.-jr- ,—. F«*. lt,-The oatahcatlou M Dr. J. C. PrWa birthday begun tfateatav Morn la*. Tab 10 b. with a MaMiet-m pertain la* lu Urn ooudittuu *ww>b)h ia l%ia<h*u> and a <a MtaMuClhaprumMl n—wilMtonal ■■■hdwi'iit at MJO. Very valuable luteam«Uwu was rather* d fiotu tha tar tLtr*z laMtatlra uf theaeeo'.d Nona Caro UaadtMnat, hatd iba obatrae* aoni. < with a tizly-lra mamas ad. •wah. TteMMiUM oa faaoiuttona thaa wrt aad draw owt the fellow lag : tt«Uh TO TM COOSTST. Wa rrjotaa in tha fact that owiwttb ataadtn* tha dark aiouda which oyat ■hacoarahy wa aaa tbaulwr lining whMh ittda U aad ter a£ avow m thia Hints. a brighter, brttar *w± ._ Wa dcgnwate tha ouvrr of run that bn aaaataaUy u-ckeod la tha •Mita a«Maat Mr race iyc patu crtara, whtah Indaaaa tta >»H«f that w« eon •Utata tta artmtwal oiam of tha ouun tjy. Tar eeyry Uufc of von- wa aa to tta auwrta «*e agaiaat the tuber. Hud It aaa* to *•« la hat atwayudriBoalt and waUj lo *at oat. tta aerd to aara mr pataoaal otaneetar aad honor, by * BhMatalwf from wbalryvr will evo atltwta as artalfdla la tha aye af iba law. Iw« aa arMtrata oar email affair*, aad Mtla U>am w Mho at reaort to judi cial rtalai Mini iiia "wtoa* °0OaBd° ^Uauaabaaa?*7 ^ lad. Tha bmai who deliberately aad malls teady iWaM tha law dawrve MMlataaot ta keeping with ib* enor ■Uf ad thate effaces. It wa eonatUMa iba Jury whatr saebtawe a»rr triad wa ahuuld ha goeecaed entirely by tbu weWht ad tha eeideeee poit.Uag to that? *alK or tanoceaae and we do oot haUaee that either atatioo or inflowo» ahowdd aaveoaeftjaih full n»M i who eowaaita aa a* da ____' OOK* —----- ■ aa the law provide*. aad whan daly tried by a Jury of bU ' when aanelwed eboaM ■« po lo tbo full estant of tha law Wa ‘ abWd no wan who la a haown -c nf tha law. Wf weed to five tanra aUenttuw to td tha heme aad ita earnl-iru, aa wall aa to tta tealaln* of the yawn*- W« dweaver that Itaeoiucad youth* of tea lawd, wtpreteMy ta tha larger towaa a. d eatlca, are net held to seat riet aeeuuat ahMiy by partem far tbarr omdwct as •» termer year*. Wa dteovaar by bii ter espnlewa that thte la a greet mi> »•••% him vj Man in* yisui lo itolinw, to mprct for Law ai d hM tbo kwN, and I buss who irwiti over it, aad to tar useful in jouth, to a* o ba w** useiul aa u»e aad cttuaui. Wo and to transform the liyea ut tb* seeming obdurate mud incorrigible into lives at umfuUaaeane iuflaruo*. Tb* bowse asset be suds etuscuve. so as to drew Urn jo alb disposed Lo debauch try fro* tho gilded pekoe* which obarm aad dmtrey him Let tbabocM however bumble, ba mad* to aitreetrve that oar riatag manhood and woman hood an be made a preserving hires awd latoeoe* lo tbs world. Wa bellavo la sustaining tha barmo aloew and friendly raiattooa hitherto rotating b-tweeo Ue two tacos lo tbia Mato, aad beartUy nrg* tb* steady growth of aoefa relation*. Wa bellerrs that the interests of tha two races are Mewiieai, aad whatever barms one harms bath, sad whatever hart* and buetblveooe In tb* asm* ratio Injur** tho other. Tb* negro I* tb* relink'* and trustworthy Laborer, the faithful •errant, tho forgiving friend and tbo loyal tattoo. Ha may ta harmed but be seldom retaliates; bo may bo wronged by oth-re. bet be rarely docs wrong la raturo. Bourn persuaded that a great deal or tho ■weh-Ulkrd-of Idleneo* among il ls due to (ba lack at diversity aiidsuO atancy of teduatrlso we appeal eepe daily for tha founding sad maintain leg of snob industrial eotefortoea at wM laaare in oooortumty to oar yirang owu sad women, for cootluouoe «<d proOtabia employcswit. While we do not endorse manual training lo ib* detriment of tho bleb mt divelcproeet of the lalsUsct. la de manding the greatest celtors wUbto the capabilities or the raca for leader ship we orga at tbe asms lima that oar psuptl oval) themoriris of each awd every rbauoe to besoms competent m* ebasics and ertlsswe. Ws appeal to tho thlobtag elemTOI of Uw wbito race of Urn State, Irraopoa Of pastor tireeiet petty a AH tattoo tuwstto with those who oppose the pro peeod roast tjet Weal am rad mint, and •TO their Met I offeree* to defeat tbm tajrot mease re which Is ee maeb smtfetttbswhltemaefstrtyeooeidersd ro It Is the eeiored mew. If the * ruM WAWiim TMtu. (he raaiedtfeaf «bil n,!m 11 ',"7”-™ TmH admit we all have traublra at awrwwa . Wuen y.m>v*. beau tula that Um alale Mnefrn u( say great t-tail MUbUebmaat baa iKiMUag vat trouble JOB wiH MM) your ey gaps'by m well yowl emrw Aa long a* all ta well be haara nothing, but once the retail iky eloada ap be’* fugeed into um «b .1*0 ter >4 Um etO'tej p-ireL JBe must borer oTer the »o rm oelrr laiii he bae poured suHcte. I oil un the troubled ■etata. Hr must bare lha gem leal ■uutn la (be aoiki. 'polualo the ladles and kind ta tug twites;" ha muat p •• *• the lhMMtire porrarauta dr tectlrv, togather with a puiieti quite UhcatcrtleldUM. And a little kaoal edge at lha manly art M out Mnee aa angered bo*b*'d may get so laogigd ib bis errai.j fur bis other hall aa to rrgict U> most ai.y o>>arso Oul We dime uot tu prate) Umi stale mans ger. Ralber shall ere follow him lo lM» meandering* aud Isugo wiLh him or warp, aa the ewe* may he -all behl- d DOT Biuki tiovhTer. HerwS a Maiapn pUu daughter of the Kme*aid I*la. she haa a enairadey twluale id her eye. which ■—me to be teketi e grewl big heart, sud with an Irresletitda lictla lilting at her chiu ibe •aya: 'Notedly di.eet u>« to lbs dumb waller." What li'WD aha want » Why, Um ahraior of cnorae, aad aba Is escorted IhKher altb due eeromouy. Aooliter Mtead and a laU, Utlh, el der»y woman, ot the almuet patently Rflbed type approaches. Hrr thia lips dtew user her teelb with every aylla Sbe Bays: “I have lost a eh# Ud." "What age r"eaka lbs aisle uuo. ger. preps nag to |* tnlaal buuliag Hie auc test Ms Inebra oeatly col. lapsed trban ah# repited: “Aboat H" Thuagh tbtuvlng the inUlsid bate might bare pus for a tee cream soda with her beat men, Ur 4ft*lema<> tug feats Me* lug bar at borne. St nee lbs bereft ona her t o*me> back be is justl W lo think lug bl* dlagou.is correct. *o Civu roll auu. Uk muan’l appear scared when a w|id-lnokloa Italian rushes op and da *«»d» a hi lie. Aa it tamed out Ibis son of Italy hsd oaiy broken tbs point of! Ills pencil. Neither must he wink the utber eye when a ga> girl ash* : - Where ta ua wotUDg room J f’m to meet tube lady frtroda." His onod ia even lo Um Chiada when a young man prreeut lj appear* and o.rnes her * C. A MJNSr rXCLDkMT. A fuouy holiday luewleut oocorred. Uhiiaimaw ptremls, you must know may only be rsehaug»d for artieira of Uwaama depvnmeat. So a eeit.m •mm bad pteoiy of trouble when aae In* amtad epos egotiaugn g ibo spiuu pre MDIed bar for a pair of sbuea and nourished them around till ll termed iba danger signal would bars to be hoisted. mm —_ a_or _ _ jrouuc £uniM»umaB bud ib*- rffuniery u> MMl Mini of olotbea sad Urn Urn g Uicm back and uk lor tbe mo- ej. ut Ing he’d changed bit mind. The slot y la to long to tell In detail, out Ibaaks tbe able manager, be’a In Moyumrii ting no*. And tbrj must all be handled wilb gloyea . Tbe more vlulmii they «re tbe m»re gently lbey must I* mated. U they bring bank aa article»ix mouth* loo late, and alter wearing It hair out just because It bat sines bwo reduced, you most contrive to vm tally them wm though tint granting their request. Voting a> d Bnddle-aged a. are the worst en.l »socially I bow with newly acquired meant tux utauuxK eHorrm. Mea are like Uilla in a china ship ! dUU, their wives persist h> seuding bbsm This oue would ami out for thirty cents. At first be louts around •* a guilty, haunted way and asts mysteriously ; “Can 1 have a woman'* MMlUliM ?** . Instead of ’phoning to the Insane liuaplul tbe discreet aisle maoagertug geata Unit be auu aasitt him. “Did you wish to exchange some thing ?” he asks winoiugly noting the wrodte. ■‘Ve*. under wear," Is the hoarse whispered reply. So oil they go. lfr. customsr becoming qetle bold under mate aline gutdai.oe. At the eoueter lie anfark a union salt, with a “oul ttd we stand” altitude, sad says: wans to exchange tbk for a pair of—,” At that point be eaugtk the sales wo mans ays a ad wag seised with a fit of ooashing. Howsqgr, he was a kog'b sufficiently revived t» explain that be Wasted a pair ef Mack silk stockings Instead of tbe ueten gai amt. Limn of aisle maw all irmtad os. Oi toa many thmgs tv bars set down. . wsssaeu rrtxs. It Tad as lata ad Material la bepp'j Omlea mU dealt apoo • aatoamao la a retail flora who bad a number of paid long length* pf mew piqar* liber all) apnahkd with tbow Imia pne* up (tbo plug all atMk through the MTgral IMefculien aad beat down), ooa oodatoMod all at ooca tba fall Im port af tba demand* of tba (ample Srod. Marked of aaeal) like a ebeetrc board, with 17 priaa taga iengthwiaa aad OTM to the width, wt leb made 11# W tba yard. Urn taleemaa waa to lag pear the lot with a paocli, uttlog dowu tba width aad pnaa ou aaefc. At Om eton- tbo pop who la at tba baad af aoob (took attooda to tbe pre paring tithe sample* of bte partwalar Megk. Tbtia tba pl|M mmapw *Mld ba mi by om, twtas up am-thar, of or •aodta bp asotbor. md ooe, fa tba ■Kb depot meat om mm, wbo la brpt for tba pgrpoM, daoe it all. Aad It taboa all Mb time. Par people from a dlKraae who da tbetr boytag by mail thw leaf soar*# a eory food mat bad. Bat tbo port to Wbteb all face people take igcoptluu U tb- • eMWoea aamphog of Umee aba wasdor MM) a boat, rrtdautly gathering empire aa a tboogbtl-ee •Afd aomrttm ■ potto twice hi pawiaa baabae. Tbo woiet of It m we bora to pay for thin aeaeeirar w.waan'r (oollrh •me, B «ud*g nfw obroreebte ib-t ilia tldgwt tamidari are tM emelbet bn. Om Otrrb mye that be bar *Otual •rr threw a ut>-a the (idr««M the to a woman after eb*w £»uiflCi2Z.‘tZ,mZR »•«* »1»W» tLUMI WOII, M* with a StefS ideal ■»—UNI Ml UMk IIum. Waal leo.eac Pupil la TniilaiU Haara. Oasnoi Joaroal. ••I »h.ll never Comal the cocniu ml 1' • Or. auo splendid cv-uture. ol Mr UImtwi Watrvu, aa C aaa bln. m-e Suudav during the Load i |i>u «f 'Hu «»d W io Loudon,” aaid a De-.r-dt RM.lleu.au today ' Tbarv t.au luti BOau. fa of all Slcda; Ua socialist* ••re lorltig on oipuriuM*) in vrvu.ui u*ii unclri..*; Ml*. BmwhI ai d he* Hk «urr .doing luei lu Ike tUmra. • Ktually u WaaaUBt.Mi.CMl llim i.o Sunday U» whole null ul Marling, lauviad. wlld-ejad, hollowed cheeked “«» •* «* "OBea would unci io Trafal gar motile. By ond day 1t »a. eii, taalad lit at lUUtaXi )a-..ufc- arm pac-. d lu ilie square. A polio onm turd u> buu.1* a little -not of r»tltcl * He •as llflod t.ff nls f.el, parmd ..vet il* bead* ui the crowd, and li mwn cram l«f Uliwttfti a piata alaaa window lulu a cifa. Mole. Till* Bad. the muO ladfii. TV- BI -Jut Ity arm aulien miner UntB URly. and UirT iituaned rath., than jre.rd. “IV acre-IN bad Oroutmi .u.pa*aabie I'lusm bad l.nig urm Cl Ilia or Tbe dleial Tim "Otanml’ i Uad me.- ll.ru. luimiog In m. James’ palace o.jtl yard, and Wa* DjO.neut.il ily expecting tbel. appeata. ee. I earlug trouble, 1 ■ucuird. at ta.gr expense. n t> at no Uie kltlfe bun.a of *11 ou.olbua, widen luid oe«u lu prase-d by U.u auibornnt, nod •*■ bciDR drivm ar. uud m d around ih« square to break tbe rank* «.C tim rtutara. " Tue cry deepened Into a roar. Them was madneas lu it. Sir Charles Warren appearro oo h.>mrl*ck abd in loll uulform, attended by nia aide* By Uie time Ibe Oik buist of ai.Rur bad •ubaided.i wae oca* Mr Cbartec. Ha raiaad bia liaud Ui aecui* silence and for a space of auveral huudiao Imp abudt 111 a. ll.rta Waa a pause, a tUrnce ■o tririble that it sensed like a vacu nto lt» wbiah one ot-uJd Sol bmau-e. •*Tv riot «ct was read. Ve.y few of lha usarmbnd ib.tusauda oouid have br«id Tli« mar begau tn press |..r •xld. T>w crusa killing. Just at tbe critical point ttu-ta Wa* a bugle Sound, followed • ortly after by tbe app.srw.oa of that BiaSuidoeni mgl otaal on black ob. rgera—every mao of tb»ci a picture, rvny burse au |p»pl ratiou, every lace .tern, sizing straight ahead. sir t-narie* ionkea the picture of digulty and».rrvw. Those m-nr could ms fur l beats. Ives ib«t to ride dowu hu c-uuujue-o Was aio-ost the inns uf tskth to bios. I keaid him tnuilfi about 'cru-Mug Englishmen ’ ‘■Tbs itut ta in in) mind a sort ol wild eunlustiiu. My nniiitiui waa arariy uvertuiQrd P-upta weie toiord t>. under a. the burses wr. re werlarrt in. After awhile ( saw a tong line of ail - dten alretoblug acrues the squaie. Taetr black obargera wrrs protected at vital poiutaby brsast plaus and coats »f Bail, IO Close together that Ibey sesa-d H llvll-g wall. Tkere was u quint Older of 'Forward > a mingling wt tncn and Inure; hoars* enm for re venge. muidrr and Berey and the black wail CD'tVrd Steadily «*u, driving before it a writhing, cursing, slruiz gllng I'M of humanity. The tender IIS' of 8tr Chaile.’ lace bail gone Only eteru Impassive tree* re rue lord. "Mia Beaant cluug loaraillog. but was dragged away, ber hands not sue bl-edit g. Tbs equale behind the regi on-ut Seemed, ny cuniparbe* ne^-ited. but was lb reality ern *ded. It was a> ihi-nuh rSiQ1'bad been drawn through. That which fell r-ae again That which remained erect, was•orced out and out ni.lll it formed that later mob In Ifyde Park, but dir Chari.*. Warren had done bis work, and there waa no li>>t log.” ___ Mrs. Mtcbac! Curtain, Plainfield, IiL, makes the statement, that sir* caught cold, which settled un her lungs; sirs wet treated fur s month by her family physician. but grew worse. Ha told bar sbe was a hopeless victim of comsumptiuo and that oo medicine onntd cure liar. Der druggist sugges ted Dr. King’s Hew Discovery for Cott tumpU.ru; She bought a bottle and to ber delight fonwd herself benefltted frum first dose, ghe continued Its use sod after taking six bottles, found her self sound and well: now does her own housework, sod it ss well as she ever was Free trial bortlea of this great Dtsc-'Very at J. B Curry A Co.. Drug Store. Large tattle* 50 cents and gj. An ad ought, ab.ve all things, to bs natural. It ouebt to snand as If some body were talking There should be do apparent effort to be ooh-qclal It Is better to be stiff than to be cntcquiai ■•hwwedly. If ynu can’t be sway in yosr manners in your adVsrll-ing, don’t try it if a lgut Batumi for you, d*wi»r try It-• <E YOU • BANKRUPT- m.calr: '•i .KniirdllJ’O .Tvaj-twci » c.a’.iO *. by disrt* • •rding tiuj la’.\s ('nature, o physical capiul ah ^ona, ^ 50 NEVER DESPAIR TVtt’o I.r/cr I’i!!; will cure you lror rich ly.-aclathc, dyspepsic sour stomach, malaria, lor pi liver, constipation, biliousnc , .id all kindred diseases. rutt’8 Liver PIT nn absolute cure. __»o« ai.l yr. uiouii i imtivesteii rr. ******* BiMlf iTwiirr Ttfc, t+— I wr*pTTON ^Cuiiura” ) is the name of a valu able illustrat ed pamphlet which should 1 be in the hands ; ot every planter who | raises Cotton. The ! book is sent Free. RAAar .-uwl Iu44n~b im GERMAN KALI WORKS, . N.» V-R. Southern -m—-Railway. . . . YIIVC . . . STANDARD RAILWAY Of THE 8QUTM — T*r INrrfl Mb* »• All Mult. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, Cl) BA AM) I'OltTO RICO. Otrtetty FIRST-CLASS Squirm**. on , tl Through anu Lo tl Trans Pullman PaJaoa Slaapln* Cara on all N>cht Train., Fa»t and Safa Bchad ••*— - Tr*,*l by iba Rmlb.ni and yaa mr» —and a Mala Oraiamabl. Bad liyidllmi Jam-nay. . . . arri.r ru nc»u suors ina Tim babiii Mm Asti unut is mu a axiom, os Aoaaaaa K. i— Tidiax. r. u bAssi T. y. A., U Y. * E. A ChartMtr. It. C. a«Ik-vUI.-. N, C Na Trmui. la I Os.Rtluas FRANK «. GANNON. 3.1 V 1\ Urn. M«u. J. U. CULd*. Tr.Oc MakBdrr W. A. TURK. Grurntl PuBnrnjjr-r Adrin. "A K. HA WKE6 The Faroois Alluula Upndaa - KKUEIVED: . . Oold Medal. . Hipest Award Diploma of Honor Kor Suinlur Lent Grlidinu and Kic-ll'-ncjr in the Manufacture nf Sj«ct«clea and Eye (iUiwa Hold , in nvri 8,000 Clti** and loan. in III* l ulled Stair*. Then* Famous Glaum (nr Hate h>_ J. A. HUNTER. Professional Cards. Wm. H. LEWIS, -Attorney-at-Law — GASTONIA, V. o. Practices whatever hi* serticm ore repaired, arid nUrod* to all mailers nf administration nod saanllMsbip for bis clteuta. without the iooonvenleae* or erpense of * trip to the court-boos* Cuceim t». Hotun Lucn-sJ. Hntuio HOLLAND * HOLLAND, ArtTS. A COCKSKiLOSS AY LAW. DALLAS N. C. Praollre io all the count. A 4? atf&WWtf, —A TTOHNSY-A T-LA W— OASTOXIA, K, C. Will practice In the courts o! Casio, and adjoin las flounlim and lu lb* Federal UmirU. ic b wIlsonT ArrOnVKY AT-LA IF li ASTORIA, N. C. W. //. Hoff man Sc Son, —DMHT1H19 oastoxia, - - - - a. c. WlMVoa over First National Dank. Pin** 78. p. rTfallh, DENTIST. Oastoxia, • • • • N. C. *■»• ut*. nnStaaaa SnlknS at***. S*fSlA» «ss«lsif In MeAdraslile. *lhs 87lb of sack mob to. Clover, 8. O.. 28 b-80«b of each moclh l>n. 1>, E. McConnell, -PMMTIST 0®o* first Emit Y. U. O. A. Holldin*. GASTONIA. - • N. 0.1 TnoNE no. X UTWlliTEtiTuC PHYSICIAN A SUIIUBOV. IlSira Ha*n.|iadun*l ran Ua-a lo Ifca icnela -f '.atl-aila *nt n-n-an-Hw san.'l. in Am uaa iH.-a oeax* • ->a ma a -A fitn.'i n,nt m J, II. Iinr«i| » tOlkns -uaa ah rail, ant art* ikv*. .IS r. t i- * i p.i-a.11 .liitintm teffW.H.p,*., . 1**1' a> * ■ ia . ,4 vnnuu WS«r rlwa.il. Skaa.ai Dlt \V, II. CIO\\ Kl.h, PHYSICIAN * “OUUKON, oastoxia. m. c Odk* a. daf r. M. 0. A. Day 'phOM IE Nlfht Pin**, 1#_A. r.a. Xanap. $3,000 CASH PRIZE CONTEST. Ti * Atlanta Cciutitution’* Groat Offor of 1900- The Cotton Re coipta at Now Orleans from September to April—Full Statis tics Given for Your. Guidance—An Unparalelled Offer for Ou Roaders. ...» \ The Atlanta Constitution off art a B.OOO rash prtso contest fur January, February • ud March. 19*1 ag follows: To the person Heading a yearly eub « rlI’iIon in The Wcekl) I'onetllutlon. to Itther with the correct estimate on the cotton receipts at New Orleans during lie mat hhrim months of the present 01 ton year (September 1. ittt. to April . 1*0 >— If cstUuale Ih received during enoary. II.OW If estimate la received during ebrosrr *•** If eatlmate le received during March. The h I Hive ore fer tho eaact cellmate., here ere beelaee (luxe six prise*. rang along. »Mt*. MOO. txo. ria. tut and IK. • mounting to pAt», that x-1,1 he paid out sum for the alx nearcat estimates to in. New Orleans cotton receipts at any Im* during Ih* three months of the con. c«i But yoa hit It exactly during Jmn oury and secure the full *l,6oo pnx„ Iicck The ronetltutWa believe* sosoebody will ill ibe figure* exactly and expects to >.»>■ out the full amount of the prtaea ■fforcvl-C.ro* In oil. Tn a Conatltotlnn '"•■wl “Pi" the same subject In ltd tlr n. T. Pools, of On pole Mill*. N. C.. till tire exact flguro* and received a ■lieclr for ll.O« ns hi* prtne Mr. I'oole lid not try tn swell Mmoeif up at one*, am very generously paid otr a mart, rage oa hi* fuihcr'a home place and ertlh he balance be very windy educated hlra ■clf at Trinity college, Dor ham, Jg. C. Me » now doing well In buslneas In North 'aroUna and Hvee still near his eld home. It Is needles* to say be la a warm friend t The CoimlUutlnn. As n guide In malting estimates upon • he New Orleans -ort receipts. The Con* Dilution given the fallowing figures, com *lled from statistics of tb* pact four ronrs: h.i'testa X. Q, teste. TuSel It R or vans. *w l- who* yean. crop fee ilfhl. Ocp.l-Aag.si. xern. sit-M.t tatics i.m.ic 7.U.-.1U ■aC-ST...:.!»*»« ll«.4!tl 1,1*7.941 till.t.«n..TI» *..179.1® lutt.ssi .i.®4,ta *.i*e.:wi it.t7t.st) The Cnnstltiilion'* market page will • Ire each week the port receipts for tha Hrtliin season from which you can always -oe the New IIr'.eene port receipts from September I. 1590. up Uirr.ugh tho Friday ronodlalelr ireecedlng tha pnbUcailnn. T7SSA will keep you posted to within two r three rlors of the time vou send In *.ur r«nmiilf. It i*t bc»«fTNl thet »(vnr of th« T#xiu» tup. lhat an a nil* 1* MBt tn bulk let \nw Orlcane, will bo diverted thla rur • > f>*hs*r In'caiiw of tho qnnnn* line re*u«Mlon* AKalnat New 0r1oan« Tlio cfTwrt u( Lcuisqm.v to have quaran 1 I;**** ralood by Injunriloo from United matr* court* will not have yory soothing ffTffi u!OB thr direction of ro4ton »hfp iH i.t* C»# N*w Orlconp. TM» !• mentioned ■imjily nr «\ pointer In making up bow murh tn allow. 1C anythin*. '»r ihi* rauoo mual He left to each rean'i Th* S3»1 ponlcpl U on axprewn rontrnrl o wliloh Th* ConsululIon wilt eland Id •very particular. Tot ft Is In Up nature •imply an adTcftlaament by which The •..netiullon. curobloM wlih Ihl* pajior -,xu\ he mvlt bettor known In thla t»m -wunii>. »cnd «• tb« oubacrlplion to Tha •*.»n»iltuiinit oml our paper ml tho ml* oruprd 5>r1r« of tho taro and with fi v n»r e*llm*ie on tba New Orleane port I'^ipta. and wo will forward all toc*thor r > oQ. nu April lot wa trait a Sl.vP> b#ek will reach soma of our euhocriber* : * help make llmra ortn more eaay • •nn*1 ftbnui ua. a llic Weekly Constitution foT 1M0 will - 11-l tor than over before. Its-apodal '•we feat urea am UDiarpaaanl, Tho Uoer* .rideli war. tho Philippine a ad Cuban .>< rat Iona. tho kaor soastom of ike taoo*. Important ivntf'cw that has eve* * • acmbled, tha beginning i.r tin* i.-jmm tha presidential campaign of ihl* and th* debar** imfi speeches durtuu • • nrogiv**; the final rotnili of the \i v » bar election#, the- development ,.f i** | south s great Industrial raoremm.s: d vs rallied farm nml village luduMirtr* w» t'MJUsanda of other Importnnl thlwr/ «* • . be found fully r>nd frcc'y discussed l-i TU Weekly iv»n*t1to'.lon for II* jen**. T. • J*rm and r®r»fr»' fcajre. the \Vi»»n r • Kingdom, the Anollicrn Pul pH. the dren s Pug* and other fatcreetti.g monts w!tl bo ably conducted uml »v. crpmlully ndamad to lUitsr jt<Mrt**«« •• Tho Tinting odltorLitn of The <Tanttlt.it* >'* speaking right out in mooting #k«m*i'« what It Rirtns In the advocacy of true democratic doctrine and In bshntf of t*** great Interests at the nruieses or our people, and protecting them from rh» granptng greed of thoas who would wrln? their earnings from their belplaes head ar* alone worth tba subscription prlc* of the paper over and again. The rvjnsttiutlcn has lone e*ood as i*» champion of the people Anil has on* tl« shaft* d*sp Into the errors and evMe th*1 rhrontsn and bract IU«» mass** It* rorn plate expose of the method* r.f Neill. Kew Orleans And the ahalUr’u* ,»t tN* Influence of Ibis prophet of big « *»lt •• vropa. and apostle *f ruinously low pri•** • end high priest of robhory. wlio has i** tha soutbvm farmers hundred* of m'lMo ef deltara. ought to win for Th* Const1 union tho tasting gratltml* of the w*h**« south. Tha udvlcc to farmers In nrr*~ la* ngalnat tha trust that would men v tho price of fertlllarrs *rvd fertiliser m* tertals for tho home compost heap, an 1 taking up tbs cudgel In behalf uf fe formers against the combination tli would put a fresh harden upon them. »• sound and valid and ought lu lw hec.l si Tha bulwark uf th* psopts’* *lght« s**t rho h**t msiliod of defense will nfic-i *•* found In a great paper, ably n«w» fsir.e^ ly edited, upon which fb* peon'.* m.iv re*% nat only lor news of the ord'.*;ary e%*»t * uf govemnaant. ursny und pi'ltical Ilf* but also tar an alart foresight • r th* i • of future event* that may or«**r e to a - lasting da imp-*. Tho dn'wnfa'l \# • the breaking down of th* funtdaer the upbul'tllng of nil southern ln*i*i*» * and the onllgbtenmsnt nf o«%r* i.tnv* farm and mountain horns ai*e amoi.t T** Constitution's mu«.y high aims nnd g-cv ideas for l»t Tfwt tbes* int*r*-;> *• •. all be well nerved, and with the *vii swerving Mdellty to tho i-roplr th«t T ’ Constitution has »lw*y« shnwr • .»• without ssyiag v Tlte management of Th j Cnmilisxl.i wllh Mr. Clark Howell n- #i)ller*!n «!»'#•: and his well dl»clpltn«*d ej»- .. . % . writers, brilliant cOHirtbulnr* amt *pr-«*i correspond*ni* still Tind-r the laiipt*. leadership of Calonrl W. Pam A it.• hill os bualnsaa man iger. nit: rvm tin t *> sams for ihs new >ear T*ie i*••!»•% i .1 lion’s long and honorable iion.ie** . . •»*** keeping faith wllh th* pe«»r 11 a . i« oontracl*. roatc*»ls ard ci ^ •+ • ovine, ** well as In Us mnslsieci nil . . yi.u»n sditurUI foirnoe*. !•>«•#e* »t 115 reliable lna»ltuilor.s of <>m • nn r> . which ihu people m-ny uc|Ci«.l , With such u great geco.'al *-w«)v>|.. covering ihc world news unu o.ti.i .• nationul aucations, y» * will. wuirr need (he best und IIvest Iwii! 1*111*1 • » log current Iwa) lonlea ami iln* •» and best now# and frv-hoM « mi %. • upun ev«i»is of l*'Cui Imereti Wt* ;ru« this comlinnt.cn acrurvd wall Tr.c v*»»*. allluilcn wilt It fv*m«l he*i i“^lrl * » u our read*^' The prow 'j ttu 'i-’j no till*, whrn • be *-i VU*.' b* i-io •»!.' •♦•'••'*• Including ) our ratimut*' ^'ic C*»:i.-;lt.» tlun’a M,^1 earli cuu’r- 4 T . ***t in. .u . benefit rf ihc high rrtse iwi ! In v*«u. aulivcrlt'l'» r: new eo *»%hc Consi!li'**an »*u*/ rerirlve •« durtug Jsuunr> .xn*l T«*c«*r-.l • to your vreitll. Mnbc • ••« i.garaa »*.* • Plata. upm'.iiakaL:) p.a.u. By ail arrangement wnli tlie Constitution we make The Gazette and Constitution for only $2.00 a year, w hich includes a guess at. the Cotton Crop. 8cnd In y our orders at once to The Gazette and we will forward to the Constitution for you. Just Think of It! THE GAZETTE and these Six riagazlnes three months FOR $1.26. THE GAZETTE, Lodies’ World, Krank Leslies Popular Monthly, Will Carleto-n a Magazine, Domoreat a Magazine, Aioalee a Magazine and Gentlewoman. Three Months Trail Offer for $x.a$. Three Magazines an«l The Gastonia Gazette for only $3.50. These are regular $1 .00 Magazines and cannot be secured for less without accepting this offer. Something to read for the long Winter ulghts. Send In yonr order at once and begin with a New Year.

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