i.taee ntenatd! Ov UHnUwBW tela ijEteaadttteMabe pte from jgyl&gsarsag fruitful of __ _ for '• tbooeaod JWJtetea lony early youth I vaa i* te oerSSte Uwn aadtb SR»fc-KBF&ET.3 iwdlini^JaawufcrgMMBjnite aad partj^Tkty ye eatUrd pitSSsyftsss! of raaeaey aigroM, with a hltte Mack yattan at a darter oa tha rea to retry 'OMNtkaa, The Deiaoeratle paper <lte*t berate* half a ootuaau of thus, aad the Whig ton like the Alexaudere aad Wlaaa mod Crai*a end Ji .(tiara, Mttta.gay ae about It aad ear, a*tel8 to" for a day or two. ItUaktbotl wootdaaloy UeooMter noUoo la our Uttla lowao, bo pianos or feMpa.argaiH«bt. arfcoakte stona, Kaaewtag maahlrn, m (abroad or hNwiI, *o Mall hot oooea waak M* tan waaoo twaatyin coats pa (•UMawnlNM that came. Vat • Mdloh to Hfbt a elgar or alort a to, aatapaa to arrtta with, for then at* ao gaaao la Ula towa; ao liver madi «»• aor aoca-aota aor aodo-waiar. aa noataro/ototea. aa miUte?*^ ao ESS fS1 JSK;: bMUMCtothabaUM. Good graotoml Wouldn't than he a panic, nad »»aW MhaJhan fan. of Nfa!Mdiwi£*m£° rtthan^pm and water.* aoaafc Id# mod rml», good tad acdffood warn dotes, good old tahlnad atooeto where < aad 4 Mado 10 aad wa epeflad hakat aad crueLdx aM wa do aow. Yea. »>td wo boy* boll* aad bat* aad pl»>~i ball pan aod aaa aad towa ball and bad mlU Poada aad ■prlng bra>.'s and rodo georitocaato mill and laxurstrd on •Maturate aad cbewuata aad may ana aad Maebhawa aod war* bappy. W*didn’t know than waaaoytbte tator «.anr woatd bo. bat now*day* M«tof thoMbaon taoblagonrte taoa ton*_«tot tha neighbor* ban K w& JLTIS CSSS *S5 itat I tnto7provided wa tot “bad saaagh to »tel It or go la debt for u aad gat lata trouble. Tom 1 remember whan than waa do ▲UaaUandl rode to UanMoritk to toe a Woo coach tor Moa'gomar} taT baaght a mula aad rod* •mom lha anaattbd ooontry to ViHtr barg la puraait of a runaway who had tata »toy -from My fotiiar. 1 •••gbt him to New Or loans What young Maa would do that aow I am glad they do aot have to. It did not mom hard thaa bat It docs now when 1 tab booh at It. Aad aa lot tba pro ""ha proacrd and we Tetanus will ta ro with it If wa mb. 1*f_-*yy,Pv—* !*■» •• *♦» kratmlkwaTnla. rka' ted remarkabta record ever “*• oa aa; railway line le this cous try.oc probably la the world wee that oftko Bnt PMseoger train which ran Jwtwaen Washington and Savannah Ga.,ovar tba aaw roots of tba Sooth <*-**»•*» **» York and Florida. Tba pt-n-— of tba wwU. MdataUad laths last Issue of too manufacturer's Aeovd. involved tba coeatracttou at thlny-one mllaa of track oa tbo aonllnn hats ami " aod Savannah. TUa rood Ibtoofh a mody country, tbo utaral north formal k» at frequent to tarvata ia vary loose, requiring aooaaal care to ooastrautiog tba roadbed both at oarves and on atralgtii stretobaa of traak. Tba raa over the nowly-oon atraetad Uaa waa made at tba nvataga tala of forty >va milm ao boor, al though tbo trala coastal ad of six heavy ptlnUoui. Including tba angina It waa astlmated at 356 ton, wbinb I* oC*Hy equal to a Poll man train of eight ooschee. Motwithataoding thii. at Umea tba toco am live pulled the tnda at tba apead of seventy-four miles aa boor, while foUybalf of tba distance of tbtrty-oaa mllaa waa covered nt a apaad ranging from fifty to alsty mllaa an bear. Tba aocur-cy of them fig urea ia verified by a party of journalists laoludlog a rapraaratatlva ol tba Xu ufact arera’ Record, who noted tba fig nrao oa tba apead Ifldloator. A trestle pear tba Umto river over 1000 feat in length was crooned at the rmU of forty miiea aa boor. Aa thirty to tblrtv fin miles as boor la oondderad an «t eulcnt time for a ran oa a new track, tba record made by tba Southsrn can be appreciated. It demoaeUated tba rxeallasce of the work aa well aa tba imww at tba Soutbarn looamotlm. m tboogb tba aeglM which baoled the v*«lal train waa erne of tba smallest Dtaaiiinr IomodoUtm. The saw socUoo of tba road is laid with heavy steel rails, rook-tmllasted aad baa hasp pronounced by tbs rail road opmmlasloa of tooth (Vroilaa the fiesta motion af track over coostroo ted la that State. Tba test givan It on tba trial trip was a meek severe one, alt was as oarwfoUy and thoroughly t that those aboard tba Iraia could ask tot act tba dMhraoea between it aod tba road which had taeataoltOod by voara of mrvlcsL Tbo ptety on booed the special trala ■■ray* Vtaa-PraaidaBta, Audrews and Geoocra. General Manager Culp. Uaimnl Paaaaojar Agent Turk, 8upar (ateodeat of Traaapertatloa Barrett, alas a number of Maw York capitalists, a* won as journalists aad promlaeot «***teas from Baltimore. Atlanta. Savannah. Charleston, Augusta aad akbar Southern cities. At Savannah tbo party ware eatertslacd at laack at tba lb tote Hotel, abate they mot tba rapraaasitstlva aitisaaa. Tba loach w— “ilk Ua aaeaaloa of sararal raraabaa, ia which tba Importance of thw toothers Railway as a factor la Haatkara preapettty aod 1m elosaaaao alattoawtrbgsrnoaab wars dwelt up Paaaangar aad freight service has btek tetaMIkbad over tba aaw road. astra,rznzss&srit teady atetsd la tba MmaewtaW Record. **• ‘‘farmer” la traly Ue •W mb to bain tba caddie—to tba atkMt. Bn burdens Mace tba .1 at_ a_««. » _ _ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ |^J ^ **>"■». rapadelly the ooliee far •ar, baa bw ataab la tba mad all IbM^ara, and. fra® being perbsp* Ua rtabtM oiaaa Ofpoopia la tba Soalb, tbay boro gradually became emoeg Uie swan Stbair Made bare become poor t Urir atoafc foe the mat of money her breo Impoverished, aad, la tba mighty oompeUUwa of tba markets, Urn poor* •C tbalr prod act bare become cbeeper aa4 tbalr articles of consumption boro eltbariiot bate cheapened In propor lloa or bare actuallytwc'irae eubanoed in vtHn. Owl^nly It moat be ooocaded that *“* few years Um ooUook far tba eottoa farmer* la tba Bamtk looked laglorloo*. Mae talked of farming ootton tracts to bull tba sapjtble was manifestly ImprecUea W». Other* talked uf bolding tba »ap and commanding tba market. But where was lb# money r It ii but a grim mockery to talk to ow of hold lag what tbay bare for sale uetll they can squares tba market* wheu tbay nerd money tu feed sod clot be Ui«* ■Wwm aod tbalr families, sod wbare waa tba baoerolent miracle with wbiab to furnish them with the money in auoh aa soterortaa T Flaally a little light dawuad. Tba braHur mind of a Mg bualnes* maa, worked out a aebame which be claimed would save tba cotton producer roily « 50 par bale on rrory bale of bl* pro duct. Tba proprietor* of tba .Scute* a* aomefel! accounts lu that great lo *•****»! Journal, tba Man afactv rata’ Record uf Baltlsorv, of tbit Is known aa tba round-lap cotton bale. They were lmpraasrd by the magalBoeat fu ture that Urn aebaoM would open to the rn‘£3ft£r,&£?,,ss vlaltad New York to layaatigata tba mum i ware aatiahed that it proa Wed tba eolation of the problem ef lh« Im poverished planter, aad, returning to Haw Orleans, urged Ita importance upon oar eottoa ptaatera. AS vs Save SUM Mots, U>s schema uUfonind immeose capital. AUiEb ■■toy ytul, aggregsUog essay mil lions ofdoilsre Is tsSnl laths old toasts bale process m Imperiled sod rose up IsoppohUM. But a sew discovery la human industry trill moss moueuins; ths sehMM has sostlooad to grew, mi R may be now tafaly assarted that tbs round bale la bound inevitably la lb. soons of a few years loaupptaot tbs old square-bats system, and aa oo ex pert ret i male on ths caw system has Immi madsof a ndnetioB of oost of less than $8 par bate, that promise* a aar to Iht oottoo grow are of full WO, OOOJX» p?r..num. Truly, this begins to look like getting the oottoo plan tar •ess more Into ths saddle. Wsaretmo Uirt pretty nearly every arttele ibe StaUi Use printed oa ibis subject baa bean read by tbs cotton planters of the South, and we now call their atUotlua especially to Urn article pritud °« Thursday, the 8;h Inst., which is simply a verification of all that we have mid of the round bate, by an experienced aod wholly disinterested handler of oottoo. After reviewing some of ibe needless coeU of Ibe square hale. Ibis Investiga tor eay*: •*I am disinterested, and voo must admit It wbea I say aa a oottoo manu facturer lo the Sooth my Interest would be tuber reed by the cooUneaooe •f these coots to tbs Eastern and for eign spinner, aa 1 can get my cotton from country wagons without any of them, but the prosperity of the coun try demeads that every cltlien do his pmrt, ant to muddy the waters, but to otear thorn, so that ths parties to bo most benefited will be led aright" Contlosiog, this gratis man sure: ‘•Of course, the compress people will softer, an lets, perchance, they are wise, get oat of tbs path to tbs storm and turn Mr compress power to run nlag oottoo a pi udiee, la which earn they will save tbsaeaslvis sod help lbs country. Tbs farmer is now paying ths lot*rest sad profits on ovary eom prsss in tbs United states. Us Is pay V® ®°*t of twenty-two pounds of hogging end freight on twenty-(wo pounds to Liverpool oa every belt of cotton raised ” Ttort “to adoption of this system F*jl ■ large amount of lovee tod repttal cannot be dented; hot not Marty so much as may be supposed. Tbs investment in ooeapvree power and building may be largely invested lo factories, and Urns rendored uaefel to tbs pufaile and remunsratlve to the owner* At at any rate It is bstler that aay amount of capital In T****d. lp and Oppress! Tv methods shall be lost by sew and mors enlightened methods than that millloot of psopte tetall coatlnue to bsoppremed h» Poverty sod ths lorn of ttotr tehee bfTR.“°*Tt antiquated methods. , to* desttemaa from whose very arttetews hare quoted ths BMr* .has not Urn Interest of • stngte Mtiosdvocailng It aod fevrleg lt epos the suestl>m of our feUov-oTtiieas we are aetuatsd bqr AriMirw to ad vases ths Inter "*• Oths South; to see Its ancient glonr revived mad Its muttons of wofbsre Is sodIdapsodsats epos Ms •ottos Bstda benefited and enriched. W. oa, only do our parTredrith. pi an ter* id ths South we so absurd at 10 shut IMr re»a to their own interests white tMy dawdle about a ootton trast »hsa than is no lion sad My lbs “■Whim or a truss |a ths magnll-1 ••Of* Of UK Hlf)M that If PflKltld ^.^•^•owridmatio., theyWoiT, la ths sod Warns tbsmsfvea. Southern Railway Announces for the Christmas and New Year Holidays the Sale of Tickets at ....Greatly Reduced Rates.... From, to and Between— A11 Points South. Ticket** on Hale December 22, 23, 24 and 25, also December 30 and 31,1809, and Jan nary 1. 1900; return limit January 4, 1900. For further Information apply to any ugent of the Southern Hallway or R. L. VERNON, Charlotte, N. C. TW PtiNrjr latallrr. & M. Jordan. In Atlanta Journal. Thura to perhaps no ioduitry whleti to •o widely distributed through the United .State*, aad op prod act wnieb !i mote neutrally and by all olaatit, tbaa that of poultry. Fanoiera ar>' dally striving to Improve thslr fowls, 11 or der that they asav ex ell their prcde season, la the eft »rt lu produce lh.it which tba public demands from the standpoint or bsiel; and otiHly. The business of tbe fancier 1* however, one of exceeding oar* aad audtoei ptlnr taking. It to a breach of the poultry Industry In which tbe farmer aa a geo era! rule cannot engage, because it ear. hot be socoaetfu.lj operated as ao or dinary adjunct to tbe moru exMoOrd work of tbe (arm. But ih« broader of 1 fancy sod thoroughbred (owls to an Important eaacattol la the poultry world, because the standard and im provement, of fowls could not other wise be maintained. Without the fancier. In a few yean there would be but few. if say, Uioroaghorei fowls t-> be bad. Half breads and mongrels would run riot over tbe oouul-y, aad the Industry would bioome Usdlr haudi n<ppud HMTLTET OK TR* FARM. Raising poultry on the farm It how ever, very largely undertaken for the purpose of supplying the table either at home or la the markets with food la the shape of egg* or ehtekaos. - This it the only Interest which the masses- a< a rule taka Is ths poultry industry of the country. Tbe population of the rural districts residing on farm! mure or leas Isolated, ofteotisaes find it in convenient to supply the table with fresh cneeis, do market being sear, aud poultry furn lehrs the beet and chat prat source of sop lying a wholesome qaal ily of food In convenient and almost Inexpensive quantltiva Aside from tbe cooveutonae of home supply, there to a constant and ever too retting de mand for p ihitry aad lbs product*, by all clesaen of people, which furnish a good market In almost every tows and otty during every day or tbe year. If good jadgmoot i* exercised In the mao agament of the bull aces, there to no reason who remunerative prices should not be received for all sain made lu market by tbe piullty man. Asa rule It costa lets to raise chickens und eggi lu proportion to tba profit mallard 01 sales than upon anv other product of the farm. Where fowls have the run of the premises, as to almost universally tbe case oo soullieru. farms, feeding and care to. red nurd tolls minimum and tbe product* arising from the Industry can almost be counted a clear gain. The great troable Is te get tbe atten tion of our people directed toward this important industry, and to secure their co-operation in raising a aufHeienoy for , their home consumption, and la addi tion thereto, supply ths local mtrket demand. To see eerlosda of poultry constantly beiog shipped into our state for consumption by hotels, boarding h »isee eed private families, is a severe reflection oo the thrift of our farmers, aud a knowledge of this fact should arouse (hem to a more full appreciation of tbe si tuition, by whloh speedy aod determined action will be taken along this line that will culminate lu bring ing about the proper Kate of affairs. nOlLDlMO AMD YARD#. Thar* la too little Attention given to tba location aad tba building of ib» Poultry Dovie. Too many people look this matter aa of minor importance, wben it should [toolre very e ireful eonildecmtloe. A proparty ooostroetad poultry boost la aa mi wary for the baelih aod proper ears of fowl* aa for any other live stock oe tba premi ses, IJocUanllrveaa aad niotMnre tia are dlrestly or Indirectly the cease of M per neat, of the dtoeeesa to which cblekeoe are hair. An open building with a pear cmr and a damp. ulamy floor, will be sara to aoooer or later mose diaeaaa of one kind or aootlier among the flock. Whan dlaeaae ap pears killing off the flock discernrags meut Mtewa aod In maay Instances the hwrtiw te abandoned. Thera are many math ad a ad roe abed for e-metro ot l»« the poultry borne, but there la ao need of an axpeoilra building la oar •outbarn climate. ▲« a aefrgaord rMk ra*a a trench ahould be dug t eight Inches below the top aur | faoe at Jam groand, end the foundation of the walla Uld sad ballt up for two net out of smell rook and cement. Aey peraoo with ordinary Intalligecoa cm do this, ami at bat little ooet. flnoolh off the top of the found at Ion open which la to be fold the elite for the bonding, aod after pulling up the i frame work, (slab with piaak after a bogefl house style, put on a good cover |uf ablogUa or boards aad then while whkh the building luetde and cot. Throw lu reck over the floor and torsi to with eeawM.gThta will glra a strong durable aad perfitetly dry flmrat all Um«, aod owe whim eea be wwily •wept aad kept clean, flava a oauni/e Hotferm under the room pole# to reoelre ihe dropptaga aad a lean off twice e Arreaga alee altraettva neats aceuad the lunar atdae of lbs Hones, to toto the hew will always ley tbetr egge when they will be eats. Jaror eat a Iwu la the bee house, provide a good bgg outside, man her ta It oaref ally at eight, eud ebe win rsaeeia them cm leuUdly ueiU her brood to batehed. The yards to which fowl* have dally •dean Mould be oceeetooeJly plowed and tbe top aurfaer turned under. It la always beUar to grow a crop on such ground and rad nee the eoat of feeding. If these little patehes of grata ate •nwa. they furnish a safeguard against hawks In the aarly spring as tbe chicks can bide In tha wheat sod escape the enemy. Hawks. rsU and oats deplete the broods faster tbso any oilier known agencies and for that reason safeguards should bo bad against lliasa UirM enisles Tbs bsn and her brood should hare a brx srhich Is rat proof <o r.MMl In at night. One rat will destroy an entire brood la a slugle night. The poultry business Is ous of details, and unleaa Innumerable small mmtton are otrofally looked after bat llltlo If euy profit will result from tbs business. CnARACTXU or soon. A* h» already bean stated fowl* •bleb are nni confined require but light feeding though during very cold •either they should hive a liberal •upplv of oorti at night and a warm ■ ok of bran early In the morning. Poultry endued lu restrict quarter* rouit hero mire ettanlloi. The »h on Id have scnlered over It straw or leave* Into witch emilt grain ami mustered lend are Kiltarnl a i as to keep (he diet tuu? teralcbl ig. Au Idle has will I»iy but few eggs. Thar* are many etaodard qualities •>: chickens but the barred Plymouth Rook la au q neat Ion ably (be boat ell mnrvl fowl for tbe farm. Wlieie raising rgge only dretted of oouree tbe brown legboru ur other varte lies of the Mediterranean fowl* ere mortdeeirabie. In-any event alwaye start with a email flock sad gradually learn the business before branching out. so (b*t aurora* will attend your efforts rather tliau disks puiotmenr. Tfc# i*«el rift rev Awtkj. B4I«Lctb JTr/ Pi«c. A b.itj day was drawing to Its close. 1 stood on a corner waiting fur a ged oar ih«l would lakn me hoots to rest and quint, away from tile noise and harry of the city. Home wbere I would tod roey lights, tempting food, slippers, aod an easy chair. Jlol&a wbars uteaasut faces and trappy voices would groat me after lha long day of toil Ktrly in lire morning some one had g.VM Ole a biaotlful white rose, and I bad worn It all Jay. Glancing down I saw that its petals were dropplog and IU fragrance goor so I took It off, aod threw it on the duny pavement at my feet. In a few moments a lovely little child came along with her mother. A pretty little oca aba w»» with suit brown hair curling about her face and Inooceut blue eyes beaming with child ish happiness. She spied my rejrcted ruae stooped aod raised it tenderly is her two little dimpled hands murmur ing softly : "You pity, pity wose— Ise •u g’ad I found you. dome mean og’y slag frsw you dews to die, but I’ll tala 7"u hr me wls me aod put you In souse waty. dee mamma what a pity, pity woae I dot?" She bugged It okras to her as if shs feared to lose It and went toddling tfn, her littla ruaset-shod feat hurrying to keep up with her tall malum*. Hal i few ioo3»»ttl4 werj required tor lbs enactment of this Utile scene, but It made Its Impreaslon aod taugbt its lesson. All during thsl long car ride I thogbl of it. A certain party wtsoae business It is to ease disturbed eonsionca, remarked blandly tn me: "You have givwu pleaauro to one of lira little one*. You ecjujrd the dow er all day and oow she will enjoy It. * on were but eoatiering your bloaslnga Don't you ear?’' Oh, yes euoolng exeuier. that •fundi very pretty, aird I wish 1 could give tread Us it but a elera volee on Urn •Klirr aide says: "What Idea bad you that your sot would give pleasure to •Ml) -»"e sirs? The row had asrred lt» day with you poor thing aod you care Iwsaly tossed It aside. In your ayes It ev deotly ass not worth the trouble of resusol tall rn. It U a base prloclpla rh-it paruslu on* u- rudely discard a thing because the day ot its Qrst frag ranoa la over. When jour youth and (reahneaa are goes, would you llks for your Mends and loved ones to loas you Itiu* aside? And thara la not oftati a llule dorsad tan lu ruiret shoos to Oo-na to the rrllaf of the aband»«d. •• "You are straining a point," said the ssduotivn Voice. "It Is not the esroe with Dowers as with human hulngs. Toe sou's of Ur# Uttar raff lor these attraeUrs aod lovely when rxtrrnal beauty has Drd. bappuae oue h»pt every 8 rear oo» rroetved the bo an as of soma nee would be an end less Jurab!« of pet-pourrl jars. When things hsvs outlived thslr usefulness, they shoo id be duos away wlih." And sa Ute areiisnmt was kept up eras* after 1 readied boma aod was oonsfrrtaMy eotnlldiad |i my Mg «*«T ahalr. (I was oarer finished no d dulta oonslavtow was everreaghod, •an • -m Piling el's l»* that 1 will rwrt i"’ • * away < .y mo a dr.»'p|ig roar* •w M«i rrM Uh«m Wm II* hall Uml Ml O. H Btrad ••im, »f Mawnr*. la m a Ci»il **r. It «4<t*-d *<riH4« l/lc it iii«t mt UMM.1i«>|«d r«tO;aai«. Tl*.» B-wkUit’n Aram Bnlm carvd hi*. Umiw Cau, Brula*, Hnra«. BMU, fctwia, Oorn*, fttte ■rtflloaa. HaH rila eutm on a.rth M ota a um . Oaia g<MT««tml. <Md by J. 1. U»rry and Oo»ya«y, DragfteU. Secret of Beauty is health. The secret c .'i.cahii tb • power to digest v: J esr.'r ik:o a proper quin: y This can never 1 •: d.-cewhc •.he liver doc* rot i *: fcs par; [>oyo!i know this >■ nut's Liver Fills r.-c , i ;.bsc ate cure for sick, hcvl .c .-..dys !>cpsia. sour r.tcTrar'*. malaria , constipation, torpid Jive.-, piles [ jaundice, bilious (over, bilious ness .and kindred diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pill?; mu*. 31. 1 jr. A. K. HAWKE8 The loaiei AllfteU Optielei. swm -:BKCEIVT5D: .. Gold Medal. . Highest Avard Diploma of Honor For Superior Lina Grlndlo* and Eaerllency In the Manufacture nr Spectacles and Eye Glnaara. Sold I" o*«e 8,UUO Cities and town, In IIm United SUIra. Three Famous G Inure for Sale be— .1. A. HUNTER. ■Sweat Bell* Jangled Out of Tana and Hank." r~w«t. sicki,. rni« W*J**£ Usmartyse ut tkclr tare 111— Tfc.tr EKSs«££^-ie McELREE’S Wine of Cardui It htinge health to the womanly organism, and health there means wdl poised nerves, cJmwt, strength. It TMtotw womanly rigor end power. It toon* op the asms which suffer ing and diecaac have shattered. It ia the moat perfect remedy ever devised to restore v.cals women to perfect health, and to make them attractive and happy. < i.oo at ail druggists. , Pot advice ia cases requiring 1000 ial direction!, address, giving symp tom*. "The I-whc^AJvis£yc£ pmtnwnt." The Chattanooga Medi cine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn. W. SMITH. Caaaica. S. C CAIOLIH I I0BTHYEST8U IT tmxi(crion in *»riCT jrxx 4. ■■■•. ti. W. p. HARPER, Pmldaat. Mmaterm TUmm MmmMmnl. QOUK> VO*rn.J Cmm \ • Ck«if.I U*re LowrjrtTlIld. U*rc ficOoui*! krill#.I U*v» GutkiMrllk ... ISS f^veOMi4iila.. i^r« lfelLu.. Uw« Uoeohun -. *rrlr»l«*otrM.. OOUH> WWW_ 1 I W^g kilnts SP:i il Bl ■ U OO • ib iEgS JSgS sags 'Hot. JOB PRINTING. If You Want Any It Will Pay You to Have It Done at The—. Gazette Job Office. 1 ^ OTASH gives color, flavor and firmness to all fruits. No good fruit can bo raised without Potash. Fertilizers containing at least 8 to io% of Potash will give best results on all fruits. Write l for our pamphlets, which ought to be in every farmer's library. They are sent free. GERMAN KALI WORKS. _ » N*~«i >>U. Nr. V«rt Southern -.Railway. . . . TUI . . . STANDARD RAILWAY OF THE cr>IITLJ —| Tfc« BlfMi Uar i. AU relate. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CURA AND PORTO RICO. Str!l°y,, ■ * Eqult men! ® on II Throujti and Lon,| Tra u Pullman Palace Bleaptna Cara c^fall Night Tralnai Past and Sat* Sohed ulaa-m-i Ttarrl kjr I tie ,M are aaa*rrd a Nk Cwaltriakli ami bMHiw Jaanuf. . . . APVLT tU IfCUT AQIMTl FY)M TTMX TANLCt MATU ANP OVNRMAI. OVONMATtAH. ON as BUM L. eeaxo*. r. a. a«mr. TpA- Ct.lt.l. t harlour. X. o. aaSeriUr. N. C Us Dsuhk is A sasrrr ^ttnilsM. FUANKH GANNON, MV. Pi Ohm. Man. J. M. CULP, Trafllc Manager. W. A. TUBK. General P.aaenger Agent. Professional ( aids. mur/rije iris, —Attob M»r • AT-La w— OA8TONIA, >. C. Praetio,* wliervver his wrvlevi are required, mdU attend* to all malt era i.f adminiaiialtai and guard Laaaiilp for bit client*, without the In convenience or erpen*" of a trip to Uie court-house CLAOnic* l). Hou.aki> Lucre* J. Hoixaaa BOLLARD £ BOLLARD, ATTVa. a C8CKIRLLOB* AT l.AW. DALLAS N. C. Practice In All the court*. A Mtf/rftVM. -ATTOBNAY-AT-LA W— OATTOtflA, H. 0. Will practice in tbe eonruolOuUM and adjolnloi ooantlaa and in the federal Court*. K. B. WILSON, A TTOR NS T-A T-LA W _Oastotla, N. C. W. H. Hoffman & Son, -DttNTiaia OAATOJIIA, • - - - H. C. V Offloe over Firat National Bank Phone 73. _ P. R. FALLS, DKMTWT. Camtokia.N. C. •">"!*» * Rfirra iiM« MeAdenrlllo, 20lb-a7tb ol „<-h mmiU, CloTor, 6. C., aatfa-aoih of e«eh looiilb Db. 1>. E. McConnell, -VaitTl'nT o«o« am noor \\ u o. a. nuiidiot. OASTOHIA. . . . . jf. c. ’PROMS m. •L c. whitesideT PI1Y8IOIAN A RCRttSON. *sc: wSSSu’SSS* srjb WKyPA—tM. »»s*»rs— Ml Db. W. H. CROWELL, PHYSIOIA* A 8URORON. oastomia, ar. o. Ofllre ii ml or Y. M. C. A. V*r ’Pboo* 10. Nlttit Pfcoop. 10_a. _»*"» Him. HAS YOUR WIPE Boon loaftaR for spUno? Whr '■♦r °°» ot tfcco. eoWbt at. <1 rolls bio, i«m toood

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