t.L |n.‘.liumn 111 11 1W—BMW—————dh ■ -n id' —T—|—■ The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. Vitl. XXI. Uu£’JLtt£&N~J UA8TONIA, N. €.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, IttOO. WHITE SUPREMACY. “00El, LET bi~REASON TOGBTE El." WHITE VOTERS, Tkt trakaual Ini and WIN a* Cmr rMd—WhlM dM BMI Wale la Kvrry NM of Aorta ronllaa The LegUlaluie of 1800, la all it did. wad Inspired hr a eincere >1-o.ro lo ad ranee tba Interests of North Carullru, and bring tba blaaalagi of tween a.rd prosperity at all hrr people.—E J. Jut l<oe. TUB rB0F[.n TO DBTBUMtBK, Tba legislature baa performed lie p.rt In preparing ami puaHiig the pm pjoed amendment to be v.ited on. It now remains f..r ilit people t>. My whether It shall b* ratified <* not. ir a majority of Ilia r«t»s eeet aliall le ■ galnet It, Ibat t-uda It. If a majority ■hall be for it Ibru it will bee.>me part of our oooetitalion. So tba whale uueetton aad irepoualblllly le now with the people. It U for them to aay what aliall be done witb it. And in mat lug tip 'heir minds and arrlrlug at ibelr coccilarlona they bare a a-pie time lo oonatder thla great quealluua lu all Ua bearings upon the future polkilea and Interests of their State. Much will probably be written nod epobeo for and Metost tba amendment before the day of rating comes. It will be well for the oouee re stive, thoughtful people to lake these arguments aud roe tuna, consider them aad then rote a* they lie eonrtamd It for U« heat Interest of tbewmtleaa, their bocsee aud Ibelr State.—T. J. Jerrla. In am oooQJeot that tba amendment to be submitted lo tlw people la eon atltoUooal, and tbere is mu doubt iu my rnled that the oourta can not bold the AUt kecUon lo be unoouilltutlotirl sod permit ocher sections to aiaod. — J udge W. R. AUeo. Tbs day of negro ooutrol In the South has psassd, aad peaatal forerer. aud It may aafdy be assarted that no party oootrolled by tba negro will rear (gain carry a State tooth or Moaon aud Dis ci a "a line; abd that tbo white men wbo hereafter attempt to manipulate the negro rota to further ibelr mean aad selliah ambition, aad to degrade their iace, will become dally and yearly more odious la the ryes of self-respecting white men aud women. f.n Senator Pritchard and bla uttoe lioldlDg uagTOpblllata put this Id their pipes and intake it.—p. U. Summons. The amendment will Lit mlartpieeto ted. Evert poeelble attempt will be aiede to deceive tbe people. It will be foogbt with ell MUaraeee and malignity and rancor of Uie rewegadte who urn the negro aa a means of public plunder. Hut It will be defended end ausuieed with e real, aa eolbuetasm, and heroic determination that will Bra tbe heart* of tbe patriotic tone end daughter* of tbe Old North Slate from the moun tains to tbe aee—Lieke Craig. Tbe lesoee growing oat of this qore Uoa ere euprema. Tbe adoption of tbe Constitutional Amuudmeot It all important te tbe people of North Caro lina. Our 8*ate is about to enter upon aa era of oommerolal and industrial prosperity hitherto uaknown In ear history. On* loosbwe irate upon at. one dark shadow fade so rose our path way. Tbe elimination of tbe ortro from polities until be becomes qu allied to exsrete* the earned right of suffrage will lift tbe one nod dieel pale the oth er.—Robert D. Gilmer. No man who wtabew the people of North Carolina well can oonalateutlj oppose this amendaMot. Kyery ooe who would tee our people arouse them selves end press forward In tbe Improve ment most wetooaae tbe opportunity of voting for this measure.—d. A. Asha Mr. Chairmen—Orest sympathy with the people of my oat I re Hate Indues* me to add ram Ibis latter to you. I am deeply Impeaated wKh tbe vast impor tance of tbe public question which le now ecgaging their attention. Tbe •net* of Ibo teat few years need sot mow te meellooed except In a general way. It te out probable that they will he forgotten by those who witnessed their horrors. Tbe oooragw of the peo ple during tbe trying acmes preceding the last use lice, acid tbrir heroic ter bearaoee coder lbs greatest provoea ttoa merits and wilt always receive, the highest praise. A grateful oodatry will always highly honor the brave meu who were Irwdere In the straggle far Urn welfare and happiness of the State. Their wort we* writ begun, hot la net finished.—Boo. WillUm xhepard Bry ■a, of Baltimore Dar. mo TUftMnro DACKWino mow. Wa hara pot our hands to tb« plow ■od we Mill not tarn backward. la lflK wa aoforlad tba DwnooreUa ban nar to tba braraa aaabUsoood with tba rally tof err or - Wblu UwpramMj." Wo Twoataaoaa under that baooar to tba aoi of tho war. W a bars won tha oatpoata of tba aoaaiy. wa bora drlraa tbaaa book In dlaordar, and tbay ara icaklog ooa loot dracorau stood ra fonolnf U>alr broken 11 era bobtod tba braaatworta of peejadioa and dawo ' r*y. TWy funs In vain. Tha tredt Uooa of North Carolina DamoeraU art (Wed with ktorlooa aahiaaaoaoata; thalr oownoa la of tba bast, thalr deter mlaa Uoa M ooyMdlog, thalr oactelatp of ytdtoiy amowota to Inspiration. Tor paooo, for prosperity, for anlvaraalrda ooUoo, for that day wbaa. tba rasa head I* fcnyar oattlod, wa oaa haea ao ibaolatafy free ballot aod a fair oount for "tba glorious prleltega of being la dapaodaat, for (roaral totrratiow of baaaat If wlauhao optoiooB, wo resaw I be ooalaat. t/et Ibw basnaror 1WB to (gala oaf tried I«t It atlll ba la MMtbad with tba naotto -Whirs Hapta pan,n bat abort all that tat (hero alas appear aa tha atw ekd and of whtia mpeawaay wood goearnieai.t fur all, obaotata jaatiaa latoaa tba law and aw conrmrnoxAi. With tha lights before nar, aod aoob IsyaWtgaUoo oa I bora bars aula to gTaa It, I bora baaa lad to tha aoodo •Ion u t lawyer looking at II portly , from a lagal standpoint, that ttw pro I poeed amendment (If adopted) would out o hi flic t with the Constitution of > the Halted Scute*; and in Ibis cumrnu I nlcatloo that Is ttw Duly question ( have undertaken to cnnaWtar. How many Individual peiwxis of dif ferent now mar. upon a oenau' halo* taken, be etnbraoed within thla claaa of voUn, Is not the qut-allou. ‘Class legltlstlnn; dlaerlmlnaiiog ngaisst some and favoring other*. U prohibited; hut leqlilatton which, In carrying ont * public porpnee. Is United In liaappll cation, If within the sphere of Its operation It aSrcts alike all persona similarly situated, la not wllliln the amendment.—W. A. Untbrle. Shall tba negro aaaae to be a political power to do evil t Those wbo would have lbs negro eliminated will vote for the amend merit, and ihwe wbo prvfmr to etaod vlwek by jowl with "Cuffae." will vote agaloit ilea and that la hU there la to tbe matter, so far aa the people an onooarned. Ttw people are not lawyer*. Dot skilled In quest Iona of constitution al law. They will therefor* not pre tend to anllolpale tlm onuite. but tbsy do kuow wbal they want, and in till* rvsprot oao very Intelligently vote od tbe proposed changes In our coo •tltuvldr.—Tarboro .Sotrtirrnrr, MTST tTAJCD OR >ALL AS A WHOLE ' A FART CAN HOT STAND AND A FART BE CKCOJMTrrrrtON AL. The legislature thought the right to participate In governmant should be lltnlled to those wbo had some train ing. aod that the test of this ahoald ha knowledge obtained by wbat wa ordi narily oall ados tUon, or by eageriauoe. It aald aa who eoaM read and write were quallled, and It also aald them • bo coaid not raad aod write, but wbo by Lhran*Ivea or through their aooea trrrs had been In the It >blt of partietpa llng lo government were equally well quail tod. and that the two would con atltute Ute elector AM of tha State. It la oua systewi. one plan, la pa sard as a whole, and nsUQtd as • whole. It Is a aaalter of public history that the Legislature would not have peawtd tbe amrudaoMit without tbe Qftb see lion, and If thla admitted the rule we bava Invoked shows that the differ rut part* of tbe amendment moat fall or stand together.—Judge Allen. span yorooATioK. Beery mt oo rental In tbe cooeti tullocsl life of any people lias a sure foundation. A people’s fundamental law obaogve (lowly. In tbe dawn of oonsUtutlowal ltbarty In America tlw cry of tbe “dlTine right of klort" was drowued In the (urging cry that tbe peopte must bare rotoo In tha ooaocila of Mata. In these closing hours or a oentory the descend sale of tba map who do otered (ftmit tbe role of eollgbuoed kings, dacg to proTlde against tbe rule of the beolgbted Have. In tbe light of tts unwise beetowel and la tbe fuller light of the base uses to which It hea beeo put, we of Jloeth Carolina declare that tba ballot In tba band of tbs Igner raat bleak man la a tnanaoa to our cir lllsatloo—F. D. Winston. Tbl* a neaaeure JustlOed oo tba high est ground* with the Chinese exclusion as*. Tbaee ml mend-eyed gentle chil dren of tbe flowarty ktngdoaa ware not daatrabta clUieoa as thee came bare with the animus rarer tend L Alagstoa Uoo was Inaxpedtent aad ateeatloo la poalbla. They degraded manhood and decreased tba scale of American labor. Tbe great West preyed for relief; tbe prayer waa answered and a nation with a literature as old as tha pyramids aad a sublime code of morula was shot out. ' Waa It right 1 Tba world aaya It waa, for public policy demanded It. Tba Ignorant negro degrades the fran chise sad decreases tbe scale or Ameri oaa manhood His (asyeoeloo, till qaillfled, Is Jo stilted oo the seme high ground of pobllc policy. It u against public policy to console murder; there fore the criminal forfeits his Ilfs. It is agalut II to meal; tha tbetf la deprived of bta ltbarty. And It to against puMto policy for tha Ignorant negro to vota. therefore suspend him." — A. D. Cowles, (Bap.) Tba amendment win be mallnged Md misrepresented by every om whose rotate depends epee tbe votes of Ignorant nerroae. but this ohlld of the Democracy with her boo art ttrmly to wards white supremacy, bar heart fall of faith In hawait, faarleaa, white man hood, with prepare and hopes of good wo mao riegtog I* bar ears, a charmed b* malloe aad falsehood, will tuooaed, aad with bar aooeaaa w)U coma, wr treat, e batter day for ear goad Com moo wealth.—wTw. Kltebiu. tuc rxaaino or run nmm ra voli nc»—wnrrc huh will uvlu. Tha white people of North Carolina will never again submit to negro doml •atloa. nor that tha negro ahaII rate !■ any part of tb la Rial*. Thte wae the Irrevocable decree of Nov—bar S, IMS, For tide reason tba Republican party can never hope to regain aoatrwl la North Cardins, ae loegaa It ooetlnare under present la flnaoaae. for H le maalfaet that ee long ■alter aontiaoai oagm domlaatlnn la evrtala parts of tha Mate will loevita bte follow! ts Mooaaa. aad the tall eanaj of the negro la pollUoa will of aeeaeslty be exerted and fet In every part of tha Mala. U la futile far Hepobilcaos to longsr deny that ihalr party In North Caroline is ooatreUad by the negro and that government by It It necessari ly gcrarcatsot nador negro tnfloeuee.— Tboaa who aaah Lo defeat tha aJap Uoo of tba Safirega Ameedmaat by tba people ex pram solicitor's in regard, drat. Tv Ita eoppasadoeelHet with tha pnrvlatow of the Fifteenth Asaoedmoot tetho Federal Oeaatttatten. itseood. That Urn fourth Motion win be sas tnlnad and tha Orth, oommoalr ealted "the grandfather da see" will he de eteredletelM. thereby prohibiting from retlog all pageeoa who than net ba able "to rani and wilts aay asaUaa af tha CteeatUntlan In the Beglteh leagu—a, ” He far an ana baa Mrlantej gate ttoned tbo wisdom of Uw proposeu Chang* in our low. Tbs uptrkcw of our own and of other Bo othero ifUtw fur Dm past thirty years baa demon ■lrated tha oceeaalty (or radical trau isanl nl tha suffrage question. Whether tba tolleltade for tbe eooatltuDooallly of the measure la altogether linear* I will not at lb la Li dm aumst. Tboaa who wUh to oompaas Its defeat raoog nit j the fact th it a -li-es tba (ears u( a large number of wlilu voters oao be aruusad lo rag am to the oaoo-id branch of tbeir oonlanlloo tbe meaaore will ba rat I Bed by a large majority or tba peo ple. Tba AmiadoMni la Um expression uf ilia e truest, patriutlo dwlre ot tba mad wbo framed It, and those whom they represent, to plane our suffrage Uw upon a stroag, healthful beat* re moving many and manifest arlU now existing aud daagaro tbraetaalng the welfare of tba State In tba future. It ofieri ■ solution of the vexing question oooatMenl with and pro motive uf tha highest intsraau of Dm Kill and im provement of tbe people. If tboaa wbo fail to sympathise with Ibw pur pose shall eueceed lo dafaatlag It, tbua perpetuating these ooadltMne, they wilt aejuy tbe satisfaction of having dooa a great lnjery to the Mute with nut reaping tba reward which pruaapU them in their work, political suprema cy.—Judge (Jonuur. lo this dlaaasatoo t aball aaauaoa that tha proposed amaodmeat Is oot la 0011 ■ •let with the OoDMluilion of tba Dol led Bute*. It la similar to the pro Tiitooi of tba OvuatUuttoa af Jmula laaa, which has bean pa mail upoo aud pmoouDoed ooostituUonal by soom of tba a bleat Uwysrt lo lbs nellad States. It was paaaed by a Legislature oom posed of maoy of tba ebUat Uwycra ot tbla Busts. Tba A.mertoee ay stem -if government leans tba queatloo of luff re ge vary largely with tba BUta. aud the boprem* court of tha Usited Stales baa raoaatly affirmed and up held tbla doctrine lu passing upon Hie new ooottllutloo of Mlaalastppl. which ooutaiued pruvUMDS reetncDog nod regulating suffrage. Bo notwItbaUmi log tbe condemnation of tha amend meet by a tew Republican lights, wlio have been dragged from obscurity by tba uagra vote. 1 shall assume tba amendment to ba oooalltuUouai, nod that It U within tha ptoviooe of tba people of North Carolina to ratify earl make it a part of their oonsUinttea if Urey aaa proper to do eu.—T. J. J arris. M/«s Kioium OSMf pruts CbrwUu UnMl An Amadou traveller who spent eome lime with llodyard KJpUng in Loodoo recently telle thU no 17 : “ltoe afternoon are arant together to tba Zoo, and while at rolling about our ear* were emailed by the mast taelao choly so nod I bare ever beard—a com plaining. rretting, laroeetlng sound proceed tog from the elephant house. “ 'W bat’s tba matter Id there V asked Ur. Kipling of the keeper. "A tick elephant, air; be dries all tba time; we don’t kanw what to do with him was the aaearer. “Ur. Kipling harried sway from me In the direct too of the lament, which was growing louder and mora pain ful I followed, and aaw him go op clots to (be cage, where stood an ele phant with sadly dropped ears and trunk. He waa crying actual tears, at (lie same time that he monrned his lot moat audibly. Ia another moment Ur. Kipling was right up at the hare, aad l beard him apeak to the sick beast la a language wlileb may bare been ain nhanteet, but oartaluly wee not Eng lish. Instantly Uw whining stopped, the ears were lifted, and the Booster turned his sleepy little suffer log eyes apes ble visitor, end put out hie trank. Mr. Kipling began to owrsm It, still speaking lu the seme southing tone, end in words unintelligible— to me. at least. After a few minutes the brut began to answer In a much lower tone of voice, and evidently reeoeoted Ills worn. Possibly elephants, -when la poor health* like to coo Me their symp toms to sympathing listener* as much as do eome human Invalids. Certain H was that Ur. Klpllag and that ele phant carried 00 a non versa lion with the result that lbs elephant -found hie spirits moab 0beared sod Improved. Tba wbtoe went ant of ble voloe, ha forgot that be was moob to be pitted, he began to exchange experiences with ble friend, and ha waa quite noeon aoloua. as was Ur. Klpllag. of the amused and Interested crowd collecting about the cage. At last, with a start, Ur. Kipling found blmenlf and ble ala phant the nbsarvvd of all obearrera, and beat a nasty retreat, leaving be hind him a very diflerem creature from the one be bad foand. “Doesn’t that beat everything yon ever aaw »" ejacnlated a competeLok of mine, as the elephant iromoeted a biud aod cheerful goodbye to tba back of hie vaelahlog visitor sod I agreed with him that It dW “ -What langoage were you talking to that elephant V I ashed when I over look my fneod. “ ‘Language t What do you mean V be aaawared with a laugh. “ 'Are you a Uogll *’ I paraded, ‘andean yon talk to all thoaa beast* to thetr owu.teogaee ?’ “Hot he only smiled 10 reptv.” Tbara la no baUar oaadteloe for tha boMao tbao Cbaiobartala’a Coogb Romady. Ua pUuant hau ut prompt and oOaotoal anrrn maka It a favorite with oaothcra and amall cbll draw. It quickly ooraa iMr nought and sold#, praraotlag pneumonia ur other aerlona enoerqnenoee. It alec carre oroop and baa bmn naad la tana of Ihooaandt of too without a tingle failure to far aa wo ham barn abla to lemo. It not only min oroup. bat wfeoa glean oeon m Urn oroapy eewch nppoam, will prevent the attack, la rme of whooping cough it ttaalllaa Ute tough oraewa. making It eeoiar to 0« uoatorata, and lamona the oarer tty aad frequency of the paruaynm* at oa^h Ing, tbna drpritlag that dlamil of nil diagaroaa aoaarqaawoaa. For ante by J. K. Carry * Oampaay. ITUAUTHMtl*. Mil A** arlta a Duplrr m lb* Me UwllM-MmM Imm tmr »»—*»• INU -tab*," White an -Bet Me M«Hemt*»fie« A—Iber, aoW — It ■Ml Arp la AlUuHe UouUJtuUgn. I have alway* cxitcnled that Mail* log little thing* waa the be*ctl4ug tin "f tbe negro and waa a race trait Aud tbtt cheating la a trade Wat a race trait In Jew* and Otatllee. We whltt folk* do nut ball It cheating bat •ay ha got tbe adyeolaM ur tbe beat of tiie bargalu, bat thW advantage I generally gottoo by deoeptlou or a *up preaeloo of tbe troth. Tbe atgro amootha bit eln over by call leg It taking tblege—Juet at oar oook onoe mid to ma wbeu I complained alemt tier Mealing Urd end Hoar and riot end each tiling*: "Mr. Mtjur. I don’t think yoo mitt wbat I taken." Well I didn’t wry nock, for Mm never took moot at a time bat It annoyed mo fur 1 her to think tbe wet fooling me when the wmo’I. lint that net negro would tit up all nlgbt with a elofc bur of the family and waa alwaya and kind to onr cbikireo. Now (he white man rarely atmta anything and tbe negro ee rarely cheat* yon In a trade. Before the civil war the nrgroee’ moat frequent crime Waa Mealing cblckena and he got eo expert la that bmioeet that a law waa named making It a penal offenm for Anybody to bay ehtckaaa from a negro oven tboagb he bad reload thorn hi Die own yard. We wild boy foot mala, and broom* aud faaekrU. bat wa muel not buy eblekeae. I aw or no lew, be eontlnnai hie aldelgbt vooatleo. and ir tho eommandaieet bod mkl tltou Molt not cuvet tby neigbeor’* nbiekioe It would hern bean all thomme to him. i’lrat meat and tbeo (tool wa* pan of bla religion. I wa* ruminating auuttl thl* became I bought a turkey yeeter day from a negro for a eery low prloe a«l I woodarod where bo got IU 1 didn’t queollou blot, far I didn’t want to hurt dll feeling*. Wbeu 1 wa* in North Uandloa a friend tuid me about no old darky wlio waa oa trial fur ■tooling a turkey end tbe proof wae poeltl ve, and yet tm did not Mae* to la alarmed. Hie lawyer waa dlaouureged aad mid, "Uocla Jack, it looks like they haee got you." “NO day alnt. Mas John; day alnt got ms jat aud dry mint agwlna to gat um. Tali you how It is. Mas John. Da Jadga astaa up dar waa my josug master alien da war broke oat nod not garloe to sand me to da poo. No. air: ho alnt does tergal wlia l know.” But Mas John bad lost oooManta, for ha knew that Um Judge would do h<« duty and omenta tha law. In a short thno the trial was uror and tha Judge asked l'sole Jack If he had anything to aay io extenuation of bis crime Tha old gray-headed man got up with a grant aud looking around apon tbs kpoctotora aod thau at the Judge said : ''Muffu’ muob, Mm Jadga, naffn1 misoh. Oety die yoa know all shout dat old war tfbldi wa all got whooped aod yoo balot forgot how t west uud wM you to da army for yoo waa a cappm aod old master told sin to go 'long aud taka ketr of you and yoo knows 1 did de Tory bra' I coaid frw tour mighty k>og yogis mtd bow oou Hum yoa gut woaodod sod X staid by you oiitn-U yoo waa well again aod how anoder time you look tba rrresins uud mo, too sod l stay by yoo aod bus’ you sod bow anoder time deso yaakaos cotob ma sad I got away lu de eight aod cooes back to yoa and Low some times yoa get oat of money and out uf aomfan to eat all at da aamo time aod you sail ma np and gay. ‘Jaek, you mas’ go oat a foragin’ aad gat no samOn’ aad 1 go oat fata la da eight end bring you ohlokaos aod matin’ ewis aod oue lima I bring yoa a turkey, and you nober ax ma nofflu’ shoot wbar I got him aod yoa Barer glv’ me nay Bumay ta bay him, did you Mas Jadga. You call itforsgia’ deo, dido’s yoa Moo Jadga and If H waa ronglngdan bow eumlt K to be staatan1 tiurf" By this elm* the onortraosa waa «>«. raised with laughter aod tba jadga oowld oat oonceal his amotion, for hla roeollaettou of tha aM darky’s faith fulasos wwa rrrlrod afresh. Ha wiped bla brow aad ht* eyas, had said: ‘•Mr. dharitf •djooro ooon. Uaala Jack I wtll pay (or that lorkey l>at ymi must not do ae any more. When you oao<1 anyth) ay you mast coma In toe. I haroo’t forgot job.” it m attain* to raoo «mr poalteuti ary ra porta «lan wa loan that uw re ara a Tar 9.000 hagraaa In tno auto land county cbalayaa** who art Mora fur ataallng of aomlied. Moot of (Kara mo of tha saw laaoa who won oarer in ala very aad o Majority bay* adraoood ondar traoduM froM almpfo lorwawy to burglary. Ohkkaua nro too total I faro* fur Hu Modara darky. Oao of My fora haada waa aaot th»r* tor two yaora and waa dlagtMtod with hit •atoelataa and told “I Mil yon what boat, dar la tom omoo folia |q da ohalognng. Feat la far la aoro* ralka | oat at mean m dar k auto* dar. ' Oobn anya that Cuba la a guod plaoa to •Md tba darkoya to for tba traaa an aaaall and tba ablakaoa rooot low. but tha now nagroaa doat atom to bookor altar ohlobaiw Ilka *tbo a Id-fa aba a ad orwrooa. Tboy bad ratbor aoatob a lady’a i.vrkaibook aod run. U la aatonlahlng bOW Many bhaBOM Ibaiy wUl Uka to gad aoMOCbibg for nothin* aad will taka Um rlak af arrant aad paolahaaaat aod yad I bat# nayar board of ooa bring turood out of oborob for •thallog. War mill Moko whIU futko atoal and rudga Itootey baUoyad that anil wbtafey would. Tha otd-tlOM iawyor uaad to tell bow bo woo broke of tak ing too M«ob wboo bo waa ou tho boaob of IboMortbarnolrooH. A moo Uy oobm of 8t*neu IH* o dh tr aaioow aoor tba total aod tba jadoa poirooUtd ; h*» trrry Mara Mg aafata bnabfbM ! aod by ooort Um wwa grotty moMo*. . Ooo aotd Btoralnf tho MliBhl treat Ua | para borrowed half data* atlrorapoouo trait Ite landlady af lha botal aod aMpgod ' Um loto tba Jodga'a orortoot mm ; Ho ami flour wad Uwoa oatfl ooort , adjourned Car dlaoer aod aw dread j fbMypeMad and gaeylrwed. lit rotor ni*-d lb# apooaa. tor they had hi* lead lady's mark add mn as slant iiatil»NM In bar rtally, lit ant lor «er la «hm in bit ran* aad pm tba* baak wllk at jaet apology asd aaU It , mast have baan dtacratfa whisky that ; doou It. It aobarvd bia ap aad aMd* ' him vary earloui ill tba aftaraooa. Next moral** a trtdiag Hallow waa put ua trial for Maaltog a peonage ot puokaUulaaa from a store la town. Ua was aaallr oooTiiHeJ aad tba Judge asked hla If ba had aay thing to say for hloMalf. •-Nothin’ Jadgv.” aald la "only Uut 1 waa drloklo* an deal remember a'jout Ik’’ Tba Jodga laanad forward aad aald, * Young xu where did ytm art year Uqaor?" "At Slerrat'a." aald he. "Dtachara* bias, Mr. Sheriff—discharge bla I I aa perfadiily aware mat Surratt's whisky aril! male anybody stool. Vfa soldier’* didn’t ataal aacb dun a | tba civil war, balaoaatlaoa wa wan aunty tempted aad Ml. Some Hk*ea oa got awful tlrad of nit meat and looged flic a change of diak 1 ma bar that when wo oaopad Mar Onaogo ooart boots than waa a loyaly little ■bote wbennur borate wan tatband. U belonged to a Croat old waa who Head oo a bill yuattoy and Major Ayer rude op there one evening aad triad to boy it- The obi mao refused la an Lnao W»t am*or, for ba wat a anion aaa and wa* aad booauo* our army hod o«opod no bla Uyid and waa outting bis timber. Captain Cothran waa a good abut with, a ptstm and waa proud of bla skill, aad aa tba non eve ning Major Ayer bat bla o qaarter that ba oooldii't aboot tbot phra Opt out. a« took lb* bat and woo, aad oor rnividul aanraat Tip drgaead aad bated Ik aad we faaaCsd. Tbeotd ana Came prowling ar.Hiod every day bunt lug for that pig aad It wav kardar to lie out of It tbaa It waa to ataal Ik Bat the morolax W* books mm w# aaut Tip ap taan aad paid the uM wo men two dollar* aad quieted our eon •olaoae. A fatabote waa aim-at Ire •latlblo. Ua* lima Georgs Bui tout aad Tom Ayer kUlad ua* oader aim liar nlreuiaal sacra and aent a quarter n our idmv Tbo aid man lulaaad hie bog In do# llot, aad whoa be iaqaiivd of Boraeutr that bad seen It anuad, Haroett whltpand to bla that Crptala Stillwell's mm had frank pig for dm oar yesterday but ha moral toM who uild bla 1 briougad to Stillwell's rasa* and tba drat thing wo knew llol onel Yvloer U«d ua aoaouinrd b-for* him to be In*I an charged of SMalln* the old nan's pi*. It wm a kind of *><«k trial aad itraulu-d la ooovtoUuf Bnruatt and Ayer, and they bad to pay . f>» 'in ptg. But I am ptuuaed p> aay of oor ouofodarato eoldieru that I uevar knew a caae of Ougrant oreruel rolib-ry nr pillage, nor did t ever kaow of but one loataaaa of o aoldlar violating t»*e auorad ngbia of a mao’* (.tally. At Uaoteryim tbo fvoattUua Tlgata, m they am* ceiled committed a ■<woe ful outrage In lb* oiuptry nearby atid were Imavdlvtoly arraated add tn*d that sVuailng and shot Jbo next mortt tog at auartae. Old Ju* Johnson iievt lynch law out of sight wbeu be bad a sure oaaa. Than an Tartouu kiada of ataollog, bat tba moat aggravating to writer* for the praat I* the Heating by tba pme. Two friends -ooa la Blr mine bam aad tbawbarln Lea Aagalt* California—ban recently aant ana copies of paper* publlabad la tbair towua in which tba avid paper* nave copied from llu> Chicago Intcr-Ocean tb* lunar I wrote (or the ContUiiaiv* about Foliar, Sautb Carolina. My same la not mentioned, nor la tba Me ter credited to tbe OmartivUevt; only a few Immaterial ehaagm bate beta madojuat enough iu make it appaar that tba JaUr-Ocean aaot a reporter down there to write ap tba town. I have k no ant potty l helves aenl.lo tbe chain gang for doing Ullage not half so mean aa that. •M«ra*rtl Twain'* Batty Jan—. OtT*tta4 Pula D—Ur. Tbe Uta Timothy D. Croaker, wbe waa always dignified, ail-yon—J aad a—arwhat arrogant In app—ran—, w— it—Uy “taken <ta»n” by Mark Twain. It happened nearly 30 T—re eg >. wbea Mr. C—ekar waa president of a beta re oonr— a—eolation, and eu tha Hat of entertainer* w— Mart Twslo. It w— tbe anatom foe tbe preatdohlto tatrodo— the apeak art, and lb—to »n. —an— tbs program (be the next— tar uinmenl la the ouorat. Oa this par ti—lar area I* * Mr. Crooker aad Malt «pea tbe pUlfona aa>i took l—Ir a—la bof n—a hall foil of people. Tweia waited far hli nppurxoaHy and suds a a—rob on the dignified president by au^ylna to lbs front <4 the platform “ladled and geaUseean. the next —tore In the —are* will ba delhmad two w—be fro— tonight by Blaaksty R—Ik. I ha— Urn gr—t ploaonro thie at—lag af iQtrodaeing to you Mark Tarsia.” Than Mark p—aad a moment be fo bs added: “I won Id always rather tatrodo— ByseM, ba—a— than I am —re ta gat ta all the fee—.” Mr. Ur—her, rather oaihtr—a ad. was *UH sluing ta bis shelf. And It oaa ha Imagined that the bodies— —Joyed the Joke mush bettor th— be did. Da nog lha atrip part at (Motor, IBM, 1 OMlnttM a bag on 14 wbtob | aatfi*MtortouSt mmiMn'm ■ppaaraA to aa laalpteat Mata, f mm aooauot)7 anngblaf ao4 trptag la rx pat aoteotbtog Ob Wo I a—14 act. I too* mo alar—d ao4 altar gin no tba total daoter a trial bnagbf a twteW of Ctiaaa bar lain b Oaogb Bandy and tba waoli «aa Imiaialiia Mapraaaaaaai. *n4 aftar I lad »4 tbra* touta* at long* oor* raoteiil la (Mr baabbp mom.—B. 8. Kowaaoa, PaWMbar of i to (Mi, Wtaat. UL For Ml* bp i ■ Oarrp A Ootepaap. "Bndgat, harapoa Uraai ibajaa aa la tbapartar.M I tato paar* Tba mm 4mm*tea to—I: "YW, aoa. Oaabpaa 4aMl<t" HW *■» •f ftlMM. aSSSaaw Vmo £» af nwB™na aratr. war • X will admit,” add iha rialttag BogUaHata, • U«a Um Awartaaa girl la a daahlaa Ultar. but u it a goad tailor.” Thto rnaatial tba aar* afa bright JCffiSJKliS?,,SsrJBSS a man, of enana—AUlog It la a Jlacty UUlaUaauf herawa. loprartaod fir tha oeoaaiua. Hat walng waa plain. She aaai haro latau tha fortbur traa bla ta Ml a* that aooordlog tob*r thinking tha BogUatmoa laaatfkaH with iha Amarlaaa gnlb aatwatlu alpowara baaaaaa ha Ukad prrUco lanjr ta "UU ta bar of aw,?' aad Uiat tha AmarWa girt had a> away non tatanatlag tbaawa ta harp up <a her •aU that ana did not liuauw i|m Ea gUabwaa |.i tbU aa U« omtatry aoaw an wont to. Mayka Uw girl ta apt altagallat wrong, Car, aaa rula, awu da Ilka ta HU you about “wa,” tail than, yau know, wara la aa art ta Uataalag. too. Tha «art of aa. In tbta buy aad wido o-wakatlaa, haauw mu ah ta aty aad want ta aty U a > qalekly that wa haaa Httla pat Haaa whaaotharahtroa thiag or toolbar would Ilka to aty ihOM Hut hark ya» glrla. oad y.w will agrw* wHIl nta that tha rlaltiag Kialidtatn Id a truthful arUH Moot a dtuariar aaa. H* »«)»that thought buhu Mat ae-icaaof brUUaat A'Uanoan wuuawrha hat found among thorn all uolr a aary faw who aaa laU a Hula atuty oHarly auddtraaUyH galakad arainaaM nl la aaa alar, good Eagllnb. On »mo plain* of tha rolhd “r’a” aad tbaharab ■•ing” rcdiag. Ua aty a. aad it I* traa, that Uw Aaartaan aaaally Mika* a apaoUl and aridaut aCwrt tu add tha '-tag” with dflaalaam, Mwhlug a halt that b an ogroan ta thn flariy at tunnd aar hnfara thn barab “ing, ’ lHMe doathorn girl told am wot toe* <«e UwMtlMi bar oobaol dafa la a N-irtlwru wMBlmary. Tbto gfCi volea ia Ilka mane. cad Um war mu naglreta bank *tV* and "iV ta alto getiiar fataiuailng. though aba aaya UiataHo Iter aiiad la are oatt bar latbd ky to twaac them. for at tba Xartbara aob mX Ao war ><Xd that bar proeubole tloti waa elmply IwpmcIMc, awd would Itnprom cultured Unaware ac aw eri drwonof i«u<waaoa. N»w. my littlla doutbere |iri. yn-ir m.»n*mof victory baa coma. T*t» crllieal *l*IUof Be cUahman pay* IrHmfaWi iha * Mutnbaru aao*ot.r m hu e 4M, aad aayt that la iw Mouth owe baare tba ■nglM) Un*uac« apukan aa It abould be. OloMrua, ihtl haaottr theeal iti'rO and r-U m But enough aluMil hoar wa, mpo um -Klat’r KugUah!”*’ ThoorbVmMrloa? proauoeUUoa taktoaa wltb tba ait of ulkloc what wo tali about wbaa wa talk UM tauoh or too UttU, of Ju»-, ewoutb. to of a trlda more Intuurtaooa. AJI of aa, tt mattora wot whether wa are HMD or woman. Ufea to talk of owe •dim. la the r«ry drat plaoattM wall to pot o cheek on Uila Wry t<Ur<l la> patoa. nod la tba next ptaoa tt ta wail to train ouraalrea to bo g-md Hat antra, aa that wa may dad tt earn, aad oftoo vary ptoaaaut aad pradtaMr, to liattb to wbot oar frlaodt bare to any. * tttoaereufeltedidthawomia who to wilting to Uaeaa. Hot ooly moa, hot woman, too, dad bar a moot agmo wbo oatartalrM o gnat deal ooolmmd totaly that aba war p Mlitvaty • glad when aome one anaao bar wny wbomaa sot tabu tad, anormoaaly ibnr, aod alt that aort at thing, bat woajaat ■want and amlabto, with notbdatbat otbara faal It aart oflaeambaot npoa t Iwa to bam game before. Hm yauamrJtoUmad to we man no th minutaa leal to aao if I eouM aatab mm aort ofotow, bat yaw kaom that e2fi5/aSd*tb3 iwt attoiaibMI aart dedultc." Tim moman toughed and taM Mm about It; that l what tba other Tarti TrtbBM. * ■*•> «to eld tMM h<UM tM are di**wm*rle( fra tbe oily aaW kaeauaa mt Mm arriara aaMil* la ih. aaWUaUo*>« Mirk wMoh th* ««. riat — ll.. ■ |t ♦ ». i-at.——wT m toMto arar wtri*h M aato lZ Tbe man wfe» averted a badaaaa far Maadf derated raaaj hour* lafl*r* ha ■ ala hi* (Wat dU« af war** to "mattef up” a eaattoarfc. Thte had to toaJlha aayatbar aaart aad waa ra *«•* Mdlha airt ”Oak ? s»^»,sawSrj&. Uarawacdawi hanawi fcaoww «n o»*r the aaaatrr. Cterka fr*a* the tw laMiabwaat catered aad toot theeaat ■ oaarh with Um, aad wttMo a law HutolEr&a”* h,,'~dr AaoUwr coat mu* wbteh baad at*my adaUceia waa "Kalb *r»ht~ aad thk anw «a|a a uMa Mr* aowltt liu “Qaioh trade.” -iAear llltn” aarradaa t^t M.waSlaaTe SSsHT'atH^f ton'' wheat a* hi* aaatMrk ”11* ■«sr « Brtlawta wSmumTi] *" la a** that I I I rfjP* ) W' rcsuar tor had takaa* tapwtaa the m. if-. •w* naahhriat,1 tort w* he** of Mm hL’ u t« Mha a Mhaw of raw* MM atoooa Ua raaaaaa gtoaa tor hhriM ^ snE&slrL'Srsl

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