The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Borne end the Interests of the County, Vol» xx» GASTONIA, N. C„ THIJKSDAY, DECEMBER g|, 18»0. .Igy , THK«LD BATTftWV Hiller A tlunalai »*r| m( Ik* Day* Imi. 1IUH| ■U9WiUla« Ik* Waraf Baalk are lali|iBl»ar*. Mlai CJanJInc Uhalt In Owlnton Kmwl Deodar. Hi would never have taken a prlti for beauty at a borae ehow. (or bi an tall and almost preteruaturally thlu. with throe white logi. n It>u>ui now nod a piebald faod. Ilia uwuar, the bcrgeaot, wld that. If yon laid your hand over the white aide and oalv looked at the brown one you would perceive that lie had a beautiful rye, bright, steady and remarkably lu- ' telligaot, but caaual observer*. who never took the trouble to verify the soiree in ees or tbla atvurilon. limply declared that lie waa ugly and bad n qQIxxloal exprvaalou of eountrnaoc-. TM original namt of tbl* battery boraa waa Napolvou Bnoapartu, but it had beeo aborteusd to IViiiy, for eon vsoianoc, and because It was exactly suitable to bl* gaunt appearance white in the service of Souttsru (ouMsraty. His master, tbe beegaant. bad Xu a member of a distinguished llglil bat tery of artillery In tbe Army of North ern Virginia, wbu. after Geo lien's surrender at Appomattox, bad been awarded this bone for "gallant and meritorious o-mducl,” and liaviug beeo disbanded, be rods the borse slowly boaae to Alkeu, whete his family then resided. Oar ex-aoldler was food of Bony aud vary glad that bis commander bad turned this animal over to him. sod being of an aatbnalaatio disposition, ba evaa want so far aa tu say that lie had acted nobly towards him, for he con sidered this angular quadruped tu have been tbe bast of tbe thirty fire tioraes which had belonged u> the battery. 8jam people thought this must be a partial vlaw to taka of Boot’s worth, out surely tbs Sergeant must bar* known wboreof be spoke for had be not been four years wilb the battery, except when he waa ill with typhoid fever In tbe hospital, and another Urns after Sharps burg, where be was so badly wounded? Tbe Sergeant not uolr ateted that he loved this borse. but be respected lilm, baoauwa be waa braver than any man ba bad ever met ; for while Buoy despised bombshell*, and would erup tbs grant aa soon as hit gau waa uu llmbarwd for action, aveo when they sere falling around hlcn, tha Sergeant knew that be and the other fallows ware afraid of them. This dread never kept them from taking tbe tMlterv into tbe hottest places in VS# battled eld, however nor Trotn working Ibelr '’pieces” until they were Mack from head to foot with smoke and powder. Indeed they bad retrieved compliments from Geo. Lee aod Geo. Jackson, personally, more Ulan owes, aud Geu. G. P. Alexander the chief of artillery was pro ad of thalr pluck. We ware also Informed that Bony had a great spirit and I bat it waa grand to ssa him take bis guu into action, No 1, (tbe bergvaut's piece.) almost always getting Into position drat and opening fire before tbe others had Wheeled Into line. lie waa grate fnl U> Bony for this aa It bad bsaa the ambition of the ex-soldier during those long years of combat; we aua peoted that bis own teal bad losplred tee battery bores with this desire for priority, but that idea never seemed to oecar to the Sergeant, who was a roods*t man and t never pretend him self. naob |uq «m drawn by four boras*, and wbso ib« espials would call out lo liia strong, Arm voloe, “Limber to tbe front,” Bony understood tbe order Juat aa well aa did Ibe men. He was the lead-horse of gnn No 1, a beautiful brat* “piece,” which he would drag forward Just aa fast a* ble long leg* could carry It eufuelng bie own energy Into tbe limbs of lb* lea* ardent animals beroaaavd to ibe tame gun. Moat people believe that buraca bare no eculs, but tbe Sergeant knew that Bony possessed one el** bow ooulit be have endured eo cheerfully tbe depress ing Influence* of abort ratlone and had roedaf He was atroog and always willing and when tbe wheel* of Ui* gun carriage would almost disappear from view lo those awful red elay mud boles through wbloh tbe artillery bed to be banted Bony would pull harder then any of the other bora**. The whip had to be severely applied some tlaaesto nrge moot of tbe poor creel area but no lash ever touched Lb la favorite's lean aide*. After tba Sergeant name to Alton ho aoon made friends with awry one, being a baodaome frank energatlo voeng man and, paaaeealog nothin* but the clothes he wore and Bony he promptly gut a tight wagon and began taking pawugen and freight from that town to Colombia—tike neon's army barlag destroyed the railroad oomaraaleailon between those point*. Bony eras all Important in this eater prim', be and hi* matter travelled hack and tortb at regular intervale, and nearly all the money they earned by Ibis hard work was tented over to the Sorgaant's mother for femlly use. the rx-soldier aaylng lightly : “Ok! Bony and I een rough It. W# are not high Uv*«.” Bcoept for a Uck of sheila they led very m0*h the earn* kind of life that bad breo them in Vlrglala, and were open tbe eama footing of Intimacy, for they bad to neap out one night eitbet »«#—**>• pemuogers oooupytag Um wegou, Bony bntng Utbered lo a wheel •** beneath l.ta vehicle. With e pistol within easy rteeb of hi* head, hone Mealing having baeomi a common praotlee. Bony's white lego ware e great eoovenleoee at this time, aa tbe Sergeant an a Id eve them area wbee ibe animal was brows ing at e little distaste try log to add to e eeanl supply of provender by dlli gen* enm cropping. A bent three ml lee from Aiken there ts a farm whisk eat called Soooytidv. white there time stood * large rsmb 1 lad boom whom Mg, oM-ftohioned garden waa gay with ream ead peta ataa. Over tbe eotronoe gets there vis sobered a ewvetbrUr vine, which perfemed lire Light air while dirt dive flitted rttuund tbe flowera end lu end <>ut of tbepinxxi pjeta Here there lived h hoeptlable family, and tbe Sargeaal belof a relative, and pvaalag by >n often noon fell Into Ibe way of •topping regularly on hie return trip from Columbia, to visit hla couatna. This houae waa wed lilted with people or all age* and our ex-aoldler aooe fell Id love with one of tbe glrla whoee name waa Kate. Tliey were very c»n geotal, llitaned wftli sympathetic late rest to *11 bis talas uf army life and taking a pride In the record of our battery whleh waa truly gretifjlng Upon only on* point dill (bey disagree and that wea about Hony. Site called him an aglr creature sad said that wheu be livid lily thin neck high la the air m ha often did bn reminded her of a giraffe. Now obaeryatlona hurt tbe Sergeant’s feeling*, tor Im realised that Bony was half-atarved and (bat If he had hot had a brave eplrll be would long before thla have drooped hie errat and have refuaed to labor 10 much to pletae the muter whom be lovrd. tlo explained all lbl* to Katie, but aha held ou to Iter oploIona and partly to taeae him euggraled that be tliould sell ilooy and buy a aloe Mask home which drew well Id a baggy. I'd* sergwerii got downright angry at Ibis plans of adrioe and t>» Informed Katie that l*s would never writ hit bwltary horse, which nad been hts faithful companion under such trying circumstances; and being Indlgnaut tlio out time ho traveled long the Stole road lui drove liy Surnyilde giving Kale a bow n« aho a«l on tha pUts* expecting him to outre In TIm mia'ginmt did not last long aa lie waa soon Invitrd lo oelrbrmte Kalla'* birthday which ba area glad to do hut at this time he made* great mistake for lo prove to her that Bony was a drooght horse ha hired an old bony and took bar out driving In tha afternoon. Poor Bony I lookad mors Ilka a giraffe than aver whan bitched to thla rattletrap which waa very low aod Kalla enuld beioly refrain from laughing at hto appear ance; but they eat off aod enjoyed them eel res very touch until they earns to a bridge over Shaw's Creek where a little donkey emerged from a thlokei, aod standing In front of tbe horae bayed loudly. Bony waa pools stricken. ' He bad beard sliella borat around Men ' tut nothing so unearthly aa iciw'a Umy aod wheeling awddeoly be plunged off tbe bridge into tbe creek below. Tbe baggy was overturned aod Its o ecu panic thrown Into the mud and water, without being hurt. No barm waa done exoept that Katie was furious at being made to look ridicu lous and she vented her wrath by ttytlog the bone *‘a horrid wratoh." Katie ran Into a cabin near by and ibe Sergeant looked at tba aceoe of tbe catastrophe, where the buggy lay bottom upward lo the stream ; and oo a mud bank beyond elood Bony with bta tail flstisg In tbe wind snorting and gating alter the donkey whleh waa ploddlug along tba road, switching his tail aud looking aa Innocent as If Ire had nothing to do with Uielr mishap. “Just like all mUeblefmakers," aoltl ooutxel tbe Sergeant. "If 1 wsa not afraid that Bony would run away I would go after you and bast you for wing auch a blatant little fool." Tbe Sergeant was Daortided by Bony's misbehavior yet be did not use lilo roughly and when tbe bone trad cun* to bis summons ha eaki severely. ‘*X am ashamed-of you. Howoouldyou have acted like a cowardly marah UckeyT” Bony knew that ho had doue wrong and waa in dlagraoe and If ha ouuld have spoke* I am ears that be would have said that he was aorry ,bul not being ablelo do sobs only twitched bta ears. The Sergeant got another horse ami buggy from a neighboring farm sod by and by tbs ttma ho bad returned Katie bad repaired damage* and looked particularly prattr in epiok surt-bouoel aim bed borrowed. He told her so which was very Jodlolona aad then they drove borne In tbe moonlight troubled ooly about a gold bracelet that had clipped off her ana lute tba water and waa lost. It was never found but bu gave her a wedding ring aome months later, and ebe assured Mm that she valued Ibis ornament more than all IU bracelets lo tba country, ao tbe matter was forroUeo; but a cloud (till rested upon liooy’a reputation and Katie would oaver drive behind him aav more. Tbe Bergranfi lather owned a plan tation on tba ooeat and after hit mar ring* tha Sergeant moved to Hope wall, wbera the newly married couple wore vary busy and happy, and Uooy waa lnvalaabta, aa bit master rode him every day and often aant him In a ourt to tba railroad station to haul house hold effects. Tills was dnrlsg tbs winter, but when summer earns round, to avoid malaria, they went to a little oottep on aare island oear bj. where It was a charming reeort until a West Indian hurricane came tanrlat op tbe Atlantic ooeat which struck the Maed on* night. Rain fall la tomato. Um wind blew wildly and U»e surf roared lemrertv. The nrrt morning lamps bed U be lighted tba olooda wma jo Uaoh that summary day. Tba Sergeant hoped that the wlad would autwida with Urn tide but aL*.1’4*4 8► wb«n they •booH have bad low water, tba cases way leading to tba mainland was still oomplstely submerged. Ueiag oUiged to go bo tied Kalla to tba asddls moootsd behind her oo Bony andtbey Mi off amidst tba fury of Um gale. When lher reeebed tba causeway they found that It waa.ooly fetlock deep lo water at times, bat groat waves .broke over It Mhtieoally end the rush and swirl of tba water waa awfol. Bony would advenes a few fast sad thru, la obedience to tba gnldlog rata be would stood still and bonce elib all bla might ;«•*■* baratlog avstsueba of > foaming brlao, whieh would threaten taewrvpMm Into deep eater, whence they would never have emerged alive. lb* battery koras dghilng for ibetr life* agateet wind sod ocean, with s Mrangtb and sensible ecu rags that was Italy magnificent, aatll at last they got upon lilgh land and reached a frieod’a boon*, drenched arith r«ln and chiliad almost to the haart by that ray* log wlod. Rory waa a > exhausted that ha trem bled lika an aapao leaf and coaid hard ly get to ttoe auble. share he (ell pros trata wlib a gross; bitlha Sergeant soon ustae to bin with a qaert of hot wblakcy. aod bavlag got tbla down hla throat, baaet half a dutni negroes to work rubbing him hard, aod ao lo an hours tliaa tbc hoi as waa afoot ones more and acting bis o»ro with relish. When the Sergsauit opened bis win dow next rooming be called, “Katie, come ticca,” and In a moment aba waa at aide looking at the polul where tlielr house list] stood. What a light met their Ttaw t A. vast expanse of tumult* uoua, tossing water sens alone visible. “Bony eartaloly saved our liwc last even In* I” was all be said. •• Vea, by God's help,” replied Katie, in a awe struck whisper. After brrakfast the; rial lad tbs stable, where Kails gave Uis bailer? boras a lump of sugar and kissed him oo bis piebald fores end. Tbs Use giant was delighted at Mils attention, bat Bony took do not Ins of Kails, bo only whlnoted softly and robbed bis bead againat bis master's aboatder. wben tbs letter slapped bltn on tbe flank mid tnld : “Bony, you art tba beet borne In tbe world and I tball lore you as long aa I Urn." "And so (ball I," echoed Katie, beartlly. Well limn wrntnu and things pros pered at Uopewell, and aflor a while Bony grew (aland would bare been sail ed handsome but for bla ugly faee. He waa very happy on lbe old plsnUlloo. where Ike grata grew green ell through the wtoetr, under the greet oaks oo tbe lawn, and he waa eared for and petted by every oar, Katie most of all. whoaooe lliort even told the Bergeanl that be ought not to ride bio looanoh because •be would not bare Buoy work ad bard, which announcement aeusd Bony’* master very touch, but be lored her all tba more for bar appreciation of the merits of Ills old army companion At length, tomo years later, upoo so April day, a thuodcr storm broke oyer Hopewell when B my was la tba pas ture. sod as the rain wss d leaf ratable ha sought pro lection from It a Oder a large tree, brows!og beneath the beeglis tbougb tba Itglitnlog waa flsslitog acd tbs lb a oder rumbling oyer bead. Per bepe tbs bet'erv liooe remembered tbe beulre In Virginia end was reminded of tbe bursting of the bombshell*, but at any rets he waa oot disturbed by Ibis war of the slamauls Suddenly there waa • wonderfully yield light In tba sky, followed by • lerrlllc crash, and behold I tbe tree was blasted and tlis battery burns lay dead upon Uis ■ward without a struggle or a pang. All were grieved by tbU occurrence, the Bvrgenul m m especially, wbo bad B>wiy burird where be bad failed, the Injured tree cut down sod a young oak pluoted oyer bis old friend’s grave This has now attained a considerable alia and a brass plain bas barn embed ded la Its trunk upon which Is in scribed : Died. April 15tb. 1M6. Booapsrtr, The beet end bravest battery horae. Of-llaUery, 1st Corps. Army of Northern Virginia, C. S. A. Min Dal aw Nlskw. Ckcator laalwrs. Yrsterday morning we received oor regular weekly eotlos of e rise of 17 or 13 per cent, on top of ell previous ad vances Id tbe price of envelopes, and the dealer does not agree to Oil orders even at these price* but reaervse tbe right to advance price* without notice. We received g telegram also In re sponse to an order for oapar notifying ns of n ria* of nearly In per cant in pries, in addition to a recent advance of 80 per oaot.. and asking whether to •hip or not Of course they will have to ship ; we era obliged to have paper till we ship our business. There Is no uas to countermand (he order end send It to nnollter bouse. The price would be tbe same ur a little higher ; the trust hae lUclurobes on tbrm all. The chancre are that before we got our or der Ailed .mother advenes would be aunoanoed. People who get their papers and printing at former price* are forln ant", and lhay may knew that ike pub lishwr end printer are su Sr ring for It. As everybody almost Is beginning to (eel the bordeos Imposed by trust*. It Is not surprising that President Mo Klnley. tbe exponent el the protectors of trusts, thought It good policy to make e feint lo bis mesa*go as ir be would strike tbeos oppressors of tbe common people. Tko «u iwlowiMim. A Must* Oanotuuiloa. "It’o aquaer wuri’,” mM tho old mu. “whan you com to think it over. You know I oddlotlrd Jim for a law yer?” “Ye»" “An' Bill for • prouder ?” “Kxontly.” •• Ao' Torn for oao o’ thoee Hero lite rary felloe*?" ••I'M I word to.” "Ah' l)iok fer o dontor?” "Yoa” ‘•Wei, now whot do yoo reokuo I'm • doin’ of?” ‘ Can’t any.” ••Well, olr you Dual not Mtwee It, Hut I'm • NyMtli' of Jim on'Bill, on* Tom, an’ I>Mk, on’ It k*op» mo • coin from daellglit to dork I” 4> a cure for rbraaillia Chamber lain'* Palo Balm la jratatof a wide reparation. D. B Jotiriatoo of K'ob moud, Ind , haa barn l ran Mad allh that all oat Hoca IM1 Itrapnklaa of 11 ba my* i "I never toood any tblni that woaM nlmva at nabl i aaad Chamberlain'* Palo Balm. It a«U Nha mafia with m Mjr r-ot ta •woiteo tad paining an Wf moon, bat aaa food .191 Halloa of Pain Bala raltmed me. for aMt by J. K. Carry A company. ■ TWAIN IN Nauru AT NIC A. ■ la TNn mt tin DUmmJ Niaaa, The 81. LouU Nepubhe. Mark Twain Welted South Africa two or threw nira ago la hi* b a>k. “Following the Btgu aor,"h* dererihgt •o me thing of hi* experience* and obser vation* there. II* w*i lata ratted fa tha gold minea at Jotiaaneaburg. "The cyanide prnceee wat new to me.” ha write*, and full nf Intacvnt; and among tha ooatly and elaborate mining machinery than* wire Bun thing* which were now to me, but I waa already familiar with Ibw rret uf the detail* uf Mm gold mining lodmtry. I hod b*«n * gold miner myeelf, in my day. and koewaubiUotiailr everything tbat thoee people knew about It, ex orpt I tow to m*ka rnouey at It. But 1 learned * good deal about the Boor* there, and that waa afterward* repeated to me lu oilier parte of S >utb Africa demised up—Aooordlag tithe Informa tion tha* gained—UiU l* the Boar: “Ue it deeply reltgtoue, profoundly Ignorant, dull, obeUnal*. bigoted, un evenly In hi* bsbttn. boepiU We, hooeal In hie dnalloae with the white*, * hard mnatar to hie black eervant, n lover of political Independence, a good bu*b*nd end father, not fond of herding to (Other lo town*, but liking lb* Bantu - alon end lemoteueee eod eolltade eod empty reetnene end eileuo* of Ue veldt; a mao of mighty appetite, nod not detl oete about what ho appneme It with; willing to rldo n long Journey to take n hood In a rude all-night doooo Inter •peraed with vigorout feeding and bolKemne Jjllty, but reedy to rid* twloe n* far for « prayer meeting; pomd of hi* Dutch end Bagaeoot origin eud IU rrltglau* end military bletory; proud of lit* raea'e achieve monte In South Afnon. Ite bold pluage* Into boetlt* aod uncharted deerrte In march of the**, edit ode* uo vexed by the peeterlo* and debuted Krtalnh, also iu viator tea over the native* and the BrIUeb; proudest of nil. I he direct aod idfeeive Internet which Dlely baa alway* taken In lu attain. “He cannot read, b* eaatiot write; be boa one or two cewipaprre, bat lie le, apparently. Dot aware rf It; until lately be bed no gchooU, aad taught bln cMMreo nothlDg; new* In n term •blob ha* no mrenlng to him. end the thing Itevll be oars* nothlogabout. Ha hale* to be taxel and rveeul* It. Ue ha* etoud stook Mill In South Af'to* for two neoiarlm eod a hair, arid would like to (land atilt till the eod uf time, for be ha* no aympathy with tb* Uulacdcr notion* uf prugrves lie la hungry to be rich, fur bn la human; hut hie prnfrnrnc* haa bean riche* In nettle, not lu Bo* olothta nod doe bOU*r* and gold and diamond*. Tb* gold and dlsmond* have brought the god in* »t ranger within lug gate*, also conlamicatloo aud broken repose, end be wletwt that they bad never beau discovered.” "to tbe train Uist da? a psaseuger told ms mom mure about B mr life oat in ilm lonely reldt. Ho Mid the Boer get* up earl? aod Mia fall ‘niggers’ at Utelr taate (pasturing tbe oattla. auto t iog them;) eats, smutci, drawers, sleeps; toward erenlng eapnnutec J* the tnllkloc etc. seats, smokes, druwaea, goaa to bed at early candlelight in the fragrant elotbee be (and aba) bare worn all da? every week-day for yean. I re member that teat detail, in Oil re bobreiuet’a “Story of aa Afrtoan Farm.* Aad the paaaadger told me that tba Boere were juetly noted tor their boepl ullty. He tokl me a story about It. Be aald that bk* grace the nishop of a certain see waa ooce miking a Imtleeea progrna through the Uvarolesa reldt, aod oue night be stopped wltb a Buev; after supper waa ebown to bed; be un dreesed weary and worn out, and waa soon sound asleep;lo the night he woke op testing crowded and eoSbeatad. and found tba oid Bov? aad bit fat wlfa la bed wltb him, ooa on each aide, with all tbalr cloth re on, aad souring. He had to stay there aod stand It—awake and sofforleg—ootil toward dawn, when sleep again fell upon him far aa hoar. Then be awoke again. The Beer waa goce, bat tba wife wae etill at bit aide.” e a e '■Neat to Mr. Rbodes, to me tba moat lulsrvettug ooeralelow of aatare In South Africa waa tba diaaaoud crater. • * * There ere many strange Ullage In human bletory; one I of tbe strangest U that the sptrklmg diamonds laid there so long without ox citing say ooe's Interest. ‘“The revelation os me at last by au oldent. Ja a Boat's hot oat In Use wide aolltudw of the elaloi a traveling stranger noticed a ebitd playiog wltb a bright oldest. and was told that It waa a pieoa of glaea whieb hod baao fuuod Id the reldt. Tba stranger bought It for a trifle and carried n away; aod being without honor, made another stranger believe It wea e diamond, aad no got |125 out of blm for It, aod was aa wall pleased with b'mself sa If he had done a righteous thing. la rails the wronged sirangar said It to a pawn shop for ftd.800, who sold It to o couu lesa for goo.OOO. who said It to a brew er for 8800,000. who traded U to a king for a dukedom aod a pedigree, aod the king ‘put It op tae spout,' I know these pertlealare to be eorrrek. "The news flew droued. and the South Afnose diamond boons began. Tbe or Ig I Sal traveler-the dish on vet one-sow remembered that be bad ones seen a Beer Hamster chocking bis wagon wheel oa a steep grade with e diamond ae large sa e football, and he bed laid aetde hie occupations Md Matted oat to boot for It, but not with Urn Is teat loo of ebaailag anybody out ef 8118 with It, for he bad reformed. THadarp ailolof I* dnu* by tuUlvm. Thor* aro waiiy bondrrda of uto«. Tbo* tiro la v>*rtm Mill *mai»d in Imw of • *r»»i *>tai»*nd. Tnoyaro • Jody Md good aol* rod tot, and m oowwodothw Tbay pwhraad a war «a*w far at. wfetab vaa lb* wtMao •ahthMinn | biro aoorwoa. Tbayaro ooi allow'd outaido of Ibo manaatj dotlaa ibotr tona of tot vto»—ihro* month!, I think It I*, aa a rut*. Tbay ■h down (ba abaft. stand IMf watch, cnrna up Main, an saarcbsd and go to bad or u< task —uTtnaati la tba oomp mod ;asd till! rouilna tbay repeat. , day In and day out. -It l« lbought that tbay do ant iwr ateal maajr *'-1i liinnamfiillj I Tbay used to a ml low tbam, aad S 4 other ways of nwcsaltag tbam. bat , ilia whlla mao found ways of Tmiltai thHr mrluus naans. Ona maa tot bis leg and eh.iesd a diamond lata tba wound, but anil that project did not (uoaaed. Whan tbay lad a Aim, larga diamond tbay ara moca likaly la report it than to steal it, for lo lbs fur mar naaa tbay gat a reward, aad la tba 1st «»r they ara quite apt to manly gat luto iroaota soma yaara ago, la a mint not owned by tba D» Basra. a black found whetbia bean claim«1 l> ba tba Urge* dlamaad known la tba world’s b tab try; aad aa a reward- ha was nlaaaad from larrlaa aad glrao a black*, a boras aad 1500, U tnada him a VaadsibUt Ba mU bay fa* wlr* and hara mwany laft. Four »**«• «• »«pW aapaoet tor s * Ufa. With four wires ba la wlielly ladauaodeat, and oead oanv do a *n>We of work again. * Th* gnat diamond walghi 971 o.trwU. Bums aiy It Is aa Mg aa a Plata of alum, otbara aay It ta as Urge as a aits of rock candy, bat tba bmt authorities agras that II la alma* at* astly tba ()(i of a bunk of too. P* tbosa details ara a* Important; and la my opinion, not ti oat worthy. U baaa fliw in It, irbarwlm It would bt af lo otodlb'B Mina. Aj It la it U bald ta ba worth $1,000,000. After ontttng It ought to ba worth from $5.000 000 tu •b.OOOJOOO, therefore parson* dost ring to anra money should buy It now. U In owned by a syndicate, aad apysuwav ly times Is no sal lafsc lory mark* for It. K i* earalnc nothing) it la sating Its basd off. Up to this Urns It Ii ta utda nubjdy rich bat tba lutilM who f-Mind It. Tha Kob-1-noor It • Urge die » • id, and ealu'h't; bat It aanaot In thaw in4tier* with tbroa which, ao »<rdla« id lageud. era among Urn ore wu trinket* of PurUgal and Bumia O «a of tbaoa It bald to b* worth «*>.«» 000; another 8S3.000.600. and tha UatrJ tuowthtng ortr 8W.OOO.000 • "Tiewe are truly voudarf ul diamond* whether they esUt or sol; Old Jot they are of bet loti* ImporUuoe by 00*3 parUm with the .«M» wtn-rewlth the Boar wagoner thotkol Ala wheel uo •**^2 P*b « heretofore referred to fa Klmbarly I had inm ooovTtuloa with the aio who haw the Boer do that—on luoldeot Which ooonrred tweaty-toeen ur tweuty-alght ye«ra bo fore I had my talk with him. Ua a* •° red row tliat that diamond’a value aould hare naan orar a bUtfcio dollar*, but not under it. I ballored hire, liw eaum ha It-td devotod tweoly-e-epn year* to hunting for It and wa* in a p-*JHonto know. • mm ••Before Uw mUlJle of Jn'y we reach'd Cape Town, end Ih- - <1 .if our Afitoau J luraoyloga. And wWl aallatled. for tnaering above a* war Table Mountain—a reminder Ihal We had n >w earn each and ell of the great restore* of Mouth Africa except Mr. Cedi Rhodes. I real It* Ibal that la a lares exarpllnu. I kauw quit* well that whether Mr. Bfaodoa U the lofty aud worshipful patriot sod etnteanreu that multitude! beilerc hint to ba, nr Satan cone again a* tbe real of the world eccouot bin. he U atlll tlw moat Imposing flrura la tbe BriiUb Empire ou'ard* of Baglrud. When be stand* on tbo Capa of flood Hope hie shadoar fall* to lb* Ztaboi. *• * * He baa dona nvarythlog be oould Uiluk «f to pull ninwclr down to Uw ground; ba baa dona more than enough to pall alxtren oowmon ran great men d i wn; yet there be etandi to tbw day. up >n bl* dhtxy tnmtnll, under the dome of Uw aby. an apparent per ms naney, tlw marvel of tbe time, the myecery of tbe age. an a re ban get with wlege to b«lf tbe world, Satan with a tall to Uw other half. "I admire him. I fr.iialr onnfew K; bat when bU time oouwe 1 ehall buy a pwee of Uw rope for a krepeabo.” WOll* II Mf—Hn. ■a— TImt >■»■» l« »m mwl| Wp« riMrw. Rseajr loath. fowa, It tai Imo taMubiM, koowa bow to •booti thing* ep to the advertising line. Shi Isa eaecmi la •lataat awrj braaeh of baatoaaa aad la toglaakat to Ind out that a grant deal af maoey la to be mmdt la ihla laid. Where there ana ana —a ingsgkil la tha work lab roara ago, taa ara to ba found to dap. A MM who knows mnsfc about Um edverltatog baaioam said, wbsa quae ttoaad about woman la us buaiaam t "lit expertoaoa baa baaatbat woaua la a aaaasm to ovary Him at ad vrrUnin* whlefa aba baa aHiMytad to follow. Ska la aa txaaUmt solicitor, maoh hot tar aortal* dvpartmaati than *ha knows bow to writs so as to to woaan botlar than mao da. aad bow to lUaaUato edtmlsnmsnts arte boas them Illustrated Just ao thry win aatnh tba ays af woman. I>e triad aay oambar af msa la tba rollftsw depart meat. aad tbojr'ra fat lad. I aay to a nan : Wo aagto to liars a great ■aay mors fallalaar aatlaaa to aaob aad neb a piper1 and ba aamaa bash aad eat* that tha w—amat m him. No worn*a solicitor star return With aaoh a aorry tala of CaMai*. To Mt sartaia know lodge ooa af Um toast ad ton Wag apsalaSsta la Greater Maw York li • wo—a." Mr «0n to* kin tioikM Cm J**r» wtth chroaic diarrhoea. ImmUSiui 1 uiiiiiilri kia to toko ChoatbttUla'o Cotta, Choker* a4 DtoirfeoM Betortf. Aftor a*>o« too bout** otihoM Ml otto ho vaoomot tjaavagyawa In bOMfltrt. - ThomA« c. BoWM, i Ctoeooa, O. for aria by J. K. Carry • A Coca poor ***• auwiMr caaMniM hw »w*j« anaiti mmuiv «mi Am* IM OMh to. louto larton Tiara la heart imarti ai wok aa fee ““ ~d * It la well to Uilok of tfclielitUela advaaot of a happy holiday aaaaao ha oaota wall, jott heeawaa tea ttdaht* ■ «J load you la to the teak* ofa plea or two that to wUi taka a Haait wUlo to warty m»t. CliilataM uiaTaaaaa^yfirrtMafa toTaat* ktolw'f^ lha* alte/T tet* ralaUtaa or data at ay hate koao aa aa klkd aa to immvo woo far f row aaok a aUak I Mow lbat ttnzoaia tatay pbibn SfflWRrtsz&ss&rjz who cannot afford to prortdo Una from IMrooo nargor Hojqo. m4 stinss s^ssn^ss 2" bar in* tony, ut no wool, aad 00 at* art oooro than phllanlbruptato UMf will tonra utonty for yaa to do. la foot Map will Woo pltofothor loot tbat r*y work that to wolUag for yoa, and Boyho It to tbo poaag aooa or yooMt •ow* who on ouratok o UvUkood la tho MgtUp, aiiyba to io tho hop or f<r| otodoat, awry frooo boon, or nap* "••itoMtoM* wholo toft gotta also# lo fo* h ino-ant Unt poo will alagto oat to aioko Obrtotaooa aad tho Mow foor dop happy for. Itdooaaut not tor which ooa of thoao poo ootoot. It will ho tho “atraagar wttfia thy galaa* udoao toalwoya eartoia to tod haw plaan id Jaot hotog thoaghtfal ot oooh •a oao. '**•“**« kapay tbfog.pwt kaow. whoa otharo an talcing wrrrtly «•*>«» tho con lag hoi Maya to bra hit bu<y youmtr ptenntag tolooa poor pat aad ■ppoar poor hrtohtaM haaaaoo ytot baaa bnaMidoatoida a lUUo Ohrtttnaa orMrW Yarr party. Bat oao foob oad, ob. oo Tory aad whoa iim tin haaa ONarbow OTarloobad. aad aaa to to»*gt»t raw to boo with that arm*. Iu1 Httto troth, “w*U, ttao Ir arhody to raally aara r* seqyuayea wul liars to go qeila out ufyour *«y to Bud Um ■’•uuitr.” Mayb*yuc know ooonr Iwuoltmdy. MU ban not ohae—I to think that than M a iMelblllty of Mr Dead tag jou. Um» la tba aula of aCalra, Uma It la aot a bU to early to I at •bmtyoa. A ChrUtmastiwe k athiug of toaoty •ad tb'Hnto to too tou who gather about it, ft m«y ippw to ham eyruag upaatiy magic wu who mw at rung with pod»hu ami lioh'al aiUi-■“ - md wiihthla world'a' «Tk27 Uuu~ yuar, win* ha* Joat aa darting e*ul dnu aayonr u*n, Ufca her lulo yuar oonOdeoea aow and toll bar that you hara toon thiafciug that ft wooU -**« • marriar Uam for all if rim wil tat hrr children ■ litre with foun too Jon of that tm. Main a Jolty lltUa party with | lw Ueoaa tha uatitral otywt. Aak your Hulo eaijhtwr ui roo hi early la toa Chriatmaa morotag with tha children ao that they with yuar uwg *®tf aaa the wwdrr in* to Mo Ont glory. All toa pnmuta from hath mo ground about the troo, «»<thoA« g^ all t h« non merrily for the children became Ita fmlrillaa an aharcd with other*. Thta ft cm IHtlo plan that I know la good. Olbore may aucguat thomaeirae to you that irtlT bo loot n okm to nrry Mt.' Dniiday Um are for mom thou too eMktnii. We ill M th* spirit of CbriaUmolotho air aa quickly aa do tha ohUdreo, though tba doyo whao It wac Joat teeming with the mat* do IMhUol mystery fRurngb loeg, >•*1 PMC Oown through Um ump rim too holla mom to coho faintly, aad aa the premia oratory draws too ciaao tho spirit of good wBl toward man watli up la wary Mart, and you wUL l»»t Is good if you da not Sad for thlooo otttkt. And it Isn’t enough simply to spread • tout of tartar sod eoaoe and and dtog. A little more toaai darn not mean mack to toa huogry heart. Tim •ordtal wetooma ud rridsiinaof «a oara lataraat umoa • i mush mom If you arc aot omtaln thus yuur hawk la largo cad warm omm to Ogtead (hlo why, than, da on uMtho “stronger” JoU youlo your holiday Me Jama mUo of mump or oomdooonalom win epoU u olL . f t . ■ < i j a ■ \ . . . ; i

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