The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interest* of the County. xx.__GASTONIA. N. C.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1800. '! TRAMP WITH TRAMPS. TEH TEARS Ili KOBOLAHD BT 8TTOEMT8 OF 800I0L0QT. Miniltd «• ktifljr 111* JmIaIi lljni Val«Bt«rll> h Ualfflil ortho D*cl)r IUn4 la drtlrr In I'rnlw oIm* With null Hludj ill** Klfr*>* at Ht»ninMli/-lNilt« of hi* Ufamrchtt t^lkodMd la llk]No« Baaki, **rr«ii»|* lug Wilh T— 1*11 y aud 1 naiitry light. N«*h TmK Trai 1 .earned works mi sinology and cilmlnology awwiia tame mid their speculative IheunrsunsHtufilug before such a book as Hint wrlllru by Joaiah Dyut. With u * theories In prove, with 110 fad* In holster up, lie went dowu into llio leihor world and for lea years lived uisoug liaaipa —u»t as so outsider, as ooa of them. Xu study tramp* he became a tramp, lived thrir live*, and nearly a* he could mi tered Into tbetr lliuughle *nd frsling. In Oar many, Russia. England, and the United States thousands and thousand* of vaguboiul* main about, llvlog without wurk and fuimiug a distinct social grade—a grade which, moreover. Is an much detached from all other grades of society that ll forma a separate people, bound together by customs sod ties which task” it almost Ilka soma great secret society. The criminal cU»i ii distinct from the liamp class, though the two sou.elitnra impioge ou each oilier. While the criminal Is an active menace to society and Uib on* therefore from whlolt society o*a prj'.nc'. Itself, tin trauip class is a passive mansue. with which ■o -loty has as Tel found no way ->f dealing. The United Stales Is ll>e happy hunting ground of tlie tramp, nod he has Increased iu numbers uf recent years to as to become some things Of which organized society must take in short, the tramp has becoma a “problem.” Prof. Wyekuflt gathered a lot of valuable Inforciatloo cnucarutog the unemployed laborer whoa be became for a lime ooa of them; but the unero ployed laborer Urea in our own world lha irsmp in a far country which before Mr. Klynt. no traveler had come in tell hit tale. Iluw wide ware lh« borders uf Uobulaod. how lOroeroua its tuliab Hunt, and exactly whkt sort of people i huso inhabitants were the world did not know until Mr. Klynt went on hut exploring expedition, from which be - now returns with rich end Important mull*. The population of linlmlantl la kept up. sod in fact, annually in creased, by children, some of whom ate afflicted with ••Wandertaod" nud go there voldnlarlly. but the whom are lured there by older tramps These children are initiated Into all the tuya leries of tbs fraternity, and as anon as they gel old enough become full Hedged tramp* themselves and “sasre*’ other “kide” to enter the ranks. ORKAK1NO IK DOT TBJUI'j. Mr. Flynt “In Hoboland the boy’s Hie may be likened to that of a voluntary slave. lie is forced tv do exactly wlial his 'looker’— It* man with wbotn be la traveling—tell* liltn, and disobedience, willful or iDuoeent, brings down npon him a meat cruel wrath. Uesld* being kicked, slapped, and generally maltreated, he 1s also loaned, traded, and even sold if his master sees any (honey in lb* tiurgaln. Thera sre. of ennrse, exoeptluua, for 1 have known sums ‘junkets’ to be almost as hind as a father to Ilielr boys, but tbev are snob raretiea that one oan never onuut up>u them. When a lad enter* trampdom be must be prepared for all sorts of brutal treatment, and the sooner be forgets Ills bom* goo lie uvea tbe better It will be for him “In payment for all this suffering and rongb handling h« is told through out his apprentlopiblp that some day he, too, will be able to ’snare’ a boy aud make him beg and alav* for him aa he has stayed for others. This la tbe oce reward tbattrampa held out lu Uielr ‘prusbuue,’ and the lltlie fellow cberlsh It eo long that when llsetr emaocipatlou dually oomes they nearly all gtsrt oft to do tbw very sacs* thing was done to tham when they were children' * * * In thl* way tbe number of boys In IloboUnd is always ktpt up to a certain standard. Every tears number are graduated from tbe ‘prnahun’ class and go lato the srorld Immediately to Hud youngsT children to take tbe place they have left. In time tbee* do the same thing, and so ou, until to-day there Is no line of out lawry so sore of recruits ae vag abondage. Becb beggar is a propagan dist and his brethren except from him at least one convert.” nuvwiuu «wo rwwTci itumifranii from another cl***, which Mr. Flint cell “dtaoragcd criminal*." They art men who have tried crime end made * failure of It ant eo give It up perma nently aa a butlnea* and become tramp*. There are gradation* of ao clety In Hobolaud. Ju*t a* lliere are io other eouotry and tha dteecuragrd criminal la le the lowed of that*. and generally become* a ’torn* too in rag,” tha lowed type of the tramp. A elaaa ef nomad* of which little i* known la that of the "ambulator*.” They travel about In wagon*, and when premad by tha law to give iome •neooat of Utemaalvea any that they an gyp*!**- “But next of them.” eaye Mr. Firm, "aie degenerate Aaaertoaaa. How they become a* <■ a quart lou which admit* of much ooo jmtur*. and In gtvtog my own opinion I do not waot It to ba taken a* applica ble to the entire cleat I know only about fifty r*ml)le*, and them o»t at all faatllarlr; but thoae whom f do ko*>w teem to me to b* (he victim* of a pule and alaaplt leatnea* down from generation to generation. null) It li*e Iweome a ebrornc frmilv diwiaaa. • From what U<ay have tobf me con (Ideallaity about their natnnU Metory, I picture iheir forrlalher* a* barmlean village -do noihloga,’ who h-uag* |i< nororr grooerlre, hung about taeurna, aod followed the fir* engine* and the qlreua. The aeeaad g—erallow ra prubuMy tno neaneiou* for the lorn* puristi. )u <] turned out, to find roomier luui aai It mntt hove wandered far aoil long, for In Ibe third generation, the m:e that 1 know. I lie lore of room ing defended to such » degree Hist ull North America u none too large toy II, <)o where one will In ilia moat dismal aordi, th" darkest lanes, ur i n the 'ambulator' may be found, Irnllng with li i larae unkempt fauniie* Ho fuiuea ati‘1 giien Ha till iratleaa spirit' dictates, and the hurts and a agon fair) him from Siale to Stain.” Mr, Flynl estimates Hurt l Item aio at least 1,000 ''ambulators” In the United Stales. i VUA3IIH rKAR JAM. AND WORK. In tpetrklngof (be Mump ‘qeogr*|>hi. cully.” Mr. Klynt imy*. ' One of the r»*iOL* wht Massachusetts is such poor territory fur lie nsu») class'd Vngraut* Is lla jail ays'era. In towny oMbeaejrila llieordrr and diaclpluia ure sup'rb uDd work la required ol the pr!s men—and aruik la lire Last thing a real tramp aver roeana to awIrrlaM. I cannot bell' looking forward to trrmpdon from Hie Influence of Haw present Mwssuoliuaalts jail system; fur anything which bring* ti.n roving beggar into coDlurl with sobriety ami labor la bound lo ham a effect. Now York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan are all fairly good tramp Stales, and all swarm with allowed beggars. Tire most remarkable feature nf vagrancy In Kew York State la llort wonderful town known among vagrants as the ‘City’ and also hs ‘York.' This is tba most notorious tramp nest lu the United Slate* • • * One rather odd pirate o.‘ tramp Ufa in New York Is the shifting boundary line that mark* the charily of the I own. Several years ago ElgUynlnt street was about as f. r uptown as one could etcuro fair re wards for diligent begging. “Now on* can eee tramps, ana winter night especially, scattered along lkoth street, not because Ibia street Is the only ‘good* one,' but because K la so ‘good1 that heller prods are realised than In Ibnae father down. And for clothes 1 have always found Harlem more profltahl than other part of the city. New York Is also one of tba beat plaoea tn tba county for ‘snaring’ a kid’ — pm suadlug no mo youngster la accompany air older beggar on the road. There are so many ragamuflius lying arunnd looaa and unprotected in the more disreputable quarters of the town it taoily oectsssry to tell Lbawr a few ‘ghist at odes’ (fancy talas or tramp life) lo make them follow tbe story-teller an umeatatlngly a* tire boys nf Ilstuelln matched after the Pied Piper. Almost every third lay that ona meats hi American vagabond ag* halls from New York. • • • Over in Jersey I think there are more tramps 10 the square mile than iu any other State except Pauuaylvania. Tne neighborhood around Newark la simply lafestcd with beggars, who meet them on their way to and but of New York * * * It Is soprlstng. too how well they are red, when one remember* Ural they bare 'battered' tbia community for years. It la’ In Pecoaylrauia how ever, Unit tbe tramp ta beat fed. while I (till malotaiu that be get* lours money ia New York City. 1 do not knew of a towu or village io Hie Key stone Slate where a deoeutly clad roadster cannot get all that be wants to eat wltliout doing n stroke of work to payment. The Jails are also a great boon to tbe fraternity. In the major ity of them there Is no work to do, while acme foraUli tobacco and tbe dally papei*. Consequently in winter ons can aes tramps sluing comfortably on heoobea drawn closa to tbe Ore and resdlng their morning paper and smoking tbslr afterUreakfart pipe as complacently and aa camly aa the merchant in bis counting room. Here thev Had refuge from tbe storms of winter and make tbemaelvrs perfectly at home.” Mr. Klynt bellevae that a help in tlm solution of Ih* tramp problen would be tbe closing of the railroad* ugaloat tbe wandering brother*. Its says: *‘lt is probably Impossibly *v«r entirely to eliminate the vagrant element la a nation's life, aud no such hope I* held out In connection with tbe reform advooated In this article, but thla much ia certain: had all tbe railroads been as closed to tramps sa oaa of them lisa reoently become, ons mao, at least would not have attempted any free riding and would not have found as many I ran pa to study.” CRIMINAL IN RANK*. A valuable portion of tbls book 1* that devoted to the consideration of criminals. “U la mart than a decade. ’ seye the author, '-sines I btuaeaeac quainted with tramps. My purpose in seeing them out was to learn of their life, and I soon saw tbit Vo know It well I mult brooms iolned to It and be part and parcel of its various manifesta tions. At different Limes during tbls period— some of tltem lengtbanlog out Into mouths—I have lived Inllmhirly both with Uie vagal'Obda of Kngleact and the United States In the tramp class, or so near It that the separatio.. Is almost Imperceptible, are to be found auy number of criminals assnel atlng freely either for purpoee of Uui u*se or ecclablllly, with their less am billons bretbern. ” Mr. Fly lit In spite of the clssslHe. tlone of Isombreeo, says that iu bia rapvrleooe be bee found only one cUee of orlmlnala of any great Importaoc* tbe professional. Da does not leper* Ibat people go lute crime Ueeaua* tl.ey are unable to krsp body sod soul to gather la any other way. He aaya: *'Tlie people who go leto srltaa fur this reason are lees numerous Iliac la a»nerally supposed. It Is l-oe they coma, as a rule, from the poverty atnekea district or our largv cltlra and tba standard of life In these district, purlieu la rly for famlUea, Is pitifully kiw; bet a tingle person can llva Isr m«ia sataly tbae In* philanthropists Uilok. The cacarautles of life, for lo Uanoe, can be had by simply beggteg snd ibis la tba way ihsyue foe do by the majoi Hy of the people who urn net willing to work for tbsm. Tbssrtmteal however, wants the lukarlee of Ilfs as stall; seeds gold a*.d the meat sir pc naira plcaaerea that gold oaa bey; ned them bo prey* upon llnwe that bay# It." bo far fiooi tbs cilaloel being tho tctiio of bl< envnoon ent, Mr. Flynt hellers* that lie If (xmesred of more aiobllloo uod foroo uf character ihun hly felloe. Tbe people from whom criminal* am recruited, be safe, mainly pauper*, "nod the* bave ucen to such a long time and ao oUw and unaccuatotned to anything l»l!• r. ev. n In the United States ibat li.i v M-hi»iu tunks soy se rious effort to get uul of tbstr low con dition. * * ' In this same clas* a re aome who are boro with ambition*, and who have energy enough to luldll them. Tbeao break away frcm clas* condl Uou», but, uufoTluoately, the ladder of respectable bualueas lm< no foothold to their environment. No ooe of their uequulniaoew has gone splinting up it* round* In tempting promotion*, and, although tb« city raluioonry talU them that there aie those who thus sueoeed, they will not believe him—or, rather, they prefer to Iwlievc tbe to them inoie probable stories of tucoeu which they read iu the Police UautU sod the IVnceolc ( nleiulor. Most of thru know perfectly well I hat the succors Ilia* portrayed t* the luaolt of Uwbiesking, uod that they wi.l De punished If caught trjlsg in achieve it. But va L* a slraioe between the miserable slum, which they hate, aud tiie possible wealth, wlmli they covet, and they determine ‘to .tun tbe risk.’ " WHAT A RIAL CHIMIXAL LOOKS LUCK. Regarding another pbasauf hts study of crlmiunis, Mr. i'lyi.t says : "it bus hesu Impossible lor n>e a fellow-travel er will] tramps and hut s casual ob server uf criminals, to conduct roy Inviellgaiiuns as arleullOc observers of prison specimens bsve dyne. I have not beeo permitted lor Instance, to weigh them, to inrpeet tbeir leeUi and palsies, uor eveo to teat their pulse un der excitement. It has beeo possible lur me, however, to study their ooun teaauors, to get ecqualiitsd with Uielr type, as It Is veiled, and to c<*mpnie it. ue I have aeeu It lu the open, wliii its pictorial rcpreeuolation lu books aud pbampijIetB. As a rule, these ploluies ere very different from the type that 1 have known. Only In a fsw caws have they ever sppruximatsd to the troth, end why artists have niton us snob as their models is more tnan I mu under stand. In New York I onoo showed a uilralna) one of these caricatures, aud asked him wliat be thought uf It. He replied: -Why, 1 wouldn’t be found dead lookin’ like that !’a seotimeut which l consider both juetlftrd aod representative. The trouble It that writers about crime have gentrelly plckid out as illustrations for their isMiki i lie very worst sped mens possible and the publio has been lad to consider these as bun lepreeentatives of the en tire ulaes. A retreating forehead lor example, and lire roust depraved ex pression of lie eyes slid mouth era to day considered topical stlguiata of the criminal's face. Thu majority uf lluise with whom I a.u acquainted, particu larly those under thirty years uf age, if well dressed, oould muster lu nuy class uf society; aud i doubt very much whether an uninitiated observer would he at'ln to pick them out for what they are. After thirty years of age, and sometimes evoo younger, they do ac quire a peculiar looav but Instead u! calling it a criminal look, In tire sense that the lost loctlve offender is criminal 1 should describe It as that of a long resident In the penitentiary. ' Prison life. If taken In large down* and often enough, will glee the most moral men In the world criminal features aud It Is no wonder that men who make a busi ness of crime, sod sre so ranch In prison possess them. "Kveii men who arc Lusted In the de tection of crime have more or leas sim ilar facial ehsracUrlaUcs. 1 never met a detective who bed been long Id thy ser vice that did not have some features or habits common to tbs criminals he wssaugagodln hunting down, and [ know Several detective* who hive been lakeo for crlmlti-ls by crimloels, sim ply because of tin lr criminal looks. “Ill regard to other abnormalities, •oeb abaenoe of hair on the face, re markable eyesight, length of eertaln Soger*. tnaenaibUlty to pain, uouaual development uf the lower jaw, high ebeck bones, Hard eyes, projecting ear* and stopping moulder*, which are aald to diffvraoliato iha criminal from Ibe ordinary bumao belog. 1 cm only report Lbat I have not found (hem to be morn noticeable io the criminal elam than among normal People. In the majority of came a criminal can grow a beard, and Is glad that tvs ean do to Without this ability to chaage lile looks be would be areally handicapped In bla bualnee*. and I know that he usually has a beard ocoe in two yerua. It baa been aald that bla habit of tatoolng la evidence of his abtcienees ta pain but II la not easy to see why. At the worst It U not a trying ordeal, and the little iuff*rlng that it doe* ocoeatou la ta much felt by the criminal aa by toy oo* elte. Moreover, thoie that 1 know are not M> prono to be taloood aa Is re ported. ladeed, It la oonatdarad a mia lake to have marks on tb* body for they naturally aid detection On all there question* of the keoses crlminnlo glils have railed altogether on what the criminal bimvelf ha* (old them. They glw him something to Uale oraiovll, or prick I'lio with a needle, aad lila reply I* noted down a* acler.tlSc evidence. How do Uwy know Its baa n.* +>mt object In view lt> tclliogf them what he doci r He may want lu appear degeo crate nr queer, or ta perhaps, atniply mlaohevhma, and lays lli* trat thing that unmet Into hia bead. Until inurnment* have beau Invented which 0*fi dlacnver Ibe truth quite Inuepee denlly of the criminal's ;wr*onet teai|. raony nothing really positive can bn known eenonarning whatever freak* of the mrieeu may have lieen wrought In | lit* ertmluel’a organisation. I'HUON WllWtrU oof » HIALTIt. *'Tb» yonaraU haollii of dm criminal laiowJ. CJp to twaaly gra yoara **• ho la m hardy and rtferooa »• th« araraga paraoo. Although ho oamoa •taiM Ho toadwr, a rwy fair nnaalitatlao, .ud If ha would ouly uka eaia of it bo Wight lira to a good old aga. Wbon l<o oaara hla Ihlrtlatb yaar iiowevrr. bis ttrvnglb tod vigor brglo t« fell him. By ibat tiros liv baa served a number of terra* in prlano, vd It la tbli exiatencr Ibat drum him down. In lira open lui seem* tub* a-1* to endure a great deal and still keep hi* health, but behind lbs bate, ear* fur lit® M the penologist will, be weaken* and wither* away. Thla aid* nf bl» Ilf* hat vcarcely receive] Ihn aUaiill-Xi It deserve* from the Inyrallgatora who llnd tho criminal dlteuaad. That he l-ecume* diseased roust readily iw ad milted but, aa a lulr, It U only after society ban tbot lilro up In It* penal lustltutloiia when a ten year uon vlet la released and law bow hn look*. 1 did tbli, and n *ora* wreck of a for merly healthy man 1 have oevei en countered -u belLg ruined In both body and mind, a victim of patalmf wbtch In the opeu be would bare ehborred. There la ro better proof that It I* tla prlsoniaod not hla Ilf* eod bualnret that make ib* criminal dtreated than that famished by trimps. There men live almost entirely In the open, and, a* * general rule, bare a balder life than the criminal; yet they are about the hrellhlret people In tha world, ia the Polled Stales It I* one of ibrlr so per •tlttoue that tkry simply oanunt die Ilk* other men—or disease— but bare to he killed. Tbb is what happens lu a greet many of Ibero. They fall fioro freight train* at night or are found starred to death, loekod fret lo a bo* car i-n enure dlataut aide track. Li closing hit oiiapter on criminals. Ur. Klyut wots • i * •**» Btmllcd llw criminal to «oy purpose, it tt with Urn rvenlitog oon notion Hist he la physically, ar«ti Islly rrep.milbte, ami that though n*.. happy in Ills l>|rth aud environment, lint v«iy energy which lias enabled him lo get away from lilt poverty In ibe 'promise of potency’ of a baiter hr*. Aud liuman hope looks forward In a day when. In reimnaratluiia of hi* data he aball be born into a better thing than orimn.’* In apeaklug nf the uuthmalnlr* «f criminate, Mr. Flint inters a state went which la aura to osuae rrlUoiacii aud argument, lie eaya : 'Concern Ing tlieir natloualliia*. 1 mull say that mnat of them are iodlganona lo llm coaoirlr* In which they live. In this country it is often laid Uiat foreigner a I are (be main offenders, aud a great ‘deal haa lawn written about lbs dump leg of European criminals no Amerl can shorn, but tbe >uMn offender*. In the opeu at least, are ciinerxlly of Irish American parentage. Ia England un mlxad ulood I* a liuie more noticeable. Ireland ia said to be the total criminal land In all Europe, aud Hits may be the Ctee so far as loosl crime is ooiic.rned hut more orimioals iraoe their auoae try hack to that oouuiry Uiao to noy other where Eugllali laapoltru. Indeed In A (Mi lot It I* considered xoitvailiiog quit* out of lb* urdloaiy if Hie crtml car.tiot allach himself In iouim way to tbo ‘Knterald Isl*,* mid o itbiug lisa hindered me iu«re lu my intercourse with him tliau the fset tnst ury own connect ion with Ult very alight.1’ Ur. Flynt aaya that there I* no class In whlob defarsnoe lo see anil losiura oplolou la more Insisted upm tbau lu the criminal class, and th it should the criminal be won over lu deorot living he te suro to bv oonacrvatlve roller than radios I lo tbvaffalra nf itate. Of how he came to mako Ilia investi gations and vxplorallont. Mr. Flynt says: “flaring my university atodh a In Berlin l aaw my f»llow student* working In aelaulIQe Ulroralorira to dlsouver the mloateat prrsaltlu f >r.oa of life, and later publishing (hair ills eoiscla# fo book form as vsluaWa a >u trihators lo koowledgv. In writing wtrat I have learned onncarnlag human parasite* by an txparleuce which may l* called scienllOo in so far sa it drat* with llm eui jset on It* own ground and anvlrotiateuta, 1 area lo aayevlf lo lie doing a elm liar work for a like pur P°*e.” ______ Wlwaabar caa b* «a»a rar Negligence, HaluleU Tln>a In an Interview wllb Ool Olds. Prof W. Y. Massey, who ha* bam at Orem*, bnro Insisting the dr/eoltre sewerage at the Normal and Industrial College, Mid I hat the persona who did the , plumbing there could be sued for crim inal neglige nee, and Intimated that tliere might ba a tell He aald It la daughter had typhoid freer and ae did •'liter tick si udeeta; that telic about its being malarial freer war all staff, tie says that lbs plooib-n. being slworl of Imti piping, used twelve feet of lens eotta pipe from water eloaa'a. and (tint the ateam pipe ran dlreolly aver this sawer pipe roil saturated wltb sewerage making It aa Ideal breeding place fur germs, lie aaya ba eerrr saw greaUr criminal careiamuem. SuMTiSaTna AabHioni Courier. Tliere are fow grasshoppere In North Caroline, but oow and then wliera the birds ate oauebt up loo clner there are ■rtaabopia-rs and other insects. But we started oat to tell about young Tbormen Warren’s rapedanra. near bis mother's bom*, close to bianley Recently the lad MW a live bird, known aa the top-knot bird by some, uylag lo nap;are a grasshopper sod was flying away with It. when the grass hopper, by a aorsmrni of Its legs so choked the lbs bird ae to oaaae It to fall to Ike ground, Urn young War reo eaaght tha bird while Urn grata Hopoer m ill had It la Its olulhes This alary Is said 10 bo true and vouched for by good people. I kuiknUal Bala Balaa Ulna iHk •n. Wfcjr *•* (Mf My wlfa Ua» barn utlag Cbambrr Inin** Palo Mai*. with good raaul's, . for a Uaa tboubhr that baa pa toad Ini oontlnualty for ala* ycara. W* ban tried all kind* of akadldnta and dooton without rtorlrlog any baucfll fro a any of than. Oaa day wt aaw an admtlta OMMit of lit la mad brio* and (bought ol trying it, wbMt at did with (bt baat of aaUafaaltoo. Sbt bat oatd only oaa bouit and Nr Mtnaldtr It alaoat atU, — Ar>OT.m L. MlLLtT. Maacbaatai N. n. For tala by I It. Carry A Co. ARP AT M8RID1AI. WRITES ABOUT THE BEWARE ABLE OROWTH OF TIB OITT. mis WIIH a XsrllMra Mmmt »l*«m Wltb N4m AMil Will tnallMSlBi KS»eUow-m» Uam T**t itMn'i rail. UUI Arp. la Atlanta OaoatirvtUo, Uii me wing.—ilia outer ulgut I dropped d.iwn from Cbaltau>o<» lo Metldiau. It !• over 300 mltee, but it •eauied Ilk* dropping dawn, for Uie Out train on tba AJsbamsUraat BjoiIi *rn carried me there in lees then eight ■tour* while 1 slept. Beautiful oar* •i*l aanooLh track made tba trip pleas ant to rvsu a vutoran. t had some ll altering ealli lo tbe cut loo bell of Alabama ai.d Mluiaelppl, and aa Iba Urdar waa low sad the family porta looked like aa elephant bad trial on it, and taxes wet* lo pay. *'*d coal to buy, aod my female folk* ware In aard of winter garmeoto, my wif* said l bad to ■o. That Mailed It and ben [an at iferldiaa. Many years bare pa Mad since I Vlilted this growing oily and 1 hardly rvaugafie U. It baa aloe* grows from MO lo 18,001 paopls, and patoou lamrvpoliten airs, far It la tba largaat lowo lu MiMlaalppl. it uued to be i dirty pUoa. and waa a dag out far aa* loom and disreputable quarters. 8UC leant ago there waa a great awakaatng and Iba aalouu* were a lot laded and many uf those who supported them left fur parts uubnnwn. Ora** didst grew in the streets a* waa predicted. but Uie (own look on new life. Mr. l>tal Was elected ma>ur on tauiperanee p< lumpier and a ayaiam of pablte work* waa at unoe Insofar aura. Since then fifty miles uf avwev*g* baa Inn laid and thirty miles ID atdew ilk paved ; and twelve Uhieks of etrrwle graded aod paved with vitnfird brtab and a* many more with chart. Two notion mill* and an utl mill aiid a fartllli-r factory and a splendid system of water works have been eataUlabed. itlx Urge build* Inga for the public aobooi* u*ve been nected. Two faaala collage* have been planted than*. Tim oeW Oily lisa gas works and atrert ears; sad new rnldencea with handeoma arabitecture are In tight on all high laud* that a<* vmm the city. 1 never knaw before that Uiera waa a liill'witlilu ml lee uf Meridian, but there era not only bills, but a mile or two auuth liter* aia mountain ridgea like ilum lu upper Georgia. and from thrae cum* the gudiiug aprloaa liut supply Uw ally with the puiuat of water, vhure la no larrier kept hotel than the huutbeni — good beds, goo J service uf every hit*! — and wlut Is best uf all to m*lh* people gave me * good audience, all select, rt* iiecially the eight college girl* who cantM urrayed lo college onlforth, I *sw more Cut ton yesterday lhao J ever •aw before at cos 11 mo and place M* ridlan complexes sod markets 160 KJO Pair*, and half •>( it Is (tiers now in lit* warrlioinoi mid outside. Mush uf it lias Imtii sold, nut frill not be a ifed for lack of car*. Cotton Is still king. Willis st breakfast Mils morning twu oortlieru mso look Hall at the ua* table and one imoarhud : *'Yhto low* ii on a ouurn. iwv an uunuiug a a over It.” Yaa,” Mid the other, "the Whole Math ta oat Dm upgrade, god If It keepi am Mi-yen won’t carry a single southern State.” Well, they were for McKinley. nf course, bat ll>ey will know by walttug. A northern aia who be* dewr been soalh 11 ids much in Interest end astonish bin. Hot lung ago Mayor Dial look nan ovei the olty anil naked him what he would like tai see specially. He replied that he would like very much to see where the ne groes lived end how lliey lived. &>Um mayor drove up lo negro toeo where be atw numerous women and ohUdrea aud heard them laughing and talk In y merilly. ’ What are they laagliing at 7” ha Iq ilrwl. ‘I didn't kanw they ever laughed.” •* Why," aald llr. Dial, "they laugh all the day long; they lengli a*, anything.” "le It povelbte 7” i xclslmed tne Yankee. '‘Suppose era slop and ask ibeua wluitlhev are laugh at ? My curiosity la nreetly excited.” So the mayor stopped, sod celling ana of the women whom lie keew to the gate.eald : "Hannah, this gentleman le from the north—ep In bod's country - and aaye lie didn’t know the evgioes down lie ye rm laughed, and lie waste 10 know what you wave all laughing about as ws driers up.” This of euttvae provoked another spell sod all they gut oot of them was that “Jinny eked Manny which was ihs meet alike, a 'possum nr a e-mat 7” The stranger was profoundly I tap reused, and mads a note nf It In hi* memorandum bank. Well, 1 have been Impatiently wait leg oo the stare, bat do oot believe that this the year foe the meteonw-my books do not Say so. Humboldt la pretty high authority, sad so Is Apple tab's cyclopedia, m d both say the pert odlo Interval It thlrty-fimar yean In stead nf thirty-tbrw. They full lu 1899 sod lo 1833 sod a partial display In 1897 and to they will u»t come again until 1901-year after seat. And the an at vsraary wse 19th nod 13lh af Mover*, bar, which h*a already paaaed. Hot we will know by wailieg soother dag whether Mr. Aahmeee la tight or Hum boldt. I rem*mher well the fall la 1888 and «e«M like ta me another be fore I die. and I w|ah my wife and ohUdrea to see one. U lea grand *i-d Sole mo aigbt. Am I Urn ln( mil too mr lot-dl” -toanaot tell alia.’'iiMlw. "tom Ml out. Y»« ara • Ire Hr thr teat of lb« buaoh Bring a iMfni m*td, »hr waa eoa taut with Uiat. n *111 i*ot ba a aorpriaa to nay mho ara at all Nmtlar trlib tba good qaalt ttea of Cbamtertata'a Couth Ramadr, •o boom Uiat paot>!a rmrtlian taka plaatoru lo rrUu.g thoir rxparlraaa In tba uaa of that aptendtd mcdtelaa and la laltlng of Um buerfli that bara ra aatrcd from It, of lad aalda tt turn on rad, af tbraalraad atlaoka of anaa aminla U haa averted aad af tba ebH» dran It haa aarad tram altaaka af amug aod vboaotag couth It la a grand. R*£ medwlaa far mla by 1. U. Cincrj A Company. cnutruM wtaanUR,, •M*rik« »■——aWtaMy b» H. L. lUnUr. la CkarteM Mm. OovaeaUuf avila of ban worabip •altb* teugenloelfeat to lb# war toMt; Ua# Aabarllla ClUaan uUan UU tiOMly warn log: ■•To* want thing about Uria hrra wan Up la Uia| H glrca iba roong toau ate tha afaU drau iba wruue Ur* of Nfa. It oMaata ate bogaa. Ttoa bait llfti la Iba lift af labor, of prodaolloo. Worabip of war baroan UaabM the yoaog that tba Iteal Ufa la oaa of altaraat* Uote ate Ml* mm, of Uz-anting ate bnua boltona, of might agalMt right.1' Lately our people bar* ted a *ur Mt »T bm wuraMp sad ttef Crt Ilka • hf1KJ** *r**u; rmeiiaghl baa teaa tba D*w«y teaTntaa that tte principal ta awed by tb* megnlSccoo* of vb* dtapiay* at b& Moisten. a* l* , a muab smaller man new, la the cyan *M* •wia'nmaw,tbaa whew ha ic turned to Ml satire (bores. One* we thought bla poaaaaad of a goodtjabara of raederty aad abore the sordid ailaro ■amt* ef ordinary mortals, bat UUer , ly, it sere**. that Iw accepts of ivory. 1 !f‘n5'? w,Uu»*» • V*T ily bo la to fur ib* “staff." «lr* aa a irotoo Ua wry, bot so, not yet, act until«bail rumphlal areb la balk to Imitation of the way tb* dig thing* In .W&StkJT&'SJSaS; ags?aiairjf,-li*rw-»F aad ngll* Agulnaldo, obala thaw la Bomsn fwiMon to tb* chariot wheel* of Lord* Otis aad Liwtoc to gratify lbe Wood thirsty Uat*s of tba Beans ‘'patriot," To complete tte nma* n Ira, caarcb around for that oM rag. opeacauwa MttemMsa oftbafNC. \uuaiay ttarliiaibr PalHppiara, bo dmygled with mod end wire. Lift It up. shako it writ. It naads a good ntasolaa. being Is borne, stick I* mi a pole, c«rry It amandin the triumph tel prooaariua and no "traltur” wIB data to paH it down. Undoubtedly tbs object of Uimu ■ummotto demount ad hm* is n Uu pert of Ui* tori**, to sti as slate tbte war ferror la fartheraab* of tbak In fernoa* war aobmaaa, and possibly U.’wey aa tte rletlm of mrrsiaatsn nq Mi a pray to Um poUtLes! trap Istau tionnily cat fur him. If cntreppwi by their nefarious aebacnaa or wnttf of bl* fact b* tb* glnsMur of the boar be Is to bo pitied. On an Island aot far away flsndl a buiW-eoarsd rate ran the hemic Gomaa. who imt rsoeutly daelior.l te inna[il the proffered donations of his durutc I followers. Ua is poor, bat te tea tb* world know that lie Ir hoc a bagger. •O temporal 0 more,." eselalmad tit* Ildiaaa orator as ha beheld Um aacJs of moral depravity Ukm* rank root amoag blromuirynie t. Hut li I* rr freshlug bi Mow that boat ter mueb tba heart steksns, tba Ira* an* worthy are still to b* found. arau ilnugli are UlUSt scarrb fur them beyond uur Sborea. It may bo feeee>« aide, and, I way tie asllad a trait ir I v Ceyiaa it, but to we Oman look* like a bigger OSSO than Dewsr. IT heeler Ponatrm Mill RoomtvU all too ek'd topotlier. Thia loaely qaartotu. «rllh fcoblag (•Ibm, oaaaad to b* hvtw iim lx. •toot Ibaj airpptd tale ito abara of iba Spaniard*. taking up ttolr co-trab at tot barlty. to UMko war aealnrt tnoo uootpeople soetaodlaf fur ttolr horaaa and QraatdM, Pirate* and and towf lar* bat*, at Heart, dlaplayed inartrl ooa oouraf*. bat they baa* naaar nak ed aa botoaa. JCvary auldler aalMiwt fto tto puraoat at froalog aufftrlag Cab* from flpaaito Umlldom etbtbT tod a eptrit la kaapiag wtlb ttntotgtjt, •* days of ebivaliy, bat na amoaai of brawy wUl arar make berota of toot* •ogaged la tto Ptilllpplo* war. Ylg oroa* effort* mad* by ta* tary pnaa to «iya Of Faoato* bar* prayed a dlaisal failure. Poor fallow, to eat to ad to raatlae iba awkwardnaae at tto poalUoo; It ontorranad him; ha waa aoxloaa to qatt. hat pubtto opto la* and tto rteuortolem tore laah whipped bin book Into I la*, aodao to to offto to* wan agate, where. In a tala par nf tmj Jrek-oMrnloroa, will toad bla a lively yao*. Aad wfaat baa taaoto* of Wtoaler. lb* doogbty littl* liara of Saaliagn faatof Hto aamo la no loo ear heard. 11# tooawa tto tlaUrn of baaty draogbn at Mo Klatortoa and Ml fay Iba wwetoda And Roorrvalt, wbat af btmf Ha l< tb* aharpeat Taakaa of Maai all. Kaowtog Uatou glory aoaM ba «*ta ad from tto Haaaa war af glaodet aad oonqaeats to baataaad to make a fat Job aad a tomb proof pefftlia, a* to to afford blm aa *a**aa far krap Ing out a< aa aapopuUr war. Vow to •It* at bit deak ta bla oamr arm atotr at a very eafa dtfUoea aad orgaa olb «™ *•*»£• N^'oc, Wtritot battlag etto aplthrta at all wboopooa* tb* prat ealadaiatotraMon of raptaaaMI wtr dor. Ho baa fallea to too tom with to* lowaat demagog** Uatbaraklto. Obi bow Kara Um wlgkty Mtoai Draana dtoetoatod; Male touUmtd Ukatoaalda toat ftaab atbarart iba toy, aao* iba ptaoaa arblob kotw them atoll kaow ttom aa more. -Mtobito right," to a daeptoabto oroad. aad tad* lilgimiat, mb with tto greatly daprayad. UtoihadavTa aw*. Fai*pfiriwad by the •*> •oped o* totoUa of yaUmat baighta. iimvr/, iii« m inu owa OMR |q •or hunoUia. to lor aar giHui amt taatreattoa. IuIhrmm fraataaN wbo obaaaa ta praflt ta ta, avd Um> ptalaty imm M brutality, ta may ■at*a timar MM,taada taK* Mb. Mnto* •< MMMHivMhta. Kandana f *f pchM tain*. f<* raat-baM, batataM Md blaytla rMturMWONM, lata rrldanaaad oat art vat aatf, aad, If mm atacfcad, tba Mat will nav aatu aach van «M MW la aaitata «a taar dWi«t« yaanitaga Dbaaaada wtb tal l«H» tar abraagar dvat—Mora tdaad tar , Ua aaraeltaa aav. **aa bad Mb 1 tail aat autaaa. titan aaartbaa atn MraMrad. Oladtaartal Imi wMI omm ta ta aaytty Uria daniud trnlaai van tar triad aad aaaaaaat . all karp tba maaaa >a«ri.7fm iksTiswoo all peStowwtliaHesad U my ppw. Tkw M m tblatlnc U Mat way. I ted U« mad tm In UisouselTbst Umr w*Uy om iNiMUwmitf MMh| aU>« Imbclattod.Horepeoptonidtessaw» •O prrra today tbao w4 the WHroeolt tarn pews, butteaiseatte Miealif bsw klm mw mb boobs, mw lawUu W for hlwedf bam so eeartotlaw that ba loaf raid will bare la mm rtlya tatolsMebesdeef tbs s«wisc Urn wbsssoUMUbssNvpram. Tteoson try sdHor taw tbs poswr aad Is tb* Jo wl fl'W dork ibs msik that mate* rnwKMcK, MStlortf vmmwmKi LeiMaton sad ssmou edtm. sad tbsa ha la «IriM ot £mmHin bs ba* made! Ha work* barter tkas mom ouyhoby fay all b* essr gate sat «< lb* publla crib. 'while Ibwwmd m Into power pabMs thowaud* ml i*a mUltosa. ft# to afraid that * bs tabs* a ptoUm so* la barmosy wttb Ibaaa doooer*. Umy vW take a say a lUtto awl (nmlls Mat ba am u tho paella sctvimi! Tba eoauiry sdi lor seldom raada books. Alibis Mass oo m* fram Urn papers ha rate, and as stray mw of thsw. libs himself k« so a* u» triad. Umy are omMieiUy dsoaviay ih-m. Bant and ibara yos •HI dnd Mi ft) l» m rfH of a p tm+t Ibaa two •il'iras. Tot an tbs man wl*o d» in a nosh to tbs cdtoial enat area lb#/ bars mads. Tbs sawed M lowe doss wit ka«w Ibat Motehrr tela hbrpiwsrfsia u«ik toady but man u«o Hi* m»|*>rlor ludxso.w. Tba d iff mom btsam aw m Ms litis tees maatly la wbat Ma wind Mate. vim country moot WHI Ininbta hl» •rtf iwfomUMOnagraraatn or <>Umt ••■aptUH” baln« bopfnl to got a lluU oCIjm. Worm ha wiaa ha wnM atafea L'ira o HI err liombls an* Um editor raatty ha* in bit ham thn politic «L May adltor with ordinary aitaralaMIlty, b< raadlag hooka an political ooouaay. both bidao, an* ■tta biaoaif Mt aQ awor hta rkatt. oaoe with a oaoll eouaty popor. Than wbohtaannaar rand aaah houfco a* •• Wraith agaiaat Uraanwialtk,” "A Oo-0DemUf« CooiaxMifMiltfc.** »Pr* dtaot add Forarty,r“,Eqa*Hty." “Md. hMpU tton-ipjllaa.” add attar re ferred In In thaao werfca, nrw uat It Maaun* to adit a popor aad ara motor board of oatoMd tta narrow at Mia of lhair oouuty. If yoa an adlUag a ra por.lf yoa art pdriag ad h fiiMW UaS or, and want to bo daoaaihmg yon oan do a by InnwUgaUag «U oldoo of al pabUe rpootloaa Md tta be I wl lint gained will el*.alee yuan* power a* mo It Why bd a Dotting whaa mm con bo orxnottlaa ? Do r>u asppooa that G reefy. or Brwtaa, or PraaUla ar aa? of Uao attar uan that haw bafpad to raootd tta world would been oaar boaa boaod of bad tdap only wad poparo and mtttobpot bolt T Oanvorttag a »»«■ Itllllllo, ^ Oooo. wrUao aa .aid jaaraoMW. ^wboa oradutra. toaaatoaod a raXttot H paid trt odwtUM. Hd aa a thirty aruopmo* ambaal, aad I triad (hr a long Uom to ara Ma to taaortaa ad wntaoraout fa atyptwar. -Oh, nn a* ora ha w.ndd o<y«. ••faowr nod ad ■Iradrag. IbaliareYa'bdeartMaf,tab a way will (ran ttarifaa ttepabtte. Stt’SU&'iySnC nawparar dortgra ttaa «tnnldM got araaa aa If ttay wara iihia." ‘•Wag." aaM I “if I oaartooa yaa that people do raadihe adeertiolag dagw of noy pe parts?*** •*'*— it Will KSattlRS. Mra bp ara tag who* that babaggid rartba r.wSgs-cswr

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