaalooar Maxwell waa a ml at ad by Commlaatoaw Had. B. r. Farcy, agent of tha Secret Sarrta* Department, was tb* Oral wit- . am*. Ha ate ted that h* lacalrad In iormallon an tba «tli of July that there waa eounterfailing goiog on la Char lotte, aod that b* arrived Lara on the HOU). brloglag with him Mr. J. M. Chamber*, a United State* depaty mtrahal from Aabaylll*. Oa Tboraday, tha 37th. be procured m warrant for tha arrwt of tha parties named abuva, and aaaroh warrant* far tha ptaailaaa of Mra. Brad wall and Maynard. Tboraday night be, la oompaoy with Deputy Hampton. Can atebia J. A. Porter, Polloamaa J. E. Gorrlaoo and Mamro. J. M. Chamber* aod Z T. lien nick, aa wltnemm. pro oaedad totb* roatdeaoaof Mra- Brod* well. Mraan. Chamber* and llaaalek •wared tbe boom at 9o’olook. A few mloutea after Baoolck came to tha roar Map* of tba boom and told him to enter, wbtoh h* did, aod waa Intro duced to Mra. Oxmeot. Tally aod Mra. Brad well. Ha (Parry) war Introduced aa Jompta Collioe. Mr*. Brad wall left Uia room io a few mloutea. Mr*. Oi maul and Tally tofarmad Collin* (Parry) that lb* naoaay—$*8 In all— waa mada on tbe Htb and 3?tb at tha bourn of Tally1* father, 90 mile* dla tent, aod that tha moulds had been broken aod thrown into tb* creek near wharolbe money waa mad*. Upon being aatad wby they did not mak* other denomination! than a dollar Mra. Oxment and Tally replied that they 1 a tended to make nickel* by tbebuahtl. Mra. Ounsntiald the coin waa all right bat tb* ring; that tba party to Sill* bury bad not aant material that aba ordered. Collin* then rrquMtcd Mr*. Oxmeot to call bar mother. Mr*. Brad well. Tbe latter cam* aud went with Cotlloi from the root* to the kltcbea arhere they talked for thrae-qiurta'N'br oa hoar. She raid ah* had no thing to do with Uin making of the money, but knew that It bad been made and waa la tba hnoat; alio, knew of It havlog bean mada previous to this At ii ooiooa me omoers entered the hou&e krretled all present and begun searching (lie premise* and found (32 In counterfeit coin, one ladle, and yeatorday morning a package of plaster Paris and oeosot. Wltneia (I'srry) saw Bdaardt is lbs rear room as be same Id. Wbea all were arrested E I warde denied basing anything lo do with the counterfeiting. A pistol ants found on bis person. Witness knew that Edwards waa boarding at Mrs. Brad well’s. Mrs. Z. T. Banalok was the party wbe gars witness ttie first Information lu regard to this money. ngNMIOK’* ■VtDBMLTE. Z. T. Renoiek mid that Are weak* ago Mrs. OssiMt asked btm when he was going to tbs mountains; said ebe would Ilk* to fare lab him with a lot of money to lake op there sod trade off. About eight or ten days ago sbs In formed wltnsae that If aba could get a Dew dollar mada in *00. M»e ooold have ptooty of money In a few days. Wit ness got a new dollar sad went to Mrs. Oament's la oompaay with Mr. Obamhora. She took tbe new dollar and aald ebe would bars plaaty of money by Tknreday night (»7th>, and for Mr. Cbamlwre to com* back by that time. He paaead Mr*. BcadweU** dally and oo last Wednesday saw Mr*. Ounent, Tally mad Maynard get Into a buggy and aria* off. Before tearing Mrs Os meat remarked, Is the presense of Tally sod Maynard, that lh*y wars going off to make money and that If they had good laek would baa* plenty of It srhro they returned. Tbe day be fore Mrs. Or meet showed witness the moulds end admitted that ebe mad* tbtrn herself. Mo on* els* eras pretest', POUCKMAK QARRUOW. Polio*man Qairiaon uatlAad that on ■olng to Mia. BradwoD'a Unuee Than day night with Daooly Marabal Hamp ton, they found Ed ward* on the ground uodar tha adgo of Urn bonaa Bdwarda draw hta piatul on wlUmao aad aakad what ha waa doing prowling around thara at that tiara of tha night. Wit oaaa aakad Bdwarda hla uaora, aad ha rafoaad to giro It. Wltaota toformod Bdwarda that Ira had mad# a mtatak* aad had oorae 10 Ura wrcgig hoaaa. Bd warda than waat up the map*, wit naaa waat arouod tka oornai and waot under tha ho ora aad remained thara tor a half hour. Bdwarda name down tba •tap* oaaa or twia* and looked around. Porter and Hampton want late tba boot* Ant aod had partlaa uodar hr raat whan lb* wltaaw* waat la. Wliaaao found India la valla*, aad Vtt la conn tarfvli eotn. Dcrtrrr oliAanau* Dopaty MarakaU Chamber*, of Aaho yiila, aald that ha waot to th* horn* of Mr*. Brad wall with Mr. Banntek. Mr. Haeuiok Introdaoad him a* balog from tha monotaln*. and raid to Mr*. On moot tha h* (Chamber*) would be a good mao to bard)# tha •‘Hut." Wlt aaaa a*ad Mn. Oruraat If oh* had aoy oa band, aad ah# rap!lad oo aa tha moulda had boa* hrakaa. f mb' I wa* la a harry, m wa agreed to mam that arming a iho Iroa bridge to complete aur arraagamarrta. W# mot, aad aha •aid that If aha had a saw dollar of HMS, Oho eauld bar* 5100 or MO mad* hr tha afianraoa of tha 17lb, Maid tba wonM ham to am her partner, aamha htr moaMa and let thaw dry. On thr •vaalng of thn I7ih, Mr. Heneloh aad wui U Mra. Itradwatl**. Mra. 1 trad wall, her daughter aad Tally were In the house. 1 aakad Mra. Oaaeet •bet eho araa dale*. She raid that aba w* i ebbing aoaae “atot” Nr raa. 1 aakad bar What kind at lock they bad bad, and aba aald bad, aa bar atoaMa bad broken, aad ttay had only bean able la make S3* and that name of It waa ao bad that they would barn to ran It over. Tally oama U and dorian the oo« reran! ton be admitted baring baipad to make it, aad aald by ay ra turn tbay would barn made more aad b*tar“staK.” I aald I would return about II o'clock aad for bar to bare bar partaaca there. I eooordtoglr went b«ok lent night and found Tally. Kd warda, Mra. Oaatont and Mra. Blank wall. I aakad Mra. Oumtnl If every. tblagwaaeNririit. Me arid It waa. r told her I had a partner I would Itaa to bring In. tjheaatd alt right. Mr. fbrry (UoUiaa) waa tbaa braugbt la. Mra. Clement aald aba bad bad ecparl anee la Uiia line aad that aba had Piaaad a dbh paa fall of aoia ab at thraa yaara twwi man, aad that aba would rather make tea dollar ptoooa than ta eat. She aald aba fed traveled ovar Id 8 Ulna praam* oountarfnlt money. DommiD to jail.. After Commissioner Maxwell heard thei evldeoee be committed Mrs. Brad to Jail Is default of SM), eed the otbec foot In default of 31.000 for their appearance at the December teem of United States Court. Edwards I* wall known Is rsHroed elrctea. He hes bseo 0 reman 33 aad 34, between Spencer aad Columbia, S. C., foraamo aaeotba. Mr. Peal rfem riek of OfMhse’i aatleg bouea baa oou of ibe spurious dollar*. wetie aoaaai. cmitvA The mao lenHel»sawil inai<| ael Blmaha me the Bttent. miwah »•! fe ommr. Superiateodeot Mabaoa la mablex pnaiwreUoaa for a oomplete oeoaet of all the aabool children In North Oaro Use—persons bstwean the ages of atx and twanty-oae year*. Tbs asms of aaoh child,|lls age. stx. and the name of lie parent or gusrdiasi are to bo taken. Tbit la the drat time this haa irer barb dma. Heretofnre the (t— mar. Tli# IIOilir.nl Baeonler la not a politi cs! paper, aod seldom If arar touches upon a political guaailno aaleae soma moral Irauc ta Involved. thao diaoaas It not from a political bat from a moral standpoint. It la a chore!) paper, and an able aod acetous representative of tba Baptist dreamt nation, fur which It spa ska. It Views Urn pending au ITrags amendment aa something more than » mare political question, ns on* vitally •fleeting tha future welfare cf tba State and thus briefly but forcibly ex presses Ita view* on that labjeet: “We.are no eonatitaitonal lawyer, and we bare dlamtsaad tba question of (be oonaUtutlomllty of the amendment upon tbs ground that H la batter and wiser to vote for it or to oppose It Dae idea wa Hava beard am loeot author ities any that It will be no easy matter to gat the amendment into the oourV Uknly enough its ooaatlUUensilty may never ha sailed In queatton If tha people uf North OaroUoa ratify it, But whether or not, it task— for detlver enoo and makas toward progress, and that la tba main question." Tbit la tha sensible view to taka of this question. To oppose tha amend ment or to fall to vote for It Tor tha reason that tba oourta might po—ibiy pronoun— U sseoasllUt tonal woald be a little abort of Idiocy, tor U may aavar go lato oonct at all. aod tba eonttd might not Oneida against If It dH. TM oourta decided la favor of the Miaalaatn Claw, which U mooli Mka onr propound w. aod although team baa bare plenty of lima to tret It, the LonInana law, after which onr pronenad law hat bare framed, baa not bow tested in Urn court*, although, an In this State, there turn bare some talk of that. Tba talk of that In this State la simply bun combe, pot afloat with tba hope of In fluencing votes against tba umredment, aad t» make tha negro— baUtve tba white Bepublloen machine rearers are . standing by ibeaa. It ta a mare trick that they baas so Idas of sarlounty car rying out, and If they did It wouldn’t • mount to aoythi eg. A *Mk<* Mm ■■<«« Rtf' ■AUl* ■—t*MK» LIA. I AM III* aotba of aigbt ehlMran m<1 boro hod ■ mot tool uf rxparl MM With atotolaa. Loot ooMotor my lltito to Debtor Had Uw dyaaatory In Mo wont fora, wa Moagbt ton would die. I trtod orarythtac 1 mM Ulak •f. bat nothing aoaaod to do Mr nay good. 1 aw on odrartHaaont In oar popor Mot CMatarlalato Oaito, Cbot •a and Diorrbba Board/ in highly naoaatodod and watood got a bat UootooM tt prorad to M ota of Mo rory bait nodMow wt arrr had la tha hoaa. ft and ay IMtto daagMor** lift I *a anxtooa for rrrry aatbar to know what an Moottowt acdletar It to. i dad f known R at llrnt It woohl Mara and an n grant dal of oaxtoty and ay Ditto doaghtor much mooting Yoor* truly. Un llai K Bonmex, I Abort*. HI. For onto by t. 1. Carry * On. BRYAN ON TEE PHILIPPINES t _ * OPPOSED TO FORCIBLE A1VEXA TKnr, *»w Yoax, Ai|ll..VaL Bey* aa dUeaMaa tka PfalUwiaa quaathM la Uta aaakt ImOmn&mt. Ha aaya: “Tka PfcWppiaa wnUm la ^partial baakua tka foadaaaaUl prtodplea aia dtotaatt^ That* an oo foroa, rapabllee apoo oommt* “Tka rwUralliia of Initoian llama Matrta tkat ywrapaata dartta Haadr Joat povan frocn tka aaaaMt of tka gWMnad, aad. Uito U tka kaatrtaa to wklok «• ka*a adhaiad for aura tkao a aaatarp. U to tka jaakitaa wkiek haa dlartoftokad pM kopaofkiiuottj?"5fcaattfaa faTtbT Xaw Yotfc baiter typilaa tka aattoato “If tkadoatdaa art forttt la tka Daa» laratloa °fJfjlaa talanaa la awad.ka# eaa wa iMMy aoqalra iriwaliafa ovar tka PlHpiaaobf a mi of eaa SXtSZUZttZS. *»»•<>■ *■ «i*ktfa8jr aafokaaa aaa. asyaijttftr^ tka PkUipoiaatf 1 *i iiiji i ■■ 'tibkiuM wan a»d] of rlghtoogtu to to WeT ^Murt jwwwe K>Ttto"tSUStoto to nfw» tto wktmctttorCato—*1$ the Cetane am, aod of right ought to to fras, a to not tto FUlpiooa T “(u tto beginning of tho Voalto war. CaagroMdooM too* oar notion bod w thought of «rt—flag Ito tarrl torybjM—.If wo ttoahada^tbougbt in ttoWaotora £SC*Son!whtL—_J wo now talk of Mooring to tho Bottom uon’r*-**** “w **“1 tar "****• ‘‘An Individual may live a doaMe life whan noly oao Ute to known. Whoa both live* art kaown, Ito coo load only one Ufa. aod that tto wont. A ropubj Ho oauaoi enter apoa a ooMolal poHtoi It oaaaot advocate pntanininl byooS nat at hooae and ruvera—nt hy toroa •brood. Tbo DecUretlori of Independ ence will loco its value whoa wo pro. ololai tbo doetrlua, rowllier la Scrape, bat dotaMaUa ban. tbot Rover*maota on mood la ahapa. about thlrtaaa inebM In diamUsr and Brad out of a cannon. "Far more than a oentury Unit no. Uoo baa torn trawling along tbo path way which looda from tbo tow domain a r might to tho lofty raatm of right, and Ita hlatory hM toaa without a parallel la tbo aanala of rooordod Umo. What will be oar fate If wo tan book* word aod torn tto tfamot toward force and coegoaot T "It Is not aodMont to a;. foralbU aanexattoe of thT IiUiuSl It a benevolent entered upon tor tho good af the Plnoo. LI00010 nolntod out that thlo boo olwayo toon tbo aiwamoot of kloga. To um hia wordi. ‘uiey alwaya ho atrodo tto ooako of the people. oat tbot they wonted to do It, but toMUM tto people ware totter off tor tetef rid 4tta* "It la urpriaiag that aay baUorcr la MU-gworamoat aboald towor forcible onorxaUoo, bat (till More eurprUtog that aay oao who bolioTM in tho Cbrla Um Nllftoe aboald favor. Uo antatHu tton of force tor raaooa la tto extoa aloo of our nation's lafloeoaoa. "It wa adopt tbo gaapawdsr gospel in the PhHtpptam, hew loog wflfltto before tbot principle will bo tmeaptao tod la AmntOM aotl T So loog m oar orramooto on odlraoMd to tbo raaaaa and tbo heart oar om wa. without saoort to tba religion late tbo body through hole* »