The Gastonia G Devoted to the Protection of Home ««i< the Interests of the Cosnty. V l>>- ***• _(iASroMA, N, C.. TUUHSDA Y, i'EBUUABY 2». UKX). WHY FERTILIZERS ARE HIGH IM0REA8ED 008T OF MATERIAL Tbe PrtHM a*s*m** Rui (iMt-unir Wlul It Will ba Meat Pall ae Neal uprlair it la« Material ttriMalaa at Prraai ar III (tier I ‘rim Malar la IrrMIlK Faria tmr ibr I iirntrn—tbe Prlea kifalnird by ibr i.l -apply And IlniHHl-ihr luair H bu tvarr y«l Hay Raw May mi ba Able la tin n la a apply l.alrr «aai Any Prlrr. cnarto Hr Okscrvcr, Tba advance ill price of ft*ri ll:*-r» i. line entirely In tbe advance ill i-licr uf all material! coining imo llieir cnanu factum ao main* at present, or possibly, still higher prices. Why should cotton farmer* make such a fuss over sa advance uf 33 to $3 per tou fbr fertilir-rs, accordiug to quality, wbea he i» uo*. aud has Lavii all tba season, aeJIiug bis collou (or two to three cenla |ier puuod, uud Ills cotton seed at bo lu $b per too mure than he baa received any year since the spring of 18W? Many farmers are even liow thinking tba nil mills are rubbing them to charging $23 to 2d per too de livered for Cotton teed mom. and yet lie knows bs Cali nil three tons of and fur rnougti money to buy two bins mcsl. and be knows it lakes six tuns of seed lo make that same two tone of ineal, and al*> tb*t Hie u-ual custom. Mini on* la Which lie I* slwayasallslird, is for k trade of two tons of eeed fur on* loo of meal; be Is buying his meal this year at Ibe rate uf uoe tuu fur one too and a half ul teed, and yet he !• not satisfied with Lite piice of either seed or meal, and lie thinks a - rt should be higher and mual lower. based on • he price of of ouitou seed, collou seed areal should now bo selling for 333 lo $Sln par loo at statluus, and yel lie can buy It for f23 lo $3 per lou delivered at bli stalioo according in ins loca tion. Colton **»U meal ta II I* telling |u Kurupe foe S9U per ten aod will net the oil mill* at Ui«ir dour, drpoudiug no freight rates, <20 to (24, and y-t many farmer* think oil mills strnuld atiil toll meal at (13 to (10 for their apecial bwcOt. Fritlllter mauufactureia du not make tbe pries of tbeir raw material*; tbs pries it made like any other article of commerce, by tbe supply and de mand. Tbs demand ferilinters ta grow trig all over the world, aud thei price of material it affrcied eery little, if any, by tbe action, tie proposed action, of tbe Southern farmers; thl* growing de mand It tbe cause of higurr prices to a eery great txleal. Tbs increased cost to produce all fertilizer materials It another cants of higher prices. Farmer* must f(Oi torgit or Igooft lb* fact that the supply aud demand, make the of fertlliaera malarial, aud OOBsrqtiently, fertilizer* Just the same at supply tbe demand, make tbe price he can get for his cotton and cotton aeed. ff there wat not an export demand for cotton teed meet that will pay oil mills 930 to $24 per too, the Soatheru farmers would be able to buy zonal for Ires money than be now can. but he wow Id also take let* fot bla eotton seed by aereral dollars per ton .and Im would be worse off than he now Is, for be Mile more than be buy*. Cotton lead meal fa high because Europe stands re.dy to lake all made at HI txnf —1 t. k.a a . oaus* oil milts ean sell meet at present high prior*, and oil at higher prices than say year aluor 1803. Why Is ooltmi seed oil higher than ulueelbe sprln- or 1883 T Simply be cause tho supply of oliva all, tallow, hud. and all kind* of oil made from ull seed, !• Very muoh reduced la supply, and consequently advuuord In pi lee. Kuuply and demand (or the product that are < ompetltoraof cotton oil again making the price of all oils and gieassa higher, regardIrsa of Iho feet that a higher prloe Is lieing, and lisa breo, all the season, paid for ontton seed. I Mad blood la higher because of the many hundreds oI thousands leas of cattle sod bogs that have beeo killed last yaar sine* the spring months, mak ing the Supply or dried Wood manufac tured much bss limn It has bean for year*. It Is alas high because of the great and grow log draiund for this fer tiliser material from Franc*, to which country IboUMDoa of tons base bevu sold and shipped during the peat twelve monUa, making a new report article that w.u never bef»v* sold to Kurope. Pyrites are high, due to tbe tncreeard contain pt Ion all over the world, and also to the very high >**»» freight rate* now being charged on all freight,. Farmers will, uo doubt, ask why <> t3 salve demand for the rock for -til |>orls of Europe aud the great and giowing demand hum ilia ttonhaiu and Western Slates' Nitrate of auda la high because of the higher ocean freight rate, and elan of tbe excessive demand from all |ra>tanf ll>e woild, not only (o use for frrnl ln*ik but also for Urn inateufauliirr of explosive* of all kiuur. Tln-si- fnimers tlatl are now holding buck and refusing to buy except at a intro bated on their own tdeaa of wlial ■ he advance should lat, vis; |0 pee el , are going to be left In a much worMr hole (ban lire cotton inanuf<-0turer» of Kurope have Irtn, by thell holding hack and refusing to buy at |>ileva tbet thought tbe nop should I e w Id at, te gardlsta again i f the old tule of supply and deiuji'd. tire foreign manu fncluiere, weiu deueivtd by Mr Neil'a cl-lm or supply. Jo si us the f-ioier Is now t-elng dtcelvrd by a class id di-uia gogoes l list have i oi I heir lute-ieet ii heart. ann- r> tlual apply common sense In tip- huyl-ix ••f ferl llix-r* and to tbe tnaaagi menl of their own farms, and who will, and are uoar gelling In their supply of fertll lx-rs, legsrdleaa of prios. aod l.he far mer that U acting on the advice of the demagogue win ll-.d when lie wauls ferl Hirers he -Itlier cannot get it this yaar at aor pi lee. 01 else will pay a higher price than thoae being asked by ill" maoufaottjrara, as the preurot price la leea than mannfac urers can now buy raw materials ai d afford t- sell tbe manufactured product. i’rloee will g-r higher, not lower, I* ■ardlea* of any notion of the farmers, nod pot la-cause of any uctl«o of the fertilizer annufactures. Supply aod demand make the price and not tire concerted, or prop-ased concerted (Ion of any set of men, be they manu facturers or consumers, located In anv our sec tin n of tire country, aucli a body being usually only s drop In the bucket • lieu compared to all lhe manursulur ere and consumers In the world. If the r*outheru farmers do not huy all they nood it will give tire Northern and Western fanners that much better chance to supply lltelr wauls. ■ ■■cm Ak« enarHikt. _ * W*c#**«rp Caitva Wblak la AIM Ptanwuai la fMiewipSate. W«lUlill|rlUII Hljtf. ••Whaa I wia In the northwest ” Mid a geullemau With sntne munry In. ynaUkl Id ml on, "l employ**! * proi poctor to HO Into Ilia mountain* ).iok Inn f"r proprrtlra which bad titan ra coiueuded to ma. Ooa day he n>aa u. have gone from our camp over inln a vrry rough and r->cky district, bat wlinn ayaniog oamelio reported that Im hadn't inadn thn trip •••Why not?’ 1 inquired “ 'Ur cause I didn’t bava roy mor phine with me,’ Ike reapaoded to it very matter of fact manner. •• ‘Morpbloyl' said I in estonlahRieni. Wbat has that got to do with H Y You era not e morphia* (lend. are you ?' •* 'Kotal much i»f a one as you are a teoderf iot,* he hughnl and proceeded to Inform me that every proapec'or wbo knew bta bnaineaa always carried With litui enough m.rphtne to kill a mac aaally and that he did so in order to end himself quickly mouse of an ac cident which would disable lilm fur away from assistance There were many Instance* of prospectors fnlliog over cliffs and crippling tliemaqlgte or breaking a leg In a hole among the rooks or rtoderlog thernvlyes ln-lpleaa In ennte other way, and death was aura to follow by atarratino or fteexlog nr 10 some sections by being devoured by wolves nr other wild animals. In order to prevent such a horrible death at any of these tbe proepeolor simplified mat ton by always carrying a little packet of morphine which not only quieted tbe piio of the hurt be bad sustained, but pat him to simp pleasantly lo wake no more on earth. It struck me at drat as uncanny not to say winked, hut I got over that feeling after a nar row eaeape or two and I oarried my little tin box juet like a veteran would.” ••■•H Iht Xnrtyr. Mnr Tort WocVf* Alike to thorn* who Iblnk that. the p rotate ma'bf life are simple and easy of solution and to tboat who argue that the age of romance la past, we com mand a study of the two stories In Iho news of tha day telling of tl>e two wn nsen lie™ In New York—Um. Storrlanii and Ur*. Gordon—wlie welcomed death I® defending their worthleaa hualand*. Mra. AI Id* Mon Ison, dying of e ptetehshot that could not have hem Ncolwfttal, Mtitfala the fnUtl nature of btr wound from lb* doctor until Iho lujt, nod murmur* with ter luibrMh, '•Ho did not mono to do It.” Mrs. Oordoo teatlfylng Id tb* gener.l are • Inna court to her bDabend’, le eocenes, falla senseless and dlaa from the exons merit orer the ordeal abe bar gooe Uireagb. And In taeh o«aa the death brings forth to light the secret of a double martyrdom. of the sacrifice of a wo man's life willingly given •> shield and say* tha nan wbusa life bad made a mockery of the sanctity of marriage and degradation uf u*s name of hus band.' And yrt their victim* were ralihfal even uhto death. Whet Is the tenet woman's Qdelity and uf ncman's neon flee, of which even curb n range Instai cee ae these are lallier Ike rule Ilian (lie rxorptiun. WmrUtmm "Mr** km mm*t The boniest and mightiest lltllr thing 1 l1*1 »**.* »•! made la Dr. King's New ! fr*f2 P11**; ***** P’11 la a sugar-coated , globe)* of health, that changes weak ness Me strength, IlsUeesetm Into •"*»»*. bislo-fag Into mental power. TVy’ie wostdeifol In building i.p the i ll*^,lb- °*** P»» box. Fold by i J. I. Curry ard Company. } ARP LOVES CHILDREN. THEIR PRESENCE 14 A GREAT COM FORT, BATS HE. ■in i>i«r« wim ikgikt*aa*iuniiii«r «»*«*■ U«jkj rhalr rmaka.mika klMMI UapiWMlMi nr Ibr kN,r. TOO Ary In aiIaii « Ukw.iuIIjii, The neat earthly antidote (or ureUn cbolly Is 11 mlk up with a lol of luuo cent children and Jniu to little apmt l have (he bit]''. a-xoelUD'-a ami Lbta al w-ya alrea relief. They mike me for ma mywlf. I iloo’l kuow how n mao Ip-la along without tlwm. Oinrge Krauola Train U mow an old 10*11 and Itea Bern Iota of trouble. Go *■ “3 an rlnqiM-rit, gift'd crank mud wade quite a itolaa i" tb~ world thirty aud ( >ny yeara ugn but waa never a auooeai ■>U'I »o «oured tju the world ai.d a wore off (roiu it. lie ti-clarad that man Waa a fraud a hypocrite and waa Weak aud lirplraa aud Ibal Uule children were ilia only bapjy and DueO'ilatnina led eiaalurra lu thla wicked world and the oulv auciaty beahould uilogte with aa bug aa be Herd. It liaa now been aU"Ut twenty-live yeara alnca be .wore off aod from that lima hla daily liahit haa been to etalt tome park lu Kaw York every day and lake a basket ..( coo feel loot *f frulta and all bla pucketa full aod snake headquarter* on IPs ••me patk beuoli and Rattier n round him a acofe or two of Hula folka aod feed them ai.d play with tlna and Hat an to them aa tW\ laugh aud reap ai.d frolie. They all koow hint and love hla and rnu to him whan be comes Ilka lillls etiloka run to the old hen’a calf. I saw him oucs and drew near with a friaod lo hear what lie waa telling the children but tie apl«d uaaod staffed talking and aoen o iv.-l away lo aunt liar aval, and the children fol lowed lino, lief re the elvl) war L heard lino make an outdoor apiwcb at Rochester to a very large audleuce *nd he adv.watad the policy of Ui« govern meat leoulog ten thoumnd wllllona of money ao that evrrtr w iu could luee hla p'Cketa full nod every wuioao her bosom foil and the" said he would "odd railroad* aod crnala and dock* and ohurcbes and abipa aod avamboaia aod uhnruaraia aud live hae kluga aud urlueee. The guv eromeot haa the right lu laaue It aod baa Lbe presses to print it aud why don't they do It and give it away lu Urn people aod make everybody happy." dual then a couolryiiati .cried out: “Hut hold ou Tram, wouldeut there be a oullapse after awhile V" Tralo •»* WIVM u |]U replied : "\Vby, orcourse Ibere would Any foot would know tbst bat the railroad aud d'tcks and canals »Qd oliuicUea aouldent collapse. Tbey would l>-* llieie Woukle .1 they ?” And the crowd yelled ; "Hurrah for Tram !” It wms hatd to tell wh-ther lie was a foil or a g nlol ipasr. Ills red re cn mg uralt Is hta fuiduraa for children. These little ebaps that come to my b'lum sib u>y dally annoyance nod 10/ daily coni furl. They make trains 011 Ute fl tor with my books and mess up my table aud draw ponies and dogs or tn ike me do it. One of Ibem turned over my ink yesterday and seemed very sorry aud sold : "Gnmd’ps, I so *0117 I bag u»y pardon. I won't do It any more—will IV" sad ah* put ber little •rnai around my rook aud k saed me. 8he m de me glad that she had spilled the Ink. Home if ibem are making *pei'cites now aud will back op against the wall and make a bow and go through "Orphan A tin Is "aud -‘Man’s lotion" and ’'Anoio Hall” -llan a schoolItoy and then I love to glance at the mother to sea tbe sw*el proud look upon her face. That teems to say that le my child ; Isn’t she smart 'f And then I glance nt my wife tbe graadmother end her contented lk eeeae to vey : My graodeblM ; If U hadenl been for me that child wouldaot have been here.” Well, thai’e a faet. Thave I* never eoy doubt who It the mother of a child. Blessed children ; wbat do they care about out world of trouble—wheUier Goebal lives nr dice, or Ute war in Africa or the Philippi nee or bow many piaowni ocrvlutey appoint*. They don’t know bow grlered l «m ibat Senator Morgan la llkoly to be drfemtotl—that great end good mao whom t bo nation delights to honor. Yea. defeated by taaohlbo prilling acd unclean methods. Verily It reminds me nf what Carlyala aald : -‘England Im* a population of W.OOU.bOO -mostly foul*.” t think they might let him slsy there aulll be Hit laired h|« Ufa’s great work and batld the Nicaragua esnxl. Ob! lha shame of it. 1 with that I was a little child and dldent know it. 1 am grieved too heoaaan oar Senator Kacnsi ha* had a rail aod broken hts riba, for wa need his pres enae la the senate, and now while be I* down In bad soma more machine put Ittoaos are laying plans to oust bln. I tell you, my friend* 1 base no palleuoo with machine polities. I/»ok at Kentucky. Ate how the state it torn end dtsgraoed sad l say now that no gentlvmau ur patriot would havs done It. Goebel aid Taylor and the whole ooveern should have said | “Well I dideal know that my csodld ocy was going t > get up all thu btllcr and dangerous fee* aod make enmities that will imyar ba healed aod to I will withdraw from U>e contest.’1 t assert Imldly that a gs• • me*I oootemptiMe, tsIAili amM th*n tlial ban prrcerdwl all thtk trouble lu that grand old state and i*y|r»d Its anclvoi man of Um dark and bloody ground. 1 with th.l I was another llltla child and dUeiit know It. Ilsm lot Mid : "A polltlcsr would Sirenb yeul Oud ” Ho I reckon this eh«i of corruption Is no new thing, it goo* back to the lime when Brutus killed Cotur. Yea, it goes back to the loos when Absalom tried in cfrtorarei.l b>« own father sad depoae him flow iha thrown and Jacob doustrd Emu oat of bis birthright Be HU haem U the card I oil clu uf CD in k i id—Um tramp card ol lb* ioeil in mduclog u* Co Id* allegi auee. Thera it nr) itlmr autid •!« tu urel ill challv. It l« work, and I long to go al tt> Tm winter hat been leng aud Ittrd and I um tmpai leal fur llm lime btoorue when Um it.iarert shall app-nr ■in thoeerlli aud the noting of bird* . Oball uema aud lint vnloe of the tunlr bo heard In the Ian la. I w itit t>< straighten up tlilnga in llm gardnu an I driM Ik off and are hour many ran have >>-en killed. I want to fo.k up tha ground aud ikni tom* mor* aeed> I pi a u led peat » month ago and tliejr arc oimtiig up tweet ttolet* ara peep ing nut aud 1 found a solitary draw bar <7 bli*>«. Tlieelui tram bod* at a nwelllag lb* crowc ant oawiug hi tbe Urew lop* aud »em torn* Imprudent peach tree, will be lu bUium. Am the |K>et tallh spring I* getiiuf ready to '■“•look Um (1 iwart and paint Um laugh lug earth. ’’ Bui llmrt U aoam bad With every good ibiug. My wife bat Juki called my aUtaikm lo tha neighbor*' cMck-ut that bars taken up lu nor gardou aud tun neighbor*’ dog* tlial era roamlug over uur hit and llkbtlug lo opr back yard. Tftey ara colored mostly — tbn owner* I n nan —and I'm going to declare war; ten If I don’t. I hereby give wamtog to all owner* of galliuuowuut and canine lo teop them at hnum or um thud problem will bleak nut In I beer pant They tty U.rv patsud a dug iaw end now they eey H doe* not go Into »fleet until May 1901, and never If Um grand jurtea don’t imlorae It. The lawmaker* woio polillolaat and wanted the negro vote and to they shoved tbe law oulo tlm Jurle*. I w* that llj* grand Jury of (Jordon county have already killed the law. They like dugt HUtl tentage-d> ol like taulbui. u-ware Ilf d «g«.’’ tallll tbe wrip tuie. Tu* I art legislature wot a ml*, viable eb >rll)n. ft Cartyale arara hem lo write I la bUlury Im would lay : ••Tbe last Geovtla legislature had MO members—mostly [unit ” Aram f arlth that 1 wa* a UlUe ubild aod did eut kona anything ab iul those things. We all knuw too much anyhow, tueb at It It. Too much about tbe rascality and devilment that it golug mi lu the world. I believe I will quit reading Iht daily papers and raud ouly (he weeklies aud tbn loagazlost. Tua mind want* a Mt. A hundred year* ago llie poet laid : "Jhl for a tojg.1 lu eouie va*t wlkternuai WMvtv maw et ntifaenuun ami tacvlt Or BjeerwUui ur uaeuwarui war MUrtu rwvit (-Met ui» morr.“ Wonder wliat be Would #*y no*. Bit there 1* another tale to all thiaai.d I’ll fee) belter lu tlm morning, fur If the ohildreu don’t come lo mt. I’ll go to thum. _ m»r» a -Jfirn. Ilalrort M. WklK.srihuarl.hM Edi '•* Bad >mm SMber nii«a Robert .M. Whim, editor of the M< xl ou («(■>.) LkUict. it Uranus all user the Mws-iurl as tbo man wlio hold* mon odlee* carry!ng ou lilary ih.sji any on «Ua lu lb* Hi ate, aeya the N*w Vur* World. Hero Is a pirtinl hat of ihi things I to la —brsidra traior «dU>r. pro ptlvior and dsrll of ilia Hcxlau Ltdqtr, dally and weekly : Superluleodeol uf n &uu Dau Aaaralalloo. Dimeter of a tiank. Director of U>« Ifextoi Plra luaor anoa Company. Dirolor of tho Old Lsdita’ (Iona. Director uf tha Westminister Out leg*. PnltOB. Mo. Eailnanl Cummandor Cruaad* Cum mandory. Kolfhts Templar. Corroauoodii'g secretary of the Hit •oarl Praia Association. Recording secretary uf tho National Rd I total Aatoclatton. Member of the exacuilre committee for Mln orl of tha national anil put («"T mure we hi Viea praaldenl of lb* Wastern Pader •llun of Editors. _.__e .a. . aa_a-- - _ . V* IUD MWVV ■Mri'WUTII, Director of Ilia Bueloew Men'a Aa a<-elation. Director of Doad end Truai Odw. l*n». Director .of the Eugrna Field Muau Went /.anoctal lori. Member ut uotsutliliig like a dtt-wi ■landing Commit.leva. Thera art aeearal other title* that don’t some to mind right now. lint any one who la very e»il»o« about (hen eau undoubtedly get a oumpiet* li»t by applying to Mr. While hi melt. Hard Uik NtM Mtu>. Jerry fMmpam'e Payee*'. Here am aony of tbe terrible thluga wlitoh, according to a Country ri chance, arc likely to bofall a drlln queot: "L-tit week • dalliiqgmii auli eorlber aald that be would pay up Mat. urdny If be lived. Ha’a diarTAnother. ‘Ill tee yon tomortow.’ He’* blind. Atlll another oao bald : *1 hope to pay you lb la waak or go to the da* II.’ ||«t gone. Them are baud rede who otwtit Ri take warning by U>e** pruaeradiaa torn and pay optbetr puberelpttona now.” _ MteyariWie*. To be bouad hard and loot for yeara by lb* cbaina af dlavaee la the wont farm nf ala very. Georg* D. Will lama, of Ueooliewtar, Mleb , let la bow a tlare waa made free. He aay* : “My wifi bae been to hoipWaa for he* yeara (bat aim oould oot lorn over In hen a'oec. After uelag two bottlra of Rteelric Bit lira, ah# i# wonderfully Improved aad abto to do her awn work.” Tbt* »e preme remedy for female rr | quickly core* nervoamwaa, Meaptwo pew, mrlawokoly, headache, Imctiahe. fatal leg aad ditty ape Ha. Thia miracle work lag atedlclne la a gndaand to weak alehly. raa doerti people. Every bntth ffoaraaued. Italy 8U eeota. hold t.j J E. Curry and Company, Draggtala CWL. JACK CHINA ABN Mia KSIPA> Neawwe Me ThlBkla* M a NiUtr T»»« ■ Nhinl. imi4»lpfcia Timm The xswsp.per acoouuU ■>» the ua fuflunal* affair in Vraukf-rt Ky., state that when the areaeain*a bullet pierced ilu> laaly of the gubenuttwial aspirant, he fell lolo Urn arm* of Jaefc Chino. *Imi was walking by big tide. Tb»t episode will Impress more deeply than ten t'bint'a mind the belief wfcfoN he lias lung held and which be baa frequest? giieo o so expression to, that, uodei extraordinary oJreom atauora whna atiark nr dafaaoa Haat ••i-roaairll> le made from a die La nor, a gun ur « pistol la tba weapon of a row. ard, and that aktitfe la (be If uu em btom of getitlewaui.'y onarage. Ha la «Hia of tbs sort pivtureMiua prod acta o> Kentucky Ufa and oua of tbu beet known character* on Uie American •turf. Ha belongs I.) e.elaes of men ot •erly unknown and oomplataly bhuu dentood In tlw eart, wbu look upon tha h.or.1? “>• hlabret product of olrilixatloD and apua garaUlog for high Makes aa the hist f<5m or .auw nmuI a true genUnuun eau engage la. Hu bar owued haran and run horse*, run gambling houaa* and fart lu weanC Hug honaea over alora ba waa a young man. lu physique be H larger and iierra powerful Uao James J. Ho baa Iba shoulder of aa ax. Wh»W Chli.n la respected by Ike ea Mre Xvotueky oontlogeot. ha la feared with an aiamlNtadtmd by tha meaner Bortala wko gather shout raea tracks. This la due to the tarns ba has achieeed by the n< ur a knife. Tbit a y sound ■trang* regard lug a man wtuaw friend ship I# rained by Bee of affelfi. and require* auto* explaaailntt to Bake it am irrty dear t*i the ntlada of Eastern Ben. Jack Uhlun Uai carved Ban? nets guided geullrtrru in the fpnurae «f his auroer. and when they base escaped death It luu generally brm said IImL be ouly wished lo lease Ills sati^raiili <•« llwan. He i eyes placid aterl Into a uiao at le» It. that la llte narrator's Ib pieeatnn liooi the conversations had with him without the miration «f bill lug him, because will, him theuaaof M>ld Bela I is • ot Inlei ded aa a Joke : and i» only imoiled U. alien la tblnka ; 1 hai a wager lias lean Bade. «•■? lore l.r nee a bowie-knife, but el*»s - unue HUB 10ms Of Ills own ainl which soma day will bear III* nsuin Juu ns lbs famous Ailirrh-sti dagger baa handed down lo pusUiliy lbs one a<«utn of (hat turnout Kentucky gm I'rtnan who camru bl* knife at I tie Uck of bla t»vk. The narrator Made the acquaintance of Uhlan's steel Uadr uudsr somewhat peculiar eircuroatan esw. lbs i. a nation of which will folly explain Ula theory regarding vwpusa, which baa already been refeirvd to. Chinn me to Naw York to tlie winter of lftOO, and for sometime la psrtu-isbip with George Morgan, bis bnnh-r-ln Uw ai d a well known buok m-ik*!. conduct'd a |«| uhu gambling la loon on Twenty-six. street. west of Oi Had way. Tbe police, however, al though bs wws willing tu aobmlt !• Iliilr blackmailing exmitionr, obeyed iba damauda of rival establishments and would not penult Otniro and Mor gan tn torn their wbvel. After lira place closed iba former rat or wed to bis Km lucky stock farm wtara oocs gr-x-d tha famous Leuowtua, lha unin teimpird winner of mors nrrwmlTa rLakes than any other boras wb-se h>*ola bsvw been beaten on tba A marl oau tuif. It was while be was still a resident of New York that tha famous doably fatal enouwbter between Good low and Swops occurred Is tbe JUxIag loo poaioflkcn. It will be reoallad that tl« first named osad a knife and tba latter a pistol. The saognlaity cn aotinier look a place on Saturday after noon or evening. Tba following duo I day rooming lira narrator was seated with China tu tbs oafs of the Hi, James Hotel, whksfa was llien located at i Twenty-eliih street and Broadway la JJew York elt*. The gentleman from I Harrodsbun;—that Is the Keotuoky , town from which Chinn bans—was | talking about tha affair, sad his 0)000 | Intimacy with Ooodloe, when aw was , banded s telegram, wltlah sfirr he had |opeaea tad rsad. ha placed In my 1 hands. It nontalnei] aintni- ■ 1 1 word* ! I fc*U« used jour knife.” i 1“ rmp'-nm t« aa l«l«lrl«f look. Cblnu mM : ~Y*u wonder wb«t that m*aiM, 1 will tell you. Mora tltae una J*#r ago my rtiend. Col Ooodloa. and 8«opa K»4 a wordy aaaoanur. I laid Orudkie at llwl Una that lb* ! "U«r mau wo*Id atlewpt to bill bla, aad that I* aboaM be prepared for each aa ooalaaabt. aud that ba awed It t<> bla family, be baring a large a amber ot eh! Id ran u> am blmetdf. Ila aaM tbat b* would do ao. and that, ba would at oooe pros Me blmeair with a pistol. I Uogbed at hiau You aboaM kaow that Ooodloa had beaa paMad far a number of years sod that bla hands war* oontlaually.IrraaWtag. 1 hm w ktrn : *Wbat oao you do witb a pistol f There nau ba ao orruioly aboat yowr aim. . \ ou Boat aurry a kail*.* Ba rather ahleated at Ike rmaetlua aod a«M that ba dhl Mat know Mow to taoa ooo. Than l Uaabt bla. 1 had two kale** Bade. Tbatr liandla* wara of born, with gram* eat la tbaa to ftt h"«d> >" «•* raanr hka edge Tba btad* was moead hy a aprtag wblab. •ban I swatted not only sprang tba weapon toto plaoe. hot held It than* ao P*u*«»4 lalo a body It aaold not doable apou Uw band m *g ordl aary iMbkallawoaM. Tbla spring al "■hi another pwrpoar. CM. Mewl* bad to renab dnwa Me * ask to pull «*t Mawvapao. and then afterward get tba Mad* inro poaMk*. My kalfa. how aaer, aaold b* aamad la tba limnbta f«b«t, *bd aa I ha owner drawls by loorblag tba aprlwg, the Made would , Jbeow Itself la peak Wo ayao befarw tba , bolt* mas* la sight, god lu wtettor • ea'd b* io*dy Sr baula. 1 bod two of these hatwm mode egd peeeewlrd oao to 04 Puedlie and taagbt Mm bum , I© aaa it. Ba arid (hat Wftb mgb ■ j uaopon ha would bet* mo «h aaa a knife f" Us answered : Dtttrmu >.ant rue bora <1 rtf-rent rtuumta. way aa< « phtoir Wb* uaa aaythiag lu defend y-iuraclf T If a mtn la aeaklag your liftr. wby take auy chance* In the mat ter f why aot at onoapet aatap to the mraara I V**u at Um Beat look apoa the dale aa prvtaraUHn the Metal nod the latter k> tar lam UoadUUraw than the employment rf t hatlb. bat It Is all • matter uf custom. Is Keg tacky mre auny waapoua babtteally. and I lb toll be arbo um* the k-nfe la a tar mors ooure gtoue men tbea the one who aagagaa *»» u l»ui rragn aUaefe of a platwl. With a kmta y.m uiuat la eluaa ta >our fer; if you era It ua lua back, tua are n dastard aad should bang for II; be* •tumid you meat him f>ea ta few and |d«i.g» H latu blm *f ter fair weralag aad 7.« « proper coma Uirrsla no reason shy a teas aura eln-ohl ojt take y-m by Um b rad '* IWKWIMbMer. During my uiiisiooaty Ufa at ffraag •ml. CHum, t MW pearl trndhaa and otter prat I milMU on ofaildreu'b r«p» u>et vote bought at a very trill tig Owl. 1 trarusd that they oamc truss or rrrab WMlrr lab* sum* Ofty or alxty ■Hire 1» llw Intel lor, where tbry were manufactured Ui order. Ou one of otf lelmVoimry toon to Um Intrrlor I went u Ihle lafew and Unogtil a number «f pe*rt eitiwtla eheMe dotted wttli pearl nod turn ewd perl lamde ns laraw as "nr>r r Tlmi 1 Urnilit for ■ nretr irlla—»> low eo m timaie 4> OHlone place on paaile »bn> they e«ii ha naoufooturod to any qu4tdtly In amt tie lr -ntcre. The man elm wa'i-ii Hit< p- -fi iiieiy, ju. ►t»«d of an "at at. ora to '•‘•.i-lit-dder,” I found l<> Ur » v-ry liumtde | n«e it faiiarr. Iivtua t., a v»y Ini N'itr cabin with a dirt duor. It arems in It tl>r Cfnivea. ugew ago, discovered tint twirl •uuai'ra. w Ututr natural onnlniaryrr aedn prail, nut only ceitnl Um> Inoir of tCrlr •belie wttu mother of peart to prevent roughness from irritating the end sens cie. But whenever, by accident, a grain of Mod nr some rough eubalance gut I aside id l he (bell. It loetlnctivety commenced plating ft uverwtth etoiaet of peart or nnere to prevent tie roagb neee trom irritating the muscle. Hence nil oar so-called oat Seal |omrta am closed by see Moot and era ell ydotrd pearls, (urn as we hove plated Jewelry at I be present day. U did oat tabs the shrewd Cbltmmeu long to sse Umt be cisld turu Me ae etomtel pearl pUtlug to a regular eye temuMic, every-day bueliiee*. ami to steed of bineg beads to do bis piatiag, as our Jewelers do. be ooold force tbs mesaise to self defense, to de ble plat tee wit boot any pay and led tbsdr own rs'toos. This Is tbs way be did It: Ha Bras found e char water pood oe made no# by a dam across some smell atream net liable to dry up to summer. Re * *--- low ike eBsma^im -- •hara More In «r» foetid. and carried Urns lanaeia* la beckrta af water V> bla pood. Hare he carefully priced open tba ralrra af Um naaelaa with a kails taking car* ant to open |hM wide anaogn to tmkUaUatn. Than baldlat tba tamale* la a bnrliaatal po atUji.N oarefaMy laid U oowa la Um l»k# nr uuod with IN artlatea to bo plated all on (ha lower aide, ao that (hey e.iuVJ not Ml on lha vaaaia and kill it. la a ywr or two rrery artM* woo ulorly ptatad mrtr with anchor af Of late lean (hare boo booa quite a banao la tba posrl banting baotbota la too (Jaaoy Fork aad other slmuaa (bat 8»w fro® IN font Of MowaialM lata Middle Tanaoaora. After woaba and awalN of hard labor aad IN doaUuo Uoa of haodrads »f tousle*. Um panrl Btoar paihap* oaloha* oaa or two or porNpathreepaarla. atom ill* aU a abaao* baalaa®. Tm Ira* to aoaaa •aatanara INI .an extra pearl baa broagbt a hundred or wore dollar*. Nt the oaa® are Paw aad far liai iraan TN d®%a af ibis antale la to totem you to atop tola pwaarlia* sad nrr tala awdo af paart bcblag aad adopt Um wore aomtUa eoruia aad Main*** plaa of IN IMarn bp pat llug Um arnet* to IN dally work of SSI'S: 'srsLss: lb* apaiaal aaad aad growl Mat abotioa to Ml lo Uoir do® bad Mho iNlr boa® aaooortwtohlo. Too oaa bwvaataU *Ua* bead* af tree? oolor sod bar* tba® aledy plated tola baaw UfalpaartiMt eaaaltsu that atitf* lata paart plat, da to* bwMarea aad ® cNap to they are la iNpaopt* Nrabaaw *a i la IN boaiaaat® a «wdd ho a sens try mSSmtttm am MUNldtar. BikutmaMm far Ms «U*M Mat tinttM, t> JXnoti, !N VMM toln M «M kQfk. to« «mU mm or Jama Waatwartb Duller (Mm* •» •‘aht.j uftaril b scare a* m •aibaeiaaUe viblMtor af Uvnatoob. ft* of h»>BUna la paadaelM. «Moa • ht» urmkaaH be paat tbs a*«a| rated bin f«r ... to tba Zala ■*r. WlummMi bnertei^ST Goaea «f«: -Oo kb Dbaraaa ml* Urn baat* hM* of mm tkat be baa am aabkil oAaaCbm (bat be baa net sd«baad. not a lakw aim W3«SS£va7bSSS acbaol board, a iwfmar oflbe cbnreb. aad adaalnM valor of mat of tba M ebarltba. la ISM, when Mr. Olat Btom culled a halt so tba peapmthm loaaiida* lit* Ben after tbadiacater at klajuba UIH, BulWr I at had of re MgulM late roaiaiiaaino. to dm* mm bio dlmUefartb*. To a Mate art*. plead ad vita hla* aat to rallbnoMI bt* prafcaMra. ho aald s •! haaa other things to to* to nban I muse to lie a •ddler. X'