The Gastonia — - "■ ^——" ___ Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the Coanty. Vol. XXI liAHTONlA, N, C„ THURSDAY, FEBUUAktY 15, lOOO. ARP OH ^ABBOTT. GEORGIA PHILOSOPHER 01 THE higher asmonv. War* riaaty *f la»*t**» Mil Maw* With Lyrnaa Alkali In HI* Kanaka Ak*al Ik* iilkaMlell/ *r Mkl*. Dill Arp la Atlanta Constitution. A (test lawyer whua* ehlrf butiuete ni lo defeod criminal# waa naked vke arc rat of tali aacaraa, aud ba replied: ■'ll D 10 dnuy evrrylbing sad call for tb# proof ” New Eoglaml agDiMUclstD sod higher erluoi-aj of llw aotl|4ur*e area 19 bare a like ro-Xiui. Tbe deeper • man goat Into sch-nca il* more Inclined la ho Pi call fur tin ntoof ; eapeclally If lit ha* ami* learn, log Ulan brain*. *ud baa u> slain bis relad to solve the myatrile* -f life and natore. I was ruminating atari this, fur I bad just reed tit* pres* dl.pausi.-a that Hey. Lyman AMaHt, whu mem-eded Henry Ward Beecher, bad to a public ad drew In Uustou declared that tbe Book at Ueoeele waa a myth—a legend wiittan before th* fl od by some uu. known proplwl—and kbal U waa Ini PAtetbl* for Mom to baa* known uf I be lb Inga that transpired 3.000 rear* before be waa born and heaeke. “What wars bia rwouroes if they were not 1 agenda and north* »•' I know that il doaa uut become me to leeeb theology nr Ihr I n TwJ 11 bill ty of tbe scripture* hut it ocoura to tae ili*l if Mr. AbboUoau undermine lb* Book at Gaoeei* he will overthrow tbe whole etraotaie of Biblical authority that baa withstood the wear and leer of tine lor all these oeoturlee. Tbe Bible la the standard or iba agre—the bead light ot tbe nation* aud It moat eland as a whole or fall, aa a whole. Tbe ieeyresd gentlemen prof mam w believe In the new twumaet end pert of tbe old, but If be Is nelly a Cbrtatlen be must belisv* ae much of the old testa ment aa the Savior and ilia apoatlee did. It wae Ubriat who aeid In the parable of Dive* and Laiarue, “If they will not baiters Mom aud tht prophet* neither will they behave though uee inee from the dead." This is that Mono* who predicted tbe coming uf tbe Savior when he waa giving the Taw* lo lha children of tiraai—that Moiti tn whom God lostruclad tbe tablet of a loo* that contained the command mrntk, and who wrote tbe mo*l baaull fnl aoog lo tbe Paalwi of David—that ifoew who appeared in glnry on U* mount while the Savior was trans figured—that Moeaa of whom l*aul ■aid be wae falthlnl ae a testimony of tboee tbiog* which were lo corns after, lleferenon ant too numerous to quota —all abowiug that Mueei was the vto* gerant of tha Almighty aed wae a propbci inspired by Him. no Hr. Avwkk Mouuir spuoia me new leelemsut er*d poll bown tbe old. He nut eastern or demHllth ell. It le tbe urn# old attack of ecienoe upoa miraclei because they cannot be ex platnad npoa any hypothesis of human reason ; wbea tbe truth le that Mr. Abbott blmeeir U a stupendous miracle and cannot tell how be tblnka or where lbe power ot thought or tbs faculty of memory U located nor bow be oan at will raise bia hand or elooe bia eye; nor bow be took form and shape In tale mother’• womb. All oature le a mira cle; tba leaves of tba trece, tba color of tba llowtre ths flight of bird., tba ia flolte emallnem of matter aod germs, tbe Infinite magnitude aod bound lest extant of tbe heavens and of apace and io ail creation there Is nothing thet has pride, vanity and Mlf-ooocell save oean—an agnostic or skeptic or so in fidel—"Tba fool (only) has said la bia haart, tbare la no God." Well, now, leavlug oat the ioeplrs tioa that gnlded Moors when bo wrute tba Book of Genesis, lot oe come down to human reason and tee whether Moeas bad r*»>uroas or unt. Mr. Abbott la now alxty-Bva year* old. He la tbe eoo of Rev. Jacob Abbott, wbo was barn la 1903, and Jacob waa tba son of a revolutionary sire. Mr. Lyman Abbott baa child rau aad perhaps grandcbtldra That would rook, lira genaraltoua from bia grand airs. This Mr Abbott lived la communion with bia father forty-four yean, aad probably waa e young men wbeo bia grandfather died. Now If bia grand lira and hie aim were good, truthful Christian men aod no doubt they worn bow easy It eras for Lyman la get a troa .eeoieat of tba rsvolutio© ary war ao far Metes to all the I act denis that bis graadfathm knew of or took part la And haw aaev for Ly Gaan ta band It dawn correctly to bia children and grandchildren. No in eplr.tloo is needed-nothing but truth end a good aaemoey. TMa le precisely tbe oeoa with Moeee—-mly six persons were M«o"i to I r a axis 11 tbo amount of tbo emotion from Adorn down to Moooo. Tmo t hero worn twenty Mran geoerattono duriug that loug period of year* bat they Upped over aaeb other aarpaologly ood it eaeaoe to havo been • dlaoenoutoo of provldonee that they •booId. Tho crooalofy of tho Moeata amount lo oooUor oo o bell and Bgnmo , do oot lit. Adam lapped over onto La moon mod lived with him Bfly-ota yoora ana Lomeos was Nnan'a farther. Ho rely Loaoeen toM Noah all about tbo creation for bo got Itdlyoet from Adam ood bo lived With ble ten Noah BOB >00*0—bod plenty of time didn’t her Xonk bad o eon named tfteef, who wont loto tbo orb wits blm oad I reckon during tbo long rainfall u* old (laatUmoe didn't have mooh eke lo talk about to bio ehtldren baaldoo tbo oraatkMi ood Cala and Abai ood Both oad Bnoeh, and oa Hhem know it oil about aa util oa bk father Mow Whom woo aunt bar long lived patriarch far bo lived MM yoora after tbo flood. HO lltad to on Arphoiad. Kokh. Bbor, IVk*. Boo. dame. Nah^r. Twah. Abraham, loaoe ood Jaoob-aoeoo general tone Yon, bo lived and ime monod with Jacob for Ofty year* and old Ifaab bloMolf tbo praaobor of rlght vooouma, lived Mill Abraham woo atxty yoora ok. Wall of ooaraa aid ralW Hook told Bather Abraham everyth lag that 1 amaro bod told him •ad dham toM it too. and oko bod flfly t years istk with Jacob about It. Now, Jacob bad a too named la—pi tine same L*vi —the father of the priesthood—waa llut grandfather of Amram, wbo was ilia father of Motet . How easy It waa for Lari to transmit to Amram. bit grand to u all that be Warned from Jaoob. Tlwn the remwn would read: Adam told Lantech Lantech told Noah, N-mIi told A brn bum. Abraham told Jaoob (-tel Shea told him. toe) and JaOit'i 1 old LhvI and Leri told Auiram. Lainech, Noah, Ab'aham, J <cuh Leri and Amram. The twenty *ev*n ganeralloua are icduord to els n an and thorn als were nil favored »f God and in the lloedcaoent tn Dtvld and Juana Clirlet, IWalde* tlieac weo tbura wean godly wumao not a few. Old tfothar Ere waa there the I an aud (mat part of the creation and prubibly Orel with Adam until bta dat'.h OmC you know ebe loved to m—t with liar de aceudaula sod how aha ait In tlm cor ner with her knlttlug and talked to old Mother Enoch aud Mother Metbooateo and Mother Lameeli. who waa her f-g *-*-f-S-g-«nuiddauahlrr -n(j how ^ wept with tbaui over that apple bual Data. Resources Indued ! Guild a blaloiian bare any belter nr more truthful Uo-I fmuing men and woatreu to learn from* Ynuug mau, beware b >w you but MM Infatuated ortofretod with title raodvru Idea uf higher orittolem. For iAWO ye irs the auU^atlolty of the old rteuceriil has been etudied by the moat learned men of Urn agea. Paul tay*. **Unlu tt-v Jews ttrre com muted lb# oracle* of G <d What If eomedo not lellan-; akall Uialr unbe lief make tba faith nf God without effect f Uod forbid; ye.t let God be lroe, but every man a liar.’* Taro hundred aad elghtv-Dva yeure before Ok riel seventy Warned man complied the aaonad oaaon and 11 baa remained I Om eeme uoabansed till I hi* day. But tree and anon tome oarpiog and eyal- < eel mind at rein* itaelt to ffod a II iw and cal I a it higher crtticWm. Just like Reward andUlddioga aud other fauatlca did when they armed old John Rrowa and declared that there was a higher law that lb*constitution. Youug man. stand br the faith of U>* age*, the faith of your fathers and be uot wise In your owu coonelt, for Solomon aalth, •There I* more bope nf a fool tbau of bin.1' I bar* recently vial led; the good old city of Columbus and reoaivud its hos pitality aud benedlotlona ft W Juat my age, and through all Uiaet years baa moved steadily and surely forward, manufacturlag with serenity and dig nity the character lla cultured men and women gave It In ilia beginning How broadly beautiful it waa laid out; how bouutlful It lu sii -da; bow green the grua* on 1U public grounds; bow brau llful tba river that girdle* it. N -t foi a tingle year bad tbare been any retro grade In tbs manner* or murala of its people. Considering lu climate, so cieijr ana prosperity I do a-a know a oily that 1 bad ratter live In. It to already large eooogb fur moral safety, for Jt-Srrsoo spotu a truth when lie •sW that great cities were ixwttlonUal to guod health and good morals of course. We favor the increase of an Industrial population that keep the wheels aod spindles turning and the wotf from the door end the beggar from the wrests sod If every elty eared for Its operatives in the mills ss Columbus does, there would he no object lissuns of misery to he carried before the legis lature. I visited the young men’s dab rooms of the Esgle nod the Pbeslx ■Ills. Yes dab rooms for factory boys where they can spend their evenings nod rend sad write aod bathe end ex reel** Instead of going to Use saloons. The beautiful library baa 2.000 volumes of standard books sod tea rasdlog tablss are furnished with lbs beet news paper and magasine llteratore. 1 can not mumetals the piaanaat aod at tractive features of these rooms. They ere all free or nearly so to tbs factory boye who beoouM member*. Coined Uanby Jordon to the big-hearted pro moter of Ibis attachment to the mills and the mill owner* pay all the ex and I went to uchool aod to ooOruw with their sons. These boy* are all dead save two, and T am reminded of mylooMloeaa I recall other feeding eltlsaoa who walked Urn streets and pester red honor and Integrity. Such men as Srebom Jooea aod Banning and Crawfuid and Obappel aod Bethnne and Boscmaa aod I/omax. Shakes peare says. “The eytl that mew do It vee offer them; tbs good is oft inferred with their boors. ” I would reverse that repression. for good deeds and thHr ladsenea last longer tbs a well onea and nowhere has the succession of good cltlsaneblp proved It son re o il febn In Col urn baa There Is Still wealth without ostentation aod hospitality without a strata. Not a shyster emong her lawyers aor a quack among her do store Npt e fancy praaaher smcog her stem, aor e venal partiana among bar editor*. Porto net* elty; happy people I CkMtoW Non, Mh. For km nuoo tbs F«w allowed traaodboa day to paaa without notto •i*- Fridar tia lha J*» tha grooad iwg l« popularly aappoaad to ktn >n> "Itod from bta wtotar quarter tor tha purpaaa of Informing draoklad what to rapaot to Uio way af waatbar for tha aaaalag al* wraha. Tha tradition af "granadlo* day" la an aaetentaaa, bat la A rut y believed by maay. It la aald that tlia groond-hog rmaraaa Iran Um bale wtwea bn hlbar naUa no Fab. 9ad, af aaeb r*nr, aad tooba tor um aan. If that laalaary la •hlntcg brightly month ta eauaa tba anhaal lo out a abadow ha raturaa to hla • talar qnhrtara, eoevlaend that •rtMia aprtog to far off aad that tba ••adder will 1m atrgatooa foe ala warha. Bat ahoaM tha akj ha orrroaat aadaa abadow aapaar tba gtoaadbag toaam that aa tba irratbar la bad It *■ "f*4 1 " bn Maya oat aad vatu tor taring. THia itruru a (luaftm TlMMwy *(NMOtlM<«;a« i | B. Harvey Baav w W«.llk ua awiat—. Lunar »w«a«t tit Mam ■a had WUkPtttpk rallitrr, r«v Prttitt at tbe Maw rtrk WmM-ta' IktMtll at ttt AthlaMMIlM a4 rr—Id—« MnH«Hl W—Had. •Sariraw Id IliUtiapkU 11 nv. The recent •uoimstry didluulitae of the (mat publ lading limve >tr Harper A Hroilwrt, aOLuHJonnnrot of which aurpnaed h.tb tba hlerary and Um floenolai world. IMM Main pUerd IB lit* focus of tba public eye a young oian wau bears the sons what baritf ioo Dane of OvinnH Ueorge B. MoCIrllen tlairay, through rui being mad- prasl denl of tbe corporation which is how rod«wT >rUig to float llie Harper TSTSnl frxu tba shoal ol disaster. This task lie e <o6dantly hope* So aceompllsii. a»d hit reeord oertainly lodloauw that them Is nn such wen) as fall In bis lex loon. He la uow atao editor and pro prietor of the North A met loan Jtrrirm. Id which, rumor says, be Iurested one mlllloo dollar*, hi* total wealth heiug ret I iua led at l brio l bat Mm. Yet, a» further beak ikea 16 pais ago U>,looel Uarray waa a ynueu newspaper n-p tr ier. earning about 16 dollara a week, and ir tbe narrator la not mate ken, he waa at that tliaa engaged In collecting news from Um norUiero part of Yaw Jarsoy for Joseph Pnlltaert New Vqrk World, lawk IbU euieaneat of the Urge fortoee, eeq aired from tack an heasot* oegiomog, m.y inspire build ing Journalists with the Idea that a newspaper office Is a g«|w that opens upon the royal road to fortune. It may be Well Si esplalo that who* Oo1oo*4 liar Try aohierad autuiderabie fame hod kubetautkel remuneration In hla oewspaper employment, yet tbe eceum ulaUoo of tbe Urge iimuiii of money which be lias amassed la owing to tbe fact that ha is a men of hie word end neevr broke a promise. Ooe exhibit iod ■if Uns trait aiede him a friend, and that Mead brought him rtcbwa. (n his casallcau be truly said, apart from any question of moral impales. mat danebo I’ause'e oonacenoalews dictum llMt -‘houeety is tbe beat polloy..’ Is smnd advice. Tbe story nr Harvey's rim to wealth may Internet you. • • a Colonel Barra? is a <u tu wait over ■tx tel in height. slander. but big houed aad alia in tbe thirties. HI* hair U dark brown bla oomplcxton eon Uaoed. bla blue eyre atieded by glasses aud hi* lealurra are small, aliliougb be wear* a 7i bat. Ia ipercfc ha I* low toned, with one of those mellow voters which carry ay apathy and eonvtetloi. Be dree era to good taste aod la g*ner uoa to bl* friends This hnwarar, w <• not a ple ura lu the eighties, when, as a beardless >.«u> n« uag<n life’s struggle on the local stall of a Chicago at wen* per. boot* after this be cams east aod ■'Cured a pall Ion ou »•* Jersey Oily staff of tu- Mew York World, and it wee not loog before be digpiayed ■ uou aptitude for lire work, oomoiued wiib rare political aagaolt , that he wae given fall charge of the coileotioo of new* In the entire stile of Mew Jerery te Mr..J*alUr*e'e Journal. Tbw jroagfot him In dose contact with tbs leading pollUoiaoa of tbe 8aady State, among other* the late Governor Lena Abbett whose admiration and rrlaudsfalp La quickly won to suah an axteut lost the but Democratic legislature of tbe gate was lodnord by Mi. Alibrtt to create ror Harvey’s beueUt a special office, that of toeuraaee eummiMtoner with a yearly salary of HftOO attached. At the aamr Uma be was also appointed a eutoavl on the goveruor’s staff, and lu that way gaiaed the military title which be el ill enjoy*, lb rough that pe uull-r Ametlenu custom that makes a colonel always a eotouel. While still holding the ottos uf state Insefeuoe oommieeiODer he era* ioduood by Joseph Pul liter to locotoa the maoag Ing rdlior of the Mew Yurk World at a yearly ealary of «10. W J He was by many ysara the yoaogaet man ooeapy lug a position of that charentsr tn ilia metropolis, but the presidential cam paign of 1888 displayed his political soeoao and bla rare Judgement la the ooUseitou and pr«a«-ut*Uoii ufuewsto •ueh aa extant that he soldered a bril liant »u noise. • a a Tba fact that the World espoused Mm cause oI tba IVmocraej in Um an-tD'WeUlr ClaTctaad-Harrlatn earn palgi Urowght tU managing edlter In to Out oowtaot and frequent eonfrr ai>«w wtib William a Whitney and Arthur P. U >rmaa. lb* MUn aur P" of tba Democratic bailie, wMeb na you alt kaoa. waa a awBcmfs) oaa. Alter Mr. UWvelamd bad been aworo lot., tba dba Um aaoond tlote Joarph l’ulllxer—or rat bar Mra. Pell tear, aoteh waa tba same Uilug—axprmaad a deaare to bare a oartala yoaag man ei> polutad to a dlatlogumhad poatUoa to lbs dlplutoetw corps at Vienna. At Mat hat lac proprietor of tba World vaa la’pnwmalao of tba Information Ukat 4. 4. Vaa Also, a New Tart mUlkmalra. aod oaa of iba avaUmt of tba Skwport society art. bad Oootrl baud 11004)00 to wm Cleveland earn palga food With tba Uatt understand log-allboogb ao formal vaa entered tolo—that la tbe rrmt ol Democrats auoeaaa ba war to ba atade mlnlatec to Italy. With tbU indtvi daal Mr. Palllaar va oa terms of abmluU aamlty by raaaoa of tba fact that ha bad thwarted Mra. rsliliwr’i amblUoa to gala aotranea to Urn moat egaladva aoaial circles af Newport. Tbe mllHawalre newspaper publisher aaw an epportenlty of defeating Vaa A Ire’* -mbltloaa purpose by publtaV Hablag tba atory of t m cvnUlbatlan. but ha waa alio extremely aaxluoa to bar* diplomat la eppnlalamat made at Um Austrian coon, to which reference baa ban previously made. While att tmt ware la vble shape. It la claimed that Mr. Palllaar Rare a promise t>. I Ocdeoal llarvay, La Haary U H risen, aow ad Mar af Harpers Wtrklg. bat tbn oa tba edit artel*.* of tba World, that if Praetdert Cleveland would seat Mra, Painter's Me«d to Vtaaoa ba weald forego tba pwbltamtlaq af tba Vaa Alan atory. lo aompl lanes vttb agreement wbiah tea Pi ret dent on rallowably lbought had beau and*. appointment u> tba Austrian court »*• annonoaad. HnbarcowrUy. the jn*n of J. J. V*u Alan was sent to United States senate aa Blntatar to Italy, and tamed lately the tforid pule Uahad tba faou regarding the 1100.000 aontiibotlun, and paralataatly. vig->r onaly and sort toon krualy claimed that the position aa reprseseallra at llw Bomaa Mart had been narohaard by tba Nawport awalL Tba bn el that WMt op oyer tbla allegation resulted Anally in tba withdrawal of Van Alec's ^8tna* to tbs quick by tlila breach of fblth. Colonel Barmy real mad hi* pnalttoa m taanegiag editor of tba Wtrii although at that Uaa ha bad i»>t ddOOlN tfaa world hit aampiuuus mods of Uvloghuvtag mutated all of hla salary. This nan If c induct aiouaad tha admiration tad son tba siasara friendship of William C. Whit, net, who at that liras was rstanding hla anarglaa Into tba Cluneal and in dmdrlnl world la a maonar which baa »0M mad* blm on* of tba orast potent factors In the money otntrrs of tbla country To abow fat* apprrsi»iloa at narrayh conduct ba mad* him hla confidential man. and placed him In snob a position of trust and cave him each advance knowledge rf rootem plated corporation cnmetnatloua that tha ana-time Mwapagar man was able to maka early and jadtaloo* I a mat ■ewtaanprnlwtaddanlanaUMy those llaee to New Jsnay. wbrrebj^h^^iZ hsoamn a waatthy man. Sagacity and oaatw oiomi sidi hit bmmt crow USUI ho achieved ana of the anMtloci of hU Ufa by becoming editor and por prtator of tha North American Suita aod t ow bo again springs lulu pruml •irnca aa tha bawd at (ba rtorsanard Uarpor's oorpuratlon. Ho, yon me. It pays to ba aqua it. u»». r. b. Don *t go- baeaam tba atria rssautUI lr materialistic and aenauoua, and In diap-«M for prayer and faith. i oo’t g»—bacanaa yon will contract a habit that wld load you to aide by almost loaaasibta dvgraaa from the purer plays with which you begin to tba grosser one* toward* which amy theater Undo. Don’t go benauie the majority of lhaatar-gMrs era aot Christ kae a. aid It can not be expected th it those finer ebadM of moral Ur will ba observed with which Christ famlliarix-tl ue; to at as a silent spectator la to acquirso* te tha standard of m*>iala po-mnied mi the Rage. It la oua thing to be i>b llgad lo maet each thing# iu dally lifr; quite another In go lo aae them aa a paatlma, and to par for thwr pTiiorm anoa. Don't g..— brcaou you bare no right | to aupport h ayslein wbtoli la iolmlonj to the virtue of tba actor* ifid that evrry aaior la ueaaaaary In moral, but Uwt tha utmuet uuivnraal coofeialon of llama aJStor* and aetiame* who have become Christiaan la that life mi tbe Mage la not frleudlr t» virtue, bat mrongly tba raveroe. Von ba*e n» right to help to put stumbling tdoofca '» other people’* path* by contributing your mousy to aupport auob a system Don’t go-braauee, If rondo hot suf fer moral taint, your leltoecoe aud eg ample may lead otbara to follow lo your atrpa wbo will Dot be tU* to real at tbo rail la/teaoera nf tha average thaatar-goar’a life, but wlU drift into tha lore of tba araaatloaal and aattaa oua to tha ruin of Urn nobler qoalltleo of tbo ooul. PMfOHRialadqiawMWgMWMe. ...Tba Martla Taras Dmoerat don't Ilka Keatacky, nobow. It thuadeplete the trouble* that baoat tba daniaene of tba BlooOraaa atata: "Man bocn la tba moantalna of Ken tucky la of fend daya and fuP of vlrtus. Ha fbbath, fiddWtb, ooaarth aod hght atb all tba daya of bla mi amble lir* “He ahannoth water aa a mad do* aod d'lnketf) onoh OM*n whlaky. ~ Wharf ba dedietb to ralaa b-be ptaateih a neighbor, aod hi! ba roapeth twenty fold. Ha rtaath a wo from the oradln to aaak tha caalp of bla grand •Ira'a enemy, and brtogrth home In hia carcaaa iha ammunllioo of bio nrlgb boc’a wtla'a couaio’s uuoie** father-in law. who avehgeth tba dead. "Yea. rarity. bla llfa I* uncertain, and he know* not tba boor when lm may ba jerked banc* ‘He goeth forth on a joureoy h«lf •hot. end oometh b«ek on a abetter "He rtaath la tha eight to la« tbo oat oat and H takath nine deetora three daya to pi ok tbe hwoaabot'out of him. "Ha gueth forth to toy and giedoom, •ad nemath beak la aorapa wad frag, menu. “A eye loo* blowotb him Into tba boaum of bla neighbor's wlfa aod am neighbor** wlfr’o beahaad hlownth him Into Abraham** boson before ba bath time ta captain. "Ha amptlath a damfrAa Inu hlaa ••If and a shotgun Into hla enemy and klc caeaay'a son Hath la watt for him on aieettoa d*». and lo! tbo ooeoner plowath op a forty aora Add to bury the remains of that man. '•Won. woe la Kentucky tor her eyes arc rad with had wtlcky, and bar soil la ctaload with tha Mead nf innoaant ■ ooeahlner* A aU riling IdoMmI, of which lfr. John CMirer of Philadelphia, ww the ••Vjccl, M narrated fay bha aa follow*: •*t wn* In n weal dreadful eaediUoe. My *11111 woo ilnwt follow, *yc* Mak In, tonpnn totted, pal* ewtleaally In hook and aid**, on ipreHU-graduaUj growing wo*hoc day by day. Thine piiyetelaaa had (rite* w* ap. Portuw •»ely. a Mead ad*U*d tryla* gleet lie Bluett]’ and U Bf peat J«y aad Mr •rian, the am beule waaa a I wilted iwproTewewt 1 eoatlaaad liter aa* r*r three wee**, aad aw now a well aw. I kaow they aavvd wy llfa. and rotted the pete ef eaetlwr rtattw.” *• #*#atealdfad t# tryitew. Only W eeota per bottle at J. I. Carry i U*. Dreg Bttan. ran vMiM-iuuui nun z-r?w Mari r* r*rt,r’ I*urtM lb* imil IIUm of Gbamto •tanor JCaaaon. who, to eoajoecdoa With to* French tabuudor, U. John Ca in boa, worked oat tba details of ilk pending Frai eo-Aaurtaan rcelproeit) Jbo *-errteey * “*•»• radiated Mr. Itiibrri 1*. Porter, who boo btoo roiMod on tha goloUoo of the Coboa oad other tuouUr tariff problem*, tom porartli to give the twncOt of lit* okUl ao a tariff expert to tba Interpretation of U>a rartoai uhedute* af tba Franob raelprocttj treaty for tbo opacial oaa of tbo flenato committee oo fond go affair* Tbl* la*k Mr. Porter baa JaM oom bUtad la the meat tboruagh aad aom proiieoolro laaaaer. and now Oat bo boo floidbed hi* wilk, which la mu Urllrd la a art of tebke gtrtog the pcearMl American duttaa aw good* to*, potted by os from Franca, tba ao* duties that will |*«v*H the aid tba new Uaaty bo mllfiwd, tbo prmret Preach d atlas an Amsrmon product*. aod tbo lowor dot lea which the FVeEb are of. foriag t» giro ua Mr. Portar, to giving °'rt far pnbHoaUon aono goairal con elution* arrived at altar all ibis work Mid atudy. has aeon ft to make Urn MauarMtomo' Bteont bio eboaeo medium Cor tenable* tba buaintaa pak 'fc.In »bw of Hr. Pont* roeognlaad ability aa aa export to oommoretol mat ton, bk eommaaleaUos through tbo Manotbetorefo' JUartt to tbo Nietneea public dorerve. end will oootmaed the htebooi ou«al oration from aU who or* in favor or that bin* of rxBaarton which iorun* wider market* aod turgor trade. Mm review li a* follow* : mm- nonnar p. roans'* uni*. “It It twiirred that nur upon a af mauuNctoraa fur Urn kmal year ending June ft, WOO. will reach #100.000,000 and i h»l oar export* ettor than agrt* eaRural will aggrrgel* for the tame portod $000,000,000. bach phenomenal loereaaoa iu tba exportation af oooe io«dltia* which eoma la direct sump* U'h>c with tha predoota of Beropaaa. mill* and factories Bake it hcoaouii to revtaa oor carnmnclal redalkm* with otbar null hi* and arour* for Ammon, eaptul aad labor a fair degree of pro jjclloo abroad aa wall aa at ho mu Tuo prrooat adalnhtratiun came kuto p >w*r declaring that [he repeal id the taclprueily arrmrgameala negotiated by that far-matug revublte ot tiaireman. Jam-* 9. Blaine, was eastlooal aalam My. and daioaodlog tboir iwml and exianaton. Hal* ar* the word* of Ua pblfufflM : ‘•Protection aad reciprocity ara twla repeuucan policy, auti go hand Id li*od. Democratic rula bn reoktetely struck down botb. aod both ■bum be rv-eeuUlahwI.’ "In accord inee Witt Uwm declare tlooa tba tariff w«e revised wuba vies nf fully muitctlag American bo uu In dustry, mid eroU.m 4 of that law gave the rremtdvnt power to reuew the reciprocity Uvaliea •<> ti, ,t the products of the moot favored nall»<ie m the markets of tbe w> aid. ..“Aetlwg In good faith. Praardrui UeKiuley proceeded to pwl UiUarotloo of^ira Diagtry tanff law Ur force, and tbe mootlnportoctraeiiltuf tbtoeedon *• the French treaty at thU moment oodvr eowa>deration by lbe r.weige reli tluns eommlttew of tbs taste. That* at a c-ihrr treaties of lamer importance completed and before the committee and yet others Ui proems of sompistloo, bat the Imas will be made oa um Prenuo American treaty. Trot, a bis beae attempted la tores qairtan to jnis ittara aod raiss a err against all treat I**, aod so powpooe aod altimataly de feat them. This will fall, because tbs obeli men of the committee. Senator Davit propose* u> sensfdtt eecb treaty oe Itn merits, sod Um Piwnob tnaty, dlsrolsnalrd from tba etber treat lot la now uodrr oaosldaratlon. Tbs ttnmg sat opposKloo to tbs trsaUss sit in 111 basoeaefrom tbs wool growers. bet that opposition expires by Hmlutioo Fsbraary 10. whs* I andersUod UM ArgsoUns treaty lapaaa If not n-a 8rm«d. At Hime U no possibility at tbo Arseni I oa treaty b-ieg isashad In tba fure**o r*l«Uou eommlUee by that time, tba oust mrioaa and far-reselling oopoeltloa la ramntail “A oamfel aod an prejudiced exam lnation of the Preach treaty dams that It It a fair bargalo Mweru tire two ooosulaa. Tba rrsoob cuvaru mset agrroa to admit o large rauae of Americas products at Um mini mom ratsa of doty, which to many oasts meant a icdoetWn of M and earn 00 per ceaV Tbe AmertOM Induotriee r~ .7 wnnw WPI IM IMN M Utluf to Mat. ted sod pork pmdoMa Ths frsli Into real t of Mlsblkaa sod of OalWorats sill ks large iMuadetarWa. The nauau podaoero of eouteered oU tbiougouet that teeth sod tbe 46, 000 oroJoorr* of kteil otlo to iu Worth aed South aril I bo » (eared for >▼# yasra of Up alula* am raloa of daw. Oil la oar hearth giaat Maple, •ad sots a large 0gora to the hataaor of treats Aed the teeth aed North ate kltho UUraaVad lo teaaral oh, for lo addhlua to tte groat oil totaraoU uf Wart V Wap aha, Tears lo saw baautees a largo oil praduorr. Tha radooUon uf jgwssi^'Ku'aats Efrss’sHS'ff'S: hto4r.°ao4Aaa^thaaa apSum*ewe •early W.flOO 000, good mates ahaald aoaw froaa thla shea go, WhU* aoer rJaioto hare boon mda haaooaa lha negotiator waa aasbfc taa toaero the orlelaoai tariff tor Aiealtan hoou sod atom. 'other maatoaier* of tether* are Isolated to tha irdeetloe ThU Isdatarr will aadoatoadlr aeoaa la for faeoeahto aaatldarwMoa la ether IrrelPs Amrtea earrlagsa and wagosa, ‘nyete and rsMwaj earn hare teat fires tha ■lateaai rata. * giTi i •Mh •artte, of ad hlada iron uSmZZ ornil hard were, may «haw i tali kaaa •harm, raarlahlia. hetldlag aeUtlUe todU-rater t geeda sad a rmagerf ■aaltoa. The mfehaptteetera** rZ fared to the Mere ef the Me* o< Jaaoary H,mI hU* i<otnH» letervlawe with Heoators MeLaerlu ef (taMb Carollaa add J»m of IKwi "In retin tar thin n n ton lit ■eke twtiMluM. TIM imlMUtar hereAed. with two «r three exoepcl one ere eaytag Uttle ehoat the treaty, hat ihe rtpreeeaUUfae of the taare iudee i»3,^aaM?a,ssJ5 rraoee te reform hneUwMh pro dalreleg their direeUafaeUre. ftrey •ee la ilile a free-trade ptat. ead eUUa fer theejoantretorethepnaideai the. sss^sjKffKLrsg? -wjSutt- ffltsw* i?*» pneeihle to weigh three MwaaUoeal hergmlae la «a epeUMwewh real*, or ■Metre their iwarftt with t two-fa* rmle. Judand by the erdleerrateadard of tree mod take.’ the Freteh treaty eeeree tnbeefmlrVaraehi tar ell pertiee oaoearmd. T» crtUefa the Preeideet ead adart*l»tratlee eed ery 'free trade' le tot fair. (Metre reciproelty eu ewierenaowtly Meuperetad lout the republican plainer* eed afterward* srfc'nMiruWs SL5t the pewer thee reeled M the ExaeaUw hoe the rSareSeTiMt? M per eaat. la no teal re re v* I hr heirtreeat ef Anerfean heitMry ead let or. The average ad miner* dety. MOMtolag tftrr the reeretl radnetleM (wbksb and* only te Free*) are eoft etatt to felly wetret (he Arerrlaen V IBIS BIX ail otiff Mift&i ItMlfe BrlprocUy w.»w —eh a pert of the W<;fl*y tow aa Um free IM' ar the Mtb datlee or i hr ‘(Imp wferdaW or ■wuotoo aabadali* huWity1 awl -bait rood*' or 'optlaaMaattawaat1 aebaato. If tboaa who agrwd to tha Utaay tow •ew dcottna to carry oat ita fair aed traaaaaWa promt***. tha aawauy. or •* peel ally freetrader* ton* a prrfrat ri«bt to orttMtoa tha mea of tariff ; la tool uereeaaaabt* -Hrrtlon la tha Preach traaty ooty towto ^ tba ■tod* fhbrtp of prutrotioo aad Jaeaard laao tba policy vhleb haa daralopadtb* QQjoatry aad ^bullt ap our tadoatry. opaa Um world** — rtapto prodart*, if rrlawd waydeartop (•■Iona anlagoatamtlMit «|t) ha Mm# (■r-rmrhli'C aad i ■•<•*#■>* tba a hole tariff. Kinoe ludoMry k** fur newly Unaa year* aafoytd ih» ppraialona of iba Otagtoy law. 1* It not Ua* that provlaioaa for Hie Iriafli i f our f.w Hfn OOMoetra Wtlopul 1m opaaatloa? Harr w* nut |* ualm) Ui»t belli tba tariff »od rrcpri ci y 4m tl tot ra raa all IwtlMl. __ OM HuMaina I.Urrrl»n*.l>. Tba RnldM eaUlu* in wblob lb* MgMaat towel fi “outher.” A world af rtrlfa total oat, a world of turn that In. An arbor wbtoh thode* wbew Um Ktaabloo of preopriKy breowaa too dazaltogt a harbor wb»r* tbt bocaaa torn dad* ahattar la the Um* of adrar Aoom to IhabtoaenMof wbtoh heoeaw W Um fruit. Hama to a paraoo'a rauu nbtalaafl wltboot Injnaltrr. kept wHbont die qah-tadr; a plana whm Um* to apaot wltboot repeat aare. and wblob to ralad by loatiaa. Matey, aad tote. A dread old Miner through wblob both ihw of aaaroaaam Tbat aouroa of aoMtort wblob youth dona not folly appreciate, wbtoh Um youa* mob aad Mabtoaa lovlofty I* ■Ir*. wbtoh Um Mlddla-affad ataaraily pnaana. and wWpb the atd rtgiuly enlaa. A «-■-t^ - - » * ae._ ■_a_a_? baa. yoavh fahM tba eveeu aad ■amrtaa mt Ufa fur af« to mdtlate ndM upoa. The heat placa for a Married ma after haataeee haute Ham la tha iwliw. htxMkat, cwcat rat ptaee to all the acrid, the aetaeaef »wr putrat earthly aad oar deeper* areMddaa eadrr the Mae tic ef abartty. The plm akai tha neat are aaam &£& WMn hectare tnaiad heatwd pm crumble amt. h H<>Wk»**aaat««^trieerapb edheeed aS-eSSSSSSta aiiwriMOMo rro» lot on treat Urartaae Theaaaier el ear l_ wfaleh urn beerta* beat i A. UtUa awl ttwtaiii ImmM brand » sss-usaiaaueat siS^anxsv?si ^SSS,Jff'^s0‘tsr It »■ tbaagbtuat tttaarttu twM tftwjSiTlI raMaSuT wjBSr root mud ra th —a if tba rat •baron «aa « M |S/Z3 • ShStSrsnSa^S otartfaU tba flaaa waa »^r^reUoB*fu-frt->i aagatt.agffif.s £%s^t2& W nnoaiary inUtHy to ana tta roof. aTX^ttSaBTtt wa4a m Oauita. Tba aiaaar iraaa a'i_ whiah baa a (taaa acaaof about tara;, ■nuujjTTf "X!? 33SS£,^' br*i© laabaata tba »faaca foot, wttb as ln-*B- °* *• Jagusgaaa * tabatoten Ik Tba •orfc ManTakkbtT «b<ab brat aitsiaraaf tla, mat It la ImI «ttb * t^sso^xsofiJSss •aatliar, allnara Car axaaaaioa aotf wt xsssR.TC’j^z.'srsi --*t if a traal Iraamratal un o» Ibr or if loot ud baa addM —r*i to tlir autoetlarotw at tba aaloaa balM b|, ~ "Bvpq |r«4 ««. an uot lodifferaet to tee alneeia drroUea of adxltoa yror-oM boy,” Jmm «—»-r1tm r ; ooo» add •amoaly to the maiMa of a frleed. £imj m (aeSae**. MiM to kva tot b-rjrtowd m, «mU ; eahhuta ao »t|wfia of the heeo M tulratioa ba (an -toword mmUmm to bteltora” The ooaat WWbntiaa M iamar,wri,“ | ao<ot«ai5iy>ttoLiS«ttoJiaa»l(ih>ia|id |U«nr* aoag, retoua ITrediWb eumMntcHttd the dl—anty to a» ooared*a. I ■nyoaohrd the m-r1a« arUb , atilterj ealuu eW aatd: l W* to wyatt tofoar aioaliinj UetJ eoapaajHfBr-” ‘ •u Mate for k i toforayoar kMnatmaaid aalete joer aawlleeaj. The< )wa»a(u>n i Tto paot a* all .--i 'Jtleae *ae"L. jaareaeet •ajtoila teeaeedlie earn to tea o*. natlaad. Wrath ftaaa jeaaMtaetod on oar arei. ’ ••Withallmt heart,’ braald. IhrM ootMJtea ead ward. Ha laid Me '‘Merab (erweffT’wfch CM. Aed rwJKrxsf~*”~

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