_The Gastonia L>»Tota4 to Ikt Protaotion of Homa and tka Intaiaor» os th Oomxxtl VoL xx- GABTOKIA. N. C.. AUGUST 21. 18tt». PORTO RICO’S RICH COFFEE FIELDS. There Are 100,000 Acre* of Them, and There is Money In Them. VKANK n. CABPBKTKR, IK ST. LOUIS ItBPTOMO. Pomc*. July 15.—How would you Ilk* to own a Porto Bieaa plauUUoc f Thar* li big money iu mm of than, I. oao ten you. I bay* met eereral men who an making from 20 to 60 per note year out of them. Oue coffee •tauter near Adjuntaa cleaned up $100, 000 la 1908, and there an euni men who an doing equally aa well. Some of the sugar estates shout Poore pro duce from 0,000 to R,000 bogehaaii* a ■assoc, and on the seat coast, not far from Ilumacao, than la a little eoooa aut grora wblob will net Its owner an annual lnoom* of $90,000. I heard the other day of a Boston man who baa tuymted $00,000 iu Porto Biesi. cattle, and aome Hew England banker*, wbo an Wading money at high rates ban In Tooce, bar* lately bouglit a plantation of 1,000 acraa of sugar lands a few mile* up tbe oooet from where I am now writing- Then am Florida men here who an enthusiastic over tbe ebanoes for fortunes In oranges. ptoe applaa sad WgaUWaa for oar oily mart ate, aod, I bear errry day of aome Anerlean who bM a new poeUioo with •■millions in It.” As to the Industrial outlook, and tbe possibilities of lb* sogar and fruit lands, I will deal iu another latter. MOHSY IK COTTKX. Tbara is do doubt but that than* la mousy in ooffee. Porto ltioo already ralare enough to give half a pound to a racy man woman and oh lid among bar fellow clUaana of the {Tailed State*. Sha produo** aaaually more than SO,* 000.000 poueda, and aba could produce at Mast aa much more. So far not ooe-teoth of the ooffee laoda hare bean doretoped, and those in cu III ration are oot ball cared tor. This 1* so, although coffke la king in Porto Rloo. ft la tba chief Industry of the Irtanrt, and 11s aale profit* iha eoun vry more than anything ala*. Tba oof* fee exports are three times al large aa Iha sugar exports. They amount to something like 90.000,000 a year, and *o almost altogether to Contlnantal Korops. TU MBT in thb world. 1 doubt whether there Is a better coffee la Uis world than that raised In thee* new ooffee fields of Unde Sam’s. If there la, I bar* not laded It Porto Rleao ooflee has Iha lease Uaror aa the best Mocha and Jars mixed. A* pre pared by the Porto Rloans It ii a drink for the gods—strong, aromatic and del Id one Tha bast of tha ooflaa la oil lad cafe caracotitis; It has brooght right along 2ft oenta aad more at wholesale. It all goes to France, for It Is too rich for oar Axiericiso Wood, oeeting so much that pur importers hare aot introduced It into the American markets. They oan gat Brasilia* ooffee cheaper, and the profits hood It la greeter. Tba re sell la that Ub Porto Rleao ooffee has been going to Germany. France, Italy, Austria aad Spain. rrxnoa gets the but; Hermanjr Austria and Italy take theaeooud end third grades, and the poorest of all i**o)d to tb* Spec lard*. Tbli should and will be ehaaged. Thera era people iu tba United Stales who are now paying 40 cant* a pound for so-called Mocha and Java coffee which ooeta la Ssntoaand Rio Jaeeiio lea* than B coots a pound. They coaid boy the Posto Itkwo coffee at a lea* rata and have a better article. a ronTO rican corrre tbvit. The Porto Risen coffee planlera are beginning to awakee to the possi bilities of our market. They have recently formed an association or trait to edvaaaa tbalr wares la tba United State*. They win oosn bualnam nonaea la the otUaa bar* a«d In Mew York, aad win Uj to show our people tb* varieties of coffee raised on Unde dem*e new island. Tb# moo already Included la thll trust have plantations to .toe ralu* of *8.000,000. Some of tbett «*M#e are mortgaged, but the Maoelatkm expects to alear off tba jaortgagm by moaay raised la the Ualtad state*, and also to gat such ed vewm ae will ewabta lie member* to oelUvele after modem miUods. Amoa^ etber jhlep* tbsv want our Agricultural Department to establish *0 •gulmeetel statlno her* devoted to wm raising, Than I* no doubt we should have soon farm* In all our traplralporaetoloaa. and I oadaretaad that Secretary Wilson Is already plan ning them. Wkbmb tub oorrmm umm abb. la Uraatl tbs tort eoffea U ralrnd at an atoyattoo of from 1,000 to 1,000 fart sboya tba aaa. it (rows aa tha highland* aoutb of tba osnlar of tba aoBvtrp aod aoBM d Manes took from tba ooaaa. Tba ooflea pantattona of Forte Btoa bag In almost aa aooo aa you Veaya tba narrow strip of seastal pUlaa whlab ratio aboot iha Wood. ThsJ grow all along tha hUto, claar to Iha lop of tba mountains. In aoaa district# you nda for mllm tbroogb nothing bat soft*. tba boabei growing artsog rtbar traso. TMa la aspaslaUy aa bi tba aaatara and of tba Wand, srbara at Maaaoaatog lima Urn atr la so fan of tba parfBOMcy of Urn eofts Sow* as that it at meat orsrooatoa ni. Tbara la a great dot I of softs along gatjx lalaad. I bava base told Uiat Oaffm wlU grow aoywhsra oeuids tba tow •ert lands, and that than art torn araaa ofaofta toads whlab ms sow In graaa. Tbara Is aa doaht that this to una. Prtta Blae baa la tba aalgbbsr baad Of 2,900,000 aaraa af too?, ami tbara aiajtto said, scly abort 100,000 Tha wort of tba esfta toads ara la aompamtlyaly mall traaU. It tahaa maoay to oparata a softs ptoatattoa, aad tor this rnsaost tba ordinary saa cannot menage a Urge crop. Tke av erage estate Is not over arty acres, although Uwi* are tome which are much larger. There U a man named Shroeder, (or lostsnce, who ha* a thousand acres, and who U patting oat more avery year. Ha bad not a large capital, bat he boaght cheep lend and put tn hU Bret trees In 1801. He baa already had a prodt of *4,000 this year from hU plantation, nod be baa thous ands of young trees coming on, and within ten years hi* Income will he *100jCM) a year. There U a Dutchman from Java who baa Just goo* Into the coffee business here who will soon have a similarity Urge properly, and there are other men who are quietly baying up coffee Uudi, micas or i, amm. Aod Uti bring! M lo tbe subject of Und valow*. Tbe ooedltloii* have been ao unsettled that It I* hard to my Just what they are. I bare asked many questions, aod have been aoewared that ooffb* lends are worth all the way from |9S to 8900 per eon. I bare beard of eome cotta* men who want *900 per acre, bat this la (or rioh plant ations In bearing. home of tbe cheaper land a era back from tbo roads, aod so situated that it Is eoetly to get tbe ooflae to market. The value of sucb hands will be greatly Increased by the new roads whlek the Government Is oooteoplstlog. Many of tbs large plantations, both sugar und coffee, ere owned by noores idents. dome are tbs property of Bar celona Jews end other rioh Spunalrd*. They have been paying well, end It 1* doubtful whether they oau be bought cheep. I am told that tbo Hpanalrd* | consider their land of more veins since the A men can a have taken poseemloo. Among theee la a Spaa tab odloor who commanded to tie recent war. He was asked tbe other day If he was go ing to sell out bis Porto Klean property and go back to Upain. He replied : “No, I prefer to stay bet* end give up my peosioo. Tbe change of Gov era meat will lacreaes tbe yelae of my property, end I can’t afford to let ft MOATOAQBD JOriATEU. On (be other band, them are many coffee pro peril"* which are heavily mortgaged. Interest rate* here run from 10 per oent upward, aod 1 aod 9 per cents month are common. Tbo war has materially retarded ell bind* of bueioeae, and at pieaunt some or the pi actors ere ao cramped that they want to tell. There la a good chance to buy the mortgage notes, and the man who brings hla money here and loans It to thee* l'orto III can coffee men will get high rate* of Interest, and In time have a cbaooe at tbe land Itself. Moon* should come to raise ooffee without ho bat enough to bay his land and to keep himself and hla workmen for tbe tret four ream. Ho should have aa much la 110,000 to establish almost any kind of plantation, and above that U>* more tbe better. He eould not take a hundred acres of land aod bring It into coffee bearing within • v* yeeaa for much leas than *35,000. At the *ad of that time hla profits would oome in rapidly, and he would probably be able to make from 15 to as per o*ot on hla Investment for many year*. | how qrornra n showj» in roiiro mco. So Car m I bar* aoao no weil-cultt ratad coffee pUotaUona la Porto Bico. lo Brazil Uta coffee estates an Uke gardeni. Tba tree# an trimmed. They grow In great bushes In regular row*, which an plowed and bond and kapt free from weed*. Tha planta an Bret grown In nurseries and carefully aat out. Han moat of tbe planta an ftom Uie eeeda which tel] la tba ground. They an set out without order, Mag ■badad for tba flat year by banana plants and after that by larger trees. The remit Is tbay grow laU aad spied ling, with trunks like pipe slams. Tbe eoflae treas begin to Bower In April, Boon gram berries taka tba place of tha Moaaoma. aad by October than la a wealth of rich red oottae ebarriaa shining out of the green Imre*. TbaaoCaabany Is of Just tb* alia of a cberry. It grew* dom lo Uta branch rather oa a stem. Ilka tba cherry. la each cherry an two of tba bolt round oottae beano of oommeroa. Tbay an tba aaada of tba abort/. Tba aottaa barrlca do not all rtpm at tba tame time. Tba trees must be picked over again and again durlog the mason, and coffee picking forma one of tba chief lodostriaa of the Is land. It la la Uta pick lag am sou that Uta poou* make tba moat of ibatr aaon oy. Tbay hare to work at this Uma for rrota three to lour moalk, nod mo, women and children era seen savong tba boabee picking tba barrlaa lato baskets aad carrying them off to the factory oa tbetr bands. Tba little ones pick Dm barrios oa tbe lower steme, while the mm sad woman band down tba leUar trees and gather I be one* higher up. Tba picking upon many of the plsoteUoaa a done by tbe poond. It taim a good plea or to arar aga Sfty poueda a day, bat m tha whole family can work at It tba poeo dom fairly wall la tba ooffee regions at pick lag time. IN TOW COTOM r AOTOTIIX*. I dud ibe Port* Rtean ooRaa facto rtaa oulU d Ida rant frees those of Bre tU. Tba moat at them are rod* la tha extrema. Thar hay* act the Una aaa eblnary nor the economical method* of tha UrarlMaaa fa Brazil tba bartlea are Orel aaahad 10 a palp, which Ubas at tbstr Aeah. Tba aaada or baaaa are takaw act ud dried ta tha a**, and withta a abort baa are a that* war ta Urn market. There Urn awabloery ta run by ataaaa. Ban oxen and men taka tha place of machinery, and tba mKliodl of (rap* ration tor tha market are alow and expensive** Tha barrlea are Grit ■ to red away lo tha great plan tattoo bootee or factory of tba planter. Tha buildings are rude In tha extreme. They are usually high up on piles, aad ao arrangad that flat boxes, soma of which are aa Urge aa a city lot, oan b* rolled at will In and out from under Uis lloor, Throe great trays are used fur drying the coffee henna alter tha flesh baa bean taken oft them. It la naoaaaary that tha eoffro abonld not be reload upon while dry log. and tha shoring It under the building protects It from the beery dews of the night. lo some places tbe ooH*e la dried on otmeol floors, but It require* from two wteka to a mouth to properly cure It, and inch floor* hereto be oorssqd op at time of rale, aad tha eoffro Is often taken In *t nlgkt. Tba getting the scads out of tha berry 1* icteruetiog This b done by a wheel or roller which mores over the berries so adjusted that It will mash tbe berrlro, bat not crush tba roads. As soon as the seeds hart been freed from tba palp they are dnad. They areatlll covered with two thin ahelle which must be removed before they an reedy for shipment. This la done lo boiling mil la, and tbe henna are peltabed by running over nod through them gnat wheel* faced with tin. The wheel* are ao adjusted that they do not Injara tba ooflro beans, but by rubbing than over and over bom lab tham so that tbayahlnaaalf varnlaltad. In toco# mills odorlng matter Is added to give tbe oeffro a blue Uot. Much of tbe bulllag of the coffee U done Id gnat mortar* made of wood, men standing before them and letting gnat piles drop no the caffe*, thus breaking the abelH. Tbcas wooden mortar* are of about the height of your wslet. 1 aae them everywhere, and have done not a little cottas hull leg myself by experimenting with them. SNOXO THE OOFFEE SO TIT KBS. Attar U># ooffea haa beee dried aod classed It meat be graded, in some of tbe lestoriea tbii is done by machinery, tbe ooffee being run over wire eorsoea with meshes of different slice. Tbe little round beans which form tbe very best of tbe product, aod which look like Mocha ooffea, drops Into ooa bag. The largest of the flat-sided beaoe go loto another, aod other grades Into other Machines, however, do not taka out the bad grains. This most be done bj the ooffea sorters, in every large Porto Blcaa factory you And women picking over tbe ooffee grains aod separating the good from the bad. Io the smaller factories the picking is done aittlog on the floor before a low box oovered with cloth. In the larger ooes there are tong tables cut up Into little boxes by many partitions, and before each box ails a Porto Rican girt alt* with a pits of greaa coffee bases before bar. She picks them over and over, handling ooffee from sunrise to sunset. During aj stay in Porto Rico I visited factories where hundreds of tbaae girls wars sorting ooffee. I made some photograph! of them at work, muoh to the amusement of all. They arc black-eyed, brown-skinnrd maidens with eyas aa laughing aa the Italian ooffea picker* of Bratll. Not a raw show signs of negro blood, and aomr are quits blank. They slog as they work, aad are evidently not dlsaaHifled with their condition. Their wages on the average leas than 29 cents a day. ST TltB COFFEE FORTS. The transportation of tba ooffee to the seaports la one of the moat Impor tant factors la the Industry. Mach of the ooffee land Is far In the Interior, with mountain rang* between it and Um places of shipment. Home of It la along tba military road. This Is shipped upon bullock carta—great two wheeled affairs drawn by foot or Dae jrokea of oxen and carrying eoonnous The ooffea lu tbs other mounts io regions In taken to the eoaat upon po nies. about 200 pounds bale* peeked oo the bask of each animal Often you wilt ant a long Ala of these pontes thus loaded crawling np aod down the mountain road. Sometimes an owner alts aa Uw top of his pony and floga him along tba way. Tba pack* era often roughly pat oa •a that they rub tba «SId from tba book* of Ua pootoo and when tba loads »ra removed gnat raw aora patches ara lo be awn. Ooe of our army offl oara, wbo la lo charge at the ooffaa port at Yaoco, todaarore4 to prevent tbla cruelty. Ha took Ua packs off tbe batata and Quad each driver'of a »»a boraa 00, putting bto boraa to Ua poaad uotn oared. Tbla created a gnat aanaatkMi among tba farmer*, •nd after a flaw daya tba ooffea eaanad to oomo In. The boatoaaa of Yaooo faH off aod th* maroUant* complained that the officer waa hurting tba towo. Upon Investigation It waa discovered that tba planter# ware shipping their ooffaa to tba port of A reel bo on the north ooaat. Tba offleer at Yauao wrote to Araolbo and triad to stop thi*. Ua alas aada a oomptalat to General Hear/, wbo waalban la ebarga. hat hi* oowplaint ara* not notleed aod ha waa fbroad to allow the cruelty to §0 M, At proaaot coffee ts brought lo thta way lo all tba porta. It I* there ooa •toned to Ua large ooffaa dealer*, who •hip It to tba market* of Europe. Aa nxotiaon Mil, wbat la a Dollar ■ojhow T" Tha qoaaUoo la aaally aa •wand. It laaomatlilng tbat aawaps p*r mao aajoy mora in anttolpndon Uaa iMlbutioo. It la tha prtaa of a l‘jl labor foraotaa man, tad a olttifa dtonk for otban. It la lb# powar ao erndlud with tba making or unMaking of naan. It la tba bardrat thing to gat aad tha aaataat tfilaa to gat rM of know to maaklad. ft la mighty and aaam. Mo aaaa arar bad mora Uaa ba wan tad, aad aa mao arar wMl hara. A dollar la a aoara aad a dnlamoo, bat wa will aaall nan to taka It a* mbam ip. tlona jam tha mma,—Franklin TfnJ, ARP OH THE MORMONS. THEHl MOVSMBV7I A&E MTBTEHI OUA TO HIM. *"• Um Kldna niMW! w Are Tk«r • nuiMMiritHTnuipii U1U Ar* In AUtiMe CuniXiiUon. Thee* Mormoci arc a myetery to me —8,000 mllm from bom* tbey era rac ing a commotion among our paopia and I dout uodentaad what they arc after. Are they really mlMlooerlaa eeot out from Utah to propagate their religion, or are they rattgtoua trainpe wbo Am tbl* an eaay way to lira. They eompaaa we and land to make a alegte proedyt* and remind m of the far reaching anal of tbe Jeeoiu of the eUteentb eeotury. Tbe Jreelta went td the heathen of all eountrle* wbo had dot beard of Jeeua, but thee* Monaona go to tbe Protea Uot* In enlightened Christendom nod eeek corertly to undermine their faith. They work upon the weak minded end fanatical and only make concert* by deetroylng the peace of the family. Mo wander that the good people of tbe oomaoeltleedrtce ahem out and mal treat them. I bar*lie reaped for pro* efyten in a Christie^wbo would eeek to draw their fooreru from one Chrtetiea ehureb to Another and eow drecord la a famlty. f I war rumlaatlogAbout lhie Mormon Um, which U another child boro of Mew BneUnd fanatic!*™, where all tbe dtriliili thing* origin ala. ft la doe* akin to the doctrine of free leer, that originated thenbelf a century, ego, and U now prdtty gaueraliy ae eepttd. If a man daren’t And hie eflio ity when he marries be Unde her after warda, and they keep on awapplcg around. ► Joe south osm* fan*, there aud one 1 day pretended to Bad a Bible aeder a 1 trig (tone. It was pKrwd there by an augetaodbed goldfci leaves, aod he was told to read It tor It waa tba last will of Ood and be moat preach It to the people. He oopted lbe writing end waa going to aetl the gold but the angel rebuked him end. tuok the golden leaves away. Wall, that man found foots aeougb to start e new departure la religion end be os ass the good people el borne mad* fuo of bim, he sod bis followers moved to l'ennsylvanla, where be had morn visions end the angel gave bim a pair of oagte spec tacles and a Urlm and Thuinmlm, and talked to bim behind a curtain, and John tba Baptist visited bim and gave bim the Holy Qbocl aod the gift of prophecy and supernatural powers. ; From there be aod bis follower* went , to Palmyra, ft. Y.. aod bad the “Hook of Mormon” printed*, and organised a church with thlrtf members, and Smith east a devil out of e man named Knight. ' But Palmyra got to Imt for them end they moved to KlrUaod, Ohio, be cause tha angel mid so. But Kirtlaad get too warm for them and they moved to Missouri and found Ibo city of Zion. Not long after he went beet to Klrt land oo a visit aod they tarried and feathered him, but bis persecution gave bim strength and followers aod they botlt aoburch there aod called them selves the Latter Day Salute, and started e bank and flooded tba coun try with wildcat aaoney In lbs name of tba Lord. The loader* were arrested sod Indicted for murder, treason, burg lary. arson aod larceny, but were al lowed to rsoape from jail end leave Kirtlaad with their families. From there they, went to Illinois, guided by an angel and found tha city of Nanvoo. There they built another oh arch end sent missionaries to England to mtka converts, and the made them. Nanvoo grew op rapidly aod tba Saint* soon numbered 1,600 men end elected Smith mayor aod lieu tenant genera]. In 18 43 be wee at tba very height or his prosperity and look a hand In politics. In 1813 he had another revelation from Urn angel and waa advised to take oome spiritual wives. Accordingly be took two married women, the wives of Ur. Faster and William Law, two of bln chief supporter*. Of coarse, this raised a rumpus and Feeler and Law started a cawseaper against bim and published tba afloavlts of olxlean women, who Charged Smith and his bead man. Rig don, with Imparity and immorality. Smith than destroyed the press and Footer aod Law had to fly for their Urea. They appealed to the ooerta end had warrants! wusd far him and Big oo* IM eerenteen MMn. liter wore arrested ud pet 1* latt. The govern or vUtted them tad promised pcoteo lloo to them. If they aod tboir ramkliet would leave the country, but the peo ple wore no Muaperntad they went that night aad broke down the doer* and ■hot Smith and hi* brother to death. VT be* bind of a etory la that to found the Mormon religion upon. And yet them Mormon elder* beve the cheek to travel through title eoethern land to propagate their epurioue faith among our pNtU, Oat Smith** wire aod eon Joe oarer did eeoept the rovelatloa oe total ritual wiv*«, aad tha eou morganlmd Mor monlem at Plano, HL, more bo pab lleltce the Tree Saluta Jftrald, le In all that raglou tha aabaowledgod hand of tha Salata of tha true Mormon ohureh. The polygtmMa war* all expelled, after eaflariag by whipping eng hoot* horning nod other peoelUee by mob violeoo*. They moved la aooUarod band* to Utah and eboeo Brigham Young as tbalr loader. He was a melon* advooald of polygamy end •bowed his faith by hie works, foe when be died la 1*77 ha Wt eeventeos wivoe, dxteeo *oae aod twenty-eight deugh tar* that be aoboewledged —Dm I dm a a number of other* who acknowledged him. Dot Umm Mormon* who ar* aojoorii log In onr Mod daolara that polygamy to now atollabad and that tbay on oot pruaalrlhlg to that faith U»oo*h It waa tha filth of AVahaia and Jacob and f> itM and Rolaaaon. Wall, oar paoplo don’t waat aaoh •" foaling a mood their feaalllaa and daaaarallmlag weak man and waahar weaaao (a ararjr oom ■anIlf, A ■adaralo ehaattaaanani woold.hav* a aaaluuj loflaanaa on all meli ipowyg ranatloa and trampa bar* lhair onraery la New Eugtead. Wa Me that the Imam of oavao lleutoaanto of old iohn Drove hay* raaaotly bean moved to North Elba tad era to ba nboriad with hocota, aad that NoKioley wm Invited. That abowa tha eelmaa of that pao'. le. Ttwy atlU teak* a deal mp4 *f that aid feel iohn Brown, wheat (lidding* aod Beecher aad Oairlsoa mad* a oat’t paw of lo laoUalh* derm at Virginia to latorraeUoa aad t> pro job* them to morder araon aad rap*. They fumUbart him with tfiOO i* geld mod all the ridat and amaoaltloo ba waatrd, aad ao h* took op hla rod dene* near Harper* Fany aad for two Blived theca aad pleased hla and UaaaonaW* aehama. Fred a visited him than aad advtaed blot to watt for tha fruit that wm not ripe. But tb* old fan at to believed the lord waa with him aad wouldn't wait soy laager, aad so oaadarfc eight ha aod life tittle band of twmty-two de luded follower* mrpriaad and ovomOw* and the guard* aod took tb* enseal aod then calmly awaited tha'uprising of tb* aagroao. Bat tha nag row would not rtaa. Meal of that* wan attached to Ibolr master* aad their families aod would not join tb* trait on, They soon mm* to grief, ioka Brown waa wouoded, tils son Baa billed aad maat of hla folio war*. For forty kwgyoeia the grams of aavea of them have bam unmolested, but Jiaha Brown's souL they say. kaop* marob tog oa aad so It dam seam to, with the second aod third ewwaHiiai at —- — wbo barn hated ua'ao long aod bitterly. Tboy east Brown to Xaaam daring tb* dark and Woody day* aad there ba aad hi* followers, among other outrage* oallad fly* leading aouthareata from tbair bade aaa dart night aad — ml natad them. Brows said it wm God's will. Ibrtvsln yaara ba never loot eight of hla ebM aim, art lob wm to atari aa inauneetioa In Virginia aad ha It emend all over the aoatb, ootll ovary slaveholder wm murdered. Aad this la wbat tha north made a martyr aad a demigod of him tor. Oar own Robert S Ln, a United States army oAeer. oAeiaUd at bis capture and trial. Jefferson Davis and John M Mason, of the United States senate, wars appointed a oommlttae to OMbe report upon the Ufaetoa sod de clared It ol iro etgnlOeance except at showing the animus of the north to ward Ute eouth. A friend writes ms who wishes to know where he one get a true history of Jobs Brown and his Virginia raid sod execution. Nowhere I No south mao baa written Uie history. Three have been written from a northern standpoint by enemies of the South. The fairest soeones will be found In "Appleton's Biographical Eooyolope dla," but even this one, which eras, written by Higgiaaon, ta stained with the same old an i mas that Just I See everything an abolitionist oyer did against the sooth, it doss look like that forty yours of time and tbs free* dom|of the oegrest ought to been molli fied our enemies and retired old John Brown and bis rollovers into obllslou, bat it bus not, sad now they are trans ferring their bones to a mors congenial ■oil and will have grand ceremonies over their burial. McKinley bat been Invited, aad as two of the asrea warn negroes, I reckon he will go. Meybs Ute devil baa got theca keeping paste (Use somewhere in Hades. ■mm rufmramuri— U«M Neva Bad Observer. A revolution la a vary bad thing. It la bad while It laata and Ita Immediate aftermath. Nevertheless there are ■on* thing* won*, and mcm for wbloh tber# la bo other remedy, it la doubt ful that a Mate of toeiety wbloh ean produce the Dreyfus Infamy I* not one of the thing* that la worm then a rnvo lotiou. Anyway It take* a good deal of phytic for Prance, end the revolu tion* eeeote to hare been a beat the only medicine sufficiently draetlc to give that unhappy country a period of ,v*o tolerably good health. At pracent It bate deep eaated eeae of military dry rot, a dlaaaee that eeema to maalfeat Itaelf la much windy prat ing uf honor, together with a tendency to oommlt forgery, warder, perjury, amarelnation. The aoIdler la eregythlng, the ciUeen eothtog. The army tlmt waa to dhfend Pranas baa beeowa the greatoat maoaee—the history of mili tarism arurywhere aed always. Of eouree nobody believe* that a Drayton Incident can ever be a poealbll Ity in this country; bat we are net quite (potlem to army matter*. Aed If eur Oapt. carter* een steal a wllltaa tad a half and go eapaolehed; if oor Algera can poiaea the soldlme with rot tea beef and only be dlamiaeed aa a political expedient; If our f-g*ir cen diagram tlie uniform and retire on ex tra pay—all Ibis under prreeut condi tion*—who shall tey what we may oom* to when militarism I* a Used one (1 It Ion with u* T We dent went aay Paly flu Claw*, and Ertcrtietya. and Mere term, aad ell Um net of It In Uila eooatry. The CapV Carter*, and the Ragan* dad Algar* are quite enough tn that lie*. And wo don’t went aey of (be winter lew that breed* each cattle. Uwto ■■tann Uh. I mu Uu anUm of elgkt abtUrao and bass had a groat daal of export ones with mad (aloes. Last aaaaeaar ■y lk.Ha daughter bad the dysentery la lie worst fora. Wa thought abe weald dla. I triad everything I ooald Utah of. bat nothing asoaed to da bar aay good. 1 aw aa advertleoaaent la oar paper that Cbaabertaln'e Oolle, Chol era and DUrrbhaa Renwdy wee highly raooaaaadad aadaaataad goto bot tle at oeae It proved to be oaa at the vary boat aadlafoaa aa ever bad In tba boose. It aawd ar little daughter's Ilfs I aa aaaloae far every aether |o haow what an excellent mediator It la. □ad I known II at first It woald have aavsd aa a gnat daal of anxiety aad ay III tie daughter meek so faring Tours irmly, Mae. Qao. X. Runaauc, Ubarty, R. I. far sals by J. X. Carry *Uk •fleet that the crop of Georgia a*M th to year, taoagfc aot aa anumally hMfa om. ni a drag apaa the Mar ket*. Ko better proof* of racial dagaoaca Uoo oould ba■ ddacted than tetortate tbHrgwMnrttki palate.*0 ***** «a,,s,£ss!*ssSa££ii: nndoubUdty bed ice origin, haw beta •edly perverted it thla la ao. Tba wataraeloo to the Ariel ef the !»&■... It.to the afcUd aC OMeaa, the aeto of the foaatala. Its flavor to Ilka tbe pexfuae ef Ua rose, a rare and e* totoUa property taateUan velttMu tueator apoa tba eatataitod yet that eaaaoielog la Ua epepeabable rtob Sas&ygpi tbaraeatbit with * "* eortae avar taaeMMe and wlthatowaahe etiUNd with my» ■Uriooa eoadtueula haa aaaa to dlana Card tha aboloaat toft that oatura haa phmhw for haa ahlldrea'a a what an wwte thiakof wbotaraa faacatha aaaaaaf fa*daa tribe f UndewfauZy hla__ ara aa naaattonable aa hla araallfa aad hU j oJgwaant aad loteUeStwrwt to equally gone aatray Ifa waat aaaa of tbee^ Away with the oaaa wbo float hat laagaad to the eight of a Georgia awtoa wbanvarU ■V he—whether to the anal] “petto," where lo the early warning It Ilea ebe teoiag awoeg the Iowan aad the dew ^^aaA^i^lfoartalw»|ffWBUw an. of Its own greaa aad white riZ^ w even beeped ty huodrade la the war <* aUarlagly owt aad el lead nod dlaplayed la btoeha of tea oo tha (treat ooroen. Whatever U U. ealoo* aa It W rip* ■od perfect, the watenaaloe la a thing oftoaety. It ebeald ha a Joy forever, nod the Georgia planter wbo auppUte nt with tbU glory of ooriy wtnwer ourfat to be tnada rich. Ho la n public be oofm ter aad ha ^onld ha aaaoaraflad to ooutloue la hU wort even if it lo nmaiieii to gnat hlw a govern noat aobvaetlon. Tha nan wbo addi aa woub aa ho to Mm toya of Ufa deaoruaa a paarlna u huoahaa tha eeUiarwbo dow hU beet to i urn ig lawwi: Ilurittigloe Xm. Qatte a ft range incident occurred it the depot at this ptaoa ttoaday. La* Saturday » colored women, who netde* la lb It city, reetivad a telegram telling her to meet the 9 o'oiook train, aa the remains of her huebaod. who bed bean working lo Asheville and . had died lb we, would ha do we ne that trels. She want sadly to receive the laet re mains of a departed husband. Soon aftr her arrival there another colored woman with a baby in twr arms came In end mdlj took a neat, batting n handkenbler to her eyes. The Bnt women being occupied with bar own grief did not inquire into the otees ai the others sorrow, bnt through an overboard eonvettatloo aha learned Umt abe waa there to moot the rt mains of a dseeisid hash iod. Wall, the train name and with U tbs oaAo oonUloleg the dead huohand. Bnt an the train ttoppeB another‘colored woman, aarrr 1»* n baby in her ansa, else pad off the train. All three, each withont ootta leg the other, marched op lo the eodia end there, 'aid the eotae nanel to e ■imragw depot, their heettegwe wei to their feallaga orvr the lorn ef e true husband._ i»' ■ i —— Tbe Merit of mmomM adyerUaiag la to knew ho* to follow op leqalrin aod torn u»n into aaao trim, if tfca'M' bring* tbe rapltoa. Ifpaadoaok •uoooed, tbe (halt la either with poor good* or yoar method at hoadllog la* galrlea. If yoa have tha right adrar tialag nodiom yoa aim need Beat ale* Uooary, wed printed. a good Wttor at •xplaaaUoa, abort oormgh to appaor hnuqaeaod sat loag enough to tin the reader or coofoaa blm. Tha gnat ttoaWa with bagtaaara la adrortiaing la that (bay amaaaa Ibat It I* aa amg matter to write aa 'ad*, iaaarttt ha tbe paper aod wait. The waiting ta eaually loag nod m adrarttatng la aaadtnaid. ▲ay payar la the t’aflod Statoa that yoa oaa ataa will aot pay alt ataama of adrerttnm. Tha fnet ta. tt wlU oa If toy a limited ataa. To know what median to ohoooa. ta fan a tint; thaa after hnriag aattlad that natter, yog aboold employ aa adrorttetag axpart to prepare year ad. It arid aoat nne thlag, bat aoarytblog doaa that la goad for aaythlag. Thaa you wttl got ra tal la __ ■aartHM »m«. worn Han. daerotary ot 8UU Co. Tboaptoa m tmM Btahv IkwMUi "I Me to RaMch (im t nfettl* bta bon la Oaatew. Whoa twUawt MtokN OOaiUOa oa tea rnlllll to sjsBtrarBnwssss Mtofcooy awktifl' r r Darla* tea obit war, at won m la oar Iota a«4 with Mpala, < wm 000 M Ua 8000% uooUn tea oraoy ho4 to ooato* la m wm him. UUrrtiooo Ihaiif oai ap ho ooror faaad aaytbtoa that wwoM ft00 Ma oaoh qolok laSoT. It to tor a* by J. B. Carry to Oo, 3 i ■ . Ma father. Bat the ■tUor’s ->*—■_ MBUtebk Ud poor 8oohU vAn wm8mmm '•■toS Hb _ maMi.” That* L n y Mar of htu, fat hadtod oa beat* ^gfagig charily to a ™—Mfg ‘BfaWat*!! barrttMto too Saotab eoartoto the •ottfiak Lirfo, Tharaltaitalaa a< him at Largo. “^«iabo^ttoui»B«yj*c*oad^atoto <ofa(toltag*lSSoM tto^toM<M total daaeaadaou. Theta a tfet!m! tbata to too tout, aad tooratt tto ssas'at ^“ff-ASsa; sar.sr25S, arts £& «tol». a« doobt, of hoar* of •Mat a* toa wieod. The drtaktae r>~Z«:X ***** u*««f oat of Mltar foot aod atoaafbJTuiaaaaaaioTa bttojMn diapoaad of b^aHH dia 33K5&E*M afassa?«saS«3 SjmMESTn wood Moot added to tt; OaoaUkta, oat oftoUaadla to* nan of too ctoST i *• i

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