The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home the Interest* of the Comity. Vol. XX. _GASTONIA. N. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 18tt9 THE CASE OF CAPT, CARTBR WAS OOSVIOTED OTEB A TZA1 AGO AID STILL BE IS FREE A M Waiwl At l» Um m* Wklwal a Punlbl la Ik* HMarraOk* Caaa try lilalabn* Heat —IIU I* k*l*|r Ik* Uaitke yay nail k* ka« lHawiil ika Vailkra* k* Wan. Ma* Orkua TIokW-OMMMrat. Waihlagtoo, Annual 9fl.—Kacb da; Interest in tba Obertlu M. Carter caaa baoomea more pronoaooad, and tba de nunciation at tba AdmlalttraUon'a permit teat afljrta to data;, if not to nail if;, tba daclaioo of tba Court-mar tial raodarad more than Ortaan month* ago, la beeoBlog more vehement. It la lookad opon by aaU-raapaotlng arm; oflteert, poblle man and private citheca alike aa tba moat flagrant mlaoarrtaga at justice ever raoordad In the htator; of tbe ooootr;. Oa April 90, 1H98, Oberllo M. Carter, oaptaln ofenaloaara U. 8. A., was eoovtotad by a Ooort mertUl of ataallng 11.700,000, from tba radotal Oeeernmaat, while In obarge of tba Improvement of Savannah har bor; groa* neglect of duty, and of ooo gaet nobaoomiM an offioar and agao iliBBA, Tbs MstBodv itspoml VM dlimlmal from tba army and to pa; a floe of S10,Q00. Oa May 1. 1890, tba record* In tbe cam macbad tbe Secretary of War, who immediately transmitted them, amordlai to tba aaaal anatom, to the judge advocate gaoaral for review. The earn wga carefully examined by Judge Advocate General Lleber, tba flndiage of tea OMrt-aaaitla) approved and the case submitted to tha tteeietary of War on July 8. 1808. General Alger then Samaeahy of War. forerardad tha finding* to the President oa July IQ 1808, aod from that data to the present liart It ha* been snapaoded lo the air sllbar at tha Whitt House or tba de partment of Jaatmr. Ttse tbooaaad dollar* ef tba people's money waa paid former United Htatas Senator Ed aoaoda to review tba ease aod render a legal opinian, which eras done, with the leaalt that lit. Edmanda waa un able to And a flaw la tba dectakxi of tbo Goort-martuL The oaaa waa than sent to tba Attorney General for an nptalon on technicalities raised by Mr. Want MoVeagb, employed by the de fendant, aad It baa alooo remaload at tba Attorney General'a offioe pending eoaatdaration of boom toclisk-allUea raiaad by able ahd astute attorneys employed by the defacoe, and (lie *b arooe In Europe of Mr. MoVcagh, who deetisd to submit farther brief* ror tba defence, wholly for tba parpeae of de lay to that tbo atetate of limitation* may bar criminal proaacutloo of bl* ollaat and other* Implloated. Mr. Mo Vaagb will not return from Europe an IU toe middle of fleptembat or tba let of Ootobar, and la tbe aoeaotime the case la liald la abeyance, Jaatloe thwarted, and one of Iba meat notori ous criminals, is allowed to roam at large drawing tba pay of a captain, dkagreotag the uniform be wears and becoming a steooh to tba nostril* of •Hf-re*peeling man. Tba Usrtat cam 1* without a parallel in the history of tba aoontey, ouosldar ing tba enormity of tba eriaM commit ted and tba amount of money em broiled- A oomparlaoo, however, with otoar aaam Which bav* arleeo in tba pant twenty yenra, where offloers have smbaxalad mangy from tba Gov ■ are meat aad tbo punishment mated out to team by Court-martial, tbo flndlagfof which were promptly ap proved by former Presidents of tee united States, la later sating to view of tbo aapreoadeatad delays la tea deal dlapoankmaf tfalaaow famous oaaa. On May M, 1888 Major Jam re H. Waoaoo, paymaster at San Antoole, Texas, waa charged with tba embmle maat of 8*X0U0 while stationed at Galveston Texas. A Court-martial waa ordered, which found Major Wes son gaUty aad ba waa moteoood to dlamiami from tba aarvloa aad to ba confined at hard labor In eneb peniten tiary a* tba proper authorities might designate for a period of eighteen month*, aod teal ten crime, punish ment, name and place of abode of tba aaeuaad be published la the as w« pop era of tba State from which ba oaaa* aad la tba newspapers of tea place where be ..I. Tba fladlap of tbe Court-martial ware prompUy.apprevad bf tba Judge Advocate Geuwal. tee nacranry war ana i*ruy OT rrt*1 dant Arthar oa Jodi 38, 1»« |u«t on* ■ntt and bwr day* after tea teuton waa int raadartd. Tha Htata prnttao tary at LaaUaf, Utah tea a waa daaif natad at Um ptaoa of aoJinateaat. On Oatete 4.1880, Major Jamat H. Hihn, paymaatar. antlaaal at Xaw York city, waa coorktad hy a Conti Martial of tha ocnb—lmw.t of tlO^l» 11, aad waa MOtmaid to ba dtemlaaad Crate tha araay, to pay a Aaa of and to bo iMpaapMd at hard labor la a JPateal padlteatlary lor two yaara.aod aoUl^ooJ^anajrM paW^iUrulmf^UM teyaara A datarmload affiort waa ■Mda to MOttN ffiaoottelya teaooov by Major XoUaaU frliala la Maw York wUte Noted in a May of ooartr thtao taontha, hot aftor a Hiiumi wraMfnitter of Um aaa* PmUMt Hayaa tejxrorad tba fall aaatenoa on January fi. 1881. Aootear mm of oaibaaateMnl oa enrtodoo Ootofcor 17. 1890, at Port Clark, Totaa. wbara Plite Ltent. Ooo. U. Tanwr, at Um 18th InfhaUy, wu aoanated by Ooart-warttel of dlo> ahodUnao at ordar* aad of owboola •antoftha ratUaaatal hand faoda, •moaoUaf to 1848,18. IU tarn teaoo4 tehadlaatteMd from tea aar vtoa aod to bo ooodaod nail I ha r» Uu' «!teo*y**te*<Vri*wdr,ofJ*th* ▼ttaronahr protaated aaolaat i of tha Oaurt-MortUl aad I to lad aaa Protest Harrtaoa to 11 ha dadtago. After o aoro m of tea com Ptateal _^ ta iatordwo, wharo ■oaa tha frtaatfa af pha alter^atd Um ably dlsmlaecd from tha eervks. Another similar oaaa waa that of Qspt. George T. Olmsted. C. 8. A., wbo asbeoM white ao oOesr la charge of oartaln Military talagraph llaaa In tha department of Ariaooa nearly *8,000. lie waa triad by Coort oaarUal ad Fort Leavenworth, Kaneae, Jaly 9,1884, and aaotaoood to diem la aal from tha aaraloa and tbe payment of a Ana of *8.000, the amount rm beaaled. Tbe fine Impoasd waa promi* ly paid and President A ruber approved tha aentanes of dismissal Ooiobar, fl, 1884. In marked oontraat, ho waver, with the Carter oaaa waa that of First Lteot. John II. Maall, 4th United Stataa cav alry, ' ho waa triad by Court-martial Mar oh 24 th, 1890, la CullforuU Id fall are to render an account of post ax change funds of Troop U. 4lb cavalry. Before the trial ooonrrad, however, bis friends paid Ute amount of hit ombex rtsment. and attar a hearing of tbe onas he waa found guilty by the Court martial aod motenoad to dismissal Cram the service. An effort waa made to secure tbe reversal of tha decision of U»e Court-martial, but on July 6th 1899, President McKinley approved Ills Another ease of pertlonlrr Interest at lb la time Is that of Oapt. Leonard A. Imvarln, wbo was triad by Court martial at Fort Sheridan, UL, Kovam bar d, 1897, charged wish conduct prejudicial to good order and mtlltaiv discipline la creel treatment, of private Charles Hammood, Company G. Slat infantry. Ha waa round guilty and aentanovd to be reprimanded by tbe reviewing aatlortUee. tbe pan Ian meet being made light on account of the pro vseua tad chareotar and repented ante of loeebordinathm of Private Ham ■med. Tha aaotanae was approved by President MeKlnlay December 6, 1887. wbo axpseaasd regret thee -‘an offence ao grave should bays bean vlilted with a penally ao Ugbt." On August 18 and 24, 1897., Second Lieut. Wm. II. Mortord 3d Called Stataa Infaalry was charged with oon dock nabecoomg ao offloar aod a geo tlataau, In vlolelioo of tbe diet article of war, for obtatalng mousy under fake pretan ere. Ha waa found gatlty by Court-mart lei and avnlaoead to bo dismissed from tha mrvks oa tha Uni ted States, October 8.1897. Tha tan ffiKssr’r~" la every earn where embesuecaacU hav* occurred la tba past twsoty years sad tba odtear baa baea found gallty, be bee been dismissed from the service, •ad either aaatcaoed to a term lo tba penitentiary, or oomprlled to oaks toed tba amount of the ambrntemeat, and la lams eaam a saateooe of both fine oad Imprisonment both are im posed. Only la cease of insubordination, where the oBser waa drnak, or failed to promptly carry oat the orders of h la superiors, have Prasldsnte commuted the aeotescca Imposed. So strict is military dieeiptlna that an odBaer wbo drinks with enlisted mau, or borrows money (ram an listed mea lays hlmaall Tlahto to Court* uartiaL On June 0. 1993 Cspt, L. Bslly of tba 4th United State* cavalry, was triad by Uourt-aaariUl at Boise bar racks, Iowa charged with borrowing BMoay from a noo-commltelooed oAeer and falling to pay tba asms, tod also with borrow In* money from tba car vaat girl of another ofltocr and falling to pay bar Ha waa found gallty and aaataaoed to be dlamiaaad from tba amrvtaa, which was promptly approved by President Cleveland. Chaplain H. V. Plummer Mb caval ry was oherted with conduct anbe oomlng an' ofSoer and geo Usman at Fort Robinson, Nebraska, August 17, 1904. la drinking with collated men of tbs Mb oavalry. Ha was found guilty by a paort-martial and sentenced to bs dismissed from the sarvtoe, which sen tcnwMsaarjromptiy approved by Prssl Another case Illustrative of tba disci pline of the army Is that of OapL t'haa O. Ay tea, of tba 10U> United 8tsta* oavalry. wbo waa triad by Ooart martial at Fort Keogh, Montana for •oadsot unbosoming an oflloar la making ohargm agelaat Capt. William Davis, Jr, of the 10th oavalry. and wiw aims—set to bis ooamanding offioer lit ooctlnaUif to forward Isttsrs to tbs sdjoUat imsiI after ho had been Informed by blaoommaadlag oA< ear that thaoaas waa oloaad. Ha waa dn|y tried by Ooart-martial and npoo Ida own admission that ha bad for warded letters to tba adjutant general without first eon setting bia snparlor otboar,',ba was found guilty »t.«J sen tenoed to d»inlaaa,l from tba sarrloa. President Cleveland, however Inter vened and aet aside the findings of the Conrt-oaarttal oa Ootobar 9ft, ISM, slating aa hla reason that they Mwaro too arrera." It thus appears from ao ex b amt Ira earn I nation of tba records of the war department that the Administration.’ •olfon Id the Outer eaaa stand* unique and alone la Uia history of tba oountry. Ssw before hat a mm of tosh gigau Uo proportion* occurred and sever be fore baa a PrteMaot of th« United States endeavored by every means to thwart the finding of « Court-martial and to save a eenelotod Ulaf, aa to whom galK there never boa beets any doubt, from the penitentiary. "Uj dear bradders aa* staters," rs mukad tba eananhte paator at the only oolored oknreb la town, aa be •artfully steered the brand table la front of Mm ao that every nickel, oent. and betton laid npeo It would steed out It ate rib nr dtatlnetaeee. -dan Is aesea of da Mia la die cha'eh glvsa seaawdln’ to dalr mean a. aa* noose eeeewdln’ to dalr maasasas La's not have anr hf da aaoon* elans bank dia mawntn’t** After wblab the proses ■tea cowmen oed. sad everybody raaebad tor Ue bottom dime. Tba gnat aooeeaa of Chamberlain's Col la. C balers and Diarrhoea Heasedy In the treatment at bewel aonplaiats baa mads It m indeed aver tba greater nartof the afvlNned world. Tar sale by i. I. Carry A Osmpaay, Draggle!*. ARP’S TOPICS. TALKS ABOUT TEE WAS. Mil Thinks Dnytaa is IssonsI aad h Hs| rtwmM, mil Arp In AUantsUucsUlultOB. It Is indeed singular how nueh sym pathy end wlisi au luleote lotsien the trial of Dreyfus bes exalted all oyer the dvlliasd world. Tbe life or the liberty of bat one mao—* Jew of no great eooaaqnanoa—U at (take and Urn world loaka ea with more oouoarn than ti gltea the Philippine war, where thou sand* bay* died la KattiaM^ y># trial at Dreyfus begu. Tba gnat heart of paopta beUavaa tba Jew it lacooent and la baiog ptoaaoulad Vit tba military baeaoaa ba it a Jaw. Civilian* every, wbara era getting more jealous of tba military pa war. aad wall they may be, for it le eggrresIva. erurl and Intoler ant whaa not kept.under reatralnt. Tba long •effacing of Dreyfus list inUnalflad tba pity of mankind and recalls the plsa that Hhafcccpcara mate for Pbytook, -1 am a Jaw; .bath note Jaw ayaa aod band*. aaaaaa, allaetioos, paadema If yon prink as do wa not btoed. If yon poison ns do wa not dlaf> Tba ptnmUoa has bean going on for A vs years sod tba aad la not yak la alghk It reminds os of I be btotorio trial of Wins# Hastings that b«N la April, 1TU0, and onotlauad until April, 17M. Never waa a man so un la tt It aaaaltod. Tba aubllaasst oratory and logit or Barba aad Fox aad Mbart dan eatoa down upon him with wtthsr ing and plUlaaa fora*. Borka apoha tbrsa day* and a maxed tba world with hi* matnbkaa eloquanoe. aod tba world pronoaoaad Hasting* guilty before any •vidaooa bad baaa iatroduord. for Burke's speech was an exordium, a presentation of tha biU of iadtotmaoL Boor Hsating*, frail, amall and sickly,. knelt at tba bar and there hoard tha tanibto dsn un elation* of see users. The Kogltoh nation waa against blm and oven bis friend aod patron, Wil liam rut, dsmrtad him. Hastings, as governor gaoaral of India, bad not ploaaad tba party to powar and was to ba made a vlotlm. That war polities thou, aod it to polltie* now. It was Ilka the axscotiou of lira. Surratt nod t-apum wore 10 10r two more inuoorol person* oould aot Lava been touod. bat the thirsty public demand ad some victims aad these ware eboeen. lo 1763 Hastings was triumphantly acquitted on arary obarga and public opinion had already turned la bia fa vor. Lord Macaulay aayn that be edmleisured tbe ladlao govarnment with onore than tbe capacity of Blob aloe and John Stuart Mill says be waa the bent governor that India ever bad. Wall now. if Dreyfus can have nooh a bapey seeing to bln suffering sod trial th* world will be satisfied. Lab orl It already a hero—the brightest ■tar lo tbe galaxy. He ban loads do blunder in aot or speech during bit long and arduous ltbora and whan bn dnolarm with folded nrmt and gliateo. log eyta and tmpeaslooad voice that Drsyfut la lanoeaat lb* world belltre* bim. If be it a^aio ooodamoed, Aano* will bn dlagTaoed aad degraded lo the eyee of tbe great powart of Urn world. A government that cannot save on* Incoeast men cannot aaya itmlf when rnvolatioa cosnee. The ant biggest thing before on la tb* everlasting war that,!Ik* Banquoa Kbott, wtUDOtdowa. lt drags Ita Mow length aloag from day to day aad waak j to weak until Its Mood and ooat has al moat erased to eggttaU us usd only Ita polities I* considered. Tbe qxaattoo uppermost U wlU It roll MoXlniey la tgalu or rail him out. Itnpertalltm ta a bigger prwaldentlal Issue than Mlvar or tha tariff. But lost now the quest loo that teems to concern the South U what ahaIT be dona with Us* negro. la aootaportions of tbe ooantry there 1* bu diet orb snoe, no friction, ao outrages of any kind. Tb* two race* era getting aloeg an peaceably aa la the yaara gone by. There nr* whole oooatlea down lo lower Georgia nod whole districts In some of tbs westsrn eta tan wbste tbs asgrom m a maw are lodaslrtoos nod humble nhd give bo trenMa. In opper oonui inaro is pane* aoa harmony mro aa oomatonal dioturtoanoa that had man Ufca tba Tolbarts prorata. Moat ortho on trams that proroks tbo lyaehlnga oome from a afro tram pa who bora do aottlad bo mo, no family. ootoooojmUoo, batgo oadboma wbao I hay pliaw ■ Tboy aro tea ocnrt af the town# aad cltiaa— tba orarOow—far ottiaa broad orima aad oorrnptloo both aaoat wblia aad blaaka. Tbo lam ro port of oar priooa oorsmimloo ohowa teat toroa oouatUa with oar aoroo larprot olttaa fora lab orm-telid of all oar oonrlou. Faltoc aonoty alona baa Wl. Tho mora raoaota from thaoa pasUlat-tlal eaotera of oatma tea fowar oonrletr. Ptckooa. Towaa aad Glllmor baro Boot. Tartlfro aoaatloa baro but twootr four. It la romartablo that mate ooaotlaa Id Uw Utah bolt wbara attrote MOdotelnate *how so good a roeord. Qoitmoa has bat two ooartate aad parfaat paam aad good will proraUt brtwran tba raeaa aad tba nagroaa down thorn took aa mooli prtdo In tbo display and suoaaaa of tba agrlanltorsl ooarautlaa aa did tbo wbltaa. Sow tba qomlloa Is If aneh harmony axtata ta Quitman why ooooot It oxiot also whorof la It a aottlad Utlog test two roosa can aot lira tagathar T For aoa I aso aot yat pnparod to admit it. Than in t booms da of aagtom mil oror lbo Mouth who aro doolla, law abiding, raapaotfal and lodaatrtoua and Ualr labor la aoadad. If oortbrra fools, fanaUea, aad pomisiaes would lot team aad aa atoaa I faal aura wa nonM gat along la poaoo. U la aot Mr 16 Jadfo tba *Mlo ram by tba raaaptlaaa teat show aa boro aad thoro. Farm team oat of poltttes, sate M lab tbo wbldptog pool aad oaforoa tbo Tag mo I law aad la Ira roars thoro win bo do oatragra, au Ipoohlaga aad tea Doaabar af oonrlou wtU bo rodaood M par soot. I bolter* thta. If tbo aa Imd white mm Wt‘Tham aodsTtho paaaltlaa. Tba lias# baa aoma oho a go moat pargu aad portfy tba ballot box. In oob* of tbs tUUi tbo ballot to hodgad arouod with o praoorty queii dootio* of flam ood Um ability to rood ood write. It thoold go farther ood require e good moral obmrootor Jett oa tholory box dooo. Weell know moey good naproeo wbo thoold be allowed to vote ood tome bod white an wbo thoold not. Tbo dorll U wot deed. Hot eory long ago I troubled ■yatlf ood apsnt sooao roonay la oatUag a white boo pardoned out of tbo Ohio fAA| MOlaM ill DOOT vift lOIDOrtUMd BO. Bo badowt Son out a month bo fora bo got into another row ood waa pot la tbo o*taboo** ood oast aorolog wboo tbo aorabol wont oftor Pot to toko kla before tbo aoyor Pat woo oot io, but tbo oowo wore. Tbo dorllUh raooolbad goto Brief nn key aB on looted blatelf oot ood looted tbo oow* la ood oow ay frloedo Join about Pat nod call bla my pot and I oa oot of tbo paidoo botlooa, Well, now that moo to not St to rata, for te taw de tected hi* family ood won't work. Tbo nagro paper ton that Richard Price, QoeeraAtSatoo’o faithful body arrest, Molo tbo governor* gold wotob tbo day bo diod ood now loo guLboo In Vewnon jail. Don* that oap tbo climax? ▲ good old nagro by tbo uoao of Moody dM o few dayo ago and wae buried with grant oara aooy. Hit tontcoaofraa abroad to ottood tbo funeral and ooo of them w«e to ovoraooM with grief that bo declared bo could oot boor to ooo bla. drar 0*4 father down la the odd. ootd greet and to bo Bold at the bone to weep ood aourn. But whan the fatal ly returned bo bod ttoloa tbo oM aaa’t boot clothe* and eVocything alas of rain ood goo* oft oa the train. Well, I don't think that bla sort iboutd bo allowed to rata, do you » On* Uhl* io bt* prtooc report nr prieed aeoud that fa the great looraoM of burgtoriao over mnple Uroooy by the nogrooe. Scran hundred cad ninety two convicts ora la for burglary and only 900 for lemony. I suppose tbs *x ptonottew Is that for mall SBm they or* eeot to tbs eoooty clialngacge tod pat to work oa tbo public rondo. For tbs unaenttouetds arlaoor lie attempt there an 178 oooviota. Judge Lynch aow not get them ill by a long Shot. Tba prison report ia Interesting aed Instructive reading and shows the moat oerefel aad humane treatment of Lbe oouvlots. Tba eommlmoo with Oeoer ri Brass at lie bagti. are all felad, Cbrlatiao goaUeasso aad do lists la the union oao show s better raeord of IU prisoners, both male awd female. But It le Impoaeihla to keep ap with the liae ead slenders that are ctrouts tsd by aortbara polltloieos sod south ern negro editors and educators. It Is *U • ecbeaie to get money from the aortbeni dodes. Bren as notable a women as the wtfe of Booker Washing ton, who la obalnnao of tba axaeutivs commute of the National Aasooaltloo of Oolored Women, aaya In bar poblio address, 'Tba white people presofa sod point to tb# immoraltry of yonug ool ored girls and yet the white people them eel vea ere to blame for this co edi tion of affaire for In this eon riot leane system the girls aad women are not only worked In the field with moo, but are abut op at nlgbt in the asms oells with them. Can you expect a poor Ignorant oolored girl to bo pare and virtuous when she le shut In nlgbt alter nlgbt with a man ?” Geoeeel Evans writes me that no •uoh conditions exist In Georgia, nor baa orar existed, and that for ten years past tbs Centals eon t let farm has not even beta worked on farms with the men. but have been leased to separata boo tractors wbo work none but the women on a farm. The aromas (about s**ty in number) work together, not to gether. sleep together ,*eod are abeolute >r ■sparstsd from man sod boys aad •fa on entirely 41 Barest farms. Tbssa women are not eowOoed la oails at all, but live In a bourn far more eoaofort ablo than they lived In before their ooovletUm. Tba meu end woman do not meet at all at auy time or say where. Hoar le tba f Wbet exnlsnlloa osu that woman maka T What oao Boakar Washington lay about It T Ha bud hotter aay lomelMug about It, for ha baa bad.lba aanport aad soeperage maat of the sowthani people aad be will be bald responsible for ssoh mal Iguuat slanders. The prison report abowa that fiO per oaut of Um eoaviett oao read and write. That 45 par oaat ara Married. That 90 par aaat ara batwaaa tba oSy" forty wan^a* alanry’ w fora tba war aad aalj algbtaaa an aid aooo gh to ranrnnr what atorery waa, Thla report ahawa oar 4.000 eolorad ooBflou, laotodlap tba aooaty ehapr gaoga, aad 000of tbraa an from Fulton oouaty. Atlanta aeaaaa to baa food nuraary Par crime. Aaotbar aiagalar table la tba report la nailed tba table of “leoldlytata," wblab ■uaat, 1 aoppoaa. tba “ratara are.” Tbare are few aarrlag a aaaoed tana : 4T a third tmrm,« a fourth tana aad 3 a Iflb tom. Th*y aaaaa to Ilka tba baetaan. A good whipping or taro or tbraa good wblprdoga woold ban atoppad all thoaa redd I Tiara, if a man llbaa oaa bled of paalabaaaat an wall aa to mo bask to It, It weald ba wall to ebaaga It aad tat bla try aaotbar. Bat tar aa keapao agttattog aad dla aoaolng aad M oo *aa boaat uat ba koowa it all. Car ba doaaa’t. Tba aaaaa Tanaa Wart. ' Tba report of tba United Btatae got arouMot atataa that tba graatoat daai aga waa la Malaaoaa, Falla, MUaaa, Robartaaa, Braaoa. Bartaaao, Oriaaa, Waablagtaa, Waller. ' Aaatln, Fort Bead aad Braaarla eoeatlae. Tba aarabar of fame eehaaorgad la nil aaa tod at 3,100, with a total ana of about l.MO.oob earn Of tbta ana at tba Uaaa of tba dead than aran about sot.. 000 aaraa uadar ealUnttoa, 3)9.000 aaraa befog la oetto*. 104.000 aaraa la eon: 10, BOO aaraa la aagar aaaa and •6,#00 aaraa la albar trope. with a total anduattaa ta eight ogatoblaat to abaal *,900.000. Mtv TorkrWa laolwr. „ Mr. Dm Waite, of Oaatoa county, V. O baa oftaa base lafarrad la m tte tea ana of wMa ospmri •ora. Ila tea dorotod a oouaMarabM yortioo of bit Ufa to tte (tody of boss,' aad batog bow woll advnoood ta nan. k wall ay da tte sahfoot. Ha aa% tapa uratai from SO to 1M salo nka, tad oaUt from SlOO to S900 worth or lionty nftry moo. Mr. Waiter waa U TortcrtU* krt waahaaavteito rtetlna. aad white ter* tte wrte ted aa lateorttag talk with itlaa. It ihiTilnnad that moat of hla kaowkdf* aad itpmliaaa k along tbs aaaM Ho* aa that raosaUy gathaiad from Mr. C. Stmpaaa. of CBtawte Juoetloa, exoapt ttet Mr. Walter m (•trad to wml motion wbtab did aa* JW&’Sf&KVS aaaater of oolaaita that may te molo taiuad In oa* oaikottoa. ItwtHbara mtmtewd that Mr. Mapm aM ttet BO ooloate k about m maay aoaaa ha tafalymalatalaod wilfcla amiUm of a mHa and-a-tell, or la a alnla of oaom try tbiao talks ta dinmate. Hit UUa waa ttet whlk tte nag* of tte baa la tenth of honor la of almost Uoatb, moat aftte bossy UaMtetad wWhla awlk tad t half of tte Mm Mr. Walter k not laaUaad to dloyato thk amartlaa rary paafUvaly; hot ba brlaat la a bow ataoteaat white ammo to nab* It wka ta an*Ur oat aad tte limit of SO oeloaka Baadhy Mr.Stmp ana. that prate gm natty, < try people, knew mom or teas stent it, aod te want so to flats maw latrreat hsu faiti. Just where hsasy dew torn from ter. Walter te not prepared to say. Oe can gin ao better aeoouat tor It then ba eaa tor ordlaary daw. It la precipitated from tte atmosphere sad and* lodgment oa teams aod otter mgetatloa. It baa a greater aOattp tor popular and hickory Jimves lb so for aay otter Mod. It te to ba aaao lo lu —aim. oa tteea teams la small bands, sod soaietlmes there aoUacta m asaeb as half a toaapooaful in oa# plea*. Id Mr. Walker's observation, tte heavy dew to precipitated from the atmosphere aaaallr lo the evening batwaao 8 o'clock aod dark. He Eaa aaaa It fall ing many a Uma, or at teaat te Crete ae very sum of UHa toot that te has aa Mae te eaa be mistaken. Hooey dew, Mr. Walker said, U ala ply boaay—pure boaay aod nothing •toe. Anyoo* eaa tell that (set by testing It. Whaa It fate tte ham have nothing te do, bat taka it op. pet It the hooey oomb end cap it over. The bam eao ooiteot as Immense quto tty of It la a very sbort.tlmr; bat in sobs Bassoon than to oooitdermbly bom of (t tbao la otters, sod tbto amber a wonderful dlCervaoa to tte bam ^WhUethm thu’uat^whtefa ** extracted from oottoo Montvm*. aod hardly of sueb requisite tesla. SOU It la moab batter ttea (Mat of tte boom ooUaoted la Urn spring. There to soot bar amloaa drawteak to boaay daw. White aaamtogly to Is precipitated frem tte atmeaytera. to does aat aoasa In ao aufailiag (apply. It is navar aaao baton tte flirt of May or nftei tte tort of Maptembar; aod while during some yaan It may toll oa as amov dan altemtter, aoma yvare It dost aat toll at aO. Mr. Walter aaM te haa not aaaa any this year at an. Ha does not think than tea been aay. aod. aa tte remit tte teas have bam having a rough time at it. It te teaauaa of tte boaay daw tbao that Mr. Walter thinks tte baa ktap er should have a large somber of ante ■tea. With tte barmy daw tolUag oa am or six days la aaiasatoaa, aa It somaUmas teas, area a weak oology aaa ooilaet all tte boaay tor which 6 aumter ofrmkmteaAteaT !** * **Ita pate item with a leraa%eeetity at boaay; hat If te only baa a (SwooU ■tea, of aoaraa ba te aneabda la taka ad matoga at aaoh wind (site area whaa U»y eema._._ ■piioi — m rm ram. jr. c. a—at. Bttdvwt Kipling doa not mil to »mj —m that oomm a-baring. Tbo jr. C. Aynr —iota# Cm* paiy tba* —baa coaloa —« atlla anal tba pMttlbM—l dollar ebook far dab* liana, bat tba ratio —bar aaM »o.H» la aitbar aot vary "bard op" or drawn tbs liana an —blog in— about ptlla. That waa a goad prtoa. It waa ao— dW a wart. How —ay, bow —ay btooantog poata would ba gUd to do a liuia wrltlag. on— writing, tor tba traat amdlobM aoaapaay at nay Hd a Boalh. Bat Hlptiag la oa tbaarant o* tba worn aad fartooa la dawtag bla war. It dapnoda mob oa tba way a a— la going wbat ba win da wttb tempting •Sara. If tba world la ao— lag U Mb baaaa dlaUte; If tba world a n-polog aad aarrytag away nil that a —a waata, tbaa ba aaantdnra praii to Moca. It a nlrniimaiano—. KMlog baa bad aioah to do with auk— tb— oiroo—taaeaa for Maatot.Taking tba drat —p to kart wurk; nftorwairS walking no—a aaay. (fatting ebon Um ordinary totba ntmartaBut — U—fcOod tar tba —wWbald gnat —Ltitodan by tbatr atoq— nod worn U— world by tbatr pan. 7n—am—SST Mothers of ablMran effected .iui my aa onnro add oaad oat banltato to adMfaltoar Obaaabatlalato Oaagb lUamdy. It eoatalao no opiate aor unroot taJo nay fara aad —y ba g—a aa laadiintly to tba baba aa to an adalt. Tba gnat aaoa— that baa ■—dadtoo ana to tbo t—foot of I troop baa woo for It tbo M L^riV?hirtMaf1Slir*£ nlabrwtif bar tanly iwn» aaa. at wbloh data aha waa.aa klima talk f««OT BttlA thirty-loar ynro of ago, mooted Ik apt at**affi*«i ■y*tte x&szrst^snSxs ro^ |ya>teawkoK irtSBSA^M!SSr& aonathtag te te paaad at. I taartOy •“» I had bate ten oo ttetwoaly "lath of Ftenary, ar. tettar atm. oa aoata aaa af tte daya that wanfowaar tattwten tte Jaliaa aalndjvnw to te*aara.tUi tttet>tntl^li ndd'mr team older ton 1 ami aa.aarodae tloa. Z withdraw that kat wkh. Aaliaak Barer oakbrata UrtMay*. dMaanaoa ruk. know nothing af •tea. Ttey aie among tte oamo af elTllisaUea. It w*dW art te«tte data of oar Mitt wa teodU te oatUy teayiar; wa aaaU than ooeaokaUoudp bafton that wo on aoraral yama yaaag erthaa wa mlly an. AaMM,eaao avarr mr tte tanlUa ftet that wa am ■teadUy toproaobing tte aaa of m heir, aad roil, and groodohDdroo, force* Itael r spaa aa And pat wa nayer Ml to odtbrota oar Akthdago, aad frtaada with aa anay happy ro toraa of Item, aad wa kaaw that wa are all a ooapaay of Iraaaport by po or! t*. _ rofvMtmSSSU ***** ***"1" Wa.HMfb Noon. —--— -4 yorknlkThmimotrod a ampk of tte blaako tor tte aaw atyk of moaty otdor that k to wypkattte term now la roga. afterteptomtor A Tte aaw term k tmollar ttea the aM. teiag ta tho atepaof • haafe atee? Than wffll te atab to nipt Cot tte n ttistjttsisr k dawn aa a aafUoatlao and to pte aootfnwd. ■ ' I 1 I ! I \ \ i : % $ I I I ; >r | % •V. :r * i i'. s § * | c* <k

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