The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. Vol. XX. { <Tr«*rV»<cr.) GASTONIA, N. C.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 18«0. — ___ DEWEY’S GREAT OYATIOH. New York Aglow—The City Gaily Attired—Bunting by the Hundreds of fliles—A Million People There to Participate In the Celebration, Which Begins With the Great Naval Parade To-day—In spiring Scenes on and About the Olympia. New York, Sept. 38. — Now York !■ gorgeously decked lo-d*y In I ere or of Lbs gallant Bailor wbo le waulug at linr gata. Had an uoeao ol color swept through Ike oilr, lla sbbiug lids could oOt bare stained (be sliest* more bril liantly. Hunticd* of miles of red, white and blue lain ling cover the uolile faoadea of Broadway and Fifth avenue, and a million fi«gs flutter over llte town. Not even the eburehte have es caped the universal decoraHnos. Tne door* and gothic windows of Old Trin ity oo lower Broadway «re gracefully draped with the ustluual colors, and In ancient Trinity graveyard tbe tomb of tbe gallant sailor, who, dying. Is sued the command not to give up ttie ablp. lit* shrouded lu the silken folds of tie flag for which lie died. A mll llor visitors arc line to partlolpite In the, riouscelebraiion. Kvery road la pouring In n steady stream until Ilia ft reels are crowded niorulngand olgbt. tha surface and elevated car* are filled to overflowing and the hotel corridors are jammed with visitors. The gaily appareled soldier or mauy 'lairs, who ars to taka part In the land pa rad■ on Saturday, began trooping la to day and there was no boar when uniformed men were not moving la some quarter of the city to tbe siuud of fife and drams sag liorus. Sailors sod marina* ashore from the big fighting midilne* helped to swell the crowd Iroopiog in all dtraotiooa. Uniformed memuers of the staff* of lbs arriving (iuvsrnur* were everywhere. T«a TWO DATS C KLBDIIATION. Tbs Smugs iseutt for the two days’ cslebratloo are OJmplncd. The great Madison Square m -deled after Ib-i triumphal arch of Titus and upon which the must famous sculptor* of America have lavUbrd thsir gvmuv U practically (tctgtied and elands a su perb tribute to the nslluo's hero It •s mors beautifa) than tbe aich In Rome. A OREAT CEUSIt AIKIARD THE OLY*C m. To day the floaUllu ley quietly at anchor of Tompklotville, a lowering spectacle of uavel might aod power to tbe teua of thousand* who tailed down Iu toga. In yaclita aud In steamer* to ace the ships. Tba crush to get aboard the Olympia never abated fur a min ute, and, as great indulgence aiukown by Admiral Drwey, a goodly portion of llioaa who beaelgrd tbs gangways got aboard. At limes the ship *aa fairly overrun. These crowd* and Hie official visits the admiral recalved scarcely gave bltn aud bis officer* time to breathe. The Jackies to-day got tbe medal* which Cong rest voted them, aud proudly displayed them to Hie vis itors until Jaffrtee, the pugilist, cam* aboard. Jaek lores a lighter, and while the big slugger was aboird, tba tars were obvious to all else. OKWEY’8 riQtlTUiU OAFTAINB CALL. Owing to tha stream of official vlil tors, the roar of salotes continued ah moat without Interruption all day. Major Nelson A. Miles, at the I wad of the Washington committee, called to submit the programme for tba twerp lino at the nallooal eapllol. and Major General MerrlU and lilt staff, stiff with gold braid, came ovsr front Governor's Island to officially welcome Admiral Dawey, in tbe name of tbe army. They were received with all tbe honors be Attlag thalr rank, but the cllonxx was uot reached until Governor Huuswvwlt, of New York, came down the bay In Urn afternoon on tbe yacht Wild Dock. He was accompanied by General Fran cis w. Greene, aooae officers of the New York Navel MallUa and several of Dewey's captains at Maollna, inatnd lo* . ®!rw. of tha Baltimore; Captain Wood, of tba Petrel; Captain Niff0*- Uw Beaton: aod t'wptalo Walker, of Ur* Concord. Wbon they got aboard Admiral Dawey took thaw over tba ship, aud the sight of the lighting captains eat tbe tare mad with delight. Nothing could restrain their enthusiasm, and round after round of obaars greeted tlw appearance of Lhasa officer*. . ouvriikor nooeavsir roknrrALU ran mayor Governor ttooarrak waa Aaalatanl Secretary of tbe Navy when Dawvy was anil to tba oommaod of tha Aetatie squadron, and Uaotral Green, who •erred In tba Phllipdtnes, la a pannoal frteod of tba admiral, ot many years standing. Tba tight of tha captain* wbo war* with him durlag tba streaa of that hot day In Maolta Biy. waa good for tba admiral’* aye*, to that altogetb rr Admiral Otway aeamad to enjoy tbit ofllatal vlalt mot* thao any ha baa received. The local municipal author lliaa are aomewbai piqued because Oov eroor Uooaevrlt extended the formal welcome of tba Hlata to the admiral before the mayor bad an opportunity to offer hie olllela] fretting on behalf of tba olty. This ceremony will occur to morrow. TUB NAVAl. PAbAltR TO DAY, Wblla much powder wan flung luto smoke down the bay tivday, much more Will be burned to morrow during I ho great naval parade un the Iludaen river. The atari;* parade, nalcva It la marred by bud waalher. which iha lo eat fcrecaater uofortonata predict a. la rxpratad to rcllpea all pew tout water uageaata on tbla tide of tlm world. The parade will move at 1 o’clock In four d I v laloris. Klrat will corn- the warship*, beaded by the Ulyaipia and flanked ow atttwr atda by Ue torpedo buete. They will be felloeed try a fleet of white reran oe cotter*, ffotlowlag them win be the ateean yachts Ik dou ble oolumn, lad by tba Ooraalr, Ow flagship of lbo Now York Yacht Oak. To Sir Thotnai TAplon's Erin baa beta accorded tbe tumor of beading Uie starboard column Ibis dtvlaioo. There will be 187 yacht* In line. The tbe third division will consist of lbs merchant marine ate mere, and an Indiscriminate (last of tuga, bargee sod uaatlacbed vessel* will brlog up tlie roar. MINK XII.Ki or knit's. It Is expected that lha line nt ship* will Iw blue mllee long and that half a million peophi will b* afloat. The pa rede with Uie Olympia In the van. will move np the north river In Ute stake luat, t*t. Marla, au old practice ship of tlie n«vv, which la moored nppual ** tbe Grant lumisoluem, m Blvemde I'arlt. After rounding lire tlnkehoal the Olympia will come to anchor be low two be-iutiful (list* representing peace and victory, mid **»ch wi.r»lilp In its turn will drop In below the flag ship. The uatlouaf axial? of il giia* will bo Qred in honor of the hero of Appom*tun. The torpedo boats and reeenna natters will anchor opposite tha line of warahipa under tha bluff, and helween lbase lwo line* the civil urn or tbe parade will pats lu review, hear Admiral Huwlson has gracefully yielded the prvaedenee to Hear Admi ral Sampson In Uin matter of ships’ divtilou. Tha commauder of the South Atlantic station will simply tw present xa a tprelalor and bring up the end of the line with tbe Cnlcaio. IWr Ad mirul Saaspaou will follow the Olympia in New York, bat will dy the red Hag while Uowlaoo (line the blue. hvchytrino rxigrau am To-morr iw eight ihc grandest lllu tnloallm and Ore work* diaplayed In tbe history of the city will occur. To-night there wet a preliminary Illumination of rare beauty. All Uie bulldinga ou tha water front were lighted up. Oa Uie Brooklyn bridge, la letter* of Are thirty feet high, dashed the words, ‘•Wetoome Dawey.” whila aunuilane ouaty from tha abore of tbe Sett nod North rivers. Staten nod Governor's Islands, red Are gloved end sputtered, tending up fantastic cloud* of aeunke. turning lbs calm water Into a aea of lurid dame sod transforming tbe craft in tbe harbor Into red epeetres. * >Hrni> r»i »ewkv. OMBBuwhsr Hair* rmwa II la with hmiu'i IwlM-ka •M«l, New York, dept. Ifl—Commander Urorge \V. Baird, wbo sailed w'th Far sod Doway tn Uw Writ Gulf dqoadron, lu 18*>1, on visiting the Olympia to-day, unrolled a package which he had carefully gearded all the way tn the alnp, and displaying a faded blue ad ml ral'4 endtga. a poo which were stltcued four white stars, he said to Admiral Dewey: “Admiral, I wish to present to yon tha first admiral’s flag ever 'brokeo oof In the navy of this oouotry. The grand old admiral whose name and memory all ao reverf, drat hoisted this ensign upon the good ship Hartford, before New Orleans, and af terwards upon the Franklin; and since It came dowa I raw that masthead It baa never been whipped by tha wind or worn by tba element*. Yon, the worthy successor of that great admiral, whose taotloi yon ao suaeeaefully fol lowed a abort wbUa ago. I deem tbs proper person for Farragul’a mantle to fall upon." Tbls lUg was made by finariermas l*r. Knowles out of a blue “number” Bag, when Karra gut was Drat made rear admiral. Tba white stars ware sewed on It. When Fsrragot was mads ao admiral two more white atari ware •awed on It. Fsrvagul flew this flag oa the Hanford at New Orleans, sod afterward la tha Mediterranean. Admiral Dewey was deeply affected and tears were In hie eyes aa he gated at iba souvenir. It was several mo menu before be canid And his voice. Finally Ire said: “I’ll fly it; I’D fly it at tha masthead; I’ll fly It la the parade; I'll fly It always, and—and—waen 1 strike my admiral's dag—this will be the flag I shall alrlke.” run iM mow impraaeiva K«M that liaa occurred on tba Olympiaatoaa bcr arrival la part and for aume time do one apoka. Tha alleooe war broken bf Dnaroy who called hia Cbloeae stew ard and intend a eaaa of champagne. Tha Waablagtonlana revalued on board chatting a lib the admiral for an boor. A portion of tha aoiovltlen left for Waahlogton at 3 JO o’cluek. ■m aorajo r» mawptwt gataa Tba wijraapla to ba Meat la Uaa Weave Jfnvjr YnH. Waahlogton, Sept. 38 —Ueoretary 1-org to-day replied to the appboelbm of the clltaaaa of Norfolk and viclolty to taava Ilia Olympt t s**ul to llaiaploa Hnada, In eompaoy with tba North At lantic aqHadron, declining the aaoeitoa of tha proposition. Tha Olympia la to g> out of eoramle •lon at tha Boston navy yard, *i that tba people of Boat an olli harm an op portunity taj aaa tha famous graft, though II mav not ba with tba great admiral aboard, a* be la likely to bo detaokel In tho oouree of a few Jaya. llelag actually already detached from tha commaod of tba Aalatte atatlon, be la in faet scarcely In nee 1 of an order of Aetaohfaenl. aad aa»y leave for bla home In Vermont at bla own pleasure It la believed be will avail IrlmseU at that privilege Immediately after Me visit lo Wasblagtoo neat week. a rarraar rat warrt. Tael re staaNred r I' ap t a ar o»e « aaeal «N" Vl»*t ia# Warahlpe—k WuOee fal Trlbate eflMg. Now York, Sept. 38 —Twelve kan dred Wrong, the People's Choral Ualoa, led by Frank Daturuaeh, paid • tribute of eoof to-atgbt to tbe tea-heroes. Abaot ae.eti hundred of tbs aiogers were women. In the steamer Warwick they left the pier at Batsman stiaal at 7:40 a. Hi- xnd 40 minute* lotar lb* ,Warwioa lay tu 60 yards from tbe atom of ilia Olvmpin. "My Country 'Tie of Thee,” woe tbe Bret number and as loon as It we* over the Jock lea and o!D c«r* expressed tlu-lr appreciation by three hearty cheers aud a tiger. Then the flashlights played and ebowed the admiral's flag kt tike tout head. Three cheers arose from the Warwick, and then tbe 1.900 singers broke forth Into tbe stirring strain*, "dee tbe Conquering Hero Comet." The bind of the Olympia played the "Star Bpangled Banner” and tbe band oo tbe Wxrwlcli Joined in, and the Olympia's helped Ibe rUltcr* to Oil the night with the magnificent chorus. “Three ctwar* fur Dewey I” tome one oo the Wnrwlekealled, >oos roar waul up from the dim dark Hoe along the rail of the Olympia u well aa from the excuratou boat. The uuion next tang Ibe “Hallelujah." olturus from Limn del’* "Ueaalah," ns tbe Warwick drew away, but the anxiety at tbe singer* to crowd tbe bow and try to gat a glimpse or llie admiral cut the singing eliort. Further away th« Warwick draw up, end the singer* united In tha hoe mu sic uT “Usnof Harlech." That waa well under way when the nnUoual col or* were run up un the stern of the Olympia, and with a searchlight full un Old Glory It wa« graorfully dipped by way or salute and ibauks. "Tha Star Bpangtsd Banner" again rang out la swelling chorus and lliat was tbe slugs re* guod-algui to the greet ad miral. Than liar Admiral Sara peon'a alitp, the New York. Wai lougbl out. while along the line wanlilpa. a karting W|H| U>a Olympia, rad uod white signal l(«ht* winked bniily paaing Ibe word In give lbs choral uoio>' a Oiling re ception. libl, whatever tits aigual*. the Now York’s crew goto Uie aiogrra a warm welcome u they approached singing “The Battle llymo of Ibe Re public.” The New York’s searchlights were turned on I lie sin gun, and they cheered lor Ksmpaou and wero answered with cheer* l>y the crew. Tbao somebody on the Warwick celled out, "Three cheers for Admiral Schley]” and tbo answering stiont wit fully a loud a that wbtoh went before. Then fol lowed Ibe “Hymn of Thank*.’’ “lialle i«h llymu," "America,” uod "The Slur Spangled Banner.” Rear Admiral Howltou’a flagship, tbe Ctitcagn, way next visited. Th* anchor watch only Was on deck, hut they worked lire searchlights bravely, sod their signal light* did • lot of winking, presumably rrportlng Ibe singers on band and well, the singers cheered Ibe admiral. Tb* Warwick started back to Manhattan at 10:50 o’clock. •aalksra Trwapa AreJrrS. Now York, Sept. 28.—Tbe out-of town National Guards and ntber sol dier organizations which are to take part io (Saturday’s parade, will arrive Id greater numbers to-morrow. Few of them (mm lb* other (Mata are ar riving exactly on schedule time, borne of them are ahead of it. The Way crosa Rida*, tbe Brunswick It'rlee, Sa vannah Cadets, all of Georgia, and all com pan la of National Guardsmen fioaa Atlauta, Oa., arrived on a special train to-oigbt ovat the Pennsylvania. They are quartered Id tbe Fourteenth .-_-a, compos ing the battalion sent oy South Caroli na, ar* made up or lb* Washington Light Infantry, of Charleston; tbe Genoao Fuslleers, of Charleston, Cap tain Schroder; Uie Sumter Guards, Captain Keith; the Sumter Light In fantry, Captain Lee; the Greenvlll* Light Infantry, of Graravilln, Lieuten ant Davit; tlie Smyth RIAaa, of Felznr. Captain Weal; and the Richlaod Vol unteers. of Rlchlasd. Captain Kirk land. They are quartered at No. 80 Bast Fourth atraet. Four rooipaotf a or the First Georgia Hvgiment arrived In Jersey OUy from Atlanta to night at 1025, and marched on board on annex Unit, which took •them to Brooklyn, where they will be quartered la one of lbs armories. •wwey Fan (It* Teak May a* Fee New York. Admiral Daw ev ha already expressed some donut that be will he able to go tbrooght thv dutla attendant on Me reception, with out an Bering extraordinary, fatigue. Tbe roe tine of Uie admiral’* move ment* for Uw two day* of the oelebra Uoo haa (*•« Axed. U will occupy at least 12 boon of Friday and 16 hours of Saturday. On Friday, at 11 o’Mook, on board the Olympia. Admiral Dewey will re oalva tba mayor and U>e reception com mrttaa. Somewhat later, about noon, ho will rat am Urn call, going aboard the Sei-Uy Uook, at anchor war tire Olympia. At 1 o*olook, na tba Olym pia, leading the naval parade, bn will marl Ik a proeaaaloa to tba aUkeboat oppnnlte (liuat'a tomb anchored oppo plte Una Hundred anil Sixth etraet. At a o'clock It U uprated tba rev law will begin. U will feet Uwee nr three and • half hour* Ha gill dine, ae curd I ox to u rearrangement*, whore ho may aao lit, probably aboard the Olym pia. I hough GO alula have opened their d«--r* to him. la tho uvoaing, the mayor'* boat will b* placed at bit Ola poeul for the reviowhig of the Illumi nated city. He haa d-ctded to eleap an the Olympia. ru« Wmlbw In a*u Tark TMi a«n. tag. New York, Sapt. JXt -At 1 o'clock Ikla (Friday) morning Dm kky >a per faotly elver and there la leta wind than on ye at er day. Tha alghal nervtoa p».. dicta ahoweie tbla afternoon and to night and fair and cooler weather to-morrow with brink wlade. The abowria thla afternoon will not l« b**vy or long continued, and will not Id tartar* with tha naval parade. A company h*a been organitrd lo build a gdno.Ottj ootteo mill In Dur ham j BILL GETS MANY LETTERS. AND HAS TO HATE KELP IN AH 8WSBIHG THEM. I« ■■all •» Waaaitaa-lan awl Olrta Kewwtara Beak KaaaMff. awl Bill T»k« PlHHrfln Wrlilnjr UUan. IMII Arp IB AiUoti OonatUuUun. It I* a hopeful sign that *0 may of Ue yoong girls nod boy* have a tblrot for knowledge. Tba youth's depart ment In the uewipayeta and magazine* la growing Into Importance . end their leltera to the editors betoken atndluua mlndt Tbe art or letter writing ia It eeir oot oaly a* aenompHibawnt, but a good part of a puliahed education. r.'Uera Indicate obaraoler aud good letter* requlru thought. Tbe letter* or uouabl* men and women ere tbe beet patt of tbalr biographies They are an Index to Urn heel, tba emotions, the dlpositioD. Tima waa wbco but few could write alL, and tba opeuleg of tbe mail In a country town was a small affair. I know from ax pert Doe tor. wbeu I waa lu my teens my father was the postmaster nod I had tbe wore to do. There are now at least ten letter* per capita to where there was one In those days. One great drawback no letter writing ttieu waa the anal uf postage. A Tetter tea pi toe within the Htate 12J eenla aud the postage had to b* paid by tbs person receiving It. and If ft waa a poor teller be fell like be was Cheated Many a Mlei was banded back to me with sue ■ e remark aa ■•Well, I reckon It’s from Dlek Jones, oysr In Arkawaaw, aud I halu't got the quarter. Joel put It beek till I corns agio.” ** inn wu*7 UUWaUKJl LU HH' •wer alt the letters I rvoalv*. Uy wile and daughter* help to keep up lli« oor roepuedtoee with lira far-away boys ami ether kind red, but good frleud* who write kind Utter* to me m*«t be aiMWrred is prison. Such letter* are • pleaaure and a cimfort. Then, tb*rc are many letter* asking for charity or a HltU help for ( church that only remind me how poor I am. But then latter* from inquiring mind* wbo are Id pursuit of knowledge and perpiexod about lire mysteries of □store always interest me sad I bare to pretvod to be a wise mao whether I am or uot. Now, here la ou< from a pretty school girl In her teens. I know that (be Is pretty, because su* write* s prsttv let ter and there I* not s Mot oraotrniuiw or a misspelled word. She wants to know where tbs day begins sod why, and where the navigator* first Bud a change. O course that is worth know ing. *nd 1 suppose that very ftw out side of colleges and the continental travelers and the ira-farlng mao under stand It. Wrl) my dear girl, the day begins wbera mau begun—to the garden of Ktlen. If Hue Creator bad oliorsn New York or CbarUiton for lb*l garden, tiie day would have begun over lie's on this coslioeot and extended westward to California, aa the tbs people multi plied and carried it there. Of clone the day kept lie name and Its date around, and east of Hslentlns aa far aa llm sen, but westward the tide of em pire lakes its way and ao did the tide of time. Columboe brought the day with blm to Mils cootlnout. From our •astern coast lbs people took It to Cal ifornia. and from liters the mission aries look It to Uis Sandwich Islands, and It continued to follow tba sun un til the navigators got around to Bom bay sod Ilong Koog and Cairo aod found they bad lost a day aod It was Monday Instead of Sunday. And time• Wbo sal led eastward and travslorl against the sue found that limy had gained a day and II wn Saturday in stead of Hunday. Bat it U not so oow, for there la au international Hoe In mid-ocean— a muodean that baa l>eeu established by Ilia nont power* and iiooeptod by (be navigator* of all nations M the change of date lloe. Tbl* line In lfH* degrees west or Qreenwlob aod runs from New Zealand north to Bering •trails and goes nut far from Barrios It la lust bait way around the world from Lou don uod Is called the Antlpjdo of Greenwich. It Is 1,300 mile* west of tlrwntl and 3,8110 wwt of Ban Francis 00. This Hue is cbacked-marked on the sp-to data map* sad Sunday Vs printed on the welt elds and Monday «o the cast. Navigators tell by their log books and compass whim they bava revoked it. and Um eapUlo or the mat# an noun oaa It with graat otrv mouy : "Bet the day clock back twen ty four hoars. We bave crossed the lias." r or many ytttra our American rail paye, <i limy prami'd lheir way from the Atlantia to the TeclOe found the queattvu of time very eoafuaiug, and hesoe by eooaant of action they eatab liuhrd four diriaiuna of railroad time aod Marked loDgtltudlual hues l/KJO mllea apart to Indicate thorn. Wi»u tba train croaaaa one Of tbaaa lioea tbe paaaenpaia aet tbelr watcbaa back or forward Joat ooa door, for lha aun more* or aaeina to mare Joat 1,000 mllea an hour. Theta kloadaan Hue# divide time Into eietern. oantra), mono tala and Paeldc, aad ibay para through Mew York ally, 8t Loot*. Drove-- and Oeraoo City, aad tbarafora whan It la U o'olvok la Maw York oily it |a only • o'clock in Oullforola. Tba railroad corn pan lea. Uowerar, could not eat tbalr Hrtea In taro 10 aull theae moir deaae aad beoea tbalr railroad time la a ng a ig crooked Una to at tbalr ter Mlnal potuta, but It approxluuiaa tha mondenn. Thla U not all that could liu * rluan about 11 Be aod where lha day baglna. but It la auougb to aiUefy tbe ach-xtl klrlt a in? boy a. and eepeelally the pret ty gill who wr'lea me fr-xu Moitte. In Ibeae daya of taltatrepli and ow-o ouldro It aetata vary fon -y lu ua eater ane that Whao a meaaege l« aenl froM Loudon It gala kero two ur three hour* bafara It atari t, aad If wa aand a trie gtaa to rlea Praadoeo today at aeon It gate there at Bine o'cloek trite Morn ing Tba battle nf Mantle waa fnuelit on Sunday morning, but tba nuwa of It oneee on Saturday night before. How ■a that f I E liar Po« wrote a pretty little atory ealtod “Three Sunday* In n Weak." lo wbloli ba told ahuut a yoong man who waa adopted and reared by a rich oM bachelor nod* who had beao a aaa cap talo, and bow tbe uld sailor waa to laava hi* urpbaw a Urge »n If ha ba bared lo suit him. Ttia old man waa cooirary and the yoong man was awful uocaay for faar ba would 4a aometbtog to dlaplaaa* him. At last ha fall tu lore, of oouraa, with a very poor bat • pretty girl earned Kate. They kept lltalr lore a secret aod lived oo it for aboot a year and thought tbe old captain didn't know It bat ba did a? tba deter mined to gat married a van tbo’ It aliould uiska tba old man mad and he aliould turn them out of doors and not Wave them anything whan be died. So oa Sunday morning Jack took Kata by tba hand aod boldly they want Into the old mao’* presanoa aad told him all about It, aod that they had come far hi* consent and for him to Us tba day wbr.» they should ba turned. Tba oM fallow waa really glad of it. for he liked tba girl, but b* oouldn't help ba ll* contrary aodao ha Mattered around and pretended to ba vary aad. and dually wound up by saying: “Yea, ya*. you may gat married, and I’ll aay when—yaa when. Well you may gat married when there ara three Sundays lu a weak. Yaa, than and not before. This was nwfal und lb* aad young couple were about to leave when there was a knock at the door. When it waa I opened two tailors, a** captains, tea, cam* rnahiag la and arts*) the old man'* baud* and bugged him, and, all three *1 jolly, for they ware old chums and bad nut aeea saoh utbar for a yaar. 1 Tbv old unci* introduced than to tbe youot mao and Kate aad arid torn* thing nice about them If* soon brought out soma liar old ifaderta and mid-everybody Ukj a drink. After while Captain Pratt said : Well, uow I remember tba last time we ware to. gather ws had a royal game of card*. Suppoe* we have another game as a re minder." ” Jj, uo,” Slid the old ancle. “Gool friends, you forget that this l» Sunday, sod true Englnbman never trier cards on Sunday.” ••Sunday, Indeed,” ex- I eUlmrd Oipuiu Prut. “It is Monday Ysjterday we* Sunday, end I bsd prayer* on board atrip as I always do.” Captain Smithson lir this time was ex ciicol and exclaiai-td ; *• Why yau are both crasy. Today Is Saturday and to morrow will b* Sunday. Dido’t l make my * si lur> scrub ship this morn lug lot fora sunrise as w* cam* into port, and don’t wa always eorub ship 0,1 Saturday. IVhat era you thinking about.” Tboa tbi old unole laughed and chuckled aiiddiocrd around lb* room lu great glea. for bis wiu* wis doing work. “8audsy—Sunday 1" be exjUim *d. “Pratt lay* fist yesterday wa* Huuday Smithson tweara Uiat tomorrow will be'Suadsy, end [ swear that today la Sunday. Hat list bu! I s-w bow H la Pratt sailed west from Lvndii-i end SmitlHoa sailed east uad bivs iisi amuoil tbe world in opposite dir-clUms and I base stayed at home Truce Sco days la a work, by Jupiter. Her*. Jaek. you you ig dog. go after tbs prvociMr and yon aa l K tie get m irried to-day. for It will be * long time before three Sundays corns together again.” ‘ I haven’t told Ilia story as Pus t >14 It. but that Is lb o gist of It, •ksl sts Users* monitor ts. Askrvino OUsoo. Now that Dreyfua boa h.-en pardoned a correspondent asks wbat it was nil about. He knows that a ate ret dossier out a prominent flguro In the osie, but doesn’t know wbat a aeoret doeafsr la ne inspect that it waa some sort of la fornai machine, but wlabea to know tbe truth The CYtfirn la fortunately able to supply tills demand fur truth. How nr* got at the fasts need not be told, but the feet atrsa brlnw ore attested by nlee French g.-uertls Tn* oo itent* of tbe secret dustier sre as followa : A bootjack ai*d by Jalius Caesar while be wis writing fils sohool history of lbs Gallic war, Tbe left hind foot of Balaam’* use. A Was poker chip found In Dreyfus’ desk drawer. A Bepablioan editorial siyiug tbtv blmutallkim la a di-ad Issue. A $10 Ounfederatc note. A bssby-blus skirt waist worn by Richard Harding Divis et the Betti* of 8setingo. A boooh of Mr*. I.soglry'a marriage oerllSeats* A Nineveh brick wearing too* of Cbauacey Dspsw’s new Joke* rice* of bark from William Waldorf AJtor’a family Ires. The urack In tba old Liberty ball. Pull deck of Sunday scbuol tickets won from Waoamsker by Ussy. rinse 01 i«o»r traut nntid In Ujta 1’oul'i wliiakar’a Mark Hanna'i official guld* to tba Amerluti ballot boa. Plena of flint oklpped from MjKid Ioj’i eonacteooe. A muaUrd tand containing faraMied l pan ami 11 for Mark Hanna'a amil. Banobof wblaktrt from Algar'aeo tulnoad baaf. Otla’ viotoclouo bine pencil. A oopjr of • Tba Aatrltu Htatea rnaa’a Complete Prevaricator." by Mr. William McKlolay. Tba Dcok'a lataat aong • "I’m Dad ar than I avar waa B»fora.” Thl* tee ret dnaaler abowa that Drry f<u waa gallty of aoanUlag and that a peraon named Peareow abowld ba al lowed to break Into Coat wan, ICow Yon Praaa. '*• Who waa llMgraataatflaanelar a ear known V’ "Httah; two*waa ba floatad ble Block whan tka aorbl wee In llqaldalloa." "I wlabto tba manufacturer* of CbaaaWrlata'a OoHc, Cbotara and Diarrfcnmt Raioadr, f..r Haring pat en Urn market auoti a woa derial medic lea," nay* W. W. Martin Rill, d Be*tenul. Texaa. Time* nr* meet lhaaeinde of nanUnra wboe* children hate been anted Irons aitaoki of dyeanteay and obotara lofauinn who mnal alao MM thankful. It In fat ala by J. It. Deny A Company, Itruggtntn. TO NT TIP SOUTHERN (ILLS i mHUBoiumiinm ObarioHo Otemr. Bdtlmora, Sw*. Mt-Tta mmfm Urtri* JUatrd of tkla waofc aoaooooea tba onaulattioa la Yaw York of a •judicata at apt wi at aoaa of tba laatfiof oaptUtatt aad baakan at that dt; In caaaaatha wttb RaaflM lac Baatbara biokars. to nn‘in til oootWna a large aaabar at tulhira ootton aiUa. Tho tjaillavt ptaana to parahaaa oatrlgbt aad sap aaab far good Boataara aottaa taflla, tbaa ta aoaMoe tbaat with a vtatr la datiat lag tbatr trad• to tba alawai. c*vtac bgwdiBatta nUoq ta tba apbalMta« of lavllkttto?? Utabawaftaavafar tod tkcaa have now anda a mtcaat with Mr. Cbariaa E. Flint of Sfav York, aod bit aaiaatatao, rapraMaUac tba baaaiaat laatioial lataraMa of that oitp< wbo bora agraad to faroNb all tba capital Beaded foe tMa aadartaklog. Tkla son tract provide* that tho optica •Hall ba dtpoaiuted with aaa of tho larcott and ttroapaat traat raatpaaln la Xaw York. Tba mdlttit baa »maad that It will pap all oaah tar Ua ttoek af aacb nUla aa art tabao. Tba aaaltb aad boalnaaa ffinnwittaat at Braaob * Oospaav, wbo tapaMat tba BouUwra aod of tbit work, aad tba wraith and poaltiou of Mr. PI tat aad lilt Xaw York ataoetsbta, It la aadt ta •ay. loaare toccaat, even rioald tba uadartakiac araatoally n|irnwil $50, 000.000 U *100,000.000 of capital a* U uow naaclrd. From each Informallsa aa Um Jtow ftcbrtit' Record liu gathered, thU »U1 rsprsaaet ana of the largest isdestrtal operations orgaaiEsd to tha country, and by for Um largest seer eadsrtshsa In tha South. Such a combination, wiilla In as way Interfering with Isde predeet mills whose stockholders da ootcanto Mil, will hare saiMaat eapllsl to push this industry to tha ut most extant and to materially aid ia making Um Sooth take lU righUal piece la the textile manufacturing Is tereat nt Um world. Lad nit rial mills, •specially Um smaller owes are hamp ered In trying to ornate a foreign mar kftfsrtUelr goods; and ttowever, eel ueMa their stock may bs intrirsiosliy. It Is not rsgerdd a* good eoUetsrel outside of Utolr own aalcbborlMod aad thsra the supply of m-rary is often too limited for m free iMs In securing losoe; but lilseumbtsaU m will lues tbe cep lul sad ability to put its prod not wall the open markets of tbs world, aad tha stock will be listed in Xew York aad dMVlMffl, The Incoming to Um B-rntb of the millions of Northern capital for tbs pore bees of these propertMS will tore mom for other local enterprises s east amount of toes! money iaeaated la Uism mills, which mesas, tHereford, s prsotlosl addition In cash to Um active dulls! of tbs South. It is understood Uist tha mills will, In most oases, probably bs ran by the same men who now control them, bod by opersUog a odor one general man agement. theta will be a great dsorasaa In tbe cost of manufacturing aad mar keting goods. Coos Id stable progress bis already twee made la seeitrlag op tions on mills; swougfa, it is said, to m onre the orgsuixstteu of a vary lares oompsuy asd oil of tbs capital needed , !****» ™»ob may be required, hag, It1 It stated, been guaranteed. It la ae deratood that tble csmblnaUoa, beaked by vest cipiul, will not only pinrtiere ■}“•••• •« profitable operation. bat Will buy M«uy new mills, aad thus push to tha Btmost exteat the UuUle develepmeat of the South materially aiding la glrlag Uie Booth It rightful poatUea ns the dominating cotton maa ufootailog centre of tbo world. lteporis to tbe Jfantrfeciorrr*’ Record from a large oaMbar of (tooUism bank ers, ee to the eoudiUons of tmsinres sod Um ootlook for Uts fut ute. are si ■east unanimous la staling that tha ooodlUoaa wars aayar more favorable, that Industrial Interests are pasted to Um aiasnat. nod that while the foemM low prlee of ootton baa bad to soomex tent a depressing Influence oa ootton baa at Um same lime to countfcd a dlfgnMcatioa of agrtaal tare. Una making tha death mere aolf supportiag, and tint with tha reoeet adreaea to the price of onttoa the out look far the fsneers is mack asore cheering. ntMMrwMiqr. -A moat waadorfat mrp" write* • Mtttepoodtat Ute London 3<mw. hjto lately oaoght by ■ hatha* at Grlty Sofaoat la Uw moat of th* aa dent eaatla of Granga la Rl* Tba Ate wolgted Ofteaa pouada, aad M teak thraa mao to hM him, Oe bit donal I* «• » dim plato with tba date 1770.*’ On Uw 10lh ad Dtoambor, 1897, Bar. H. A, Paoaboo, paato* M. B. Cbrnrob. Booth Pi- Ptowaat, W. ▼*, rootrao lad a tame ooM wblah wm atteodad fwm tba bvRlaalnf bp rtelaat ooogh tag. Ha tap*: “Aitov raaarUag to a numbar of aa oattad tpaoOat,' aaaaUa kept la tba hooaa, to na i—r ti. I pu rebated a batUa ad CbawbarUlo't Oaa|h Baoady. whltb aatad tlka a ebar*. I mote ohaaefolly re on m mood II U> tbo puMt.“ Poe a»te bp j. B. Carry A Oowpaoy, Dramnau. ^HwSmaaSS™ “A atU-opanlutr tad eteoiag ambeallt btt btaa Itrtotod.’’ < That* t* mwd. What Uw world wtaiobaa aaabraka Uwt win ltd lit •rap baek burnt tew Mteta.** wrt-MtrewnMt mt. Ttbt Laxtlltt Brama (Jala!to TteMt. All dragxkata refaad Uw mmwp If It (tilt to oora. Ha. Tba gaaal— baa L. B. Q. aa oaek UWot ! s: & ■A £ * !* ■ r. . ■* v W I | & f •& s t? ?# •i >i t-i i *: el &. g 1 ft i ft j n

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