The Gastonia ~ 1 --- - ae—■ ———i-=!•■ —i—me - *'■ ■ ■■ ___ _ Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. V"]- XX- OA8TONIA, N. C.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 181*9. --"L -m.. i ■ - -L SMYTHE IS THE KING. BILL ABP TKLLB Or HI8 VISIT TO PELZEB, B. 0. I.argvr Tk*n UNmilllf, Oa-— I'm. riaao el 7,000 lnl»Mi»at< WllUaul Any ugSerra. Uaym. LSI. !•« or Hainan*. U1U Arp In Atlint* Oouatlittlnn. A. few days njo I mnelvol a Iritcr from » frmnd and It was pisr niarke.1 Palzrr. lie said I w,toted IIioih to talk to tbe pnopt*. ami he ventured to Ui the day amt tho compensation fur lues of tune and «u:« of tongue. 1 uad never heart ol IVlRsrr nor c mid 1 hud it on ray autlqustei map Util 1 did And it on one uf later dale, aud •uppoied It wm »ome .mull tillage that had a oott<i i mill and a dura »n the Saluda and sorac time.nrut houses. Newrtlieless, I accepted ilia call, (or the offer was liberal. The next mail brought a similar Invilatlou frim Piedmont, soother mill town, only »lx miles from I’eltcr. So I Journeyed from Atlanta to ilrvenvtlle, nud tln-ie changed cars for my destination, which was . nly twenty miles sway. It v.a night when I reached tbe p|gcv. My god frk-ud, Mr. Padgett, who is the D--b>.k-ratio postmaster, took me hi his house. I Imd not seen the town, for it wa. not quite dark. -‘What Is the prospect for an audleneo V" I Inquired. “Very good," ha sai l. “I think you will u»fe Hroni nunarrti p«op;c • > lil io benr you.” “Why how large >s your town 7 What i* your popnUlum 7 "About 7,000,” lm laid. I was amat-d. A lo*o twice ua large as Oarleravillu aod 1 never beard of It aud it (a not on u>y map. lie explained by saying loat it was only twelve ymrs old, and lied ■our large eotloo mills lb it employed over 'i,000 operatives, and consumed nearly 100,000 balsa of onttou, utid the company owned tonic 3,000 acres uf land, aod all the Iiou*m and slotra nud churcliea mud several mtlea of llm river. **I>ld you advertise prelt) well ? J naked. “Ob yea l" be said. "We church folks told It to evtiybndy we met, both in the town anl in tha country. and they all said they war* coming.” "TubU-Ji It in the paper* 7” said 1. do. Wabave no papers bare, and no printing office. We didn't even have a poster or a hand tall, but we talked it a good deal." W/H, I listened and wondered, and my cond dcuoe waa ahmkao. After a bountiful aupper aod a little mixing np with the children we went lo the large church where 1 wax to bold forth, aud found it already pretty weli filled. Iu a i-rief time I stood before more than five hundred people, and was Inspired to make my teal effort, for 1 had so or derly and attentive congregation, and we all fell In love with one snotln r, I never had a more gratifying lecture occasion. Next morning was spent In viewing llm city and tbe mill* and the library. The merchants carried im mense stocks in large stores, and there many nice resident** for tba managers aod heads of tha various departments, but they all built aod are owned and leased by the mill company. Tina company owns aod control* every foot of land aod everything that la on it. Captain Smythe, of Charleston, la tbe king, tba war. a blg-hasrted, brainy man, aod everybody reapecta and loves him. Ha Is a son of that celebrated Preshvterian minister of Charleston who during hi* ministerial life, waa a notable man io religious circle*. I re member that be waa one of my father's friends. "Who layout mayor 7 aald I, "We bave non*; no inayer pgr alderman, no municipal corporation, no marshal nor police. Captain Smythe runs tbe town. Everybody who ootnes hart for employment la in vestigated carefully. Hie antecedents mast be good or be oeu'l stay. We have oo lawyers nor editors, don’t used nny. We allow them to oomo In aud look around.” Did yon know tbmtlwaea lawyer 7” said I. “Ob. yea; bat ww learned tlm . you bad Quit the practice aud reformed, and so we Invited you.” aneiyceum •ad public library at Piedmont la an Interaatlng place to Virit and la liberally patronised by lha workers la the mills. Ooonretrit witb It la a home made insurance or bent At eeecdation, a kind of savings bank where for a deposit of ten cent* a week tbe family of the depositor gets forty dollar* whenever a death occurs. Tbla la of ooura* lo provide far funerHl expenses and a decent burial. In tbls 'jkrary Is the Boeat collecliun of In dian relie* I aver saw any where. Fortunate people to have aaah phil anthropic guardian*. Old Father l’olxar doe* not lire there, but lit U near enough to keep a fallterly aye o" thee* numerous children. Ue U a Charleston millionaire, but Urea at his up-oonotry home, not far from tlie beaoltfol Mill City that be founder) and which bears his Dame Just think of it! my Georgia friend*, 00,000 *pin die* turning la on* room, and 1,400 looms wearing In two othnrs Why should not wary cotton growing county In Georgia, yea, In douth Caro lina, do likewise. Out uounty pro duo** ten thousand bales annually and surely out farmer* can build a mill larga enough to manufacture It end double Its value. (faaknhli'i fall Mb Carve Alt. »«i w»y *•■» Mr wlfa hu barn oalog Chamber lalD’a Pain Utlm, with good rtaalta, fOT a lams t ho aider that haa pained bar routloually for ulna yiwra. We ham tried all ktodt of ceedlelnaa ami doctor* wllhoot raovlvlng any bonsai from any of thata. Ooa day wa aaw an wlvertiae mant of Iht* medicine and thought of trying It, which wo Old with tha bmt of Mtliucthn. Rhu Im* qbm| ooly n»« hot tic aud her shnoMar U a I moat na'I. —adot.pii r,. Maun. Manchaaur. *f. H. For aala by JR. Curry A Co. Kven whan a mao does ham great ness thrust upon him, ha really ililuka ha achieved It, Too many panels pat form tbelr nork ■ fler tha atyla nf machines. 1 howk Tnixmti. HitnniT. Uluwt tjr Hyad llM|Kr-Tean Wm ku CfciuM Itr Ike IlilUulm la vole far the rimiaa Was • *»«- miO l*MUI 11*4 Ike Other. - S<mO MiMVCr In Ailanu JmikiI. Whrn a feller *t«rl» out to flgtiu fur tlio prluaipnl. no; countin' the intrust, or e thing like nlJ Untie Boot* Paul over tlinr In Afrlkf, lie oil to hevr the unlimited errporl ov the t-ullre dee*. tnuK. Dlmykral*. Hrpubllkliis. niggers, e! efuuta. teed tick* uii' ell. Unkl* Paul has Mn pnwful bad iui pnaed Upon liv J. ('llatS'iUIlIn, EiU.. an' that thur feller Ceteil Ittiolee, which, ef the bad nt tended tu their owu bttuui Inatld nv iryin* tu tend tu Boom Paul's, ilia wuddrnt u bln no war flt over thnr ylt. Hot Utnui Brlt Ubere never mid keep ahur tbn be longed. Tha sir alius a vlrftulin eronnd end pickin’ up mlorodes un’ gold mint* eti' atiekii.' tliecu In thur hip pocket! sod then a walkin’ off. One day Khodes w tlkcd up lu Paul's turnip patch ff nee an'pnltlu’one lui In a brack, tub! Paul hello I Paul elraigbted up fium hla work un' t>>ld lilui hello IntMir. Itn. dre ted be wus Je»t a brua.n trbout fur. hie health au* estd bow tins lluu herd an' the tagger krap wui a flouritbltt. Paul erd tiling* wot fair rnlddUu. so' Ceeall bttilered him fur tu buy sum ov hie (arm. But Paul dldduot have imi land lu spare. He bid r.iready got bn oowa an kroard vd up tbal tba wuz a d-u) average of one cow tu every forty tuutte miles »•' suoacni sell, itauces dlddent let on ibut ha wut eanywaie tittup, appointed, but «*ed Paul liow h« liked ■newly-headed linn#, an* what did lie think wut a good rein-siy fur u ellefant wh(Mi hit luck th« horn, nn* attur tba bad clialted totter aoihaUI for a tuae llhodea uped au* baoteroJ fur n lea*# or a few akera, guarantaein not tu dreeturb Paul'* srebry au’ ■iiafTy hifnua. uer t.i kompeu, ant: him a bit in bit monopoly ov dhl nn* gtwe.v! and dense Iguanoe. An’ at grin pin and high-banded ar. Bbodes It, this it Ooe psrl of Boom Paul's rights that lie uever did invade. I rekin bo kaa* he hud In* bauds lull a grabblin’ gold mines an' sick like. • • • Alter 111 >o<let closed his loaae with Botn Paul he fete lied up a big gang ov fellers Crum Capetown an tors loose to dlggiu an Uaatiti no larin off ibo urtb ginoefly. tHls* fellers wuddent go to tiuuday skill on Mateo to Boom Paul preach, but Lbo aot around on nail kegs an plaid kyardsau chawed barker a»i cussed. Tins wuz mltey shock m to Boom Paul His mammy had alios tecehod him Lo be a gud little boy uu nevor ansi hit Sunday akale leesiu nor mile a nigger with hi* tquirrui ride, aud wlieu he seed them depraved Urillahesa waahio thur laces three! timet a day an puttin oo kleen klnse every wrek, Paul's hart wuz tilled with sadi.eas. '.Vben he pul on his churn beuver bat oo Hunday morulo* an alerted to chureb, lie yearned to take down Ida rids an diet off Lba downward kart era ov them wlktd Biillahea. at be wut lo tbe h*6it ov doin with the olggeta, but alter knnaiderln oror the matter lie nearly aUua got blzzy with worldly matter* an put this dewty off. AJars, alar*, ai the polt haz aod eapoatulalloo Ik tbe llieaf ov time 1 • « a Jest attune at them Brltisbe* got a1 bolt oo Boom Paul’* land tna kum merced tu bulldln a lowu and wnrrylu Paul In every way tba kDOwd bow. Tha blowd tbur steam wblstlot to much tba skesred off two ov bit best Hoot, au tha dug alcb deep hole* In tha ground that bit gut tu dangerous for env ov tbe taggers an entrants an other live duck to ruo outside, an thus bis will be observed that them undermlndtn Britlebe* forced eleb a oulragla kelamtly at the Georgy elock law upon poor Mourn Paul without his knowledge er k on sent. 3ioh a action at this warnt only wuta tbao savlsge but bet wut simply dabolllokol, as It watr. Tba BtUlahea got lo Ibiokln tba owned the entjio arth aroood thar. Tha built floe boua«a an fetched op ibua famb;s ao aettled down to llala on Paul'a land Jeat tz If bit wui Uiuro. But Paul wud abow up ottaahoal; Jaet lo lat them no ha woz atlll thar. Ha made a lax rata Of aboot $3 a mio It an atuok bit on tba aalntaao than ba writ out a low uillo tbo Brlttahaa what tlota a da; tu Mart op tbur worka an when tu blow tha whittle* ao how man; breotbs fur aacb fellar to draw durio ox tba da;. Far, ;ou »o\ food breath wuz aort; ekato ao Boom Paul knowed ef he dldant hold them Uritithe* down Urn aoppl; wud toon gin out an then ba wuddent haze no air fur tbo (ton io bit cow patter. Hootn Paul baddect netor aaao Inside oy a mine, hot ba koowed how Ilia orter be run enn;how. Jtal at tune at them British’* got thur mines tu peyln big muDnjr tha got blgglty an mean an would lay awake all nlte m atudyin how tu mske Boom Psal'a life mltsabul Tim wurnt satisfied with gilll„ rteli i.utmi Paul’a land, an tboekio hie ueivous by eapoaln tu hit view r .cm frmh Waved ooct t weak. but tba got bit Into thur head* that tha could voUr. an this woilett lu wnrry Peat. Bnt Paul wus tnltey nice ao psrlite la them au *»* to tliem, sea be, <rv kounw I wod Iw plnm willing fur you feller* la rots, but the halnt nothin tu vow fur. T»m aint nobody beer bnt me ao I am dun elected. Now )uuna J**t shoot along lu yore wurk ao dunt bother bout a mluntt I will ten alter Qlllo all the nffitam na ruonln ov Uiu government Now that wus plum clever In ole mao Paul tu quit dlggln lilt tatert an lay rite holl ov (be president's Job. H* Jett voUutarely luck all pabllo apoual Willy offen Uv aboulder* «rv them British** ao at tha end ge rile along with thur mine* an Lb I ora. Without wun word of protaat er kumpUlat this Kand ol* palersrk took up the grate rdlo ov awypln In lhe rsvyMwa an drawta ov the aalsrtea. Ho wandei be groSrd old au gray (Mired an uni eved b of ore hU Urn*. Paul got lila land by tbo ncdliputn ble rlre or beiu lust mi. Ilia ground no OT konrae he U the only tuan that cu.l have auy rite tu vole cr bold oftlva «r kulleck lax. Now the niggers 1*1 uu fuat on Ihn ground, wu* the proper folk* tn ruu Ibe government. but like .the Injuns over hern In Aueriky, tha kept a dyin i-ff t.o f .at tba knddent never git a ini-jjilty, naalmwkwdiaala-ramwifc The Texaa bankeia are u sensible, far - seelug set of mno. They leoogulza the fact that their proapetlly la largely de pendant upoo the suoceaa of the farmer*, aod, by the way. this la a hue of thought which abonld deserve more atteutiun from tha country merchants. At the Meant bankers’ convention at San Antonio Mr. tV. H. Itlvrrs, of Elgin, madr an Interesting and sugges tive talk. Ilia subject was diversified farming, and tin Instated that our southern funner* o.innot lm prosperous aod cootsntrd until they diversify their eroue. breed aud raise cattle, horses, mu lee nnd hogs and get oat of the old tine-crop rat. lie rehued the caan uf u man who had limn lndocrd by him to change Ills metlmd ol fermlug Thu story was as follows: "This mail ownril nnd lived oo a good little fartn of 900 acre*, forty scree In cultivation, 1(10 acres lu p»i ture. I advised him lo plant one forth r-f his far® In eoltou, balance lu com. sorgboa, bay, melons and vegatahUs Ilcnj la a copy uf bis iv-portatbn follow, lug January: " neuuwa from the sale of rece lahles, 0H6; eatiUloja-a and melons. 8150.50; Irish pnhitne*. £125; sweet potato**. 8*i5; Irult. 637.60; five bales of ootton, (160.73; cliickeu* and ran. (74 " *1 tougl.t fifteen cuws at (13 each roughed them on rov mature and field, tapped thftn off with crushed corp, sorghum. bay and seed of my nwu production; K*k! them at a profit of (10 30. ;m r In ad, making an iueomr from my little farm tbe Oral jt-ar nf (1 OOfl.28,’ "This uiart today live* upon tko hill in a «blt« house mid bin wife ride* In ber uarTtaga.” In ooncluaion Mr. Itivers gay* hta fellow banker* thi* udvteu ; ••Tba majority of small farmers look upon Ur* banker »» an enemy ; they arc nut educated lu broking, and liavu uenr Oreo In a position to reallca the two*lit that a bank is to a community A great many farioug*—good men — have never been inside a bank building in tlteir lives. "Now. it is my candid opinion tbak the bankers of Trxa* have It id tlioir power to bring about a desired change, tu greatly reduce tbe acreage of cotton in our state ly advising urn) incoor.ig end offering the farmer an iuduoemeul lo diversify hia crop, make hia cotton his surplus crop, and wheu be oliali tiaro sccouiplUh'd ibis we liave made uur statu a prosperous one. our people a happy and contented people. Ann I would her* suggest that we rcccomeiid and urge (he bankers of all the ootton growiug states through our asrocta tloua lo lake a personal lutere<t tu the farmers of tboir different districts, to kdvtae with tbem and suggest ways and means whereby Urey oan rwuoe the col loo acreage and ea»ler living for their families." Krory word of this is x* applicable to ttt-orgia aa it ia to Texan, bat thecoun try merebanta cau do more than the bankers to bring shout the change. Our farmers must diversify their pro ducts, or they will be ruined In the near future, wlico the southwest will furnish all the ootton that can be sold. TaMlr VMUI. loot* U. Pi»T»TTl. Twesty years today, lova, alnco we started on life’s voyage. The way’s been ateei> and llmray, love, wllh sun shine and with 1 >y». But time has made on change*. I ye. rtj yoar loving loyal heart, and saddest of my mem ories Is, that wo so soin m«y part. But whatever be our portion, dealrd out by fate’s decree, the one l fondly cherish, ••you’ve aye been good to me.” No matter If the trials were o’er hard to bear, your honaat heart am) presence seems ever like like a prayer. And as toll together, no) forgetful of Hie pj*t. that wa are Joined together aa long ns Ufa shall last. Not only bound in hon or and proper legal right, but bound by ties ranch stronger, tbe ties of loving •hearts Tis twenty years together, lova. lias time two long 7 I beat the laugh of children, oar children’s happy song. They are tbe living echoes, llie counterpart of mine, sod whilst stop to listen—and loosing I oau tree* a perfect resemblance to once a lioyiah No*. Rnt now a gleam or ■llvsr shines in yoor tawny hair, your laugh baa grown idoio sober, yoar face not qnlte so fair, bqt the same old boy tab lover, who waa ray girlish pride, who promised to protect me—yes— twenty years a bride, and aa ye journey onward toward tbe better land, we’ll meet the world und all lit oarea aa we go hand In hand U«WM 111* Receipt. "What nro too waiting tnV' Mid * ClirroVen lawyer to an Indian who had )>ai(l him money "Receipt,” aald the Indian. “A r*-e*ipt t What do you know about the nature of a reoalplf Tall <r>* tl>« nature of one and I will glee it to you," replied the young lawyer. •'H'poae may bo me die; me go to liehrn; »» Hod do galea looked; me ane ‘l’oelle Peter; ha »ay. Ml*, wlial yna wantf* Maaay.' want l >pet In.' Yon pay A that money!" That me dof I h«h on nceipt; lmt> to hunt all orer lioll to Hod you." Ho got one. ■ •wneaaanuaM get Hat rewa ike Hm Waa the ball that hit O. B Htead •nan, of Newark, Mlob., In tl>« Clrfl War. It caused lewi tide Ulcer a ihal ou I tan Ira eat helped for 90 year a. Tbeo Buckler'i Arnica Helm Cured ht« Core* Cute, Drulaea. Dura*. Doll*. Felon*. Corn*, DkW Eruption Beal Pile cure ounartti. 93 uta a bog. Can guaranteed Sold by J. I. Onrry and Oowpaoy. Dmcffltu. BOV ICEBERGS FORM. OHK OP THE M08T BEAUTIFUL OF THE W0U8 OF 1ATU1E. Tbe Unullax iMalalm Hare •Hkl« in train UbMlons Thejr Iialminllr HtelTkilrtuni. •«“» »«r ■« i be Me. or Lite many thli gs of mlrntl which engage nnr’a Attention nn k Tayas* to tli* far north there it m>ui! mm* fasci nating than the sludv of icebergs, If any person who lies never seati there remarkable end beautiful f.-reai wt'l look hi h nirc* of le* as It floats freely in a tumbler of water, he will futm a moat Imperf.ct Idea of what an icaocrg really loonla Ilk*. IVrliap* tlM only feature which tha floating tea osoonUln and.lhe frigmrnt of toe appear, on consideration. lo have In common. It that they b»ih have an Immense proportion of tlieir balk uti der water- tbe exact proportion being rouiewbal greater In freeb water than lu suit water; liirre beluir ta salt water ■ bout seven-eighths of tbe entire insm under water, varying, of onurrr, more or Isas le different latitudes, according Lo tbe sullneas uf lb* ara aud IIm con* ■ seijuent diffeieooe of the buoyancy 1 glveo to objtot* floating therein. Aod here tt may beaald tiiat it |* j most dllticnit, when one is luok'ng at so Iceberg, to steady the mil d from wandering a great deal from lit* real Ikdtnn of to simple a fsot as till*, ow ing, oce would suppose, to lh«difficulty ‘•f eon.a-lvlng of tb* *noriaousi|naiittly • >f lo* wlilcb Is hlddeu I allow lh« st-a h-y« 1 of IIm berg—In Ihs case of s >me of lira taiger bergs implying many reil lloi-s of ions of tee. (Jus striking Hint rrnce between Hie npprarcuce of the iorber^ and that of our lump <-f lex U the m-cm'D^y general np*qu«:<ess of the bar* anil the smooth and duzxliug whiteness of !la •Ufface, much of It presenting Ibn rp p«ir*u<.o of frot’.rd irtlvir. the fr icUuai or *eu(s which am frequently vixlble on Its gllllerlug fun*» hmug gxneralty cuier.iid green, merging into a blue, varying from that of luiqouiso almost to indigo. Presently It will appear that an ice berg mast always consist of fror-o freeh water Krussn sea wxtor, It I* trne, dura oesur tu vast quinlllit aa In (he ar-a. but this In groeral quite different in form and eizx ao-l entirely dldeient In (be origin of He formation This lea I* called floe ice. pneU lea or bald ice. bowording to Where nud how it I* dlapoaed. The formation nf Icebergs l« aonee llilug like ihl*: Tire whole of tho in trrlor of the coutinenl nf <Srwu>|and, which constat* nf upward uf WO.UOd iquara nilliw of miiuntaiouns iilaleuua, lx perpetually covered Ur a depth of tnxDy bundled feet with one vaal >lea ort of anus, called the “ice e*i>.” Tills ii'Ct'Irra a coolant tticr- am nf newly fallen enow, ibwl dialog the s:joi nor b ' by tlsn action of the • un and wrt weather by tlieday.aud by regrletton at night, changed Into h granulated condition. AUerwxrd It Is reoougenhd Into to*, and, belog Impelled by enormous pres sure from behind and above, throws a greet number of river* of Inn. or glseiera, as they are called, presenting •its appearance of a noble torrent sud denly pr-trtUrd by aoinx overwhelming force. The snow Hekla, which He at the up l>rr part of .'vary glacier, are composed uf crystallised sun«r, which continues unchanged an long „1 u remain* dry. but nodsfgara a great Lrautfcrmation when the sun, melting l ho upper snr faco, allows tint water to trickle d <wn into the *ubalance of the o-uae nf snow. This Dulil congealing again during the bight transforms uie soow Into a grsuoUted mass formt*) of email, round Icicles, bait snow and half ire By the repetition .if tbit p.-..cess. which also dirplsoee tint h!.-, and by pressure from subjacent layers, the whole HUM Is now united sod OOOS di dated to form t«e As an illsstialiun of rsgelatton of (os when Uis nlr la eg. eluded, we may lake two pieces of tori sod under water place them together •0 that they touch. They will tmmsdi alely frerii together. As « string of •mull fragments of Ice may eailly Uiua be formed, so also are ohains of tes bsrgssometimes mot with. From ths I uteri or those giaour* wen-1 tbsif alow and resistless way down the mountain sides or through Uis valleys toward or Ioto Uis i»s. As th- width *nd isnglb, so dess tbe height or Ihlok OSS* of lbs gl-Otsr vary. In Some In. itanors llm msasaresoent being as much as SOU or 400 feot. rising oat of the see or Oord like • solid wall of glass, with an unknown and almost uo fathomable depth of Ice below the sin level. Tho foot of tho glacier, where It rssehss tba sea, <bsy often l* many tulles in width. Tbe great Humboldt glacier b«s a preelpHiour fact <1 edya of some 00 miles In l-ntth. The dlsrup lion ®f great maxes* of Its lubiUno-. b-tweoo the oombiowl aotioo of the nprslstnr foros cf the tides on its on. drrsuifees ami Its own ovrrhsnglog weight as It produdr- down lulo tbe see. accompanied at loch a moment by a detonation and thunder like the noisa of artillery, forms tnsfcsrge. As tbs Iwmom mass rtnkes ths wa ter msuy frsgmsnls, forming smalist bergs, ore sbsksn oft. The whit- foam swirls «round the vmtss formed by Uw descending mass, aud while It struggles to stssdy Itself In its new home ths billows wlilub srlao from tbs diaturbrd water imperil any b uU or other erwft whtoti chance to he at not a properly respectful distance from tho see ns. These bergs are then carried down the deep Willie fiords or arm I Of the tea by fseorlsg wluda and tides aod •all In thetr solitary *inl .mjrttic enures .art Into the open and follow f»i maay wtskt. nud sometimes months, tba coons of the current toward their destin sttori. Two to roaqpwnjr-anUl tlwy Innm •no, tl*on It *•*'»■ moro Ilk* *«ruw<l *TBAxar rairiBtivM. ftrm nua linen Owned ry t rlmn t»rf Xiorrnmuud. Wonderful Bvetan. Tirol <i m«u <mj tli« noli, with every wire quivering. with eerry mrre drawn lo lit uiiunal (Wiiilno, with the luln luctraaliig In Intrnjllr and v|o lenw, ohfjQk) coufraalitcntrlr (lie peri* trator uf crime It natural enough. Tlie pro*perl of relief fro-u actual pain It a temptation ikal blladt Uie matter to the future. Dal It ia*y item tt range, wild w indei'd oar of tbt mutt inrxpIleA. bln llihigt In human hittury. Dial men have I men induord by rail flout exhort* tiuLt and otber meant ot peraaaaloa lo tigw their own death warrant* by out, fvulag crime* actually new commit led. Such la England am* Hie cm* of Joba IVrry, executed naar Caropden iu 1001. with Ida ntutlier and brother, for murdering William llarrlao*. steward for Lady Campden. Thr traUmnny vgaleit them wat chiefly tl»* ooafreaton nf John IVrry tilwiteif, but. untie at toulrhmeni uf all, Harriaon. wh» liad tocu Kidnapped and carried off, re turned two ywva afl*f the execution. Iu ISIS a ruao named B until Coir in. living at Maucbetler. Vt.,dianppeared, and aiiaplcl in* of ftul pt*y were euter lalued. public nplolna attributed hit oinrder in rtinpheu and -feme Byoro. Still, a« there wae no itvltntt* ground uo which to art eat them, lb* excite toeu- gradually drew aw <y. la 1810. hnwcvnr. a If r. Anotn dreamed tlMt be had hem murdered by two men, whom lie dreri upon i t bit anphewt, Stephen and Jri*-. Th* ghnet of the murdered man creii ■ peel Bed the place uf lh» murder and lbe old cellar bole wliern thu maojiicJ tody bad Ir-eii Mirim. ■•mi iuqijo, which worn Idti iiflsd at belonging to Colvtu. Oo tbit tb* men wet* ano-trd. dUpbeu and Ciltlii Iim] qnarr-U t just Iwt it* Hut dis'ppstratice of Hi- Ituer, and blei'li-n hud tiro,i seen to Krltiu Ilia wljli a club and k-ook bits down. In a abort itoarjeoe eoofnwd tint be iiuil Slvplreu, with their fath-r. sf tir Hlcpbeu knocked him down, hud c.irrlrd biui to tho <IJ Cellar ir«t cut hit tbruat with e jack-knife lie fnrth er stated Utm tin* next year the; m nU uaaf with un*t of t:»« bones or thrir rictim Stephen. after a I Ims sd'ui • ted the truth .* Jrsso’s coufrotiun. On lbi« they were cmrlcted a-d teoUnnwl to he h-need mi the 2SUi if January, lSAI They implied fur u mrnmit itn>n nf Itiusenlnuee and. at ones b-dlveed their iiirvrCiiuce, n JrertlMmeuta wer rnterted In various paper* for Colvtu Xol long afterward a letter sppeoro! in tlr© N.-w York Ecf»dtg Pott, signed he n Mu i ‘-adwlclt and dated Shrews bury. X. J.. Dec. 10. Mill, stating that a tltgtiUv deranged Dan named Unttrll Colvin had Iwcn tliere five years he f 'ic Till* wat generally looked onau as a hoax, but Jaunt WhKlp'ey nf Xo» Yi'rk. who kuew Cilvits, roaotv—l to foil.iw (in Urn clew a nl »()i mil * found C-dvIu at Vila bunta nf William 1V| loans at Dover. X. J , wb-ri* lie had been since April. 1813. Ur. IVnelpWy look him to New York. Hie ownnon council gaga hits means to proceed to Vermont, nod he I arrived at HinehesU-r a i the 22d day nf Daeeuilwr. The wlivlo placj was In a state of wild excitement. People gal Imre l In from all the tummndlng country to *eo Um> dead alivj A oannon Waa brought oir., sod Colvin was attai-d With a discharge nf SaunOH and ■ in til trial, Stephen Doom Bring tbn Ural piece. There wu urooti dlscntiiou at t» lHo tu itive far Ur* cm rcMi'.in, s ime stirlhutiiig It t» tli* effect of impiittm aeut, a general sort of panic and ter ror. rud otbi-is to the injudicious ad vice and eebortV.toiM of * else gyro tn. I*ani«n« War Hhuxr. In iglne the poaitton of tbean famit ten of htrnbla country folk, left with out the iMiurJ two'-eeUr* an<l muter* ul ilia farm*. Wive# know (liat tliay havn noue to lock to for help, ettc'pt their little boy*. their WottT rifle* end tl>eir liod. Whatever happen*, the country I* it ripped of ila strong men. They are on Ilia frontier alnglnv llio leiliui which enmfutal their lather* l.i ttre d«*tmraln lonelioeM and peril* nr th • day* when Dutch South Africa w<* Won from *a*agn boa*t and more men They Mend a* a thin Hule line of d f-i iWrt of tlielr mtlvw l iud ewatnn III* akmie* of a mighty empire empire. Teey are to do bitila again** Urn mar deron* dumdum Imtlete and Lyddite «hr*pa«d thetle i.f Ike rtsheet pud )erv en realm that the world ever eaw. la *uob a alt nation the lallb or the Boer* In the God tkny wurahlp become* r« tirmely tounhtii". Ti.a men In lb* crop* aad Ila women and child mi la Hie Mattered farm kooee* are relying on lit* favor of lieavfti to nBret the T**t preponderance nr tbe enemy** force* Mo people equally Oalm aad aeoetble would ever haw found (murage for tuck a terrible unetidad war if the* li»d been lee* tl'oerr and ilmpla minded In ibetr Ultb. U thee* condition* In S-ru’.h Africa tear* anything wanting t.i make a enm)4ntn picture of one of the most patbello war* in all history, we do not know what it I*. A bra ye rluvnnt and bonnet peon)*, only a few thoeetad famlltee i* all. Maud at bay In tbe lotatior of Son'.h Africa. That at* cut off from the era and horn rmt tide b«it>. They have mated Itelr whole h->p* of preetrvlNf ibetr indopeu dr nee apon their -nlf-dwrotton and lleir faith In GnJ. The good wlabe* of th* world go out to them. Out the herd lemon* of tbe pent teach Uwt they must go down In ruin and death before tire tremendous enperlorMy of their f<t* le number* aod munition# of war. On* of tbe darkeat and eaddeat Irag*. din* In tbn long *vwy of our race ha* Komu n Hfkin4 *»i'. TH* boafcat »*d mtyblfettllUto thin* Umt *r*» **« mad* to Or. KtonTa Maw Lira Pill*, taary put to a imr cwVI folbuto a# hatlth, that ob*aga* w%«*. mm Into au«*glfc, ll*Uaaao*M Ini* ew(V, brain-fas Into amUl paw. Tbrj'rn wnadarfat to Unttdlnc up tb* haatUi. Only Mo pai bn. Sold by -I. It. Curry and Uanpaay. ***** ***** MNT. taRifWIInna -— -■ “-- *ilftllH * «—r»o«an»>«— *m —. OMMNOtmw. • Durban, Mot. IP.—There waa a tar rtbto eaotdeat at tTotvonity suite*, "toe mi be from Durham, UHa morn ing, In which Mr. B. V. Long, 37. • at udant at the du to Cuieeralty. and a *"* -f Hf- ?• *■ Lo,’« °* SUUwrUfc. , waa fatally injured. ' Tho aaoidmt bappuord at fttt o'clock, juat m tba »«at, boo ad train waa palling up to tbu Mutton. Mr. **"9 d®*n W* train uu tha Chapel tilt] road, and bit right thbcb, left urw and cellar boot were broken, white ha waa bruited and la Juttd otbarwtM. Ha waa btvugbt ban on a apreial tmiu and te now at. tha W*Hk Utwpbal. under the treatment of four phyuwUna. An eya-vlluee* gar* tbe fallowing dtwriuioa of tint turnhla mbi : •‘Fur90 aeloutua,” o*ld tay Informant. “Mr. I/tog Uy under the' t«U*!« tho railroad men and bia fneodt worked to gut oim oat. Ule ouffurlnca warn tcrnUe and bu begged that ho bo kited In ardor U» gel him out of Ma agony. Tba happened m Ibla war: Mr. Long wus on bia war to Kilelafcoo a elait w bit f«tber. Mr. H. ff. Long. U attouding tha daproma Coart. Uu wat lu tba woitiog room anUI Uta eaat-bouad train blow for tha •UUoo. At thla Umu tlio Obapal HU1 traia waa atondlng on tho siding la front of tbo depot with a bee oar in bia train the oioducux •< tha Caauul Hill train,gave hla engineer orders to move mi out of tbu way. Tho traia putbad tbo box car aha«d mid atraofc ’""I !«*• liv WM C9Qir« •*f llw trank, which n* ked In croM to di-i l > his tram, lie w«e knocked •*“< draMMl euiue 14 ui 9(1 fort j before the traio ra alupprd. Ilia left, am wa* w.,uud between the brake rad and aib of the car and it wa* aom- go minute* before he cneld i« egtHueied from liie pen).me eit'iaUun. In tin mi-KiUma Mr. Lam* boated that hi ulMit be killed If he omil.i not he got ■*'•> out et over. Finally, the ear wa« jacked up end the euSeret taken eat.'* Dr. He idea. nt Morehead «bty. whn htd tern t>u a »l».t to friend* at Chapel Dill, MW liar accident ai d came hero “n « *p**ial train with Mr. Vog Dr. J. U. Mu on Burgeon for the South rm road, and Dr*, A. M. tlcrr and A. Cbrntimm war* at (fa* hnepitel when be arrireJ, and the fuur remained with hla nearly nil nt the day. It la not k‘ own a* yet whet internal 1-jutlM Mr Loo* bee tuffetwd. Dr. Otorge W. I a) up. uncle of young L-nig, reach'd here on tlm 2:44 o'clock trelu till* allerunoM, and kit father. Hr. B. f. L *m|, Hr ,c imr up fru*o Hal nii*li ufi ilie Ur-l tram, wliielt reached Imru ut 4:41 n'cluca tine afternoon. LtT(t.~Vonu| Liong died at A o'clock to-night. I In w.ti r-nuclnui unUI 1/ear .hath. Ilia falner roached here tiirno h <ur» bjfoia lm died. Mia Ui other fr-lll i not gat her*, bet l* un tier way oow and will r-acli Imre at 9 o'clock to-night. The remain* wtil be emictl IlutacHn-morrow. *«k*» Warn UpiilBCuU'*. . Prom lhr purely mrl-mUllo vtew, how ever, tb* |>bjo jai wt of wlralet* tete grapliy are m.wt luarvrioui Tnn «Imiw u* that thta remaikahle medium, aa ariher. which ••ico-npmar* ua about ou rrrrr aide, penrlrtllna tbc deuaeat «* well aa tlie raiaai form* of matter nud Riling tbo wh it* eate«llal apao*. la io a atata of eaiUaaa dlv.urbaoo*. c rotate and roe to mad |.y waves of tu ftolte variety. In titsaddrem on tha "81* grlew.iy* «f KnowleJs*.” Lord Kelvin baa oallod attsnilon to lb# •vavl gap between 400 vibration* per ■Mind, the t >uad!of a rather high leo or voioa, aod 400.000.000,000,000 000 per aroowd, Ike comber vt ribrattoaa ourraop indie* to datl red Mghf, aod lliarcf ire tba lowest rate In tba speo Uma. Bat now that Uert* baa gives at aatbrr warm million* of ml Ire toaf. bow rcormooaiy baa this ran** beau wldftwdr Within thta range there la moi* fur a aaoae* la pteae of flva eaab t-qaal m range to tboaa w* have a* prmeut. And If eeoh ihould reveal 10 ustettuehaa due* tha era, what a* amaaiaa wealth of koowltegu would ba nun. Indeed, Lodga baa aoggaaud an eteetrleal theory of vision (mate on ookarer .eitou. But nby may ant tbaaa lleritlan wares baa* been already utilised by nur organ tarn? Wa are toM that tha day that Goa. Gsrd-m was tilled at Kharaonm tba people In ■drrete and bssanr* of Cairo know uf it. thoagH tha dleUoue to a direct Una I* 1,000 miles and no telegraph oonneata them ettlea. And a Brit tab o«oar In Afghanistan narrates that laforaMLlsa of It* inta.ided store went of troops daring tba war at dlttaae* 00 or MB mltea away waa know* t-. the eatlyrt at them points almost immediately. nUbaugh a* ateoaliagofsay fortcoaM be detested. Wk« world* nfpabMMe mnmtlou ll* all aheat ua la thaaa aether wave*, and when them are fully reaogolapd, with what tramaodana eapaWlittet will Urn ha mao raw ba rodowtet I«* the akqaaOt ward* of Tyndall: -Tha alt abaat aa may ba fall of heuvaata hallelu)*he. white wa may hear only tha faehle wb taper of aar own prayem." Fm« b* MU MMiw to Afrtra. 0*i<i. U. O. Daontaoa *• »*H ton all am Afrto* aa ooBBaadar at tha f"rcr» that capturod Ik* faaaoat ratal Maliaho t'adar data at ■«*. 4, Mil. frua V rjrlxjr*. Bachatnataad, b* wrHto : •• Jl«for* atari I of OB tka la*4 ouapaigo. I baopM a aaaotKy of Ctaoatarl«t«*a Cotta, OMam aad Diarrbtoo Baae*ly. wMeh I oaad aay »Jf <toa trootdod bIU bora I oou r*a*«-t. aid tad fltoB to or MB, **4 y,rain.TO~<sas!' Hard look alloka to aoua mb Ilk* a aroaa* aya on a pair of bob triaaua. MUM VUtHMW . ^ MIO dtlNW I*h4nmIM Tha Barth QmIIm aaottoo of tha elioMta aod atrrlat of oho wool* lb.' r.’towiJJ* Mwntf'«7*& *»■»» MOQttjat fcOM Ur* harrtoao. itaoo ft ad mil untiMM, with Moor lain to iiapattwod araaa. Vnm OR acofoou thna appaan to boro baaa only OM tlMooh hotJha ^ bn h h^d*d2a*ad.r ^At<rart<>‘uumu (mouth of Capo fhorl ITU if I »*?■ AtSuoUport tbo ud* «aooS5>'.■'; nbt doabn bootao aod atarao w*o> dawa^iittd tMMUao oMm'm Ss.SS'iHS and tha riror oam ooor tha ■553?" aod doodad Wotor aod Volt atiaau; tbodMMotopmortfotomao m Oonildaroh)*. At WrlcMOrtJlo tbo tida Wars CM abero tha hl^wau? ■ «rt;nror twoty aouapao aod oiah ggggtogrgfe 00 tha WflMtogtM 8-aaoaot Bad war CarjltoA Bn* M Of Um ««u«m mmdMUoytd (teas 98.00V). Mm Um Civ* KW rtar arama a» wteaa plaBtalioaa. Orkaman'a kata and 4v laaatlc atlahOa warn -sj 8aM< war* flndad. a__ Hm« mCmmI ,_ haarian Inaa at How U_ i )a Um dnak ararakoaaa at tka foot or Umoo at mat; Milan aad ami aan flooded, away tnaa or a-dt-inf. taor aad Dm twiaa daatreyad. and after Ike Maw tin rim war fan «*f float I aa gs&ar “MIoM tow at aaaayetbar point* wuU a miidatabla aaaa.** cnaMaww am. laadMhaaiaa ffttetber laflaMUmmaa is to ha rated aa a virtue ar a Tien depend* aery •ouch apm Ha pnrpoee and apea the of IU rxttMU.m. it |* H>ilU o Mniaondabia to Un yortii< wh > are atwply MOklatt neeful Infoimallou; H l« Imp* rtt seal ia the mature wfcn !•» kiatify their eoriaaity ae In Bad fi* d r»>r *n*alp Children am •Matnaeo eomondtol to aak floeeUa*.* In n*t aitabaa way eud kaooraa oat* •**i tfoaina or their laflulaKtoeoaL aklwneh Un child .bo anSu ooaaOMM UHrfllarotiy and r*r tko yaapaaa ,<t ■tnttlun^ktmwkdae ia tntermUa«aad «^tiknrakipand wddit^aaf awry, different kind,aadtoalarayaolfcmlw . Tha raaddilac aoaaip dm ant amk oanTui iofawnioa and any not I at rod Mf bam; aotaeUana ha or the aaka waptf M anatlrraCbad habi««adto nalouin a coaTawtttow. - itm oflaa. bawrrtr, tba IsfalaUlaa pataoa aj aatara taata to a aaiktoJa mala. ' That which hr or ton towns la nanaiil with T»n»tlnna; tonrttaaa wUbUn twpaar, ilnri with Um atoaat, at craatipf ao»traaaraln *ed awbratotew aoUa) friroda. Tha wnat UirZt aattoia aia and* Uw awtfaat at m au>Ura toaalrjr; if two aooownta «a aat raaealf acau. attaaUoa la aaltod to tha rurbion*. with tapHeatlam that aana m tot laMa aatoath. la taoh a«aaa a aattrr at no tanartaooa. awa war «f aaatlirr, la—^Ud^TkltW aadr a earn for aarloaa dlapwta. In. mss.* T?££p£SSrfi?32. Th to far a of irfltoriMaua la waarr ally, to partMtoaat,tharaawttarbablt 3»,vr'^ «r<33£ Uarwraa of tha child av at lha ■blafmaad aaaktap taatwl ‘ajaraT utofpTh hjrtJt!WBS3Ma krra award ua *•'-*■* tuu a um •■tin aad wa to raoaHa waafhl *• far—!law. That* topaodrwaaawtaha Ito*that tbaatodaf aaa toatUUrd haharlty. It oaa tMala aalp a aartala awawat aff UaMaoalaaa It "nwwa W| Mlfrf^^wrw^Mt tow wW Wpi*| whtoh°tt\taMtStod.^lCaMa who •mwn mi *>m,******»?'^Bj£ •M M Ul MMIrlMuS: mSmE ! n

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