The Gastonia_ Devoted to the Protection of Hone »«s the Interests of the Comity. , •csf"'» ■ ■ ■ Zi—*— —..1 ■ . ~ -- - ~—- ..n-fc : - ■■ 1 --i——*i»^m^-~-~C3BMaa—aBgca 1 t m j.iitUiK11 i , ■ cwcgSSgMBBll——^i—MMC33as—BBKJBMaaaBBaw VoL XXI. GA8TON1A, N. THUB8PAY, FEB BIT A BY 8, 1900* COSTLY FDNRRALS. BILL ABP WBITE8 ABOUT THE EX TXAVA6ABOE OF PEOPLE. In Upwil— Tfcnwk «• Hmrj • IN«> ilBf hfc>< M«B~Clip«|N>f I'BamU VbbM low Hbbci for lto» Dili Arv in Atuntm CoavtltuLoa. Solomon says : “A livlug dog is lent t»r than a dead lion.’* That may bs ao In • worldly rum Dot tlw dead Iran costs the most money. I was |ml reading ao Itemis'd -Utame it of how much it oaat to bury Srusior Morrill Of oourae tie was buried at the govern •mint expen so, but ll eeeuia to me lie could have been pul away lor Ini money. Tlie sun total (ova up (3 41$ The casket oust $400, cedar amppiug caae $00, embalming K*), eainagc* $107, special train from VVaeliiugum to Spncgfietd $73$, Springfield to Montpelier $117. fares fur alteudaiua from Troy to Washington. 8.1*8, Tull man Cara $300, Comuiiataritd $78 These am the largeal items. There le a page full of smaller ones. Then there Is deooratlou "f the senate chaur her $100 and crape and glove* sod re galia sod flower* $$80. advertising pro gramme $113. muaic -40. etc. Hut the largest Ua«D 1* 83 000. a year's eelaiy after lie died. Tina want to Id* eon. That la the rule If s member dies >ngrsm wlU jraut tbe old lady s pension. Maybe so, but I reckon she will die before she gets u end as for that prlxe money. I see that ibe government la lighting It, aud that car ana Its nonpayment. Dewey's vic tory la an old song now. I woudar If they would bury him it pablto expense. It asstaa to me that tbs cost of fnnarals should be proportioned to tbe condition or the family, as for me, I feel like s meul casket that would -keep not tbe water and the worms and a plain marble tom atone woold be eoowgb. No mdbamanl and but e line of epitaph. So rue grata and lluwera that my unchained spirit would Ilk* to see when It hovers ovrr the place where Its prlaon-honee was burled. Neglected grave* a algn of Inhumanity. Costly ones a sign of vanity. Oat monuments to heroes and noble men are always proper. Not that they are of any con sequence to tbe dead, but they point a moral to tbs lltlng. I*t us build .that monument to the modest aud gallant Brnmbv and place It on the cspltnl grounds where tt oau be seen and where It will apeak in silence to the people aa they pass. Let the tribute be 000 Ol mrwr, uunyi r»u ttuvilavion inm the old and the yuoog. Oar little grandchild who waa hit olaoa sod loved him will o|»n her llule iron book whoa It gala full and mod $5 to thn committee. Every Hula echo'd girl nud boy abouid bare a dime or ulckal In that monument, for besides hla courage and pat riot lam ba waa loving aud ktod to Mt aged mother. Ha dgaervna a monument for that Hevtral timer nf late I h.w read the talk* of C-rncgin a> d Rockefeller to tba young man In a Bible olam and their Ideas about aivlugHiid helping do not plena* me. Of oouiae. everybody honors Uiatn f'-r their large hoanUaa tooollegea nod librane*. but they say that eharltlei to the poor do no listing good nod that 00 per rant, or It la wasted, bat that rich men abouid help poor young men who ara struggling to ellmb up In the world. My observa tion Is that young men will gut up any how Jugt like Car net la sod Rockefeller. 1 had rather sea a hood red poor paopla raliavad from div|rvm ikaa a doaso young man helped on tba wav to for tune aud aooceta There Is much grajodloe agalnat the poor. Most of tham am woman and children who ara balpleea and 000*1 get a start. Thera Is no work for them and so they have to beg or starve. The other day I dropped a quarter In tha tin cap of a poor old woman who waa orouebed on tba sidewalk of Marietta street, and bar look tt thnakfutnera paid me. Tha winter wind waa blowing and lho pairing Monas ware sold, but aha sal there and watched for chanty. 8b* was old and pale and pitiful and the ehlo stuck dose to bar hour hands. 1 ur paged ,h* Slr***t and stood and watched for many minute* and n**#r •« anybody ales put any money In her cap. m may ba a frand-so in.pnai uw. hut I aaa earn that la not impover ishing th* millionsrlea or anybody elas. My Km* la that a good Hamat Man would atop sad tavmUgate that woman’s coadl' tan and lift her ap from the sold sidewalk and am her to a warm, eom forts Ms boom, and bay bar a p-lr of Msahota and seme coal and apeak a few kind words sad comfort lb« chil dren If aha has any. IXty paopla cat hardened to aucb tiling* and p t«i by and mj why doM (ha aot go Lo the IMiertinuM. Where la th« ptyrhouvn and who will take her there, and would n it ehe b-r aetwiaUd from llnte alia hifea t 1 know a mao whom charities are more to bo nniaium led than all the munificent gift* of the isllllnnairmt. lie la nut rich nor old. nor young, nor olil!dl«aa but he oiakiH morn than a go-id living and li always helping nnr poor youog mtn or wo uni or orphan Children Helping them out only with money, but with hope and good Cheer, lifting Uiem up oat ot deaptir and olaiilmg them oa a *o«l foundation. He hi* befriended huudreda In thia quiet, unoateolMtieout way »ud it ta not manned to the world D»r heralded In the jireaa dlepatchea What he baa tlooa It now hia are item emofor- Is Lila decll til eg yea re, for be li it without ex ceptiou tiie hive and aratllu-ht and loyalty nf them all There H no ayatom to III* chart1, lea for every ca-os at an da fur Itaelf. L knew hiin oil *>ue ouo-e a Ion to Mud a check to a poor young girl with which lo puruham her wed ding apparel, the deareet tiling on earth lo a bride, fur all her earni-iga bad iwen expended iu aupoort of a widowed mother nod Maine children. Well, that waa (hough; fut and gener oua, but wbo elae would have dour It * 1 wlxh that I waa noh ao that 1 could do aa they a»T tba g-ayrt Prince Kupert did-go annual In dlagalae and D id uul who were needy and rieearvmg and help them III secret I would taka i>cte nf the p-nr girli who helped their ■aothera and the ynuug m in who wrote kind, loving letter* home and 1 would art them up and wiake (hem happy. Ve*, I Would like that sort of fuo.j would rot yon ? It would beat lihra-1 m» and oollegra all to pitot*. Out 1 I like Cirurgle and Rockefeller, too, though they dost are me through ay -imwMvw*. it »• imiv iw» ■ nininuniro (u realise that Uio money iJ not hie — tUat be Is only a trustee with the privi lege of using It for Ibe good of his fel low cre*tur«*. It has been said by philosophsr* that no nun ever rarmd a million boaestlv — that If tie found a •nine and it pstd him a thousand dol lars a day he was entitled only to go a] livlug out of it, end the reel was God's aiaJ was pot llirre for bis fellow mrn. Dr. Medley told a good story about a Persian who bought a piece of Uud f»r a small sum and when plowlug it found a rich vela of gold, fie careful ly etved allUivtevo* msigbt aod took it to Hie man from whom he bnaght the land, saying Uial be did not our tbe gold—he bought only the land. Tbe man refused to receive It aod their dispute over It got so warm they wml before the oadl to have It decided. Tne cadi knew them very well end know that one of them bad a too just grown and the other bud a pretty daughter a little younger, and they were good, In dustrious children. So be bad them brought before him aud married U>rca aod gave them the gold. Wketli-r true or not. tills is a pretty story for tbe child™*. Every girl I know will auy. -I wish it was 1.” •psalsl Sehsal Pea* Baselveg. Bfcelby Aurora. Treasurer Newton, last week re ceived tbe warrant from State Tress urer Worth to cover the special fund appropriation of 9100,000 allowed bv the last JGeglslatare. The amount that Cleveland wlU receive will be about 91604.00, orlS cents per capita. This aobool district which bas about 1040 school children will receive abunl 9166 for Its tabnola. While tbe amount per capita It small yet It will euabte tbe public schools to oonllnna about two weeks lunger. It will be remembered that I bare was some doubts a boat tbe payment of this fund, but father Worth, tbe watob-dng of the Treasury, deoidrd that I hoes oouutlee whose sheriff bad settled tbe State taxes for 1098 ooold be accommodated, and of course old Cleveland was one of lilts Dumber, thanks to Its model sheriff, A. n SoUle. . tiwrurr mm««. Chicago TtaMO-Uarald. “Til," be Mil m be went on hunk lag for tbe pi*oe where hie automobile wee broken, "the day of the Aery Meed m peak It's a bad thing for the poet*, but we oan't Key the much of pro gram for tbe parpoee of looking at tbe n**de of lb* bank. l'd that burned mwmiI in which Mhendan plated eo Important * put. The Aery etead *ias pasted from the ensue loree”— Juet then hie angers happened lo form b eoenectlon between ike ei, assumption, end was eo much relloved oo uklog ink dues, th*« she slept sD sight; sad with two InUkn, ban been absolutely mired Her name la Mrs. Lather Lola.” That writes W. 0. Hamrick * Oo. of dhslby, X. J. Trial hauls* free at J. T. Carry A Ou-a. Drog Atere. Regular else SO* ■•d <1.00. Irery bottle guaranteed TMi* mr* ram. iilink. It WIHW •ribaHaora vwiim VMtia Mifr a Ucmi Area aflka Karth'a IWa> Iw. | at. [amt* It jvuUIi. Ureal preparation* are being male In ' aclcit'llj circle* through.wjv the (Tuilt-d Stales and Europ* for •oaerving ibe (are say apect-ttln o>->it*J for (he 2Stn nr May next, when Ibr maun will get directly in between ill- ealtli and sun and oante a total Sullpie. Over to* earth'* tor face *3 -oletl by Ui« selipsa th* ui Kiu’a phymotl built lulerveaiug will otMUuot the *un’e lignt nod over * moving belt Uty mile* broad II will caal u black *b*dow that d feel fenilah with the ratura of uoobetruMad isaabln’’. Tbo tsmparai nr* falls eev real degree*. and soa>atlases daw ap pear*. la a few maaoeaU, If Uta nt> server is so tUaatad task hla flaw command* the distant wetter a horli >a lit* moon's shadow Is seen coming Ilka a draadfnl thundriatorm. advancing with terrifying ewlftneas, until It on velopea e very thing iron ad HI u. for a momsQt the vary air anains to quiver, and upon every wbila turfaco appear b*o *krg I waa innoinx a local inaaangcr trail eo the U. aod VV. railroad. Up train uaa ulgbi waa aide traoked at a wap auttloo with a washout akeed and another be lilud ut It waa while w« war* killing tiaia iliai Ibis game waa played, end it maker keep us company. If these rain* continue. 1 think we'll bare asora cofflua to fetob back to morrow.” { "We travelled slowly, end wlieo sonot 90 mitre out I eaw e dim lantare on the truck, and the brakes weregireo a *u4d«o Jerk. " *Ui I” ern-d the man who had tagged u». Tue treetla ahead load Iwrii washed clean away. Tkere I* no chance to crew eud you'll here to go hook.' back tlowty to a blgti it*.tie. In miles in oar real. On our aide uf tba treacle there wae a long atratch of straight track anil alien two nule< away w« saw the headlight of a freight Ibundertagdocrn at f all UK. The nugl near rao right oo to the bridge wttboal alaeaaalng hit •paed. J oat whan tba freight got mui wav at the bridge there was a oiaab, and bridge train ao waa b-iokrd no the wain wire aud tba InKrumeut wne bonnrcced, hut tha lummnger was not gohd at the i.usli earn aud. aft-r trying for 30 mluulai be bad U* aura.. " 'ft tills guy In the bos bam was mg dead.'said Uiebaggage mao. *ww would be lu 'own. fie was a flue operator i adore he a ashed in b*a chip* ' “The most worried nm imtiw train was n o iltoh denier from New Orleans who waa Ira cel I mg wit* a barrel of ■louey. The mm came la tbe bag gage car and ulkad tr mil sally nf the deU>*. After a time. luiwever, lie a «t mum eli-erf uLaad aloud amuml and watebed ue playing cards Wlim we changed from seven op to poker the cotton man asked if be could get in. aud we ware all glad lu have him There were Ore In tba gama—tba 6nn • loc tor, • a press r, baggage master cotton broker »od a newsptprr man. Tha maaseugrr was tbe iwet gamrdar On the tram, aud be got a streak of lock alteT a time. Tbe news paper man and Ui» baggage mallei dropped nut, lbs conductor sticking to make the thite. Tha messenger, tiprunt was sitting on tbe foot of the ooffln, h> d tbe llagToaa add that this waa why be waa having lock. TliO play lag got bottar, and the conductor dropped out, leaving Spnini and tbe cotton man a big fellow, who intro duced himself as Smith. II* bad bean toeing Meadlly. bet he hnmglil out bunebee uf new Mils every tow mo ments. One or two puts had been rich. In on there was at least 11,000, and the one following bad folly 91,000. Tbe two pole earns ever to Syruot. “It was not a long ssaaa. The play ing bad been qslck, though the Onltb came strange to eay In vtaw af anbae q»»»t aventa. on n dual by Smith. uui. npruat »u r> «itok Uiei I aa not MtiaOrd to this day that tha thing waa •quara Whan thooriaU ease, Salih wna dealing, iln •huff'd the earda nartlrttiy and railed -0 Un. Eearr thing to a Jack pot. Secant and lie oonld open It. but Smith amaabad It with a handful of hank note*. Mpcunt auprlmd ua by eumkig baok with a heavy tala*, nnd for a moment iha rawing mu wild. •’SucHot drew *m nerd. and Smith etuod pat. Tha betting ooatioued until 8*IUi had put bit hut dollar Sprunt atlll bad anaaU amount, but he aald be would oall Smith fen tare of »b»t wna In sight whan he laid down four rteenae. bat Me breath •iopiwd abort urban Spreat pot daw a four fra*. "All tha while Sprnat bad bean alt* ting an the ouflla. 'God. there In *oearthing alive In ihla bex 1* be aald. For a moment averytlilng waa atIM. There «>e a faint Upping, and the temdoob* took an ax, knocked the lid oa nod (bare ana the men, with hte eye* vpao. breathing. Tea mlnuteu after he wultrtcd not he tana Melted end talked. He wee Janklne. n tele graph narrator. Wn were Mill In the o*r (taring at Jaaklae when the report ot a ptwol outaMe waa haard. We went out to InveMlgaU and found 8mlth atone And. He bed biewn his brnlae «ut Papers In hla poeteu allowed that be area a factor** olerb eed area taking the money which lose el1 #11.000 had epaM him and fear cf rMalta oaaaad Mm cooemmlteeiulde l W* took the body bank to the ‘-fnti I ear to nut It In the endla foe mely need bt Jeuklaa A bar that night Sprunt quit the road." I Tommy—Pew. what dean the paper I m-40 by aayieg a premnter laa ’ moneyed men Mined hlmf Whet ere j I hey Iwhind him tor T kir. Pfffg—They ere acaaMy babied I Mmm, nee, that be may he ahead ef khwim runm mmwm. Mrmmm raylegad IrfagHtiW atm# ■mmm Wrlbmal 1*1. Lull. rwpuhlir. ara aaaand rartlxuU of male. Ing ftowera known ta atperta. Oaa «f the cblaf meant* whjr thay fade la km B«uaa Um araika am Ualaad wham i*t mem oak or pUmf. Tba way ta rtwdy llila la la uk» a One tbraad of wim aod laaart U m Um aad of Um •teaa, puWuoglt« little way by. Than Waa round Um (talk a Hula pad of damp out too arool or mugr. amagp Um Aowcm tn tepid water wltb a moraof of ■ilrk charooel la eecti mat. add a raw epmyo of graaaary If poWida.aBd la half aa boor the flower* will iipwf "*d leak a* If tbay kail wily joat baao ptband- la arte to praaerm UMfr bmuty aa loot aa pomltta. every evaw tng pUca Um vam oa a atone floor, or on a largo old tn; that e*auot ha la farad by d*a«p and either eyrtnga with water, or pour It over Harm from a email sail wltb a Qoa imp. la tba morning out about a quarter of an look from a Mb Ik. aad throw away #mjr *PuV or miter, rrplaoiog It with freah, from wfclch the ohUI ha* been taken. When flawara made ap into boqoata ara raoeivad. aa they J tao on on birthday*. ar okbar dumaatla analvmatlea. they look perfectly charm lug ta Matt with, boteftau fade aa aaoa aa they am pot to water. Of ft’mbalk*mamhaaqaaloBodboB W tkoy eooolat afbodo or abort •talked Museums moanud oa aalee. tba ooly thing to do !■ to water or ayrtaiga them -overhead" and pal UMm for an bobr aodar a ball gl-we Bat If lWay am mouatad «*u r«-u of ntaa nr • bamboo tbay nay be aleaidy united and pul la water. Capillary attract lux the* oomeo into play, tlw Oaoa takes op tba moistam «ud IrrasmtU to to tba •talks of tba fljwerv, keeping tltaoa damp enough to Ilea for a na* Urn*, tliougb, aa they do out actually teweh Mio water, dneay dam not art In tar Mtvr*! days. A capital metlind of an,rdiag oft the *>rrupUun Uwt makea mlgnonettee. wrtera. atoeka and aome niter dunen mnr apradlly uuideamHt l> U> mix a little aal tuMmwta, four graluo to the quart being aafllclent. Another mode hi to bold tba cm duwan Id tba ataam «t bot water «ll rvotly after tbey am uapaofc. *, aod tlieo to put Uie tub of llie Unite In boMImr water fortwa «r item ulaotea. •mt off tba iwilailM eoda and pUem .litem In a ram wltb tepid watar in tea ordinary way. Tba latter part of tba irmtomut (■ elan av.ilaU* for flower* that me beginning to wither a lltUt. llmuali lbe evil day nf failing cauoot te tong pxipu.ed PuMUiarlut SasmnNMPfMi TwilllV I'ouMnl'U. Even tin* iiioidoit at ihr United Stair, »l>n is•lii.ailit if ime of ***** lianiwl «r »mk an utndi. Every prvel drill Iwa hi* fivunle i|CrntU.i*i, and u the America* i>r<**i«iri>t la tbaohoacu ■epvreratativa uf a great Attglo-tJnxoa nation it la not earprlstog to lad that P reel dr nil* I RtmUmii mi* Utneoughly typical rf theme*. That it to any. nearly all t h» praai. drnta like to bant and fl*h nod drive l*oi ova. Among norat pnaidenu Gunnel Anhar. Gravrwl Uarrtwm nod Mr. CVwifiid all megbt nervation in huutlug and latalog—Mr. ClevvUnd bring tba moat invrterata ttalirrmao of them ad. Mr. McKinley dote not epeod much time In bunting, but lw ie foud «f driving end llkee u> bold the reine over a spirited tram. Mr. OieveUad did aot drive blnmetf but although bo «M aotespecially food at hotaaa, hv delighted In dogs nod eaU. A Waehtogtoa oomepoodont *"J» that the white twoee awe oevrr so I full ef aolaml pete aa durian Mr. Clevetaad’a admUtatretiona. Ua had mveral duga. and aa aaaay eatv that tba ralaaod wioa which bad Uo« overrun the white baaea m atnauet aztcrmlaated. Now the rata and taler have ooma beak. Mr MsKlnlay tba tame oar raapoadant anya. does not like eitbar dog* «r oat a. Thera ie aot a etegta dog about Uw White hooer, mad only one eat. Tbta eat belongs to a privileged aid do-wkerper. who bee heee In tba white boom sine* tba daye of Abraham I.iocoln. Tba animal la not eJiowvd rise where then to tba laundry and kitchen. Kama little Uaw ago Pimkteot Mo* Kin ley w«* praccuted with n nnbh Ru—tea Uoedhoaad-ea aalmol of a vary kindly breed. Bat the president, Ibollog that ha bod aa aea roc tba dog. oaaaed K to be orated ap enrMoBy and mat beak to Ike donor. »oa» «r fungr Tom. Mirnfflo CMot. Tho HUtenii mud Ignorant negro hoi hod tho ballot (or SO rr»r» th*. loogth ot an aoorago Hla. Haabolon nroood th* StaU not ora anal. oooaty ■evoraooant ar eMy gaorronaot* No. u*a ho tilid to tnproro It V In Io then n rrootd of a thoroaaUy honrttt and idthM aogra or Btaoh* •nd-T«a ndBotol In any KUto. bounty nr olty odtao la North Carolina dwrtog tho mot SO Tran ) U to. nhon or wbora, Thirty yoaro boro khooro two ihtnga lo regard tn tin argro aaffrma :Y. Tho tamtam and UlmaU a2£ oail •ot W traotod with Iho UUat, ood nu lmorr ho uaoud with in. 1 Tho Bioofe and Thao oaooot ho traotrd with Uw Igaor^l aod BOurau neoro who hao a ballot la bta hnaSn •Ml ah.mid ho longor U iraotod wHh BID, That Thnahtap KnOidn Wrnld notably tarn yoo. It yan aaad Dr. Ih|i Vow LUb Milo. Thom ando of tomato boat yroood Uwtr maiot.lom norm hr dlah and Narrood i lleadaohoo. TWy mho im Wood 'jKSRgffiS mn« relate*. "*» | waa ri.taring Carroll uaH-tto bouaa of Ssvwsaffsanai «roek meat tto Uaiu into* tto non latraaky rilmlr l mm heard. i Ukto to ■» atwii k aaaa M; ejoa M iifw tto t ar rtalnad face of a ItUk bop aboat aatan yaara of mm. Ua amd unM aka I MM •awa uyow hto. aad attoni tiatUljr : “I didn’t anaa to awlMdMtoa. Ill keep «a Matin If ttoyUtoat lat at •uyhetat* bl. Vtotl toid Too are. Im aw good to mm aad ay realtor wbaa ato waa dob. Haw tab toad. ■‘••UdKlaw. to tkawria nobody to «ai« far ar now.' m«Aafn3fla|^!tot*lSS.^S tha aka praaltoatk pbiUnlbrupy. tot wraawwt aware of kla partloukr latatw»t ta »Mk b ly*. Taa tearful lad'a aw awrr waa i *‘Bt #aa gaod foktoof bap*. bat to taa ato atotor is partkakt. .Tto ; aaa fatkar’a baaa daad a'latic U«m aad •atkwkiloo-akfc toaatbaSd tot tor Mr. Hobart an would bay* toaa to tto atrtH. Ha mad to p-y tto Mat tor to awl aeud t*w dautor wud UUato ia aat and nib tk IKtk I aantrd «a didn’t •taraa Bat. yoa tan. I'n awly a IKtk i»p- If I waanaipalrUk Mmerl" “▲to by aabbad aa though ua haart wwakarvak. laattohun store to tlradkto rararad kki (tot Wad woaJd amd rent ooa to kaftkto hlat ato Mr nwttwrlu iiUorof ttodcto vka arret daau •• *x»0;w MB Uwhit ptaar,' tba boy ip«U up. Ha aovd to mHo md pal toy baud aansttara. aad that waw bailor lUaa tba paaataa. Mighty taw paopta da Idol aaw. 1 mat Mch*d awa day by • big fellow far a*}lag I'd "“"T taw (tavta (ircatdaot tbwi a ailv, r quarter. Tba •MfiU waa Wag .«■ kicked m* “®* *P*5 ■» 0t,*rT- *ba am Uaa 1 mw ike vtae makfaol M aMed aobaw l hurt aty baud; tor It ana Ml Uad uw in a cloth. I UMal trtt btaa, bat I «nwa ba kooaa it tnw daub be ? He anat know everyth tu »ow> • Thau tba little Mi-w lifted bla eyva laareaoa aofutaad fm a n*w« paper two half-wii bared wbita (aav bird*, Uambd than to Be, aod bagged that I plain thrw In tba haoda •>( tba Mr. Habart.'laa’tar a wwiat - Ha ■aid In aouM real happy and —itoMaf <>y any more If tba vtaa pgdtad ouuld hold ihaaa flowers Ma litUa wbtia. Hall know Jobuoy sent tbvaa. ba umcpeied. ■•1 went aarernl Dora to bm tba lit* atoaiuvraod hla stek nine her who will aowu Ingnwe. . It iaaata Ip aay tba little Mkiw -lU nqt befme'W uo7 ur lifrtulipf.’r ~ '• * UflP* .. 11»t lur mmm tn. Hot nearly (turn oeutarM tba Bom Ina bam drpbtlng Saalb Afrtaa af .la . wild aulwala. Ua has brag kUHnw a»«a> beaata and yet nun Mvaga saw and tba akeloUna af iba tanta of tbowa Mda <4 liana strew (ba. Midi (iob Cape Uepa la fay warth oi ibaTnm* Thtahaaboob tba practloe ibat sakMtha Bnrr of to-day—i bough in. harltaooa aad training—eebaraabooter. When BosraeUivdlbsTniwrrali iraiarvsiasa'ss .■Mtou. MUM,. MIiM hum. aprlagbok, and ao ao to tba baboaa— eearytblag that Booth Africa taw. aod la aboadauat. How all this tat tbapCoaeaf artMaawTaod UwbwMar of big gaata bna nasrly lost hta aoowpw Uaa. Highly laoaaaad ataphuata aea iw. sThSM ^22 >r*“ Huath Afrtaa. Tba Baer baa Mrttaad Horn fm tba Trnaaaant ta nil tarnda, awdbn tan fcUtadnaralb.wnn1 bam faaaa at rip pod of Unix bides far oewMvrtU! panwaaaa. aad taw we ■abed freaa tba *nuaaeaai Tkaptw ga baa atanot gowa.Ua rtabiy aiewed ostrtab ta U analog ran, aaditatatn Kjaa. ataad, aprtagtnb, aad wild. ^rSnaa. jstrt WJsrrswRyssts wlM ta corn ta )ata tbaaver tnmalag chain ad -Btaatag Haba."