The Gastonia __ Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Intereata of the County. V'ol. XX. . GASTONIA, N. C.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1800. BILL ARP GETS LEFT. POETEB OF THE HOTEL FAILED TO ▼All HIM. >w..k»i Rmu Al a Hap la a Cfcalr - CIllWWB Tktnk Tkn l la a Muilw la tba M«i>w. 1101 Arp la Atlanta oaaaUiaUoT. Left, lafl. Ml I That li an oaoloaus word—I don't Ilka It. Lart Friday ulgbt I doted ay rotation dowu In Ain btaa—• aoat delightful waak wiUi balmy weather. moonlight nlgbu and good people to obeor on. I retired, happy to droam of boate aad tbe little grand-children and tba light that would ba ah Icing In the window for me on Satmday night Tba porter wen to call me ap In time to toko too 9 o'clock train for Cbatto noage, bat alaeI be did not do It, end I wee left, toft, toft—Ob tba ateery of tt Kbakcopcaro my* that there la no phil oeopbor can endure tbe toothache pa tiently, and I will add. on being toft by a train wtmn far from borne. Tbere la a gooeoeee about It, for the train bee gone Tba next train would not onooeot at Chattanooga, and I would have to etay there till another 9 otoiook In tbe morn log. Bat all's wall that ends wall. About daylight 1 reached my home All waa etlll and eltoot. Tba good old dog wan lylag al tba door and gently - waggad ble bothy tail. Tbe door eg locked, bat the window each waa not. and 1 re toed It elowly and mfily and waa soon In tbe iltUng room, where there waa a good oomfortnble sofa. I knew that tba door to oar family bed room waa looked, and 1 hoard tome faint familiar aaaal aounda'tbat amniwd me all waa well. Tbe diagnose wae right, in a few ralautaa I waa aetoep aad playing on tbe barmanioan myself. My heavy boon echoed to the taoor lu the other room aod awakened one of tbe girle wtio wntoperod : "Mamma, mamma, there to eomabody In tbe frool room." •'Jt’a yoor papa," e»ld aha. "1 know hto trooboue—be etlll and tot bint limp for I expect hi I* almost worn oat.” It wae 8 o'clock whea somebody biased me while I ••• dream ing of the aoIdler boy* drilling aod tba uOtoar aald lefts taft, left, at every atop. Ronaiag ap I reoelrad tba family e«o braore, aad two lltlla children eema ronolng In and climbed all over me aod u\ada m happy—Ob, It beats war. or pul lues, or a dog law, or anything. I was escorted Into tb* dialog room to breakfast and aaw at a glaoea that lb* roam had been rapaperad with a tinted olive groan paper aod tb* hordertoi matoitad It baaottfolly. Tba door* to the parlor were wide open, aod that room had baao rape pared too and waa lovely. He cm bow I never oonld make aa moch ado over plaaaaot surprises aa «ny tamale Wka aspect. but I did my beat and have expressed my admiration aavarml tlmaa alnoe. Before I left they bad talked about tha old paper that bad gotten dirty aad waa falling off and •aid that If I would get the pa par they would put It on, aod I aaamtad. I aa glad that I did, for If I bad been at bom* they woohl hay* put tb* haroeei oa a* and mad* me wait on theta all day. for I am tha bey. I mat a assn down In Alabama who said that mj lattara were demonlltlog the woman of this country and patting new bordaaa oo tba men. “Why” •eld be ”)nst look at me—I am any fly* yean old and welch olgb on to 800 poandf, i*«ataa SrW*T AU tha grant poota bare paid trtbeU to tM bam* and to the mother, tor baaaato aot homo without a mother. Of oourae than ata married woman who ara aot mothara aad da aot wtob to ba. With tham ahltdraa ara Intro dma. aod tha pity to that thetr mother* had aot haaa of almtlar mtad. la aaw Smriesd aad faabtoaebta sort barn air •loathe maternal laatlnet baa been •matharad, and hao pom lau aa *ia poototm daaaatoda" aa Uk. Ctoretond woald aay. Aod paad paatto Tam Howard aaM that a Boataa mother wooldat bate bat aaa or twa ahltdraa, iad iba wootdnt bare aay If tea didn't waat aa heir to Inherit l ba aw Mil. WOm Wkmkr WOoom wrMt m r* markable totter two years ago oo Lbs dvcsy of the maternal lostloct to New Bogland. aod the grant Inoresst of di vorces aod volaotary separations. Mary Brant Bald has recently published aa ail Into oo lbs same subjsot as ap plicable to Francs. 8b* saya that' tba fashionable woman won't even drees Ilka womea. Tbhy deep Ian htpe aod try u> hide tbson. They prefer to be allm as raea borate, and to oonosal awrysigo.of a maternal form. Chib drro are latrudera they say; sod If by eftaboe they have any ibsy an put out to oaiaa and to bs reared by uuioolber-1 ly hands What ao awful ptetar* ibis Is—wbat a sad dsecant from the moth erhood nf our mo barm—wbat a eoan tsrpart to tba Savior'* teaoblog when be said. "Suffer 11 ilia oh lid ran to dome unto me for snub la Uut kingdom of beeveo.” Nearly all the great men of tba have been nursed by uobl* mothers, and It rrjoteea ms to know that Mrs. derail Belt*, of Brusawiok. has a book now Id prsaa with L'ppluoolt that will rtsoa* from oblivion tba Brothers of many nf Georgia's gnat and good msa. With her it bat baso a labor of tov*. How our biographers from Moss* down have lauded tba gnat men bat paid small tribal* to ibtHr mother*. But tba highest heayto ia retread for (barn, and ao eternal fstse that •111 oot paae away Ilka that tha great moo acquire In Lbls changeable world. Alaapoor Dewey, bow toon did b>« fortanda wither. But we (till bees Schley and Brumby and Hobson left; end a boat of loearr lights that llliml mu the aoatbara shy. TdrtM WMICM HIM WAS. ■aa Uaea WOm Voagbl Pw# (otMaa At All. Boo)osti Aiaarlnan. dome of Uu moot memorable ware m bliLory bare been brought about by tbaearioat Uldw. W# all know that tba Uvgtoolog of the terrible lodiao Motley, whlob wrought each disaster lo Britain's Eastern empire, was ao uneasy feeling created among tba Se poys by tba belief that the grease naed la tha preparation of U*ir cartridges eooiUted of a mixture of tba fat of oo wi aud plga, an I mala abhorrent both to both Hindoos and Mohammedans. It was declared, too by a Loodon newa papar that tba reseat trouble lo lodla waa ‘'all about a mud but," if boo tba world was many eeotartea younger than It la to-rfay—In 1009. lo feet—a disastrous war was oaoaad In Europe by tba theft nf a bucket. Soma soldiers of Madras took tba book at from a public wall beloogtsg to tba (Mate of Bologna. Tba suldlara rafua ad to gira up U>- bucket, and a series of deadly battles was fought, la wbtoh Uaary King of Bardina, waa taken Prisoner. Hoary’s father, who waa Emperor of Ueraoany, offered a chain of fold that would encircle Bologna for bis sob's release, bat Id rsla. Han ry died In prison after tweuiy-eeern jeers of eoelinrmeol. History Is alient u to tha reason why Ibis particular backet was so proeleua, but It la still to be aaas in tbs Tower of Modern UatbednJ, where U is lo an iron cage. It seems absurd to aiy that a war waa sow oaoaad by tba shaving of a klog hot It ig oot such aa exaggarstloa aa It appears to be Early la tha twelfth can lory tha Archbishop of Booen decreed that all man (bo old be clean tba van. on penalty of exeom ■aataMloD. Louis VII, of Pranee submitted to tha decree, thereby of fending ble wife Eleaoor. Tbrlr re lation* became ao (trained that lu 1159 tba marriage waa dltolved, tod in a few weeks Eleanor married Haary. Duke of Normandy, afterward* Henry II. of Bogland. Tbaa began those aw fol wars which lasted far nearly three hundred years, lo which the dead were numbered literally by mllHoea. tba real aad only oauae of tba wbola trouble being that'* Klog (bared kta cbla lo please an Arabblabopl •ww tm »wl Wit* Tma. ptuUdrCpM* Hurt. Dam. Tba simple way to deal with nloa teae out of tweoty of tba Trust* la to repeal tha blgb protective duties which tbslter tbaea against com petition when despoiling American cooiumarr. The last, (or tba moat part, can ba aafeiy laft to tba operation af aooaomlo lawa The laaoa lovotrod la tba Intimate ra lattoaa of tba Troata aad tba tariff has already bom —da, aad tt aaa ba pros pected to a dose without adding or aabtraatlag aa lota from Democratic principles, aad without alarming tba ——— ml ad af lira oocntry by aa lad toed minaba warfare apoc capita 1 aad lndustrr. Tbaea M do seed of "Coin” Harrey to damooatnta the oonneotloa of tha tariff with tha 8ugar Trust, Ute TinptaU Trust, tha Mall Truat and numerous other Ilka oom Mnations. Bat to erode tha Truat la •oa la tba aha pa which tba Dmocratlo National Committee seeks to peasant It tba Bepubiloao majority In Congress would only hero to pass a route AuU Trust law like that af 1690, and thru taka tba wind out af tba sail* of the opposition. Oa the other bawd, there h aa manplag tba Issue la tha rwortrl unt tariff bp wbleb tba Troata are a rested aad featured, unless the Dam oetmtt shall betray the meal res by ebaa doeiag their ows greaad to punas a phantom of ‘-Oota Hurray's ototttUm Tor tba ram, the Damoerata bare so seed to eaarob far arUAotal laanna la order to wta rotm U they tt entry the elaeUea oa the prtoetsie* of tba party aad oa tba latum which tba Raanbtteaw administration he* made op they ought not to win at an. Aa a ears for rheumatism Chamber lala’a Pale Balm la gala log a wide reputation. D. B. Jobaaiaa of Web mood. lad., boa bean troubled with that allmeat slate 1664. la apeak tog af tt ba says: “I naror found say thing that would relies* — uatll 1 oaad Cbambarlala** Pain Balm. It aeto Nba magla with — My foot was ralhmwMwa. Par sale bp J. B. Carry TUB A17 ItlBtlM, wniwsll MwuA’TUb •(UwBBral •* the IwkhlM ha This Bln»-m WtMWBBMWBiHwlUB KkwntH ««■ IW Un rn*w TMk WM 1—t Bnullr Pifi TrikaM to the !<•*• (MMM HTer*,; B«mih. Mew Tot* Wortd, Tbo appearance of tha automobile Id Georgia baa creeled a seosstioo some what laaa specular thaa lbat caused by gherman's advent, but one wboaa •£ facts may prom more direct aud last ing. For the moment It surprised and frlghteced everything from tbs Cara chicken ap to tha turkey bemard, which coder tha pro toot loo of law sows bog obolrnt and fallow Cover micro bos broadcast from Mery lend to Taras. It la taoorded a poo tba aatborltf of neighborhood observers that tha latter, after following tba maobiua a week. Bed book to Cobs It despair, o >nvloneJ that the tblug would neither die, nor ir deed prom edible. Aa for the ooonlry negro, he Invariably gives It all tba spans the! Ilea tetwren tba two road fooeaa, aa stall aa aueli awetobes of the Bald beyond as can be oovered in the limited time allowed. Man to tba negro, the most promin ent figure of the auulbero landscape that baa abown symptoms of eareoos prostration oo tba approach of tba automobile Is a well-known farm animal bred lo eld Kaatuoky. Mules that bum worn ail aorta of home-made bar* mm and mortgages with docility sod bare tudored all tbe aUuga aod arrows of outrageous fortune for a lifetime with no kicks aiming or guiog. that have Mood at railway oroesl ugs without tbe trearar of an eyelid while el press trains thundered tbruagb their scat tered whiskers, sad oewe-balcbers dropped pMuutelulo tbetr ears, evinced at eight of tbe eotomoble a ey<—odla I ud lost loo to walk aboot like a man and fall over dashboards. Tba cumiog ooataet is uf Intel set seen to outsiders. It Is the on gb to mo bile \ersus the automobile; the tired mo'or Tarsus the tired mule. Basil wonder that Selplo Afrtoaoua la wor ried. Tbe time approaches when, the In the eoateet of the factories fur aheap cottoa, tbe eoet of markMttg tbe tuple le to be redneed by the use of auto mo biles lo some form upon the level road ways of the south. The pair of ooght omotsotitles wbtoh at a snail's pact draw tbre* hates of oollou to town, lo My nothing of steeping Selplo ou top, meet give piaoe to the machine which trill move sloeg briskly with bail s doaea vans nf m many bates each. dclplo** Immlneot danger spring* from a cooatbuUooal defect—a defect tbat le enmpIlSad in the fact tbat tbe whirr of wheels pate him as tec p wbsu he enters a factory. On Saturdays, lo tbe eonntry. be Odds on his sack of corn as soon as the distent grist mill begins to sing lo him. And It doesn't by auy means require ripen Site machinery, tbe uooonotoua hula by of a too-dollar waguu In the August sun Is inevitably effective. This oonMItutlooal defect Is uo4 curable lu one generation, and no mao puMMOlog it Bay be aafely trusted with the Mia of an ante mo bite. An sotimobite with a cotton train behind wad anxious to overtake the etetrar oa every downgrade anils for anything bat si amber. With the male U la different; bo bst be depended oa to lie wall book oa the breeching and It nnnimiry coeet with everythloa including hie ears, thrust forward, end he will keep la the middle of tbe rood. But tba automobile Is m yet neither dteoreet nor elperleuoed. What la true of aelplo upon Uie waguo U Uoa of bun upon an Improved farming Implement. To thorn who have aaen him aouatad upon a wheeled barrow halted la the abode of a persim mon tree where bis teolae have wan dered with him at 11 a. m., the whole onlflt aeleeo. It la very apparent what will happen when plows or disks am bang under the new motors and the colored man-with-tbe-hoc boa been opumtettoaliy pr-enjted. Ha may laara evamnally to bmp awoke when on doty; be may lean to wander about, eake-waka, ’possum haot aad bypeottu poultry leaa after bedtime, aad an ap proaob the new oriels with more ciua oi if for ceelmlag tbe ted native glide of rubber tlree—but It srlll be long after tbe eatomobtle Idea la In full operation. HeMlag to wabbling plough-handles, with aa occasional root to threw him nerom tbe row. with s pressing neote atty for eopptytim certain word# which are part of tbe Knotoektanf band tvs emeu, sad with a ebaoea of walking la to agrosod rattler's tieec* and yellow jteket oooveotlona. hamaeagmto beep in partial touch with-r‘—inis but put him en aa automobile on a the novelty gene, and be would he dowa aaaong die eoge and other eld lb legs la twenty at looter AM Wit* Bolplo will pool out tit* mat*. Indeed, ban la a gvnalos tragedy owUioad. Dlapteoad to Iba •oath, no* alt matin aa rood, ernaad or otbarwtaa aor raluabla aa a friend of tha family, Iba mala threaten* to fad Into lMoatrawe itmuatofla aldbg whb tba mammoths aad mitral preat daota of mpoMtoo. Tbata ta a raa •ooaMa exportation for a while that lit might aorrlra tba ra«h of ebaaga oa an adfaaet of eirUtord warfara. hat tb|» stubborn per*latanaa at Datgatn la try. lag to swim him baak to Tampa wfeaa pwAari orarboard from tba traeaperU *od Ma moaat fatal rtopmwit with all tba artlDary aad ammaattloa of two HrNldb regiment* baaaoaa gamabady roiled a atwa batwara hu logs bar* araoead aaraptahm that otnitwd war. tarn U bad momk wKhoat him Tba male Is doomed. Aa abler Inreotloa I* ta displace Mm. _ f maafogd a tatter fiom a lad, aahlag me ‘/o lad him aa may berth. To this 1 replied: **Toa oaa not be aa editor; do aid try Urn tow; d« not think of tb* mlototry: tot aloe* aU ships, shops, and merobaMtoa: abbar pntutoa, don’t praotto* mad tola*: b* not a farmer aar tmetbaato; neither be nmtdtor nor a ftotar. Don’t work. Don’t atady. Dra't tbtak. Mono of tbraa am easy, o Of btl Yaw ham oomo Into a hard world. I kaaw of oa|y oaa taay plara la It .aad tout la tba gmm.” —Harrar Wiu Btraona ■MB BIIU IUHB W the Seal* la nw ■nmkwnrt. Mkra Far* Maaskas. Ur. W. K. Daaoo of Naabvllto. Tano., to of Mm opinion U>»t Um South would do wtotoj Id entering Mere geo erully Into tbe flour Billing Industry. In a paper prepared for Km Euutovilto loduaUtol Cooraatlou he traced Um decline of Um lodaeuy lu tbe South, and Mid : "Tbo South U short oa flour and long m oottoa-crowlag States of North Carolina, South Carol Ins, Georgia, Florida. Louisa ua. Ark an sat, Alabama sad Utootoelppi. These rales but s trifle over 8.000,000 bosbeU of wheat with which to feed e population of 14,. 000,00). who require tbo flour from over 48.000.000 busbetoaf wheat. This deflelt moat be eupoltod from other states at a ooet of •40.000,00), ws or wlU Mg, 1.900,000 bales of oottoo sod tbs South, she pays tbe freight-both ways. Tbs States Banned require a llUto Um than 400,000 harm of lead upon which to grow UMtr scant wheat wop. Nov. if they will aow 5.000.000 acres of oottoo land to wheat, which will bere >T bread them, tbo oottoo crop will be m reduoed that 14-oent oottoo will Ik an absolute certainly. "Fur the enoouragwMeet of tbe Southern tanner I wish to say that the average yield or wheal per acre to the outtou States named to greater than la the great wheat-growing States of I1U aola end tbo Dakotas. With approved methods and appliances I feel safe la asserting that so section of lha eoon try oould sarpaM tbe South In this re spect. "Shell tbe South raise the wheat re quired roc boas consumption IP If eu, then eo«e tbe floor mill. Over 1000 more floor allla of Dfty barrels’ oa pari ty eeeb would be required If three (waoU should ran XO deys la Um year, twelve hours pur day. These outfits would average In oott, with ■ rosesi? grela elevators mad other sppartena'i ore, about 10,000 aacb. Just think "bat 1000 Splendid manufacturing as tabilsb(Boots would isms far thalndua triel progrvM of - these eight States I Bat should tbo Sooth be oooteot to food I Mr owe people ooiy f With the msgolfloeot possibilities afforded by Um throw leg opeo of the ports of Cabs, aad Porto Rtoo to Amarisen floor, to My nothlag of the proopvetive opening of the Nicaragua otaal. there by making a route by wbieb 400.000,000 hungry mouths can be reached la the Orient, the South UtouJd bvencouraged U> a revival of her flour-millina Indus in- Tha nceaaaltyof readies out own people la urgent, Tha opportunity of reeding other 1 U alluring. “No where la the United Stelae an there aoeb openings for 0 >ar Bills as la the heath, especially la tba oottou growlog States. Already tha farmers, tlrfag of fiee-oeol ooUon, ace turning their attention to wheat-growing. Georgia (arisen ara producing forty four bushels liar aary. South CaroUu* ia bolding wbaat socesoUoo* sad will probably quadruple bar crop, Tbare is a geocral awaksalag all along tba Hoc, and sobs of Iba Southern States ■re building flour Bllla faster than tba ok! wheat-growing State*. Not bring overcrowded, the opportunities for profitable opsrmttoo ara good. "Flour aUlkag la tba Mouth baa tarn for years mors prod table than rlsa where. Tba fallura of a 11 >«er Bill Is exceedingly rare. I bars sold 430 out fits daring tba past Bataan years la tba Southern miller*. Tha majority of those cuatomvn required time on part of lha put chase prise, gad In bnt a sin gle taotanoe watt Bill a 'Id by lha sheriff Does tba reoofd of aa* other maauteo torli.g Industry afford a puntllal T” He suggests as tbs bsat aiU for pres ent oooditioua In tba Booth tba as dtuB-etod one, capable of doing local custom or exchange word in two or three days each wank, las*lag three or four day* la which to grind for tha merobeot trade, and addad : "Let me suggest aa Ideal mill ter a oouoty asat vows la oottoe growing States, where, wa will eoppoae, wheat growing m yet la Ita fntaaay, Tba Bill should be from sixty to ssvewty fles bares la' ceaaeHy per twenty tear heara, and should employ tear steads of rollers and other necessary mecfcla ary. Tba bulldlnf abeald ba say, 3fii48 feat, either two or Ursa atoriee high, with base Beet. TWe baUdlog will aeaoteosodata tba aacblsary ter 110-barrel if tba fauna absuld demand saah so Ioersaaa. Until nab lecrsaa* tba oxoMi room ou oa otmaad for atortof grata aad aMII prudoeta. Tba elevator aod warebooaa far tba Bill wlU aome wbaa Cba capacity of tba ■Ml la taoraeaad. A. can cell! abould ba provMad, aa wall aaa am ember, aa ibe opera iloa at aaeb requtrea bat altgbt addltlooal espron. Aa aaglae aad boilar of aa aeannnleel In wa| ba provided. Aa aateentta eaglaa •bould U able to loaar* a foot ooo ranpttoa of laea than oao-twir buabel of coal par banal of Hoar. Boob a plant abould erodan a band or dour from four and aaa-balf buahaia of Ho. 1 wbaat watebtag alatjr poaoda to tba waaacred bethel aa Itaoana to tbo faraer. aad 60 prr aaat. of tble Soar ■bould bo a blfb-frud* pataat Sour, tbo btlaaoo eloir. Tbebalp req aired la aaeb a nUl weald ooaalat of a nlllar •aaaglaaor, a Bowrpaekar aad the oCoenaa. TlnnUlare*aba obtained far bon 1*0 to 960 pec noeth, aad tba ofloa naa la mni*j tba awaar. “(leeb aa oatft* taeludt*. bonding, aaa ba rgalppod far bon 6*S)0 U |60» •coordtag to local aeadlUoaa. aad fro qoeatfj naab laaa. A pleat tor eoea trv oanon of ml, tortf bamta* capacity, aaUaMa tor a (owa mailer m,Ui Mr aaa baa b**a uoeUad tor yaan wHb abroalo dlattboaa. Unarm tne ago I paraaadad bln to Uka mm at cb.Bbarlatat Oolta, Ok alarm awd Otarrtwaajmadr^ ^Attar aMagtwo &ar- ttxitsx} ■•■atm! un »r am. *■*-**— In o. tsa— -TT-w-ru (MOM on Um ouuktrta of Ballwin. Mo., tlinre dwelu alooa an HO year-old lad I* vtdnal who baa bad a varied raprrl ao*>, aort aa fella to tha lot of few flnla Captain Webb Harter. ■Mai; known aroaod Bleb mood, Va , beeaoae of bU Intimate eaqaalataaae wHh JrSMou Derte daring Iba aoU brilutn dais. la^hW time Oapteln^fawknr ban been Mien advocate*and origlaaSferty'atoer Ha nUU ia heart; sad vtoarooa. Oapuia Barker hM Urad to am or JVMMCiUlJoO MU’ M *" K. HU home i waa, bat ba dart net aars for aonbiag bat bla Ua waa a gifted plan IK la and !• aeU to bare bad bUibTrDUngpawJSoaod^be’ baaawaa aod tahrweaiaof klsaM piano as ba woold of Ua bla. Altbaagb iba la* --la old, ft atill tatalas tba tone of termer daws, i driving peat tba oM auk ——j laiba aart; morning baas fra* q neatly board blm alaring. Of eoaraa a piano la a lawMadowa abort war — —-- —- -Uto r r —I to tlia soft dream; marie. Though tbo Oapuia la fhoiUar wttb tba warts of tie. grant aawpoaita, ba i plan U«afr marie. Ua prefer* IKoriaa, and ba graaraU; lab t oM bout hex* tariodr far bis Man; bare triad tolars Man areloaloo, bat tboirvOnato Waa. AQSBAT HUWTWrn. Darlug iba Mara of bla —‘Irani •mr Ballwin Captota Uarhar baa aal dota ion aeon without bla gan In' band. Ua epaoda bla da*a eat many of bla night* hunUon, and ba la arid to know ever; foot of tba graaud ter ton mile* aruntid. dam people aa; that ha baa n name for are 17 tree la tba terror. Tba hauling ha not ao good uow a* K waa wbra tba uid taan loca ted tbi-iv, but, ocvacUmbea, ba fnve out prepared ter an; kind of mumr. ilia gun la a earlou*.weapon, with one bar rel f.»r email atn* and tba other rtflad for a ball. A party of eooa nan ten net Captain Darker la tlia Modi oaa nlgbt laat «wk. II11 look bad bean band, aad tb oaa of tba party a bn kaaa bln for a long Una ware aarprUad la Bad bla to n talkative mood, [g order to draw tba old nan oat. tin bunieta told ■boat tba experience* of Abak youth. Tula bad tba daalcad effect, and tba old nan told Una nora about blmaelf to Bflevu mlaulea than tbe? tint Warned ■bout bla to If loan year*. Tba ktory of bla e-xirtahtp l< * ro aaaoa I iwelf, and tba Boat roaetic toeWot.t of a varied wuaar. Da waa toft an orphan at an early ana. and a klod-heartod Virginia lady nanaed Grant took bla to obaiga and aaved bla iron tba orphan toylaa. At tba aga of 10 Captain Darfcnr deatded to aaa tba world, aad to eplle of tta » aanttMaoa of bla footer parruta. be ■tartM oat to make a fortune, with all hla poaaanlooa oa bit beak. Dra.;Qmat gave bla orooay aoongh ta pay bla paaaga to Saw Orioene. Tboaa ware tba pahay daye of aleanboatlnn oa tba Miaeiaalptri. Captain Harkov fnllawtfl tba buatoeaa for atnbtaau years aad than rat trad with a fortune. About a year after ha loft tba Grant bomaatCM a daagtlar wwa bora to Mr. and Mr*. Grant. Tba daagbtav ba oaaa an orphan whan aba waa 0 yarn old. Whan Cbatala Darker returned to Virginia ha found that tba kind poo pi# who bad aaiud far bla to bla youth ware dead, but ha did not boar about Ibi diuffcttr. ‘•Thnru la a dlvtutty that abapaa our aada," anld Cbpulo Haikar, aa ba toM hla Movy, “for l wont to PIthaaaB aad waa aooa taaabtog In an orphan aaylam, Tata Boat haw directed ay aaaraa I bad (Booty of aaaay, and tbara waa ao partleulae ram on why 1 nhoold ga to iraghtng __ •Moat and bdgbVaB girla in tba_ Wan Hapfala Oat bamrkUal laaraad ta love tba girl. I aaaaaotad bar with tba < that I bad known and I Bid that aha waa tba daagbtar of baaafaotev until wo ware aagagtil to bo aavrlaB. ■wr* • N«w Ortna ••I (lUMwd a realty n hLUUoa d naaaaw o< mtmtf bta aflrmooti." udd a Sia (Maaaa Ibaaraiaw auui. "Hmm wmtk ara wm mutual a* aa uvartwad wire »a uptwr Pr)iMj>. anH, «rbau mm »'d of It W'-tr j.«aa and •- nlil oowa u Um tamiNt U deaand Latu a wrt ml ham aa It Ml. aad kf a rtatolar attain*,ft»mfeMy ualiSil ayooa* few «lw «Hb mk, hooray, toaohlu* aha any warm , of laa Mdd hare lad UiMr hrda infer aaah oiraan MJn°aa aannanr *'*** *taak^p*a" on oiiyJ^^aU y^ijnga^tthani taoenei to atnba bln in the hoaj5 haanfe w iflat to )anp. Oi tha oaatnwr. ha Mead pnfMdy atO, raf Wans at a ohm ha bad harawnh la* aa ha «aan alau*, aad arnaaOy a Ian baa** aa opaartaalty, ha lecadqaMty ootof thaopeueedef the loa*. aa aaaaaavaad, la all anaw aaaa Mtanw^^tta* j?