O—m TiAerL nm. Gaatoato i| to bat* a new paper. iKMiaiitittontonUaa rumura •teut tbe advent of soother paper to oa* town bat sot ualil recently hart •eattera taken a definite shape. There la no single factor feat tends to apboihl a town and advertise iusaocecsso aneh • certain degree a town leeatiaiated by •**Ja~P*r U aaada out. It la aUeo to all tbe aaw enterprise, •Bd progress of tbe town. It is la otbe* word* an advsettofnt of tbe •dmlagw bod inducements of tbe wbara It la pufatkted. The 9mi- Wttiijf Xttri to owned by Mr. «wnm Glenn, Dr. Glean, and Mr Cbartia LofUa, tbe editorial depart-' te pw*Med over by Mr. B. B. Wltooo. It will be published twice a week, on Toaaday and Friday moco lac. and win be a its ooluom quarto. Tnay bare made afiaagamenu with tta American Flaw Association to Itobhb tbe toteat tetograpble newt. Tbe praaa baa been most red and a large qaanttty of type. lb* a rat tosao of tbe paper will probably come oat the totter pan of next week. ™**sBmsaanms=s? urtaur cevar. ** Alwara oa wart nu-Uw 1 "**>*■ a -rune rrewl Cw" UMUr. to ChattoUe otuerrer. mSaipaadjary war cuoug aod*1*^ ten for a yaar or two, and hto imprest mu atnilmant ia the Irrepressible btaablnekapater, -AaoldmiT rtojoj •KMnvariiaiar.»JMl Maooin ton to the storm centra of relljomest ** “there an other*” "^■w^te'tefttet feto town waa aometblac of e Kip Vaa Winkle. ■Byte^bnwferwk Sd ^MdTfttood! JW-J-Wj^toUblagoa^er. SSf none mere, Lioooio Inn aed 1.1 wool tv tan Hotel, TwogBod limy adablee aiaiijMiiUd by tfcs tan. owned n moUyely by Keener, a whiter and Hateb entered, ana. Both keep good Mtete Mi limy tarries, aadStTE MMiaiorvdana whoIstrytngto take 5“te Waohkegtoe* ndrioo-aolriag Iky «»• wblta people. [ «• thlo Mag ooert waok, Wntelcattaay that to ei Jto tnesptloa is on record. Mpa fee oldest iohaMuot. fed probably tbe asEssass 5“^ t'T’ZLTJtJZ jrtUkakrfrWrata«■«*%»; lwiliwj »*i£wfcM 1 m ilmlmlM** ssjjxiwvfca- #rsf “.rm^ K o< >w* >■ *Mmi |> f •;' ,;,_ • ^y; -' . * AhtantiiMUM •ucnw. ten. 8. C., October 9 -Tm meat MartahW elect too elace tha time of ▲rieUdee la reported from Judge* 8toca.tot0a Immlet of Laadaford, thia aaosly. iu object waa to determine «*«eh cit«**ua ehoutd to Invited to hare tba neighborhood for the Im provement of Ua moral tone. Aa lo vltatiee to leave ta tola oouatty “**** ’ »• a*y*r dbobe^d, the ■« l" "*•«■ “ !• liven obonalog WJ**** to wUl aa aver the State Una the gate* »Jer.’> Tkcea hat recently been mocb illegal j|lg*«®tafjtooBt Ianaford, and the waa nwoaj ta be aaooatagedTyUw s^rs325.r,'x.^ ■.boggy and mala and a"*>a gallon* of lkgnor. which ha latere |4ed la tba “•d**- Under the Stale .ikpeuaety law P«5»r‘j In oonerj lkjmi la wfally U eoatoatted The mao to ebarga of tba ootat escaped. A night or two later an attempt waa made to ^taoglng to a prominent w— *uppoa*d to have In aUgatad tba oouauoi* to tba veiaure. Tbm brought aaatten to a point. ***** white man in tba neighbor oooa waa aummoaed to meat at Jodca’a iutiu'rIiF*£*rs to li“»“ 2LSL. • m fiH ^ta name* were nou&ctd that Ihtre wm tn be an •]*©. U1?if*°d ***th? «"■•*»«" aa foDawa: an ■ Ib’b^^uHay'i ?** *!<ta bl« or their name* oo a °V Pfy- tew, and depuait in rooaelatl-tuS0to £*Cumtb£b m ssawss tycsr ■ Jl52 «y,»>■*»■.Mlaa mu. ffitay^ssRE^-iassi JSLS^PSSfif °r lhr~* Tba tiiowD to be Ua owner of tha wbidtr BMila tbaooaatabla had captured »ita ttoffi: ““5°* w» opeaod it was found m practact by a It la oat known wbatbar ka votod for hlmaelf or caSt alSSoS ballet tor aoaa at tor man. 7 _°y>*£ *»* 07 ttoaa preeant woriradaaoh Uharal soppm that they EC? £2£7*£? £5 “«taf tb hm^ ow*. Uxta ««too In a » waa understood that Uioaa Pmnttaabla,” and the only limit net upoo their destlaatlon by the aenae’of ta that It (ball to-7lm •MUlMMIxmriWM. It o>«y act be nnueual that a news H52S»»k h appreciated, bat it Is a care thing an editor hss cause to realize *“• jj^mott uertain to do when he toQa to please somebody. He may do the right thing as he sees It nine bun dr*d and ulnety niae Umee hod yet never know whether hts course fat ap proved or uot; bat let him do the wrong thing as somebody elm aaes It the one thousandth time aed ha will be apt to hear about it. And when It oomas to voting resolutions oI thanks to him the thing la so very remarkable that Its oe enrreooe is eonaldeted worthy of special ,Th® recent experienoe of this editor Is e ease in point- The GreenrUU Btjtnier lays ; It seems to have been an old sarior or an old M«a that the work of an edl »P*ir*ct««d. »od that be is •“Wtled to ne particular credit for wbetovut effort he makes toward build to*aphisnowaealty or awakening ■ epU* of enterprise among his people, There has Just been a cue where m •dltof’B experience was so differ sot from this that It Is worthy of mention. The town of Henderson has perfected Si” • *rad*d "eHool, end the school win soon opee. The credit of eecurtif it was doe mainly to the ?* ***nolB*' ndltor of the Gold Leaf, for in maaoa end out of season be pet forth every enerav and •MotX la behalf of the movement. As soon as the trustees of the school were chosen. leaUxtog the benefit of what Mr. Manalag had done, they adopted fteplutioas of thanks and appro, elation of bit serv e**, Heederscm ts ^.b» oongratoleied upon secorlog (reded schools. *« Waala* Wba «»*. um --I Manafiaturor Itaard. ml uni rtiuu. *» ■■ Uwb aiumm kjr rn..a. At 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon • tern oocooore* of frtcndL rotative* Mi comrade* attended the funeral of ttc laU Bor. W. A Ixey,Dl D., vho died on Friday ulgbt. Tba aartca* were tmpaaeaiv* aad aotemn aa battled tba ooeaatoo, aad war* coodoeted by JUt Dt. KugeaaDacM. Tba L. O’B. Branch of Conrad orate YtUraoa at tended 1b b body, aad tba Brotharkood of LooonxHlv* EogiDeet*. Leaded by Mi. It H. Hortoa, warapneeat la a !***■. **• boooaary pal) btaicta am braced all Urn daaooea aad aider* of tba r,**1 x^**7terH» chcrob, aad Mr. J. Alton Molver, erf Jooaabaro. Tbo ra ti vapaH baarvra ware Mtaera. H. W. Jackaou, W. T. Harding, tTakar D. Tba^toa. of Raleigh, aod W. M. Uaanah and A. B. Brougb too. of Norfolk, Vl, vho cam* from of th* ***** Fnabytartau Murob of Norfolk, which *« l)r. Lacy1* beat pratoral*. . At lb* grave the cboir auog with touching awratam thraa appropriate Daniel offend a prayer that aaaiBid to bring bra van aad aarlh aearcr, and aa the ann vaat to rear, all that va* aortal of on* who like Sam cal of old had followed God from bta w“ U,<110 »M* batdabJa minted rather. Tba grave via covered with a »t beautiful flower*, tba pillow bandao ° L' *" balag pertiaolarly OMUaa ***** I** :** (a***n,. **KitIUc Unliuii. Tb* Republican SUU committee M*U in btaUrrtlte to-day. Senator Pritchard and ether prominent mem ber* of tbe party will be la eooferenoa with the oommittM and It it mm that there will be a formal declaration at Urn policy of the party ooooaruin* tlie cooetitational ammiimmil Urn deoUon law and other qereUoo. which will ba prominent la tbe State campaign next year. It U aim mid that Urn Governor win be Indneed to anil erwdtl akettona to fill vacanatm In the LegU latiire oauaed by Um remeaaUon of certain member* elected to other oft *■» «*«• Sncb electloo# will have to be held before next June, a* tbe Oerter al Amenably meets at that Urn. There t* a vacancy In thla material district, canted by the election of Senator But ler superintendent of ichoote for Iredell. « ■ clearly evident that titan will ba much stronger opposition to tba adoption or th* constitutional amand ■wot tha* Democrat* (sosrally had expected. 8ooa after the amendment i was named by the Legislature many BepobUeans and Populists declared lu **»oc of It aad the prospect for Its adoplloa by an orarwheJaalne rot* was encaoragiog. Republican and l*Dpullat leaders, however, real, 'sing that ita adoption means thalr political death, base made every effort to create opposition to It, aad w* are traalt to coo fee* that they are, appar eaUy, succeadiog better than we desire to roe them auoeeed. While we have oo doubt of the ultimata result_tba adoption of tba amendment by a Urge majority—the condition* which we hare outlined make it incumbent upon DwoctsU to be up and doing. Who •hall be Governor or United States Senator, or who shall have th* other important 8liU tud ooaaLjr offices to be ailed next your, are maucri or email moment when compared with tbe soo pem ot the amendment. While it la Important that our beat mm Oil tba Mtoea, it la more Important that tba amendment shall euocaad. Whan that la accomplished we.can take care of the mat. __ Advert la! a* Petals. Says an exchange ; . Unless yon want to (top your bud Mae don’t think of stopping advertis ing. If you atop the Utter tha fotmar ■111 atop Itself. h good ad. 0rat oalchee attention, tbe* awakens thought sod than half tba battle la over. ..The reason soma ad*, are not read la there la nothing In them to focus th* public ay*. Tbe people who buy good* will pay them big**11*1 gb MIU~t( TOn ®“k« Yon can get money out of adver tising, but you must 11 ret put soma In. To-day Is tbe beat time to advertise, to-morrow yoo might not be able to So so. Advertising bring, bust [teas. Look tometlme* does tha earns thing, but It ma’k be depended on. Tba mWdlo elaaaa* are tba greatest readers of advertising. They read ad rertteamenra es a matter of domestic economy, ao aa to make dollars go to tba utmost limit. It la what you aay In yeor ad. that draws enetoawra. Whether you bold Lhasa or not depend* on what you do afterwards. Advertising does wonder* when U» laillgaatiy carrried on aad backad up by good baataeea raaaagamant. wr «H( iiuw. ■ t IrMklfl aa BMW —■- wi i i M»—*. MIIUm TkM. The i«*otMl) mdxi of 1800 elowd rwtmrday. 17m final aUtWla* of Um llab* la aa follow*: „ Woo. Loaf. P. V. urooklya.Ml 47 .non PMtaSrtjMaV.V.V.V.'S §7 '.aw W::::™:* 8 :S5 &»•*•■«».M 47 .UM .v.W 71 .041 r.n n .mo i# ,m •••*•.... .70 7ft .400 Mow York.a* oo km Wkfhlngtoa.M « .004 P*—»••*.to 100 .180 Doriog Um wlstor of 1807 Mr. Jama* Bond, ooa of Um load lag sUhwoa aad ra»rrh.ioU of Clay, Clay Ca„ W. V*., MroM Mo lag agaioM a «ak* at lea la •«Mk ■ Maaaar aa lo ton la* it aararaly. It boaaaM vary sort awoOan aad pataafkka aa badly that bo mid not ••Ik wltboot Um aid of aruteba*. Ua •» WtoUd br rtyaMaae, alaa aaad w ratal Uad* at Aalawnt aad twa aad akalfgaMoaoat ahlaky IS. baiblag U, bat aatblag far* aar rollW nrUl ho ky ^aUag Cfcualmfaa'a l»Ma Ualaa. la a wart‘a UmmS ba'baHor** tbrt hadka ooi aaad tbla romady bid I* woaM bare bad U bo aapaUtad. Pain ssnsy** 55S*w »MUU* anttai*. A Ana, VMW—wkMto SSsmnU UtliaMmatMMW nyM. IfcfuiA Ossetic. A party of Indiana Oahetosto jest ra ta road from a trip among the remote wad mntmjaentad lakes of KortUni Indteaa ran »cross a lttUa cabin occu pM by Attorney BeovUl. tba lawyer who defended C. J. Golteau Id bla trial tar lbo astasalnation of President Gar hold. TU bumble cottage le whleh HoovUi was foond Is situated near tU banka of Mad Lab*. wUr* h* llvsa tU life of **• r**id raoluos, neither seeing ■or being eeea. Hie simple wants are supplied by the merchants of IU near mttowa. 11a pute to hla Uma, nobody known bow. aa bla uaksmpt anil uu ooath Ogura U seldom asaa outside the walU of tU low cottage, half hidden by the growth of twining vines ,„d UBdfrtrQftii, From aa able, affable and InflnentUI barrister tioovllt Ua grown Into a tael taro, taoroee, unapproachable hermit, dultlag no eommneloetioe wltb Um world la which U waa tocb a ooaaptca ous figure a* only counsel tar hla rela tive eighteenyear* ago. Scot I 1 freb that he la still abuaoed aad rtssplerd by •Verybody for hb part la trying to save the Deck of Golteau on the ground of Ureditarytnaanlly. though he contends tUt U did nothing more than than hto dntr. The lorn of hie wife aod other mlefortoaea that seemed to pursue Mm with a raise liras Und added to to bit melancholy aad oooOrmri him le hto determination to ebaadoe tU world and spend the remainder of hit dart la aeoleston. For sovatal roars SoovlU baa led Um life of a hermit, spending bla time at tba mom secluded spots U coaid Bad. He still contends tUt Golteau waa manuuy irresponsible for bla act lu hilling the President, and points to th* record of tbs family, a number of whom hare both before and elaoa the tragedy been eaoBeed la houses. KMla r«* Pauic , The ttaperloteodmt of Puhlle lo strucUon bae iseued the foilowla* to the oounty superintendents : ‘*1 tend yoa herewith the UK of tax V book a that 5L***«1» Bo*rd °r £<* oca tieo In 1893. I do tbke aa * »»tl*t o( oooveoiaooe to yoe aad that yoa may compare their list with tho one that should bare bora entered on the record <* «** county board of edocatloo by the re*letar of deed* when the oounty adop tion we* oMd* In June, 1890. l>o not forget that the oounty oomminlonera were ex officio the county board of sd ■cotton at tho time of ihl* adoption and Uo ratoster of drad. waa ex oB\clo the clerk ofeald board. 1 quote 1 ere the Uw of 1995 and 1899, torat t™ matter clearly before yoa : Law of 1895—“That the oounty boerd nfadn oeilcm (oounty commissioners) In the ■ereral ooanttoi of the Bute shall °f text booh*which shall be weed is tho public schools of their respect Ire ooantte*. for a term of three yean; the mid adoption herein provided for shall ooour at tho meetlo* of said boards of education on the first Moo day In Jens, on* thousand eight hun dred end ninety-ate (180b), and every three year* thereafter, and at no other lime,” etc. Lew of 1899—'‘-That tbe county board of school directors in tbo toxeraloouBUsa shall adopt a series of text-books, which shall bo used in the poblto schools of their respective oouu itoa for a time of three yean: the mM adoption hereto provided for shall occur •t tbe meeting of eaid boards of school directors on tbe first Monday In June nineteen hundred and one (1901) and •T*y three yssue thereafter and at no other ilmo, etc • * • Provided, that the county board of school dlrec *"■ ■“■u «•«** the name and prices of all public school books to be printed on cardboard end kept poeted In eaob end Pnbll* school boose.” Tbs list of 1890 Whs ae follows : tiiEno. Wmums’ Boeder for Bsglusers. MeGuOey's Be vised Prinser. Holmes’ New Fimt Reader. Holmes' New Second Reader. Ho mes’ New Third Reeder. Holmes’ New Fourth Boeder. Holme*’ New Fifth Reader. WUITIHW. North Carolina Copy Books. Eej»«*lo KlemwoUry Copy Book*. £Meeite Copy Books. Large Hire. Harper’s Primary Oopy Books. Harper’s Orsmmer School Copy Books. SPKT.T.INO. Harnegtoe’s Spelling Book. Tbe N. C, Practical Spelling llook. aamumre. Hanford's Primary AilthmoUe. Ban ford’s Intermediate Aritbmetle. Sanforda Common School Aritbme. tie. Sanford’s Higher ArlthmeUo. 0RAJMAM. 8 win ton’s Imngna** Lessons. Harvey’s Revised Elsmentary Gram mar. Harvey’s Bevlaed English Grammar. OKOOltrHT. Maury's Elementary Geogrspliy. Maury’s Revised Manual of Geo*r«. •iaory’s Revised Pbyslral Geogra phy. narroxT. Spencer’s Pink Step la X. C. HIs ton. Moore’s School History of United States. Hansen's School History of United Autae. Henecll's Higher History of United States. wvn. oovanssuir. Ploger'e Clyll Government. Prtarman'e Olyll Govern n»t at, H. O. SdlUoo. DTortoxAxins. Waheter’e Priaiary Dictionary. Webstar'e Common School Dlctlon ^^•babar'f High School Dictionary. Webster's Academic Dictionary. Wot carter's Primary Dictionary. WoemeUr’s Oampenboaeive Dlctlon WuroMter'i Academic Dictionary. mnOMNT. Ocod Health (tor Children. Health Lemcne Urn Begmarra. wt,«i5sr»r,w Orth's* Wall Map *f *<HU> Carollaa. Yonra trelr, (i. H. Kmtn, tfcipt. PaMW laetractlea. w ctMtwuMSaH may. Tam laaann km* Qataiae Vat***. Al Cnaaexra ie<a«a* iha aaay W X mm to car* m. tw eeaahta haa LtQ aatartt takM. nr aviMAma Aaan. H ' k»< oowrret oo tan meivtnx low* IfflH&BaSEr BHSWWSW Would aooo MM have la iST w.v of nM. c*«<« sari WlWoa't kouao Uirs* startle kick. I***} Ms aai*a of nay paatr^r I Nr G-y aaUi M oa th* rwy or ground TV bo mi oraaratM 10 ibta town. Wkjo wa »*« valor, wnrla to this loan And tloctte bsbis tv Mm aa a round; All ihw ilau twmi I n*W M aod. And ikrta tl kt favored ft wUl bk ated. Oh. If w* ouuid on maoibkr role, And Ik* Cuunly wttk Ok fairly -kot*!~ Wo ouabP lo bsvs lik Coo it Huuso burr, It wcaM nor b* Don wan w Im. waa Ibs Court House Iwc and fan hnw loo Whol “ore osyid tbsy far us ail Oo; resaeom* Hate OTor on Air ESaa BUaw a brokrvr yvu warn aoamblag road to oat. -HP. WMImj and mia aim. Tii# manufacturer may grumble sod declare ibat the saw gia It lire ravat drauoetlva proems that oottoa la sub jected to from Um cotton add In tho WHuulag frame, yet ha la ooapelled to no cut* tbe iltuatloa from the fact that no Inventor hat brought out toy other proofs* of separating tbe Hot from Uie seed that Bode furor with the cotton grower; for bo smss to te the roan to picas*, as It Is tile business lo raise tlie crop, maiket tbe same aod get hla pay for It. KU Whitney foresaw wbat waa wanted In hia day, tad went to work aod produced It, We say be "built wisely.” or that be -‘bnllt better than be knew." for tbe lest of a hundred yean shows him to have been so In ven ter worthy of appreciation. Dorn aod ed mealed m New Hnglaad, lie carried with him lo Georgia that spirit of en terprise that baa distinguished him among saeo of genius. During tba pest winter Use writer flailed tbe spot where Whimsy made bla experiments with his cotton gin. Upon a sluggish stream that la known as Doable Uraaehea, which flows into tbe Savannah river, a raw miles below Augusts Gs.. stands a deserted wood en mill building with Its orumbilng wooden tub wheel la a decayed wheel pit. Near by te a broken darn, aod a eaue-brake, which borders upon a swamp where the long flowing moss haop drooping from the trees. Tbe spot la interest!?! only as a place Where White ay mads experiments and opr rated bU Brat oottoo gia. Upon this spot tba ooUod growers and the manufacturers should alike join la erecting a tablet to tbe memory of Bli Whiiaey. Only for the laeentioti of the col Ion gia hat cot loo oiaoufaotur iug assumed the vast proportions that It has Ihrnugftdnt the world. For lb? following bit of history I am indebted to Charles CJ Jooee, LL. D., author of tbe "History of Georgia" and other historical works. • U nOITJIT, mat born in Wvstboroagh, Mm, Dec. 8, 1879, and after completing bis edu cation at Yale caroe lo Georgia with the view of entering into the legal pro fession. H* made bis I Knee with tha widow ot General Green. Ibe Hsvv lu tlooary beru, and as Iraditioo has It, had Ills attention directed by that lady lo ths subject of ■ machine for prepar ing cotton for the market, la those times the seed was lahoronsly and im perfectly separated from the lint by hand, and Mrs. Green seems to bare foreseen that Important results would follow a speedier prooesa. Young Whitney worked out Ibe Idea, acd In 1799 received a patent for btm fa mo u a gin. HI* ax perl men la wera mads Is aod near Augoata, On, and about four miles north of U>e city is still to la scan the dam used by him to ran bis works. Sometimes it is said that Whitney li not the real Inventor of this device, bat purloined the idea from Its original author. Tbe statement being that s el Uses of Sooth Carolina constructed a gin toward lbs oloee of tbe eighteenth oentuiy, sod that Whit ney stereptlttoBsly gained access to bis work shop and carried oil Utopian, and constructing a machine, patented it as bis own. THIS STOUT. Is told with gnat otrcnmalantiallty, and the house in which tbe machine was originally constructed le said to be still standing within sight of Aogusta in Hamburg S. O. on Uto left band side of tbe road just across the Savan nah river bridge Tbe contemporan eous history of Whitney's times, bow eysr, shows pratty clearly that be wae really the inventor. Tbs patent was Issued to him In 1798, and by not ot I>camber 19,1801 (Ive statutes South Carolina, peg* 494) the iegtalatnre of 8outh Carolina, purchased from him the right to nee bis patent In that State for the sum of $90,000. The Augusta Ga , Harold of December 90,1801, meo Uous tbe pacing* of this act and says : ‘•In tbe negnUatlons between the leg islature 3>f South Carolina sad tbe pdenbee. we understand that every satisfactory evidence of the originality of ilia Inveatlea was produced, and its principles so folly explained by the lev gentoos Inventor that little or so di ve rally of opinion existed as to tbe pro priety of mating a contract. ” Wow If Whitney bad really robbed a eltlx*n of South Carolina of the Invention it la Hardly likely that lhe Irgtelelnre of tint cry Slate years after bavs per mitted him as against one at its own people to pr-flt by Uie wrong. If any question was raised before tbe legisla ture of South Carolina as lo Whitney's right every satisfactory evidence of Ibeorigiaallty of tbe invention was produced so that lb era was little or no diveially of opinion as to the propriety of making tbe son tract. WIIITXBY » niCIIIT VOTH* mVMTTOli *«' farther eMabUatMd by act of the lrgMaiura uf TromaaM In IMS by the pa**age of the following resolution : "Wbrwi It haa been mode to aspomr to l bo mUMbmIm of Um gtuvrti so mmbty that Bll Whitney, from whom thl* (feat* parotMMd Um patent-right to a maohio* for eltsnlog oottos. e*» ■Mly 0*11*1 th* taw flo, W Um tr*a inventor of eald maahlM, etc. W* draw a wall .rear the I taper fee ll><n* of l he saw gin, and aa eha*rf ally « Um mbdithwM I notify aooopi th* ■* ltl*l«d atagt* and refer toe that w* Imv* n«i that to bo ||*ntf*l for. Rut o*a tlntea demand bow ome-or-e. and every eulLua m< oaf-a- ttrer will hall with d* llgl.tlh* III'r.«l aether of a mufliia* wMg* Will two .10- lb- ... J-ntxmaM* realuree »t tha pre-ewt gyateM uf gla ulog caUtm The maauf»oiu<er ahoald »>nl|*wa to org* upna the MudiM*r Um. Impor fgnce of Improved awthadi ..f rrr rar ing oatoo tor tlM Market Beery eO>wt Mad* In that dim* Ion baa it* h>d**M*. *wd ta Um* will bring a boat tha reqaired gggnant «TUU«NID 1IM. COMING! R. BRANDT, of Chester, Ou« of Ue 'StJ.el, ItTMit, and Boat rallabic J«w. I-17 ,„d Optical KatablMiBrnta In South Carolina. ..... OA8TONIA, MONDAY. IMTaBKa Mr*. NU RAY *ILTI The boo* rxlenatv* line of Due Watchea, Jawtlty. Novell Ira, Nilver war*, Spectacle* and Ryu Clata.* everdlapUyad la the city. * f .or no* u> 1 r»» aa wATV* \t*m manual) I'Un. Will* for partkolara immediate. Jj B«l arlrcl Tosr food, when H. Brandt come*. -^^WHEN YOU—^ Want to Buy Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Notions, Underwear, Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Carpets, Mattings, Trunks, Valises And hundreds of other articles at a saving of from 10 to 26 per cent, don't fail to call on the NEW YORK RACKET. YOU MAY . . . AND YOU MAY NOT Get the name bargain! at sou* other store. There is nothin* wrong in coming and seeing for yourself and being satisfied. It is to your advantage to go where, you con get the beat for the least. Dry Oooda, Groceries, Clothing, shoe, and Notion! -^^McDILL & MILLER.-^ -HThe Pickling Seasons is now on. Good housewives are preparing for the winter season You need the beat vinegar for pickling purpo^y^, fifld , iu cmr "Elko" pure apple vinegar, four years old. And you'tl need whole mixed spioes. I have the very beat In 5 and iocw.t packages. Fourteen kinds of spices in the assortment. • • • ▲gent tor " Patterson Woolen Mills,” “Charlotte St . Laundry” and "Gastonia Bakery.” You'll want good Bread and must have it,, MOORE. Lowell High School. ran tan .«■ «nu, <t*t ImiImi Opona Aug. atth Attention firm lo all aomaioa and higher breach**. Boy* and air la pn yarwl far eoltag* or r<« buhaim. Tanahera competent, palneUfting a ad dearfrd to the heat lalaraat at the puglla placed aodar (Mr train tag Ratra gaa ran lead to aalt the tlmaa. Leaailon healthy. ter farther particular* apply u> A. W. UiWRY.B. 1’daolpaJ. lAWItt, ftCf *’*'*•'** ,0f ar hr u*t. Ml T MkW* _ _140 ***«*». flva rw-^—r~ Prt“*rT. 'mamadMa. '****<., Mm tic »i T*- 11 P*>. “•"* — P a~ _» r-u tun. o»w ^ 4*,. Cltelo|g| lAArmm* i0* M 8TMAMK, MWM

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