The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interest* of the County. Vol. XX. GASTONIA. N. C.. THURSDAY, NOVKMBKli 0, 18111). ' —— ' ■■■■■■ ——■ ■ ■ ■ ——— ■ ' ■—^——— ■— _ _• THE NEGRO'S SUPERSTITION. EVIL SPIRITS, 0HARM8, CREAMS ARC BIBD8 OF ILL OME5. lh. II.MII’> I'M. a WU:.’I Hnm'm ftof^Oow Ij». H.lhrr la Fatar— ■Malny nf llMa«._Blnl. Tkal nM Fra real, nr Dwunj.l Walaa’n Wlucn! Hvn York Boo. Tlic superstitions of tiro togroes of tin North J,oulst.«oi and Arkansas bottoms are devl.lble Into four u'.xses: superstitions alaiut Imtuau ln’lu(«, win, pnara* supernatural poaer*. supvr.ll llous about evil spirit*. luiperslltlin a a pout dreiml and ruperatilions sbnut birds. Of auiaritl liloo* about human being* the most •■utab'.a Is llio belbf In the voodoo, wl.leli is a ebarm cast upon s personal or uulnial, and lh« voodoo doctor. wln< IsLbe prison able to east tbe on arm. Sumo voodoo ebsrcui are cast l.y Ir.euntatlnns, sumo by tba «vU eye, some by merely urt-ui log barm to th# object lulind.d to la Injured. It la notewoilliy that no voodoo, or vO'Xl i > dnC'i'. ia credited with power to d > good. The working of the ctialci Is always lulm c ,1. The voodoo man can do lurre 11 ra tbe time from living operations Ik visit* the earth, aud le and lb* and the jaybird bold acooferoncaof the power*. dev tar way* wberoiu ami whereby to ciianaru Uio weak and fcoiile-o).tided. Before this oomblnatlon tbe Voodoo rtierru • Inks Inin loalgniOcauoe la It* ability to work eviL T.iare Is no dnfeaM hi'»k uir raaaiin in prayer. Tli m la liialily estresird, as tbo more arduous the •■milm" tlie Iris work will b* d'inr In ilia Held the next day. Tliu Jaybird la sate (r m negro muct, ■nude axle through Ur unto'a fear. A more Impudent and uullje thief Ilian tliu bird dues liut exmt. but it may ha guilty uf *ny impertinence or acoun dnliacn about African premium and not a alone will be heaved at it. The Immeasurable • ■cranes of the bird. Ilia manner In which It will pilfer with in a y«id of the house-wife's hand. It’s •apparent utter frsrlstsueMof the uegru human, and iho horribly harsh and anyerlug ery with which it greets any attempt at ream an or. or signal litre a mote than usually successful raid, have Iuid much lodo with Iuvcsllug ll with diabolical attributes. It la a very besuliful bird, tut Its beauty is uniy feather deep. The negro of the Quid and quarters looks upon It with pious 1 Mirror and always hums toms tort of hymn when it la around. On one Friday In avsry aevuiitti month lbs jaybird visile hell, canying In its beak seven graios of sand, sod Uinse seven grains dropped lotu the n trues makes it seven 'lures bolter. As this bat h-en going on since Adam’s unwarranted luuoheoti. tlie liolosss of the bad negro's Is long past computition. There is oommou to all Southern bayous and creeks s small blue herou, known as the sky-poke. It Is ungainly, tlmiil and narmltwa. It his an infre quent cry that has souiethiug of the laaunance of the hillerc, though on a much weaker scale. Tbia Urd, which Inhabits the depths of swamps and fliss above morasses, tbs negroes have in vest'd also with familiarity with the Kvll One To some of them it is known as ths Devil’s doctor, and it la supposed to bare a Satanic knowledge of the virtues of herbs. It uover t»u herbs, living eotlrely on minnows and small frog*, yet It is supposed to take them wheu sick, and lie gtxxird anti liver wbeo dried sod powdered are taken as specific for many complaints. Shy-poke feathers are common orna ments in negro cabins, being held to bring good luck, and if the housewife can get a duster made its wings she is happy. Aoolhei darn it Wrd ta tbe ytdlow hiiDQtr. the large, beautifully colored wood-pecker of browu. red end gold tluet 1* common In ell Southern forest* Tbe yellow-hammer I* uot a familiar like Uui jaybird, nod due* not ylalt the lofrmal region* at regular or Irregular Ibtmala, but it I* believed to be es pecially under the protectlou of Natan •»d*uy man who elayi It Is marked out for especial machinations on the part of tbe Prince of Darkness. He will he made III, or he may die. in aoy case be will be tempted that be will be certain to tall and then punish ment will follow. Tbe yallnw-hemmor bolide In tbe hollows of tree* and Its eggs are richly marked, but little negro boys, who are habitual robber* of neat*, will not dleturb Its how*. They are taught from their cradle that there I* no surer way lo evil fortune. The 111 repute of lb* screech owl la due probably to Its eene call* Negroes regard 111 crying about a home at night as a prceuieur of death, sod when the Aral note aoneda through the cbloka lo tbo cabin’* side they ahlrer and draw oln**r to the Are, and duck thetr btruU bet waao their aitonldera u If tome one had struck at them. Tlia abrtek of this goggle-eyed liny prowler i la,wore* tbaa the yelp of the coyote fur Inspiring fear, and It I* supposed to oreaege particularly tbe death of a child. It there I* on oh I Id, which la rare In a negro family, uoy grown per eon will do. The screech uwl I* so seldom eeeo In lb* day time and I* so plentiful In IteylaiU at night that It I* raeponalblo fur uaualng more terror a Boon* tbe negroes then anythin* else thet Ale* A family eettlog oat to at tend a dance on a neighboring plant* tloo will go book Into tbo hut and to watu behind a locked door onlll day light If It It la greeted by a aem-eh owl * osoanny Uootjuet when starling. As the sanitary condition* are (red. as they or* much exposed and as thalr food la poor, theta are many death* and among the Southern negroes tlier* ■ re Sian many owls. It I* not •Ingular that coincidence* occur and each of them tend* only lo strengthen the be lief that whan the eerreeber or lea the rustle of Asrael1* wing* may be beard. TIm yarlnua fnrm i ol crow peculiar to the doulll are Mid* of 111 omo. This Inelodea all l be family of r***n« eud blackbird*, nreept lit* *earl»t •I bo Wrd blackbird, which comae In tlx winter time and It good to eat. I’.toai blf Its brilliant rod adurnmanlo an It from tbe condemnation. Thu purphi freckle, which la a frequenter of bam yard* and fond of tb* company of enw* and boner, I* looked upon wltb ipeelsl aversion and a urgro will svelte an Iwur, which should In devoted to work, endeavoring to fntce »n* »f (Ikno bird* to lesve premise* and slay »«4V Magpies, starlings and black inartto* are all objeol* of aversion. ft would eoero that the oemo hatred of them I* due primarily to Uictr funereal color. The darky love* bright tilings ami Ue Is apt to regard a* evil anything which partake* o» the traditional Uu* of l bo davit Ao exception must be tnado of the magpie, whlcb I* disliked and be lieved lo be so ill lack bird *« much because It la ao lrreformsble thief a* because of 1 a Inky eloak. All uf his crowd of firers partake of the nature of the Evil One and ara nlaaeei vs among hi* subject*. Oath* oootiary. red bird*, cardinals, blue bird*, lain gera, many of them grren vitros, and even th* awkwark pink flamingo are viewed wltb pleasure sod tbelr pres ence Is welootsed aboat s osbio clear in*. The uegro if musical, U food of music sod is a grest hand for domeetlo pels of all kinds, particularly featbeied Minds. No matter how poor a family ■ nsy be It is certain to have oblokena tod ducks about. This It s racial pro pensity. and tin marshes aloes the Orinoco River to Eastern aod Btnth America are now populous with wild Muscovy ducks, descendants of tame fowls brougnt over lu tbe bolds of Slavs ships along with their uobappy owneta two hundred years ago. Yet one rosy traverse any of the Southern Stales from end to end and ha will never see a caged mocking bird lu a negro cabin. This is not because the African doos not so)oy the bird's marvellous voloe and revertoiy. lie does sod will quit work any time. If tlwr« is no oue watching, I to listen to the singing. Rut the ns genes do not cage tbe mocker and keep it In their homes because they credit it with htvlug supernatural wisdom It It their belief that the little bundle of gray ||«S an extensive vocabulary of lisowu, which la true enough, that it understands lha v.wec'i of humaulty, that it never forgo',* anything and llmt it ibo Oral opp.'.-iuully't retails family secrets fur tits bsar'Qi of uuy of its kindred which cosv ue in trees within souud of its voice. Tln-sn to turn lly away to retail th« news all over tu* country In eomc mysterious way, which the darkey d<»‘s not attempt to rxpUln, tbe Information gets lo the whits folks. 1'etty thefts of such things as chickens, watermelons, gar den vegetables and so forth are very I common among tbe duutUern blacks. In many oases they are forced into the trifling dishonesty by lack of an ads •lust* food euupiv. One of them wbo kei t a mocking bird would be regarded at doomed. He would aa srrJl go to tlie nearest country store and proclaim his guilt. Despite this distrust, or dread of the mocker, negroes never slay It when it la in llieir freedom, but their klr.dne>* to It Is due to a desire to curry favor Willi Itktul not to Hppre eialiou of its branty >>f body aod voice, fn feel t ho negro, while food of Its iiogiug. looks upon it as an nUlclons bearer of evil tidings and a common name for It Is "tattle bulid” or meddle bolid.” Thin belief Is analogous to the while expioasloo, "A little bird t -Id me," often glveu In to quo* lions. the dually dwellers on the planta tion nr* dowu od tbe cuckoo. The women era esprcially inimical to it be c mte they thick lu pr»arnca prjducrs twrranneM. They do not know it ai tba cuckoo, but cull It the rain crow Doth men and women will break up a cuckoo oeat wherever they Ond It. A negro woman who bate* another negro woman will use np tome time and pa tit nee endeavoring to tala a hard boiled cuckoo rgg wllb her enemy’* food. If the cannot do that abe will eodravor to lift tom* of tbe powdered egg ahel) on her hair. Many bitter fend* have been caused by this. A ohildlsee negro woman I* a rarity; tbe race being especi -lly fecund, but now and then one li found, and (lie wilt al ways declare that somn unknown rival or fueworoan baa doaed bar with “rain crow alga.” Tba superstition may bays It* baa* in tbe cuckoo’s refusal to build a neat of Ita nwu, and Its aocoeaa In dispossessing other birds of the borne* liter have constructed. The cuckoo will also devour Ip winUmneas, all egga It snay And In a captured nest, and If Ha Incursion bo made a little late In the season It 1s apt to produce iMiirnnea* (n itiat psrttcular bird family. A superstition la harder to kill than an established dally paper, and ones the properly of a race It will outlast the race. Lon# ago the negroes became Imboed with dlsllk* to a crowing bon, The old Anglo-Saxon distich about a whistling worn in and a crowing hen nevsc coming to a good nod Is current ataoog them, but tbelr hatred of tba unsexed fowl goes further beck. They attach bad lurk to It. Pip* ooo« from liapreseuoe In tba barnyard, pips and crops and cholara. and ail of tba other ITU to which chicken flesh U heir. The crowing bea t* sometime* held respon sible for sickness uraong the cattle or for s draiib In tba family. Consequent ly lira ban which manifests any daalra to uturp'lba roooter’a prerogative Is a Iran that gone to pot p'ornprly. She U a-rtan with toe* >. ao bad lock attach ing to her Q**h, but her feathers are scattered aa far array as oaa of tba pick an In lea can be loduoed to carry them and lire viscera ere btiriad, or burned, If the I urn ha* Utd any eggs wlthm a masoosbln time they, too, ace eaten, or If Urey are Son old for food they are destroyed. hf»ver, ooder nay olrcntnsltrie**, are they placed under another hen to be batched oat. Whet are known aa ‘-roister eggs,” eggs with duubhr yolk*, or no yolk at all, are supposed to lai products of a win lug Tran. Whan one of them la fona I la tba neats a careful watoh of Ut*> en tire chicken Iriba la Inatltoted In tbe t*opa of dlsoovaelag tha ucmntrooly culprit, and tba flrtt clash which ewo partially struuUlea a nrow Is *q a l value', to * death warrant, Xvgriwt tn Southwestern Arkansas wilt tart keep pigeon* foe fast of bid luck to tbe bonee, but tMsMparslIUon doe* ant appear tnhevaevteodad sernaa ib« Lcuiwna Hue. Taw ntgrcua In nny section keep pigeons, but mainly because they nn» ion laxy to build coop*, not from tear or lb* evil uroen. it I* dimoult to oiiderstattd tba ustveis I darky dislike and fear el tbe wild gooes, oor baa any sensible egplanat'ir Of It brso odswd. It exists, howryer In many (Mils of the Sontb. Tbe fowl U a tad luak fowl to thousand* of Africans, but their iloaleatatioo <>l it does not extend to its tneut. 'flu1; will eat It If they can Rat It. sod if the R«e*o ere flying ilia negro able to pro cure »«ntuuolUmi will put to lots of UCM trying to kill them. The body, however, Is pluoked, baked and do soured aa soon as It reaches tbu cabin. It is not ktpt Imaging In order to l«j ctime Under for fear of Uia voodoo. The feathers are Imriird, though the superstllioa coats maoy a good black house dame a rang, there being no lat ter fan or small broom, or duster, than Dio wild goora’e wing Ihuhape tbe common avurslou to tbe Uni in a at ate of life way be trued to its hooking during lt( night pats urea. Pill log Ir regularly through tba dark from tbe imomamirablo eb.m vault of tieavvo. tbe souqh Is earls enough, partl-ularly towards the IllUe hours of the morn ing. wbrn tba predatory Ham bo la foot ing a hasty way homeward wilt ao uoaasy oooaclenee. Tbe wild guest lioulix are *aid to be Hut basis for Uia Yorkshire legend of the Gabriel bounds the ghostly pock wblob sweeps through tbe air In lull ory, bringing death to the Inmate* of tba house over wblob It passes, and a Southern darky baa mors Imagination than ao Englishman nine teen times oat of twenty. Mm li»?« mp writs**. Tbe unfamiliar rustle of silken skirt* startled Hie woman editor, and she looked up, to see a tlrl erasing between tbe littered desks or tbs oily room to* ward brr. •‘Good morn In r I" liar roles rose like a bell above i be click vt tlie type i writers. Tbe oily editor start*) to •cowl, tmt thought better of It. The Orel copy render forgot tbe word he nestled for the top Hoe of a scare bead and b-gau anew. Ths woman edit" nchncwlsdgnl brr arlutetloo and motioned her to a chair. “I oaioe,” abe said, with it smile of most eufrging eoeSdence. "to aak yon a iiuestloo. Yon won't mlod, wMI yon T You nre an re ? Ana you will answer ?” “I will If I can.'1 "Oh, yi ucae. Yuusee, I am going In enter Die nrwsptpar precision, and I waiil ynu to tell me Imv to begin.” “AngcU and ministers of gnu* ds hold u» I” the newspaper wonmi ex claimed. “Uub ?>’ “1 didn't i|ie«k—ibal li ( didn't— •as anything. 1 couldn't you know What makes you think you want U> bv a ne«v«pa;ier worker,?'' i*Olt, It’s 5> liivrly !“ “Um-nt I It U y WUal do you want to do. tiptoe or loeol work y “Unit ? Oh, 1 dno't know. Any. thing. IM Just nt soon irtl'p Hie drannttlc notions, so I could go to I lie II up. ties all the time.” “That's utodest to begiu with. Ft tve you ever written anything fur publics tiou ?” “No; but I could. ( can write lovely letters. Jack says— ” Str paused to sweet confusion. ‘T’fl tell you,', she said, with it sld glanoe at the unsuipeeting young chief of the local Bluff; “you write a nice letter to the city editor. Ifn is ton busy to Me you now, for (lie Unit
Ui» wouinu edltur, “«od Harry came right op to aaa me. H« raid U was customary f ir editor* to teach young reporter* all alioot newspaper bull use* before they coma oomeUoaa teUienfll*, An) *!■•* ( learned all -bout it, ha -I— well, ( *m not going to bother with writing, after allln “Uffl m, I ace! And Jack?” •'Jack!” Har roloe ran up and down i ha aoale to tha noia of ointernot and down agate to the oareedng tone of happuiara; "Why' I’m going to marry a oUy rdltorl” < ham^fUln* reta Balsa Oaves Mb. «r«, Wky Tour Mr wife 11*1 bean oilng Chamber lalp'a Pata Dalai, With good results, for a tamo abouldar that haa pained har continually fur nlao years. Wa hare triad all kind* of msdloinw and dootora without reorlslag any benefit from aay of them. Oar dav we aow aa advertise moot nf thla medicine and tboeght of trying It, which wa did with tha bast of satisfaction. Aba haa oacd only one bouts end Imr abealdar la almost well, — I,. HUtlT, Manchester, S. II. Par tale by J. 8. Curry A On. Tha middle olaaaaa ara tha gran teat rradera of adrertlalag. They read ad WrllMaiteta as a matter of domestic aoonmy, ».-> aa to make a dollar go t0 iits utmost limit. It will not ha a torpriae to any who are at all famllar with the good q*nl|. lira of fliambartale*! Cough Krmady. •o know dial propla avarywltare taka pleasure hi relating thoir sxp*rl*oe« In the iiao of tliat aptoodtd medloloo aad In tailing of the baocOt they hare m eatrad from It. of bad onlda It has cured, of thraelroad attack* of pnoe tonal* It hu averted aad of Urn nhll. dram It haa saved from at tack a of ar.oiy ■ and whouolcg aougb. It li a grand. good roadMH04. Per takr by 4. R [ (lurry A Company. IXM4M.V OR TIiaV.UL VAR. »«••(« IWIarn lha RNIM An> Altar IU* liml Ml aaul IN*. ■of Klara af lha Ream AIMtmm K-waMIe Balkar Tkaa Altar lha u Utah Uwrrnrat- 1'kanwiwhlh iMIanrai af lha kaaaat Iff -n~r n On Uka VnaB raallaM efJetw Ball. Xm XnrkJiwrMl Tim situation (u SouUi Africa U an ironical commentary on the pesos non frenea vt th* Uague aud lha proposal of lUo c nr lor Miv UlsanBaamni af ua> lion, IMurc Urn wax *Sii tuubbcd and kicked and cuffed by >U U« gnat powers of Euiope, subjected to ludlgotUs* to wmcn tbe haa submitted without pro test. England now make* an eoocmcus military detitunalfallam against an In sigmkou-.l ootnuiually w a dlaorrdllad •lugger avenges himself for the lusnlts of Ins equals by ludUoricnloata assault upon ei ipplea and wuimo and Child ran; and tbi« War of conquest the moat bruml sod Indsfanilcia of all her crluica against human rigid*—la waged In Wic n imeol civilisation I It should nut be foigoUmlballtM Door republic, lisa beet rvlabliWijd, lodepsudetil a iv srelgu republic. It b*d the same right to exist Uial tie many or France «-t th* United Stale*. Uy tbe ooavnntiou at FrelorU In 1661 England couovddlia autonomy aud again by the lam Junto i Nnilai of 1661 it was formally and oe kniUly sgicsd that the Tran>Vasl repub iio slmnld be supremo lu Its in tarsal ad miulstratkm that It should make no treaty with P-iWen ufbtr than the Fret. Si am wltluia'. Hie COD tent a-id ap proval -il Ur-ut Drltaui. rilB tltO UTS OP TUB DOKlia Tt.ttiH is no preUuae that Ideas* tp ulallout ha*« been violated In the P'.nwnt voutC'itiou. The forelgu relt lion* of ll» liners are not In question. Nothing is luvulved ssoept tbe condi tion upon which ne'.uraliallou, the franchise and repreaauUtlon are gran ted to IminigTauts aud foreigners. These are mallets of Internal policy snd administration, to he determined by Hot Tran.vaal government tt a sere at. These regulation! may be sat 1*fac tory to EngUud or olherwlie, bat by in'.crnaUoml Juw tlm has no unite tight to intddle than »h- lia* to inlsr lure- wait safTr-tge In the Uutlad Dal* •>r with tlm fuviiiod* of Uxtlimj In Itumla. The trial in that lbs U.a-r t are an (ilnueta In Ilia onward march of clviliz ilimil. Is a prau-xl equally impu dent and lilntplisnioaa. Tbsy .are whal they have bean for a oentury. They are celtber lactlvr nor worse than wheu Lord Derby He-usd with Ibeta Qfiiwii yeare ago at London. Tory ara a raoe nf faltly educated. ludustrl out sober farmers. Tbsy are psaoetblc much given to bo-pitslUy sod deeply religious; tbsy lore liberty aod urn de voted to tbe price1 pie of evil-govern ment. OOUl ABB D1AMOXD* vauSUft MAB MBUf. Originally aril led In Cepe Colony, they tlad from tlie tyranny of tha Brit ton lo Natal sixty years ago. I'urtued raUt with prnoaUsa of iwogoiUoa. She igatpprd teat of ptretea that swept the earn of uwr oom ■aeroM. from the effect of wbnee depredation we bare not yat rreavertd. eod then pild fifteen millions ret bar J^» tabt. ctmrtaad itoppad her la tbe face la hta Vaaeswela ~~fngn aad alia eeoepted ibe InaolC aad eal *iohII an adversary aa ito Dior ropaMia and A>«d nemo amlunde »dct tou by Mgntiaileo. n it baa no often done with Ito (real powart; tot tto intarnat of elviligtu *n demand* that tlm Transvaal shall to ubMb-nsUil In •wd-r that BrtiMi o uiirot iff the Band •••y to ► Th-» result eta li*/dly I* doubted. Tto ndds IN too great. Tto B or* mutt ff>; but them U no l.iteUlgeasa so donan and »o*qas as nnt to know tto causa of tbrk npprvsatuo. Mad on out science *u >s«llon* aod onld as not lo fuel that Umy nr* victims ot greed and lojus U«n such aa will, oi tbs judgment day nt rations dost ind VcngMuce and re irlUutt Hi. lunx J Imoilu. isainHscsa Tki-.lijrafflsM-is in* Mean a* mm Tearns nail. MWl WooVly. K«» a few wonts about ito Ciuaa uf all ito troahl-—ibe rail eiiis-—J-ihui nssbur*. tto i 'tty ,4 U»:d. tto Iras* uf 0»>re lUlTenlll.r*-H'l iHKIUdS III Ml al taoe<»r« traced IUe uuW veins at Kli-raed >rt> Lo tiU firm Then U>* aovrrnmsiit tkmw upon tto pjaes aod a ■ U'h of gold soekert began. Tbs ami in nod riff-raff of Uia earth anmabled in ito eaoip tu leaven tto bmlli of speculator* and promoters. 8*0.i Johannesburg rose t'hoeulx-bke from the utai of Boor nltiplwly, and in a ]imr imd 80.000 lnhabttaota In the uext two years this wag doubled, and Um town could Uniat uf a Ana guv smmerit building, a nnasU-r uf equally attract! v.i otOje ntrucinres. many superb rssldvncc*. two tlmalres and enough ell arc!*** tu oot.vert even Ito slouera uf Jobannsaburg. Now tto nlty Isa modern an* la every respect lis buHdiogB am a credit k> their own ers. lbs nt rents urn well kept, end de spite tbs continued crisis uf tto last fuaryearn, Johannesburg has prospered. Tto ptloolpal street is OommtolQUSf street, wfaleh tuns east and went, par allel with Um I loo of mleos just sonth of lbe town. Street oars ran nluwg this" tboroughfaro from the old J*pp>«* Town nod from the stock exchange to1 Dawfontsin. tto resMneUa) ssetkm, vii Brae street. Tbat ml *»tat* was valuable before .agitation rulaad tto town In evident from tto Not ttot In 1800 two las on Commissioner at root **r* sc Id for 1110 BOO i n« *n* nr IM low n M about MX Muar* Badt*, with M ml few of streets Titer* U alto a Ha* raa* anarae, ■ pub Ho library, foor theatre*, a gait ammo and polo grouad. and about a daara olabt. All tb* main Mneig an Hfhted by olootriotty. wblW gaa ia e* ppn*d to dwellings. Os tb* bill aorta of tb* tow a U a Dm hoopitol anting 8b». 000 to erect. 8* that Johannesburg au sod U a mnperu Iowa, wtiore It to irmlbtu to ilea Ilka a olelllaad halag. TUMftrL WAR. Hal aaeM. WaWmwn Pan. Thu cun* of tbs war to tb* refusal Ot tha Treats an) rapobUo to aafkaa •blm tba bord* of IrroepoatiUe adeaa taler* aad' mat asaarlea attract** than, not through aayl*tet**t l* tb***aatry, *"*J* t5» expnutloa Ot pnaatery M*8t. Thai ban uot gnaa to tba Tran Waal with nay Id a of madia* ft their home, uklag port la the progress and devntopomaat ot braanlag parma M**t faaton in tb* aattom'* deattg*. Tbay m* Mmpty aMdlsn of fortab*. wban tat*i«m la tba repuMte begin Wl owa pr leat* antra* tkMM. Bagland ha* d*m*ad*d that lb«n ana shall |« adalttod to Milan •blp. 8b* prsaeois tb* mmtdlaary •pwuol* of * oallou lattaMag apaa lb* expalrtattoa ot kor OWa gabjants : a»d wicked par pas*, tbad R amauaU <•> art « (Treat t* iba lataHlgaaoe of tba cisutcnd world. It R simply a mod era main of tba Tnjari ban*. Kagtaad wcata bar *uhfe*ta adotUad U *Uls*a*Mp la MoTraorraal on th at Ibjf may oaptar* aad batrgy tb* efU del MU Holly las mail maoafsoturtng town©* IboCXC. BaHruut mi Cttea ba Him. Tbara am Mm oattna mUUta aad Mia lu TDay base a i _* ?;«•• Tkmm(w« ata -__» &' tlw river ia I TbeliaUraedUs. lopettlagla’a amt bridge across tba river. Ut tbto point lawbscsthey hava loaatad th* b«a bfldaa mm Catawba rtotr. U h to aeatVS.OUO. Toay will bagin it aooa. Thla was oar Int visit to Mt. Holly and wars vrvy favorably ‘-rrrnr ‘ wttb Its loaattoa, ottiaat*. rto. [lav •a met Mr. Furr who mm Hvad ta Hlokory. Oat wa wants Mara that ona of bia sons waa pel to atak with Carer. Waste met Mr. Loa Lowe •r# euald aav bia Cam aad dwvltog lost MNM the rlvor from srfaara wa •ofoaravd. (tony It did not enlt us ta fallll oar promise to syaad oaa algbt with bill, bat we bops ta go back liters sglbn aooa. * vmm* wits mofua wtra. We accompanied Bra. aad Slater Ottos SMvas to (Mr betas Friday nlgbt. They live 34 .arias from MU Holly aod stoat that diataaaa from dtanley Creek Mr. MiIsh la aaa or tbs tod farmer* to (Juntos e-wary. We btva known bln* alas* yosth. Us is • bsMvh «>f Ihvb county We knew M« wlmn bs was owiser by f.& I>«Mrr. Us was Ursa kwiMind a sacossafol farmer. Habaaaa letarsat lag family. Wa do out kaaw wbaa wa sysr put through a ulgbt more stow sally. Ua ta net aaly a good farmer, lulsgoel w irkerln thy church aad Cor public schools aad Mlttlm ta band up ummaalty. Tba storms iaud drouth dastmysd bia crapa but rear Hat b* does not desptlr. OOOD KOAM, MTC. Next mnniag ho bruagbt aa «p U> asH tba train at dtaatog Creak, ft did aot Uka bias luag, aa tbs road* were la bntdai asadltl-m. The paopla of Osama eoouty ara mail t# tbatr Intarmt. Tba* ara working wa their roads by UxtUos. aad aatblaa irnpro ra tks ooaatry mm la Aral, vtat ia pettiiur M ha aaa af tba bast ooanttes tn the diets. They era not - air*Id sf taxes. WiMttkm aajoyad tba trip end want ta vMt Oates ■dtiO- ■_: HowarJ O. HlUfgu, to kit kook. OotB Paut'i Piotk" aaya j “It wkuWba dictate to lad aoy. wkoM *« odttro roM Of doth a |k|ft| ytanu aa tko Boon of tko Ikwnod aod tko Oroooo Fno ktala. Tko roomy aUMaoaa. tko IM la tko oooo otr, aod tka Cauda ■ boat dtetrikotloj oaroa. km rombtood to OMko tko Boor o raoo that te altdool ykjataotty oar hit. Brown --r ~mtakao. a&aaawr.anB KK&SX3*«,wi,s "Tka aottoo >4 tka alooM okoor ■o»f. daottnyod ■matted ad tko am d gmot tdaTod tko rrmorkabfe powtto dd Utah tkd Boort b«To dtealojid oo aoagr ooto H| iAOOioal 9 pW W Qa* toohrt, ood too Hot a voaarkaMy tear Uom oo Iko amokmt QM otter ad fObd. . _ kmkom drlad a tko too ootU M la ateMMt ao bordaoootooo -dar NkU wtek out ttlahtMi Matkopr. laUdMoC war Mli«otriattto yrtMt rntteteoCdte?" kSfLSk d©