The Gastonia DaVoUd to tit* Protection Vol. XX. HE CAN’T FOOL HIS WIFE. BILL A1P BATS TEE OLD LADY WILL TIED OUT WlM> Oka Oi l« IhiiIIi^ Bill CM •ova ■■■■ Tim wklla an. Arp rttrn Akaaat-Toplea Mirwiil Mr HMUaVrm UmoIh. ■Ul AIP in Atlnatn Conatltuttun. Mr. Lincoln Mid. “You mnj foo1 eome of tbo people all Urn llooe—you nay fool all tbo people ooea« of tbo llooe, bat yoa oaq’i foot all tbo pa ople all tbo tloae.” TUat’r eo, I rrckoo, but twill odd that a oea i em't fool bio wUootaU. Sbe catcfiea up wltb bla by Inatlaot. My wife boo btoo away to Horn* aod oo t took advantage of ber aboanoe end bad two troao out down. One wm dying at tbo top and tbo other wm crowding two other trove and doing do good. But aho It utterly hostile to cutting down a Uoo and ao I Lava to do it while Mm la away. Ooe of tbooo waa out down to* to the groaad and after ovary chip aod twig waa olearod up 1 bod grow put over tbe place wbora the tree woo. I wm golog to do tbe other Um msm way but I got tick aod Mm came borne prematurely ami there waa tba (tump grinning with lu fraab cut edgaa. I wm getting hatter, but wImq 1 aaw ber coming I too* a horizontal at Made oo the oouob nod tried to look ■ick tad aad a ad OMlanoboly. It way two day* before aba noticed that Mump and wban nhe called my attention to It I told bar that it waa aa old (lamp and bad bean tbara (or years. 8be never raid anything, but there mi a donbt ful expramlun on bar tranquil oounteO a ace. If tbara ware no graudohlVtrao around tbara I oould get along, bat they let tba cat oat of the bag ovary time aad I am tba victim. 1 don’t re member ayer aeatag that eump be fore,” aaid aba, but I perauadad bar that tba lata ralaa bad oaioeed It Whan aba toned me out, I Mated ber that tba tree waa bollow aad m bound to die aeon and that ita proximity to tba other treaa prevail tad tbeir rapan •ton and that expansion wn bow Urn policy of tba country. *-Yaa.” raid aba. "1 aoppoae wa muit cut dowa tba a mailer treaa ao that tba larger ooee can have more room Wa muat kill off tba riUpinoe for the aama raaaon. 1 woadar now many of tba poor ere*.urea tber kava killed. It our people till a black brute down bare, they make a fam about It, but they are killing tooaanada because they are defending their native land. It la all very strange to me.” I don’t Ukn soma ot our goraroor’i ku uttareacaa. The dally paper prtuta lo big liana that ha aald the man or ■an who Irnohed a negro were aa go it ty lo tha eight of Ood aa the negro they lyoehed. Barely ha didn’t aay IL Tha reporter moat bare mlequoted him again. It does not eouod Ilka bioa. Ana la do aueh theology is Uie hooka. If Qod had not put a mark upon Chin anybody might bare Wain him. Mom bad to provide eiUeaof refuge for thoee who eomdantelly killed anybody, lent the aveogara of Mood aboeld purr tie and overtake and alay him. The aveogara of blood ware teoognUed factors in the admlaULraUoo of the law. Wbat would have beeo the pruilabmeot of tbaaa black brwUa In Moeaa’a time for thatr outragaa wa cannot Imagine, for with tha Jewa no auch Crimea were known, to thia day do aueh crime la known amoog tflem. Aa a nee they an tea puieet people In their doaretto relatione. Huabande are loyal and true and kind to their wlvee and wlvaa to their bunbend*; children are obedient to their ptueau and affectionate to owe another. But here amoog ua are a Cameroon people who mem utterly de void of teoaa family vlrtuee that era the “••f!*1** of all good government. Within tee taat thirty yearn they have grown from obUdbood to menlxmd and have become ludoltely worm than Utafr father* aad mothara ware while la ala very. There are more beetardnagroealo aad aroandtbto ally than those hen In wedloek. Thayer* not mnUtoaa but they art eagroae of full Mood. Tlie moral dageoamoyef tbe reoe to alarming. Tin (tete oonvtota aad county eouvlote non aggraffifee over four thousand, aod all of thorn have oome to maturity (Idon the oioaa of tha pirll war. Tbe moral* of three ■•grim got worm and wurso aad tbalr eatragoa upon white woaaea mom fraqaaut aod aaora brutal Our people am tombed aad whisper to ooa ear*bar. who will be tha next victim. When the savage lodleaa haraad tha boatea and tomahawked tbr woman aad children our forefathers pursued than by day aod by night and bad tbalr revenge. Wa have a people •moag ua many of whom on worao limn aevegso, aad ovary maa among no wbo la loyal te hli wife or mother or (toter or daughter la aa avenger of blood aod should never stop until the brute Is osugbt aad stein. For onah there are no places of refuge aod no herns of tbo altar for him te lay bold oL This to on* orlmo that makes a maa aa outlaw aad tbe people hays no man fear of prevahlag tha vangaanoe of Oad than did Governor Oaadtor whan be area leading Ms brave man —lyaed arytag at tha _ - “Shoot tom boys’ Shoot __ J Kill Urn last raaoai; oome oa boys; some on and follow ma 1" Ha saver thought of giving them a trial by lory nor of being guilty of murdar. LM governor* proetain In thalr pm foaatory feaiiloa—1st preaabars and )adgrt »paek sx-aathedrm from tha p^ pit aad the baaed, ear people wID lyaed a brake as ananas they tea oatoh blm, and it to ao sign of tawlimnm. either. Voa aaaoot lad la any state a better eltlseaablp than In Karty eoaoly, aad my totters from friradi wbo live than dtotoad Uwa meal haartlly from all lhair toandoru If yea wmh to bear tea truth, Joat sou ad Urn earn mag pan pie—tbe aoaa try pants, the working people* be live la the parti ef tbeae {Hamte'tterne*«V*2toe*-tbe asm pM wbe ate of all penpte moot oUediewt U ta* ton yogis m aarve oa awr lartoa aad ward the roads, aad aaraa tbalr toad aalghbart aad bury tbalr dead. aad wbe gather at the nsable church on tbe Sabbath day aod wor ship God. Thme are Uu Irucbrri for i this particular crime and always will be. If a thoughtleae, roiktoll dement Joins them It oaoaot be helped. The people of oar county of Bartow, I tup poor, are a fair (ample of the people of Georgia. There beebeeo but one hang ing la twenty-two yrnra. Wo have oo white alt I awe lu the ebalngaag, no body ever atoote or lights In our streets Sometimes at long Interval* Ibere Is a am all light between lawyers In the oourt house, while eourt il In eenaloo, and tbe Judge on band to atop It, bo* nothing more But ulna out of too of our grand aod petit Juries would lyoeb a negro for tbla crime as auon aa they oontd catab him. Bx-Govoroor Jonea, of Arkaoias, liaa got eonaa—oommoa eeuae—aod be e»ya I "Alt tbla atufl about tbo UWi delay provoking lyucb lagn la the aiareat coneeoee. Whan tbla crime la oomatiled no man slope to think or to oare whether the brute will be triad nrxt wrek or next year. They want vengeance right now aod they are going to barn It aod that la buaaa nature to all civilised countries and It Ii to be oommangel rather than con demned. ” Am *0 M Governor Candler reoon alder sod take lack. If he a*Id It. He een with propriety leash us patriotism and the purity of politic*, but bis “obter dlctu,” as tba lawyers eall It, os our guilt or laaooeooa before God u» “ultra vlre*"—It la beyond bis Jurisdic tion and beeo# goes for nothing. ltut we era all getting along pretty wall. Two week* ago It looked Ilka starvation was staring us lu tba faoe. Tba garden bad dried up, tba oora was perlahlag away: everything save oottoo bad withered, bat the ram* earn* In with tbs dog daya, which this year be gan on tba 90th, aed the change is wonderful. It look* like a miracle of grace. Verily. God moves in a mys terious way and as the post aaya, “Beklatl a f roamln • hhUum He Mease sou I lag faoe. Our aeeond orop of garden vegetable* la tetter (ben the Qrat. Wa did not ooont oo any mors bawoa or (quashes or ououmbara and tba tomato** ware nearly dead, bat evervtklDg lios i boom. Oar room are more beautiful than ever before and every morning I UI tba vase* with a frrah supply, sod my wife aaallaa bar sweat reward*. Verily, we eennot foresee what a k!od ProvVdanoe has in ators for na. Mow, if the Philippine war will be honorably closed and our northern brethren will apologia* sad be raooaeltad to a*, sod oor negroes will behave rod vote tba Democratic ticket, w* will all ba btWW' ♦*.*•* MUM r*B atrir.t. t»ne|iene Mm0» to load a Bta A rear ism hr weaefcee as. Washington, Aug. 7—A state ment prepared at the War Department shows that by October 99d, there will be at Manila or on the way to tba Phil ippines 40.000 man. They will all reach the islands before ibe baglaolng of the dry season. The troops to be **et from this ouotry are tea regl sneaU of volunteers, amounting to 13,000 man; recruit* for skeleton regi [maata organised lo the Philippines '1,900; roorjilt for regulars, 3,600; eight troops Third Cavalry, 009; ma rinas, 400. Beginniag to-morrow, and ap to October ttd, there will sell from the Paolfle ooaat 17 tranaporta, with a carrying capacity of CSS ofltaen and 17,370 men, which will include nearly ml] tba organisation* above named. W A8HDIOTOH, Aqg. 7.—Tbe num ber of enlistments on Saturday were SIS, making a total of 10^839 for tbe new regiment* General Corbin thtoka the enlist.meat* will ba closed op by the end of tbe week._ T» lap»>«h Hurrrafilluu. Baltimore San. An.awta Oa., Aug. 3.— Unites lie (utxnlU hie reelgaitlon before Monday newt. Mayor Jamae O. Woodward, of tbte elty, will doabUeei be roroed oat of oOoe oo Impeacha>ect proceedings. Ha will bn charged with improper and Immoral ooodaot and being lotoxim Ud, bringing jWH upon blmerlf end the elty of Atlanta. Two moolbeago. Her. L. Q. Brough ton, b BaptUt minmtar, who la now la Naw York to preaoh In Dr. A. C. Dir oo’e pulpit In Brooklyn, obargod Mayor Woodward with being a drunkard a libertine aad n diagram to the olty, demand I eg. hie reUremeot from ofBen. Chargee wen made before the elty cooaoil end Mayor Woodward aekad targl ran am. promising to teform and refrain from dilnk H the ebergm wen 'xhroegh the loduaoee of his friends the matter waa hotbed aad the mayor waa pat on probation. He neemed hla duties and worked without Interrup tion until Monday, when he again fell from gram by drink, and la oow unable to perform hi* duties as mayor. A formal damned will be made by the eouaeit Moaday for hit resignation ml If ha tafnare to submit it, aa be ear* bo will do, thare will be an Imme diate atop to Impeachment. He waa inaugurated aa mayor la January last, having baen sleeted at the working GMA*0 C*nd>d4t4. Hla dowafall baa uaaeHlad the local political situation nod there wlU be an •leetion for mayor when be retiree Daring tb* otril war, na wall aa la our lata war with Spain, dlerritoaa waa oa* at Um moat traoblaaoiaa dhmaea* tb* army bad to ooutaad wit*. In OMioy InUaaim It boon aw obroalc aud t*aoU sotdlsn atlll aaffar from it. Mr. David Taylor of Wlod Rldgo, Ora on l Co., Pa., la on* of Umar It* naaa Cbaiahorhia’a Coll*, Cbotec* and Dlarrboaa Boaaady ul a*ya ha aovor found anything that would glvn Mm •web quick ralM. It In for aJ* by J. B. Oorry JtOo. Tb* aal* af an mao (aomatlmea nailed "diOMiki") evidently oooatltutaa a Hvolr Indoatry at RovUwo K aorraa pondant a< tba Durham Sun on 00,000 poooda ot tom** wa« told tbit year. Tba prioa paid waa tt par 100 bat baa bora raJooad to 70 orata par 100 poaada. IU YELLOW MTUMWanM. U M l»w«wUlie-YW» Saw* Yma OM|t QlatUo to Newport »«m rm mt lattolw - Warkna H««M Ito CmmMm anfca War Elf* will k» Diiv<A Wasuinotov. Aug. 7.—Dr. Vlok •rji I* charge ot thy Hampton 8at dleta’ Horn*, report* to the Mario* Kcapital official* that oo* patient wo* admitted to tb* yellow fever boapltal today. Tba man baa bee* ill for mm days. Tbara warn no daatba. Token altogether, tba odteiaU aar, tba •Itaatbm oooUnom ewaoo raging. la toe territory mrrooDdiof tba loatltu Uoo tba eltoatlon llkewlee oootlane* mtfeftmtory. and aooordlog to report* •aoetvad abowt a freedom from any fayar to faction. Tba telegrama re •aiyad by Dr. Wyman in tola eooaact ion loclod* tba followleg : “Dr. Wao dtn aaye tbara la nothing naw lo Phoebe*; Surgaoa White aapawto to Bnleb tba bouto-to-hotiaa laapaoUoo at Hampton to-morrow. Tbwa I* noth ing now at Hamstou aod tb* aorgeoo la hopefol all will eontlaua well. 8ur poo Donaklaoo, talagraphlog from Lae Hall. Vo., aaya he baa tavaatlgu tad York town. Grafton and tb* our rouodlog dletrlet. Ha feel* Jutil fled In aoylow that tba coo* beginning at Oror# Hut loo aod terminating at Hawport Hewn, la aotlreiy olaar of In fection. ” Tb* yellow ferar ecara at Hampton may delay the oompletloe of aotoe of to* warefalp* now building at Hawport Haw*. The Mary Departmeat wat today odyiaed that many of tbe work mao bad dad with to* appearance of the f*r*r, and tb* Dapartaeent woe notified at tbe delay In the wort of oonttnmUoo. wblob, would neceeearUy reeulL Tbe able* building at Hawport How* are tbe Ilflnola, Xaarmga, Ken tacky and Arina***. mmx MW CAM AT TNI NtNA TIM rinl mm Iwt —----j -~tli Slew ar Walalai tAc AmmNm Id LM TWa Tva Week*. JfiwronT Viwi, Va., Ann. 7tb— There wu on* new earn of yellow fern st the national Soldiers' home to-day. Thera were oo death*. This (a the official report. Tba cast found to-day, 1* the Ant reported tinea last Thursday night. There la now oo doubt that tea b iok hone of the yellow fever epidemic is broken, and lu two weeks It la probable that the scourge will be a thing of the past. Tbs quarantine, however, will bo raised homo that lima, aa the a! La st! oo Is Improving, end so rapidly that It will ha aonaeaaaary to block business and treble altar the nest few day. A bouee-to-booee canvass of Plioeboa, by Sorgeon White aod hU assistants, de veloped no new case under sue pie too there. There In bow under treat meat at Phoebus, the barber, Hpraggine, wbo la almost wall enough to leave hi* homo. f«H» Weeks a* UwrrrvUI*. The HaMgb correspondent of Ibe Charlotte Obatrm writes to that paper that a report of eoma trouble over coupon booka has been reported rrom ChmyvUle. Ha aaya: ''State Treasurer Worth, whom Lhr newspaper men bare speak of oowa deyaaa -Jadge,” to-day hid a latter from tba Arm of Gardner Brea., of Cherry vine, la wtalob they aay than are in that town three oottoo fao’orias and four factorr or ooapeny stores; that all the feetoriee pay their opera tlvea in coupon books between regular pay days; that three coupon* are paya ble only In tnorehandlae and at the oompeov stores', that the factories keep always 45 days behind la paying; tbat tba proftta of three company stores are enormous; aod tbat tba factories aay they cannot be forced to east their ooupou booka. Gardner Bros., ask whether these coupon books awd this system of payment are so* Illegal. State Treasurer Worth aaya In reply that they are In deer violation of rba law; that tba Attorney General baa so ruled lu a quite recent opinion. Gard ner Urea., aay there to vloleet opposi tion among tba rectory wparatlrea to tba coupon books. They seed a sample one to the Treasurer.” Tbs North Carolina CoOsgs of Afri caners sod Mssksnlosl Arts Is Bsl slgb aCna tbs yooth of Um State not only s thorough KogUrb sod setontMo sdnotUoa bat also a practical trslolog for all trsdsa and bustoassss, loelodlog ssnsslslly Gat too Man s factoring; Btoofc, Dairy, Pratt and Track Psrta lar, Cl Til. Klsstrtasl and Msnhsnlssl Eogtnssiiog; Arefcltsetnrs sod Mar santlls Baslnsss. Bon nra taught to work as w*U an ts think, and srs than dltsd to bs sMlf-supporting snd wnslth prod hosts. Boys aasbls to tab* Um tali oourss should taka oas of Um short oounaa, or, on spsetsl atudnats, drrots IhsmsslTss oaUrsty to mom oas sohteot Hi whlob thsr noad spralal training. Ho feuartlng boy will bs ssdodsdfroai tbs CoUs«s for look of mssns. Work Is farnlabsd Lhs most flissrytng. Brand sstlsus wtU bo bold on Saturday, August 1Kb, IKK, ■t tbs court bouaa, by tbs Ooanty 8a. panntaadcnt. Lat nrnry boy wbo wtahra an adnaatloa that pap ooma and try Ua rxamtaaUoaa. Soma ooa will Kara a ohaooa ta aaour* Ua aoualy aebalMablp. Olban. if prrparad to no lar and ara too poor, will baoradltad lor loltlon aad room raat, until tbay bar* aaraad the mo—y, wbtab will w* ba ten a. aa any trarfaata of Ua L. and M OoUapa qolatly Soda proOtabte employ ment, — Adc. Tbara waa a bic maaa maatla« In Ha raaa Bandar, and a prnaamtau paradnd Ua aaaata h—dad by bannars wtU Ua temrlptton “Cuba la by rlfM and oufbtto bafraa” Spnetim waramada. aU la faror of abaolaU tnlmadanaa It waa aald that Comaa rapnialid a— party aad Ua AaaamMr a not bar. bat Ua ary w— dantb UaiUar IfUat warn aaoaaaary to aaaarn tba aoky of Ua Oobaa paopta. Kernes CerTUanL Politician* mi tnjoylog a good story at Um expanse of Bill Boeder, Um naw Bepubtkaa Uoogremmsa from Um Stub district. Ha want to Waablogton early tbta summer, aad Jo# Bristow of Kansas. Um fourth Assistant Fuel master General, agreed to show him aroaad and pat him onto Um ropes. The Ant ptaoe they wool was lato Um odke of Charles Bmory Smith, tbo Pn mossier General They wan lctre dnosd and shotted for awbllu, sod aa Bseder arose to go bo mid : "I beg your pardon, but I didn't oatoh your name." "Smith," replied lb* Postmaster General. "Ami whet position might you bold r* "I em Postmaster General.” “Ah, yet." mid Bmdar. as he backed out awkwerdly. Bristow was blashing Ilka a school girl. Tlwy want to tbo War Depart moot, aad Hr. Bristow took tbo Kaaaen Into Secretary Altar's private odtr* Header put bis bat dews oa Um desk to front •f Secretary Alger after tbs latroduo Uon and tha three chatted for a white. When they started Boeder stampeded Brtatow by asking Um Seeratosy : " Whet did you aay year name was?” "Alger—BomeilA. Alger." “Aad." coo tinned tb* new Uoogreee moo, wttb tb* air of a non yet noon battened, ' * whet am yoe Secretary "Seerotary of War,” rrpiWd Algar, truthfully, for bo waa tbM. During toll aaaao* Brtatow Mood flrat ou ona foot sad tbM oh tba othar. Before leaving the Stole, War aud Karr building they rao into Vksa Praaidant Hobart, Tiara waa another lotrodaotloo, aad tba time ha iiais bared lb* name. Header, at ill tblrottng for knowledge, aakad: "Do you roe Ido boro In thin otty, Mr. Hobart*" "Part of lb* tlBM,” reviled Mr. Ho bart. "bat my boat* i* in Now Jer aoy.” "Wail. I'm mighty glad to haeo saw yon.” rapt lad Boeder with cordiality, typical of the bound!*** Weal. Liter he aakad Brtatow "What does that fol low do?” aad whea tcM that be was Vice-President and therefore didn't do anything h* was greatly eurprlaad. Thao they eooounterod Baoator Out loin, aad after tba laired nation Header aakad: "1 didn’t catch year name. Sena tor?" “Mr. Calioa,” iwpllhd the Senator. Thao, aflar an ambarraaalog pauaa: "Whet Stale might you ba from?” ‘‘Illinois” uld tba reocrsUe Baua tor, modaMly. "Glad l Man you," couUnued Head er. "Do you kaow, you look like the picture* of Abraham UuooluY” Before tbo Illinois Seen or eoald re oorar from his astonish meet Joe llrin tow bad him by tb* arm and waa landing him bank to the PottoMoa Do partmaat. They had an cogagamant to go to the Whit* ilouas together, bat Brtatow pleaded to be nooaad on Uw gronod that be bad a tremendous amount of work to do. lo reality, ba was afraid be would ask Mr. MeKlatcr what state b* is rrom, and wbat ha is Pmidsat of. CMromnawM T. rata. Now OdHoi TIWM-Deuxjona, “A rery carious thin* about tha Cblnaaa is tbalr IndlBereoeo to pain,” aald Ur. B. Z. 8immooa. tba veteran missionary of Caatoo. who was la tba otty a faw days ago. “Ws do a grant deal of surgical work la tha groat City Hoapltal conducted bf Iba united mto atom at Caatoo. sad it was at Brat sup posed that than would be end teas troulda In persuading the natives to take aoaaetbatlos. but raaod to tbalr Mr prisa, Uat an aaat hat lea ware rarely Beaded, and that tbalr patlante eoderod tba moat serious operations without flit»hlag tba fraotlou of aa loob. Tba avenge eklosmaa will resume tbo re quired poalttoo and win bold It Ilka a atatoa. When tha knife touahaa his Bath ba begins a Might mnwetoaoaa mosa.end kwraelt epaatlUhe ordeal la ever, bat be glvro so other ladloa ttoa of pain. Whether this la doe to nerve btaotosaa or atotctsm, or a com bio at ton of both, I have oayar baaa able to dstarmlaa, but tba (hot romauia that Canton hasp its la use leas chloro form or otbar than any otbar large In stitution of tba kind aa earth. - II ti-- WMteaer. HMtory h<a. Mr. Duo K Wbiteaer, a heretofore highly Nopaetad ettliaa of this ootn muolty, has Ml far parts unknown. Haled bara on Monday night, July SHU>. and waa last beard from la Kaex vttte, Tea asm aa, Hswaaamrotav foe Urn estate of tba late Haary Hawn aad had baaa notified of a motion before tbo clerk of tbs oourt to require Mm to give a bead, whim ba had not baaa required to da before, although tbo property Lea baaa la hla charge for several years. It la aald Mr. Wbttawer la short la Ms aeoouats aad this ts given se bio reaaoa tor leaving. Maoy think ba loaned money aad could not •afloat 1L Hs bod hewtaden boras a goad ropatatton and Kb leavlog was a shook to hla friends. vrm Pr»«. “X lor* to naka rlaiu la U-» BOTO t»f." "‘Do yoa »»' "Y*». AU Uta othar woaoaa >r* buay otaaalaf booaa, and It la •> fa*** to a*a Utaai fay Mart (lad to ta* **," n«»ivrar»mi The aootklac mi baallag pra**r Uaa •( UbaaaWrtala’a Ooofh Baardy. Ua ftmaaai !aau mi pro«a« ltd a*r maaoatoaraa. bar* Md* it a froatfa ffinrvastar**** WAV “Bltl" n NMDli Awl Tkmkr Mill VnArhl raa. TH MIi. "Wbta J *M• KudMI Is London," My* a wall known pbytioian, "I had a nil tool, aa IvMimn, with a brokoo Uf. Whoa tba piaster bandage was reaaved and a lighter aaa pat ta its place 1 noticed that one of the pins want in with great dtfMulty. aad I eoold not nadaratand it. A wash after* ward aa removing this pia, I found It bad steak bard and fait, and 1 wan toroid hi remora it with tba Carnaps. What waa my aatoahbeuat ta Sad that tba pin had barn ran tbcoogb the akin Iwloa, instead of through Urn cloth. “•Why. rah* mid L ‘dtda* yon know tba pin was atfaklsg in yoa V' “ To ha sara t did.1 roptW Pat, ‘but I tbonght you knowtd your baaf oaes, so 1 hot aa tongue," Atlanta Journal, Ttb. “ Wber jaw gtt del lwct buefcla. Au ete?” aakad Mary Pattanoo of Aoala Baker Bator day algbt. Bath ara bode la the Deoat or amt natal gerdans. “I rented It fer ardtau fame frao’.” •aid Aula. “Hit's bran,” aaid Mary. prow goP," eald Aula. Then thay had a (an ahead It aad eroold Mtwana a dog light. Than <_ light of Ithat dJaerlptlao thaa an but tha pollaa Interfered aad both. Aula tree SnHnd la poOn (OUt “I hallow yoo ara aerkoja of that bUt. Mary,” said tha jadaa, “aad yoa (ball here one. Bo out to the ataafc •da aod un tha ban I wld to glw yoa ooa of tboaa belle they wear oa tha ukla. Ha will lot yoo haw eu for thirty days aad you ml haw to pay say mat oa It Thaw win be a alee boekla aod a friendship locket aa it, aad 1 hope you will book la down to hard work.’1 -*—"rv^nn *' 9 ObirMteObnrmltii. The important Jonottoo point of tbo narrow gang* with the Seaboard Air Line, however, oo far n* praotlaal par pom are ooaoeroed, te Linoolotan. We are quite pro pared to bolleen that tbo IntenUoo is to make H a part of the system of roods wbiob Gen. R. F. Bobo be* projected aerom the moantaine; to widen it to a standard goafs from Lie oolntoo to Lonoir, in wbiob case lbe division trow Llaoototoa to Chester would be somewhat of so orphan. Vo der tbe plan reported lo be to eootem piotloo. It would be a Hnk la a lias wbiob would esteod Crow Tenoeeew and Virginia to tidewater at Wilming ton and Portsmouth, and this. It ap pears, l« another of tbe ambitions s&lirmm which the Seaboard Air Liao has In hand under lie ntw administra tion. ^ MOW Is Dee the Telepheee. BeUerUln Meview. When calling "centra)” do not oak •nrperfluona qarsUona, euob no, “Is that you central?" An operator tea to aaiwar eaeh day on on avenge 8,578,378 oonolbia qamUoaa, and oonon quooUy baa no Ucaa to aaesror fool IW onw. To gat toady lor oonvamtlaa too simply ban to rtng your bod; pfaoo tbo towlvnr to you* oar, wtoo oootral anawara "Well” or "HatJo" yaa kn ply. call tor tbo camber yon want to bn connected with. If the party yow wanted do isn’t answer promptly ring the ben again, bat do not bo too Im patient or worry much. Tbo wntber is warm, bat tbo telephone operator esc not ooalrol tbo Wwlher; neither an they make Iniy people aarwar their 'pboaw promptly. TreaM* la law. ttt-MU. “When I craw up.” Mid Ethal with a dreamy, lnmfloatlee look. “I*m ■olor to m a adbool teacher.” “Wall. I’m col oa to be a me am amd baft etx oblMraa.”eald Edna. MWaU. whan tba* oomo to aobool to me. I'm coloc to wblp >om, wblp ’em, wblp *«.*' “Yaa maaa tbloc !" exclaimed Edna, aa tba toe re man Into bar ayoa. "Wbat baea My poor ablldraw over done toyow?”_ Or ford UlftT. Tbo moooahiorra ia thla port of Urn State are gotttac op to date. Tboy oaad to rae tbair whlakey twtam Ihrouffc, bat now tboy oh whet they term a “etnflo footer'1 tad do tbo work at ono operation. Maaoyofoon oaaUated lye la aaad la ooonaetlon with tba new laeanttow. a imim* Mt> mum mu muum muu tMttu MikM uo. 1 ta Un Mite oT tight eh Ad ran ood bovo hod o mot daai or oxpacl 0000 with modinnoo lad mow •y lUUo Aaanbtar hod Iho dyoMtoryta (to wont form. Wo UtooohMfeOWwM dlo. 1 triad orarytklag I oould thick ut, bat aotfaing aaaond to do feor umy good. I oow n odwUMMot I* oar popar thot ObanbayUh.1 Oolio, (M on tad DhnhUt Unity woo bight; rooonoMododoodoootOM goto bot UaototMM. U prate nrj boot oteteton wo onr boon. It nte nr lluW lift. ZOMMtlOdOlorOOOt) koow wbot oo oaoallaot ntdMdO H to. 1 Rad I koowo It ol Ant It wooM bora nte no o groat daol of aoxioty odd n; IltUa dough tar noah MSarla*— TornUowTlIta. OdQ. B. Bemoan;, Ubarty, B.I. For Mia by J. M. Carry dOa. Wa uumuru tha iOMrllio ampa Un DorbOM Am that mutu gtga on htoagbt bon m4 aotd Una oo aay otlnr narhat to tba feat*. Wo irftao mo wagooo ban laadad alttjilgi fraat OdMaaMoT Afty orolKt) dad Tiny altnya brlag good prion. lory lo_ •Hl— U fafly 11,1—..w . SooT 1 BdadlaaT kowuil*u** £to i»-i--a,a2?5sr15ss eMAs^ascfi •M tha raat or Um VmI Ilia w« mvttuto to na. That will (Ho tha IjW^OOO a|noo|a>gaa. ^Aaw^^T sjgsjsfs^sz-sai m potto at boitftay lta oara uinru aoaealrahia cooditloau But it would ■till raakooiy third la torritoatoi a*> loot Tha fWtOah aaiplra, aoaa altar Caaadd had baaa lmdlnal ta our aid*of tboladgar, would atm amaadtt to fully 00 par east; and ao would B—U» Aa a ooraary of wMM ati, bowarar. H would bout lout «ja»l ta •Khar of then. A sot Mr altarusUv* ba rauolon ot U» nmbm at tba Bogllth-^aaking ima Thai *mH anuks M ahurora lo1 a dominion of 90,000,000 aqusra Miles, commanding a(l aau, aad OMDraclPt bait tba population of tba world. Wbatavur tba mat of mankind Might da, tba people of aaah adooaia would ba aaowm. bo far aa iatcrnaUooal re lation* wars ooeoeroud, thoy would base raaehad tba rtttmsU stability; tba plaoat would oootala aotblog out side their borders that oowtd eadeogw Iben. la dadaoll of tbaaa raeouraaa-if wa mIUmt aoqutra Canada or Mas loo aar unit* with oar IfaaHik MMklaj k lee man-our position undue tba ooMlag da<Valta world aatlllMlat will ba alM P»*. W* aboil boid a raapaetabte. aad th?rd*oftb* Umb# grant'pawiei “(tar tarrltary will ba botwoM a foarth aad a third of that of Batata, aad same what Mm tbaa a fourth mi that of tba British oarntra. All wa oaa plak an la tba way of stray talaada bara aad tbara win ba attarty iaatgoMaaat, to the praaanoa at theuarrlog of ooatlaaata hurvsu’S'js.TUS aliam la Utdtog with words. If wa tow aeqatrad a daw baadrad aaaaao mibo la tba Ladrouaa. a Caw ta Hawaii, or rran a baadrad thousand or oa m tba Philippioau. wa om far from brooming iaapartal, aa that Iona wBI ba aadwaiaat la tba worid aattia awt, Wa sra Moralr rad* Wag to a Mlaroaa^la degree tba totattahto pro poadaraaas aaaniat aa that will artt whan tba wundla yatMaaaatfy gaitl Uooad. _ I ; 5 $ l ■i f. ■ 4 * r t I « r / u < l - t

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