L ■' ! : ! 1 :* ; I j . Ur liberty or ttetr fichu. ***** » la* tomaae their bp the meet el *U * So, they ant dtapated by oame, ate parhaya Jmtiy ao. hltto WM they bam UUla retard tor S*r lead. Ifo It len’t that. Ula ‘tthiii aa* aatlaa la ao aaeh larpr HtUe inpahito io U to tte time Myaar sow whan paoplt all owtr Um •aubyan ntep agaaw Ur toe aatt yaar. Haw ■aap mea wte bar* praeoaoned oplc naaaolteSooth African war. will ha apthatr aaaoaaH. *■■** road of lain baa ialaaaeod them to wake war. ate pat whan they -Mg-JOf MSI poeUkoc they U Ueh own road ate JaatiTy tbalr awn eoaaaloaaa tp oaptat, 1 daaano afl lean cat. Tbalraumailty la *y oppor teattf- Tteaa man crttMlaa Eafiate ■od do the aaaM thing theanelvea. It nohaaatoHaraaalaefcQaraa. bet the U n hard, whan a Hula money'll la m«ai to fellow tte golden rale. How ► all of la tte -TnapH»,*tle wan," I . ! I ■ - - - 1 I I InmaUUn bod* vf ptaaiars H Un Bur. mi ban OKohpr Uta toopoam to a cad of iba Mula Moatl Dttitot waa rlrctrd ItaM of orgaataaiton. Xha oommlltea mot aod olcolrd Col. njMWBjtaai panaanwt chairman and .'t? « ■* 'Hta of tha crganitaliuD *“®ta Narth CaraUaa Branch of Cot Amodallon of Iba tahaF. Alltaoo MM appointed to draft rmolatvaao whjoh wan pnpand Ttatatdaj aad an aa (Ottawa : Bayilrad Thai tbo Unaa baa ooaaa for thaptaatonaf tho Sooth to orgaHtaa for tho tatfor pcotootton of tr lour »»! WttOO pillion of North Carolina, loaklas forward totbe of piaauia throughout tho Month, do horair •h.imIm oodar tha aano of Uto North CaroBaa Braeeb tathattatloo Plaatara’ AaaooiaUoo of Ifc «**oun tha drift of ** l« ■~On« waa. that In ommtad for rotj Uttla ta hattitag ag aural tha oomblsM in taar Irtaatrlaa.aad ftadgoa to eortatl “Besotted. That, oonaiderlng the W ,0* aou end the tavbb af the Union, ear people should AovapfineleUoa by a greater deeel opawot of their possibilities. Tbaooe cropldsakna been oar bene. The y.W™ *U the cotton we e»a rate yat when «• make oaly Uli •<« crop £“• IS? ** *° *"f l.Uu«* "« “The South caanot longer afford to oooflDe her moony atop to ooe product a]801. there can ba no rauuo why *kar staple crops ahould nat ba crown f! ”cp«. and thereby bring Uj *» “irhniUwtTbnt llTSTdt ^tmaala of ladeetrUl Ufa. We ■Mt oMy enumerate the followlag tedaatrUa. .btoh eao ba deeped to a h%bly pwdltable beata by the iutroduc Uoo of correct methods by the farmer* to each parte of the South aa la hmt ttdtad to their growth : Wheat. Data, pane, aapr. syrup, molasses, broom earn, toboooo, strawberries, geoaral Sl!£ta/,.!S5* stock of all blade, dairying, and factorise of various w*ralt*of toed cro*e, which are la Ia P*rU of the world. A diversified farm tightly managed baa the chaaeee ot loceem. The tarm wwb# miles upon Urn prodoeitoo of eolton iIom it bit Booty crop mast viMfi to produce it oo a so roles ■MW. lUlotntoiU of the needed foad aajppHea il borne, IrmUtuta a « atorayftemoC crop rotation, carefully ESSSS^wasiS syhs-.ssrs&frs*?, wbao be caa atcore a price repreeent jc« il» ~Iae and a profit oa bia labor. But we muat prepare ouraelves foe thin ehtfigM In ov farts La jr **}??*}* more felly edo <*H* 1“ **• bustnem which we ere to ooieoe. We caa acootapllab tble by mlree with the beet literature pertain* teg to tba principal crop* we propose to engage to. Hemuaareilve prloee for coUoa aake proaperoua timer for all otberUxtoatriee la our land, without detriment to any, and enables the ptantar to eebool his children and make Me home at tree tire. The praaenl price of OX toniaaome conpenaatiou for our labor, yet la not suflcleet to neat tba **b‘—cy ceaeed by tba abort crop, and we man not think It will remain, aad man to the oM method WblU tbeprtoeU op let ue bold It there, sad act allow the dealen to commence hammering the price aa aooo as our crcpis planted. “we father recommend to the favorable consideration of the cotton gramma the propoeiUon of some of the ••■ding hankers of oar State to build wavehnueea for storing cotton, and mektog advanoea at a low rate of In tanat. enacting the ptoater to meet hia aoaey oMIgiUoDeacd make Beorseury eaak porefaaam aad hold hit eottoa off of the market during tbe foil montbe.” m wiuikkm HU aiuu. *he by m Tm arN bM>nt«Mbf Xp «f*M ef «b« ■«W»I rwib br ynbbin>i TbM — tm Ummmm. . AUeato, Dm. a—By a vote of M t» 14 lbs WUlii> cheat bill «u kilted to **• »w* fa-day. and Slate prolilbl Uea ddym. The ranoua roll ealta MMNMd aa hoar, a gnat many Sana arssrfis.usu^-^ daya ago, aad «n canted oa wtm p**l *t§or. Kmy Interne lo ite State lafleaaeed by Uw wfc taker traffle. toaght tha yaaaaga of the Ufl aad all pend agnefae *w aaad la lu favor, ■tod «ho maaiora yaaeag tha Saeafa It famld hereheaaao a weeded aa to kill IteparpaM. . Tha roUra debt baa one of Ute •dJOMdUaaState kaa«wr kaowa aloof thfa Uaa, bad H la bow bettered tbe *«»Ha»Uy far aeaw lime. The WgKaAaae MU ycoetdad for Um dfaetag ef eg eetoeoa, the ebaltekwent ef eiT btewertee and dtattUertea and £*■*♦^4^y^efa?Srtfa^ arta^s'jhr,S dbaald have lioneta In 1U dining roooe areafa,^bot|lflMiid_0ot^faiy to p, i. m* "ho can auk* a CUPPINGS FROM EXCHANGES. The Hews a* Gathered Prom Surrounding Counties, Yack villa Yeoman; a quiet homo •ukdlog was celebrated at tbo resi dence M Mr. Jobs Hugos. oesr Uarp, on last Wednesday svenlog at 0 o'clook, atUudfd only by tbe families of tbo contracting parlies and a few of tbe bride's closest friend*. At this cele bration Mr. John E, Carroll, oor popu lar joung saperietaoUeiit of edocattoo, nod Mia* lea Huaue were toads <oao •jd wife by Mae. 8 H. Hay, paator of Ctoear and Bacrabeba freibytertau churches. After tbe aarr-OMny, a few of tbe relatives and rrleada accom pauied tbe brMal party to tbe home of the greens’* parents where a tumpiu uas sapper eras served, sod a moat en joyable •yenlog was spent by tbe youac people. We extend our beet wishes to the happy young coo pie. At a moating of iba tows council held Tuesday sight tbe matter of UgbU ! was dtsenamd so per Be tally. it serm* \ to be the concensus of opinion among I members of the council that a Itry of one so ill. io addition to tbe present levy, will be ueomarj; and the opin ion was at tbe os last that tbs town would baes to forfait lie praasnl shor ter and coma Is under the general In corporation act. and that no special election would be necessary lu order to legalise this levy, bat an IcvestigaUoti showed that the general incorporation act does bat become of effoct, an far aa this town la concerned, until IDOL bo a special elect I nu will have lu lield, either la coma in ooder this act, or to permit the one-mill levy under Iba present charter. Mr. George Williams, who ran Sher iff Logan’s saw mill fer a number of years near King’s Mountain battle groand. says that about aU the timber of any oaoKqaesm Is that section Is sawed up. There is probably what wo*Id run s small mill or two far one or two yearn by moving around a good deal for it. With Ibis great source uf supply lopped of tba local market, Is it nut going to cause a good deal of delay io gelt lag orders Ailed la Iba near fu ture T Al tbs present rata at which lumber la baring cot In York coonty. we venture tk* assertion that In* vary few years brick booses will be more oom moc than tbsy have been io tba past, due largely to an ioabillty to get tbe lumber, nod also Ilia high price K will risen* □ A SJng'* Mountain Oracir: Many Bhang** hart) been made in the old Oanaler Hotal building lualde and out. Out much still remains to be done. Mr. Mann I* pestling tbs work *1* orooaly and udIcu the unexpected occuia, ha win soon be tbe geaial “alia* host.” Tbe Mauney and Carpenter business building, being oooetrneted between the Kinx'a Mountain Hotel sod Car penter Bros, store, will be completed ibis week. Mr. llumgsrdoer lias added a second story to bis market building. This additional story icaprores the appear* snoeof tho street on whictb It stands eery much. Mr. J. L. Herndon lias annexed an end to hi* house, which Improves It eery much. Mr. Will Falls and Mr. Julius F. Wars are each building nloe oottage* In the western part uf our town. Mr. J. M. Williams is having lum ber hauled fnr a nice two story house to be bollt above the Hilling mill Hotal. This house when completed will be occupied by Mr. J. H. Thomas. Ilia hsodaome borne of Mr. J. B. Thomason, located above the old mill haa been oompleted and Is now ready for ooeupaney. Mr. Thomason knows bow to bwild. Tbe neat Lutheran parsonage op posite that church baa received tbe finishing touches from the hands of tha workman. Dr. Blkl* haa been vigitent In soporvisiog tbe erection of bis new home and be haa reason to be proud of tbe result, the prettiest and beat constructed cottage in the town. Tbe “alaagbter of tbe Innocents” bsa began. The crack of tbe hunter’s gun ean be beard on every oounlry Bill-aide. Among those ot tbe town who enjoyed In this sport this weak were Mamsra. C. A DlUIng L V. Peg ram, Tom Fulton, B. 3. Plook and Dr. O unter. Chester LnnU.tt: Much hu been Mid •sd written locally about theuleofthe 0. 4b N.-W. H*y. end doable here been entertained whether tbe sale would be noneumated, eves after a payment wa wade. Now foil payment hu been made for WA,600 of Drat mortgage boode, >31.800 of income bond*, eod •8,004 ebaree at stock, and these here been delivered to tbe purchaser. It only remains now to give possession of tbe road. Moat of the directors here resigned, we believe. h»t tome thought that Uie property ooold not be l*pally turned over without a formal meeting of the stock holders, and President Harper hu called ameetlagoo tbe 16tli Inst. A» tbe purchasers are the stock holders, txceptlag a small cum ber of shares, we suppose there is no doubt that Urey will deliver their own property to tbemerlves We have no oaw Information about tbe retention of tbe road. We now bars aa*ur»o oe that It will set be amssary to watch the two Toma any longer. They bare named this dml through a oritleal period with sleepieu anxiety AfUmes Now they feel that U It m longer arses aery to sit up nights, sod they propose to lledawg eod taka a good night's sleep before they start a now scheme. Mr. W. A. Keayon. mall ageat oa tbaC. 4k N.-W. ■allway, baa boon traeeferred to Ike Charlotte and At tests roaie. M(U Jfnot: Oar OeetoaU friend* •Ml prrhape ha a IllUa dleeppotoUd In tLt* hw of U»a MM An. and tc mm dhqpnliM oaraalrw to ragud r» wnr* tool Ium that did not eoa« In uom to prlut thte nt*; hat m ehall try to fully eatfafy eyerybody ant weeh with • ayaelaf adlilaa In wliteh Untwle will hava the "ax-er prat*In enlplnea to the plot am” we atm have mow far two or thrvw food oat* of gem*. Uwelaiea kooaa. •harohoo or Am roetdowow, wkteli will b* 1 netted free If weelvrd la tl«*. A oopy of lb la epretol adftlww win ho ■lowed » ovary boaeo In Oeemete and aoothor thnwaoad dlwtrlbuud wbarovor wo thlnb they wfU do the wmtjfaod. Ao thte WIN bo ii __ , dap w'llt and on oopy for tide epeetai MKtew Wit ho la hy Twteday eight. LtootrNnes: The ml* of a majority of aloek aid boa4a of the Carolina K North want am Railroad Compaoy i» General Jlarber and lila associates lute bem completed with the exception of taeklng Uw actual transfer. The moo ■ «y W75 000, la In tha bank at cheater and a meet log of the stockholder* Is called to be held at Gaatoolx neat Fri day. to make the transfer of tha prop erty to the new company. UuUl after that mealing all lurtaliea a* to Urn plans of the owners will tie mere guess woik. It laprobable, though. Unit tbe gen eral offices Of the company wilt lie mured to Cue tier. Tots we regnl. We had hoped, ea tbe road is to lie built through the mountains to Ten ueasre. that tbe general ufllcee would teinain bare near the work. Uowcrar. we trust tbs clever ganlla meu now eounected with tbarrad will be taken care of In lbs ebake-up. kl.i Jor Hsrper tha retiring President, pro sided st tbe meeting when ibe origltml company was organ lied at Hickory In 1ST* and haw been connected with it arse since. Tbe old ofleersal I resigned and the meeting at Oaatoeia nett week will elect new otxa. Lenoir. Dec. 11—Mrs. Bliss Scott, wife of the late Dr. W. tv. Scott, died at bee home here last night. Ura. Scott bad hero in eery fesble health for some; time and her death was not unexpected. Mr. tV. W. tJcolt, now of Wasbiogtoo. D. C.. was called hutuo a few days ago nod was present al lbs tiers of kls mol bar’s death. Tbe fuu aral services will be cond acted from the Kplicopal church here to morrow, and the luterment at the old family berylng ground. klarv’a Grove, near Laaolr, at 2 o'clock to-morrow after noon. Shelby iimm: Mr. TIkkdm W. Kendrick, of King’* Mountain was here Saturday. Ha is one of the oouuty’t moat enterprising yoong mao, and Is saoeseding Hoaly la bli new drug bo»l uses at King’s Mountain Poo Eskridge who has a good post, with tbs King’s Mountain Telephone Exchange, was here last week Ue was accompanied by two of our thriving sister towns fair maidens A gentleman who came In yesterday mornlBg from Rook in (bam was telling of a dwUeeeit'g accident wlileh oe onrrvd there Friday night. A youug man by the name of John Lovin jnmped from lbe train, acd waa in staidly killed, his skull being anisbed ou lhe switch Mr. lavia was asleep as the train was Hpproaobiog Backing bam. Tbs porter went through the oar calling, • Rockiugbam next sta tion.” Hearing only Rockingham, the young man jnmped np out of bis sleep, rushed to tbe door and before any one could resell him. had taken » leap lain tbe data. Ill* heed struck a iwitch signal, «nd he was title.I in stanlly. Tbe train was stopped, bis body picked up acd taken to Rocking ham. Telegrams were sent yesterday 1-y the railroad trying to Ur.d the young man’s relatives. Gaffney Letlytr ; Col. T. li. Uui ler sod J. (j. Little went over to Gat tools Wednesday for a two days hunk with a party of their North Carolina friends. We hope that Bouib Caro lina will Carry oft the honors in the bunt. Tonight after supper Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lipscomb will torn over the management ef Lipscomb Hotel u. Mr. “Cal” Pari*, a wall known hotel man from Ynrkvilla. Mr. and Mr*. Lips comb have given Gaffney sad the trav eling public as goud service as will be toned at any hotel In a town the rise of Gaffney and their ratlrement will be regretted by tbrir maov friends on and nB tha toad. They will move luto Uieir peaUy horns on Victoria Avenue and will be warmly welcomed by their old neighbors Mr. Paris Is one of tbe best known hotel men to tbe section of the Bute, be having for many years been the proprietor of Paris' Hotel lo YurkvlUe. and ha will no doubt win bla share of tlia public patronags oy strict attention to husioeea and courteous treatment of ble goeals Yorknile Enquirer : la another col umn, Major G. Vi. F. Harper glee* ootlcu of a meeting of the stockholders of the Carolina aw) North-Wsstero railroad to be held at Gastonia an tl>e 15th InsUnt. Upon Inquiry of Mr. Thomas II. White, last Thursday, the reporter was Informed that on that day the Berber syndicate paid the remain, lug BO per oeat. of the purchase pries agreed upon, aad the object of I he ■Meting of the 1GU> Is to make a trans fer of tba property. As to arhat will be does after the new oompany grle control remains for fetors devth'p meets. Mias Laura rage, of Guatooia. N. U., spent Thanksgiving with Mias Ear ana Clinton. Ml* Frail Gailaat. »l»> of Osstonia, spent the day with Miss Mattie (Maeton. Mias Clinton gars a delight fail sociable eu Tbuiadey even !•■ In honor of Ifias Page, sod Mire bunion were one oa Friday freeing In honor of Iftse GaUaoi. Mias Boaa JCwart, of Gastonia, U la YorkTllle. risillog friends, end is tits guests of the Mieses Cody, on Ltsooln street. Durham Smn : Two of the young Udy poplls from the SUU Normal Owtgu, at Oreeosboro, who hare been •Mh with typhoid few. were brought down oa the B.M train this meroleg. They were Mies Oappa, of Warren Pious, a ad Misa Denial, of HotUr whtte. Graorllle county. Tho Drat ••aud woo trossferrud to tho rise hoard Air Llae train at this point, and tha IsUer to tba Osfard A Clarks trine irate. Both were eery weak, aod had U ha assisted in getting ee sad off tha oars. Dereral retail res of the young ladles were with them. Ct.arloUo Obttrrtr : Hut Ball Lta •ttolB* — Mwvn- Tboratfay ntgi t. •til to moot tto mom btlilUet toot* I stock of tto wtMsr I* ttot port km of tto Wont*. Tto Bin logo »IN tato »to lotto eborob, mod WIN to ik »Wto bf quit* • ooastor frtB tto •*1. Tto hM of iooor will to Mtoo tout* Lao, aMat of tho totto olrat, and tto boat moo. Mr. ilono Ml. Tto oatora will to: Maaara. Jamas Uootor, of JCtMt Mnoouio ; (Jbarloo Mato^ Bo^oa BaU, wittta B. tvr-tto ClevaUnd Star: ‘Bn* and h«o>luy" ia Urn Ml) of faia at the home* of many proape root Ca«Vtr)mid farm*.* at this Mtteoa of the year, l!of killing Use liaa arriv* l and'may am iwkt'ig *dv*n tagv of It u> kill *.>me shoal*. Mr, dar.li Lrdbetter, a good fanaar to lbo S uU»t n> IghbvKlio id, killed a 13 m«>iilii« old moat Wednesday weighing 4W pound". Mr. Joe Beam, nr n>« old Union camp ground arotlun. ala. a One bog rnUrr, killed a i year-old line Inal absk iloii w.uh-1 o«i pound*. These were One ln«a Let other raruier* ■end in report* Cleveland ouniy folk* are thorough, ly up-tu dale In erei yl blog and especial ly do lltey look well afier every thing to i eat. Mr. lloyle It Blanton,of Daifrr. brought in a fin* wmcrmelou Thursday that would weigh about 20 pounds at a •amid* ..r hi* melon*. He put away 18 g-nnt one* during the radon season and they are ** fresh nod given as tliey weie wr.*n polled. The racloii had a delicious flavor. Mr. Blanton I* a go.. I wtlerturlnn rataer and preserver. B. B. Gardm-re-dd hi* inter eat. in the City Market uni grocery store last ftlilay to Unland LiUle, hi* partner, who * IB eontloun Uie l usloe*. at the *aiuo stand. This market and stum liaa hart a liberal pwtroeage and «o feel sum it will o jotlnuo to merit tlie same. Moa Mauile Cabo.Its, of (Jsstonta, was brie this week lo attend the Bamyeur Eakildgn marriage. She re turned Tureday rvrnlng with the bridal puny tv. A. Wcllmoo, of Bel wood, ta ia teaching a g.md rchool at Snajip, <lusu>u oounty. Caftuey Lttlatf: At the home of Mr. William Hotkey in this city, ou Sunday. Mr. I* It. Dellinger and Miss Suiau Wells, of Cherrynlle, were uni ted In wedlock by IL-v. W. T. Tbomp aoo. The happy young oouple were ac companied toHwffiu-y liy Mr. and Mrs. Be**, of Cherry villa. Tim bridal party were the guest* of Mr*. Agnes Wood Sunday night wad returned to Cherry vltlo yesterday morning. We wish for them a lieartv rcceplloo to their live little lowu and a plraitnt voyage over the sea of life. Oh nr loll* /foes: e'qulr* Bale* writes Uis /Terrs liist oo Sunday Norembnr ths 20:li he married a couple from Ml. Holly Tbair nam •• withheld. Oo Thanks giving day ha also married auruber enupl* who requeued tliat their name* b* withheld. Last Sunday lie married three couple* from Charlotte. Among the number was Mr. T U Ellis and Mlaa Maggie Steele. The other two were colored. lTp to date Squlrs Hales has married 879 couples this nicumm sxmiwit at phis. *«'»> r»lta»«r JS*l>«t n S'rMlIiaMa OUlmlin la |bt luilt. Washington. Dm. 18.—Thomas J. Galloway, special agaut oo negru edo cation fur lb* Catted Statin cnroiois eion to the Pari* exposition, hat re cently returned from an extensive tour through the South for ths purpose of arranging for exhibit*. He said to day: *'l have deColely arranged for credit able exhibits from several educational bistttulli-ua xbowiui! the work being done among ths colored people. How ard ITniverMty, with lu professional department, will fuoiah au exhibit showing the prcfittional traudng^jtlng done; U-implon Institute will exhibit a syaleui of manual training whleh has teen dove oped Ibrre Tills Institution will also furnish interesting pho tographic display “rfom Atlanta University, In Geor gia, I arranged for an exhibit In sociol ogy. A elasa of colored student* under a colored graduate of Barren] College, will display Id attlaiio coloring suoti statistics aa relate to negro population at various periods, relative locreeeu of tbe two races; distribution of negroes; rducatioo and illiteracy pauperism, ciimo, ownership of bom a. factory employment ete. Tbe Tuikeegeo In stitute, In Alahama, la now preparing a series of untform-alied display boards to tire surface of which small article* are attached, which represent tbe 28 ahope and nther Industrie* of that Institute, flak llnlversltlly will furnlab a complete aot of bouud vol umes of history of the institutions, Ibruagli which will be scattered large numbers of photographs. "The Washington colored public schools are preparing a aeries of mod elled groups, with mloitur* figures of persons, reboot bouses and surround ings, shows by ihreo or four groups tbe evolution of tbe negro school house from Ihe most primitive backwoods hot to the finelT appointed and commo dious colored high icbool building io Washington. “Nearly fifty adored meo here re ceived medals of honor in the United Stale* army and navy. Tbotograpbi of t'n-ai- men. with tbe ofOclal reonrd of 'lie v lurnusdved for whleb tbe medal was granted will lw displayed.” <’4»rrt»w (Nor mviijl nwivnum Thr fl««srniHMl ItatldllCiMI Maw III* ffiamiil MM.Mt Dnkn tn» rK«pm by BlMt*. Wnahlncton, Dee. 11.—The eUtUtl olan of the Department of Arrioullara roporta 8,900.000 bale* aa Ute probanle cotton of tba United Stolen for 1899 1000. Ttila MU Bata breed on a 1 at gar ||umber of both general add ipeatal re p’rt« tbm haa Mir before bean re oelvad by tba Deportment In eoauae t ion with a oottoo erop. Will* wwtlh rr ooodllloaa daring llie pant 90 dny« b»ve bean more favorable to whatever picking retnaload to be done. »o tbat Ida ganaral condition of Ilia crop la bllgUlly batter than no* month ego, eontloned Invretlgatlooa leak* abau total* no doubt that tba crop la avert ■atalter than wee Indicated In either of the autlatlalau’a prevtoaa reporta. The eating etad prod net lea area, In tbouaande of aarao la ai follow*: Vir ginia 47; North Carolina l.ttO; Sooth Carolina 9 Alii Georgia S BW; Florida 146; Alabama 9.868; M'.mtaelppl 9.784; LnulOiaha 1.179; T»*aa0/M9; Arkerttae. 1.798; Tanrteeaee 818; Oklahoma It®’ Indian Territory 900; Mtaw-uit 77; iota ‘J3A93 Tbit 8 0 (ter cent lea* than |»al year. Tlie •attmaied ) ■• 11 l-» p-ti.id* «f lint «*utap pi r *cr~ >• foil-iwe: Vlr glbla lJO, North C-rehH t ItM. South Cart.lh.a 188. Oorgia ltt» V <>rid< M. AUbnau 178, Mlr-watpyt 9011. lumtalan. 988. Tigaa Ml, Arl<«*4» lug Teonea aaa 188, Oklahoma 188, lndun Terri tory »/», Mttauon iae. PW* in* Pneerlatlee tor llriih I and tom la a tot tut of Outer Tinaimi | Ctow a Tania. It b Oat Hr baa ana «wuua» :e • raabdam faem. Waoarr- tttfwy. to tee, ate. “Our Annual Opening,” Wednesday Night, Dec. 13. A Cordial Invitation la hereby Ex tended to ALL. . . . ’. Come *>*arly, take your time to see what we have and how reaxon able our price* ore. If you CANNOT COMB WEDNESDAY NIGHT come any time it may suit you and ux often. You will be welcome and we will take pleasure in .showing yon our guili. COMB AND WELCOME.—— _J. E CUBBY & CO. -A. SPECIAL Sale of Dress Goods .A.T THE. New York Racket. For a short time we offer some Big Values in Heavy Fancy Dress Goods. The OOc kind to go at... 4()c. The 50c kind to go at. 35c. The 40c kind to go at. . 30c. A OOc Black Rrllllaiitlne now..50c This Is a special cut price on the above for a short time only. We have Outings at all Prices. A 5c Outlug now. 4c Better graricH... from 5 to lOc. See our line of Capes just in. We have them from 50c up. A nice Astracan or Velvet Cape, $1.25. Gome out to Holiday Opening THURSDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 4th. W© are Santa Claus Headquarters and give a special discount on Holiday Goods to Merchants and Christmas Tree Com mittees. Come to see us before buying. Yours for Busines ?, THE NEW YORK RACKET. ^TECIEJ^ CHRISTMAS: FRUITCAKE. The older a fruitcake is, the better It is. Now is the time to make them for Christmas. We have all the requisites. A nice line of dried fruits.. John C. Moore. McDill & Miller, -HEADQUARTERS FOR_ * Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Provisions, ____ _ Crockery-ware. 00 to 0RA1G ft WILSON. GASTONIA, N. 0„ FOB Wagona Buggies, and other Vehloles

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