The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Hone and the Interests of County. Vol. XX.__GASTONIA, N. C„ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 18W1. CORN BREAD AT ITS BEST. A DELICACY TOE OILY THE TEW. T« «*« ll Oaa Unl4 LI** |.«rlk. 014 kiuktaaW lllll anil lit* 1ml Walrr42rnan4~»eiirtH ul ll.. liar rakr-Tkc IImIi (lik'a <|i.alnjr rm. Xrw Turk Son. Guru bread worthy of th« name la an onkuowu quantity lu at Iran, half the people of llieae United Mata*. It muat remain unknown. marc'a ilia pity, to a Suod moiety or tbeoi. alee* It la to b* ad In penaclloo uulv by the fortunate help wuo can get ooru rural Irmu lira mill. Tfce meal uf tbe oounorree, kin dried bolted aud srouud altogether loo Due, ie very much uf a delusion and a ■a an. Uul IT It Is possible to secure lubjI freshly grouud from while dlnl-bard J.Utle Willis curs, whose particles are round and even as fairy bail, il la wall woitb anybody's while lo know wbat lo do with It. Audi CD Cal can Lb bought for Qfty or sixty cents a bushel in al most any loan or hamlet along llis Ohio river or thnraglroul the unddlo South,and middle IVm aud Virginia. Nall»ea have asnpenlltiou (bat waler grouud meal bus a different aud nror» delicate ttavor than tbst from tteaiu mills; but then tbe natives are c-m rolaaeurt in corn products of every tort Irom roaatlog ears to Ururbcm whiskey. Freight charges east uf North will prubably bring (he pnee up to Seventy-Ova ceuU a bushel. At that tale ooro meal la still far aud away the cheapest food atoff In rxtelenee. The drawback la Its knack or get ting musky ir kept for a considerable time. To get around that a duivu families might send for a barrel, and portion It out among themselves. Not a few New York famlltea order it thus directly from lbs mills, or else. In balt bnaliel packages at slightly higher cost. Mnaldes there aie Seli-ral shrewd aud somewhat enterprising old darkeys wbo fetch lu lbs fresh meal lu bulk and peddls It amoo g a r .uud of cus tomars In quantities lo suit. Jtrsl from sound gram, ooalfled, or unbol ted, will kerp for six wceia in a dr/ place, free uf odors, tl la vaiy bus ceptrble to contamination, purllcutaily from such things •« sail flsb, ground coffee, spines, uuioua Olid pickles Oon lainlug mustard. It should naver m put Into a metal or au earthmi vessel, instead hava a oaaa or a sweet wood eu receptacle plentifully ventilated. Si ft the areal only as wauled i Vise brae serves to ventilate it lu mase and keep it sweet. Corn meal, like loveliness, needs out the foreign aid of cruameiil, hut is when unadorned, adorned tbe most. That is to esy, the very best sort ot oorn bread Is the dodger, otherwise pooebread sod tbe hoecake, People irbo do net know coofouud hoecake with Jobuoy-cahr, sn abomination made of ouru meal, molaMrs and ((It It may be worth while to s«y that tbe name,hoe cake irss lo the lie glnolng a rendering of literal (set. Hollow were was hollow ware among tbe early colonists, often a family had no mors than a single Iron pot Tor all Us oooklug. Then the bread was aali rake, cooked by eweeping clear a apace right 10 Lba heart of tbe dre, dropping the dough upon It, and covering It thickly with glowing wood ooal*. Ash cake la toothsome enough. If only tbe coals are bard nougb and hot enough to crust It orerostors th* ashes slick. Bot that did not bappao svery time. Indeed, it wss Lbe exception rather than lbs role. Then, loo, opoo bunts uud journeying*. Mhcake was Hi too ootoe by, so recourse, was had to the big hoes that no honaebuiil could be without. Crops of ever sort depended tbe stirrings of tbelr broad blades. But Uity were easily slid off tbelr wcodeo helves to serye in the ulght or morn ing baking. They wars flu Lg Into the dm sod bested red bot, then lifted out by mesne on a slick thrust within tbe eye, spread with tbin maal cakes and by help on tbs seme stick set bock upon spread coals. Io three minutes or so, tbe bread was done upon Lba wndersida. A knife flipped It over ; lo two minutes more it was ready for sating, and the boe ready for another cake. Tb« ban meal In lb* world will oot make good bread It It la mixed too thlok, and baked too alawly. Further It auit oarer be pel into a oold pau^sr on a oold griddle. Paaa and griddlra, however, can bo to hot. They abould be lightly sprinkkd with a plueh of of dry meal. If it browaa qelckly without burniug lha brat la juat right. Different dogma of boat In fact no aka all the difference Id the world Id flavor. Coro meal wet with oold. Back id the old dajra tba Uack oouki bad au odd. aod to mem Infallible, teat, aa to wbetbvr a oaw acquaintance belonged to quality while folk*. It wna lbs matter nr aelc tu corn bread. Tba gentry never allowed a duet la the baaed which coot* on their tebke. i.old tng rightly enough that aalt apoilvd the nutty twaetnvas of the meal, aud pre ferring that the flavor of salt should be given by bullar in which they com monly soaked their breed. Poor while traab. lo whom butter wta unknown and thrifty farmer folks who preferred selling their batter to lavish eating thereof, aulird their bread, noma heav ily, •<>*• lightly, and very nearly al ways made it up with uoiliox waur. Aa a eonaequenee. lo Uie language of tha black mammies: -Bit did last so po’-folka-y, kit wa'ot flftren fcr nuffln but pigs tar eat." But com bread tba Ucuthern oountiy onderetaads the thing which Is, in It* own month, pooe bread, nud In tha middle West dodger brand. It Is eaay to make yet not so eaay (o make exe<> tly right. Klu the sifted ,i,r»l with cold watae to form a softkh mam. It must not bo soft snaugh to run, nor stiff rnaagh to hold a spoon upright, fleoop op a palm full of ft and tom it gently from ere hand In tha other until It forms a flsttlsb oval. tflsp the aval flown Id one side of your tat pan. and flatten list 1U mors with the flu gen. That k Ike flrat pot*. !fot oth vta ataaod at cat n until your pan la full, then pop It into a hot oveu. au l tuk* with quick Steady heat. Exam Inc It lu five lotnuto* ; it the crust la orackliug neer tba top, it ueeda mon Dre i lr It la blistering it Deeds less If by good cliauce you strike the lucky medium in I wentv mtnutrs you will haee corn pniiea It', for a klm. When done tbenrust should lay III hi, brown, of a rich nutty ll«v..r and separilng reality fro u the iniiern>i*l If you Waul lo nerve the pones after bl od bat ter cika as theie are l,ousrkee lumps. Stir in,til the mixture Is cold; it' should Im a thin, oeenoiy batter, roo nlng freely fr >m the apo Mis ers— to Pfaolajl ror U raarf »«io«|«iu fui—a WMf» a—if r— a** om *row lluriir.i A ■«'.»■<•* to Tlie—. • Wuhinaton Pool. Ksoh oaislreas of tits White House lias bad bar fevociUHowor, eijsp: Mrs. McKinley, wbo expresses little prefer •cce. except an avertin') to yalloar ftowcre and a greet lore for tbe blue once, In whtab (tie President Joint bei. A large buacti of llo wen la out from the conservatory every morulog and —nt to adur- Um President’* table, while other* go to Mra MeKluley'e apart menu. Tbe plant* that adorn tbe domestic psit of the Wtilu Ilona i are frequently changed, to give ber the benefit of llie rare and bevutlful variety Ihtt alia Ihec-niavrvaturiaeL All of the Caret plaou ebare her tdmlraUon, aeoh lor ee long a lima si It aui stand to be kept from real ho; bouse atmosphere. Neither Mra McKJeley nor the Pr— ident vInt* the eonservatorlae reg ularly. tboogh before tbe ban day* of lb* war were thrust upon him tliay both loved the n-ue and oultlvaUon of plant life. Now lbe Praldeot baa n > lime In watch the gentle unfolding of nature pieced under the vast area un der glees to the well of the White llnnae. The roM house la always riotous !u bloom and at eby seasuu affords ample cnttlngs far tbs home pari of the White House life while that part llllad with Violate la redolent with perfume that wafts to meet you with the rpanlog and oloetag of the hot house doors Long rows of primroses lie aloog one side, proper log formldwluter blossoms, and though the ftMldeut’sehrysaiillie mum* are suffering from a rust that lias Iwset that particular family of plaul life tills (all, theca I* a large eor u*r of one of tbs house* Ailed with rare specimens ot these flaunting bean lisa. Huudreda of beautiful ferns, aeraral houses of them, as well a* the delicate trailing asparagus, tell tha story of tho rxquitfte displays of dowtra sad tarns lhat bauk Uie tnaollepircea and table ou Urge oee salons. like public recep tions. Cabinet dinners acd similar function*. Each maolel ha* a box made U> At It, aod the fern* are loosened from tha adga of Uie )«t* and slipped in iho moist earth that fills lb* boxes. Hoses and other flower* era thrust here and tber* making tbs gorgeous floral displays that are laid of and talked of la all part* of tba country. Just as soou as possible ufUr so affair the flowers are taken out aud Uie ferns are oarful ly pul beck lu the old pel* and returned lo llwi hot honse for future ns*. - Thus Uie same one* may be used for all the reorpltun of a winter. There are a law oooasiona wlwn even tl«ne gtaal conservatories refuse to give up enough blossoms for Ibu decoration*. Then the florists outside ate called upon lu supply wbatevar is nredful Just now tbeduwer* are being taken up from outdoors aod one house It en tirely aiveo up for ootllngi for next spring's display. The houses are filled with the rarest specimens of trupical flora, aud llorlets all nier the country vie with one suotber In sending souse rare specimen to tba While Bouse comervetoiiM. while our officers. trav rllirg lo itmote part* ot the earth, often. The lofty glass domes added lu one side of the conservatories ant filled with such, and one might mil imagine being in an African Jangle, so luxur iant aod thrlfy have tba plants be come. A toot the rawest arrival 1* a repre sent* lire of the Pailipptnsa. It |« ■ dowo at Ilia "Dewey plant.” It oc cupies a ooprptonous place lo 'Ire White (louse conservatories, sod lo clow proximity to the myriad* o( terns that adorned fie t*Ua aod dining room of the great Dewey dinner. These were Interspersed with a beautiful pro lesion of orchids thst also claim ths Islands as tbeir borne. Tbelr Is sometlilog decidedly sym bollo aod startling to snti-rxpaosioii tgta Id til* fray flora of tbs Philippine* thrives lo tble country, even when forced lo it. The ■ "Dewey plants that add so much to the riotous tropical bsaoty of the Island, are liter* known as the "Acslypba ■acderUna," and were dabbed by a Phlladelpha florist the “Dewey plant.” Tbe Wliltw House specimens, of which there are several, stand i.ol more tbsu twelve or four teen Inches to height, with ilob, dork green foliage, from wbteh depend long graceful, swaying tassels of brilliant ruse color, a* soft nod One as chenille, and not unlike It. There are many rare varieties of orchids from Um> Philippines, where they grow most luxuriantly, as well a* showy tropical plant of uo pronounces bit names that when combined with the gorgeous birds and flower* of that country make It a writable glimpse of fairyland. In oue of the tropins! bouses are pineapple* lo frolt, and alao orange* and lemon* and other tropical fruit* In some of tbs bonare wta>re lbs tem perature will permit It tbs Osh that Oil tiro great basin In tbs lower part «f tha While House grounds, as welt *s times lo the las* in of 'be treasury, are brought in and add much to the beauty of lit* surrounding*. n.i m«rvIm/i or tti«ar g.iati.h are moat vat ted and pronnuocej, septcUUy ilia variety brought from Japan, lo which eountry they form a lively round In the world »f sport Tbo ape tied fellows—no two hove mirks elika—are named. The playart than gather urooutl the glaar aquarium nod aaeh tvleota hie 0*1. Th*n a piece of meat tied to tha end of a string ta (nwi-rad among lira Osh. Previous lo this Urn bookmaker plays a part and mon ey la placed opposite the ueraea of tha faeorltaa Tba Seh that gate tba mor sel of moat It tba win tsar. Barns of tits spotted baaatlee an .-eumbad ta the mistaken ktadaaaa af tba lavaetoo of youngster* durlag tha nonaacts give* m tha White House grounds during lbe summer, and, refusing la Oaurtah on tha re.nfrrrtloste gives than by tba Children. lav* H|I lit* Xboat and turned fodn f.rr ttve other Uebee. Pur merit thar eervnd at a favorite amusement to llta Cleveland children. DmbUrea no lint lady ever enjoyed eaat uo*v*rv»tirl** >i did Mr* llaye* Othan have found little Iliac oulebl'of octal dutle*. Imt «lie e«u>e lerulmly orarr dty and ttmiled many of if* n-twera with her own hand*. It waa h<-r great**: dolight t*i *ae Him spindling ■boot develop Into a hardy p'snl. or oorr for a llul* drooping one until it axDIMUxt new Ufa. dim liked tv taka llta rra*t a hear* and out a flower hero and tln-re for huraalf. The euporlote* dent took ao much Interest In ber 4e votlon tn tire flower* that every effort waa mad* in force soma favor tta plant Into Irioaaom to aurpvum and delight her. tbr would keep all day tom* flowers out in tba miming Injure Ml rbitter aaye Ural In lb* thirty-thru* year* that Ira baa bteulo this depart mailt no Amt lady baa abowu ao great a lova of Ho ware ae bln. Haye*. Mr*. Harrison loved lb* roses bee*. 1 sad wss lavleh in sendlog them to bar lata fortunate frlaod*. Mrs. Uavelaod w*t fondeat of the etetely American Be*Bile* that are alway* aasoolated with ber. and took tba keen ret pnati Me In term lu the orebldt that reached tbelr flnt prominence in American plant life during that Administration Tba ■opsrlDlendect showed many flo* vanatl** or Imported frxu tim piawDt scene of warfare In dnuib Africa. Thee* two late want bav* Interfered very materially with H>* Importation of orchid*, palm* and tropical Haste. There are Dime tha eorroui growths tliat are ha'f loeecl half plant that feed upon rutga and worm*, bach are frequently emit to tha While Hoira*. ltd *r* traoefrricd to Mr. Smith, of th* botanio garden, whereon* And* a moat varied h>»I InterrsUng collecUu : T Here et tbu ooon hoar tbo olerk* •it *Dd wave the amoke from cigar and pipe uptbrnugb lltelr liiilnrlo branchr* Uouauul preparations are making In Ibe ccinerrTutnrws now for a brilliant fl iml display tbit winter, anil wtieu the •nviely hell* u »ms to the White House tbry will Hod the most lavish tlon (lore tfr*. Ctevclaod's wedding. ■toyaa’a Kern WII. Journal u( Jirrioolturt. Tbe following IncidcoLf ooourrwJ duiiug Mr. Bryau'a tour of Nebraska, and are good exemphi or liia kern wit. quick repartee and Mulching Invective: Near the close of hit speech nt Fall* Uity. a repuUlusn In the audience arose hdH dented Mo. Klnlry desires to nrtalu the Philip pi"**, whereupon, without a moment’s licsti»tioc or the least show of embtr rairmeut, Mr. Bryao quoted this «rn tence from onu of McKinley's speeches. “I cannot permit myself to doubt that these islands will be retained un der the benign toy reign; y of th« United Stale..” The republican next declared that nonet of the Ktliptnua weie In revolt againet Agulnaldo. Are jnu tint U-Utrrlns Aguloaldu to much," asked Mr. Bryan, '-wtjen you assert that with a handful nf men Im uuonut only ssbjugst* his own rams, bet hold in check and frustrate u grant American army?’' {Chun) A third lima the mao broke lu to declare that tba trade of tba Plitlip piois la valuable. Bryan rose to his full height and bla eyes dished Are as Hu tbuedrred : *• 1 dare you to mreturn the litre of American boys and tbs heartaches of America mothers by the paltry dol lsrs srwl cants of commerce’; 1 dare yon do 111” And tba orusrd weot loin s veritable paroxylem of applies*. Tn*n the mao deotarnd that Proyidenoc wss leading U>e Uolted R’atee to tbe Thllioptn* Islands He had not lung to await hie answer. “Ah my friead." earns the reply. “| nevor. yet cornered an Imperialist wbo did nut Anally lay tbe blame on the Almighty.” (LanghUr sod a beers.) “If you my friend. were telf as an xious to be an tbe Lord’s side ae you are to bring Jehovah down from Hau sen to twister up tha RepuMloan party, yoo wouldn’t 1st hr re advocating >a abandon man l of Dm Drolarstlnn of In dependence. You are act preaohlug the Uospel of tba Trine* of tba Pa sea Your preaching lha infernal goeprl of oonqneet and mordar and daatb.” I The orator's l*»t words war* drown, rd In a tempest of sheers. The lm pertafist disappeared. And so will lha ductorloe of lapariulUm wlwn mass •tred by the anllglUaed intelligence of A meric to cUleaaHilp BILL ARP IAKBS A TOUR. TAIUfO IV IBYEBAL OF TEE TOWVI OF THE STATE. .tuStmwm Imi (MapiMki tmir "»»■ Alone—Maw To won Wol Tltlr Imm-HII Ta«M owl rnpogn Dm. Uill 4rr, In Altana Curat Ilut ion. ■ Ho* eptsmer*! U fame. Ttila word 1« nr Greek origin ami H orally in«a.i* "for a day" and waa applied tbs lleea of certain ioseota Ita oeanlag hta broadened nod now it ie applied U life or fame or wealth nr tiappio*** or anyliitag that U of brief lie wncartetn dnrallna 1 waa ruminating about Hits tmeenm I bare bean dowa In Bara*a» villa aad TUomasVro, lar i prosperous tnwee, pm lu Pike aad the utlaer la Cpaoo ooanty. I ir^airad of Metre! good dtlaana who Ifr. Upaoo was aad they could wit tell. Floall) ao old eeoliaman said that be wee a uifhor of lb* IrflsUleie froia Ogtethrcpa county and waa a very great end good man and dkd early, and the legisla ture of wblefa bo was a member aad* a now county and named it for kim. Hut new than is net no* men lo a hundred In tb*t county that knnsrs Anything about blm. I did net dad ainbnly wlm know what Mr. The a to the lawn was naood fur. Just ao I did uol Qud enyno* at BarneavUla who knew wb4l Ur. Pike that ooooty waa n.uird ror do t h«d to wall till I get ii'i'oe end ntalrad or bx>ks aad I learu d tbs' Zebu ion Pika waa'a great auldf r lo Hie war of 1813 -that tutors that lie expl ored lb* far wst, ami was tie* Unit man lo dilruvar nod am oeiid tb it very high la iunlato wblob lias rvrr kIdm bo-tr called "Pike’s Peek." The town at Z-bnlun to >k hi* Chris Ui» "a.ub or ratiwr ItU Jewish nta>, for ZvtHihMi waa lha aixUi aou of Jac >* and III* •t-e-'ixis'il* became «*>l >r» Nui-o-ly c *uld tad ms arho Bsno-avill* »*• named t -r. Mofanriy oarea vrf> »'itb »th>»iir loam t»r county •>< un mod f. r. Ttie present »nn to ba all that oor.cerna tta, and iIm lilatnrio part null soon pas* Into oMIvluu fur Ibeold men ara nearly all d-*d. Mat k>OK ago I read how an Englishmas nraa walking abmt lb* beautiful eriat tery >>f Getijaburg and met « onnfed eraia eeteran tlieiaand aald lo him: "These grand luuneaiaula and grave atunaa will far.n factory lo Georgia f. Kaw forti Baa. When Utould that tba JMoratam at apptaiicm* down to and laatodlaf (ba vaar 1809 MapnbmU mom lhaa *.303 publtubal arildiei, itlwvrtatl mm »od book*, wanUnt bur mt wblab h *va apymvd triiUo Um Uat Ifa JMara. Uia iwadav will yrotwKy (blab ibm area Um utiaaeaboat apaand* lalUa ba don't kaow aa aattn bow Maaab bio frtandi ban MM Mm obaat It and bow ua a«uM to, and ba wM atoa bailovo that tba OMdtaat mm teva bant Mrlrlof laudably to tail aaM -TrTtitr all that (bay da kaow abowt it. Or. Oaorf* M. Kdabobta, of tMa ally la tba ourrmt Midloal Jfaeord prraaata "A ftavtewof tba Iftatary milMmm tan of Apfa-adtoKta.” la wbtah ba baa oadaotad tba aadael biota barfed ta tbat otaao of ktoanayby, all bat a an mail part of wblab ba bae -rntiid ta In tba or Mima). Oood iwnyte who biro mraiM I tba •vortlty virtu* of aetf-dealal ta daaiU loy tba baoadoW yrapo aa aaa onMtta of dlot to (to natural auta. eo aa eel I* •odaogar Uartf VMMtfarw appoodioaa. May dad provo-MUoa to Um oaboaoM lay act boowd lowrtawai aa bloblef ooa’a aalf Wboa tba* ivad of tba oasbar af foretga bod lea otter tbaa trope oaole wblab havo bora found lu tbna botharaoMa • tea Or. BditebU tMrottoaaayaia^of aatadaof teb.a Mada. abacry atoaM prwoa itooai, S berry Mode, a data a-od manga aaad. toMato oaada, a boon BvobModleteae omv to away la Uaat aarrfval, it It tea ■urvtval, of aoMaatbta wbatata it aaM •* aarvlerabto. A gnUtlr* eopatilo la loaludad in th« lilt of r.tmjuioonteata of Uaat MicaataM. Team li a ran lad *r for (warder* in lb* 11*4. um for although butter Isn't menUOued, w renanled us Laris* lama tbara auoktvberry and btaoxbvrry sards, a pi"'’* of (Ml of has* nut prsnuu « pboeiifobeet-iat a bristle, a gl'Star's pdnt „f ti nc a bole of • Oder a piece >r b>*e*eert>l l«« a piece of store* and a knot of a heavy silt ligature that had bean used lu Visa ild iwtunl xurgery are ale* lu Um list uhleh taka* in also eulms aud e ipruUtka; ta these eoitxie la Uues vsnaUes: Asa mdw luiubrleoldsa Oxyuri* vermteularia aad Trioooephatua diaper. Suit to ejute litbs Dr. Hdabotiia says plat kSNMea the foreign bodi is must ftrqueetly wot a statement which wltbost laiantloaal tllgbi lo Um eupoHtb«Qit way bo aald furnishes a asuto approval of the ask veraal ubjeettou of ei Khans to tb« lofautilo tv-deucy to amble pies, aad possibly e warn lug to atotbefS aad others who oUJin the month ta Hau of a oiu cushion Tola Hal, non iid'iif bi ill- e-uafnfling aautranor ol llr. Kim mi-, la by ue nkraaa e c iiDph-u- mm It uanl to ba Uuiuglit I fiat these forvign b id kg ears Um uause of au,MMq,w-i,t'y the result than Um cause of appSedlOtUS. Tna oauearlve factor, in the produaai'M nf Um disraea, he my, are uuiveraelly ! admitted by all writers to ho varv grnerally local lu oharaoier. Alt~n llou has burn C died to an iweni quinsy aud appendl«tle; heredity a« a oanee aud “family append la Itla” lutve bean spoken of. BacMfla play aa iioportant p.rt lu caealng UM ditnaaa. Gouty eppaodloilla baa Wen diacrtlwA Rheumatism has bean pat dowa aa a cause. O >a was S-tas the chief cacao la tba aciloti of the psoas massir. and ooe colls appendicitis an apld-mio InfcMlMu disease Howe, Now Tort pbyatetaos sneer!. that tha grip Is a friqnmt ranee of attacks or eppeedtot H*. Than bvaldss Indsmautarr appao dlclUs, then arc other notMogioe. condition* or tba aporadla: among tbam tnbarcaloals sod cancer of tha Hptcndix. Bacteria thrive aritb sucli success lu the sue that U baa been called a enltace tuba. Haclerlidoftc U lovectlgattua has shows, in practically every case, appendicitis to be due. Dr. Wahabis say* to bacterial iuyaalun of the appen dix walla The germs stay get lute Um Useoe of the append Lx by mean of the blood. Tbrro la a report of aa o baser at Ian of the OgMOgO of o boo tarum from an appaallx sbowse though the Intact wall of a neighboring organ. «i that It wonkl almcal atom that ineaooe uf Um appendix aad the Ilia apprrtaluiDg to h wort falsa tVea ao (its. RfAyrdl of ■llkan—k not by that mm, whiab tba daaiar •aja la a barbartua. aot baeb la 1MB Tba aarlt aaaa for aoara tbaa a baudrad year* oalr daaertbo a eoadtUaa aaw onaribrd M appaodiaHM. Iba Brat rreoRiiltiao al appaodMUa aa a dto tlaat diaaaaa ru hi 17M. bat aaaa dawn to IBM knawiadca ofUwrcMt aaaa af tba diaaaaa waa by aa moan CMfal. la IM7 tba dlafaaaala at apaaadMUa Sanaa U ba aad* Tba fra*ortolan af tba diaaaaa waa aot avadMd aaUllBBl. Dr. BdaboMaaaya: •'Tba diagaaoaie al aoata opyaollartla waa advaaotd aaaaa than by allacw* ▼loao koowirdaa oanaiaad. by Me Uaraay wbaa fa IMS. ba dtaaitand aad raUMabaBlbavaloy o( lloBaraoy'a point Tba laUodaatwa aadatabcra tiaa la IBM bt KdafaabW. al patoottaa of Iba aaranfani ayyaodlx OoaUy ploaad ai la a aoatttua to dlagmoaa etaarlr aad pooittraly awry aaaa at threat* aad Marty awry aaaa at Mato, apyaadloltla.* ^ Aiikaatb tkora baa kwaa batut to UMdtoaaaalaaSmnahMiat lv.000 oataaaWa apar^odlatllaoraa faaad la ft* t«r amt at tba tan alia aad M par o».i of lb. a«bi aad la tMaatay i Mat by aaatbar caa* atldaaaaa af pat | apyaodleltla ww» faaad to Bar aat | oftba wuafo and M par aaotaf tba 'mm. (a MO lalayatai MB tonal xpV«wiM»a war* faaad aU tba at ban Miuwlaa rrtdaaaaa at diaaaaa HMMb \ Bad* elloleally,. UowajB [Pat ^Mt at oB ; dl'tTawwn a baWMah laajnt'Ia ' ?'?“ .*>**■ **. Batnal baa drad aatayaalaa baaa abaww at blab a mfi ‘WHwUtel'nwftti l» arte «HU at* lose __ Kw» tC?_, ; •* tba roatias pci eUasptadsiM soodtMoaa. U dinat rrsrsr'^aruras ffiWxTCSSS.'lS •Mphta.) m late ta ^ • mbn sraa aa Uh d.NUIaa of sEuJuuhetisr naidu fraa'Uu pras Uaa. TbttthU state das* sat ImM good ta Uts wart sf bstter spsiatos gOCJ without a >jrlDg. ’’ tali* ■«• »wj * —a—f Waablsswa Baca. OaaaMarte* saw atat hat kat or oaatoaad « s •«< odtjUlt *rf Ua -Km* UpmaMt siwl* u>< pu»t low d i»« sear t>« teat Uiat Us mmw c iswaralal treaty tosses Maria* sad Oriat ta written la tegUah. Tea nee of us Bugltah laagaags la drawls* up lavam at ritual riiami laatuMttilag uaprsoadaulad. fkaaab bar had ut dlsuaaUas sf Mag Ua dipknaetl* language, bat Oh Itrta Da partaMSt uBstals MS tMskUttUa drafUagof tita kisalsaa-Calusaa treaty •mb tfaa battling of tbs sad of Us gwanl use at tba ffaasii ta UH partlmler. . Fur Um oat 900 yoaralaa Ur^aa* tMiapy&SSSirsS ■mu. ut lamo of to f*MMb pa»pta haa Oa* «tW| taUlfttU ■«u u oiml ttruaailiw aaiftb toaoiaoldhivlait of to taaatyHalt Tula ruW, whit* immhi, OaaotOaa ualaoraal, Ot tOanapUiwa km aaly «ooa M UM* to rata. Fa«ob Oa »ErS?S££f Bono it Oa Van «a—cadiy aaOoa. Froaa IO foot that tbt jMB of lO world baa* Oaa faakllwi with it. It baa errpt lato dlpkmatta loOa-iaiU to tOoiOr Inmo _TO traaty of yaaaa batwio to UaUad fltalaa otl «ff|« w« writer* la Fraoati aa boa Mao Oaa tO to Jorttf. «»f UtaraotU-iol . datiat tO oat sfi ' ?! iHlsTssSihS su-rtuac? r-5 sr bhbsSF aaoolagaOwtrCi lb ’ S' 1