The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Hone mnA the Interests of voi. xxi._gastonia, n. u.. Thursday, January 4. iooo. “SLII "pwrjOUBBRT. LEADER Of TEE B0ER8 f*r««ullllH VkiUHP IU«r Urn* •ml VImu Array Bki|ipal ilrr M|»iefc ■ltd Afrrrr Rrllkk Tartar Urriprnl ■altar at rajrela Ml ear- WaeuSeefal ■Hilary fane nan Uaaltia mt Ikn Mwlaau-H> la a (Heat Warrior ■Ml Haa Waa Jtaay nalllra. Nt-ar.Vork World, “Slim Piet” U what tlie devoted UoeiS cull General Jouburt. Hut •tllm'' laot wbal It meant In Kngllsli. It meanl “clever” In Dutch. He la certainly Ibat. He baa led tn» larwrr Ixiat four timet t» via lory. General Piet Joubert wat barn Id Cape Colony—lie eaya to blmaelf—de spite all.tbe talk Ibat bt Way born In PaaoeytraDiu and fought la HtoueweJI .laekaon'a army. Ila It nut id I at but ■tont. lie baa « long griu.lad Ieerd, a p»lr of groat black ever under cavern one brawl, a itnrdy fraoio add an air of mildness wholly Incompatible with hit reputation for valor and tulouii Ublrocaa. It takes a Mcond glance to aae the resolution to tnuae wild eyas, from his Prancbfortfaihera ba Inherited politer, om. na love* on uome aoa mi win Drat of «U. Next lie love* the Tranavaal. lie baa been there el non Im waa 0»« yeara old. Th u waa 6S yeara ago. 11 ia parents “trekked" away from Uape Colooy when he waa a boy. “We went lo N atal." • ltd lie, “and by and by the English came there. W« trekked to the Tranavaal, and the Englishman tried to take I bat. too Hut we wouldn't move that lime, aod we are etlll free. J do not bate Eog land. I liaie no man. But let any manooms and try to trample oo my ie English flag was white. Tn-re was a great discus sion ooe day 01 tbe mtrket place at Pretoria. S «me said it Was red, others bine aod rad, and a few swore It e«0 tained Victoria's picture lo the corner. "Tba rooloak’t flag is all while I" annuuooed Ojm Piet, placidly, a ad everybody laughed. "iioD't I know ?'* he added, mildly. “I have even It three llmre—nnoo at Majuba, onoo at Bronkcrepruit. ouoe at Doorkoop £teb time It wai hoisted II was white " lie meant that tbe British had sur rendered OO all these ooeaalooa now tux do bur rtonT. (low Is It that tbe Boars keep win nlag T How oan these plain farmers of the veidta and kitpjca be vtotors lo every fight of importance ? Unuai formed, undisciplined as hodlrs of Sul tilery, uoeebooled lu tba nrts and sciences of war, they wlu victory after victory against tbs flower nfthe British army, whose Maxim gno« ere tbe deadliest and their Colt's the wickedest In the world; whua» men sre perfectly drilled, end disciplined, tod equipped; whose offiorrs fear nothing iu the bops of getting tbelr Victoria cross, and whose general eommaoder Is a man of undoubted eklU and proved personal bravery » Tbe Boer army axlata only on paper except In war time*. There Is practi cally oo paid force. Th-re is little uf tbe technical drill en common her* Hud Id Bamprtao count ilea Many a Boar, wbo lights tn the death aad kills a dozen redonata before he die* doesn't know four right from port arms, but knows ooe thing—bs can shoot 1 In 8outb Africa Ibey dig a hole In the ground and pnl a turkey In It. Than they covnr tbe pit with a cloth with a bole In It just big euough lo let ont the torkey'a head. Occasionally the gobbler pop* ont tils head to taka the lay of the land. Then tbe Boer marksmen (hoot Willi tbelr excellent Martina rifles. The red n-cksof tbe turkeys are called ‘ro-.lneks.” Bo when the Boers shoot at Kugltsbmeu they call them ”roolu«ks." They Bgbt with ibslr women one day behind them When they ad minis, tered that crushing defeat tn the Brit ish at Majui* Hill their wlvia bad no idea that the rvdeoeta were olose aad drova op that bright Sunday morning In IBM With fresh bread and Onffan. D was General Joubert1* wlfa who first s*w the English host Hhe gave Ida alarm and Joubert eo disposed of bis «iOO men as to wipe ont almost com pletely tbe British fore*. HKXKDtTABY MAnKSMK*. "Tbe Beers are hereditary marks neo." say* he. "Webadtosend our children to school la the oM days, aod the country •<* full of wild beasts and Kaffir*. Ho every boy bed to carry a rifle to defend himself aed his sisters. He waa also exceeded to prove hie ehill by bringing home a bag of game from school. That's bow wa teach our bora.” Tbaau boy* ate awn wa»y. eouimrt baa them dlelded loco aerenleen mill tary district* Tbl* la the army of tha Traoataal. Each department la die I mto • mailer abd amallar dutrlcta, each WlU> I'* duly appointed ™*B*o dar. Tbe am*ltar Uw dletrlot the low er tbe rank of tbe offlear in oherge. Kvary mao In the amallaat dlatriet la raapousibla to bit officer and every one la taught to be a trained aoldUr with out havlog bla farm. Hla oompleta equipment la kept at boma. Tha Boera M*a wo barrack( or armoriaa Beary mao la pledged to appear at the ap pointed (pot whenever summoned. To the entire force of the Doer arm* whan war waa declared took but •eveotaen telegram* from General Joobart. The word pawed down tli* line. In tba twiokMo* Of an eye hundred* of poatrtdeea wur* aaampsrlng over the nUU and through Uw paaae* In the rolling hill* with their mn*e- night or utter wearlneaa •top* the fight aud the Brllleh have to retire. Tbeo the Burr* come back where they (tailed earlier lu the day and the BrttUh cablet llogle with an other “victory ” Boom farm• la tba rear aupply them wlih raiiooe, while the Uriiieb with difficulty bring up their oommlatiry wagona. JOVMCIiT'S POLfTKHVttS TS WAH. Bold a* • Woo, General Joubert la tender aa a woman Whew be aduilu iatered that aruahing defeat to General Sjcoona at Glenooe aod took him prls oner hla whole mood changed. He telegraphed through the lines tn Gen eral White : “Hegret to Inform you that Genaral Syrooua died tula morning. Hla con dition improved darlag Urn nlgbt but ha became worse ihka morning. 1 lease oonvey my atacerea’. regrets to Lady Symons." Ha never leads to attack without hi • forces sing “Old Hundred.” Divine aervioe and preaching lo hie army ou Sunday la aa much a part of lha mill tarv routine as the atom lug roll call. Hla popularity la something wonderful Ho la even cheered on great occasions wbau public enUiaslaam escapes all hounds. Boers do not eiwi as a rule. Each Boev la taught to Ore and ligot for bimaelf. in tlieir wide intervals between lha men in ll a aad tbalr In variable picking of the beat cover lie germs of what lha Kngltsb aod Ameri cana have transformed into their elab orate “extended order” tactios. Each Boer ad venom or retires for bimaelf. preaerving only a general alignment with hit comrades. There le no volley tiring. Ever; Boer la a sharpshooter and Qree at some one he naans to hit. There la no wild tiring at bodies of troops No amnni tloua la wasted an 1 an odloer la the proper mark. So this la the Boer tactics—simple. Isn’t it ? The llue that bars the Brit ish marching north may be oompared to a bugs elastic band at retching across the southern end of Airloa from east to west. When the British press hard against It, It aaga. but keeps up a con tinual premure, harder aa U la forced further back O»oe the premure la re leased the hand film back again, de livering lha sharpest kind of a blew aa It d nee. _ Hm*Tivvi«Tuu auosr. TeM tku Me Weals Bara hi a Tear aad Threw nimoiria (be Mnr-Tbi nyraiHw n«s. A lingular (mm of hypootle augers tloo cams to light In the Pononyl Vania Hospital last night following John C i mtt’a futile attempt lo commit euicidn by Jumping luu> Lb* tMaware rlrrr from pW 18, 8<>uUi Wbarvrm. Oirait. who liras hi 310 South Second street, is under tbe hallucination that he Is burning with so nuqneoubable Ore. rie claims that tba Idea baa bean laaplsuted within him by a mesmerist who lultl him that be wunld suffer fur a year. Unable to endure the awful pam wblob eoulinnally racked biro, hr aouaht self deetrueUon. Policemen Thornton, of tba Third aed DeLaoeey stresu l tat rot), saw tbe man plunge he itfnrmost in'o Uir river. It was about half past 0 o’olook. and had It not boon for tba brlgnt moon light tbe mao would aertaloly have beau drowsed. Thorn too. assisted by two men, sueoeedsd In potting off a boat aod gettlog him ashore. When tbe victim bad bsro revived at tba hospital he told a strange story to tba physicians. Ha laid be bad bran from infancy an ensy auhjeot for hyp notists, to such an extent, to fact, that It bad barn tba source of oocoaenl aud muoh Joking from hta friaod* One of tba latter, whose name Ooratt would not divulge, learned bypwotlsm, and CuraU was nla subject. Tba lallar said that to aoecvptlble was be lo lbe men*a loflueooe that on ooa ooeaelon, while In a trance, a sti ver quarter was preeeed on bis hare arm and ha was told that It was hot. laatonUy a Mistsr appeared and a pita■ fol burn resulted which was aot I waled for several dare. Three weeks ago, soother serious teat waa mads. Ooratt waa told that ha would bora for a year. Instantly aeoo •slog pain salsed him Ha basought Ms friend to rase I ad tbe auggsatloa. hot to the latter’s horror ha found that he coaid oot do eo. According to Ooratt. ibn mesmerist, fearing the oonsaquaneae of his act. left tba ally. Ha baa no Idea where It* la at present. Meantime tba fiotlm of the experiment andurad rmrful tor ments. Ha as Id frequently ha felt tbot bis entire body was ooe live ooal. while uacastonally It would diminish to the apparent temperature of a high fever, lie was thrown Into an agonising state of mtod from U* feet that be knew his misery wu all liaUoelnstloo. bat that ha could not remove it within a year. Last eight ha determined to aod It all and oboes the river. Ha MUerty la meals that ha waa saved. 11 ■■ J H-- ■ _ -" rMHUI UU ■ BaKH. ID A WilMI. Owe Caaaat ttmk'rai l«Mflkn kllTrly In elk* l.awd* mt Ik* MnW. Pmnk o. Car|K? ii*r In *1 UoU Uepabliv. I bay* Imd a long tint will?our Con aul General to Hrasll. Hr. Rugwne Sr« *er, oonoerulca a remarkable journey wbioli bebaejual o«>l* through Him eeutberu pari, »f that country. Cno •Ul General S'-urr bee born reprfterul ihg the boil Dona iuitnua uf the United Suilea f«r aereraJ icaia In Hin de Jao elru. He wna appointed <>e L’reeldeiit UoKioley, aud during bin term ha* done much to adeanea Amrrloan trade on Ibe euai eoaai of South America. He ta uow In tlie Untied Suieemi a abort leave of a Oar no* aud la apeoding eome Mam In tVaahlngloo. rimorou iuiaxil ter a waoon. The trip through tba aouthrm prov tneasor Broil whkh Mr. Meeuer made was largely by mean a of weggoaa, ear nagea aad on horaebaok. Ilk wife went with him, aud they (ravened by alow itagM from ooa town to auother, vkltlng tba taudlog eHlaa and looking np the chance* for American toveii menu aud Aiuorleau trad*. In many Of the targe plaora at which they atopped the people lied never aotu to Amencau; they did not know tba color* of tba Amirlcau (lag until one waa displayed by our Oouaul General, bnt they oeverthele** gave 001 dial grwetluga to tbe repreaeotativn of tbe United dlalaa. Goitaul General beegar deeertbea *nuUmrn Brazil aa by far tbe beat part of tba oonotry. He aara that its aoU la exoaedlogly rich and that Ita climate it like that of California. It it a van country full of potalbiliMaa for fortune maklog and lavaeimeuta. The beat thingaara now owued by the Germane, bat there ere many opportunitie* for A merlon ita and Aakerleao oapltala. IX»LO*T or ULlTMlWAr. "■Boullmru Brazil.11 said Consul G*u eral Berger, "to larg-ly populated uy Uermaua. Tbe Ural of Uirm cam* lo tbe oouutry about taro generation* ago. and their bouaea and custom* are Ilka lhaae of Germany fifty yi-ura ago. 1 can't deoonba tb* simplicity and quatnlores of ibe civilltitlua. I oeoi through many oolonlea. stalling wll lage* and cl tire, tu which tba bouaea were like the old-llm* house* you ace lo Germany. Tliera are no lock* on in* door*. Tba eltlaa bar* uo aueh things aa talepbnnea, gat or bone oar*. Electricity to almoM unknown and there ant none of tbe modern Improve meuta of to day. 1 remember on* hotel at which I atop ed In the towu of Rluoeuau. Tbto to In tbe Stale of Santa Catharine. It u tbe chief elty of the oolony of Ulomenan, which baa. perhap*. 60.000 populatiou. When 1 want lo bed at eight I asked my toad lord far a key. He tnld mi that none of tb* rooma liad any locks, and that tbey never thought of fattening tbv doors there. 1 found tbat Ibe bar Id Lhe liolel was toft open all night,- tbe •wrtendar often being away for boom at a the*. If a man wanted a drink be look down tbe bottle and poured it out. and toft lbs money on Uto counter. Tbe anatom* or eating were refreshing. "We oat down at the table, at tbs tame time mine hoet wishing o* 'guleu appettt.’ aod at tb* cioea of the meal taking us how w* liked tbs food. Uy room in the hotel was right near tba public school, and at Urn noon rrceaa 1 aaw tbe master, a tali, gaunt German, in old fashlonad clothe*, oome out and walk up lb* street between two rows of beautiful palm tress. He bad is bis two hand#s efc-ese sandwich, which moat have been a foot tong and about eight indie* wide. He bit grnnniuao mouthfuls oat nf Ibe aandwlob *] be walked along. Rrtiiod him came the scholar-, wliloli numbered moil than a hundred, each bolding a smaller sand wich Thrr walked up U« avrtiue sod back -gain, thus rating ihelr lunch and thru returned tu school. H'uma uao is • very fell town. There la prautlcally ou i*>v»rty. I visited tl*. jail and was told it only had ou* pri* ouer within tlia last fit* years. Tim OinUAKS OF BQAZIL. “Thar* err coloot** of tbto kind a caller rrl throughout Brazil." mid the Consol Oroeral. "Th* dutte of Per «"*. which 1 first mured, ha* about 970.000 population. Of those 75,000 are Germana aod about 100.000 nattoa Brazilian* and the remaiixSor Italians, Poles, etc. Tbs German* own tb* pioparty and control lhe trade. Ills the aaro- in Sant* Catharine province, aod al*o lo lh* But* of Rio Grand* do SaL Tbe obief city of U>* letter auto to Porto Atogre. It ha* about 00,000 people, and or lhaao at least 60,000 are German*. Tb* city to a greet trade OvoUr. It has extrusive factorle* sad i* tb* chief oummrrelal potot ft>r Boo Liters Brazil. Tbe Gorman* own all the stores. Tbey are *o prominent that In tbe principal street th* signs ms German only. Tb* books are Ger man. and I understand that th* Gor man- Brasilian Hank of Rio d* Janeiro will soon establish ■ branch Book at Port* A login. To giro yuo auto* idea of lb* money which can b* mod* la Brasil l would say that this Bank ha* s capital of about 93.000,000 and tbat it paid last year dividend* of lg per oeal. It o-’uldhive paid 90 per e*ot., but did not do »>, for In that cam it* bra would Imve been materially In creased.” TtiB oiurouu or imhl. I bar* aakad tha Ooaaul Oan era I aonauiiog aa tu the oropa is Ik la pan of Hraill. Ha replied : -'Tha climate and aotl are aaob the* lbe people eaa ralea al most aa? thing. The country la more Ilka California than any other part of South A merle* In the far Sooth yen a»t Northern California aod along a beet Santa Calker la* *nd r*rana there are climate and aoU Ilka Uaatral California. Than la a atrip Of iaoun talaa along tha ooeet and beyond ibeo* a rolling plateau, fruw I.OUO to 9,000 f at in el Ik ad e, whwh la wociderfaily wall aiiind. There la aa abuedaat rainfall, aod grots oan ba grown with out Irrigation. Thar ralaa coffre ant tea and lobaeeo. They oan prodooo erery kind of frott that yon oan grow j - 1 ■- __uawaae=ram= in (Jail faro la, m><1 at |U mm tlnr have some of tbr rtohvst graying Unde Ilf Hie World. Rio Orsfwl-i (In Sul lias a largs i-xprol if l.blra and onlt i It lias whrai drill a, a-.rt Urate*! Mir pr.-duals of Ua iriprralo tumw. It I. , tlie white man’a count!f. and our pu >• j pie would thrive there }uat u tlie Gar mao’* haVa done.” "Bow about lands? Coo Id American! but properly at tucli rates as to la, pc r Yr»; 1 asked as to this," repllcj Urn j Coinul (Hnaral -‘I a as told that ibty would gladly wvtoome Imiuigratlou from tlie United Spates, and Uiat laud* will be given to Immtgraote for ItuU or ooiblag. (J--loo ire might he estab lished which would be quite as Ameri can aa these are German now. I be Itevr Irecta uf a million eorre could i>e •enured anil by rueuo* of rallroudi open ad up to aeUlemeot. ” OyTORTI'XITIB* niH AMERICAS OATt TAT. “How about railroad; Mr. Setter ? Ia chore any chance for Amarleao capi tal ib that direction t ” "Yea indeed,” replied the Con (Cl OeneraL "I bare prueeuted that met ier to tbe Stats Department nod have filled maps and paper* deaorlpilra uf tbs countly. 1 give tbe rwaulla of my inveetlgatlou fur tlie past summer, sod •web parsons as are Interested in toe eabfeateau I suppose, get aeomi to tbrm. I have, you know, ao lutermV except (bat of a ooneaUr officer. I only wsotio seres the Amwrlean people and the A me r loan busloeee man with out regard to personal invest moots ” “You ask ua to lallruada.” tbe Con •Hi Geoeral want on. *‘Itil. It has so railroad at present. The goods which now go ou ox osft would then be carried by rail. A ABISAT TBUKK 1,1KB. “If you will taka your map of booth America.” continued lire Consul Osn ersi, -you will see that the pert of Itnlahy I* almost ta a straight lins east nr Villa Itie-r. Psraiiosy Tire pirn is to build a railroad between tb«*e tiro teiinis, passing through Port Unlso snd connecting at Villa I tics with Urn llna tu Asonolun. Thin will be oaa of tire greatest trunk line* of tha world. It will open up Paraguay. Southern Drav.ll. n vrst part «f tba Argentina and ths rich Stales of Mattrr Qrois.i and Coyss. Braill, tn the Atlantic, saving 3 000 mils* of travel on slow rlvsr strmcsrrs In ihswe prints. This territory Is si most n* Urge, I Judge, as the United (Kales rout of the Mississ ippi. Ths |aod seta of Interior Br»gl w ruld earns down to Asuncion ue lire Peragasy Hirer and t* shipped on this road to the Atlantic. Tbe little vlllsge of Port UnHo, of which I have epokeu, l* on* of the greet towns on thv line aad laods shout It own ba had bow el mast for Ur* asking. This road, for wit rob Amertaeoe might get lb* woe cwsslon, could not but be courteously profitable. It nred not ell be built at ones, and could be mad* to pay is It wee constructed. rAEAWUAY TBA rOK OUB SOLDI IRA. "Oos of tbs chief freights of this rood,1’ said the Consul Gsueral, would consist of (Mi*, or Paraguay taa. Thb la shipped la vast qaaotluaa from Para |u; ta all part* of South America. la the iislghtoortinod Of 90.000,000 paopi* uaathksla*. H I* lh* fcTurlie drink of the AigsBlIu**, the Uruguayans and aad the BrasMIsos. A great part of Paraguay1* ratswo* oomas from it. Thar* ara yaat for***# of the leash** which produoa the taa laara* not far from Part Uutan. Indeed, morn tbta 5Q.O00,000 pound* of casta era shipped annoaHy out of Uilaaeettoo at Ux Aragatilla* aad Uruguay, A railroad About eighty mils* long would berry this prod so* to the saaouaat, and Ml* la a part of the proyoasd lie* which I referred to sbsw.11 MI madarataad yoa hate advised the use of thta taa for our aotdtar*. Mr. Meager,” said 1. ••Vet, I bar*.” replied our Consul Oaoaral to Brasil "1 thlab It would b* of groat ad ran lag* to the troop* of uf um Philippine* otlhoaa arbo at* Stationed la QuU or Port* Mloe. The tea las giMtstirunlooi. It braosu rour narvM. atuma to »t rungthau your oral*, saaMa* you to aadara all aorta of hardship*. It hM no unpleasant aftereffects, sad I should Ilka bo sre It gtewi to oar eoldlan. I ebtppad a oauiiia <4 Wrela of It from Our Ilya* H Philadelphia. It tala tba OiaMitMl Matrum. aad eaa to sampled by say uoa lo tan* tad to IMwHidt." MONJIY IK ITUXUnH -Tiara la n chance far ao Amerluui atanmtlilp Itualn Southern Brasil. Oaa o<‘uld to put on tba Rirar T|—— from Win Nauru ta Part CTntao. wblab would pay well. Tim river naada only a lUUa drrdulug tu umka It nartfubia nil tba Tear round, aad a oompaay wblab would apaad HOjUOO lo tbla way could flat ooaoeiialona wblab would to ad im troa Haw Turk toHoatbarn Brasil, tbeaa would slao pay. Tba chief buel uaea of that region la anw does by tba Hamburg aud South Amsrieeu Steam ablp Ltoe. It baaaa to wall at tba poru there eleven year* sea, uelag at ttnt only one ataamar. It aaw baa ihirtyooeateaaMis going ta Eure pa aad Southern Brasil, aad It paid last yaar n dividend of par cent. I have b~ea told tt ooutd hava paid 16 par oato.” “Bat, Mr. d*eg*e,»aald I. “bare tba Germans not gotta* a modopuly of ererytblo* la Southern Brasilv And o*n Amarioaos gut la t" “Tit* Garmana. a* ( told yon. ben tba bulk of av*rytblog now, but yaw most remember tbat Um ooaatry to an undeveloped empire. Tan tba But* of Klo Grande do Sul It to fawgar than Pennsylvania aad Haw Tnrh c laeWnad, *-k) It bat only 900,0)0 pop ulation. It ooutd easily support 10, 010,000. Tba Braslllasa are uSaaa to bare tba euuotry opened up. I oallad upoo tbe Goeeruors and otto* landing imm of tbat toad leg | aeeuei and lbay told m Hat Utog would ra mie* oar oapitallata aad Immigrant* wltli opea arm* and wouM flea tham aluort anything Uiey might aek. Tba Oermaoa are at praeeot uotoomlag la South America. I bare baaa In Ger ■•■7 wltbio the past month, aad I dud tbat tbs paopta than bare all they c in da to attend to their awn bueia***. Time* were never an good la Germ my a* they are now. The factor Warn all buay, and la moat of Ifaam yon have m wait a year to bava yoor ordure fil'd Tba German Guraramaut le discourag ing emegratloa. It aanUpropbi t . auy at home aad work the sell. KLBonucrrr. ‘•What chance la there for electricity tn dnnlharu Brextl f» ‘ The iHipoitunliles aro vocy graar. In deed." replied tlieCoutuI (inoeral. Tha State of bents Oetbaili.n la fnlt of we ur fall*. an( Harbor opporite it on tbs Atlan tic. and an exteaalon pf tits trunk llua which cuss from Porto Alegr* to liar west, lltarrby Joiotng with tbo railroad V* Ar*«u“* BepabHe aud Urwguy. Million* oould be mad*. I believe, by that enterprise, oould be m*d* ba Uksd* I believe by tb*t enterprise, If Urn proper pectin should oadartaka It." •“**~—Tft- ffniinlm Beaa Unarm PaU Well Ornette. Italy** mountain* *r* la a lair way of being wall dsoorsted ihuuld oas of tlw Ideal now suiertalned of cowmenorst Ing tbo "Holy V«ar"b* carried out. It is tb* Intention of a special committee 1 net formal to sreot ol octree, so* for eseb oratory doos tb* btrtb of Christ, on high moanUio peaks lafdlfTvrvnt piru of the Peolmol*. Th* statu* will he eoliwwl figure* of tbs Redeem** in alidad salt Iron to bo lllaaisstod at night. Tha mat bio ptdaaUI* will hoar lotcrlpOoti* swltlog forth Ih* purpose »f tb* statue*. It to proposed lo have lhr«e overt ok tog lbs frontier of France three nverlooklsg Satiasrlaad sad three on lbs Austrian frostier ; oaa above Uia village of PottsUs, lo tb* Apennines, between IMdgna and Florence; on* mi Mount Sorstte, tbs highest pask near oetabrwted throsgh the deseription of a sonrtaa aeeo from there by HersOe; auotber OO llio Oran fleased1 lulls (Orest Stow* of Italy). In lbs oeulre of tlw Abram whanoa ran bsseeii tba Uirre seas •nmiundlc* lhe Penltuula: and auotbereo Mount AlUno. near Oaeta. denomlnatlog tba aagollosat Gulfs of Oasts, Repute* rad Salerno. Three will bs railed in tbv biUssm aoatb. *a* among tba hills of CwUbrle la tbs “to*.” another lo tb* •‘hsel,’* mad Ih* third tn tha ‘instep" or "boat," two in HlclcUy sad owe In Aerdlato. wiiwtukaa imtlmtL A oirUiaad Indian who soma dawn mcantl; Mid that ihe raaaraulow to dlaaa ara enquiring a toato for Jnceeira gtocar. “Tha atarai around ibn reeer n»bw," ha Mid “all band la glngar aa a legal drag, aad tha Indiana Hava discovered that it la aa Aar; a hQTaraga aa ebanp whlaka;. A toaopooefal win aaua* ebaklag and soughing for amor al tn!antra in a throat aumaatnaiait to awallowtog tba powerful ato*. Bog lak la another fWvorite twaiuga of tba Indtaa alnoa tba Pedant aathorluaa bara hagun to eaeroiM atrtatar aopar Tlaloa over the* eopper-ekUeed ward*. It w tba ordinary rad Ink wliiababaak kaMar ana la bla taaWuMa iboau aad which took Moral aaU for writing par mm. Tha lak-drlakar af auKIwaiad laataa will baa batlka b; tba half daaaa nod rwallow tha ooatanw with ralleb. ■mm Ml which white paopta aaa far puddiOM ara twaBewad la quality taqr tha Indiana, aad hara baaa oaad la that wa; far yaart. Wood alcohol, ao cououd pataao lw want parta of tba country, In oonaowM In aowaldarahta A nan tit Ira diluted with water. ” All dactora toM EaoM RUi'lKon, of Writ Jaffaraon. O., after ruBrriag 18 rtoalha fro® Kooul Detain, ha would die ootoee a aoatl; operation mm par terted; bat be oared Maoalf wttb Am hewn cf Ueckloe’a Ante ante. Uw daraat Pile aura aa Barth, udlba hart •ate la tba Wartd. Bateate AaM If J. B. I lorry A On., Drapgiola. •»» WWW w mutr. Haw r«i* KMMHk Th# H**tlo* Gaaftar ut an at ba am oapablr of dgbtiag o^graat atowaraCbMOMd ***** —' uiudm to nm. Afur a UtUo growml tatt. rt> ggtit d—MogoyMoa to ■a**1■Oer'teator a* Id, »m primarily buodad w motoflbto poyotoal Mnr;, patriot stsryarsratiisars Uarama Mud—to. Tbo dgbttog at toto-Moomtotnls. I boMrrs,—a aC tuor. Wad«MUMptaunUu oar rrturnilf olw »N to oiHia| tr uut bran eaixigh to dobad ttolr Inoor or iMr —dry. Berry om wimmg to join at m«M be o( uaod family, be aram to Meant andtooltby, ban t&j i'Kjri Uoajnft ao tbog^toin tbT MeUodtot oburab. Wa toop a otnrt irnotobl of btm. train Mm to Ogbt and mutato hubwrdmuiag.” "How do yea amogattoo flgfrtfmtT" 1 aatod; "yon sorely go oat debt age tart your brotbOMhi tbo frater ailymao or with ootetdera W« tore to faMj Itove otomoo of dunk. Tbo tat I* fought for apart and dinoiplinu: tto dehlorgar. a straight Habt a word <• oard, aod tto fijbl taste far flflo— mluutM. Tto Itobuod m mar* at dif ferent frsl«nill.ue meet and arrawwi ttom deals. Wo ptorn atr—g oad os perteneed Ughtt-rs agslurl etroog and •sprriauood flrtiu-r*. sml srek non i|a1m| wi ilt mum* "Tto aoobbdMaoa Is foogbt for light lotolu, aod la mush like tto tat. tot it eooMMiatooo hundred mode aod toau twenty dm miaouo. Too thud atom to fought tuoottb deadly iaaelta, —dki quite o diSoreut Ogbt. Tbo datoal, o toovy eurooi aoord. lu uaud aod the aoa rally try to bill —oh OilMT ’* ' - ' •'But do But Um duels soem worn Utao they actually an T< I aatod. "V— muy Judge that for yourself neat Friday oyer at Oalir,” bo s*. •wand, aa ho non la go. •'Bemsmbor tto train Mono ton mbiolao past 0 to tto mom tog." orr FOB OlLLS B-?r* tto erst Friday morotog I arrived at tbo Mutt— and found about thirty otalwart on ewwttog tbo drartan of tto treto. Tto grater bnmtor bon ran on Ibnto boon, obowtag tbnt tto "nli im i„ which ttoy wraabuut !to< eot now to ttom. My boot -. ■arior. oomo In ofaortly and to Jy loo (he ne After a tow oacdl of Krzizr *■ „ "For two rao—e," to replied. -TU tto poll— on ape to nab 2i".“a21,a.T53J‘i!!;*S moob tl<— that oo mmtVoarl* ta -Ks^srrtfci u tm miui* •aooss, \ •• V r a ;s ■ .1 . t \ s < £ 5