to PMpSMUakfttT U Um eqalnoxra. m4 I« ftintin. qatok, white ta regard ,u Tha plnaM Moroury la at Sru la 8** H»jrtaa, ahoat Ua aUMteoT tba awatb la Soorpto, bat toward tba tod back la *5S2raStewSte^ntemI«JSlK,,‘*1 Uterf«te|iiHUaDoi( theatan eat aak bak haaomwiaa parpteslag to any «ba teaks tha powwr of raalixh* •t a Iwdy stewed froot a —Jy. Ytewtd from tbe atm, I ptecita aaaU ba sraa to ad ht tin saaM dinettes, t I a, fro* la pteots bat slightly la ta aask Mbtr, bat with aatqaal ..™. • thing aa ncro i eoakl oat take plaee. ■ • troas tha noth. a body la akatioa. tba taotteaa ot . . Mgaad tba son appear la aa OMItaly dUlsnat mao oar. nuppo* fac taa bodies to novo la tbe sane dl r*Mw at dlkasaat rmlta. It la tway to S Wtelaaswlf appear to atvt ta tha oppateU direction. Wkeaapteae. appaass to arose la the direction ta •Wrt* »*• saa appaan to no*a In tba te Tba apparent ptenat te alwats —i eartsio aloaga tba infsrtor eoe ttls rtttngrada Tba ._ . » U • aopttter planet— —* »b—.0»btt aatatopta tbah •***hhMjh—te atsiBar to that o< »u ia tha Ut >0 IS . Y«u>»Bbaatdnt la SanltUrlD* mdUteroala Caprleoraoa. Mtltit gf**” U>a um to ba ami JJJMOjJf i« rrfaa’ga^^a-^ aMala* aa aa amMax «aa at Uw lattar part of Koaeabar. and will act In thU JSS paaiuoa tor obaerratiou. neither notion g.ggN »w twatap ator. Japltar jjjf «U» aei aa coomiu* ■Ur. to|tln flrat portion of Um ■aMk tka xrart plaaot riaaa batman f**111*^*** 4nrtn« tba tat JoNdaak, ao that aa Mrifttar will aw tola boauUful ptanat latbaawura parUoo of tba akjr. bar **a»a la toi tbM of tba pltfeu tort ssfassrftjsgirs; •ftMHIM li Mm Mara, la an antay •nHHa yeaktoa for obaerratiaa. On tta ITtb of tba Month It Win ba U sxsszstJis^’OJSi *^»*T 4ariaigrtbaPSww£rr"S^ SttMSnsBUSJV tba pnaaaaa of Japitar. two acllpaaa w|fl oooar. an ana ml aelipaa of tba oon .SSl bo vlaibla hart. fMrtj Uw wbolo put of Um luaar dlok WM Tba baglaatnf af tba artlpaawdlbaa anartarof 7 la tba 25^ wi .boat 7 Mlnataa Mprtaadof their WWw2lS5w,2S*iitt3 to g^MW^tottbirjIy Of thair oar IntaaUon in tbl« irtiala to aalar SrHSa**™ «*» ™nri«nw it ia nrt im aawwaa a arietabe aot to du wfwbMba aMWaatty batman rolaiu Bate jnfat tmm tbaa tho Boat perfect air-poop can pr.<4aee. It nutt ifwmr, MhoMtRiod that, because thO OBaadaMitjpaCacjBK ta aapll, ttit <t Ik omUIimjntlcln Bast ■OOBMOfy ha •> ton. Tto reader aaa ready eoBMhand that ••alt baary pottWB. which aaa wtdriy separated. Bay coocUtulc s body of so extremely •Ball density. They in torn* very Cngonl reasons tor tha (apposition that ••bBjhWUnBlIUrBade op of sorb •Ball bedleo, ta tact that a comet is oalhlag hot an uwsMip of litlla •aaBan, though of the magnitude of uw* or those Meteoric hod mu wo are waaMa to (ay anything ooruln. As to tho oiUta la which ootoeta nova there prevails groat variety. While aH tha other Bombers, as plaosts and satellites •ova In otlipOM, the enaseu mow in •lUpwc*. poradolsa, sod hyvethjl.s, tha laUor two bring curves that do m>t eVwr, bat having tho property cubbuo ■nth tho slips* of hstng oomc motions. Of the sobs is tho orbits of o '< oh have hare computed 74 pet osn'. are para botle, ahUa oat a smalt i.nnlwr are hy perbola. Tboso wbjw orbits are ellipses bare either telui «d pcrtodlo oatly, .or their orbtu have hsso so changed by perturbations as to be oobooo longer near enough to the earth to ho wee. Bwatb of Um constellation Pan no* we ora at about 0 o'clock In the eve nt"* to coon* of tbe month of Decem bar two Wars of tbe third magnitude wbicb. (m eor junction of a fainter ilar form a email right triangle, elth one It* rather abort. This M the little cuneteUaiKtb Trlangulam, or the Tri ple. which would he to nalmportaut to be mentioned wet* It not fur the feet of tta pertaining to tbe u'tctent fuety-aight of Ptolemy. Dae noth of the triangle three etara at a ebon dw tafey from eueh other oonsttiuU tbe OhamterUtlc ooctguralton of the *> dfec d eonotelUtloe Artee or the Ram, which according to Hippo rchns. tbe mom famous of tbe eitrueomcm of an Oquita, and justly called tbe Father of Astronomy, occupied tbe (Jrel sign in the ecliptic, wttoh means that at that time the eeroal rqoleox was lu that constellation. lo consequence of the precession of the equieuxre, the coastal lotion Arles has shifted Into the sign Taurus, The prtocl pal atar lb Artec Is Alpha, or ilamal. a pretty doubts ater, and one of the nautical stars which enable tbe navi gator to determine the place where be M by measuring tbe distance of any of them from tbe moon. The other two •tan Id that cooetellation are llet* ■nd Gamma, all three terming a very obtuse triaaglewtth the obtase triangle M Beta. Northeast of Alpha la a lll de mar. fortr-ooe Arietta, which, with Triaogoll and Alpha Artetts, forms a little ssurtsm, eometlmes Called Rases, or the Fly. hut on the white seldom meutloued lu the oala loguve of Mare. South of Arles and Ftsoea la eitaeted tbo largest consulU thm lu tbe hearena—Cetua, or tbo Sea kluaater. lu bead lies a bool 90 de gree* southeast of Alpha Aceili* and Is masted by a pentagonal Agars of tUrs. Tbe southernasoet sign of this flgnre Is formed by tbs stars Alpha, or Mankar. aad Gaaaiaa. Mouth west of the latter at a considerable distance from Itis tbe •tar Beta, or Denrfc Cell, tbe brlgbteet la tba wbok constellation. This star ■arte tba tail of tbe monster. Id tbls ouostellatioa, near Ua esutar, lies the celebrated variable star, Omtoruu On, or, by tta mere familiar owe, Mira meaning the Wonderful. Its nature as a variable faint atar was Jiaou*ered in 16S6. During tba greater lime of its variability it Is a very faint atar of tba uloMi magnitude, lavlsibin to tbs uo aUed eye, but onee In 11 months it as sumes tbe brightness of tba fourth and third, aad even tbe second, magnitude. Tba conatrllatioa Fsrsues, 10 tbe north, and Taonm. in tbe nortbaai, are close ly approaching tba meridian, while in the weak A folia and Capricorn us have hat aad Vega and Cygnae are on tbe point of setting. Oapslla aod Aide bar ran. with the Pleladee, are high up. and in the east tba moat brilliaut group of on net* Us Ilona la tbe. whole baavaoe era rising op, abova sll the ■ago) Scent Mar-picture. Orion. The pressiioe of theas at as astir boar of evesiog aonoanoct Hie coming of tbs winter as*son. Kata amsas in Mia. When be got borne that nlgbt site ooofrooted bim at tbe door, and lie gasped with horror. She was not dreeled fur dlsoer aad aha bad oov arm Is a sling. Both thumbs ware done up in hag* bandages. There was a towel tied around her tousled haad aad • an* over oea of her syta. Tbe odor of liniment was heavy on tbe air. “For heaven’* sake, what bee hap pened?” be aakel Without a word she led tba way ioto the litUe drswlug room. Over tbe Oriental diaper Isa bad beau disposed artistleaJly, with spears sad armor. Jessing a baaoilfsl. eoey corner. A burnlog dimly, hang In lh« 'T pot It up myself ted*/,” she Mid MI bad grown tired of walling for yon te do it, sad the decora ten wanted |j0.” I is Mated himself luxortouaty among lbs pillows. -now MI aarui did row auo«g» it ■•oaar* ha aakad, with exaggerated ndninaUoa aad wondor. Ha knaar Jaat baar It was dooe, Ua bad alwayi had to pat tt up hlwa-M bafnrs thla. * 'Ol. Joat a |>bw of laad pt|w. a taw taaka aad a paper of ptaa,” aba .aid. saauras- "■ Than wars alaaac taar. In ua rota* Whan ba apaka It rsally touched bin to asa bar aundbig than tMadaaad lika a bcokao dnwn rasa bora*. Daatdaa that, as oaa kaaw how ha bad dr radii tba taak at paUlag h up Mwaalf. “Ah,” ba Mid. “wbaa *01 wsaso what a arMaas Imnra «ra wa win tba lava mt a troa Haatratabad sot hta nrwi «Cecti»u. ■rda bar, and tba Mills itrtog about bfa brad with a enni.. 1. Hear and kldaiy »*wan. and all feel baa 0T JPpaCita. po levee rrrowaam, _raa daw there’* aa aaad la ft*< _ __ I.W J. W. Oatdnar, IdaoMa, lad. Ua flaps: “Kluotna BUtera are jaat tba tblag far a Wan Wbaa ha la ah raa dawa, and don't aara whflMar hfl ItfOfl ar dtablt did man l&llpj:-® the iwialsre* Mwmms | CkkUa* mbunp. Tba traiu was full uf young mu re turning frum . CuutUU game. ^“•*7* good-trelwretl youth* they *M*> ortmfal of e*Mbuei%am. and fur •*b® «*« »*»* simply tioiaj aad htla noiu. Tha fellowu who were tm«*b|wg hale. Jerking tbo bell rope end calling the cukbtona of the seat* ware not Ilia Ptayen, bet tbo yelling sympathiser* who I tad wit peered tee game from tbe grao<UtMoJ. £*0j bed done their ehore of tbe pUylog wltb tbeir lunge, and eo far ae they were coacaroed, the gam * was rtllt going oo. Among the parerngert was a man of tomewbat altiladioous arid banv struc ture wbo hnd bean summoned to Uie country on legal business and wee iry •*ft uudrr difficulties, to study up tbe point# of hi* ceee ead decide uu sou* uUn of tfitiM. a* ww tilting la *0 fad seat, and ae the express train turned sharply around a carve one of tha boisterous youths lunged against bin. i ‘‘Beg pardoo, sir,” said tha offender, doffing Me bat with exaggerated polite net*. -Don’t meottoo It.” replied tbe oth er wit bout looking at him. lo a few momenta the train turned •harpiy la the other direction, with Uin siugular effect of aeudlog U« youth »gaunt tbe prcooouped paarengar again. -lleg pardon, air.” Avyareatly he had not noticed the confidence gam* played upon him by ib<* exuberant yoang man. l'rraetitly, however, the same glee eomo eathuetaat surged hreelly sg-lnst him, knocking his h»t down over hi* •r«e, while the train was proceeding ttouottily oo a perfectly straight track. “Beg ptnlou, air.” he icpealcd, aa before. Tbeu that tall u»,u came out of In* abwractloo. Ua rare up. grabbed lhut young mao by tha caller, yanked him across tt»e rod of the ant, with a dexterity that moat bare been acquired by long prac tice during some other period of hi* career be threw back tbe flowing por tion of tbe ioterveutug coat and ad ministered two or three roaring spank*. “Don't mention it !” be mid, cheer fully. tilling bin up and jammiug him down bard In a sitting posture on tha door of the alkie "Ho barm done at allI” be con tinued. churning him up and down with great Iwartloeaa. "Accident* wUI bappaa”—and be jerked him to hU feet (gain and tamed him round at d round like a teetotum—"It’s all right! Nubdj mludi thorn little occurences after a football game 1 Don't giro it another thought, l bvg you.” Jamming him down on tba rtnor again aa a parting pjrauuilry, he re tained hla lait, breathing rather heavi ly from the unaccustomed exertion, but otherwise unruffled. But the car was in an upr.ntr. Dazed by the suddenness and uuexpeclrd Mature of the proceedings, tba friend* of the young man bad failed (orally to bit support. How, however, a he rose op, con siderably orealfallen, bat full of sollen wroth and mattering vengeance, fire orstxofthetc formed Lbemeelve* into a kind of dying wedge and moved upon tb*t passenger. At thla moment a chunky man with a round, good-naturtd face rote up lo the next seat end planted hlmaelf in their way. “fair pUv 1” ha shouted. " I saw this whole thing, sod that young squirt didn't get any more than bo deseived. I’m to old men. but I'm unt golDg to see half a dozen pile on OuC without making a kick. You lift a hand against him and there’ll be two of us to fight by jocks !” Ha rolled track bis eleevra. disclosing a hairy and brawny arm, and there was a loll In the threatened onset. “Tbank you. my friend.” said the man ia the seat, wiping hla face with hi* I land kerchief. “I think it is quite likely yon have saved me from a good deal of trouble. I dost know why a la,” be treat on, trying to straighten out a hopclcatijr rumpled cult, “hut 1 mein to always grill eg into aim kind of meat. Thera's notblog in the world 1 bate worn, elthar. Hot, Orral tjcotv, who eaa stand it to have a craxy foot ball player falling all over him and trying to bare fun with him I" “He’a no football player," returned tbe other with hla eye on the young fellows, who aeemad to have eonolodod to coll off tbe attack. “He’a only h rooter. I was watching him while he was bellowing bla 'rub, ’mb, ’raha, and I bappeaed to aee bla little Anger nail. Did you ever eaa a football player with a llttl# Anger nail Imlf an Inch longf" “I think I barer did." “ Well, that'a what be carries. lie’s more likely to be a travelling agent for a wholesale millinery (bop, taking a ThaakaglVtug vacation, then anything else. I knew a young chap Ilka him onoe, with a flager nail of tbe same kind. Ha lost It by eom* accident, and a anybody Hid be held fuoetal ser vice* ever It." I hope f haven’t turned this young fellow's rejoicing Into mourning by separating him from bla pat nail" re Joined tbe tall man. rising as lb* train •towed up at a station. “But this is lb* end af gay Joaruey. I am giHlly obliged to you ror your ‘Interference', and raadlnaav to • tackle’ tbs whole of them In my babair. We eon Id have cleaned them out, though, by Georg* [ Well, goodby. My ouma la Gwil “Mr asms tg Spark*,” naawared bla friend to Bead. “Down wham I live I herein me Uncle AlWa Speck* " They shook bands, and Unci# All** went ns far a* I be dnor of tbe car nr IU him. ________ to IwUrt «a lha CkIMna. I Itao* UI-. B* JuH m lta||iii with tb* Mtofow—Bonu aliukM tad l*uor •no* af It* ahlkl M |*« hr* wttb jmir ■WO, and jodga bU road oat fr»«a lha elf I Id’* tlandyalnt t atbar than that uf lha adult Don't rspaat hi a* to la attf-rtraljr atdrrwaad Marti* without •uaviwitlOh, Uf «0f0 than you would •sprat bio* ta nod without taaahlog. tort don’t bn afraid that by haautitkf bto Inti Bata tort aonlldontlal frtaod yoo tone nay ii ttaroan a*ar blto. Jnat an anao m ba know* that ynt uadai •land bto toartd, that r*o awymstala bto taabt«i. that yon arapnUtt* with bto datoroa. towt you tra anstow tu af fori hi* ail tba bnyptoiaaa peatfbto, ba wM bonaaon aU tba mora ubuuWi to your biinawan and aawirol. It la oat ■ ternary alwtye to rsatoia to aotiin tba laaatm fir awry nrdrr gtvan Rot to to eartalaly oat »*to* that Iba ahlld ■Maid —aaretaul that rrary ardnr baa a rtaaao bank of It, ir« >Uon|ti j*> da Ml tail M* abut to to. Breaking Itoaae rkt sorthwr-slorn ChrlM^a ASvouaic “The train Wavs* at 0:03. Better hurry breakfaa'.. Meg.” '‘Somehow l oxn’t do a thing this morning. 1 go to Uie panlrv, and when I gat them I rwgel elm It la 1 want. Where la luotbrr •*» '•Up stairs picking tbe satchel.” "Poke tli* Bee a little, will you (a til er. I want t» mu op aome John br eak* for Dlek. It la ib« i*at lm‘ll get r«r goodnvk know* lm* long." And Meg brushed away a tcir with lb* corner of her apron. '• Wk«e la be father ?’» "Out In the bare." Ye*. Dick was out in the barn wltb bu arm amend tbe neck of bis little gray coll. Nan. "1 wish I waau't going.>• he nut teteJ. looking through tin? b*rn window at bis dove-ode. “I didn't thluk It WouKI lie »• hard. But I can't atay out here, for ruy tuns is eiooal gone Uo« db*. Nan,’’aud for a moment hta heart mud against the silky mm.*. •‘Gnodby, Nag. I’ll oome back aouie day.*’ AuJ with a lost look around the old familiar hurt), be went nut. .feat out side, in spite of tin* protests of lh* bristling mother hen he Stooped and looked at tbe brood of Jowuy chicks; theu the pretty Jersey oall'. Dick’s favorite, claimed hia at teution. Tbe big eyes bad a mournlnl look Dlek thought, ho stioked the soft neck. "PrettY Koaa,’’ he nur mured. But lm must harry t.n, for Dlek loved every living thing on the fsriu. and Ins lima was short In which to s»y goodby Nothing seemed forgotten, aud I* had Just eomplsted Uie rounds when Meg Orth-d III in to breakfast. "How mnoh time have I. fathsr V* asked Dick as be entered "An hour aud n half. Sit down. Call mother, Meg." Just then Mrs. Warien mined wltb a satchel There waa a look of suffer ing on her face, us she exosard the room and stood beblud Dick’s chair. 8ii« dbl ool ciy. but only leaued her bead down ugalnst bis. and her arms Wtut around bis neck. •‘Mother.’’ whispered Dick iu a Choked vole*, while Mr* gently pushed a chair close beside Dick's, For a moment no one spoke. But lhes« last moments wars too dsar to lbs mother’s heart tor her to gies way to her filer now, «o she took Meg's chair with a null*. After all breakfast Is quite a cheery meal, and Meg brunght blushes often to Dick’s ohrAa ss She guve him hluts about designing girls. Then the neighbors dropped In. Old Aunt Martha ar«s last to come, and Dick was loth tu let be go again; (or Uv felt that ic the bappy days of Ins re turn Aunt Martha woo'd not t« with (bent—her ship waa almost In tbe haven — as lin watched her plekiuq her way acruss tbe ttelds luward her At last t’*ey were all gone, ami noth ing was left hat to say goodby. Tbe iraok bad already been carih-d to tbe wngon. Meg aba by tbe window wuh her hand on Gueea’ bead Dour Qunss. wliat will he do without hie mailer Y All this morning he had seen Dick'a shadow, and bis oyes fastei.ed on Dick's face with a iook which plainly said : --Take me tilth you I” "Will, time to go. Dick,’’ said Mr. Warren, as he pioked op the aaicliel. Mrs. Warren looked quickly at the dock. "Why, no. father, not (or len min utes.” "I lease at 9:03, yookoow, mother.” Dick explained. ‘•And you must go now ?” i r»he wss at hia side iu an instant, snd pottiug her bands on bis shoulders gazed up tutu his face as though she would oever look sway Just at she looked wben sbe bent over James' Hi tie coffin and kissed him for the las' time—s look which sought bo fix bis face In her mind forever and at the same tims pierce the future and tee wbst It held (or her boy. Dick lunged U> comfort her. Ills heart w*s almost breaking, yet be coaid not ataud there awkardly ' holding hli bat. He Was not looking at bis mother, bnt off Into the distance sod was straggling hard tu keep back tbe tears. In Ins boyish heart he believed that to show any emotion was Humanly ; yet how he longed to tel] that dear, hard-working little motbar bow mneh bn loved her and how hard It waa to leave her. Bnt Mr, Warren wss calling from tbe wagon, and, after one last good by Dick was sods. In the farmbnuke that night a illenl Qf are Mole luto the antilh room under the (area, and knelt bj the bed. The moonlight, streaming In throngh the open window lighted up the dear disordered room and bed. Evidently nothing bad been lunched there that day. Far away tbe aarue moon w a* look lag down apon a young boy standing on tbo forward platform of a l rain speeding eastwards. Tba wot Id was before liloo, sod be waa looking man fully through bka tears Into the future braaklur home lleaf No. thai.k God 1 they era not broken. It may t« I some chance word or look will brina back to tba poor wanderer the dear old farm, the father leaning ore? the Bible, or tbe mother'a loving faee, an! with the rush of memory will come, too. tbo uld-llmo thougbco and dealrra. “bo. Ihe Ur U never broken. The abate la only Mnethaead: Me- arsta atooe oan break the tie That WnSa Ike brart to nows." taaattalbraiallafl. r«»n>s«o Tribune. ‘•I have noticed,” said the Rev Dr. Woodman. pausing lu bla discount*. • that t wu or throe of the brethren have looked at tMr watches several Units In tba last faw minutes. For fear tlteir IIemplaces may not agree I will any that the correct time la 11:45. 1 act ■ay watch by the regulator at tbe jesreler’s last night. Tbe srrwoti will be over at 11 01 It would have tlnerd promptly at 19 but for this dlsgrvetloa. Let ue proceed to oooefder sow what the apostle means when be say*, *1 prvaa toward the mark.” It la crrtalaly gratifying to IIm pul. Ho to know ot ono oooeero la U» Iuki wbu are not afraid to ba aancroua in Ilia Bandy aad anffnring. T»>a cnnel *rtoc» ot Ur. Kina'* Haw DMentm for Conaaatdlon. Ouoglia aad cWa. bav* glean aaray o**r tan Billion trial bottl— at tblO «r*»t rend tain*; and bn*o lb* antUt*ctlon of knoelng It ban ateolaialy cured tfaouaandi of AatnaM, la. 4 all dtaaaaaa of Ura aad Lout* art wtili _It. Call M I R Carry A On., DraggMa, aod fat n trial lotiln tie*. Kigalir im SO.’, and 1. E* ary botua g unran toad, or yr!«w r* faadad. WHKagvtnenl of «*u. Sun. U w uoiuuionIv vu|'po»d that one tun*l hurt? an undfit'iMdlcn uf m«*u lu tlM-)r v ii:i ui hiioitirM to Mito-^fuiiy to**-#; *1 ii.i ai, Ih*1 M’uio um'U u. <J iuQ]fl l»*vo Nuiloc knot*It'd*!' Mil I lit? mi J* ct T(j**y * i%* turn iMuniprA The miccvo* attending tli* camera of gleal ICeii lias generally result'd from llietr anility. natural ur arquWvl. U pick out Um right assistants aud get llieio t« u*< i li-ir beat effoit*. met find* are int always llm aunir. Sonii4 sjcu Iwy- v<i Ik driven and soma led. With evnry possible abu-i* of differ elier la-tweon tlm iwu prowKsaa Hut the »uco> naful managers »f mix, exhibit ,w*e ehtiaciaris’ to In coiumon. Tliey linen auumuod <»f ib-ma-lvra and pur sus If,eli cvurre whalevrr it may tw, with an evgn temper When tliey tfliee ki rj do so with m-.rd f.itoe r«lti er than physical; velici* llie lead It is with chert fill manner. Tlisy am ul Wm)S In i;m eat. ami th-ir purpoane ciiiumanit inajMcl. The driving own may tw very qu et. tl|-Hlgti list rinlned. it la hia |rr*i*lroce without patsinii tlmt bleaks down opposition. If he sh*<uM he uriogant, lie woold arouse ivsistniive n«d pei imps fail in his pur pose. The noisy, abusive, domlueoitog ruler of roeo may coinuiaid them through fear, but tie has no real bold upon them, and tlie moment limy me ffieeu MU o|iportnnlty to i-SCape tium bin lynmny they rebel. Qe |a lot « good mnnagvr nf men. iliough for ths tuna being they may obey him with alarruy. Succenaful niauapria of men Hu.He, tiinl they have beau s< trained by him that they »lll do their duly • listliar ir is ptrieul or absent: wheth er lie tins tho power to punish or ie Ward, or is the mete ag nt of another and higher authority. Such <i m«u rules by f«icu <•( character. hvoauan the meo under him have Irarued that he is fair-minded, sympathetic aud devoted to doty, lie is not arbitrary or bad tempered, bat has obtaluvd Cnutrul nrer I efore undertaking to control others. He t*. murroeer, an obsrrvHnt uhd and qulokly learns the disposition* of those wlmm he ruin and tlvnls them nccoidlngly. With oi<n Im Is Indulgent, with another severe; with all he deals J nsily. Such men are, ■ f oouree. -are. but these ore men aim use to the higher positions Id butiurts life; they lire the men alio ars fitted to become f<nptari'. managers and principals Snno of them are ltttc.1 for such (ataia by nature; all can qualify themselves fat higher others l<y Hiving some attention to the qualities requited nf Ihuee wrlmaie In miccesaful ly manage other men They must fl>*t of all learn to control theumelyrs *<• that their lemprit shall be even; tliey must he free irnm prejudice, able lo dial justly aitli all men; tliey must liavn a diOnile purpose in life und S'tlllo;i m ib-tenni nation lo follow it unswervingly. Mon thus conatituled Coinniaud lespect. and aie, therefore, flttnl to ru e or manage oilier and «e<ker cimnirters. T:»e common Idet uf n manager nr boss la of an arrogant, loud mouthed, cruel ruler who governs by llm leur Ue inspires; l>ut the led ruler* of men are gentle and just, hut pertiatrnl. They are men who control lhmu»-lvea and are thus fitted to con trol others. TMnalo Rrapilaaa Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of jjy. Bucklen’a Arnica Salve, cure* them, also Old, Running and Kevrr Sores, T'lcers. BoiU, Kelona. Corns, Warts, Cuts, Biulsee, Burns, Scalds, Cliapord (lands. Chilblains. Best File cure on earth. Drives out Pam* and Aches. Only 2d cl*, a box. Cure guaranteed Sold by J. *. Ourry nnd Company, Diuaglsts. We slionld nut count anything great or small, dune for u friend, as a small (Mug. JOB PRINTING. If You Want Any It Will Pay You to Have It Done at The ■* Gazette Job Office. -A NEW I.OT OK Colored Shirts New Pattens. Cross and Vertical Stripes. 50c to #1.00. The correct Styles in Stiff and Soft Hats at desirable prices. A COIPLETE LIIE OP EH0B3. 'llie be*t style* in Bov*, Mtssct, Children, Ladies and Men'* Shoe*. I.udics KM lined and Men’* lyonthrr lhied Shoe* for winter nt price* to Milt yon. CJothltiR, Ore** (food*, and Underwear at price* aa low aa we or anybody eloc cau afford. •I. Q. HOLLAND X Co. Perfect Health. ! ' p the system in perfect or • ' • by the occasional use <:\ *; - s 1 .iver Tills. They reg i..;->»e the bowels and produce A Vigorous Body. For sick headache, malaria, til i.'nsr.ess, constipation and kin •’.cd diseases, an absolute cm: TUTT’S Uver PILLS mi«r. at. I ) r. iK. HAWKE 3 The Pnmnns \ihinn on'ician -:UECKIVKL>: .. Gold Medal. . Highest Award Diploma of Honor For Superior Lens Grinding! and Excell-ncy In the Mmmfa.l uie nf 9(-e«! acle* and Eye (tlnssea. ijnld I" «>»et 8.0UU Cities and town, to 11*« United Suies Tlieao Fmuioiis Glnasrs f..r H<le i y— J. A HUNTER Save Your Wood Pile. Use a Hagy King Heater and wood will be cheaper than coal. \V; have them in all sizes and styles. LOXG BROTHERS gastonia, n. u. No dust, no dirt. Simple. Once use them, you will always use them. TAX! Stanley, Piiday Dec. 1, Alexia, Satnrdny morning •• a Hstdm Mills, Sal. rvrulng " i. Cair-enteia Store, Tue. mmu. “ 5. 9i. Marks, Tuesday evening •• 5. Hbertyrille, Wfdoesday " 0. Hovia More. Thursday •• 7. Dllllng Mills. Friday •• 8. Uessemr r City. Sntnrday •• t>. Grander* Mtn. Mills, Tuesday morning •* IS. Petteraou’s School House, Tuesday svetiliig *• 12. Crowders Creak, Wed. morn. *' 13 Pleasant Ridge. Wed. avenlug " 13. Hnstuuia, Dec. 13. 1G. 31, 22 and 23. la my absence Tax nniy Oj paid to Depaly Sheriff llob Xtliyne nt the county jail. These appoint menla g|v- eyery ooa a reasonably convenient opportunity to meet me. I ask all to lake advantage Of them and save yourself as well as u>», trouble and expense. Respectfully, W. T. LOVB, bliertfT (lastou Connty. BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY! Gaston Co., Bible Society. Tbe Uaatnu County llihle society has a depository at Mr. J. A. Hunter's Book store wltern you can get Hit-tea and Teatamenta ol the American Hilda Society Issue at. coat. an*. 24.1 yr. CAR0LI1A I I0RTR1 RSTBllTifT. MJIB4VLK AKD («XBMCTtO«ll M nWVtATT JliRK 4. ItM. O. W. Fa H A HPBB, PrptkkiiiL * KNfffrti Tim• WoiwforA. 004*0 nxrr*. I Ho. w. Fo.w. CiiT- itfTii U«vq 10® « id ; I01fta no tssjgfc sg:s LeuvuMtoyor ... Btotm Uaar*OwonoU I stum KtllMta..... I 40pm tauy. IJ-iootnUio... 4 4U um SySSteS:::".: ifiSS .rrty* U.ujy .. * m tmmK«l(u4Uih« w. mu ran "'•11/ «•»►« . Train* Nor. m aad <1 rarry ■^rr^\j .r- aL,-. ^trss: S&zfe'swxnir&t$ Cl<«4r ■•IvaMjf* roinllfli or mfrwtoni vtVb »h# ^«jjU4rJg^ J. M. uuuiik, :t* t',‘C n. r. maukhu/u V!'0, i.. T. HtnHnuLtZZy1, U _____ Choice vegetable will always find a ready market—but only that farmer can raise them who has studied the great secret how to ob tain both quality and quantity by the judicious use of well balanced fertilizers. No fertil izer for Vegetables can produce a large yield unless it contains at least 8% Potash. Send for our books, which furnish full information. We send them free of charge. GERMAN KALI WORKS, M Nuus St.. New Yc»i Southern Railway. • . . rn;: , . , STANDARD RAILWAY OF THE °'">lITU - T%» nirwi Mm i« 411 roinia. TEXAS, (•ALIFORM A, FLORIDA, <JLIiA AND 1*0 UTO RICO. Ctrlotly FIRST-CLASS EauW ment ° on-ll Through and Lo el Tra na Pullman Palaca Steeping Cara on all Night Trains; Faat and Sato Sched ule#..— awn Trsffl hy I hr Maacbrrn sud gee • rr aaaerrd a bar* Case (era able smM ClpHlItloai Joararj. . • • APTLY TO T1CHET li'.CMi ft»|l TfWX TAMh** litw a>u omnAi. mroKiuTroM, oh AOfiMBAE *1 a. VKHMOX. V. B. toAHHr, T. H. a.. c. r. a r. a„ CbArkutr, H. C. Ar**c\ IIH». |i. C Ne TrouWir aw iM»w«r gamiUms. FHANK 8 GANNON. 8.1 V T. X Get. Man. J. M OUU» Tr.lllc Msnajrcr. W. A. TURK. ( I'.imi *rr A«-I>1. Professional Cards. ' yVni- JI. le ivis7 — ATTORN BY-AtI„\W — GASTONIA, X. C. Practice* wherever Ills wavier* ai# irquircd, Ai d nlprd« lu all mailer* >»f administration sod guardianship for his cl If LtC, without Him toenu venieue* or cipeu»e uf a trip Ia the court-house Ctjkvmu* Li. Hollaau I.ccrm J. IlnaArn BOLLARD A BOLLARD, * (Ol’KIELLOHl. AT LAW. DALLAS K. C. Practice in all Ilia rourle. af. G JK&A GUJU, —ATTOllKEY-A T-LA W QAJITOKIA, N, V. Will pructlee in the courts ol G**to.» and adjoining oouotlei aud In Urc Pndcrxl Court*. it. B. WILSON, ATTOHNtY-AT-LA W CASTOXfA, N. C. W. H. Hoffman & San, —DtSNTltna OAJSTOXIA, - • • • N. C. «*■ Office o»er Kirat National Bank. Phone 73. P. H. FALLS; DENTIST. Oastoxia.N. G. "*•" 0w »r»wwy * Heavy** Mare. APHl.iauan, MeAdtntUkr. Mtb Wth o« r«rL month. Uoyer. H. G., i»lh-a0Ui of ccb month. Dk. I). E. McConnell, —DXNT18T— Offloe flr»t Boor tl. U. A. Hulldlu*. . GASTONIA. • • . . N. C. ’rnoxB 6ft. j- o. WTUTESifTC . PHYSICIAN A STTRUEON. ^ pWfllBlo#|| NTvtMt lO (ka mmiiU SnPE JE3? *: vTSAT, zz?' SomT.I* vthaitaa’!!! ,Z?tr‘' E5°"h* auontlan JpeehM^MloBttaa riven to chew* or women **r**|r **—»**■ ll(lapk«i,li Dk. w. h.chowkll, 1*H YB1CIAM A BUROEOX, OA»TON|A, h. o. OOlno under Y. M. C. A. IMy 'rhotie 1«. ^|ght |>t«on«t. ]0—A. !_ Pun* hm^. . • » y t [ >1 T1.« toe* of U.e>mFKprANt> *• Li. lh# •»■»'"* of the pin#* In IM 1^7.? * "•‘•re’e own handiwork. ’I**"® .J7JI ■*>*• leaf, dower and iSrii. * fu" lh® ha I won y of iwrt delicate «.>und». 7 Yoo can eetnre on* on *rry convtuUi.t Imma. *""■ eon ceeAuiei-a ♦*♦»»» eernrr. • ■-igsa%_

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