The Gastonia ( Devoted to the Protection of Home the Interests of ♦w*> Vol. XXI. ' GASTONIA, N. C- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, lOOO. TVO KANT SMITHS. BILL ABF TELLS OF PEBPLEXITT WHICH IB OAUBED T# Pbiwam «r IlMil rf» * i«m TmwW Lmr DislNMf* a ad Trnmn* Hr AM AMUMr nun'll Trlrxran. IUU Arp la AtUnt a CjLAtUutioi. Pleasure, surprise aud bewilderment oomblnad give a ouiluua wxpreeiioa t.i a man’s (SUlur-a. One »( our boy- I* a doctor to Jacksonville. Fla The other day while visiting a patient ns recti red a Ulaphoos ntsiMgs f.uu ul. wire, "Coma bums at once; * t-legmoi from your slstsr Hattie says your fatter is dying and to o»<ns »i o .ci " 1 maginr hit reclines of dUtresa. U urn lug homabe found Ins wife in irara, hie yaltaa pack'd sil l Its lied only an hour to aaka lbs train. All ins long night he grieved and sighed, as lie tried l» sleep, but could not. Next tteorumg at lOo’oloek be reached Oarlrrnville and hurrylbg up to the paternal mm eloo met me aad Haltla'a husband driving merrily to the puebfflc-. Hi, couldeol speak II-cnuldrul audrr Stand. Pleasure, surprise sod bawlld anseot filled his ayes and avery feat ure of his face. U« bad travelled 400 ■ilea In basic expecting to Bad u>« dead or dying, and here I was osprrlng amend ns lively as a young colt to a hurley patch. He r.mldrui stand nor understand, but sat down aod said: "There has bren n oilaiak-, but thank U*S L >rd you are well. I never notice l where tbs telegram came from nor to what Dr. Smith U was addressed, but supposed that Sarah knew and I came at occa. Let me go down to iba office and wire her. P -w girl ! she will bs so anxious.” Indue lime he raeeivrd an answer, “ ttasaage not for you nor from Carters?ilie.” Well, well! How much Bssatal dlslrcM and ureamse trend would bare bees saved bad h> carefully read tbs telegram. Ha was dreadfully morel Bed t bit owu blun der. but ws Were gratified at hU unex pected visit, and as we happened to hare turkey fur dlnunr, all want hap pily cud this day was a rl»d oua. Tim trouble is In Uia name. I) ictora should be named Oaten or Uippooralre Abei . natty or Valentine Holt or W-atnor land. But dmltb la ao ooeen.K) and Das Idas lhara la a colored sou of Aaaeul aplus la Jacksonville and nut lung ag.< our buy reoelred a telegram that was Intended for tba sutured brother and ItSiM: It’* a boy aad Mi randy is doing well " There t* a good deal In a Dima. There we* nearly forty do I lerm to ay too lit ibis lostaooe, for If ble name bed toon Vanderbilt or B.<ck »toller or area Sgue-sslfanier. iiw tele gram would not b«r* miscarried Tba Smiths. Junes. Bruwna aod Jokueun* ought to stop multiplying toe name aod take a new Hart, like they dn Id idea loo. When a oouplo mate In Max Joo tbe Brat thing they do liefora they ■caarry i* to agree uwoo a family uaoie. f l the gut I* bumble and Mbmiule*. abe takes ble oaa»; If she It wealthy or -artlstocrallc and he Is oot,' be takes Bier name. U they are of »quil rank. Cbay make up « eew name-u kind of mix*, a re of both family namea For Instance. Mr. Brown aod Mtea Joo re woold be wedded aa Ur. aod Mr*. Bro jon. My wife and 1 would bare been Mr. and Mr*, Hotoharp. for eh* wee a Hutchins, and then our Aeeoulpeon eoa woold hare been Dr. flutebarp or BMjb* Dr. Kedly, after hie wife, sod hate an red that long ride and forty dot Ian. But all’* well that »od* well, end w* are still oalm nod •ereaa. Oue of our little graadeblldreo a three-year-old thinks It inlgbty smart sod gre«t fua to osll me aa I pm* aod say. "Hello, mai-f! Hallo. Bill Arp 1 Hello, grandpa I” There la a good deal to a name. I Ilk* Mg aining asm** Ilka Webstar. Calhouo, Washington. Macon, Lamar. McIntosh, rtnynrdBocbanan, Mould log. etc-, hot It SOUK lie e serious eon alteration for a pretty girl with a pret ty enpbooloog same to swap off fer a disagreeable or peculiar one. 1 knew a Mies Moulding to marry a Dr. Turalpeaad, and I always tooegtit *be must bare In red him mighty bard. Charter Lamb tells a story stoat an English girl who was courted bra wealthy gentleman who was good end handsome sad had every rlrtur*. but Ms name was Hogafleah. Bbeloead Mm, bat she noolderit bear to think of • befog called Mrs. Hogstoeb aod she refused Urn for three year* aod would Bara kegt aa refusing, but he sreal be fore parliament aod bad bis same 'changed to Ilscoo. That la bow the oaoM Bscon originated, and oor sena tor cam* from that atosk—and It I* good steek. l bar* i'iM pretty aaar reading any opitapb agalo fox tber* waa a aawv MMt Ban • round wboa our doctor left Jaekaoavllle and they are (Iran to *.0 lid paling lad —and If btbaard I waa dying, ot eottra* b# oould put It In that I area d*ad next warning. Re portae* an doaUi on bad trow* Wbao tba original Bill Arp died to Tex** U want *11 orar ilia country that It waa tan and I bad la tetim fam tba (laid for a Una* aod wait until tba paople laarnad batter—for w barer ar I waat I waa pmwnoac-d a fraud; bin I read mj apttapba and worn aatiaded Mr. Ward, of Blmlhghan latroducod aaa to art todlanc* oat long agu aad (aid a laotarar or a writer of bn no root tfcet oba* oaaof no oooaequtiM* until h* took Mother oame-ibal Chari** F. Brow* wag uiliiiwi until h* toak tbd •ana •* Artrnua Ward ; that H*nf> Bfcaw waa uohod until be wrote «rar tba Mgaatar* of Joah Bllllog i that Mano*l Otaneo* waa le-rar board of until ha Incline Mark TwajD; and ao Prgaol* B. Hart# be*an« Ban HtM# aod Dim ana beam at* Boa ; aad Melrllla la ■ Ian boonna XII Pvikh-a; and At frod Tawaaaod boo— Oath; aad SklUakor waa Mr*. Parungtoai aad Ooodftcb waa Prior Ptriny; aod Loot# waa FHNkia V. Xaaby; aad Joka Pro*tar wa» Pool; aod Maorica Tbowpaaa waa Doaattaba; aDd 0»arga llarrla woo Sot Loeawaood , and Bow Praaklia waa Poor Rlobard: aad ao earth awd aaoa. aad Uat of an hara la owr frtaod. Bill Arp, aka bad todt# card a good otd hm-st ntin-and a* •uoiu oue that wa* never heard of in i the heaven* above nor Ure earth be ne tU». nor la the water* uoder tbv earth, Shakespeare «|i that a rner by any oilier onmaa would nmi-ll as •went, but thear author*. whether wise nr willy, are afraid to risk tlietr thoughts without a new Ohrlstaolng Now, I was ruminating ebiut what Cbristlan Seiruce would do with sitrh a ease as our snn coming up herr 400 tulle* with a belief that 1 was dr ad or dying—onuld the science her* t-dd him better. 1 am not llspotol to o-ake •port or the aclrnce *• Mark Tw -In did. bat X ranoot understood In* *• can manufacture faith to order, eu I sometime* It has to be manufactured an quickly that it m-i«l strain tha ma chinery powerful!*, ( ets 'osi-llnga little tabl« yeaterdsy for our grand child end the nail slipped and the ham cant* dnwu on my thumh and made e blood Ulster, Uefure I had time to think. It did oil hurl «i autMniltig U> Christian 8ji«oou hot was only Imag inary. X UII y >u jr did hurt had a id t don’t Dollars the science would hare tirev-nted It. Idtybe bl io l blisters am excepts*! they ooybl to be. and si >ngbt stum pad toes and burns and nil other very sad den thing* that don't giro faith lime I to senrk t»« *rMk«> *f USj wn<ik. J. HmUh, Jr.. In Atlanta CooMUullon I n it* your enrraap Mxlcot’l alltisi ru to “Lady Health." Him M a elstrr of mine. Him has a wild, adventurous spirit and drlftad to the Traaevaal at the cl is < of our civil •ar. liha M the author-** ot “Beauli ful Snow" aod “All Qukl on tne Poto mac To-nigtit." Hha np.tned ou‘ a ranch la tba Dutch rapunllo of O no Paul, aod «u a ol-i«e friend of Oliva Schreiner when Urn Uttar wrote her “Story of an Afrimo Farm," wh<ob had leternational fast* My tislar r» OAped U>a horror* of reootiairuotlon In Urn aoalhnra confederacy In her da pxrtatloo to South Africa, liar fam h» a poet mi followed her, for tbe “Beauilfnl Hoow," has It* ad>winw( the world over: while “All Quiet o Uve Polo one To-nlghl” had the ring of “ B-UakMve," aod L-nd Cartgan'a abarga of tba (lx hundred (0 vividly portrayed that all England did hoaora pi *-L'dy Smith " Still, fha remained quirt on her ran oh ou the “Ar«mplan HUM," of which aba tad her flock I When Teooysno "passed la bki check*” the (ebenie was to make her poat-leuretes* of lb* British empire, but eh* Was “bunkoed" nut of Ike J «ti In some way, at wbteb Qui-en Vtctoii. M said to have t«eo greatly dMpleaeed That “Ueautlfel Hnow" business dis tanced all competition la tb* poetri Hn* In Englaad. and while It waa ooi poeelble In iadratlfy “Lady HasiUi" aa the author of It In this country the credit for it #<* accorded to her ovet tbe water. lam one of I be few per •on* to whom she confided tbe eecrei •if Us suthorsblp. I have bad ao letters from my staler staee the English soldlsrs lu faded the Transvaal, but tblok It poaaibM tbai Lord Robarla sad Q*n. Kitchener been saot than to reaooe her. tb* pur Ke of the crown being to set “Lady lib" up in tbe poet laureate butl - nee* aa was originally dealgeed. I have never met “Helen of Troy,” and have no persons! aoqnslounce with the reporter Homer, who wrote up that other affair. My sister's case Is different from that of Helen. It troold be eery <31 tasteful to her to have Joubert, Robert* or Kitchener dragged around at tbe wheal* of a chariot, such as w* see oq our Streets on elrans day drltsn by the victor run Romans! While “Lady Smith" was addicted to poetry, like Slaatoa and Hubnerand could ride a brunolie lo rounding up her o*UM on tb* Trans vaal plains, bar sensitive Datura would set sanction any such cruelty aa tha 1 dragging of a fallen foe around by the heel*. -I auk* this eutemeut as due to mv sister, aod in answer to the request for Information oalled for by your o tires pondvat la Wednesday morning’s Issue. An f Hrm>l»r They an tailing a itorv In Washing ton about Oongremaan Claytoa. ol Alabama, who used to bo dial rim at tornoy la bla Out*. It twia* blr duty at one time to pmmcuU an old mo for makljg lllldit whiskey. It waa not a Terr oortoua infraction of tba law; bat the old luakewoodemsa had hem reokleee In hufopoo violation and It waa oaowiairy to mtko an ex ample or bla Ho waa broogbt Into court, and after the government had •rated ita ease the old man, who had no lawyer, aakad to bo allowed to go oa the itanrt. Ha waa told that lb1i would rrader blm llaUe to aovwer any qwotibns; bat he Inatated. •‘Well, uncle Jnbo.” (aid Clayton, ■'did jmu really make any whtekey In yoor mill r* • H-nry.” replied tho old man. with pathetic tone, ”1 know'd yoor p«; I voted for yoor pa aveiy lima ho ran for Jrdgo. And. Henry, year pa wootd opvor have axed am oo qoeetloa Ilka i that.” The larora Uugbnd, the eourt trailed ! •M Clayton rv lectori The old man drove borne that night. Vlotlma to aumaeh, liver and kidney IrouhUo aa well aa w men. and alt feet the reeolte in Inaa of appetite, poisons In the Mood, backache, nrrvoueoeua. headache and tired, Itatleea, rnn-down feeling, lint there's on need to fleel like that. Litton to J W Herd oar, IdavIHe, lad. lie eaya: "BWetrio BHtera era Joet tho ikiag for a man wbea ba le ell rue down, aed deal car* whether bo live* or dine. It did rnnra to giro mo bow atroagib aad good aypeUU tbaa anything I oeuld take 1 eaa now not anything and ham a now loaaooo life.” Only SO coots at J. B. Gurry and Company** Drug Stom. ■vary hottle gnomatnad. ur aid TiiEtot ru. *■ *«»<• ■rllorMl Rrhn the M»artl«. of ika (WiMrra«y ml Ckaelaalaa a* Lm'i linkkgr kr Mr. A. la M. rairy. Cawlaama Mm aed dour nr. • Amooi lha baal fifu of rr..vlJo..c* to a uatlo . are enfit iuen arh < act aa laid era and «uiU«>; wnu loan their mark ui»a thru aye ” So more po troilal fort)* ana nisi iu snelety tb<o , ilia InOotiice uf gnud coeu. Dunn* Uia | French Hr volution of 1848. when the i lull toad mob swept irresistibly through Ui« etreau of r*rla, L*u>ariluw puahed bie way la front and stood there with uneovrrrd head. Tae leader laid • "iJiucaus, wo are la the presence of a maa who represents aaveuty year* of imble living ” aad the loeurgeau. re ••uked and thoughtful, desisted sudden ly I rum their cruel aud InaetM purpose, so aland we to-Dlgbl to do boutage to an llluelrioue (touttn-ruer, type of punrei chivalry, moat exalted peuiot liaa, aud e mirror like that of a falrv which break* aad ah Ivor* iu preweuoe of anythlog mean oowardly, eelOab,die bon.irable. The bravest ara ilia laudarwt. Uia loving are the daring. lathe oombV naUiiD uf sxcellecmar which Bade up bis character than wae a beautiful hlaud mg of what was Boat manly and the truly womauly, and it it Boat Ot that woman'a heed and womaa'a heart •boaId confederate to keep fresh frag rant aud ImperWiebl* the virtues and deeds of auch sail aad thu principles whieb coo trolled snob a peerless life. women wrruouT Equal*. Our "paeijiur lnetltatu>n'’«if domes Mo A(rtc,n slavery lu aale-Uelli*ni usye created and (tailored e cleee of wumeu oever eorpassed In Die world A plan - utioo waa a little kiugdom, preelded ovrr tty huabuud sad wife, aatwlxt wlvora there wealed eeutoil respect, defersooe, admiration and levs. Iu the bnuerh-dd fathered reapectfal. ohedieul children aod afouud wars dapeodvDla, why did oot claim emlai equality, net rendered ohrcrtul obedtaaca and service, and were cared for t-nderlr fr kb cradle to coiBo. rlnwe who dominated ware lulelllgeci maalarful. patriotic, loving home, klu died State and country, diapeuelug a prodigal tijspitallly, lioltml only by the teepee lability aod behaviour of f fleets, eo ire log mextuiese. Amoug . rediieiaeiit culture^modesty, purity, a becoming beluvlur, the characteristic remlulae ,raiu; amoug boye, cjurtear, »>arags ohi valrv, devottou to too wmh er sex, regarding dUb ux an I oowarJ lee at InefftaaabiH at via*. Toelr edo eulon we* reaprcl for wumeu, riding, huntlug, apeak I na tb« truth. I* wtry and have yet to portray, in truthful colors. Urn attraction* mad beauties of the 8 lulbern home, bow of the irrevocable past. When Inequality waa threaten -d and aUles were to ha d-igraded ti counties, aod the South heoame out great UatiieAeld, and every cltizeo was aiding In the terrible eou d'ot. the mothers, wives, Mater* d*ugD tara *1 h extraordinary uuaulmtty and f--rvor, rallied to the aupport of their imperilled lead. While the older wo men, (re* intelligent conviction, were reedy to eastern the South 'polities! events and the ueoeaally of Confronting privations, trials and sorrows dtvW "pe>l girlhood into the maturity and •el(-reliance of wouiMho-d. Anxious womau with willing treads aod loving heart* rushed eagerly to every pieov which alokneee or dastitutluo or the ravages of war lovaded. enduring aacrltto'i, displaying noearpwwad for tltuda and heroism. Uburch houses wars eocvericd Into hospitals or pi acta for making, o-illaotlog. shipping cloth lug and needed supplies. Innumerable priv-ite homes, near or adjeoeat to bat Ued'lda, were ailed, with tbeaiek and the wounded, ft waa not uncommon to **» grandmother and youthful maldeo sugaged In aaakmg seeks, beta and other needed ■■tides. Ail uuaaed aod uatraloed, three women entered the field* of lahjr with the spirit or the Chrtat. row Into queaeoly dignity and enrolled themeeivaa among tka Immor tale. Koargie*, time. Uvea ware given to the allevettooe •( the duffarlug cheering of the b< Kneel ok and to (lie inspiration oa the hnpeiaas and the de •patriot. With active curraga. rroo laUaodanutea, ohaarful eel r-restraint aod ttaltUg aall-aaeriBoa ttwp |mp»r. tad fngab eoaraga to Uw bravo, qutek nati reapoeae of tha laggard, and poarod atawo uul oontampt on him arho ablrkaJ of aoaaot Lba bombproof Dtp aad sight these ministering aogv la >aa»ed at lr Uwp hed mada an axodoi from Haavaa. Hotiudlaaa patriotism, e-Miragooua andnraaoa. sorptlslog ols alou of thought dod action. Famlaloo tnndeniWM was broadened aod deep aoad bp tbla salt sacrificing * ■atotatrp. Hoper added to these trlata and datlas U»* nmiiir; supervision of ear vents ond farm* aod uw performance ot dutlre which bith rtn bad dav ilaad Upon iba caao. flanging over boa a and haute waa itw oaaaalaaa appratwo tlooa and the waarp advance of the lovrd Onto. a ifo bear aod rued coach of doiieetelp ptwperrd ‘feeaalee” la aaoteot Ram and modern Pails aod Newport, but la lba time of whleb l apeak In this dooUilai>d of oara womioboad was rleblp and haavlip oodowad wile do llaa aad ooeu mat lens aad highest •octal toeoilooa am wife aad mother aad neighbor, aad trwaerugp >uMbUitlaa aod datwo aadarlav oor aoalatp la R* •Creature aod permaoeoea aa solid foundations Instead of super Re Iai adoraowote aod supine set loo tha ln lelhwtoai apmpatbtaa aad In tarsal a of Uwa# aaiBM ware large aod tbav uo dan not. with wlaa and Joat gold uwa, tba maoagaowot of bouaetrddi end farms and aarvanu, leaviog tba an fpw tar war aod otvll government. These noble and ruaolato woaaaa wars Uw xoTuaaa or ths ohaocni, of the waa wbo built eptlw groaUwos of the Uatoo aad sroewplletwd Uw aa aiampled aoblovewaaUaf Uw Uuafod araep. Knowing ao aoatUba wore sx 1 alted aad peramoeut that at wife and ; mother, with the raapeoalbUlUM wbWb attach to muwaforu omptra, tha fra hr ‘og of children nod guidance of alaraa ••eft dm «m u Uuaw would hare u«d bli oomyaoloD. abort reproaah -nd above ao* pinion, and wboM partly >M •o prliad that a rlulaiioa of panuoal Mwaa reaeatod aad puntahad by tb/ to bo aona, and buabaod tod father* of auob woutao with tba dealh of tba violator. “Strength and dignity ware bar olothlot aba opened liar mouth with wladi)3; and tba l*w of kliiditaaa wa* on her tongue, si*, looked well to ilia way* of bar honar boM and iba ata not iba bread of Mlo .ewa. Her chfldrao rooa up nod called bar blreard; her lioaband al*o.” Thirty yaafa have itwored hatred* and*; wolUOad prajudtoaa, changed iba peraprctlvaor background* of maoy hiitorlo and political picture* of tha aoulli, and glveo at tba North a truar aatlmata of our ootdiare nod greater reaped for oorjwtortpUa. MU Ury expert* aoeh aa IT.deeW p |«oa 1-re for atralary, for audacity, for Uktug reap .natbllli* at critical parlod* aloog •Ida nf tba world** great captatM.rask lag bin with Career, B<**p*rte, Hao ultial aad Martuorei ur a ne b aa Han dereoa, wiroiilng Jaafcaon with tha In •plrtd warrior*. Frealdaot MoKintay, with co-maudabta pal riot I* us. ap proyad tha daourattoo of Soulbarn grevoa. Erery cemetery. national park and m-uumretof a tribute to oor man nod eaure. Tba pHiatoo ha lid login Waablogtoa la a great auounuui to the Confederacy, * here there are eo rolled more name* Ihap war* In Iba Iwt* of tba Confodareta army through tha four yaaro of war. HISTORY rNYUTID. Much yet renal os t-i be dune la tbr v led leal ton of our uiulerlylug prlncl pies. Tbe claim end tbe seesrUon of biulas'. rights wee set modem not su after (bought, oor tramped up for the ocoMion. It eotedated tbe Umetliu tloo. Jacob and Etsu began their ami flkt before birth, lu ■tuner's enni It »ae » dearly siserted right, eo-xist •fitly adhered to. la Virginia end Hhude Island and New V«rk it wea ratified. It wee aokeowledge !<■ pro po-ed aotioo of Uertf.Kd Giuvaniii. of Maaaeobueetta aod Oo .iwelkut. In tb* war of 1812, aod Texas an omllav Theca lias bssu an snliro per vert i.)ii lu the eause of war. Illatorlo* a >d law booh, abound in astuapUooa. miar* presentations. per vsrtion*. Inveotioo*. Ulatorr he* breo mad* to support tbeoriea and sub sequent el.I a*. Quest uf troth alooe Ik not the aim Of tUuae lu whose His tories are su many dtaaordanocs and oootradleuxos. Impartiality does not mraa aupprsasluu of feots. To sustain e tbsoro or bolster up iMblilty to Orueh Confederates, It la aerlooaly aa eumed that w# bad more troop* ibao muster roll* show. Tb* OoorederaUs never bad In *11 lb* fear years a* many as 600,000 mco voder arms. Federal report* show 2.200 000 aea—1.2110,000 mustered oat of service. Parallel at Aapottomax 28.300. It may be wvll to Illustrate by a few example*. It bee been called e war fur oBsoded ootisokuese, ‘-A great moral thought, called the Gulden Bala. Urn shotted tb* eaanoa of lh« North for vtcbn-y and eplked tb* eaonun or tbe south for debit.” The histone il aod the moral assumption la a* falsa and mixed a* the meUpbor. Congrew lu 1881 declared that the War was to pre serve llm UoIon with all th* dignity, equality eed rights of Ui* Stales uuIm pel rad logallt (aid : ••Slavery dis appeared fro® lb* Northern State* by tbe oprrattoD of social, econo etc and natioaal law*.” Oa emancipation also Ingalls said : "Emancipation was net Coutemplated by any outiaid-raM* pul t loo of A mar ie to people when th* war for the Union began, aud It was not Drought to pass noli) tb* fortune* of war tw ee me deeper aU, aod we* then justified aod defended upon tbe plea of military necessity.” lloooln said : “I Mew tba measure (Proclamation of Bmanet patio*) aa a praotloal war me wo re to ward in* suppression of to* rabsUio*.” In antasoultm to these historical verities * aaMsUonat Nottltar* preach er *«ye : "Tb* vision of liberty for *11 without regard to lao# or color, dis turbed our lead with ooxfitet and strife, aod tornsd tb* South into one lament* bnUMMd until tb* lews of lb* natloii matched th* ideal* of Ood.” joins nows’! ruar-o**.. John Brawn baa ban* wad* a saint and a martyr. Emwnon and Wnluiar oanonlav him Hillla aaya hi* sympa thy tempered herds me into eofiorav. A report to the Virginia legislature lays a band of armed consul retorauud* eo Invasion Into Virgin!*, -for Ui* porpoa* of locltla* Slav** to Inturm Hoc. placing arms in their hands, «id lug tba tUvdS lo mardey wasters sod tanallk* end orerthm w th* gnvsrueoent of lb* O im« mwealth’’ Biward Rvevett say* th* raking of revolt we* long meditated, well considered, “with aa ulterior iutratlew of wrapping tba whole oommuoHy la olvll w«y of Um dewillaet end Moodiest typo.” Govern or Knot, of New Tort., denoueoed tb* act an a "schwa* of merges end loser native.” Bit Thayer, who did mom tb-i* any other Northern as*a to aev* Kansas lo fra* soil and fra* ub-w, in a latter to mo. 2#tb of May. 1807. sail* him "a raflUu, who tried to make Mm negro ea murder their meat era." Tb* Uonvwatlo* which nominated Lincoln In 1800 dan**need Brows aa oe* of lb* neatest of CtJLTUM ur CAVP. Tba ohoraourof tba man who rougbt for booM aad tiaadoaa waa of Ua high rat porni typn. ' A jroaag ttoatbaiaar who waa at Tala wbaa U>a war bagaa, laft at oixw for bla aatlra food to tarra bar la lb It tlt)M of traabfo That torn away by tba Iwntorabto damaod af ooa •eloaar aad of luyaltj totbaSaaUi froai a foot) yolat af lataaaa lavUratool Hfo aad parp-wa. bo »«ld : ‘*0110 of ay bora rat ragrato wu l bat l waa bidding a loog good-byr 10 latailrataol aad rongmlol aarroandlaga aad-Hi Uoao. Tbaaa polgaaat ragrato aad gtoaMj tpgrabaooioaa pravw Wt bn at tnly artaadMa. Around tba oaaty Iraaof tbatot »M»|iaay of ftiabiaood Howliaata t foaod tbrobblaa aa laiol tooiaal lift aa Mgfa aad toll Ua at aad tetoaaa aa aay I bava ay*r baton With John Baten Cooks and Taylor JUrtta. Waltor Blair and Allan Mar •«tw. Willie Dame end Lrtgta Bobiaeoo lx the ranka there waa certain Ir no da««* td intaU-dUtalatarMiUon. The HawUarrOlaa Club, indeed and lad b/ r. a. Croooli, waa the my ueat ( ham aver heart, and rendered mark, at fee eeteodflo aod enjeyanle. f bam known iha bartal ..fa laroeoroe (o tai all nurd by the mi I re e womI •ml digiilHrd l»y an Bn«Uab epreoh. a Latin oration and a Greek ndo. which would have don* tmnnr in aay literary •* aaemorlal ocrael.m at old Yale.M II Uobvkiae a by auch man eboald tend to lb# artlllrry and why ewok companion (hip ibould develop eoldh-re «f a eaperb type. The vary nainre ot urn arm and He ..peratton —lu eompa rat.m mrehaalcal elaboration and unoiilBltyaul nuaibinaliottof aolanll a« koowledaa and manual aad bodily daaiailty required fur tl« moat•Baotrv> nae I need ant wake formal aoufre •l-m nf my rotboataea for the artillery. Brory man wlio knows anything of am la wall aware id this; yet I would do M Initiation to lha Infantry or Us oavalry of . ar malohloaa army. We all reeng "•*'* that the Infantry waa ewhetanUd ly »»■ at my; net alooa hacaoaa It one ■tiioird the bulk and body of lu Ofbt log. And tua oavalry oat alooa tbr ay«w and rare of the army but lu lilhtnUtr Utah god «*bre alrukit «• well We knew tea that prior to (be »«r tbr S»wliera planter waa •‘the ■aaa on hnro-baek”—aa Uat probably no Boer body of aalaral eamiry waa •ver gaibered than Uat whiob followed Stuart and For rest. Ilampton aod lUe Lmm. MtniXAtf'a lOUUCh RAK1M. In the oonvldrralion of Milt Hbri* nnu in his own odMal reporl of few up-uiion* in Osorgls said : ‘*W«con sumed tbs corn nag (udder In Ibe realm. sf country thirty mUascn either sidn of the line (mm Alien In to (avan DAh; al«c the nwnei potatoes h«g« ahrap and poultry sod oerrtnd iff uxxr (Me ten tbuuaaed ho rare and mules. I estimate the dam age dune to lb* gist* of Georgia at (100.000,000 at least (93,000,000 of which tu tired to our beurflt nod IM remainder waa simply JH* and deal root lou." Senator Vanns In a pabHo address. Mya “private houses were burned cuttl* shut down and lull to rut, bed clothes usoory, wstdew. spmius. pi*ts snJ ladles Jew ►Iry sPhe*!.1' etc. to rneture '.ha Uuiou >» December. 1804. 8heimai> ; "The who!* erojy I* burnlug with as irrralult.l* desire to reap v.-iig**».c upoe douih Csruline." Thu Detroit f’"(i?rm. Ii a letter from • tilSIrt eervleg wltb Oberatto, n«id : “San drad* of house* have been burned, every rod of f*nn* destroyed, ueirty every fruit tree out dow . and the fee* •>! Me country ao stringed that mi* boru In tbs arc* loo could rnrwly reeogatse It. Thus tbs viujlctlv-ams ut was would have trampled tu the very esrtb out of sight had such a thing been«l i.|*.o This by e poo pie whose coaactenora wars h-»rti8*d at a OutMlItallou isongaialug *i»v»<y. A modern American history sty*; “Wryter waa p ipuUrty known aa tbs butcher.’ Us Straightway instructed D*w metho-ls, whtdi were hawed vtpuu tb* deliberate purpose of uteklug (Job* • neb a desert that the Cuban army would not obtain tus teeal sabot me* lo pereusitc* of this plan be ordered bit soldiers to barn all bum lugs and tb# rlprahig orope on all rate We." These thins* are not from tba history of the Duke or Airs. |» tb* N other laada. they occurred In IMS and 18U7, almost witbln si|ht of tbc Halted Sums Napoleon bad osblnahlog mendacity and hmrtiaM IndtCcrora* to sacrifice of human lito. Bn ucdnrad the caattl tudt of Turkish priboosts at Jaffa to bn toarchsd to U>e bsenn and shot bud n 1st-1 liana dmaueoo tbc mere bin dead. la 1808 Oeu. L>r Issued on order la Pennsylvnola thus: **Tba msmaead* lug general considers that a* greater filagrees could befall tba army and through it our whole people than tbc perpetration of baikirle nut rages iipm the unarmed and datreerlras and Urn wanton dmtrnatlou of private prop er ly” Cherishing memory of tba deeds and motIBmo of our man and woms*. and vindication of bur prioolpie* la not In. ooaputlhte with prereot i <yelty. Bv rtten of cur prlonipeln nsnsnsry to honor to tba illustrlnw* dreg strengthen* 1 sympathy between tb* lately belligerent amnios*. If w* are o iwards, fools, traitors Ussy mu have n* reap cc—ouly ooutempt fur us. Kupreum command of the Federal forere won teedured to Itobert E. Lee .hy President Lincoln tudOm. Belt, end the msMiuger wire bore the offer we# Freact* F. Blair. Lea bed a naif r**p-el no maa van tared to Invade, yrt tempted with a just rasp at for all otbare. A power of self- government never saryuwaad; never canted off Ms feet by aerrewto of optnl.m. A patriot without selish ocee and without gntte. Jn bis fore woM to Ms wraping soldier* *t Apae ■attos be saM: *'M*n. we have fongUt though this war logethsr. I have deoa my brat fur you. My baart 910.000 to 980.000 oar aanum were *Cmd la vale to drftsct him from Ms obosre path of daty Hi* aubliwa woMawan: -I shall davma my Ilf* bate to treinlbg young mao to do their duty I* Mf».’> !u«uns or rum itatw. A profaaaar w< Aaarteaa btatocy la « raaoat work. "Htatory at tto Aiaarloaa VaUoa." apaafea of Ubm wki> mli -'allow um rakailloa a taobalaal baala la aoaaUtaUawol Ma lory.*' Tba auaar abawa bow aotraat worthy la wiliri Matary a ad bow prajaAioa aadda^ra loaoatAla atbaaty or a oaoaa blloAr to or aiaaaoatrwaa, tba aaaat aatbaaUa faota at Prw-Uatoa Malory. Wtvo la Ua tooth aaaraa* wwaA ibat saaraakM Mlrw4 aa »a totow wm ArrlrH fro* ibaOonaMta UhoT Tba Btatra aaaar kartaak rtghu araoraraUaty frkMlto CawaaftMta. Tbaaa aatrAalak Um Krtoral Own. awl Um UwIom wMah baa Mlt aaab rttfrta aak yownaaa Iba Mataa aa* aaUaw foe llaaK katapMak. If aot wrlttso In tin ConstitoUou or lapUod MjMlUfWUUS MMpMtUMiUo ngMow mm iMtni aM teiooaoh 8t«UoM nmt muib Fademl OtvirtMi _jAtojMMb teUoMsuote foB ft. ^nltalloo^i^ooro^iaoflUUfo1^ MMdtbu au oodteorp Aetoftioa Ouroountry iuSdcs from o thousand oot of dteegstd uc _ «r Uo OmumMi ThO MOrtdM Ur M*die to prtoato MmIm ban pal ad trust Id rrdorol ood dUlt ood NOeleipal pumpout oatrugooa* opprrMioa of U« weak nd oohirtnoate by Umnnh ut onseropolou* Uo roioorHr Up Uo nil irltp roaMnoMoa U pluDOrr Uo pebiis ofc ovorj DooaibU pobt otraf often Mapotle fsrnartlonM CrtMtUlpst'OOTsroiDSnt wtUufvotr MMM oro OOflkau* Ilf H«r psMIe Ufa ood Ohow Uo need of rOMolog Ur OoootlUiUon hear dipbow or ood ot bootee U ood olrtl dm Ire teaght lo oobooT ood oollrfo ood mi looroltjr. Tho looaUp may ho pardoned wboMtr Uo haMA of otadp «f oor Oo>i Mtuttoo did not loud target; la tho MCdooUM Md crwwtti of Uom Ulus Sa^«ttSS,'£33l •od dlroetad Dotltlesl Uoaghtf Thro : wot* Ur haHolocs of iiiToioMooiWl | poltcis* oad tbop crow to do aeetoro of 1 dteteotlMaod Mtpooodno ofooaatttX ttMot low booedmoar latktera ttUatloaoi oyoton. Tha otadp woo diMcolt. continuous fateful >waken laiusjajwistsssa What South CsmUatea e« fail to retail Oalhnou'n Irtlf nhiat o tad tea »*m »* otetruatteoa ood notoahyatea ao of ibo wain «f > dfctaa, mmi rest lot Uaoo Otll il okaraototteUM wbleb Ml» *'*“**' ■*■** • _ j»—M MO datard odooalioo U bo a t4?****"' <* **• MM te draw distteotioan *» ttoaioatoAnUi dliaipHas and training wtrteh faiidomontol ittoolfteo. Uo dlSsrm Uotad powon and nabuor Uo Vbdocoi •ad Uo Stale OnciML Haw «"»•* <*»n af Uwta taro wear Man gotltpsf Ur t-r~mT olkoonlHj of patited oowuUea onl States urea ibo mm boats or drrtotaa nlrtaWit potato frsai U» OoasUtavtear J Tbs Athenian trtodUO peobtQN of Momasai by ilaniog Uo number of pmipte who might |o o oorp umi way teko part lu Uw pamionl ood ooly a few rlt<*-iio had Irtasr* ood time to Mud* «trTe tail<ttail rn'toms It Was also lu n mem handlol af pnupli that tlw m^uns^ajent of Urn Uonao Stale was ralru.letl. Tlw wwrsriiDMol <4 England uoommittadto Uw fvrfyru lua flames eat apart by imI •lug bared •tp WMllT aerial pi'll I >l f.K exnnlag ■* •‘•SUdUac and ■ •Vrrnlag vuioi la shaping the political pal top of the • oatt. In too United we bar* odoytod oUenry to that of any ether mat DollUeU organisation lu Um wort4 Wr are trying lo Um fMtofsl) polKl ool blatory to gooora upie toe toeway th*^*T*n »*» lo ft poll'.tool export oulltled to have on opinion upon ell aoonoalo, aooiei aad pilitieai ud that e majority MM by UM head le Mr tmane.1 white or Idaeb to genera and rule too Mteie—(lie -llaea alone wMobbftMft owtnty aft ell torel.ap” Ybo principle » that one owl oytotoo upon too Mot important national eod InteroaUeeal qmettona Seaaoe ourtaaey eoioaga tocritorlol ex p*ario«~le eagood aeeaotoor. Tbot too ottown too rotor has eoSoieot bnwwledge aodorouwdtog yetmuom tomakeltoata to lotrnot to Mot too —r—--— ‘“mil *ii*o him No otbor nonetry near tried ooab w exportwoftt. Merely, sorely One. Lm wa» right la waking edoeaUtn sot of too flow bat of too ommoo, a Bjgagg-7 .c.3T=cx; *■**-*—*T-- wa i _ tows. __ W.C.Ow'MUCMoMa (luHl I taaad 1 MttMT Manilla Ilataat *1 OParfcvtoa Um ottar <aj atiafe atm ptoaiionta mMl at tamtaa «»• Itwtajuaartadttat atlaaatTS tar a^t at tta talawd paapto ta Um auta vara UMtarata aadaaa aatttar raad aar vrita. aad at tta aaaw Uaw oah U par aaot at tta artaaad aoartota la Um paettrattarr aad idifadai laatiUUoaa ara iltitarata. la attar awrda, lha ratio at adaaattao toartaa ta tta rrrawt at vtat It ahaald ta art tfthwa tarn wa atnaat It taaalp aaattar ItartfaMaa at tta aid adaaa tta* •* MtUa taarata* la a Miinm tMtaa.* 1 aakad taaatar THUm* It tbla vat Uua. Ua aid ta via aat villi tta Inna i tart ftW It MMJi M . . ... laasrssacra'su. tta rrttamtaii taaUtaUlaaa a tta jg^rrt’agg-j'is | ttas la otaaln at iHMt tta at aa< tta aart at tta t ta twalff Maitf aad laMtata tta diaaa aad tatatVir ad tta VMrtaa -A >nw la aat aalarataaawtaaaa « gwatav TMfcaaa Md; af.Myggrgjvs H to »l tot bmm to wMiim war •iHfla aritbaat ofcaaao of mm. tt vm an ant Mat> ad toad prow. Um too ifarera tawa tola Mat It • yflSTdawilwin to IhSSSw! Hit iwwa, tto ditot tUmSSSSR: Btcjttot fttaMli, vao tooad tat to >'•» to Want Ma trade, ttd Itotvt bMtton vtrtod t fat tor fa atwal It intJiM Franklin atartoJ tto SatoduTa Htod? UtoSidUtS; poMtoattoa^ajtojMMjjtort Uaod^to*. ^M^M^Sv^Tl^^totoa tl,lU •ad feoUag ttotto hadkSta UaM to Hat. JatMt otooUv j rrVur^alaa that to tto a ___p trptow to Faltooalpbto vttk ktoTvaS ttatb kMtCtovdrdar’atndt. itttard lagly •( kl» Vkttar'tdaadk tto tof toot with Ma Btato It to 1TM tto n,, iota, latototd to {■«^^r^ytotfto tof 4£oSEto to 1717 and Opoa vMafc Boataaal r rmaklln tod kuto Ma todaat » ptotar. • Tfcto pram rrtnlnad it tto oOoa UU 16M. wtat a mm « V» Nr.lotok. Hami/ dkMr Ttrk IWtoaMl to ttoMawwto aaua Hlrurto Ulttr. ky vkow H It ■UflatalMttd at tto ■oaUCf'a imik «» tto ttldlait. 17*6. tto dot fcsMSrssarsttSBSi PH? atof Oat U to 7 bSwa to waa Ml toft undor dMeauttaa tot to ^ totjrta day wtoa tto til tot waaUraalaxor/invbtob tot *»■ ladtlfd. It toad w*4 tktofk dlaratoMtaatmli known of IU fanadnr^to totof_tot^Nw»«t Mm. Ant FrankUa (tod bar Haprut at tto ptaar nud laaaad U aa baton*. TtoJMkrwwf vat paktokad tadvr aucootaiva tvoatk .tod wllk only oat >nwmillion ap ta Q*o praoaaat Uaa. Bl' Lew* . T,,r"'’ There b no work nqrlnl f.w tin home, whether an the ram eras « iwainr.MiWblmn are draft ae« iu«). ehere tniailifeom wM eat bn of 'materiel wlar. >»* wfjr cmrteemkUeawmt, the pmaeaatoa nr leak at thle fnallte mr ha teamed tr»m the iraiamlu et the rjw. If rteionuiaM lurta wtehte Un arm wiU ahaw it Bat them arc uter mm Ui«t may laoNiMmd.* Veil marked foUeaaa at tamla. half Wet hi*warn the q^a ant the tauten of the eera e6a»aiaatted V tana Ah ■nd fttllarea ImwailUel? beak at Um earn. daoote e kindly dteaMkroa nmo oiated with ■m'dttee. If the develop meet ha the re term ef thle dan wM ba an abaeeae of klodly tetaettae. whit Burked iMoim teedaectea. White tkamtr la latnly a Canoe eater yet the martaar la white It teaat oa aad Ha mot toe famish my ala>r Ml nsl hm» ef the character. White tka hack may ha as id te u* merely * CrWkte ‘ he . It Hilda at tea Maa, hamate, the teeeldare aata a vary Important ttfure la Urn hona> Tsies Ud derawm^eo matter whet hied id cyrfebt teoeldcr kpwteel far IMt *a»m the Came mate be wyi tit te a forward hartaaatal 4 Hear tee. wMte Ika UeaUea ehweidat Ihtawa thafxa* aMte^lUUn hpaa tka lower ar

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