The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interest* of the Cooaty. Vol. XXI. Uij; JeViaw..} GASTONIA, y. C.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 18. 1900. ARP DISCUSSES THE. THEPIQUJtES “1900” L00XBTRAIQE TO THB PHILO&OPHEB. TMr »>■« Ties* ta Itylai hut, Aad faaa Will Cam# timllr-Tk. ra»> Imry QmMIh-TMaki U la ttoal 111 lad. Bill dry la Atlanta Oxanutio i. U a caaa can do I go around tba 90lb century question it la • Oulof tint for blca to ooosidar tba abriokage of lima lino* bo waa a boy, aod to pointer upon tba reason why Uia years (row alto, ter and Mrartar aa ho froaa older sud wiaer aDd bow tba period la suiely ooiulag whan there will be no jeata or mouth* and time will b* no mure. Aooordlog to scripture tbit thing a tiled lime l* a perishable elastic oomurawlbla orrailou adapt ad to mao in bta Hale of probe tioa and not t ail ■teoeeesry to tbs Creator a bo aald ‘'before tba world •■< leads I am.” ftod always spanks of blmealf In tba prraaot tqoaa, “1 am ” □e la one eternal now without begin Ing of years or sad of daya. We can not oomprebend (bis. but aa we user tba goal wicti almost oateh a gllmpaa of ita roastbility. That lima I* com preeel We aod aUetle all of ua have n perleoeed for somatlmas lira hoar* ■earn eery long aod eometlmas very abort. In our dieame are anmeiieiM oondsoae boar* and day* or ev«au in a faw dallrioaa momeots. I never shall forget, tba aaklaty and agony of a lung effort to kaap my brother from Bghllnj a deal aad Ins I twipwl to wrtle all tba oomapoadenoa between him and hla adversary aad bow at tba last tbs deal oowld not ha avoided and bow I ctrafnUy aaiaaiad and loaded hla piatol aad aiaaiared off tha dlatanoe aad than mad* aootbar sffort to psetfy aod ad javt and pravent tba duel, but ail to vale aad be stood to tba mark aad fired aad fail. Tim report of a gun that waa Bred back of the hoaee at a squirrel awakened mo and It waa this report that ooodeuaed all the long train of thought and a Trots lo a moment* space. My wlfa waa alltisg by my bedside with her hand upon my fever I ah brow aad declared that ,1 bad not bees asleep more than a minute-aad yet I remembered every line and ward of that oonsepoodanee, aad when 1 re covered from my freer could repeat it. Tba time of hour* was ooudroaod Into moments. Just *o thus* who were to drowned boo rrsaecitatrd tell us that a panorama of tbelr whole Ill's oems before thorn a* they lost eoo aclonanaaa. Every word and thought and daad and every aoeoa they had wtt oaaaed from tbelr childhood was aa vivid and leal a* If It war* Just trans piring. There eea be no doubt about tbit experience of etaoy persona. It la well ooa firmed. We ore just oo Urn verge **r knowing wonderful thing* aud my faith Is that we will know when we put oft this mortal coll and our souls are retuoaed aad free. We have implanted within use spark of dlrlaity, hut only a spark. Bat. mlae, bow little we do know end bow utterly belpleee we are. We kn->» not wbeaoe we oome, aoe wtiber we an going. We oao not nab oce hair white or Mm*. . We cannot tell by what mysterious power wo raise our heads or move oar fact or wink oar eyelaehas Wa oao not add a day or aa hour to oar Ilyas nor foreoe the ao ckdeata that may gjsfaJI us as we taora to ead fro on tbo loud or ooa. Wo oeu not means the psstileuoe that walkeih at noonday nor make oomelvea soon re fl*1*1* Are end flood aad heist Whet pitiful creatures <re are, sod yet we mm everywhere around oo young mew who are eoaoolted aad pnusd of tbolr SBsahood or tbolr money aod ere see young girls who are vain of their beauty or tbolr dram when liter ployed oo part la the formation of eue or tbo earning of the otter. A beautiful woman to okma kla to the angels, end she ebon Id be thankful that God made her oo. bat ska has no excuse la tan world tot being vatu. HomUlty Is bm loveliest ornament. A* tor these ooo* oottod aad haughty yoang moo who strut around la floe alot&es that they never earned or that they got by abort onto or dlabooorahia —»"* they ex eile eoly pity or ooatampt. Wbeo we look upon them we one but exoiaim with David. “Lord, what le mu that thou art mindful of him f” Young mu why don't you bumble youranivm rnder the mighty hand of God who mad* youT Yoa bare not the remo test Idea who yoa ate today, aad you dost earn If ran ha TOO a. You have travel led 500,000,000 of mltoa since tbo last year and got back to Urn same place yoa started from. Yoa treyei 80.900 miles an hour and every day tarn a ausemeriauU 99,000 miles round aod lost know It, aod you don't can tf ye* don’t. Tue Creator Is you eo glaaar aad raae yetfr train wltboat a roo-rff or aolUsoa and you never Mink of Him or thank Him. You seem to think you are doing It. nm uwii iw fMn ago all Ubrtatan do* got tba divlalooa of Ua>« hum down ago* tba pnaant bull aad I bop* It will atlefc. Wo do not know that tba Saviour waa boro ISM poor* ago but Cbrtauau, but that la a* aaar ao oaa ko approximated aad It la aaar aoough tor all Okrtotlaua to otoarv* and So tbaakfal for. 1«ML Thera la a moaatog It tbaaa Ogana. Itorv tla* thoy ara wrlttaa oa a Utter band or a ladgar or o bank aoM ar Obaok or botot rag bur or printed ao a oawipapor they moo WOttlat Tb# proa ar CbrUtlaa* •ad laidiu and Jaw. and gaotlba ara all wilting tt vtalbla nod IndolllMo ap oa tbo papar. Ivory aonut of ttma b 10 kotos written aM ovar tin world aed otorr •*'» eatabitotwa a foot—a graat toot that ISM loan ago ibrra waa a btftk —a naUbto olrtb, and aM fatbor Tla* awddaoly rtoppad tnabtd utlaaiir and feagto a now aoaat aad aaUod Ik Aao Doalat. Wkat a woo darfal avoat to moat bora baau that rtoaad tb* toaord of tb* agas aad Mart ad tbaoae a now avota. Haw la Um world did It bappao? Tba Oraoba bad tbaba awd tb* daw* bod ago that wn bunded dowa by Mom. Tba Ureeka had tba olyhplada aad the Romano tba Mrth of tbeir aooieot oily, aad tba Mo bummedaoe lha flight of Mahomet, bat all ware overshadowed aad atlll ara by the oaa eat up by a handful of frtaodkaa Cbrlatlana What a woc darful thin* ia tbla data thota fear elmpla Bturea. We write three every day and iwad them every wbarr. Than Vet ue all poudrr ov»r what they mean and prove. Atlanta Joarnal. Tba man who look* upon the fair (Wide aad amIIlog beauty of thte Boa 0 'Untry today would Ond nothing to auggaat tba mroir aad eageraaM of Ita all eu raoaat aattla manta. There la nothing fairer In tba rapub llo than tba imioth rollUtg hula and rich prartaa of Oklahoma green to ibo boaoaa with ee<ly wheat. where It la nut orlop with the aagaaatlvo rvmnanla of gathered ooro. It ia a bountiful cooc- | try to all tba elemanU of nature, ana log tha mountain* and tnve of »nr bVraaad Georgia, and even tbla la bal anced by the pr slide picture of plenty whioh It* dark aall nod iwall log crop* afford. And tba world which knowa a good thing when It ease it, baare of It, baa flooned hate. In yearly looreaalng thous ands, to enjoy the emiliog land of plen ty. Tba growth of tba atrip la the wowdar of tba world I Thera lan't a ulty In tbr territory older than ten yea re— a achooiboy age —.tad tba majority of the cltlre and town* ara only el*—tba *gaof abort panta and blba. Bat, my what precooioua lofauta they are I Hare ia Bl llano, aged mx with a population of 10.000 and eUtely rtorwa and publio but Id Inga, two rail made. eUotrte llgbta, a Bon hotel, and fashionable dobe. Hare la Bold joat abava bar, wbare poor Waatoo Fatter too oloaad bla draaaUe Ufa, with a population of 7,000, aad every public onnyvotanoe of a progrcaaiva oily. Hon Is lie uaaay and Union City and Cbickaaha and Ha a mand, ranging from 800 to L.B0U, and growing Tike gourde In Nanai. Aad hare, three rear* old. are Okla homa UUy, a stately city of 12,000. aod Gotbrte tba proad end happy oapltul, with 15.000 aad a aoolety that lo cul ture aod redoacaeot U aoaroely aor paaaad In the State*. It la aa a caoitol •bould ba, easily tba most radoed aod eoltaied elt» of Uila -plooaer country, aod Ite new opera bona* is a thin# of twenty aud aa aaoraatle joy. The maturity of throe people la the oaw oouotry are ludlffvTeot to dreaa, and their general appaaraooe I* rough aad deceptive. Fur the man who take* than to bo grero aod eolattared H deeply aod eneottally lo error. All Daw people, grappling with tba prob lems of a growlpg civilisation. helping to bolM a aaw oouotry and reeling tboanalree factor* lo aiaiohlag avnU. are keea witted and thoughtful. They make tbe beat aodleooee la the world rot a mao who bag anything to aay aad l«: not a mete mimic and clown. For the** people think aod hope and ap prehend, while the tranquil and flolabad olvlllxition of Iba east la steeped to tba ear* in ad uttn'eonparvnutai wbiek done not appeal to the spoiled etnas* or tba ay# and ear. And under this rough exterior are blddao tome vary pretty and tender things. Lite. Papa f at tbe bapakf*K table] -- Wil lie. my boy, why are yon looking so thoughtful ? Are you not feeling wall r Willie [vary aarlooaly]—“Tea, papa; but 1 bad a strange drvam this aaorn Papa—“Indeed I What waa it ?” Willi*—-I dreamad papa, that I died and want to heefraa; aad whan 8t Patat mat md at the gate. Instead of showing ma the way to tba golden street*, aa I expected, ba took ma oat lato a largo (told, aad la tba middle of tb* field tbera waa a ladder raaebtag away up Into tba ekjr abd oat of eight! Than St Pater told ma that heaven waa at tba top, aad that la order to gat tbera I moat taka tba Mg pteaa of obalk be gave mo aad slowly olimb tb* ladder, writing oa aaeb rang some sin I had committed.” Papa [laying down bis newspaper] — “Anddld you finally raaoh heaven, my aon f" Wlllla—“Mo, papa, for joat aa 1 waa trying to think of eomethlng to write on tba second rung I looted up lot* tb* sky aad aaw yon oemtngdowa. Papa—“Aad what waa 1 oomlog down for, pen? f” . Wllllo—“That's jait what f naked yon, papa, aad yon totJ ate yon ware going for more chalk.” ▼b* Tar* emir. Haw Boarder—Wall, wall I Tats la the first pleas I’n struck where lbar Iww msi rad strawberries and peach l«n» laaUad of praam. Old Boarder—All owtsg la organ te* Uow, my bay. Uo boarders ban a Mlual protootln kseoeUtioo. with Iroatead rates tod boars penalties "Ob, bjl Vos hVeked against prase*, did ton r» "Hot mnch, WS dtda’L We passed a law that whenever prssoa esoea aa Us table sews member should est a qosrtor psrdlOSos. Thai eelUed |t Tbs landlady lasad praam too npso ten.” Am WH.ra Ltm Saved Sr CSmmS.r Donat the early part of October, IBM, 1 soatrsoted a bad oatd wbtob asuiad os my (sags aad was aegtooted an ill l reared that aowoampUoa had appaand to aa laotplsot eta to. I wu oonetantly oosgfclag aad trylag la os pal aumethlag wbtob I eesld sot. I baoeoae alarawd aad after ghrtag the teaal doctor a trial bought a bottle of Ofcamberleta'a Cosgb Itimidy aad Ua nasU waa Imteadlato tmaronmiat, aad after I bad aasd three W ties My I sage wars nteond to Utter baaliby teteA-B. B. Xowabm. PabUsher of I be Brrltm, Wrest. UL For sale by J. X. Carry A Ooaipaay. MW WtWIMTWI •1*0. Am Am—1 Written hr Hit Gnml «tea Mul'a Private Suniwf. WatMteitoa Peat. Mrs. F. W. Garner. isskuog st lbs Uerwtok. No. 8808 Foiurtototh street, has * Rood dost of vslosMs literature •ooosotod with tbs Ilfs of Washington. A (door vbo voIumo lit bsr possess Inn srs lbs "WiiiIors o( Washington,” in llw first book of wtiieh Uisrs is aa ap pendix by Tobias Unr. giving sb sooouot of WasMogioo* dsath. Mr. Lsar was first private secretary to tbs General, sod later be was aupsrlntso doot of his prtvata affairs. Ho was pMeant during lbs lest illness and death of bit distinguished patron. Fol lowing Is tbo account (Iren by Mr. Ltsr: “On Thursday, Deormber Ik, tbs General rods out tu hta forma about 10 o’clock, sad did oot rolura till put 8. 8ooo alter ba want out tba weather ba snipe vary hud, rata. ball, mow falling alternately, with a oold wind. When he came In 1 carried so«M laOcrs to bits to fruuk, lDlaadlng to tend thsoi to tba post oSoe tu tba artulog. Ha franked tba lattara, bat Mid tba weatb nr »M too bad to aead a servant to tho oBloa that ■ Tret tig. 1 observed to Mm that 1 was afraid ba bad cot wot Ua said ‘No, bla groat coal bad kept him dry.1 Bat bis aack appeared to ha vat, and tho straw was banging from hla hair. Bs came to dluuer (which bad beau waiting for blm) without changing bla dim la tbs evening bo appeared aa wall as usual. “A heavy fall of snow took plaoa oa Friday, which prevented tba General from riding oot aa usual Be. how rvar, want out to tba afternoon into tba ground twtwean tba haste sad tbs rim to mark soma treat white wars to tw cut down la tba Improvement of that spot. Bs had a hoaraeuem wmob lucres ted In the evening, but made light of It. “la ibe ereulog lbs papers were brought l» him trom the poatedloe. aad ba sat la Urn parlor reading them with Mrs. Washington and myeeif. Ba was vary cheerful, and wbaw ba mat with anything luteraetlug or eft* ter talc tog ba road It aloud as wall aa bis lion res neon would permit. Oo bis retiring, I j beer red to bla that lie had batter taka something to remove bla oukl. Ua aaaarated, 'No; you know I never taka Boftklug for a cold. Let Is go as It oame.’ “Between S and 8o’clock on (Satur day moralng bo awoke Mrs. Washing ton, and told her that ba wsa vary ua - well, sl4 that ba had so egwe. Sba observed that be could scarcely apeak, slid breathed with dtflcully, sod would have got up to Oell a servant. Bat be would not permit her, bet sho should Lake a cold. As aooo aa tba day appeared, tba woman (Cardinal want Into the room to make a Are, ana Mrs. Washington mat ber Immediately to call sue. 1 got up, put on lay dot bra, and want naquick.y «s possible tn bla dumber. Mrs. Washiofton waa then ap, and related to ma bla being UI. aa before stated. 1 foaod tba Gen eral brsatblog with difficulty, aud hardly able to attar a work Intelligibly. Bs desired Mr. Bawllns (one of the overmen) might be sent lor to bkwd blm before the doctor ooald arrive. 1 1 aspsicbad a servant lastautlv for Uawllos, aad another for Doctor Cralk. “A mixture of me lasses. Tin gar, and batter was prepared to try Its effects oo UmGeneral1* throat, bathe eoald nos ■wallow a drop Wbrnavar he attemp ted It ha appeared distress id. con vulsed. and almost suffocated. Raw lins eama la soon attar sunrise and prepared to Meed him. When the arm was ready, tbs Ganaral observing that Bawllns appeared to ba suite agitated said, aa wall aa Im could •peak, ’Dni’i be afraid.’ Aad wbaw tba I nc let on wee made, be observed : “Tba or!doe la not large enough.’ However, the blood tan pretty freely. ■'Mr*- Washington, not knowing Whether or not binding waa proper In i tba General's condition, begged lust much might pot ba taken from blm. Bat an I was about to antis tba atriug. tba General pul up hit band to prevent it, and said aa aooa aa he eoald apeak, •Mora, more.’ Mr a Washington be^ ink still my anassy. Ires too orach blood should be taken, it wee stopped after taking about half a plat Finding that ao relief was oWalaed from Weeding, aad that nothing would go dawn the threat; 1 proposed bethlog it externally with sal volatile, which waa dooe my gaotly, and ba observed, *n ferny sore.’ A plaoa of fUcoel dipped, la sal volatile was put around* bla nook, nod bis foot bathed la srarm water, hot without affording any relief. “la tha Bwitlu, Mon Dootor CraHt onload, Hn Waahtnrtoo de •Irad mo to aaod tor Dootor Bravo of Port Toboooo. whom Dootor Oralfc bad rooomm—dod aboold bo rolled U coy ooao aboold aaor ooour tbat waomrtoow ly alarartof. 1 dlopotobad a moaooo gar I ■■Milo lily far D rotor Brava, Mtvaaa Band 9o’Mocfc. “Dootor Craft oamo la ooon oOtr, aad, a poo examining tba Goorrml,- ha pat a bJtotar of aaothartdco an tba throat, took apaaa more Mood from blm, ood bad a Rargla of rloogar aad bot wornr for him to lotolo tha ataam of it, wkloh be did, bot 11altempting to am thagargla bo woe almoot ioKr ootad. Wbaa tba gargla mma from too throat, aomo pblgnm followed, aad ba atiaaapMd to coogb, which tba doc tor we com rag od blm U da m moob m peoMMe. bot he avoid ooty attempt It. A boa 111 o'clock Doctor Oratk roqaaa Ud that Dootor Dick bo mot for. oa ha ! foe red tbat Dootor Brown might not aaato la Mom. A mooe-ngor' woo a* aardlogly dtapatohad far him. A boat IMctlaa tha Bouaral woo Mad again. Ba oCoat, hawooar. »*o prodoard hy It, -od ho remotaod la.lfaooama fUto. eeeMa to twaNow onythlag. • “Dootor Diet oun abaot I a*oloah aad Doctor Broww arrived aooa aftar. Cpoa Dootor D*o*’o wfag tha Oca anl. aad awoaoMlag »foe mloatoa wttbDjotorOraih. ba woe Mod agaie. Tba Mood aaaoo tary daw, woe thlah, aad did aat prodoaa aay goybn of taint la*. Dootor Urow* «um loto tha ohatuber soon attar, and upon fesl in* Of tha Central’* pole-, tbs nhysic Una want oat anon after. GeloUat aod tarter ensile wore adatotaterail bat without anyeffaah "About 4U»J he desired an to oall Mr* Washington to lit* bedside. wimn ba refloated bar to go diiwa into hie room and take from hlsdrak two will*, wbiob She would Aod there, aad tiring thaa to bla. wbiob kb# did. U|*>n looking at them began bar one. which ba observed woo uaelea. aa being sap wooaded by tb* other, aod deal red her to burn It, wbiob eh* did, aad took tba other and pat It Into bar olo set. "After thla waa (roe I returned to bla bodelda aod took ha bead. (!• ■eld toots: lam going.* He asked b* to attend to bis book* aa I puwrs and soUls III* aooouat* He swlliurly oksrrfud as that be looked forward to bis approaching deoth with a psifsot nslg nation. "Aboat 5 o’oloak Doctor Cralk agola earns Into tbs roaa. aad upm going to tba bedtMe tba Oawsral oald to bla: ’Doctor I die hard, but I aa not afraid to go.* The doctor prrserd bis band, but oouid not utter a word. He told tha other physicians that they oouid do nothing for bla sod thanked them for tbslr silent loo* "About 8 o'clock tbs pbssteians re turned, and applied blteterkaud oats PMsms of wheat bran to bla legs end ftot, after wbiob (bay wrat out. rxorpt Doctor Cralk, wltboat a ray of bnpo, “Aboat 10 o’oloak ba aod* several attempts to spank to Be before he ; could offset It. At length be sold : *1 najast going. Her* a* decently buried, end do nut let ay body be pat .Into tha vault to Isa* Uan Hire* days after I aa dead.* 1 bowed assent, for I could not (peak, tie thao looked at ■m ngala end mid , ‘Do yoo auder •tnsd a*r I replied, 'res.* “’Tie well,’ said be. "Aboat tea minutes before lie ex pired I wbloh wee between 10 aod il "*c look.) bla breathing been ms easier. Hr Ur quietly ; be withdraw 111* band form Bin* and fail hta own pntae 1 anw bta ooaoleoaace change. 1 spoke to Dootor Oraik, who sat by iba Are. Ha aaao to tba bedside. Tb* Oeweral'e band fall from his wrist. 1 took it In aloe nod pressed It to ray bosom. He expired without a struggle or a “While ws were fixed u sitaot grW Mrs. Washington, who was titling *t U>* foot of tb* bed. naked with a Bra and eoltaotad voice : *1* be gois-V' l oouid not spank, but bald Up ay hand as a signal that be war no aura. Tis wall,' said she. In the aum voice, ‘all ta over now. I ahull auon follow him. 1 bars no *w* trial* to p.s* to rough.’ Tbe ChemtMl rm Bnadne. heir Pub— - - Una of tbe Boat practical *ad rffrd lireapplication# of carbon dioxide li In tbe ehemleal Ira eng lot Here It it agent wtitcii vbroirt the etreaa and •xUoguUbw the fire. Tbe englue oou■ •UU of two exaotly tlmlUr luU. each bolding tlitr galloet of water. la title iweety-Bee pound* of tod* to dtaoleed. an agliator being used to facilitate itetolettoa. In the tup of e*eb teak there to a lottla oouuinleg etoreo pound* of solpbarlo aetd. Tbe bottle to kept tightly elated uotU lo to datirad toneatbeengioo, when when by turning down the bottle the aetd Bowo fatto the coda toluUoo. The gee to etrr npldly tenanted whta the acid end the •ode solution ooura together end la a, ywy abort use a pretaure of three baodred pouoda to the equate Ineb oau be obtained, which will throw a half laeb stream of atagtod water and gae about ninety feet. Tpe water I* here oaad at a ae*M of oonreyiog the gae than for la own Qra-exUngntobir g properties for the gat liberated from ^e water by tbe Jar of tea Impart and by the beat eerare tbe Bra, exdodlog tha etr much mate effeot.itlly then water end thee taother* to. i« •onto eitlee mere Uu SB per out of the Brae an* extinguished by tbear <*ealoal eogtees Oely eoe teak on the eagtoe to aa»d M a time, to that It oaa be kept going constantly by re charging ib* empty tank wMle the other la netd. The method of etwrgteg tbe teak to exactly tbe aaaeaa that need t« charge a aoda fountain. Any oae oaa demosetrale Um feaeibUUy qf exUngotoblogBfobfthtogu by hold l og a lighted match olone ow a frveti ly drawn gl*« of tedt water, or orer a •tort la which tfcWMtim It pro daiwd by poorlag vinegar on tode Ufw. riMMll. “Wbot woo tlio Mii ottUoo t" -Too MM wbot 1* ibo tint «t» Uoa. ’• -No. What woo U, isn't It P> "Tbo* 4mm* moo My dtlbrmw. Jb Jo wi». Dot woo b no* .11 ilT) "Look boro; wbot wo*. U, ood wtiut U.U. la woo b or bb woo.” Nooatooo. Wo* ouy lio lo. bat lo lo not woo. It woo woo. but If woo wg« b, tboo I* Im.t m or m wom* woo. If woo w, wot It woo, bo* It y Hat If b b woo tboo-” "LMdo. U m. wo* wot. and b woo nod woo bi ttorororo b woo It nod woo b woo, ood If Woo woo b. to b.ood woo woo woo woo old b b wo*. »» "ttbot np, wtll yjo I Pro goo* by toy *ut»M okroody." Thor* b oo bottor Mdlei » bobb* tboo UbbbkloMo promt and oflaetoa) ooroo UworTu wltt Mttori ood i draw. I* qotahly ooroo “ i ood^ tnldt, yrwMotlog pnooa r oum oroap ood'botVwo *OMd n of ttooooodi of MM without • tinab foliar* ohr M wr boro bom obb In boro. It oat only ooroo oroap, bat wbr* giro* mo to ttt oroapy oooob oppoiro, will promt tbo ouook. To OOOM of wbooyiog ooogb It Ibalkro tbo ttogb oraooo. oraktok U oNoor to ox wrarw*. tod bow** tto atrtrHr ood rrrgooooy of tto raruaytoM of ooogb log. tto* drprfotog tbot dbMM of oh d i Moron eoowgonooo. Nor tab by J. iTcorTT • Oooyuy. ■ m wot. •rvt—MMi Cod.jr. wliUU—r tent £[*£»oS*da? atruMlrenaae. elupla cmo. F* lootonno. (Hot will wok h btUlsihlp ot Am ailn worn wlUi oue allot, it U mid (a kw IUtv that wttlilu Uta setoory of ooou Utaatoo-m w— quite a erode affair, U*a tbo luab triad stupa eosab, *>•■ pan* with tbo wodoro upr—a trats. Before our Cirll War tbo Bald artil Irry of tba Oalwd dtataa 00—ted aid md twalvx pjmdar futwllawa, all at bwwo is. wo at—oarriapeo. A ad tte imlMllw wars solid shot. Audaolato MOd^f7 won I ■movable pteoae without wb-aW or truulO'ii, wblob oould —*»Tnr bo oldbuat nor a-ratad nor uwrod la my wap. mt only And bf wbso tbo at* taoainp ship nosh ad am part-alar point Jolt la boa. At tbo battlo of Waterloo both aid— «—la—wthbon ■—bats, wMablwd SL-^arar sass.^’tt quartan— would DM bo pooMMt to day with our riled wee an— ltd mu oofalllodT at oaa llmowoil yards. As taataooa of the abort reaps flpbtlap Is firm loCr-oy<e-ao-tof tSomttto of the buttle of Water! to. Tbo Brit itb Infantry atoad Or— aod — tbo F re sob batted and I—an to deploy 1*. t» line, Ptotoa ebouted In mntorlan r.tloa to Kempt's brigade: ‘A Toll— and Uteri Dhupt * At • dlataoos of law than thirty yards IbU Tolley was iworrd upon ilia dented iretaectlow of tbo nearest eolaaa. aad then with a Aero* hurrah. the Brig— embed to. wlilt fanyooet, The Fr—oh r—led b—h I t o tof ii-tii " . Let eny otadrnt of modern warfare try Uyteture wbai would happen of e 0^ Woo—onoed with Meaaen thoold Ant a Ttdlry at lllrty yexda lute 0 chaiqloa eoiaaa Ana r*m ersetsr to ito omirut la daatrucUeaaan Msmo tha |t« used la ibeofcfttme turlas aedthegaaeof uur unfits. At Um battle of TratU m »1*(J of Um torgsat ahlpe U Um world fired brojtdtidf* Ak <im taothtf oonUaaoesty f.w mm hours, aad were at seek dosa quartern that f«w •■I Um ►hots saw have islsard, iH u.t a alugle ship went d»wa. Compare tueh a rtsult with what happened la tha tea boars’ fighting at toaaUa aad Santiago. rot a tunc lima it sraa Uxjnght Ira piaslbla to ooBSUuet eaiiHuo of Urge oallber that eeeFi ha find wfg; 5 tba saddaa and excnstrs generation at ahaaltos ehtrg* was Igaltsd usually burst tbs barrel aed did more harm to rrtoots tbaa to rase. Brwi eu 1st* se the Romo Turkish war. Um largest field gnus used by the Turbo were tseutjr-four pousder*. Ai d It wso eot until lag prose ownla iu powder oaskiog were aooompitohad. do that Hi I"" wrr* gsosnueu w jr* slow); aod tbs burning of Um piwdsr rflocted m'warrraljr that Um ot Umaj bmam poatlbla. Rifl-d cauuoa ware l.itrudeoed I. the Italian eampeleo of I860, end werv used to sumo extent la ear Crrll War, belog Imputed from England. An I the terrible Catling gon datrs from IM1. Tha diet long gun fur Bring hollow prajtwutos for too* react wee Intro as® rnTJOszs the modern toU tu for throwing , eentoter abet, which to bow aaad with aaofa praelston the* half of the ballets JP*ole*llde esautaed la a alogle 'shell, aad there an budrede of then,, will strike a Mpedren of oarali; at a dtotaeea of 800 or 803 yards. Up to 1848 tin ngMetloa bead Bn am la Um British Berries was a mooth-bora musket six aod efM-bsIf !TJ2*.“i3SaSi?Ti ’®. tjhertoel ball sCkeUra at *» yards. Tso years latrs the rifled staekot was letradweed lets the Britton way. with these wan ussd la oar awa war. The* •ama tha modern oioagated ballet, with foa aoormous veloslty aad r«MU tnhaar In dsatraeUua. hlon thsa am mm was noted la the neat war when a Menem bultot paasrd eaUrn* ‘^roaeb two bed torn sad lodged la a Thankful word* written by Nn. Ada B. Halt, of Oraton, 8 D. -Waatabaa with a bad ootd wblob a<UJad ga an eougb aat la and B sully ttrwta atad la Oaaaowptioa. Foar Doatora !«• a* 0* wring 1 orntld Boa tat a Wart llaa. I pn wyarif ay to my .*•*»«. drt*r*laad If I ooald not atey witb ay frlaada oa aaith; I woaid toast »F •hririt oaaa abooa. lit husband waa adtfsad to gut Dr. King* How wall and baabby woman.'' Trial bot Daa ft to at ^Oar^A 0»* D«y ^Do^our ttula or la 8 wt* ;-Xy Tbay did »IU last Cbrtatteaa. wlwa vbstr papa playad tba part! I bad tba ohlkhwo Is tba haR. and ba waa to war fma aprtslra with a lot a* praraats for tbrwiT5 ••Yte r* WaR, wa bad tba lights taroad k>w. aad ha tboagbt ha waa daws wbaa ba waaat. Tory woagottedMa‘i-| igi ~ ^■ir^TrtsarjK mViI’ibK f£* ^IbM*8, wtth ihsawaUaw fat hast triad i_____ bat Drib Baba la tba baab mrfliln i bate gat hold of." OaaaypUaatlw in ttatea thjjria. hrSTTl (terry A Oaaspaay. 4 T*ir The eagravt u ba frea the War Md la «• »■«*— n?!mmi!*amm **lb* MalMT tulif hrtiir to Ma koonlNi nnder iweoiutlm of YorthoSiSCh Vateraee ▲nwelatloo ud Act of One FHid 14 UW pr—at Urn and mk* & m Ml the MM and IlM eflMl UuMcamatTls peaelhfe. 1 fcetlefe H would add to thd fieldavoe of Uw laprteilon. If we Mold etre w*h eaeh that real eaat print'd fra* tfptt toEoa at dm Uw and hi that tt Bay be oaaa r^' ’The State he« wadat ead 00 ftffffffrltHih oywfut tof 0*09* IMlitlee aod Wndla* Vo* da your work of wrUlag. aod 1 Mine of adit laf. tbraasMotw* oe a labor >4 lore. Mthaa* onto era dtada theawt *H1 here to tedefroeed by thoee Wbaaa «■ «»aeluce appear, or IMr frleedi. I £»*» ude_logelry awd Odd freei at WOO each, or «t.n eoautdlop to etjrla, unlaw Uw dapaarta-opo If** dlawed aeton«utm re drawlac lo •J4* It wil eoetgLttextM IkU lew prtoe le. aoooedfd eooaaeeet of the aeettor aod the oaoae fur Willed they are priatod. “I aehertt to you ae llitwleii af your Hdflwewt whether poo wtoh to hare title duue for poor raplwaai If eo.ll*tf»toyo*r jodweateattha ee ssszzrz 'ssuggss dagonreaotyper aod of the owed era einwiary an abeee. f would teapeet foily inrgnetthat la ihauuwhnr ohueM fo the pletoren of tba Uoloool. and Uw Dietnrlaa, thowfh area that (learn to jou to decide. "Bui an ajlt-ir, la ebarge of the work, 1 indw up hi imi reetrlatloa. there aeet h*oo ai»prarla« unlrsa It le froei a dap nrintyim takea daring the war and in NiKwu-ffrtk'ide obJ-etU tnpnu-bt Hi- Me <4 Mat tine «e He) tiwi «pp w* I. "This io liter !• »ubaxUod to eaeh IlMmlae, ui eet fur bis Hielnent ae hn lliluk* pnapw If p,* ertUi Mia done, aet pr>nep*ly at at ml tndelar I prlUop. • itrNw mum. ■•w • MMImi Cm TwiMiim M.r mmrnmtr »M|>«M Imb a BnalUkl Mfi ■aw York Imkl. “Two mother* m» lalkiaw a boot telcRlay o|> ■ daughter. Tte you ppm aaa aaaad. "Wfcit would you do with a my homely rIi IT” “I woald mate bar pretty," wa* tbo re^-.2s£2a»s: rsasisj aooapt Inherited taolu aod try to arowd Uwmout by acqalrad Rrema, fiffisssa ssiaaS satasraaststts to^jbart thorn Ullage whlek wa aaU “X Mould try to Urala tbooaualry, or la para air. aod omoor. baaaUfal ratatatloB. I Would aorar maotloo baoaty aaaapt to potat it out, worn to abowbar Iwr own daftotaoikd mate bar Mlf ooaaoloaa. Bba Man Id bora ptoper food. obirdy tha THitirtaa color mating taalaa, fratta aod mMa falm.wttb ptaoty adaalada aod (Mb milk. TbcM aaa ho ao rnakoi (bat tba MR fateful oblld will prufrr Item to riah Macao, aptoea ood awaota. "I fcaebber toatom! Mb fcrttepatoa that U brio* aod Ter taoablM bar to loro tbo water, aod ba fytea aMrywbma. Tba teMte braatba laa mwbfmb air. ate abould bar* tha bModtoCaa opto tea. If aoty for tba atond ap moMin wbtab ft ttewwa out to i winter.^ I abuuM ubaoMbar Mndbarows Mlldraoaaafafl to nod tba Maraatar of otter tii»bl/l mtea ter*uabUd^ cd*aatarw with UM aider ad "Tte mpaaammy of a tedteWb j^sr-^-JEsnu wmba aod wBa." i XaoOftaaM “VtoMlk*_ had r> add oaaof tto vtoaw at - paatiaaUw trhooito mmi 4M mm. IMtolta _ at >)r ioth I'lMto la-tot toMt Om *">•* ttoagbil jaat—r»to*ly»—y ■autoardffS.^TtoCmw. If yoa Uto K*r t** a ehaap boardtag toaaa oh avo alit» la atuml a taaa abt waa add to bava bam bart la a labt. 1 toaad a 70aac frtkiw at Mar tfaervatoata. Wf daa-d. wli b a bbiaiy aoatowca aw ana trfitl. abraks and a badly bratoa anaa. Tto brMaa waa wanabH atoaat U •l:b iba faaa. and t atw at mm that ttoacaa woaldaaad vary amdal bawl llaat* pravaat gnat dtadaatMMat. Hot to toUwr raw arttb tanbaloal to tail*. I OMdtH oayator tto* algbt to • a aaqrrfleUI drvaatac aad datanarf far Itor araarodlaai aaUI Boat dap. Wto 1 called foUaafaft woealaw tto T il ~ waa bad 4alto wtoarf bb aaaaaa. • * 'tj ij t< SSBE&SSSaSgS * r~r%. o;

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