The Gastonia IteTOted to the Protection of Home and Vol. XX. GASTONIA. N. C.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1809. MIND DOESN’T NEED REST. A OHAIGB OF MBHTA1 FOOD IS WHAT U REQUOED, BATE ASF. TIM Bartew Wdn|*» Tula Mew be Biiwtei M—Ml Bm Whew Ha Siam Weary WUUSMSy-MU Kaiwl. MU Arp to AtlantaOoaeilluUoa. The Mind doesn’t need nit, for It will not rest, hut It uredm a change of mental toed. Wo cannot at will, atop thinking, but wr can give oar thought* a DOCS pleating direction. and that la reet. And «o, whan I gat tired and perplexed reading and laminating aboet tbs war and tbs nagross and to UUoal oorruptloo, I take a da; off aad commune with nature and her wonderful works, which art ever before ut and amend na U Is even a reet to beer It tkdbdar aad to watch the gstberiag of the big elcada sod wef ooeee the Mg drops of rata that fall sp ot) the atepa. . fbei the lightning I* dteblng snd the thunder stroke oocnca quick and sharp aod near, wa retire trea the veranda sod for a 11 tula while humble on reel roe under the might; band of Qod, and that la rest. »»*» worry aim perplex oar anlvo* all of our waking boar about thing* which art afar off, toot take (heltor nod oomfort at homo, lot u* change >he dlot aad It will ml o* moo tally and phyiloally. My good fatbor waa o phlKMOptwr, aod would cay to me, “How, my son I want you to boe them potato**, aod when you get tind yoo oan weed the on lone for a mat.” Prof. Mitchell, lb* groat oetroaomer, told men that when hi* mlod waa weailad with loc* aad parplaxlog oal catoUon# aad hi* eye* war* tirad of Bg ure*. aothiag relieved him more than a game of wbtot with hta w'.f* aad chil dren. It waa a delightful net. Uut my eweetaet raat I* a frolic with lb* little grandchildren aud lletaolug to their Innooent dlaooum*. Thor* are two little girl* of three and five year*, who vialt ma almoat every day aod climb my ha*** aad kia* my old rough cheek* and my that I am oot old nor ugly aad every night I help tbrtr mother put them to bad aad tell them the ease old Hon** about Jack the Gloat KUMr, and the bee* vine «»d the wolf, aod to* pig* and little Bed Biding Hood, aod what I did wheu 1 wm* a little boy. By aod by tba mono b>o* of my voice become* their I alia hr nod Urn UtU* eye* doe* aad th* I lute head* tall over on my (boulder aad they are off for tba land of draama. Whan the father baa to go to hi* drug atom ovary night an old grandpa la a help to their tired mother, and I am thankful that I am yet fit for that, I at a pair of old-faahlooad bine bird* to-day, and fait Ilka the friend* of my youth bad oome book. Soma year* ago they dlaappeared. aod I have wondorad what became of them. A Jaybird with only one log oome* every day to Urn fountain to drink. I am trying to tnaka n friend of him, bat be la very ehy aod auaplcloo*. Some cruel hoy hit him with a aliag abet, 1 reckon, for l at* them aotpatimaa tu tha beck allay trying to gataabot at my plgaooa. Maybe that layMrd will meat that boy to Purgatory. Boy* an aa mean about kQMsgMrde aa oar gov •ramoot la abort kJBfa* th* Filipino*. Bat thla to aOhrttiao eeaotry and I an an Intenaong atudy for lb* yoong people. We ban about a hundred of thorn, aad aom* of them an aver before at ** waatl on the vonpda. They an of many color*, from almoat black to a pun anow whit*.- and at nil boon of day they gather at th* tittle hydrant fountain To Vba frootyard nod drink *“? ‘if0. flr **■?• The pi goon It tha only biid'that drink* by draught or auction aa wd da All tba other bird* ralae their bead* aad let th* water run down by gravltv aod than dip tbe bill down for another drop. Pigeon* do not tend their young with worm* aud bmp, bat th* old bird* dlgeet tbalr food In tbatr owe crown Into a curd and eject It Into th* mouth* of their yoong. Hence it li that vary young plgeooo or a*mb* generally die when tbay ■*» fflvmi away. Pigeon* an not axaetty polygamut*, bat tba mala* rty.P°» pMtlcolar matea aod they •lU^fbwi the young of any anther. In deed, they do moat of th* feeding. Tbay an not ganinaoaoaa. How, lot tb* yoong people hunt up thU big V*? •*“1 *»•*, <*1 oao not bop. Moot otto bird* aa bop but oan cot walk. Of eourm pigooea an ptgmm teteUaadaeanaomotelkowo know. dnomo. Then than 1* a language ■‘••Mb. It tonally pA «M KntUafe, for pidgin to a Chinee* word aod mono* butloeaa. aad bM.ii, BogUok to a mUtura of Chlivtat and Kogllata aad of aigaa by wblob bualom la tiwoaaetad la lit porta batwatn aa U«m aad foralgnara. Tba alfttUag Mttarfly to sortag •outhwtrd. For tbo waaba part oaa av mm ba*a boat ana at all bona of (todayoath* whig patting tbroogb oar grove My aalgbbora far aad oaar tall aa tba* art putlog Uwir bona*. It la a good larga yallow bnttrrfly «f oottora Mat and thapa aad eolar. Tba* doat f04M la pain or Hooka, trot •lagly aod aot oflao la algM of aach otbar. Thar all oo«a aad go Id tba aaaa dlrartfcn aad da aot atop a oto aart nor yauaa to ooek tbo booty fron a flowar. aaw I ton aoootad than by tba aloai aa (My ptand aad nada Ova IB a (Bloat* tbroogb ay Are aaro grove That aakaa MO la aa hour or fl.OOO la a day. If. tboa wo eoaat 000 to ao otto la a «*y 100 aoraa would anfct 00,000. TVn thouoaad arm would Baba 6,000,000 for o aloglo day. Bow aaay aoro torn do lWry aaaa a*ar sod bow aaay aoia daya f Think uf It, tad tbo hooka tar Lhay art going tooth to wlator tad die Tboy laid thair •gga up aortb rtf art (bay bagan tbair loag Jouraay. fwo tbaurrttloa I ahoeM toy iboy avorago tarty a Hat a day. n a not a rapid flight, bat to tibaokao. Wtiat a atagaUr «nation to tbto aad wba too tall wby aad tba gbaafat*. Jfatora to fall of ayrtortot My dally 0*11 bring* inquiries sod •«umo( ilium I esuDot suesrrr. a •Constant Female Reader’’ waste U know how tb* moon lofluuooaa Iha miking of iyw soap aad moat ihe pal be stirred backward or forward. - Well 1 gar* It up and referred the writer le Aunt Betay Hamilton. Another In quiring rnlod wants to know why mo la* tells are shaved and dipped, f have referred him to Uncle Remus, but I have interviewed come of my friends, aod on* Mid because It im proved tlie looks of tbe animal aod cave tbs aula a git-up-ao-glt appear auee. Co be Mid It was done an yon oould tell **18 from a bora*, for It was a rr fleet km on a bora* to be taken Cor a mala or for a mole to be taken for a boras. An old farmer Mid It was done tc get rid of ocrrylng pud cuokleburs, aod thereby plena* the negro** who had to plow thorn, hot It wm mighty bard oc tbs mala la fly lima My frlaad John Anderson, says that an onsbeerad mol* is a very unsightly beast. Jim Jeff bad one that be never would have trtsimad. When the mule was twelvs years old Jeff got tlrad of bar and tried to swap her off to bla neighbor, Stegall for a horse, bat they couldn’t trade. Tbsc ha offered to Mil Kit to Stegall fur 175, bat be wouldn't give It. Not very long after that Jeff come* to town and a Tennessee bora* trader got lxild of him and gave him an old chunk of • horse for hu mule. Kit was put un der the abaara forth wile. 3 he was •lipped aod rubbed aad washed and groomed aod lo a few days was Iran* morgriSad la to a \*ry respectable look ing animal. Stegall wanted a mule stoat that time and lbs Ttaoreaesu sold Kit to blm for SlOO. bat he didn’t know It was Kit. Nest day Jim Jeff bad busInaM over at Stegall's aad Stegall took him down to lb* lot to show him what a floe mule he had bought A* soon as Kit wiled her old manor aba nickered and trottod up to blm and pot her head affecttoaately up on Ills shoulder )ual aa she used to do, Jtfl kissed her on Ilia domi And kAid • “Kit, why Kit. U this yon? Wes* your old mbL I oughtn’t tu bar* aold you. Stagall, 1 will give you 97ft for her just became she lores rosso.” Mules ere curious creature*. but they dll along fell want end never strike for higher wages. Tbe muleaad the negro ere s bsppy oom ■ bluaUoc sad when tbe negro deport* tbo mole will go, tun. I reckon. Mr neighbor. Morris, bee a very doe mole and about six months ago this male trlrd to ptok bis teeth with hie hlod toot, end got the shoe faateoed la Ul* ■south ou a broken tooth. Mr. Mor ris worked an hour to aoloose It, sod thee celled la the neighbors, aod they worked with rupee and lerara. but oouldot. All of a sudden, while Mor rii wee steading by thinking what to do next, the tooth broke with e report Ilk* a pistol, and tbe mule’s foot flew heck Bgmingt Morris’ ebluboce aod broke it all to pieces. He was down la bed three months, end goes on orulcbee now. Suoh Is e mule. Be ha* oo pride of ancestry, bathe lire* long aad Iteppy. Mere About Beall's »■*■■*, la the International Magatint la ao aooonnt of the Italian patriot. Pools Tibaldl, who sees banished during tbo ateoad Napoleonic empire to the spot Which baa lately been the prison of Dreyfus. “This accursed Island,” the Italian says, “tbrougboal It* extent of Bre-etghtbi of n mOe In length, and 1,943 not tn width, evuelats almost ea Urelyof bore, unfruitful rooks, Tha arid toll, oo wbloh even the grass wither* for leek of nourishment, and only a few scattered bashes grow, the foliage of which is parched sod with •fed by tbe pitiless sun, showed the g*ee who wag to lire there the suffer ings to which lie wee doomed.” The resident of that Mend be* to Bgbt continually beat prostration sad la lines t. even In tbe moat aeoroblag days, for meatal and physical depres sion means death, aod to compete with the larking turei the drowsiness which ■Used* so no aver most bo constantly fought off It Is oo hot during tho foor moo ths’ reinless season that stone* mar the need like red-hot Iron If toeehed and eggs brought from tha shad* Into tbe eon bunt on aooount of the sudden deoo os position. For eight months rain poor down, soaking It lmpoartblo to go oat of doon, indeed, suicidal, tor a fever will result. A special feature and perhaps the only agreeable one of the island la-or rather was, when the few trees that struggled for existence there bad not bean felled—the presence of certain very large Itxards which lived tn tbe tree* sad were billed with stone* bv the prisoners, to be setae They were realty e delicacy, and wbsn boiled er roamed afforded arieb, palatable dish, somewhat similar lo taste to pbaes aata. Wo* AppHaabla. WreWnaWH) Star. Ha wm alow or apoteb, languid of mtoloo mod uaeouUi of rolaaaoU Tba welt-mean tu* cbm stopped to talk with him ud Inquired : “Whal'i the uaa of aiuing boro doing nothin* and letting tba tar at run dowa f” “What** tba uaa o’ vorklo’ ?” wm tba rejoinder. “Why, to a* to lay op something for a rainy day.” “4 was, aardoulo tmlla overspread tba folter’a fees. •‘You’re tba eleventh man who has baa paid that,” ba eoaraeoted. “You floa t know nothin' about this part o' the eon a try. We don’t have m trouble with rainy days. What bother* os la droughts ”_ Mothers sf etiQdran ejected with croup or ssvurs oold oaad sot boat bale to admin tabor Chamber lal si Uougti Remedy. It aontaina ao opiate our naraatto la any form and may ba given aa aonAdeotly to tba bate as to an sdaK. Thu great lacsms that has attended Ma nan la tba treatment sf entdi and arvwp baa won far It tba auprwval and praise It baa ratetvsd tbrewgbaut tba UsHad Matas sad m ■say foreign Weds, for sale by J. I. Carry * Company, DragglKa. I ( Boar. a. urn kuiuiati*] r»»l T» one is more ewers then my seir of nr ability for the dntiee of my position. I cannot even aocomptlab »£■*J “Teslf desire. How can ffel OU tbe expectations of others T la addition I sensibly feel the growing failure of ay bodily ettengtb. I bare nut yet recovered from the attack I experienced the past spring. I am becoming more and more Inespabte of exmtloc and am that prevented from making tbe personal examination and giving tbe personal lupsrvlmoo to the oporatlooe in the Held whteh I fed to be neoaaary- I am so doll that la making uaa of tbe eyes of others I am fraqneatly misled. Everythin*, there fov*» potato to tht idTiatifM to bo derived from s new commander, and I tbe wore anxiously urge tbe matter upon your exoelleoey from my belief tiua k yonoget and abler man thaa my ealf nan readily be obtained. I know that be will here as gallant and brave an army aa ever existed to second bis effoete, and H would be tbe happiest dey of my life to tee at its bead a wor thy lead ar—one that won id aeoompliab more than l eonld perform and all that 1 ™'r* "*•*>•*- * hope your exoellenoy win attribute my request to Um true reason, tbe desire to eerva my ooentry end to do all In my power to Insure the sucosts «f her righteous earns. *‘l have no complaint lo make of aay one but myself. I have received Doth log but kindness from those above me. and tbe mo* considerate attention from my nooradee and companions in arma. To yoar sxoellanoy f am ■ pec tally Indebted for uniform klndaaes aad consideration. Ton kart dene everything la your power to aid me In tbe work committed to my charge, without omitting anything to promote Umgeneral welfare. I pray that your efforts may * length be downed with sueests and that yon may long live to enjoy the thanks of a grateful people. "with eenUmenUof great esteem I am. very raepeetfully sad truly yoora’, „ - Rosanr E. La*, General.” Mr. Davie wrote, daclinleg to sonant «*•, mdgnatloo, and General Leera mslned In command until Appomat tox. _ A wtlkiantmi A rwnwi VI nr I »ia M««r Haa ai. ■AtWnaVa,kelWMana|MM •a wi»reat Hniih hr tiim-j (hUt.OnMnna Wt»nh»i» ■ i a. Mate MIimUI. tnm the tun, Nannie, v«. I (offered with diarrhoea Tor a loop Um* «od Uaooglit that 1 waa part being eorad. 1 had apaol mooli tin* and ■taaay and eofferad an aaoh alaary that I bad alaaoat dteldrd lo (lea op all bopaa of raaaaerr and await tte m»oI», hut aotloln* tha adaartlwiat of ChaicImUlu'e Colie. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy aad (lee aoaee laatl ■oalala (tatiof that mm woodrrfel •orat Iwd bwe wrought hr thta matey, I d wtdad u try It. After takloc a *•" * V* Italy wall af that uouhla, tad I wtah to mj tatter to ay raedera and Mlow lulbnn that t •• • •»■**» •*" t*-day ate tal aa wall aa I avar did la ay Ufa.— a H Moowm. Said by J. * Curry aad Oowipaay. Drapglata. vhk Nevrv m iml BmCistery will n*M UwMaik »• All IMUn M hrlk. hur teuie. It requires no especial kaliMl oompleta victory for tea mate by 1000. A people able to maintain Identity agaloal avaricious roernachmaots for nearly a buadrad year*, la too power ful to weaken la tea borne stretch, ua It warm. Tba aonte leeks only the element of adbgslmaoas. unanimity; and if ber pram will da rota I la powerful ladueaoa In behalf of unity of bar people, no poae! We teak will be too great far tier. What may bt achieved by bar people If Uey will unite la ouly limited bribe capacity of bar raauuraaa, which all aoafaaa are unequalled by any portion of tbo globe. A few figure# will serve tc ebow aomatblog of bar aUUty to MCoapUab mat results, By tbo Booth ( mean tba alamo atataa. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia. Louiaisas, Mississippi. North Carolina, South Carolina, Teooaaiaa. Texaa and Vlr glpla j bordering UrrUory. Maryland. Mlnouri, Kentucky, and Waat Vir ginia. aaemi te barn taken aomawhat a mlsad sentiment lately. Decently tee Teiae papers eat I mete tea annual produoUon of wealth of teat ateta alooo at about three hundred mUllooa of djJIare. Allow tor tea •tear ua atataa owe hundred mUllooa per year aaob, and wa bam tea hue a red mlllione to add, or thirteen boo died mUUous of dollar# par rear for tba aoutb, Tba aoutb haa shout tfieen mUliou population, therefore, lie wtaltb production la about aigbty dUlart par capita per rear. Tbt» gnat wealth la derived from 00U00 sod IU product*, grain and Its Product*, rice, soger, tobacco, fruit, ’•••tablaa, ate.; stock tana products, lumbar, mining natnerali aod mauo facturlng ; merchandising, tranaports lion. ate., la not counted, nor 1* tba ■*«nr of Internal Improvements, building*, ate., oouaisd. Her* I* Ui* south'* mask polot-bcr ■ttictiog folly. (Jh* UtWm* bm wealth upon other*. let ,os consider arbat tb# south spend* aoauaUy. For bar Bftami millions (ho rtquirm (or r*thor apanda on an average par year) a b uo dred million pain of thorn and iioalary. fifty miltioo hats and cap*, tbraa to Ova hundred million yards of dreas good*, at from five cants to Ora dollar* par ymd, twenty-3re million salt* Of clothe*, hundred* of mllllou* of yard* of wblt* goods, woolen cloth*. fUaoeia. etc., million* of button*, need la*, thread, olo, ml 111 opt of tollst arUoioa, millions of glove*, rlbbous and the long line of “shopping:” our farmers bm in agricultural Implement*, touts, wagwtt. gear, ate., mill loo* of articles; oar factories cousum* In varlou* appU aocaa, supplies. ate., million*. We use millions of gallon* of paints, oils, drug*, ate.; thouaaoda of ptaoea of Jawelery, clock*, watohaa. ate.; Out carriages, buggies, baroaas, aod stable fixture*; to our homo* millions of dol l*n are spent In cfcloa, glass, nUta, CBtlary, ate.; beside* anppllaa of linen*, oartaln*. carpet*. tapestries. stovaa, etc.; w* bny miliums of dol Ur* of fur niture of all kiods, aod household art lota* generally; oar municipal go*, arc maul* are ooustautly increasing expenditure* for water work*, Ore ap pliance*, transportation, ate.; anginas, bollan, electric apparatus, etc.; bo.'*!*, churches, tbeotraa mo loot-easing aod damaod mllllou* of bnltdlog eaaterUls; our railroads and traoaportatloa lloon consume mllllou* In ooostrootioo ma terial*, equipment aod operation; our OuWaralUea, school*. collage*, .to.; con same* million* of books annually For which fahulooo prloas ar* paid to allao publisher* sad the book* are wiluao by altaoa; we pay mllllou of dollar* for Lasaraao*. Ilfs and (Ira tr> *l**n compute*, sod do not receive any appreciable return. The wealth iest portion of ths Union, the sooth, psyt the premium* on tic* Insurance tor ths beUoos, whore mortality Is blgh sod precarious. W* pay ■Uliana of dollar* for table supplies, uearly all of which cootd bo produced eouth. Thus Is shown whut beoomss of tbs money au Dually earned In the south, eod of three enormous purchase* it I* safe to any the south produces scarcely sooner seat ass whole, whereas, sb* could penduaa mid manufacturs nearly every article the consume* *od u,as hsso lha mtllloas of money at borne. The south ievUbss her wealth oo every other eeotioo of the Union, Ths sooth he* bolll the Union's wselth la a great measure. The agriculture of tb* eouth ha* b**n the mark aad target for the svn ries of the world. Tb* eouth has built lire northern eltlea, factorie# and schools; she pays trlbote to every portion of the Untou Ths granduer of Fifth evsnua aad the • Beck Day district,” the splendid »cray of hosteklaa Ibrragkotit the eorth, the “fat sad steak” of Wall atisst, aad a boodrad ether ahlelng emails of mossy, obtain'd from ths broad, sunny eons of ths south. The situation Is not pleasant ta oon tsmpWts, and to oorreot lha fast en oroeobleg arroganes I* s problem ealy answerable In oaa possible maooer end ergamcat. 8b* mast beadle bar orops move her taranlsala from Beetoo, Mew York. Philadelphia. Chicago, sta., aad establish oommneleuloa with funlga oonnuie* dlrsot from her port*. Sb* meat spsk wholsesl* satabtieh msola la Atlanta, Galveston, Nsw Ortrans, Mobil*. WotfoW, Ssveoseh. Charleston, Wltmlagtaa, Jacksonville, ssn& tea, *t*. What ws maaa by wbotaesU I* wholssals oa a broad ssala She mast deal •» bona Hb* must more this Mil of ted lag, sashing praoUee from Urn north, ami da barXa.lsassTt bar porta Bank st hams She meat build up her »wn am**. Rbs meat maanfsetur* svesythlag the use* In the south from n pin ta an true steamer. She coast resolve ta hold bar famgy of states ueUad, sat sa stalest Hi* wsrid. Ml to thMmlVM. TbliliMt pollU. Ml, la Mt ordinary mm*, bat atriellj domaatie eoooomy. 8ba muat unlit and aupport Mr own laatltotloiM. TM aoaU maoofoetanag notion Mi Moaad tba aaat to ery oat: •‘•topi WM* eat daws production W par aaau" Why 1 Hat looauaa tMra b aa oaar aopaty, or Iom oooamaptloa, hot oar northern aid Mat am artUa are baiog aquanxad. TM aoatb baa tarabtbo eouoo prodnottoa from Mid K> oo power eaa abaka liar pMltleo now. Tba Booth io Maatar of tM Iroo tnda. Tba aaat aad north waot pcotaetioo. Tba toboooo treat la VMkanlof. Bnoli year traoapartatloa lloaa are bidding more aagnrly for oootharn traflle bylowar rataai Kaeli yetr the aaraaga of oaraala laeraame tooth; amok t bouata multi pit; packing *£«•*. refrigerator, ate., will follow. £**• wOl hart Ita A moan aooa. (tradoally wookworklog faotorlM of all daaodptlona an being aauMlabad *>oCb; olotblag, Mt and oboe mane Caotarlea will IntratM all orar tM aoatb. Other faeiorlea, ebope, mil la, M. will billow M a natural remit. MKataalppI grow rieh orar two -Mart etopa," baeauM tba poopta Mount MBoomlaal, apmt tatnalr aaytblag, Mpt oat of debt, and naa “big aaraS ?«?P" MM bar away nut of debt and Wt Mr a Mg enrplin. Tbla M a loaaoa. TM people united, ‘Mlrod at borne," and wot Hon folio wad by the entire south^OT the u«t three yean. Let all resolve to unite, save every dollar pomlbia; aril wj bo/not, or aa little aa possible, aed by lMO the aoath will have a bil lion dollars to start bar beak soeeant With; then will ooaaebQUoe dollars •vsryysar. kept at Doom, to the sooth. Dy 19W the sooth can dictate terms to taopmr changers sod eoameteUi lords; aed Bigotry, Grasp * Co., wlH have to llqeldatai Tbs south has tbs maa hood. Ibo brains, tbs energy, capacity In tbs highest degree; she I me the cli mate, soil end water—everything to make ber rleli and powerful. 8be is hospitable, as Urn world knows, and lovllee all good people to Met aad Join in th*-*- -*—■* —' reward. 1600. i Ix.aCbrUtte* Ad< Gastonia la edvanelng rapidly aloeg all lines of development; and Oettoola Methodism is abreast ef the foremost of the elemeelo which go to aaefce up this feet growing (owe. People who have takes their eyes off Oatanle for aoy ported of two or three years within tbs last down of tbs town’s history have generally needed to bs lotrodoosd anew when they have looked upon It sgalo; aod Methodists wbo bars ant takan the maasoro of that obarch's Id tenets at Qistoota witltlo the last tbres or foor years open their syci lu surprise when they note the mage I tods of those interests to-day. The sborch bee nobly met the heavy responsibilities which bays bean placed epos it by reason of the ns.rveloa* progress of the town. TMa progress bas baaa so rapid daring tbs Utt three or Coer years that plans adopted as ade quate at the beginning of a Conference year bare always been outgrown before to* end of it. The church bow owns two ehoroh build Inge, and a parsonage as oommodioos sad oomforteMe as soy in the Coofsrenoe. It also owns the Oakland aed High School property, worth about four thousand dollars. Tbs only objections to ha wads lo these paaausiona are that tbs West led church, bsilt twe years ego as s euborbao meeting-boose, is new. be caese of the rapid growth of the tows, admittedly too near the centre ef pop olatlno; ead that Male Street Cbeieh la so very leedeqaete is to else, though not suffering at all from age, that the fborth Quarterly Oonfenmoe decided that It would be eecesiary to repleoe It next year with a building Dial would meet the necessities ef toe congrega tion. The board of sUwacda at tbrir lari meeting appointed a building oomaut tee consisting of G. A. Gray, W. H. Jeaklne end II. F. Baaklu, end thri eowmittee baa gone to work with a rash. It M proposed that, the new choreb shall cost 919,000 or store. The Uhurcb wee lUgbtly embarrassed, la pro mol lug tbs sew building enter prise, by a debt of $IJM owing to Bra O. A. Grny, aod an oblicaUoa of gS00 bald agalam II by Bra 0l W. Davit. Lari Sabbath morning, however. Hr. DotwHer aonouooed from the pulpit that Mr. Gray aad Mr. Davis had gives Usees oleins* to the Church, and had euneadsred the papers, to ahiah bo touched a match while the ooogrega tlon sang the dexolegy. The Oakland High School laMbed Ha snoot euooewsfol year la Jess, aad tho p reseat session opeeed oo lest Moa day with aa sttewdasse of IK. Mr. J. H. Separfc, the Prlnoisal of Um school, aad bit aeeietaau ef last year. Mrs. Fleming. Mine Haadrloks, Mtse Little aod Mias Hbuford, wereaK retained, at laereeead ssWlee. for Ibis year's work bv the odolal beard ef the Oh arch. The board thought that thke feoalty ooald hardly be improved epos, aad la that opinion the Church most heartily and anaaiaMosiy ooncors. B. L Dunham. POnk /anti. Tbo SolaUy Moo doally aeeuotod too Otoor Mm. "How toot boro lot Iwoo oddlotod U too Uibooeii hahHf*’ Uto SotoUy Mm docModad, wlto brooqoorto bodttiot be* ooooo of rootltodo. "PorUr-oli yooro," Mtworod too Otoor Man. boa My. "Do yoo wo ton twoaty-otory bolM b>t ynodrrr’ oofead Uto SolaUy Mm. "Itb Mr," too Otoor Mm rotUad. "It I hod Mivod too tooooy l bo to ■too* dor toUcoo, I mi*t* owa toot bolMInt. tooroty. or tiro or toroo Ilka It, u «oto Bob, loruraoitoy, I Wood to ooa tototoo, m tool aow 1 ho to bob to aUofe a 10-omI yorfcoto la toy fooo oad 1 mi too oortoT" Thu Stoo naakto bol tool to w otoor alary. -IgZZuZoogo." b^Sito Him, “Tks admiral asps wo soot da mt non AooUoff.M 7 “Bat I cea Ml It la three Hot«,*' protaeted Blue. DoMmaty parsed hla lips end casta i ed wistfully at tba flaunting iW and nllevMiu. “I bate Ilka tba devil to ask again," ha said half to himself “bat lflblt" Beak flottamdthta signal to tba flagHIp i “On* cat tba Ur dowa la three shots.” Fur aararsl_ tapir Tba admiral_ tMirri ag tba Suvaeae’s ___ Xrary ape from the fa-riTin aad bom tba other Hips, wbtH had are tba 2*^f5** ^l.***W—■» ^ oa tba flegHlp. Finally tba admiral** atgnml, •XU right, if you can eat It daw to !*»••■***•. gs ahead." waa dfagtand. Tba signal waa rassbrsd with a Hear ao tba Sawaaaa whJeh aaearal af Urn other boata oebasd. Thao tba tloa at tba flmt became . Saaolsh Bag. Bios brat adjusted the siibta, at I rtdgriototba chaw bar, and i breach. For tba fraction af a I ba gUocad dowa tba barrel._i there was a sharp report. The far away fl« suddenly twisted aroaod tba ■ML Than H slowly unwound aad two yellow poonsou fluttered io tba brisk asst wlud. Blue's Hot bod out out the red bur la tbs oeatra which bora the 8 punish ooat of arms. “A corker, Bios.” shoaled Dole bun ty from tba brtdgs- ‘Try main; but renumber that you were ulttUs blf^lbut Uma. Drspram your piece a film readjustedI bla sights, gad again bis guo spoke. This umas dead af daat rum from tba Dam of tbu flag. ■tuS, which leaned osar. It wue quickly righted hyena of the Spanish guDuera. •‘A bit law sad too tbr to tba loft ttet Uma." said DdHaatr, aommtat£ tba affect of tba ahot carefully through bis glams*. “Fau knocked of a car narotthe pillar Unstuff is flood on. Taka mom time with poor oast Hot. It’s the laat, you know." Blue was folly a mloata omagtog far the oast Hot. Betry mao oa tba Sawnnm hold breath, sud army aye waa Had IctaoUy oa tba faraway yellow summer* which etiU lattami defiantly. Bine fired sad dowa coom tba ate it. clean le two at tba middle. DelHeety started to asp something dro wood In tba deafening yen wUeb aroea from the Suwnnm's esaw. The ysfl waa cnogbt op on tba other vm anarsa ”i: the admiral's flagship aad Ho iaoMrnt was closed. The nags ai wMH Bhm did this Mt of ahoottug wm 9,000 yards. _' ^SWM«KU2!,S £• M*UMn part of IM dtp a tew daytaco. A watll wa«aa to Ska yard Md amnl war whoapa boa Uw mt ot tlw hoaaa aaaoaaaiithat tba Canity war* aot oat ot Uw an* lor Uw n» Mr. A poll at tbafiaat daar ball brawgbt aa raapcaai, aoba wwtaMaad ta Uw aMa aorob, whara ba bad a •wall bar wtUi kta faaa wttaiad with |aa aablag a pyranld wMh law pa ot ‘ ‘ Aay aaa at Kama V tab ad Uweta-1 n^Si" -Noooa alaa r' *£!?&,■£ m atraM n’ laP aa wtf anttaa. Manal J^ldMaa’ aba Ml aaa wtf aa aaab. Cook Jaa* niaaad ap aa attar |a aaa bar fraiaa. aal 11a oat ararrati la ■aa attar, aa’Its on rtfbl." Tba aaanaaar (alt that tbaaaaabfea sjcattuftts*ta u T5na*S YMw la at aw a ah, Mrar aad ttdaar trawblMM wall aa woMaa, aad all *3 tba Malta ta tr * la tba Hoad. baadaabaaad Ui__ *»» UMtal ao aaod Ubat*at. _rjbtaata J, WT udaar, Martba, lad. Ha m: "HnMi BlUara ara Jaatatba IMac hr a laaa wbaababaU raa Im, aaddaalaara Tim* iTiioni ■ iSSS^CISSu. p **& i 5g55-^y5y&S f*xta2i&(a2?b*tLMM ‘work? Hd ^sroia^ss^sS: dMCMytortyMMo; (p«« tan Wf»mn mctatk* mi» Mr janlff. MHow (tart It tMthtr tfciaf ttat s.rx.-^TS^.-srtsr gj «■»gT.. ■£,, l W WUUJdrJuhUtt^'Lr Mak SSuSS52*^^ gfigMBh ggSBBBgSg