The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Inters eta of the County. xx-_. .. GASTONIA, N. C.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1809. -' i Li>m .ul i —i——.■■■ ' I"” . » ■ 11—— i ■ ■■■ ■ m=r=Mm—T^mrz—rtrr-m W. M. QRIER. FUNERAL OF DR. GRIER. GREAT MART OLD SOLDIERS WERE r&EBsrr. I—»— ran mu—Xrerr TUilaK la tklarllta Ik(k(*4 M MaaikJ Mr •■a WW-IHranti kr Praklwal ■»* IraaukMla tailam nerw itrMttani - Haul naaal Trifua-twia Saaikta U (Mane Pallia PraaaaL Due Weet A. R. Pnatryliruui. Ur. Grier la (lead Cut off so sud denly! The towu ll start led by tire report. The church will be ou less profoundly cored when theae heavy tidings are race I rod. Our people are crushed by the awift blow. We ere just beginning to realise IU aignld * eaoee. The Edltor-tnohlef of the PrrtbyUrlan baa written hie lest edi torial. Reeder, do you realise Oet 1 It ie bard foe os to do eo. This Mon day mornlug we sadly Klee him at this ottee. The orape on the door telle the aad story. Teen spring to our eyes and the heart bleeds. '-'n oauoeui corning nr. urler drove Mrs. Orler, who has not been strong tble summer, up to tbs Sabbath school! As they passsd up Mato street la the baggy Dr. Orler seemed well and spoke to every oue la hta pleasant, cordial, •nailing way. tKumbsrs of our people wsrsoo lbs way to tbe church. This was tbs last they saw of him ’alive. He immedlstelv drove to Bethlehem ebarob and preached at 11 o’olk. Those who heard the sermon say it was a most powerful appeal to the youag—especial ly to yeuag men. This aermna was. prepared on Saturday and pi cached tbe neat day. We bops to be able to secure it for publication. Dr. Drier remained over arter the aacmou and presid'd Ml a oongrtga!loc al meeting at which tbe report of the Bethlehem ebureb to Presbytery ga» (bad. Be then drove borne. Watered Mb hone at tbe well and walked Into tbe dining room. Ha amid to lira Orler: "I am very Hek:" Mrs. Orler ■awted him Id a ehalr, sprinkled his fees with water and said, "I hope you wlH he better." He leaned bis bead oa Mia. Qliar's shoulder and said, "1 am little better." la a short time Dr. Grltr sold: "I am very sick. It may be the beginning of the end.” Tbs doctor* were hastily summoned Dr. Grjer stew worw. lie said : *‘I am gone."repeat'd it, putted Mrs. Orleroo the shoulder sod fall over. These ware Ills last words. Tbs treatment of Uw doctors bad do eSeot and ba died lu rony BW1MI mat UMllM lie WM Ukan 111. The dootora prowaune* apoplexy to be the etuw of bla death. The new* llaw over the town and maay elUieoa bnataoad la hit home. Telegrema war* aant to tba ratal!rw and maay lataraatad friend*. Tba body waa laid In a baaatlfui eofla and a atiaama of friend* viewed the too* of tba dead aa It calaly reeled In rapoa* la tba parlor of bti lion* wfaara ao many bate to tin) a* past found aooh a oordlal we loom* at the lianda of Ilia aobl* dead. Tba hour of lit* fnnaral wa* *at for ft o'olook Monday evening. A full account of whieb wa will (tv*. Tb* brave aotdlar. tb* OhrtatUo oill a*w, tb* aMa editor, tb* brill lent preach er, tb* renowned Collage Preatdaat— tb* lovable huaband and lather baa faJWa an (leap and lire macro*™ go abont tb* atraata. rcaieii. and nuniAi., 80 far aa wt know thar* baa n«v*r been aueh a fnnaral la Ibla vicinity. MatbodlaU, Haptlata. Praafavtartana, EptMopalUna, AjmooIm* Reform** Praabyteriao* —white and oolorad-tll man* to bar) tbofr dead, for la a tana* bn batoowad to tbam all, for b* bead a ad bad mborad far tWn all. Tba old •otdtar* tor a radio* of 93 mllea war* there. Three mmpi were i*pr*n*at*d la ttow^nnnw-twm ^w yftowtm, • u (L) Tb* Mar. Tba pall Imarer* waiktaoby tb* bear**. (9,|Tfa* family. (3 ) flonrj* of Erekln* end Tbaolo tleal Seminary. (4.) On 1 lag* rapraantatlvaa from n diaUcoe sod minister*. (C ) Representative fiotn tlm oamt* of old soldiers. (tt ) Friends In geuersl. On rssolilng the ohuroli the body rested la front of the pulpit. Those who were lo take part had scats •eslgoed them In m circle around the casket aud lo front of the pulpit. The house waa densely peeked end the beat rety great. A section of the church waa assigned the colored people. The pastor took charge of the exercise*. Sympathy and sorrow strongly aarked the foot* nf aM. Sobs ware frequeoL The greet grief of the feal ty was shared by mri heart present. The funeral exercise* closed just at the rare of eua were lingering la Ut* west. Toe great throng of buggies and car riage* quickly left Ike grove and a quiet ereaiog fall on our town. FUMSRAL. SERVICES IN DETAIL Ur. Bunoer announced that Dr. J. O. Lindsey a Ilfs long friend of Dr. Grier would make the Invocation bon prayer. Dr. Ltndiay was appro priate, strong, aud yet tender lo this prayer. Hie first sentence were : O Lord onr heavenly Father, we oome before Thee la thy bouse. In the pres ence of death. Help us all to know bow short and frail Ilf* la. eCKITTDBD LESSON. Bav. T. W. Sloan of Troy S. C\, read tb* Scripture lesson. These embraced some of the numerous scripture pas sage* dwelling on death. The drat on* waa: And the King said, know ye not that a prluoe and a great man has fallen thla day In Israel aod 1 am this day waak, though anointed King. ItEXANES BY K«V. O. T. IIONXXB. In honoring Dr. Grier era honor our eelvte. Wherever ha want ha war loved. Ue mi able to dll any plane to which hla fellow nan might call hla. A. roan of magnificent ability. A fall, rounded diu. He warn thorougely Identified with thla church and ooogregatloo. He waa ebalraaao of the building commit lea of thla church building, and hli heart waa la hie work. Hla child waa Uia Brat child baptiaed la the new building. Aa paator I aball miaa him. Hit vacaol mat will ba a eonaUot re minder of a friend alwaya ready to help In church work and to work unywhere, 1 could alwaya count on Dr. Grier. I aball mlaa hla helpful, anal eatlefylag prayer i. HKSOLDTtONS BY THX FACULTY OF zmcimh ootLicaa. Dr. McCain Mid that to bare bad limply a passing acquaintance with Dr. Qrtar waa to Ioyo him. Hla nobility of aharaotor draw forth tba tribute of Iota 1 do wall ram unbar bow a (Tec llooata waa lu fa firing nounsel and adrlce. All who mm under bu In luanca know what that rosaoa. 1 want to aay hero that what Hula merit I may poMaie myaelf I largely attribute It to the Indaence at Dr. Qrter. Our friend U gone. We no longer hear bU roles, but hie worka will fol low him. Wa lamest that be ta gone. I aaa I mag lot ao mere appropriate and. than that that same How beautifully appropriate area It then that hie last work should be eu appeal to the young —to yontig men as I am informed He literally died In the berneea. Dr. Mc Cain closed hla raraerka with an apt quotation from Dr. Grier's farorlu author— Mil tea : | DK, F. O. WOODWARD. Dr. K. 0. Woodward, Proeideot of Urn tenth Gan>11 ee Cottage wee the next apeaker who came to par kU tri bute to tha rirtoM af tba deed. Be began by saying that when Waller Scott key dying be drew down Lock hart to bU bosom end Mid. “Ba a goad mao." It mma to aaa that that them words belong to Dr. Briar, “A good men." I I e-mot it It ao honor to bo bora. I | am glad to ba Imre In behalf of my la etltntlen and other tnatliutlooe ea well. To bring a word of rotoem to tMa melons abaraeter. A reUrao net oaly la earth mil I tea nee bat a eakaran In tba cause or righteousness. Nuofc • obaraotar aa that can not but ba a Den *d lotion to thoaa wbo know him and worked noder blot. Aa 1 Uilnk o( him working to the and—not utcding any warning in ba ready—[ iagent Dip word* ef lb* proiibat : L«t m« die Urn dentil of tbe righteous and le', my lnat and I a Ilk* bla. I'm» report i» only a turn words of what Ur Woodward had many. It was (I « 0<at Uom li* bad bean In our inid-t and hla rnwiirkk •vta moat lialpritl, Friood* war* clad that Ur. Woodward found time n ‘ow from Columbia nud rooum with ua. PitniDBVT o»o. b. cnuamu. 1 eiHM hare a* a rnpranantatlv* of Newberry Colleg* In pay a at tact tribal* to tba memory of tba drvd. Vat I am flad of tba opportunity to ear a word. fben I heard of tba and death I thought at one* of the time wa oama lu honor him at hla rscenlmmi-eantan ntaL I looked for Uirsa resolution* diawn up at that lime by tba faculty of Nawtwriy OUtage, and which I now lay Upon bla open grave. Now lu Uin councils of church and college hla voice la atlll. All over till* land many aad lieatla are yearning for Ilia touad of that voice. That* are Buoy dim ayaa among tboaa wbo wore the gray. Ua wae truly a prtnc* anou’jg man. I admired him long before l waa Intimately ..cqoalntrd with him. And 1 laved him for bis lateilinvnt sympathy In wiy i.fllainl duties. Aa preacher. college prraideai. man and citizen ba baa left hla Impr.nion deep in llie Uvea of many young men. For ua tba golden ooid was loosed loo suddenly, bat not for him. Ilia work waa door. Thank God that inch a mao waa permuted to live ao long. "Uhl mil well doue. Ultra rase wall run. Lira's ormen wall xn. Nvwnomcs ml. UBV. SUMklBBlLL.*simply to testify uiv respect and sympathy for yon aa a chare® and a denomination. Hut I ua glad of an opporlaolly thua publicly to express my sympathy for you In a lcaa yon oao aot now under aland. I knew him only •lightly, but ou that alight aoqaaln laaca frit drawn to him. What a heritage I* Uialrs and yoiiraf It la a glorious thing wtiaa a man of auofc abilities and qualification* die* nod leave* behind tbs rvoord of a faith ful and wall spent Ilf*. "Mark tba perfect man and behold the upright, tor the rad of that man la peace•• lUUIIIM 1IT on. W. L. FIMLV. Mr. Boonsr announced that Dr. W. L. rrcmly. tbs life-long friend and co worterofDr. Grier—the latter made the address to lira people erbee Dr. I’reeelywea settled bere ai pastor— •onId make tba special address la be half of thle ooogregatloo. lie thought that If Dr. Grier bad bad the eholoa be oertaloly would have ehoeen lits friend Dr. Preasty for tbla wort. Dr. Presale arose, visibly moved by the oeoaaioo. He said : “On reaching Abbovtlla Court House from Long Cans at 10 o’clock this morning the first man I met laid, *Dr. Grier la dead.’ •• I was startled. I want lo say lo Una oocnoetton that every man I mat lo Abbeville hastened to exprem this profound sorrow and sympathy. A raw days ago I left tbla place. Dr. Grier mooed in the vigor of health. Today I find my brother la dead—gone. A noble form. I am asked lo say something. Two difficulties confront me. (a) I have bad no time for thought (b) I dare not trust ay feel ings. Why, for almost 90 years we have been intimately acquainted. For 30 years we have lived oo adjoining lota. My eaetom was to go lo btm for advloa aud lo aooept bis sound, mature judgement ordinarily. For II) yeare I wse hie pastor. Her er dll a pastor bare eueb an ludulgaot parishioner. I feel like David, “I am distressed for tbs my brother Jona than.” How then shall I treat myself t® apeak? I feet more like sitting on that bsceb with the mourning bartered family. «f. Oreirl death may oram untime ly. n» «u at Uta vigor of bta man hood. Ue waa enraged la aarrylog oa a greet work for bteebareh. Bat lot a* remember that God rutoeorer oil: that not a aparrow fella to the rrou'cd without hie knowledge. Preetoui la bU light la Uta death of hlo aaloU. Ia tbfe erovMaaoo wo bayo “oo broken •haft,*' bat a waU rounded Ufa Ha died Ilka every true paator . would llku to died. Diod with an appeal upon hla lip*. DM la tbo *TTtn Wjmt a braeoh thla doatli bar made on no—la the congregation, la Uta Synod. And now the thought It to ovary at lad, Who will take bla plaoe, oa whom eball hie maala fall ? Let ut fall book oa faith. Ha oua mate of thoao atoooo ruiubto loetrumeou to oarryoa bio work. It would bo vary ptoaeaat tom on iu tblo way; Umo forbid#. Bat all them roll to reaoh tha eoro. Pall book oa your religion. Our frtoud la net dead, but alive at ha waa oarer alive before. Tha Lard rave end tbo Dovd bath taken ■way. blaaaad ba the name at tha Lard. Pardon ana other llimjght. The rood awn learee a blaaaad lulwilUooe. The inharltaoee In thla eaaajof which [ apaak eoaaleu In a at ore of faith, of prayer of axarnpla. A good man leavaa oa tnberitaoee to ofctldraa'a ohlldroa. What an loherltaaoe did Dr. Or tar 1-apa la hla oklldrau—to all who do acanded from hla lotaa Thla addraaa of Dr. Pronely waa ton dar, pathetic, rlgorooe. Thera warn few dry oyae. *av. e*. i. t.owmia wiraoir. How good, bow traoloaa waa (Jbrtet to ihla aarveet of hla-thla double ao|. dlar of tba cram and hla ooaatry t If ba had bean ooaauUad aa to hit teal dlaebarga. bo doabUooo. would liava otiooaa it juot oo It waa, oa the Sabbath day. the day of root, jam attar oea mom word for jeaoa, oao more appeal to othara to oomo to Cbnm, to dlo at homo, la Urn baoom of bio family, tbo abort oaaa of tha paoaaga, ha had not aA Ilka many another old aoMtor. to •*•!> lor 4aye and wooha oo too banka of Jordan. Not Ilka Buena a abed xn Wd 4aop water*. ttr him the river WOO Borrow—there woo no oweM'go la Jordan. TIM Great UeundH wee good lo him There Ilea before aa a volume, m vol ea • dut ought to be read by tba world, e vulurne that li a vindication of the Cootedetale ciLne. A life, eo pure, m . maad, given lo it, le «vi tenoe of the rlghleouaneet of the erne*. .V uiaa like tbla t*> enter the leuied fl.-l l. U aa •oeeswerable argument for tin right eoutaew of the "lilt caua." That volume U eealud for the time. Xu ■Mire *bal) be mat la feaaioa with hi* eoandee on thliaidtth# river. But It le only clotel to beopeoed oa the other aide. Ha bat gone to aaaap forever with the great army on tba other ibore. Ha hat geae to be with the Lace and JaokaotM end othere peerlcae In blatovy •o Um other aide. We honor aunh name aa La* and Jaokaou. Hie name !• to be mentioned lo the *a<n«category. It reaaloa tor tbeee left behind m eel their tenta In order, retdy to march at Uie oiamend uf the great Captain. Give youra-H to Chrlit that you may paee over the river and reel with Jeeue end deer OonfMerete coart dee under the ehede uf Uie trace. We leave our eoldler with the great Com mender. He haa given. bin bit float dltollarge. U« itae gooe bom. He le at rett with CbrIA on tint pUluc of glory. Dr. J. C. Galloway, of Gaetoola, X. C„ made the eloalug prayer, earing Um Tavbar to Inprrn oa the haerie nod mioda of Uie people lhaee aotMOn lea , euna Eepeclally aaklag that the buv ! eely Patber’a blaring alght net lu rich maeeurre eo tba bereaved oo*e Dr. Orler’e fevurlle turn, "Beet," wm uuw eung to Srd Poaia la naft low tooee. Juet before the proceeelou moved from Uie ebarob Bar. O. Y. Bonoer eakd : "When Dr. Todd wee lying on hie aiek bed Dr. Grier eotered. Dr. Todd eald: <1 aa going to Have Urn advantage ul you, Djetor. i aa going to be witb Him Amt.' •> The apeaker Mid ; "Dr. Grier bae Um ad vantage of ua lo-day." At tbn eodle wat being lowvted gent ly Into the grave the ebolr aoTUy aaug, “f-aad aa to the Hock. >• Aa the eloda fall lalo Uie grave they atng alowly, “CaM thy burden on tba Lord.” Kev. J. A. Brown proiMUiioad the end the moat impreaalve burial eeeaa we ever Utended oem to ■ cIom. Twenty-three Blatter* were preeeot to teeUfy to Um lev* end ee teem they bore the deoeeeed. A »»«* raoi in m> HMrenr. Usooi TV*OKT*ph. Tl»* Richmond TV mo resurrect* e <WPJ of lu Issue of June 3. U065, sod reprint* therefrom lbs Codaw log wblob originally appeared la the Philadelphia ffbfKti-er ; “That Jeff Dari* waa In Irons was well known about Fortreua Moo roe Uia day before tbe drat telegram of tbe affair appeared in tha bupArtr. Tbe non day It woo the universal tupto of con vernation bare and at Norfolk. OB earn of tba fort made do secret of It. Tba Goveromeot tot coded do eecreey to tbe tMttor. Oen. Miles bad ben furnished with dJkerotiooarr orders, to wit: To put Jeff Devla In trooi If be deemed snob n oourse neceaeary. “Tbla eonraa was daornod narnaeerj. Davie waa put In trooa, aod tbe In fairer Simply snnounood s oleoe of oowu before any other paper, whleli It baa dona before, bmoe all tbe outcry. For tbe Information of all eoaoerotd, wo wish to Iterate that Jefferson Darla In In trooa, that tha Iron* are gyves, sod that b* restated their patting on. *'U I* certain, notwithstanding tbs Jferald’t Indignation over what It waa piasaad to call 'A Philadelphia story.’ that tbs prisoner was heavily manacled on* day teat weak, and an remained un til yesterday afternoon. During tbs da/ be sms Ironed Davis staedtaatly rafuad food, satlsg nothing got a Mt of bread, aod yesterday Dr. Orarea snM plainly to tbs aatborltlss aad no ises b* waa relieved from tbs shackles tbs prisonsr would Dot lire two dors. in cooaequoao* or him ropreaantalioa tbo irons war* ramorad tala yaotarday afternoon, tad than Dr. Ora van rap or- ■ tad to boro f ortbor wprwm tba opin ion that aolaaa Dario wasaiiowod non rroob air than b* oooldjot by constant ooofloomant In bla o*«1 hi would not lira ton day*.” Knob has baon a* Id within and with out tba Ualtad States about tba mag nantaHty of tba ooaaaorora at tba oloaa of tba ofrll war, aad not without rea son la mb* particulars, it anal bo ooormaM. Bat la tbo treat mast of tb* Rx-Preotdant of tbo foltao Ooufad arocy tba mrr aMMtt* of magaaatatty waa displayed. Tba abora aooount Id •UoUy ingfoMa tbo orool troatmot of Droyfaa on Dortl’a Island, and yot tbooa wry aawaaapora that rlawad with aatlafaotlea tboahamofat mm ill 1 of aa > of sat If fallta foo In Irons an Ills life threatoaod aa a roaalt of tba la dignity, boro for months boon pouring oat risk of wrath no* Ui* Fran oh oS who war* rapooribfc for tbo bratal trmimaat of * Fmah odlaar anrnaad of boteayfng military aooreto to tb* munak* of bk eauater. Ho tea* Amor toao of today oa# fall to look book aa oo this Fortran Maara* aptaoda with Moor poopk now Itylaf In Moooa at* probably udawara that dortag tha Umoafbtr bar boabaad** tmprkoa want at Fortran Moan* MroMbrooa Dari* and for daofbtar Varies, now doooaaod, roatdod In Ihk otty. botag gnooU at tbo boat* of tbo Hoa. Haw aii Cobb, o* Walt at otraat, near Sod. A fxiMM Maa*w WW often ooaao a horrlMi Bum, Baatd. Oat or Brnk*. Boohloa'a Ami oo Balm, tb* boat In tba world, wlH kill tha p*i* aad ptoamiy boat *. Corn Old Mora, Fttror Soma. Clear*, Balk, Fafcoa, Oaraa, all Mkta Rrap Uaa* Boat POa ours aa aarth. Only Wot*, a boa. Oar* gooraatood. Said by J K Oarry A Oo., Druggkt. IT WOULD MOT won. IT IS ALL AT IDLE DKBAT. ■ill At* •» Ik* •’ra»«4H*w tat »tptl Ik* 3f*«*•**_w.»H k* rmpinril in n'1 !**■ «g Ik* l*<Tlry-WII I l.rlmt WWr xwitw. Mil Ary, I* Allam* (\meiMatU<*. U.jJTIa.T" **“ rrt“* The iH-gnM|u*n Uiu i« uow nrinriixr li> U* Binds uf all ilia people of ika aouU) and 1 wrlta uuea Bora a poo that aul jaet to oodasUy but ocinfldrollr la dor»« Mm nttrraueaa of tlm ConMltditn In Wednesday's paper. Thrtr dapor Utlon I* a dram, an allrriy lapraell aaUa solution of tba ran wrntihB. Sixty yaara ago it was a great aadertab lag to remote 14,000 lodisaa froB arrrtli tiaorgta to Ilia ladlaa Tvrrltory with thatr rsiustant oooaaat. 1m then 4.000 of them died ou tba vay. Tba Waablagtoa Pm aaya tbera era ■ot aoougti I ran*porta m tba world that euotd Ur birod to oeo*s tbea alt in twaut* yaara, and It would But ooat •eaa tbao •100 a head, which would aiabo a thoaaaad million dollar*. Tba fedml gotrruBaot would not row • dollar to begin the experiment. Mata •ban aU thla, tba negro Will not go. Ha will not area go north to U*a wltb bla friend*, bis dellrarera. A (aw bund rad want to Kaaaaa bobs yaara ago, but Urey got kowaelak and mbs back. I oomparad wltb Cobe about U and be Bald: “Wall, major, to By ••pinion wa won’t git rid at tomrof Vb. We bo lit git ap an aaounbitt Iraia wltb a taw cur load* at waters!! Ilona la froot gad toll ’em along aa far aa Ohio sad dray Wa, hut I’m Jnbga suoqi Rulin' 'am is Atricy." There umkI to Ia* a oolouUtllim UOQI* ety that award a good ship named Eli*tbetb, aad they carried all Ua mao named slave* to Liberie free at charge. Old M*Jci Water*, a wealthy geoUeeun of OwIbboU ooualy, gave thirtymevee of hie aiavea freedom, ead tqr his will made my father bkcaeewtot aod directed hue to provide geod sloth ing fur them ead to Uka than to Seven Dali and aaa then put on board the Elisabeth aod to cay over to Wil liam. hie faithful body errant, (100 for eaoh of the thirty-seven alavm. Thla money waa to act them op la Africa. So my father eotfepooded with the society, cod the good (Up wee aant to Savannah on time and lha negro** wera pat oa haerd. They wept and wailed when they told father good bye, tor they know that he ntheir old master'* friend. About two yann after Umt than wae a knock at father's door ooa winter night. Whan it waa opeord there stood William end ate other* of the negro** aant away. Ua reported all the other* dand aad that ha aad than ate bad accented ihammivea to the hold of tba veasel by eight aod fcapt bidden aatll they had bean two days at aaa, for it waa against lha i ulea of the ao oiety to allow any freed men to retoro. They were brought to Philadelphia, and they got word to Howell Cobb and Alax Stephen*, ia Washington. Those men knew WlltUm aad bu master and mat him enough money to pay their way home. They west into asrvioo of tbelr young master. Tom Water*—no* an ttevea but a* free men, ead were hapoy at aeceplog from Liberia. Bare la Uaote Sam, who work* ia my garden ead ebopa my wood and goo* alter toe oo (kind**. Ha baa fanr grown up abUdron who nr* married sod they have a lot of chUdran. The oM mu owns tba hombte home and I* not going to Africa or anywhere elan, and the mil dean will net leave Mm. Than would be weeping and walling worm then a funeral. But suppose they all wot Who I* gulag to pay than tor tbatr property r Tba negroes pay Uxae new on the** hundred milUoo* of property, wbloh la ohlrflj reel rotate. They own prdtaaMy *00 boaaea In aad around Car tenvtUe, end thera would be no heyvra li they were aH deported, who would Uka their plaoeef Who would do o«r cooking ead wishing? Who wouM mine our bebtaa? Who emeu make our Arm whan the ootd winter morn leg* oomev Who woe Id pick oar aot> too? But the feet inmate* Umt than era toe many at them, aad they mol It aly loo feat, sod thla gcoacmtloo era lodotaat end Deed regnUting by vigor one lews. There is a baseball game going oa right now while I write, aad at lamt TO vagabond Bottom have peamd my bower going to It. The ne gro woeaen are aapporUng them la idleocaa. John Aodorsoa my* ha heard them singing at Urn dm tba other day, and the shorn* of Urn mwg waa: “*• mm la • ntonw worMor vary koM wwo^mat to • amt la a bm! Bat eeoagti of this. Wa ban afl road naofa from tha Yaohsta a boat tha tqn aad mci ima tha eoturad Mat* opaaod odasators, aod that aB atop tha mom taaa of atop tha lpaohloga, hat 1 ban aonr pat aaaa aaptbtag aa fair, ao trothfat, ta apttp apokao 00 tho $Mrm* rtonilf d^liTtftq 9k BlMHfk lOron, Id Kanawa, hp aa Alahaiaa aa > pro. Ha la tha pnatoaot af tha AM oollaoa, lfonaai. Ala., aad hla aaaaa to VT. II. Ctoaoall. I eagp flow a pa par pabilabod at Inwraaaa. Koa., a portion of bH add mat ■ Pardon aalar asp nowtog horth naaa, bat I do not toor aoothm opproo aha baK aa aunh aa 1 do tha lanatoo of a luta aortbara labor, a* tab a mao with Ua aoctai pardjadio*. vbtob mom oftaa plaollag lu ooior aa Ma oalp nark af aapartorltp. Tha ooior Uaa waa aanr canted apoa brtok walla, ta tha oarpaators' baaah. In all tha otter Indaatrua af tha asalk uatP tbs north ora whtto laharar ranted It thara. -Tbs Boat bars oogro baa far oat airtppsi tha aortbara oogro otaoa Maaordpotteo-aotatrippad Ids to or orp wap. 1 da aok np this la aap aa fikadr ndrti toward np aonhoni brothroa. bat I state a hot whtoh ante bo pteda W snrp okoorrtap waa. This It aU daa ta tha aoprrtor adnaugta of tha toathan nagro. “Oatorsd waa af tha aarth atakaa proof ntotoko la abootag tha aaath. Thop forgot that tha aaath waa aa aato-roon to wbleb lba*r total ax> obonood Um Mont of tU* Urbarlao far Um in* <4 oMtoalloa-tko Mmaad aoU room to wbtok torn mlUlooa of SSb.KRtoS»US om Mum karat ntodanofy tool to with* four mUftoao >4 grttch votahtp m *m inn train'd to four nMHtt <>f (JhrtoltoH aUkHM uf M or Um mH i»«otfai onaaraaMina of tbloa«a. "Lot Um aooth *kaoo and took to Poor oam vflxtai gppmaatttoo ami •HINtfllftlM arraaaa. -l appeal to tho oktta ana of Um aortk to iktok mom Madly tot kotk Mo* Maaaad vMtanaoofthaaaatk. Krory boont aogro boon ta loyal nto trpo to Ua aoatk. Wo an doptoaa oMmaoity* lm *72 wk«o moo am aaSSod teouraanmoo good. Tbo criminal otanto made o» kcaaraUoo, our crfmtoal toodmoMoj tkoa you eaa putdowa tkoaaobnvtt to poor ova omUm. vMob i—ffrri I i^^JtTC^okSSt tMcalyaum ladaatoy, orippllap oom moroo,»Wo€ UMOir ottbtS Mo* gg^g smjws jSl tBoij!.lv!!IL?y ” n7 Mann. \r« ooadaod via* tkosym S*SS-£5*£E» oat oar now mfattoni. Tbar* Ma atom of uactboro vbUm vko aoaao ROUUi &> ■ a Kuraini mattimL' tkm by pocrUee, slag lag um toao Lo UM nageooa and to LOe uMlea o wn eeciaMifa™ toMlm>MSltftMlim>ZHHrV£ gyi*ni»r«nilwiil^>ih ssa.; u^no worthy '•oc^emp^'^maeilod m aU aMaa. aha amtatelu adagios of virtue wbtob woutd deserve «nbmu nvrhnaawiaTi**1 <rit*1 mot* (<rilnth “Wo are negroua and Kjoald ba true to our own uaUre la order ke become ■trowgaad fair ia tba aym of oa total* liflaot world. Lat us brasas am ooneansd about ataigbtakiog tba klDka loaida of our beads aod tba fcloks ao tba ootaida win ba an right. “I honor the whits teas because ba booaro blaealf. 1 boa or bUl bemoan be does sot go wblnag aroaod, bogging toooo^Kid^TeSooSc't^bm'o; SS bTSdr^J2Mo£rtn*tom?,,|5ii dMyotod rlvaia, raised alley*, leveled mountain*, dioped tba gnat ocaau dry. aod honiaaeod natural forma to thMr oww1dSTny^treto tbab £Z£a£ lbMTi^eo.^7 tCoJTtbwiowJrfS aram omW their oblldrm aod oiks it possible fbr them to rise la this wand, lot the Mgro da likewise. Ha baa it In ble powaru do oa. amael* aUy to toe^eoutb. ^ There ba oaagaaw judles la bat tba votes of Ood teSuag hi a to establish all kinds of butMan, 2S!^Ki,Tir,,E,y:2n: not ga about bagging tor adatalea aod aseoModaSoos wbuu wo m told ptaiaiy wo eta not wanted. •—r lean prodjadlee may yet do tar us what ■ look of raea pride any tall to aaaom pttab—fetes tba aagra to aotinolm MmaaUand togrewn* InjCgoodo of thto world.” w—i * : 1 I ; ■ I V ! t i : J i ! J I ' • E n •I I S * i r I *

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