The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home »"^ the Interests of the Comity. Vol. XX. UnMklKSUJ GASTONIA. N. C . THUKSDAY, OOTOBEH 26, 1809. __ » _ _. _ ARP 0J[ METEORS. ARP WRITES ABOUT THESE MYS TERIOUS visitors; Mm iUUir Fim ArkuiM. Brwrl* laz * Hhmmmi Am llm un (wa-littwi Intr Hart Anjr. Mr. BUI Arp Hi Atlanta OgnUltmloa. * A friend living la Arkeuioa write* du about Mm reoeut fall of a meteor nrar bli home, aod he compliment! me by aaklDB aome quest loot that 1 eionol enawer. Tba urlglo of meteoia aud their Sight aad fall la yet I be m. solved problem of the age*. lie eaya that oa the 26.b of laet month, al 8 o'clock lu tbe moral-g. wbeo there waa a clear sty and not o ■* cloud to be eeeu, ttiere waa a rumbling aound of thunder eo weird aod uunelur ■l that It waa alarmlog. It waa Ilka tba rolling of heavy trucka over an un even platform, only lumooaely louder. It waa beard to ell tbe neighboring towoa, and thee all telegraphed each other to know If a mill bad not blown up or a magazine exploded ta the air and a dark cloud formed and meteoric fragment* fell at dlQereat plaoaa In tale vicinity. A. email pleoe that weighed oue aud a half pouode fell In a held bear by and was brought to loou while It waa yet hot. It waa powder blaokaoad ou tba outalda, but lovlde waa a gray tab color, aod lie part Idea ahooa like gold dual. Under the ml eroeoope they rteembled qolokallver. It waa a full mloute from tbe bog in ning of tba ruaibliag tbondar till the explosion oama. aud ilia oouraa of 11m aoaod waa from eaat to weal. The area I waa ao unexpected aad ao Ilka tba mythology of Jupiter looane throw ing a bomb from Mt. Olympus tnat tbe white people were spell bound, and tba negroaa declarad It a warning and wer.t to prayer. rnuoeoposrs ana astronomers nave ban itndylag tbeee phenomena* for 3,300 years, and bare sot yet agreed upon a solution. Tbe archieve* of lb# Cntneee empire reoord tbe fall of six teen great lerolltce from 900 to 000 nan before Cbrut. The Greeks and Bemana reoord a number, and Aris totle sad Diogenes commented upon than), do did Livy. PI starch and Ptloy. Th*y here beau tree en Urge ibai tbe real mated weight of tbe frag oreU after the explosion wax 30,000 pounds, and tbe light waa an brilliant as to pale tbe tun by day and obscure the moon by night. There lx now In the Yale College cabinet a Irsgmeot that weighs 1,080 pounds Tbla c«me from near tbe lied river In Arkansas. Uaay of tbe western state* haver furn ished —olmatia for tbe museums of nnllegnt. end aU of them are com paced of tbe melt mineral Ingredients—prin cipally lroa—and tool ode opper, tin sulphur,carbon and other metals known to our own earth. Kota tingle new substance has ever been discovered, and for this reason theory obtained that they were thrown up from our own volcanoes with each force ae to wander tor a time Id tbe outer atmosphere of tbe eerth. aod to revolve with tbe earth. But tbts theory has long since been abandoned, for tbey aeem to bare an orbit of tbelr own from east to west. Than casta a theory tbat thay came from Use moon, and they ware thrown oat with such terriBc force ae to get beyond tbe moort’* Influence aod with in tbat of our earth. But this waa discredited bees— three fragments have been falling no doubt, foe thous ands of seme on tbe land and on the •as, ana on all oouotrlee, and would have by this time materially diminished tba etae aad weight of the muon. La Plana aod Huso butt favored this cooon theory for a time. Bat oar modern 'astronomers, such aa Professor Aixgo and Almetesd and Bowditeh declare that meteors are simply clouds or nebulae of meteoric planets tbat bare a motion and orbit of thalr ow>. and tbat orbit aometimee oomea within ranga of tba ear lb’s and produces • commotion—a disturbance tbat osoart the fall of w>ma of tbelr own nebulae., dome of tba children got'too far awey from their mother, 1 reckon. Homan tarn met cor a are amply luml aoM and bare o« body to axploda or •Iriks tbe earth. Theda hare perlodlo vibrations of tbbty-foar years. They ooma la abawan as thick aa thick aa snowflakes, and fall aa gaotly to within a fair fast of tba earth and are extlo guMbod- They fell in 17W-18M and 1887, and snob fall waa on tbe 13 tb of November- Bui there bare been lolaor display a at IrreruUr intervals —gwaaraliy about tba 10th of August. I am otd eaoogb to remember wall tba -’fefllng oftbaatare” In 1883 My father bald ma In bia arms aa be stood In the portloo, for I waa soared. Our old nagm, sunt Misty, waa praying nod shooting ao it seared all us ebll drao. Qaerga Ustsr lived on tba op posite aUU of tbs street, and bla awrthdr held him in bar arms. Horaa tlmea In tbaaa later days I would gat with an old-time frisode, Dr. Jim Alexander, or bla brother Torn, or Oeorga Adair, and wo eonld boast of tba wonderful era la whiob we bed lived, and the advent ol steamboats aad railroads and cotton gins, and sawing machines, and telegraphs, and wa never nagleetad to aay, "aad wa saw the Mars fall la IMS. Da war oarer aaw a sight Ilka that—bat I raahoa U» Spaniards at Morula thought thaw did on the let of May. Aad now the next Inqalry w from a too eg farmer who wants to know If It U good farming to follow grata with grain. Ha does not say what kiad of ' grain, bat I will tell kirn that ortaan •aara ago tba Obunsr Joe real of Ksa taofcy, ofarad a prise of 11,000 for Lha bait assay ao practical agrloulture. Over 800 am anatrlbwtad aad tbe as say that got the prim dotal led the writer’s pita of farmieg la Kentucky, tt wa« brief, rosy brief. Ila laid off tleaon rowa aavaa fast apart, drilled bia earn eighteen loebaa swart. calU vatad tba grownd thoroughly aad ba» rowed It: sowed atw early and bar iswad It Id. Whew tba com waa ready la gather be drove the wages* la every sixth row aad loaded from throe >owa each aid*. After the oora waa all gaUxrrd be waul over tbs coroatocka crot assays with a bury roller aud rolled ll all down Oat oo lbe wheat. Tbe stocks aod Ilia blailea covered It Ilka a Market. When lha Jlrwt good enow fall be sowed clever oo the aoow. Whea it rained or Ibawtd tbo oluvrr seed fall Into Ibc ground ai d took root, nod au ba bad o»ru nod wliaat and clover fol* lowing io rotation and mud-* n fine crop or each. It rcjulrora roe to see bow oar mid dle Georgia 'armors are looming op to wbrat culture. Forty bushels in tbe acre. Tan years ago ll would have been declared impossible. This re minds me of my old English neighbor, Jobo Allan, who asserted that his father waa never content In old.Keog land stih last than ilxiy boaiirla of wheat to tbs acre, and sometimes be made seventy. “Sow wheat in dual and rye In mortar." was his motto. Gold old John Allan. I shut bla cow In my cornfield, fur It was liar tblid offtuao, and tbe old man waa grtaved. lla never got mad. but only said : "1 know me ooow worried ya, but—l-ut major t wnutdsut hava shot your oo*. I luva you too wall fur that.” How troa it is that “kind words take away wmlb.” Mew Ml ver Mneeeere Me4e. Id making Uui little piece* of eilver money com moo ly called dime* llw •li ver bnlllon I* Brat melted end run latu bar* tbet weigh two pound* Mch. Tbe** bar* ere then run between great roller* end are thus flattened into (trip* of the Uitoknee* required for dime making. Tbe strip*, after haring been treated • Ith a kind of tallow preparation to keep them from being scratched, are pul through a machine that enta them luto Ute proper shape. Tbe pieoes thus prepared are put Into the feeder of the print log presses, and they go to the die at tbe rate of 0.000 an boar, or 10 a minute. The' printing dies ate ponderous tbioga. and the smooth pieoes of sllrsr when pressed between them are slight ly expended. Here they receive the tetters and figures designed for them, have their eagre corrugated and arc finished. Tlie finished dimes are dropped by the machine Into a raovlver and are taken charge of by tbe oountsr. The maohlne need by him is simply a tray, basing raised edges extending across its surface at anob a dlalaoce apart that a dim* fits exactly between them. To fill the tpeoes on tha tray just 1.9U0 dimes are rsqnired. On to this tray the dimes Trow the receiver are poured, the tray is rapidly shaken by tbe ooun tor. and the dleave eettle down anill all the spaces between tbe rahed edge* are filled. Tbe counter then brashes the surpias dimes beck Into the receiver, empties tbe content* of this tray Into a box and la ready for more money from the re ertvtr, »■> be oooilnuts bis work uulit all the dime* have been counted. In all silver coins from tbe dollar down a variation of If grains is al lowed. In silver dim**, however, the deviation from tbe standard Is so la. significant that they ere not required to pee* through tbe weigher’* bands, as do tha larger piece* of allver money. The Matter afluiiiei. Beanor Rout, la Standard, Draw Mho too esc hat oot not Mb hopr; tart root. hi* latrti waa earuor up." To the faithful, eager ioal, engaged the work which U lores, there la do tuoh word at fall. Hucb a soul can not, will not let go. It keeps on through obstacles sod prlratloca, sim ply base nee that la the only natural thing for It to do. There la no tlreuu oua todaavor to be faithrul, to let no oppoitunlty "slip," Faithfulness un folds ltaalf In aoch a life as a matter of ooorae, Juat a* • Bower unfoidi 1U pet als under the genial Influence of sun aini rain. It baa bean said that geo la* ts nolb log but a great capacity ft>r peraerar anoe. It would be more exact to aay that a great rapacity for perseverance la the outward and risible sign of genius. Tbo very fact of the exlstnaoa of perseverance in any siren aim Is a prophecy of the fruition of tbe powers Miua seeking their legitimate exprea •V)o for the powers or the soul I* tbe explanation of a east majority of fail ures lo this life. People do not And their ntohe. They am aogaged In work whloh does not oall Into play the faculties In tbe exercise of which they would take I be most delight. Tbe part of their nature most deeding to be "see Doubly watered,” runs to wends. The result la deplorable. There la a realisation, If only a dim one, that tbe beat pert of tbemaelraa la being made naught of; there la eoostqaanUy dlanooragemenl, loaa of ambition, frrnir. "If a man leys the labor of any tVade •part from any quasi Loo of success or rams, the goda bars called him,’* says •oma Ooa. Joy la one’s work -that (a. Indeed, tbe Last of one's Atneas, (or It; tha snetst of parseVersace, haopi naaa and ultimata aooceaa, OtwmnUI Was Four traveling man eat on tha aide walk In froot of tha Windsor the otter night telling stories To* m.o win •moked atogiea bed Just Aolehed a aom u*mbulltt tala. "Reminds me of wbal tha pickpocket •aid to bis fallow prisoner,” comment ed tha man with tha nasal Moaaoaa. “What waa that "lam bars, gaatlemeo," >. aald, "as the result of a moment of ebwiac tion.” The pea fell with a dull alckanlog thud. Bat tbe rasa wh»» eetoked eto giea seme to the front again. "Lika tha taeaodlary eb T Thera la some similarity Ha waa there be es urn of hie habit <4 making light of things. ” Tha blossomy man refamal to he •Heat. ' But did you hear about the forger 1» "Bb. Why f” "He waa there ve aoooaat «f • aim deelm to make a name for himself.” BWW itn PANS Norir. TIm B«w Vallaml Baja a Mw An Ranwaly Plata. FUUadelpbla Press. Tha people cf llito country will t« ■poodleg eevexal new kind* of osuoey within n oouple of moolba from lb* present limn. Already a few specimens of It have been printed in WsaMcgtou. but lha treaannr will t« prepared to lean* It for a while yet. bacaua* It Ukea a good many mil,loot of notei and oertlttoaUi to Qll tbo demand, and after they bare goue tl,rough tha pmaes, they bare to dry for week* eery slowly, so that tha ins ou them may not blur In handling. Uttid*. only the II and (9 allear oartiOoqlna are finished; the drat de sign for lbe IS has bsto rejected by the secretary of the treasury and tha other denomination nr* to oome. Tha reason for preparing thaaa naw designs for the paper currency la aim ply that tbuaa which ad Oft) lb* bills uow in circulation are uul considered satisfactory. A oouple of years ago the govern ment bureau of engraving decided that what tha country really wauled waa artistic money, and It tilled torn* well known artists to esaeuloe designs for tbe various denomination* of oartlB catea and note*. It waa a beautiful Idea, but somehow It has qot prtred a MM "A money note I* a piece t f work purely technical," aald the treasury oUlalal above quoted, "and the purpose of lta design la as far as possible away from tbe idea which au artist has In mind when be aits dawn to make a pretty ploture " Tha design on a bill requires, drat of all, lha quality of tudurlof star, with least possible injury. It ba* t» pass through the greasy banda of the batcbur sad across tie aloppy counter of Ilia brer seller; It la crumpled do lha pocket of the oar conductor, sod there la no sort of abuse that It te not llabls to undergo. Accordingly ovary element In tba make up of tba pittaro ought to have special reference to durablsoeaa. Tbe principal lettering should be bold aod blae*, ao aa not to ba easily oblit erated. aud a food strung portrait la not only hard to obscure, but la tba beet safeguard against counterfeit ing. About 60 per co*l of the surface of tbe new bills oo both sides will be Irft blank—Orally. In order to show tbe Burts of tba paper better, and secondly, because this arrangement brings out lira oograved detlf-ns more olearly. One trouble with “art notes” is that ibetr designs eoafuaa Uit eye, making It more easy actually fur a counterfeit to usee. The paper money about to be Issued an the other hand, la almost severely plain. A eagle with outspread wings lathe priacipalornamrnt of the faea of the *1 stiver certlfloale. a portrait of Lincoln bring engraved beneath it. Tbe figure 1 and tha treasury anal ore in bright blue, aud bath seal aud de nominational Dumber will ba of this color oq ail ot tbe new eertlBcaUs, ao tbit tba latter may be distinguishable at a glanoe from United states notes and bank notes. Tha H certificate has a'bead of Washington. The treasury people say that tho val ue of tho portrait as a safeguard against counterfeiting lias In tba fael that wa are all of us more familiar with bueaxo facts than say other ob jects In tbe world. We are sooostomed to recognise our friends, and vary soon we become ao well acquainted with a fane aa to ootlee tha smallest alteration la tW expression. A steel engraved ; vrtralt cannot be perfectly Imitated, m.d the difference of a line will produce s change In lbe expression which any one will percatrs at elan oh. The “art notes” have portraits on their baeksr but lbeat) being printed In green, nra comparatively obsour*. and the fees of a bill, any way, la tbe aide usually examined. Experts admit tint a note oeo ba made haodaoiaer by engrarlog It all over, but they sat that a few scattered fragments or design, vary elaborate,are most dlRealt to counterfeit. The sew bills bars comparatively simple patterns on their bocks, bat lha geometrical lath*work used is at the •sine time very eompHoatad In its tracarlea, ao aa almost to defy Imita tion. All denominational ogurm am noadv arge »!,d plain, mpecUlly at Urn oor oara of tba faoa, m aa to raadar count ing eaay. In Mxsaof tha “ert' uotea” them all-important figure* are aetually qbaoured la an attempt to make them decorative. The fibr* paper will ba retained In Uit naw bill*. uotwIUrtandiog rrt.Jeo llon mad* to It by torn* expert*, who urge that It U practically worthleea aa a protection agmtoit counterfeiting. It waa uaed long ago for a onealdarabl* lima hy tba government, but waa dU eootlnirad beoacae lha people who owned tbe patent for it damaudad an exorbitant royalty for the privilege of employing It In ths taeue of United Stale* uotea of 1400 (be In geo loot eeliema wan origi nated of p'aelog a bead of colored fibre on the left-hand tide of U>e denom ination* noder WO and ou tb* right hand tide Of U>* higher denomination*, tb* object of title beet that acUrpiialog gentleman, Pet# KcUcrloey. wbo bad developed a fad for waahlng the Ink off of email Mil* and printing trig noea an tb* blank* tbaa obtained In tbla way ha could gat real uaaaary paper, Ohr* endelt, et n relatively cheep rat*. Indeed tbe prgotloablaneH of Main Pro com oooatl tut** oee ulrieatlon U> the fit re paper, end It U a wrleua one. In. aemneh aa falae note* pnduoed on the McCartney plan acquire* a tntw>lor rerelmllltude through (he help of the fibre. IToaortr the fibre* can be. Imitated gall* perfect!r by making a few Irrrga let acre to be* on a ataal plat* aad print ing from tb* latter with colored Uka upon tb* ether w la* enmpM* own tar foil MIL It nted tobeiuppoved that tbe I gown lok with which the bneke of the notional bonk note* are printed oonld net be walked cab, bat ihtk potion wan rudely disturbed Dot long ego by the appearance at ths treasury ot • nearly new IS bunk note with the back per fectly blank. Soot* chemist with > tests fur praettoel Joking had dona IL Tbs patent (or Qbre paper ran oat la 1080, and then the treasury look It up agsln. All ot It Is usade at a feotory In Dalton. Mess., where It Is turned oat under the eyes of government agent*. Ksery sitaet » counted by a meohlue ma It la produced, end ttiu ut most imaginable oars t* taken that u «l a scrap of ths paper shall get away; it la eonstuai ed aa precious as If it were so much money. Dsfeclie# sheets ere destroyed, and every perfect one cent to Washington Is aeodanted (or by number. The fibres ere simply silk threads bought from * New Tort Im porting Arm. out Into quarter inuh lengths end fed lain the paper-making apparatus The prodnetloo sf s new sat of notes aod carttAestre. running through all tlie denominations, la not so dlScolt aa one might imagine. - At the bureau of ougrsvlag, where tbs neper money is printed, tit* chlsf artist and Ills assistant designers use their odd monmil* of leisure la tusk lug drawings of pertsof bills, bilaof bor der, vIgnat tea, etc. Tnsee ere repro duced on steel by the engravers, and little proof* representing them are pasted Into a large scrap b »h. If a deelgu for a not* Is wanted In a burry, ths hoed ouso treks user the sotau bonk to saa what ha bss la stock. He draws on a sheet of paper a paral lelogram precisely the sis* and shape of Ibe bill that is to be, and iat-dk of thlt b* pasta* a section ur two vf border an ornamental bit for each corner, a portrait- be bas pleely at portraits of historical personages ready eagrsvs I — some large numbers where thry are wanted, and the words composing the ' “etory” of the note. i ina "awry or • Hwoa or, paper money la the ifgrod which It beera. Vor exempts, a ba’.looal bank note tall* what Institnlioa iasoei it and (Mullona Ur* r*ot that it I* a legal I Coder; a silver ovrlldo iU drcUrsi that two dollar* payable to beam have been dspielted in tlm irei«ury. Word* to make up iucb mossy •lories are kept in stock alwaya, ready engraved Ilka other piroea of designs. Thus tba ohltf artist Is sWi within a few mlnut**, if Decenary, to make A oxnpMU unite re ol a breed new bill, on portion of wlnoh has ever b-urn u*rd before. The bsek of It le chiefly geom etrto lathe work and plenty of alaff of that sort ia on band. Whan tbo ohler artist I* *«lUd->d with hi* donga be band* It over to tin chief of th* bureau at engraving aod printing, wlto aval* It to the neratery of lb* treasury. Tbv tatter ia tbv only autborlty qualifidd to decide whether or not It (ball ba aeeaptad and uaad. However, not being necessarily an ex pert In suoti matters, hlmaelf, ha Is likely to ask the ad vies of tha traaaunir aod of other officer*. The Brat question la oonakUrvd whether tbe bill can ba aaally etu'iter failed; next durablaneaa l*‘ thought of. and varlou* technical point i follow. It tha design I* approved. It Is sent back to tbe bureau of engraving und printing, and tha aogravrrs set to work to reproduce It un a strel plate. To engrave It Urns would require u rear or cure If tba work bad to be tackled nawly, but as ha* bean said, all ths parts of it bare already bean out In steel piecemeal. A parallelogram ox aetly the ei«e ol tbe note isdrawo uimn a pie • of soft steel. Then a roller of soft steel la passed under great preeecrn over a piece of the original engraved pattern. Tbe roller Is there pou baud cued by Or* and applied to that portion of tba prralleiogT*® where tire bit of design la wanted. Repealing tbt* method with tba other parts—vigoatte, “■lory,” etc,— the eomplste pactum, aa abown lu tba approved drawing la soon transferred to the plate. Next tbs plate Is fire hardened, and Ita ouraplated design Is taken up on x soft roller. Tbe roller in Its turn is hardened, and by applying It under pressara to nna blank of Sort steal after another, as many duplicate* of tba original plate as may ba desired are produced. in thla way is inwnooi amount or labor la eared. for of eourao a largo number of plates bare to be need eim ulUaeously for prlntlug any a Wen pteoe of money la order in (urn oat the cnpiea teal enough. * As the note* are printed, fear nf them on each abeat of Bbr* pipe, a piece of brown paper la put between each two kbeeta. Weoeatarlly. there ■ oat be two plataa for eaoh note -one for the front and another foe the too* and two Impreoeloaa are tbua required. The printed ebeet* era placed be tween oiled penu board and an Ideated to a pr m ure nf 8.800 pound* to the aqua re inch, to ante them a moot h. Kloally they are uoabared by maoMne and tent over to tba traaaary, where the aotee are eat apart and atanpad with tba traaaary Mai. Than they ere ready to go out tato orroalatloo. Paper mooey of small daaooatoaUoaa requlrea more aoeoaeafol rrrutton than la oeoeeMry for larger Mile, laaeaueh a* It a ok ataad *o maeb wear aod leer, pamlog oflener from bead to band. Tba facet of ootee are yrlatad la black, bars*MO It does not bier bj •telly aa oolor* Grew I a preferred for the baoka because it enduraaum' better tb»o any other oolor. Half a doaan years ago the treasury author I lie* thought of kolag a eerie* with ahy-Mu* back, but thla Id** wet re “I wish to axprem ay thank to the manufacturer) of UhamtberWln'e Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remcdr, for haring pot on U»# wicket aueh a won derful ■edhrlii*.'’ mr* W. W. Marcia •III, nf Bammont. Tekt. There are many thowaaadk of moUwra whom childi*o have bate merd from attack of dyaaniery and cholera lafoutum wlto naeet also feel thankful. It M fur aal* by J. K. Curry A Uoapaay. Dmggmia. When a aaan krlaga hie wife aa an rkpooled praaaat it aakae bar fear lie baa bought blmarlf eomathiag rgtreva TMI rAHW 1MI. •an R«U»f«k» Tm> Mmm (It* Mm* W—«a*0»l Ifnnowl* ta Iki•• «M Barak of Ik* Id*. Wkpk Awr Writ kr Mar kHlrr. W.C.C_l*teaar south. iTt can MaiaW whl l ao'.uuia la lbs south maaot oottoe, awn and p> la to gathering, with a few otkar am *11 or opt, to > Inugsifl 3*e t to ONMitJoi, aa a rats, Tk* bialBaaiof ths year, was la Ilia at ilo uriiMtad In tte tall. C (tkm factor a, ootnm iatioc and otter m-rehaala Bade oat tbolr aaoounta wHb their plaaUr-palroas, farmer* and planter*, wko, through lb* year, had railed upon tbew for euppllaa tor their entire farm and plantation*, oftan looludlog the whola asm at a year's parrbsaa for all on tte pIsola tion. . Ws oan rsosatwr wbsn tbs mate used wars of too skipped for a loujf dls isnoe to Um plantations, hay aod oora and otter suppltaa that properly b along to tarai products were baughi from tkaae ooonalMioa and other UMSkanti sod factor*, at such prion at they obow to aak. It waa sot by aay neaaa uuoomreoo for tte plasters to bay tbslr stock, tte plow steak, aisiaa sod homes, fro* these anratenta. tosnsiy aaytkteg waa mads aa tte plaoUtluoa lo way of operating Milt All tte aaaetaloary, eqntpmsot of la* tores, eras to Um sIod pleat, war* snwds outalde of tte sooUi. Harasn, wag ons, plows, buggies, carriage*, apery sort sod kind ufsttlele sad iBpliasat used waa made beyood the Units of Uis soathsrs state* The south 11 rad from arttels* of food a rale, outalde tte eoulbern territory. tm imoMtiM uttjuu uitd year art— year for tfaaM mlllloat of dollar* worth of all feloia of auppM— aad artiel— mad* tba eouth aotblag more than a gnMt itrfdora fee the other p wUont of tha country Tha eouth made tho corth rich aad a—amoktad hat IttUa f «r itaa'.f. In tha faoaoflh—* Cjadi lluat e um tba preaaot geoarutloa. aad they b id to meat tho vacation* uf vaw daadmap* They mt thorn, aad bora wo Krr |a Um midway polot of Um iaot fall In UM otbMOMJtli oontury. Sir weak* of Um pa—ant foil have goue and tho wb<4* ecutb la la *ap«rb condition a* to UM aanaal bn—mm. No I <ugor tha factor* and comm!—loo I 0*1 cb«ot* {tin*! a* htabiry will aata* day let), too ufionobaMto tbaagrl cultural Intonwt* of Um aoalb), have any hold oo Um omidlUe— that Ua. nailer* lure die thatr iiuainaoa thom aalvao. Tha oaah ayaum p- avail* | largely and Um ralaltoa—ilp latoam merchant and farm— hot ■ •urtdlly : oh an gad. There lo oo loop— any way for t he march <nt to abate hi* prrvilagaa la dtaliag with Um far mar. fnore i* I yet t" be our mated tba aril of baying guano on cotton not** aad making i Ui—e not— fall duo at a time when tha cotton o»op la liable to ho glutted, that! la. In tha thapt of over lupply, at a given p iiin. Bamodka are aogg—tad by different plane to avaroom* Uii* evil. Tbo plan the fiuaay Xouth baa will ua eat forte la time, aad at pres ent la withheld for More mature d—lo erailou and eonaultatloo with mu who are antlreir. free from all pollUo*l am blUooa mod monetary —bam—. 811 waaka of tha prtMOt fall b«vw goue, and wbai do wt Hod? Tbo pal er cotton goiua to not only eight but to nlM Met*! We o— from every report of Ui i u<rfoultural dap*rttn*ut* of oil tbo stet— of the eoalb that the grain crop la largo, that lbare - ample forage, that crop* bare been dlvrralMd usd stock improved, that many of the farmer* are telling meat nod hive a •arylat from wbloh to lay a-da money from tbair aal— of crop*, that tha •uatliara farawr U ia hlmaeif tha blog of tha —tnatloa. Six aNkcoUlM present rail aragone, and fro® Virginia aod Maryleod lo Kansas oo down tbroach the r«al am pin. tlw L xta Bur MW, T«x«*. or® lha Atlantic sooth *UU** to the btua wotora of the far aootheru mmo of Flor ida, on* tong of prosperity Is sung to the prala* of til® Who death nil thing* well for Ula people. Each auto ha* bald or la preparing to bold tbair ooanty aod UW fain, aod erwrr tout Is happy lo th# land of plenty- Thaoa fairs glr* way ta pesos. plenty sod a grotunda that beam fro® arery man, woman aad child la the land of Dixie as Ury look upon tb* good things Uod has glasn tha® aa th* rreult or thshr labor In Us UodiH* farors so trsaly. Tom, too. aloo* tha fall bagos to oloas th* boor of Ula fading epatory. tha mo of tbs south bar* mat U (tort® plana for Uw rotor* prosperity as far aa as* may plea. Oonrenltoe*har* bar* bald all am tbs aoeU that sailed to thaa the men who fed deeply U* nerds of their people. sad mil# edma of thaa* Ml bare played opeo lb* loose string of personal ambition, rat la th* aggre gate tha sooth will to tarred. In® praw of Ua HtU baa giro# Its resplen dent sad aeeb glorlou* HgM to Uw labors of thaa* weeks aad Oiled arery inhabitant lu whom tb* pride of natlru lends ex I at wlU raw jlf* sod ftreh hope. Pulplle b*T* told Ihelr stagy lo Uthxppy people aod lifted Uww ayes oa high aad bowed tbair soul* la pray arfol thasks to Ula who gate them Ula land. Our poate her* calked to prrae rerea* of a tee dir® strain to wltao® Uw noth'* Uieaph or® Use disasters of e terrible war that tor* tb* sooth oeouodtr dories tho oratory closing. wblto oor anther* kero toM the story of tb* snuth la * lined rad books Uwt now char® the whole world tor the axpulaita trad ara® a aad pa thatto roaaaaa aad Ula of a lead that knew* haw to tore sad ealhr. Oar orator* aod statesman bay* beraldrd the south's eew dawn end swan* a tern of glory about our paopia. while bar nob® soldiers In trip so® to lha sail of Uw preaMaatfer aauudato.d U* hou® «f Aaarlaahav* glran all Snathere®* freak eanet tor the paid# limy bare eery told la south®* rotor. Three arm of tb* aaaih hare eternally sealed I to mouthed Uw® falaUaiamae asaa who her* tar nearly a watery triad to helluto southern pets tot®® aod tra dosed th* ara of tb* south. W* had to Uarad ef e toug*raUrylto|»nuh> »| the torn affaire, aod eaeaad to no porttoo of the ooivorao tanMtbot to trot end beoatlfal ud )nt In eltlnsoshlp tod lodlvMoal worth. Owlttlog tbo fool that tbo railroad loionoto of tbo United Steles shew grantor laprmMOU in tbo tooth Umo la may ntbor port to do of tbo Uoloo, array Moth, oo ohow to o roorol ttoiioof tbo Amoy Sstdb, to bo tiding from two to two tweoty roltomodt ooob, •od tbo whole country to bsUgwabboi with tbo Iran woy of sow wo roe. | Omitting tbo foot that tbo aoatb too trolr tbo trob wnrtKef the wortdood to la ooob oo edition thotevoo bor grant rtvnt oUU, PooMylrnnln, boo oow fooood to tbo troth of bor poeittoa, owratuing tbo (Wet tbo tooth eeetrato tho prtot of oottao bon la tbo fOM oovor boforo koowo la Ito history—nod f“rth^.tbot tbo aoatb etntroU tho omitting tt>olfsot°W*»r tbo UpoJ 1 UaU ol tonUon In tbo tooth to . fra££5r of tbo otorool suppraoitoa of aarpat luggtiw. end thieving swoon federal Bsongoraoot of gureroment nod tbot thndoylo roddoolonfsr lira flight of Uio frnochbw oow eajjyrd hy tho moot u a worth alnra of yotosoi Ust one Lorested • repubtie, omitting oU throe motor* of gtgMtlo font lothofpton grooUooo of tho tooth, woooraooow to mrattoa o few tbtego (hot hero boon done in tho tooth la lbs first oiz wools tsi Lbg flMflflat Mfwillbl Atoll la iUbutUMNWftalMniloM •Ml«d* Uuta ootton fsotarfas, h> ■fan. iron famaoaa, tear ■Ulo, oarvot otlla, bsghtt factory. lloto kSoTgSd ■lolov. oottoa oil Bilk. htitHM •iwalifa, Inn. six, taw oad awl ■lalug aad ■aaateotamg. fa Plot Ida, rlo* milk, sugar aad syrup auk, bortary faototy, uarob factories from ouava. cigar faotorfar, plUMhali ■looa, aewmtlU, pin* paper alu and tnaenaaapar tail It. fa Qaorfa* aoc •ral ootton ■ilk, knitting mill*, far UUav factorial. arid otatapa i-UnU. 6 <ur MUla, oust ainot aad «-t gold afatag. sewmUU. fa fateu oxtoo fsolaria, nowa.Uk. rfa* allk. warndMtir. suit and door (mmHm. (a Kentucky .v*raUfa w.wka. glow w.wfes. op-** aad lit ad I* factories, atpbslt irieitt, owl awl iron wining button footary. lebgaoa footary. a»w wiLU aad «er aaoufagiury. ta Mia’s aiypl and Mlaourl notion factorta, mwalik, Uo tageory. tarpaulin# plant aad (rilallk. la Msrih Oarol la* nearly a doaoa cotton mills, door, silk. k-wlory clllo, ovrrail footory. ha fate faatory. MoalUdi barrow aad agricultural work* fa South Carolina ataroh fog. tory. lour milk, aottoa faotorka. pboa Phato alalog aad msaataoturtag. oom aiUo, aumu faetorioa, all atiU. S >ur wills. e-Mnlow pknl, canary, bropm and h audio factor***. to IkM boat H«d aba* footary. Star, oottou Mod oil aad corn will*, brisk, cold •tong*. ucrailU. o-uton mud woolr* faotorka, «to ViraluU sol Watt Virginia mmtor nod amnufooturlog Iron, os enut,. I *nd, Li'10 nnd ojppor,«l oud wo »l«oi kkog pU tU. aoak tk, cbmwe and paata faeturter, palp peper allk, atwn|)k. flat wnrha, p»trokaa.*'td pisut*. <4*. Thua it will be irn that morly ovary rcaouioa of tbo grant aoatb k bolag ▼doped and ihm preant fall ohowa aa aellattad aotkity la Mutlan rat■• prior, a part of tlw ooutharn abaraotrr almoct unknown a half oratory ago. Tha peat six week* Indicate a algbty awakening all along tba lino, aad It a eaev to arc tb* molt—tbo oooth bat now an Impute* that will cony It to aoprrooo JMitod rucoao nod aaoraoue wan lib. Thor* i< scarcely a town fa tlw aoatb but bee Pa hank, building aad loan ooutpaoy, light plant, water aad tag works, itnet tar (agUltla^poad route," eldcwalks, drsioinr aad up-to data Improve moo is, and tba lawn* that bora not, Ueoa adveotagoe aig aomg to procure ears*. Tba aata or* slice to tba kopor Unoo of having goad toads, bridge*. oM. Hotel nooua mod aliens or* go id fa Marly all tbo Iowa*. aad Uguor trafte k uater bettor amUoi Uwa ta any part af the Uoloo. "Tbo rail made take a lively lutorvot fa tba toatb a»d offer faaaeoaaafa fa alf who wkh to Mttk In tba eootb. Nearly" every town bai an ladaotrtal board, chamber of * watte apd la pro vamoot coapuay, and all lowaa offer loduBiaafa fa tba right kfad af poapfa, white tba aoaatry at largo offer* every advtntag* aan aould with, afai, allmate, pure wafar. goad eofaity aad poaewful howa ■aoag faw abiding wbofa-aoukd aad happy, oardtel aad - -a aa--a ioclAUW pQfW. The ptu»vat U a great aataaa far sR tba »>uth. aad k a Uae tar tba gaooral rvjfafaag one bam from all porta af tb* *v*r gtorteua oM aoutbtead, tba me I noisy of America la fan paw nod tb* natter fa bnoe for tbo greatest republic «a earth I am* wicrin imum. Waalay Juki, aa «M aa»ra, aboaa bMM It It CbtclotU, In itt t( iht aaaat i>Mni.abto bfctwrtm a* bam oto beard uf. Ba baa baaa aarM ntae llama. Eiatl of bto wtma am •had. Sato 76jmn oMaad to bate •ad knitf. Kb bldl mtMma, Mai, am M mam aM, aad bto yiaapaat. Iwlaa atoo, ara twalm aaato aM. Xamaa aayabatotba fataar af MabO draa aad aaay af ibam ba baa mat baa'd from la yaara. Tba aM amro lima la ■Uyaa'a allay, batama Bra retd aad ttotdmllauwu, aad bo to tba aatbartty tor r Oa tba 10th ad]__ __ ■SASrsasttv;, tad a aamm aaM rmtob ■ from tba bm"t*tag by a lag Itaaaya; Aflac nambor at aa oalbd bam la tba tore, ta aa yamhaaad a batata af Obambartalab tXiUc*. (toaaady, arMah aatod Nba a obt/im. | am abmrfaby r aiaaaat It to UMMbtta* Vdr aato by J. B. Carry 4 (tamay. Praam am. Oaaaftbacaam tbUaa to to tbat tba freak la aid ybaaacrapaa am aaaa ouaaldacad pratoy ' ■ ■ . ' : ’ ■ t : ; ■ : UMtiMkWN. Owehi—a AMafMittllif |a h aa ahalr at tha liar Stood tha eta<* rnvmlam la —r T—"-1* ^tiu. aad tha trart^oatMiaaattathaa*bMaht *** ir.HSSrai^JsrS: chair, taofc two or Uuha Nfa at Ha clear. aonlrd a little aad thaa aaM. “AJI this talk ahoat traata taSilada na ur a au I aaad ta kaov aaar ta Iowa. Oe lived a nildhhn1t» thcr^wad Jiahaluagd to the nil aMOMMdaad aat wM fchdil ta y^MThata JFgZXlZ""** wo Ua cJS “Now it hipyud that aaa ate all tha fara-ra - la that aeiahbarhoo* ■tad iruuhln ia gattiag tbairsaadaaca bigniw. Tha* ptaatad the earn aa otaal. faat hardly a karaal at It waald oho# up Than waa aaaataaaaUaa ataeog uwa oath It waa .foead that tha ataa aba hated trortc au aaraaaty. had a pMallat amt at aora that woaM da auaa aa thia lcat waa hrotted afiaat uwrs wm t tiMa« tuwaad thlr a»t> bra aad carry hady “Of aaaraa, I waa la the am heat ' with tha net aCtbaw, and I waat *4or <>a* day ta gat a fa w baahcla te pleat. 1 had tha ataff laadad tala the waaaa and aakad htai tha yrtaa. Ha agglad that It wo tl par baahai Atan waa aaUlag la the a<rt«t at « atnte at that Uwa. tMcyta daw aoaa hi ear. yrlia.aad I aakad him If hadtd oat roocldar that a IMde atom. ‘W«.< rrplled tha tiwt hater, thla^a all tha oora|» the aaight wheat that wW F',-£irznJuz.'2“j: U aver, hat aa t did aa 1 dyly mM hi* If tw did uet ooaoidar that ha area ' oparatlwg a monopoly. Ha laahad dowoMaanaaalhtia.awdthaaHaaaed - op with tha rawer*: ‘Mahbaaathtat ^ aea h^rretad ta thte tract agw. aad prraclird redact traata to mm after that.”

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