The Gastonia —— — =- :;-- — ■ ■ ■ - - - - _ Devoted to the Protection of Home Interests of Comity. >'ol- XX. _GA8TUN1A. JV. C.. THUUSDAY, NOVEMBER g. 1800. SHOPPING IN CUBA. How the Independent Merchants of Mantanzaa Do Business. BY KATE JORDAN. This Is lbs lillJy end u( Ulold street. Maid mis. The bright ypllow a id sky blue length olios tuusei tows like a gay striped ribbon to a p»r*p*ctl a where ao American II ig flirea Id t split b of greeti. Jt U a winter day. tio>, dry acd breezy, the sun pouring from a dome or marrelous blue. No, not Mm ; we call tbe summer sky at home blue, ao itaother word must be cotnarl to ex pires tbe dsizllng glory of Mils color, wliloh It all things, deep and bright, flsmlng like a luminous dye. yet soft with infinite depth, drenching the town with lit brilliance nod only find ing a mater color whan It looks npea the bay, whoee eery apray It streaked with blue as It rets tbe on ist line of Mataoisn. Ricia street la always busy, but there • Is do crowd and no burry, T>ie peo ple amble id alogl* tUa along ilia nar row parementa, which scarcely meas ure more than a yard In width, a ebanee American offloer atepplog to the gutter when progress la barred and returning to the sidewalk wheu he Id ahead of the prueeeslon. It la after 9, ao all the shoos are open and busy. If you are out to buy a book, look oloeely before entering, or you may find yourself In a butcher’s, for they are all alike. There are do windows In which to display goods. There ore merely opan tpnoee under toe low, pot tllod roofs, each with a big square of caoraa flapping before It, blowing In or out, according to tbe lirwexa. In lb* shadowy interior* their It Mi lls dissimilarity. Coming nnt of tbe sun, you wink hard to see what is on Ow uniform lines of •helves and In tbe ' glass eases standing at regular rlluauc- ' es oo tbe brlek or mtble floor*. It would not surprise y«u If L\lio o-m trarlnaa* to our usage put small '.divla Inua of the piecinus meet undrr tlw glass and strung up lists and handler chiefs to be sold by the pound. Tbe shopkeepers are all Spaniards who '’ave emigrated in tue island at varto a times, sod they, too, are be wlMenngty alike, with full, florid fucr*, a bruah of coarse black heir standing up from the forehead, with oorpnleut bodies olothed In thin linen trousers sod blouse, the sleeves rolled to the elbow and the neckband turned in till a decollete effect is gained. They are nonchalant as to whether you buy or go, and if yon cannot wait un til perhapa tbe master leisurely flolshns his early oafs con lee he, why. stilus! "It la tbe custom of tbe country." says the patient Cuban who does wait and who smokes while be makrs him self comfortable against the shelves Shops are not designated by proprie tor's name Iq Cuba. Eiob Is given a title. A.I yon stroll along you see op oo the bouses’ gay facades sinus of every hue. with fancy Uttering, which rend! •‘TU P*rl of Caba,” “Tho F*vn. ite.” •‘Tb# Novelty,’’ "TheCrend." ••Tbe Coffee Hoase of tbe Tw> Broth ers,’' The Cooksbop of the Two friends," eto. * iuo principal mini (dopa are iu tnis one Important tborougbfarB,. if any thing so sleepy deserves tlie name. Tha Pitta la the hub of the town, and here the movement of an aet hill It teen. The palace, with jo arcade la stucco, mas along one aide, the club# on an other, cafe# and toms of the priooipal shop# on another. Here the band play# at night, and the whole town stroll* and Hirle under tha paltns, fin ishing the evening at U at one o( the cafee where tetaoiinde, gin rlckvya and and the Insipid Cubsn decoction of white of egg, sugar and water are sold. klulattors of every studs of yrllow and brown loiter arouud the oaeoy open door#, hoping to be need es messengers for a cocbe. They are big, graceful and floe (eatnred, their chest shlolog through reau in tatterrd blouses and tbetr dark ankles flashing below short, flapping trooters, the Ut» baa hat turned In a large flare back from their faces. Daring the shortest walk on a Cu ban alreet yen are sore to hear soma vender crying bit wares. Here comes aa egg seller with hla “Hnevoe free ooaV’ The notes are sweet and high, with a falsetto trill on the last syllable. He oomee down the middle of the •treed, bolding a woodro tray before him, with the precious eggs, which Just new, owing to Cube's devitalised condition, are selling at 6 aad 10 cents apices, arranged In careful does. A. dairyman turns the coiner He baa two moles on a string, ldorv of tea he has three. Hash of them bears seeks of oaae mail lug filled with milk can*. He aita sideways on the first, and bis Insistent chant Is Interrupted by yells of oomnunfi sad u»a dick or a lash to Ibe males following. The wood oarrler who rolls hla bar row Into the neat stress is littered with apt la toss and shavings. He moves bit old hood as If with palsy and Srap# up a monotonous, rolling sang. Sweetest of all, a minor, barbaric wall Which Hsaoo tongas oeanot easily imitate, la Um appealing song of the frott merchant. Ilia shoulders are weighted by the heavy banana stalks, and the mule which jogs braids him has pineapples and yams distending lbs greet pouehea fslllag on reel* aide of bU back. I onoe heard tha cry of a fruit sailer la a lonely lane, in a walrd, yvlluw twilight. In the shadow of tha grim hospital of Santa leabsl, with tlie bar smMerof raeeut yellow fever upon It and a ruined aasa iwetde his waiting mule. It waa self a grave opened and n voice stroke, ths eomplalolag sorrow of On ha la tha strain. Over the Yamnrl bridge yea reeet the Paaro, a bread aveeue, edged by a ana wall. There la a carious sollaotlon of veodmbrre—bnys wllhtlva gusli, which era Had by U>» feel and held wiUi head* down, fluttering. sighing bundle* of feather*, victims of *tow t"rtur« tu the clutch of these uulnagt oatlveowner*; yomig and old mulat tos*, variously talleird, scllin* small loaves with slice* of guav* pasta bo tweeu; a whole family Id a shady spot wouviug the big, oallve hat wltli grassy brim; negro hoys, hair asleep, lesuing on the sen wall Ilka c irloaturet In ebony of Raphael'* "Charulw.” palls of shrimps before lliem; hooey seller* with the lamps of dripping comb like cjogesled tun tbine botweoo lettuce leaves As you leave Hie l*<w to return to ties more crowded street* you see one nf the oimai'ineat Might* lu (Juba, a Inirae ba*rlng Its master aa well as Its own ration, an enuriunui I nsd of gras* and leave* These Culuu |> miea «re SHsatluMi so small an<l lb* but dec Urey carry so huge it often eeems as they come toward you that a green hill its* supplied Itself with four slim lags The Plata it tba Iwodqusrters for (hn oonbea of the town. Tbetr sre ba rouches In sveiy stage uf decrepitude with a burse to match and a lulling driver with ever ready whip. You may not have a >y cochero you may select even if he has not a fara. Perhaps you waul to go luo far and it It la near hla breakfast hour, or he ob jects knowingly to a direction which foiccs him lo ptiy toll at a bridge, or bis may be a horse which never goes uo bill hrrausn lie would vary llktly die after tat had reached the top, or lie may be asleep inaids hi* cue lie. and among all th* work people lu Cuba, a nap In the warm part of the day hat a charm for above tbal of any peseta aver coined. ldut after aum* exertion and a wish that your teacher bad taught you torso profane Spanish that might apply par iteoUrty to coeberot, you hire a ha rupctie for ouo hour for a Spanish dol lar and ditva around the town, getting flashing impression of the life and the nan n la W**4h Cnnliw Tatar*. President George T. WlniLou, after a trip through the leadtog manufactur log aod agricultural portions <,f the United Stales and Canada, preliminary to eutranco upon hla duties at the Carolina College nf Agriculture and Mechanic Aria, has ouma to tbe conoln alon that wltbl.i fifty yean half uf the population of North Carolina, wbleb twenty yean ago was employed In pro ducing food will doubtless lie etigag :d In other labor. Ue argue* that the soil of North Carolina will nut permit 1U poo pi a to oo in pate with Stales In tliu Mlteleelppl valley In production of such crop# aa moat find aale In tbe world'* mark*!; that North Carolina baa the material In the ahepe of forest*, mtue* aod fisheries. which, together with a bealtby and temperate climate. abun oant water-power and intellectual and physical vigor, mark tbe dUU> a* Inten ded to be a manufacturer. Trias, bn think*, will aooo drive the State not uf cotton culture, bat at the wet lime the Slate will become a greater manu facturer of cotton than ever. The tex tile Industry, with other Industries, will widen tire home market* for pool try, eettle. sheep, hog*, brae and fruit, so that ofltoo, tobacco, wheat and corn will yield to these dlrsrsIQad crops, tbe older staples being raised only in quaollUee sufficient fur home consumption. Re points out that at the bate of all prosperity, agricultural. Industrial or commercial is intelligence and that line education la lbs proper oultlvalor of InUlllgeoee. Be adds : t.fTl_*__T _• Agricultural and Mechanical Collage. Th* day will Cocos when North O*ro ll-.*, from the mountains to the aea sljore, will be oo* endless chain of blossoming farms, orchards and gar dona, set like 'gams with busy cities and towns; wbdh tbs loom and the •plodIt, aad lb* tors* aod the anvil, and tbs reaper aod binder will aing to gather the sweet song of wealth and prosperity; when the thoughts of every mind, and the ouonlog of evsry hand, and the lousing of every seal shall be cultivated To thoroughly equipped schools, supported, esteemed and cher ished by the Stela. lo this great work ilia A. and M. College will do Its port. It will bop* to combine ulti mately within Itself the equipment and th* training of t gnat agricultural col lag* lit* that to Qaalph, Canada, of a great ter ill* school like that In Phil ndaipbla, of a great mechanical collage Ilk* tbs Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and of a great ejtperlroeot station Ilk* th* Now York Experiment Pamt at Omsv*.” This Is a large programme for I he oollM*. Prsstdeut Winston, however, has demonstrated In other Balds hi* ability to carry to a sucoeairul and Dm ore Jeers wlileh hs aadwtakes. He has neb I ad him In bis b«w Held a body of practical, progressiva North Carolla lam, working oonslaotly to culllrai* a puMle opinion which will hmrtily aup^ purl th* lustilulion. Th* greatness of North Carolina has only Iwguu -to ap pear. It will b* attained as lb* grsdo »t*a of the college sotec upo* thalr life work Inspired with th* spirit of such a man sa I'rsaldsnl WI Baton feed by RMliik SMSIan lw Aft-lea. Dipt. C. O. Dennison I# well knows all ovsr Africa as oemmsuder cf tier forms that captured the famous rebel Gallshe Under date of Ncv. «, \mt. from Vrybnrj. Beehsanaland, be writes ; "Before starting no Ui* last ease pal jo. f bought a quantity of | Chamberlain'* Colic, Cholera and rMnirtioa* Resosdy. whlgh I uysd my *«lf wtum troubled with bowel eom pt«lnt. sad bad given to my asen. and i 1» wiff oa*a K proved meet beneficial. •• Toe saW by J. T. Carry A Company. *h*»i MTraa rtucM tum. ■MvllaafalMIksru Collars iMah* TSaraatS Tail ar Uir U» Mala. Moat remarkable teallmouj to IIm benefit* to cotton-growers of tlio round oouoii bale la etveu to a latter wrltlsn to the editor or the Africa of Ifayuew vllle, Low odea emruy, Alabama, by Mr. T. L. Jnnaa. awflary and treas urer of tbs IV-pie’. Oottmi Knolory of Moutgomery . Ala., defcriliiog bl« (eat of tlie new syitem. lu explanation of bl< letter Mr Jour* wrote: “Thla waa a private enterprise. We had never •eeo a round-lap bale of cotton, uud having read tnaov opinions of it, pro end con, w* deckled to buy a law bale* aod teat tbe matter personally. The bale* we tried unwound per f roll v down tu the last liber. Wh»n Hie cottoo was thrown lata the pickers it waa taken up and vrotk.d without any trouble. Our superintendent, a New Kngland man, said that these bales were opened and worked mure easily than tbe ordinary compraaeed square bale. The test was ip«d« with Ova hales, and for our own Information," lu bis letter tn the ffsws Mr. Jence write*: "Sow, l have no intoreet tn U.e •round lap’ halo, nor any interest lo •ny manner in »ny person nwiug a cent to the enleiprise. My teal waa made purely for information, without the knowledge, connivanoe or consent uf any person connected with or luter cited lu the matter. “I am running a oolton mill, spin, nlbg several hundred bdes of cotton every monlh. W* kntnbarn mills do not need the mood of cotton. We get our oottou from the planters In good condiltuo. and the rqnare bale suits uh belter; bat of one thing I am sure, and that la, that the .Sonthsrn planter needs to labor and pray tor so<nn improvement ou the present method of handling cotton Intended for ehi|imtol If tl.« cotton was sell apno here, prrosnt eondilInna of baling and marketing wnald sutflee. but every damage. atanJagc. expense of enmpnwa, ccmintsalon to middlemen Is paid by tbe farmer, tn time it 1s of necessity taken into aceouul in nisklog tbe price* paid In tint 8 .ulh for cottoo Do you know that l could run oar mill nf 10,000 spinoh i rnd 820 l<-ttr* a onn slderabie pan of the year on ihe sam ples snld by tbe brokers nf this eiiy out of the 178,000 bslrs of cotton handled herel’ This very week I (ought tl.irty bales of these sample* Who stands this lo*sT Is It not tbe planter T Ue Just as surely stands It as if It way taken out of bis ginhouse. Who pays the sevsuty-flve oants per bale fur ckd preasing cotton and the reaolUnt lews srHing from tho mod. Bllh. etc., g«th. ered by tbe bale in transit? “All these thing* am figured ue carefully, tngetbtr with weight of big giug am tie*, a* part of coet or omtuu, aa U auy other part ot the oust figured Now every tingle item nf thU com that cau I* gotten tld of enhance* the Value of cotton and la that much additional to be paid lbe planter. “I am disinterested, and you must admit It when I say a* a cotton nano taoturer to Hie South my interest would be subserved by Lhe continuance of these scat* to the Eastern and for eign (pinner, aa 1 can get my cotton from country wagons wlthuut any of them, bat tbe prosperity of our erran try demands thatevery cllix-m do. bit part, uot to muddy tbe water*, but to clear them, so that the parties to be most benefited will be led aright. “la the round bale the ’penacee'i” 1 do not know, but f am tore it m a big stride in tbe right direction. It la a move from her bar ism toward better things. It la hardly probable that lbe first move cover* tbe whole ground, hot without thii move yon are left In llio ditch; with It you are oo tbe right road. ‘•The bale unwinds and works all right, my MaaaaotunetU superintesd enl toys, ranch better than the otdl nary oompreestd bale, be having work ed that all hla lire lo the East. Now let's you and l be big enough and broad enough to look beyood our per sonal interests sod tee (nets. My per sonal interest would say let the farm ers suppress Ibis lax. It figures down the price of cotton and my mill gets the benefit of it. • Of course, the cnrapreu people will suffer Doles* purehance they are wise get out of tbs path of iba storm aod turn tlielr eotDprm power to ruonlog cotton spindles. In which oaae they will save tbemeelrea aod save the oouatry. Th' farmer ts now paying the lolereet and profits oo every compress in th* United State*. He It paying tho coat of lerenty tpo pouode of baggiog and freight ou-twenty two pound* to User pool on every bale of cotton relied. "Wow date Uie round Ur In oorroct all this ? It universally adopted It will. Tb* farmer would set both thee* Items and the sampling, added to the prise ef ontton, a* quickly a* they are done away with. You remember the cotton buyer, betide tlie half-pound lample of eottmi by which he sell* toe bale, get* two u'.d one-Uair pounds for lilmeetf. Too quote. In your attic)* of the 5tb, the slews of Colonel Richardson the lending ooltin bnyer sod exportar of Mantpli’i a* sgainst p.r las hilrrrated as stockholders In the American Colton Co. You sod I In Ibis article are hoot ing foot*, so we mutt set Colonel Hloh ardiain down a* oo* of the biggest com preaa men hi \le«pb(e. *nd he le Ilk* tlm round-h«l* mea talking for hit dollar*. You prrlmWy hare not eeen a •nbllc statement not thus l.iflurrord. Yoo coll for tb* ax p less Ion of some parly not Interested I here given them In you. toy Interests, pecuniar ily. «re the other way. I am trying to look beyond that. I g" farther end say that I do not number among my eequalatsoesa e stoekbuMrr In lb* round-hnle eorporat Inn, and yeti be Hess that yon eon oo m»i« stop |t than you can stop death. Tb# oompmm men oaa. In n measure, tare themmlrr* by using their power to run out loo t plod lee "The farmers are in the saddle la this thing, oad when H la onleerml the eoet of marketing oottoo will be two oeots per period Was " joiixxt mb wear mas. rwa>f(ViMmll Talk) oVIk. Man of Maiktf* SnMIira an.r the Uls War. New Vart San. At • dinner p*riy uptown the other night Mverni former Union aildlexs and one ex Coufoderate tat down. The latter had ridden with J. B U Sliitrl. lie la now -riding" about Cur a north ere ccueeru. The talk luruea on tlw home-oomlug of military heroes, and the aoulliern man Mid : -I waa aalied the other day In IttU burg us we walabed tits welcome of the people lo the Tenth Pennyalvaole brelc from lbs Philippines whst *ort of re asptlon we Johnny Belie got wb»o we went bo ate after the Civil War. Whip ped acldlrr* are not often requited to march In bodies wbeo thsy go home. The tlonferlaralst did not, as s whole. The) did not In any way, so far si I eyer heard. They went back In twee. : or ibrae. but oflcner oue at a lime. Ton will kuow soma day that the civil ! war waa anliks wars or history. Wbeo the Con federal ea realised they .era whipped they were heartbroken. I am not making any argument for Ike csMM. nut you moat eouehW Ibe temperament of a aoathwra man In understand what defeat meant lo htm. " Y oa people lit the north would bare recovered if the north had been whip ped You would hare been at Blch naond if we had aucceaded, with your Yankee Invsntluu* and eobvmee. Vbu would bare got the contract* for Ute Confederate Spites' public works You would b«»« had the ountracta for building our uaey. for making our guue. Yoa would have levlved your mdustrlei from your coffer* You would bat* broom* partner* In our cummer oe All thl* would have been ebaracteriitloof you. "With the southern mao It a a* dlf frriot. He waa whipped, but ha was sallen. He moped and would not play. You people had tba advantage la tbe plav, of course, but you might baee given Uie (oilier g tin* for hi* white glly If be hsd shown a disposition to let you ioaida hla yard. Bui he barred lh> gale and soowlrd at you through a knot-hols And thl* trait clung to him for years, and lie awoke one cm Ing to flod anmo of you folks In hi* Brld and on btaplanlallou, working hla sol), while be was aurvlug Then be quit looking back and went lo work. And now when you have a trade with a soot Into men vou do not taka ad vantage of hi01 aa you did. -But jott after the eurirnder be was In do mood lo be received. The town from wbtoh lie had saMsiad are* In do condition In turu out and weloima and hurrah, rveo a regiment had returned, or any tody uf men. Gentlemen. be lieve me. there waa not a Itedlhy hur rah In ;ib* whole aoo'.h after Lee’s ear render. It we* nothing to brag about for some time before tint. Sums ofnaeaw ibe handwriting six mnnlbe bef ira the meeting of Grant and Lve at Apuom .tux. i uur HimHn romroeu umua in 1 companies, battalion* and regiments. Tney nrero reoatwd by th* i aa Wa are nnw receiving aoldlery from the Philippine* and aa we reotntiy received t hem from Cuba. But ibo Ctuifndernta aoeuked hack, not hcniu lie m ashamed of what ha had done, for to this day wa are mighty senaUive on that point, but hecaote ha had bean Whipped. It t-ke* a brave man to acknowledge a baking such a* yougav* ua. We acknowledged It all right to you, and at homo, bat we did nut want any hurrah aadeabout IL Our people were In no mood to ring tbo hells or Qi* the gum when wa want home. A man going iDlobksolJ home In the Ulght, climbing the back fence and ■Plug through the garden, making peace with tb* dot. knoeklog at (lie kitchen door, la not an Inspiring spec taelc. That’* the way moat of ua went book ‘•Very often tber* warn no bejl* to ring. You Yankees shot them nut of th* church steeples, or our people hud to melt them for ammnnlllon. VYs were mighty short toward the last. Tbera wera few hoot* guns in the south dunug the war. ''OocssloDslIy a Confederate returned to Rod bis town so battered that he did not know it. Ha mat strange fa*** |0 the streets. Fsmilar landmarks had disappeared. Sometimes ha found the foaodatlun of his old home, and It was overgrown with gras*. Whole towns dl(.ippOared. nod communities removed In soma motions of the south doriua th* war. “I know many **.Confederates lo day who were never mustered nut. They blimbed aa nnd told a* to go. I know t man In my state who la holding a Federal offlee wbo never eurran.tared and who was nerat discharged from lb# Confederate aarvlov. Ko war ever bad as many curious results ns that war."1 I VaktrMa'i Ml mu* Cam oik m, Wky *•* Tm » My Wife haa beoo ualng Chamber lain’* Palo Balm, with good roaalta, for a tamo a boulder that haa paload bar oualtouatly for nlna yeara. MTe bare tried all kloda of aaedlclooa and doctor* without rrorlrlag any MnrOt from any of thorn. One day wa mw an wdearrlto m««t of thla medicine and thought of trying it, which we did with iho brat of milafnotion. 8bo haa naod only one bottle and her ahooldor U nimoat wa'i. —Aix/i^n K kliLlwr. M enchanter. N. II. For aalo by J, B. Curry £ CJu. ate a««l tee Ike WMif. Ufa. The ILpooeful Ono—“lly dear, I wlah yoe would noa bo ao energetic. Will you narei rratf'’ Tbo Fuaay OwO—"I never expect to be able to rawt till I get In my grave, and Uwa It will ha juat toy luck that th# next day will iw the waarraathak." The a well I* ere Wear Ik enrtad by all poor dyapoyttca whoa* Stomach aod Llvar ana out of ardor Ail aueh aboald know that Dr. Xlug’a New Ufa Ptlla, tba wonderful Womack a ad LI err ttemody, glvaa a aptendld appwtltr, aoand dkauatioo aod a regular bodily habit that taaoiea parfrot health aad groat energy. Only He. at 4. B Corry Jt (V* drag alar*. Washington. OcJ. i5. -The Tro*! ±ol today Is* usd Dm following Thanksgiving proclamation : Dr toe President of tho United dtnttl— A proclamation, A national custom, dear to the boaru of llie people. calls for tba eat llag apart of oaa day lo aaoh year aa an occasion of spec* I thsnkaglvlac to Almighty Qod for the blessings of the pwaeadlug year. Thin honored obser vaac^ acquires with time a tenderer sign 1 Beano*. It eorlcbe* domsetle life. It no at atone under the family roof the nbeent children to glad rraakon with thoae they Una. fleldnm baa tM* nation bad a greater oanye for profound tha/kaglving. No great pootilrnw bas Invaded our choree. Uber.l employment wait upon labor. A baud not oropa bare rewarded ttw eftorta of tba aBiiits of tba hoaband man. faeroased eomtorts bare ooaw tatlm home. Tbo national flaaaess have bean atreaglbaoad aad pabilo a red It has baea eustaiaed and oaada Boner. la all brauobas of indastry and trade there bee been a steady gain in the moral educational growth of oar oaliooal character*. '.Ubarabes aad achool* Imre ftnurlrhed. A mar tea o patriotism b«s boan exalted Thoev eugaged la maintoialng the hnoor of tbo fl(g with snob tlgnnituooesi bays beau H> a larg« degree spared from dis aster and dtaaaaa. Aa bmioraM# psaea baa been rati Bod with a foreign nation with which we were at war aud •re are now on frtsodly relations with •very Power of rertb. Tuo trust which wo have * taunted for tlis baoeflt of tbv peopl* of Cobs hat been faithfully advanced. There la marked progress toward tbo rsM/tra ilnn of Healthy Industrial on-idillons aud under wire sanitary reg lUtl mt the lil 'nd hoc enj <yed unatutl «x#mp tl<ni fr-i.a the seonrga of fever. Tim hurricane which swept over oar n-w poeaesslon of Pbrn Bid, destroying the bo CMS aud property of the mhatol Uuto, nailed forth the Instant sympa ttiy of tbs peoule of tba Untied State*, who were swift to respood with genvr ons slit to tb* aaffisrers. While the In surrvetlim still cantlaure in Um lslaud of lainta bueloaes Is resumlag Its ac tivity aud eoafldaoea In the good par pone of Um United Stotoa la being rapidly established throughout the sioblpelago. . «"fl emiotleae oUmre J- William McKinley, tVeeklant of ttm United States, do hereby name Thurs day, tb* 30th day of November imgt, mb day of general thanksgiving aad prayer, lo ba observed ae such Gy all oar p-jople on this coutloeat and in all oar newly acquired Island, as well aa by those who may be at sea or sojourn ing In f relgu leads; and I adViar that on tl<|s d-gy religious exrrclsea sliall ba conducted In theoUarnbva <*r m-eliug places of all denominations, in order Uiat the aeeial features of Um d»y Its real airnlBoanc* msy not ba l.iat aignt of. but fervent prarers may ba offered to the Moat High for a eontluotcce of tho Divine guldauoa wlibnut which man’s rff-uts are vain and for Divlae eoasoUtlon to those wb«*ekindred and friend* have sacrlBced lb»lr llvre for tbeir oounlry, 1 rtocnoj-M.d'.sIso (baton this day, no far as may be found practical, labor shall ossse from lu acouatomed toll, and ebarity abound toward the sick, lha needy and the poor. In witness whereof I have set my hand and eaut-d the seal of the United dtstma lo ba affixed. Done at tba city of Washington Oils S5ib i1uy<>f Ootober, lo Uie year of our Lnpl 1899. and of tba IndepmdeooM of tbo.UfHed 8talas tba one iiuncred and twenty foarlli. _ . _ WltLTAX McKINLBT. By th* President t John Hay, 8*0 Ury of 8t le. TM Whjr «ril. Clnnott* Ohtervcr. Hither singularly, the Raleigh Pal of yetterdy had an editorial on -(W creation for ttie People,” which wee exactly in line with an OUerrtr editor III of yesterday upon the tarns subject and In It thla paragraph ooeura : UUMUKMIMMU >l)P«nni*D<]*T|'. OT •n Idnm asylum rtoemly aald to ua io explanation of tba evident Increase nf (PaulaI disorder* among country wo man, that it wm because of the life they load—the a* mad ally dalle* without recreation, with bet litlla change of food, with bat litlla aoelatl npportaol }*•» by which ayaa Um naw f rah Ions or Uu-at neighborhood disturbance can bo dlaeoaaad. In other word*. It waa tba lack ol change, of recreation, of a*t tal acrobatics, of amoaew>an(a." It la a fact aa tba raoord of the boo ►It'U fur tba Inane* In Uila State will toatiry, that aotong the number of the fntaafn ward* Uio number of farmer*’ wire* la act Only actually but relat!ro ly grantee than that of auy other eiaaa. The explanation of this la the above guouiloo from oar Kafclgb contempo rary. The buabaadgoMlablng. bunt leg. to mill, to tba alDanon meeting, to oourt, to town on Saturday, to oburob. the wlf* goea to churcli—aamatlmin. If the ohureh h> In raaoh-nod to u pleat* oaenotonally tn summer; tha rnmlodor af tlw lima aba gtaya In Um bouoa and drudge* aha gem inaaon in largn number*. and It la i>o wonder. Mho need* In get away from Horn* a»r»; to ba mar* In cental)ot wKb the world than tha la; U ham dlroralon; to go to tba fair, Um oJroua, anything to lift bar out of Um grind of her daily dattea. _ saamtokaaBB It will not bo a surprise to auy who are at aU famllar wkb tha good qaall Uea of Chambortnln’a (tough Remedy to know that people erorywlmrw take pleuanra In felaUag iMt experience H i t»m oan of that aplnadld medtahm and lu tnlllag of Um baaaOt they haro re | oat rod from it. of tod colds It be* I oared, *1 three tread attack* of posn m<M.t* it ha* averted and of Um «bl| dTT tnm^Mk*Of mens •adwboowtog eeugh. It la a grand, good mwitelao. for gale br I I Uurry A Onmyany. •MltT bat Of AYLAITA Georgia to-day paid tribute to bar rankles hero of iba Spanish-AuMriaaa war, rtti Lieut,. The*. 1C. Brumby, of the Olympia, by tea prosooteUtt if a baodsuma sword In reoogattimi ot U* noteworthy aareloa at MaolUa. Thu occasion waa one wbteb allowed many thousand altteMM of tba State to flea teat to Uwlr eothuateam. wbteb began with Um sonrUa. At aa aarly hour tba reception committee celted oa latent. Brnioby at tba Aragon Hotel, aad tba earryiag outtba day's pro gramme wag begun Tba party drove fa oarrtagva to tba Ooearaor’a odtea at tba State Capitol, wbar* Brumby was raealfrd by Governor Uaodter. tba United Btelee Slant or and TTirngraeo man from Ovoegia. and elatUufThwa tora nnd lUproaontotlrm, Um Jed pea af tea Supreme Dvoeh and other prominent persona. At lSSOajatotaaaateweftbaGaargU Hauasaad Senate was aalM aad Lteat. Bruaby. escorted by tba Governor aad the Senator aad TTnngnoimie af Iba Stela' waa promatal to the Awaw Mr After tba praaaaUUoa In iba Lflala Ut» ball Lieut. Brumby waa aaaerted by Governor Candler. Mayor Wood ward, of AUaate. and others, foUewad by tba members af tba General Assem bly to * etend at Um Washington atrset cotraooa to the Capitol, where Um •word prraentaUoe looh algor. Mayor Woodward praam ted Curb Ilowrti. telagram ft cm Admiral Iteway: 1r“Vv"^l?«Vi0* U«tober SO—To tba lloa. Clark U-*wall. Atlanta, Gt: '•! rvjotoa that to* Slat a of Georgia, wbteb gave sash toynl support to iba Govern OMut daring tba late war with Spatula now honoring one of its most galliot aoua. Lieut. Urnmby. for bte brave nod conaplououa aarvtaua druing a aavara iwt"!, "Omwi Dawav.” Hr Howell then lateodoord G warrior Candler. The Chief Executive prmm H4 Um award to the lieutenant aoJ Um cbrer* ware doubled M Um latter ra Mlvwd lbe aphmdld token. Lieut. Brumby* em ill-ot embirataed him (or •-MM time “It m true," a«U Im, “1 had the fortune of bidag at Manila aod bowevor wa may differ about what I did, my urreoual claim la that I did Um brat I cum Id " At Ilia aouclueion of the oeroatoMlM bore Um guaat of Itnnor and ornamlt tetw went ia narr I* eat, at tbo bead of tlie parade, to Um reviewing stood, at Um corner of reach Tree and Ponce do Imoo avraoa. Tna pared* <via aatla us of troop* from Alabama, d >uth Carn'lut, North Carolina and Uo >rgi*. dflo organ) anion* and M-cmi-a, with guest* of honor in carriage*. The <J. A. It Yeteraae. C mfcder-cta VHerana and Hon* of CnuMmU Vr'ermaa *ith given >lie pucifti* of i honor at (be bead nf the parade. At Um revlewln* stand Um parade waa ra viewed by Governor Candler r.i*d Heat. Bru inby a* lit* guest. ^=aemawmm=H* TrthwM to atamtra Women. At tba daJlct’Jou of tbo Teooeeaes Confederate mooaraeota at Olclia mauga. General A. P. Stewart delivered one of the moat re meet, logical and eloquent addfrwee ever heard. Thom pieaeut, Fade rale a* well a* Coofeder ! aim. knew that Ueceral Stewart wa* a hard fighter (commanding Um Army of Taooeeeee at the loti torm-der), and a moat capable milhemalieian and to eompllabtd aoholar, bat they wen *1 a<oat lifts* out of llielr aroU by bla etoqiMnee. Hit addrvM waa full or •entlmedt. delivered with tba ram aod graoa of II* Ontabcd orator, and waa olotbad In purest and strong*at Kug llali. It waa itoelved with tbo greatest vatbuaiaam by hta aodtewco. Thla valsable addrrm will be publlahrd la full la Um report of tba TVaoeaaeo beard ufOtckamaor* Peril eommia t Ion era Tba following extract from hi* remark* on Um uoMe worn in of tba anulb win b* read with delight: •• Whut (hall I aay uf tba wmmd uf lha Coofrdaracy T Whan PiwUiqI QarO-ld k*y dying hun tba rffaoU uf Ihtl tiaaohereua ebot bird at bln by Uta madman, Oukaaa, wilt wbai lov ing wlloltada aad Uadar watabfalavm kb wifa bang nrrt bU oooch, watoblog by day n>d by ulght. try lag tv ammgt lb* auSarloa nod pain aad U woo back waca It txaaiWn. Um Itfa that waa etow )y alibing away I How ownwa eeao try aad (to otrillaad world rmag with applaumofbaroaaaUaef aaddav»ttnal l would not plank a gam tram tba erawaof glory atm won nor cart a ahaduw to dim IU laatar. All bonor to tha falthfal wlfa I But bow many Wag-yea, bandiada of ihooaanda of iruo hr rota and dvvatnd muUmto wo man, dartag tha arar, aadervd far mara that aba dM I Not ia tha atara of lha noonday aaa nor In Um faaa af tba warbi, bat lo tba qulat, tba aacfoaloa and obaoorlty, ail ofW amid tba dan oiatloa of hnma; no friendly votaa u eiwar and ruooamgr; brood lag la al laaoa avar tba Utaailaa) battling aad waavtagaad aawlag, tailing u aara anpport aad ao keep Um maa la tba army wad elad; waning and watehlag tor mwi fmm tba army and from tha battle; hnabeod gown in tba war, aaa brother. Wvar aft gew. 'Will ihny avar ratam T* Wbrn avwa com* It may bn that baabaad waa biUad. *oo —latil. md aba •oatd not By in hta ratiaf and norm him baek In Ufa aad baaKh. Bmtbrr, bmr died «nd tha tbaald aenbUa na “Tba CoafedaraU vimgg aavar eur randarad Wbaa tba war waa near aad tha taw maa who warn Ml rvtnnmd U thnhr bomaa. haw bravely the wnmra Umt ap agda tba battla of I Mb. A aad in* kg aad i f to g| dradt wamaa af wham I havaavag rwt aar aaygd Um eoatbara wamaa a* tba Uaa fedaraU tlmaa.*' oct* bw * um «tu <* uuowMifM r itiitar It ihn «• that ilia forUraat* MUnatod •t r0.000.00a Aifra* YsaiatMK vt* ih Man a* that %*w onmn Um has* of tbs UmMy. Tha sW Isas Oaraatlaa TiaBubUi about tiffe°a{.ilLuWLtf jll! "IS oIuSS'OOO’ Al<M4 * MWMa Out of ilia aptrlt of aO^etloa aad for sysKr.^.agTsuf.'^: .V.t3r?.esr^rs£s-!S: pa« aawuut OkmUm VsaOarMU baa WiS “ wm'mSSC*' *■ “• Tb* will inakaa do antloo at Uta Um otarrlac* of OoreaUos Taadathlll. Jr. taMUa u say taiitp bat—m fathar auJ aoa tiaaaaw at tha ■ukm. bet ifiyamtly tbs fibart 4* piauaaia was vMtai ayee tha aMaat aan, ha rveelviuar all teM aide tba aaaSas trest« StJtaasibaOwainaf best* J3«S:' 7aa^S»n?ggS ares Allas, or Kabf«*m%MQ,00U to ba art apart for tbat patpaaa by Ua •MltM aiuHowuwiui. var oarer it tea Mrt to aerate thetom «< IMO.OOO It Horn to Gortrada, At f»vd G.. BegtooM V. sad Gl«dya, or IT any of them to dead. to Mr law la auob prapwtlaaa m Mia. Vanderbilt mar direct In tor *01 aad la default of MawaUoeamlkaaan to to di vided equally. At tto limb of Mr*. Vanderbilt tto property dsotaed fur tar Ufa laglna to mum Alfred G. or Be0oaid C., aaaha nay appoint by tor wULaad to defaelt of aucb appointaeant It few MttoeM en uf bit aoae than lirtag, Altrad w Bwflaakl. end If nelttor uf then to livi eg at tto Uew of tor dee lb then to Gertrude, tf IHIag. aad If act then to Gladys I* ease nnithsr of eaUI bob# or dealt biers all all aorvlea bla widow thru tola property la to to dlotdad aaneg toe than living children of aotb tons asd daagbtara, aad if tton to oa east uramtolnldren than ittoaantt part of tto rreld nary rotate. Haoator Doio * caoatoto 9MMXM0 aad a number of loqarste aro ends to roUg Imu aad other lustttaUoaa. Hta fam ily avroeals ara elao Hialii ril Oa too Matlnganey that both Alfred and Uraloeld die Without laaue before bring put Into pnewolna uf said rotate. U**5 diajhtora. Oar trade awl GUdes, are artds roetduery legatMra hi rqaal shares. the children fatso* tto pareots share to one either dies before that line. The excMtun are dbeoted to pay oat. of tbs estate alt latartuaas, logaay and transfer uxw ehergeabla oa ao cannt of any gifts, daeteae ar *~i—n under tto lew of tto State of Haw Turk nr of tto United Male*, or of any State Uicert*. Alloa O. Vaadorbtlt, Ills widow, I* appointed executrix, aad bla boa, Al fred G. VandnbUt. Wo. E. Vendw Mlt. Ctooeoey If. Grpew aad Bdward W. B oeltcr are ■ appall ed itoaatan . toewber with Hrgluld, who my qualify as toon ao ha boecnee of a«r. and It la provided that ao conn!atom or oomsaaaatloo atoll to paid to aay eaeootor or tmalaa for bla wwiwa. Own* C. Boetfaea baa an aid ool orwJ MM Who dot# Odd ]«ti OTOWOd bit Moot* Immo. Tbo apod om of Uw logoomUy Mlowod by o mow yallnw do* Bmifaea o m day oloal to p»y a dollar for tha Miaul, jurt for tbofMofebo tbliiK. -Djilab t Mi, oah lM rrpMod iho old taUew. -Wby. dot datqoaood orr life f\» dtwwwia*. I earof oowld mA Mm fo* or dollar. Yoo kid htva Mm rot or AWIah aw* or gontah, thourb, Wa»* BowKooo. Boolfaea ooomo (mm FbUkwi. where oreryfaodjbaewa Mm ood mo*** to biw o* tbo Mmol. Mod toag ago ho mom ootom o boy who woo whoohM bowooMd of eyaterroMO aad arloo WtM. BoolfoookoowthooMIdbohO poor Moat oor tmlcoMTi aop. Ua (toooPibopww Mat w«o bo omM poMlbl* pat tbo*. ho fogAlnC. -Oefo* to throw thaw m tho booh yord,'* anowerod tho lad. *«TMo lotto Pool h*4d. 1 tank PM Of thOM hOMO laot nlfkt. “Baiwiiat da yoa 3« Mom for f” Inaiatad Uwlfoao. «lt*o h l rick of tho foadly," grip oat tho lad. - Tried » Bew f*» -I’dlootMlltf ton,** cawUwwod ho oo bio banda otaood or*r tho hot fill «f tho barrow. "Wo am gotag ho bora •omo rhloobowo oomo hi froM tha tho ooa at ry. Thorn woo** bo MwPh u* owt, hot If that oao Umooom wad hot Um mad oardbo boa* thoy« Uriah pw'to had «M Umm good khfowt IN gw fat ttrrd of *<m ana an Hrlo* oo Mood oad tatora for t abaft.**

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