THE GAZETTE. ~ thotmuat. umiimh «i. uw, BUSINESS LOCALS. AtnnAmwu Imm la Uxa muu at a^^RAS2S&S,‘n4 * XpOU 8 A LX — Fl va room dwelling god * • to re-room. Apply at Qaicttb Owen. LOCAL AFFAIRS. — Robinson Bros., bare Just rrelayed • ntm shoe-shining chair for their ■tore. —The tiling lu the vestibule of Rob inson Bros,, new building la being laid to-day —The Armstrong Furniture Co., l"'Dlert0" lb” —Don’t forget thesolartalouMut for Tbnreday night, l’ii* program I* to bo something rare. Remember ilw object. —Mr. James M. Uoylan, a deaf mute of Wllmlogiuci liaa been In town •ororal days. Hu luu rroommouda tlona from prosolueal men. —Tbs first attraction of tb# Ljoeum Aesoeiatloii wlU be Tuesday ulgbt Dec ember 90th. Dr. Nouri* la one of the doest orator* of the day. and It wlU be money well ap*nt lu alleoding the lecture. HI*subject U “Dr. Jaky) land Mr. Hyda.” —In Ur. Curry’s store there Is on exhibition a turnip which some ooa proaoQDOtd a “peach." It it S8J Inches lu circomfnrencu ami weighs 9} lbs. It it the purple top variety mod waa raised by Mr. J. A. Crawford. —The Aaeoelatc Reformed Presby terian Sabbath-school will have a Christman tree Monday oight of Christ man. Committees have bean appointed to taka the matter la hand and they anticipate a full attendance aui Insure a pleasant occasion. —At tbe teujort oouit Monday morning (our catea came up. Diuok and disorder It fiord $7.80. blaorderly conduct $800. Carry log eooeealed waapooto under $28.00. bond until Um meetiog ot oourt. Oo Toeaday morning two drank end disorderly *7.60. —Tbe frleoda And patrooaof Oak land are cordially Invited to be pteaent Friday nigbt. A abort program will tie rendered ey tbe mu tic clam, after •bleb tbe exhibit will be thrown open. All tbe petrona are reu treated to be oo hand by 7 o to look aa the acatlog eapac lly of the auditor uni la limited. —Tbn cooviot barrack a which are being built by tbe Beal Mfg.. Co., will . be completed In a few dav*. Tbe Urge one will be 18x40 feel and the a mailer one 14x18 feet. They are lo ha o ivared with alien Iron and made portable eo that they oao be taken apart and moved from one plaoe to another. —Tbe telephone people have ad vanced tbe prices of 'pbouea Beet deooe ptionee are now $1,50. Buitoeaa bousea $8.00. The manager eaya in hit circular toiler • title (mail adv.nee will nnt hurt any of ua.” If the ad vancement of price* were only in tbe telephone bualnaea perbape it would not, but "there are utbera.” —There will be no lack of eotertete •rente for tbe holiday*. The ladle* •III have oo* Tburaday night. The lleraM 8quare Clear* Co.. will h* here the Mod. Lee A Williams Opera Co., will he her* Monday, Tneeday and Wednesday nigbt. Dr. Noun* will be her* on Tuesday night. Tbe exhibit at Oakland acfaool will be next Friday ailgbt. —The children of the Preabyterlan cltnrek will observe Chi iatmea lhit year by giving tdatrart of irceivlng. Rich child Will send a piraent and llieae • III basest to Ibo borne mlaaion field to be diatnboled iam« tbe poor. The Children will 1 e t«ugl»l a Ira*,*, in giv Ing and do doubt many um>n* will be made glad t-y fo-nruig H># *nu of the child rear. - Tbe Mlaaea Holland gavna drllulii* fal taalaalnlglit all heir n..ui» '17mfol lowing gueeta «cm i>rraoi ( and attest lha pleaaanlnawa of I lie ever. loe. kilaeee Neil* 8ioyre, 8n» deil.-t, Aw.ieCar icll. Dra. W. O B. Iloifinau. I* R Falla. Memrs F. u Soijie. C. A Wal ker, Lander Cray. B U. Tuttle. L N. Olenn. W. Y. Warren. 8 A B*htn aoo, Lou la Hagood, L C, Fegr*m. A >xl DtMk. The nine year old son of J. F. Load er of Belmont died last Friday efber nooo of hydrophobia. lie was bitten nearly a month ago by a pet dog bat nothing was thought of it. Marly last »e*t be was suffering with hlseyeeand the doctor was cal ltd In nbo (bought at Drat It was neuralgia. After ad ministering aoroetblug for that the boy iieesoed eery well uetll Wednesday -when Um dootor wseagaln called la aid As prononneed U hydrophobia. Ha was truriad tUtorday at South Point ehureb. While he suffered soma he bad no ooa ▼nlaiona. The physician who attended him during his •offering was seen Mon day and ha aetd that tha reports ware somewhat exaggerated relative to bla death. la Bwm^reTsUMrsTMaUf. On Ian Saturday, at high noon, Mr. A. R. Andm and bit good wife did the kaudeume thing la glvlag aa eio auant dining to tbs faoalty of Oakland High School. Those who beat koow the boat sod boat ess kaow that they never do things by halves, because it n» lieu dr lot. Mias Madge LUtle, Mim Kate Fleasts*sod Miss Lowry dhuford, there •ora present Mtm May Gray, Rev. Q. H. IMwller and family, Mr sod Mrs. Oeeraa Jenkins, Mr. sad Mrs, Wm. WkytSL Mr. T. M. WllUaam, Mr. J. W. OarreO aad Mr. 1. N. Alexander. Hil ef BMiatlUi. Magwla. tho Hula (Unohltr of Hr. Toba HoArrot dlod Tooaday aboot •boot H> o'clock of KMlnglUO. Mb* «• tafcaw »Uk loot Wtdoradoy ood Um floater oolM In, and froa tba Ora* la aetartotead UtUa boor for bar rw horary. Sha gradually grow woraa un til Taaaflor aorolog wba* I bo llttlo aoul took fta flight to *aod Obdatwa with tho aagalOL Bbo will bo borlad to ^ialTSa wd?eto?brBar!'01, h! mmoiai. anriM — Mr. (am Adams la borne for Christinas. — Dr. Hubert Jenhlaa of Belmont waa In tuwo Monday. —Mr, Jack Uren u( King’) Moun tain wai lo town Monday. —Mr. 0. B. Neisler of Klug’a Moun tain waa lo town Monday. J -Mr. Ttnay Hams of Klng’a Mono tnln waa In town Saturday. — Mr. W. W. Cobb, of Klug’a Moun tain waa In town Thursday. —Mra. J. B. Heater of J-owtll was In town shopping Saturday. — Hod. O. K. Mason, of Dalian, wan Id town Tuesday on business —Mr*. G. B. Spanner of Leurlnburo ie visiting Mr*. J. T. *|M»cer. —Mr. aod Mr*, d. N. Iloyo* of Me Adenrtlle ware In town Tuesday, — Miaa Ball* Crawford, of Gould, is visiting fiirodl lu town kills wesk. — Miss Bratio Wilson visited rala lives si Crowdrrs Creek lass week. — Misa Madga LiUle, will aprod Use holidays as her boros to Wadreboro. —Mra. K. Dllllog of Kiug’a Moon talo. was In town atmpplag Tuesday. — Mr. C. M. Glrnu Is liome from Guilford College lo spvud the holidays. —Mas Mamie Hebell, of Leuolr visited Miss Lillie Johnson last week. —Dr. B. H. Hunter of King’s Moun tain was In towu Monday on business. — Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilsou wUI arrive tonight to visit th* home folks. - -Mis* Kloreooe Kails Is at horns from Claremort College to speud Use holidays. — Mr. Bd. Love, of LB.cotnton was In town Tuesday and Wednesday on business. —Mr. U. L Jaaklaa ia home from Carroll ton Ga.. where he lias bean working. — Mlaa Datgy Glsnu. of Bethel, Is in town this week visiting friends aad relatives. —Mr*. Worth Kalis and daughter. Of Klog'a Mountain wars la town Thursday. — Mra. W. 8. Smith parsed throogb U>» city J eater day on bar way to Graeovjilr. —Mias Clara biedge, of Crowders Creek spool Saturday with Mai Be sale Wilson. —Mr. Weight Torrenoe who la at tending school at Oak Ridge will ba borne Thursday. —Mr. John C. Moore iprmf Tniwdaj In Charlotte pure baaing bis slock of Christmas fruits. —Mra. John White and Hills daugh ter Madge, of Dallas, war* (o town shopping Monday. —Misses Bright aud Spark Torrence, •pent Betorday aud babbath at Mr. Frost Tomuce'a. — Miss Laura Pag* will spend Xmaa with ber friend Mtaa Bright Budlalll at King’s Mountain. — Miss Eunlca Huuter will spend tbs bolidsys lu Gastonia aa the guest of Miss Cora Spencer. — MUa Sallw Uaruer, of Pinkney, 8. C , will spend Christmas with ber sis ter. Mrs. J. F. Thompson —Mlaa Mabel Smith leaves next Tuesday for Llneolaton, where ahe will vUll Mra. Edgar Love. —Mtaa Carrie Sams, I cares bat urday for ber home la Getfoey where •be will spend Christmas —Mlaa Edith Adams, who bss been attend log Agnes 6©oU Institute, will •pend the holidays at home. —Mr. Matthew llarper who has been attending Priocalun University la bume for the Xm*a holidays. — Mtaa Mamie Crawford, Is expoo ted home Sat unlay from her achonl at Sbopt-ui to Spend li t holidays. -Mrs J. Y. Miller, is expected home Saturday from York vide wtieie aha lira been visiting rvUllvo*. —Mtaa Jane U mre who la attending the Biptlst Female Uiilveralty came in yesterday lo spend tlie holidays. —Mias 1-nna Hendrick, of the Oat laml faculty totv«* Friday for ber horns lu Blwlby to ryecd the bolide;* — Mr*. Jacsea Adams of Crowders Cu t k tprnt several day* (bis week with ber sister Mr*. J. L. Nelli. — Mias Ida Puraley leaves Wednes day for 8t*el Creek ertiere she gore 10 •Hand lbe Crowell-Pvgram wedding. —Rev. R. P. Smith sad Miu Julia, leave tonight for Atlanta, where Miae Julia will ba plsoad under the treat ment of Dr. Calhoun. —Mrs, B. A- Baber and ber two sons. Messrs Hobart tod John of Danv«r, Col., ara expee'ed to spend tba holidays with bar son. Mr. J. A. Baber. _ ■r. Mrltklaai Mia Sak Mr. L. T. Stolokland who hat ron a grootry »tor* for foot yean oa Main Strsat told oul hit (took of goods last Prtday to Mr. Phillips of Msoklaaburf oouoty. Mr. Phillips will tsks charts tha Ant of January. Mr. Strickland ss yat Is andoeldad as to what lia will do. Bat tMahs Its wAI probably rotor soots bustasss similar to that ha has told oot sxQspt that It will bo gaoarsl n^hwfllkt. Wa sis glad to wrloomt Mr. Phillips to out town. _ _ I I b* oM BlAMsIlU of bra.* BAasgpaag LAST CALL I PLEASE "PAV_TO-DAY I AM unpaid Mooanta for Mbaenp tloaa to or admtMag la Tub Oa* to* ia Omni prior to Aag. 18, 1M», a*a dao aad pa rib la to tba aodar atgaod alooo. who will giro rooalpA tor poymmtotmmo. It ym watabohlod •T*o * Mtllo bit wbaa the popor than gad baada plaaaa pay It to-day. AoaoaaU aot paid by tha Mrri dar of Jaaaary wtU ba plaoad la tha band* of utoraoy or aCbrad tor aala at puUka W. P. Marshall. ma c. * Mil lunn, BmtawatMa «C UM UM oaom. am 4 lM4Uwn IImM. An adtaltUni Uu manttng or ilia stockholders ut tba Carolina to North WraUrru Ball road mu bald la tha per lo» uf Oja Falla House oo Urt Frida* afternoon. Capt- P. J. Joltasou w*a nominated ohalrmao of tba mart lug •od Judge J. J. McClure sacialary. Oo motion of Hon. A. C. Brio* of Cheater Jodge MoOlure caltad unt tba nantaa of tbc original nook hoi dare and tboaa wbo were prraent or wbo repre sented slock by proxy answered to their osaaes. Msj O. W. F. Helper lo a short speech tendered hU resignation ss presldaut of the road, to taka effral Isstnadlately. Judge MoCInra then read the followlog rteoietlona whlcb were adopted and recorded in tba min utea : 1st. That tha resignation of Major Harper Da aoeepted. 2nd. That tba com puny and stock holders express thotr high appreciation of tba carriers ot Major Harper. Ord. That bo be louder ad a passport over tbo road for life. Hud. A. O. Brios tlwn moved that they enter Into an election of oSeers f"r the mw road. He oo ml ad by Mr. T. H. White. Carried. Tha Following *ere nominated and elected: PresidesL, W. A. Barber, HroreUty, J. J. McClure, fi several Manager, T. J. Ntcbula. Directors: J. H. Marion, J. A. Martin, 0. A. Dray, J. F. Wei ltoe. W. II. Hardin, J. f, Ago**, T. H. White. Tba Praaldrntatect than mad* a short speech In which be said it was not >)U purpose lo satisfy Idle curiosity Id making known the purchaser* ot tbo road. That they had made Urn por ch**. at a speculation sad that It woold h* ibslr purpose to baoadt thorn ••!*«■ as well as I be arc Hoc of eouatry through which It t rarer sod. Soma of tboaa present wet*, Capt. f. L. Agnee, Hon. a. O. Brice. T. H. White. L. T. NIchot*. J. B. Marion. Judge J. J. McClain of Cheater, Jaa. M. Moore, D. W. F. Harper of Lenoir, J. T. Wallaoe, W. B. (Srroll. P. X. HmiUi. of Yorkrlll*, J. A. Martin of Hickory. B. D. Henlb of Chariot la. R. L. Owyoa of Pallarsoo. X. C , B. F. Origce of LIdooIoUmi, O. A. Gray of (last an la. ROBINSON BROS. -— We have ready for your inspection a var ied and beautiful line of Neckwear, Shirts, H audkerchlefs (J lo ves Suspenders, Holsery, Umbrellas, U nd er wear, Night Robes. All styles of Shoes from 50c Baby Shoes to $5.00 Men’s Shoes. Stop and look atonr Show Windows. -« Robinson Bros. THREE MORE DAYS In which to make your purchases of Xmas gifts. And each will be a bargain day. Oar goods are going fast which i* proof that we have the prettiest line nnd at prices which make them go. . . We can please yoa in gifts from to cents to f 11.00 each. At Your Own Price . . Our remnant In CMna. . . J. E. CURRY & CO., Pxuciiraow Okuoozatb. IMPORTANT! I an ooatptoiln* ay aamd roved for reealrto* tax doe for the year 1990 I bars Qve-atxtb of my reeat pu yat. and bare not quite one-fourth of Um tax. The Umt to almoet bare whan 1 moat. •attic the State and School tazat. If deliaqveet tas-payeru do aot do thoir doty. 1 will tw compelled to ream to eoltoatloe by law la order to moet the donaede of the law a poo mo. I will boat Ueetonto oa Dee 1Mb, IS, tl. H, and till It o'otock on the ISrd. Yeoaao prate deputy Sheriff Rob Rhyne In Dal toe oa aay weak deya. Reapaatfafly. W. T. LOV*. Sheriff Saatan Ooonty. T* MY rnnilM, Owing to (lahtM la a? foall/, t will sot ha obit to forsMi ao* tartar* tblo UbrMaoo. I am mm tint this l« tbo ooaa. botooob M to, oM I thiotr It iaj.Tgarr"** “ * f, I* ’faaoamm. County Correspondent. ncAdenvllle.j Mr-J. IV. dull who haa been taper luleadrot of tba tplnnlof mill litre for a Bomber of) tare hue reeigoed end will take charge cf the new mlU lu Greeoeboro. JoeC before Mr. Halt left oe Saturday evening the employ*** ot the McAden mllla and other of hla frtoDde preaeottd Urn with a haoaUfal gold watob and chain aa a mark of ibalr lore and ratteen. The which waa praeawtad be Mr. X. M. Kaa In a •hurt epeeeh which wne rare appropri ate for the oooaekui. Mr. llolt being a men at few word* con Id not treat hi met If to reply but tbaaked tba uto pia fur thta rxpreaaton of Ibalr kind ie>; garde. Ha left i-n tba north band truiu SetonUy eveulng lor hla new booia followed by the good wlabn of all who koaw him. While tba ope retiree were aurry to Mr. Holt leave they were glad Ibal a atao woald taka bla piece whom all knew and re* pec led. Mr. G*o. L. Webb la the Dew aupeilnteodent and Mr. X. M, Kea la auperiniaadeot ot night work. Mr. Webb hen been night nperloteodmt for Rve or els year* and Mr. Kee haa been oraraaar of carding f «v nearly tbaaametoagtbof time, they will make good auperloteadaota aa they both under*laud their boatoem Bad have the good will of tbelr band*. The ehaoga made room far tba promotion of aaeara) otbara. Mr. B. X. Matthew* took Mr. Kee'* pine* aa oveneer of oardlng, Mr. M. J. ltay takee Mr. Matthew*** plane aa oreneer of the new card room aod otbera bare beta chaoglog about. Tba new Metbodlat preacher will be her* tomorrow and will lad lha future peraouage ready for him. . Mr. D. W. Padgett baa reuied Mr. J. W. Holl'a hooae and will auve Tneaday. Mr. W. I). Nlohola la vary tick with peeuDooia at hit borne here. Ur. Hlohol'a I It i la Imby waa Mtteu by a aplder Ttmraday tvac log and uff*red a great deal (will next day It to alright again. Mr. Brat Abernathy wbo wav ao elek Uet week with peeamoola toe great deal batter to-day. Mr. C. II. Crock formerly aaoptoted A Xmas Drink. Have one t Well, call for Love's De light Roasted Coffee at your grocer’s. It Is the very best Santos Coffee, care fully selected and picked nud washed by improved process. No coating of impurities. R. C. G. LOVE & SON, _^ JOBBERS. Cloth! ng! Overcoats!! FOR MEN AND BOYS. We have a good desirable line of Clothing and O vercoats and ft will pa v yoo to see ns before buying. We bought them to sell and will do so If you give us a chance. Then, we have Hats, Shoes, Trunks. Dry Coeds nml Ceut’s Furnishings that we will otter you cheap. J. Q. Holland & Company. More Satisfactory. —w People who have traded elsewhere. People who have ordered from other cities People who have always traded with u*. all find it More Satisfactory Than Ever to trade with R. BRANDT, The Jeweler and Optician, whose establishment is now recognized as one of the largest and most reliable in the State. The Watch and Jewelry Repair Department has doubled itself in the last two years. Our reputation for fine and difficult watch-work is well established io six counties, R. BRANDT, Chester, s. c. BIcDUl & Hiller, -HEADQUARTERS FOR Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Provisions, _Crockery-ware. 00 to ORA1G & WILSON, _ _Oi»TO!IU, K. 0, FOB Wagon* Buggies, and other Vehiolea i*jr Um Trauten «lll ha* treated a phM ••era M »WWtr of a arotion of I be Ndnnla* rood. The Odd Krilova had LMr aouual r«aM la Um abe* h of an oyattr tapyrr Saturday night. Wo aoppoM they bad lo tot lb Mr bail a out • bolt or tv* Tbom mo aortcal of Oaatf to*a L O. O. FV pwaal to Invited gaitta, Oor lovaomaa Mr. K. H. Mar. and hi* brother Mr. Jaol F labor vlll rlall the tea of Um tet*ar atrttaro burg, Va . Ghrlataaaa. and ail I ramie mrar*l day*. Tb* oily «f Pvlarabarg la of biatoriool Interval to tboaa, ao ihoy vara tbrra «mu« tla*flaring Um Olrd war Mr. G. C. Gorr, met down to Yoik villa Thuiadoy omul or and rataraad Saunter rrrnlng. Mr. Goto aoyo Clirlataiaa liar arrlwd a baud of Um la Y'vkrlllr. and iwoplt an *oJoying khrmaalrvo bUhly. Mho Minnie White, of Uoatoalo. waa do vn cm a rlalt to hrv alatrr Mr* O. H M. Cobb front Saturday to Moo 4ar. Greet pirpuraUoaa are Pel of mod* the two daoday-echooli lie re lor Cbriatmaa treee. Thera will to rater taioBenu at both ehuratoe aa uaoal, and aa usual the population of our town will be pretty well npneaiilicl. Sowm prrhape who have Dot been to the oburoh eioee tart CbrMma*. We sDderetaod that Mr. David Mo Gee of GaatonM te com log took to MoAdaavlUa to ran a toner chop. Mr. McGee bod ■ a ebop ton for yanrn end daaNy cold out erd moved away. He will open op la tteanmartnod again. He cede a good cttleeo aod wo welcome him book MJm Peer! Dina of Shelby epoot Sunday ut Mr. & J. Durham’#. Mra. Dr. W, 8. Hay apeot afaw dayt in MoAdrnvttle last waek. Mr. J. A. Haiti) of Danotaao Texa*. waa In town Bavacday. Mr. D. C. Tate haa bought the ml* deoc* of Mr. G. C. Harper, and Mi. Uarprr and family have moved to Atlanta, Geonria. Mr. 1. J. Kannody haa moved Into Ula now realdeoen. ^ OaiMOMA gazbttb Wr only $3.50. These aw rearal